The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 03, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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inrr- ft* * «ftft * till I 1 t-~* i:ir*-wi*- §!#** • I ft* «%* ftftß ***** MW fiMiir' I iww bn**# *>ii>'* «• * «BW «4mMM tw M»w A 4»**» |A *,»* t'w» <MM *--'■* l*wW« <M ; •MW* MM* l * ft *■'*“* »**• ft» **•* ' (MM ®ftMMP** #* A *♦*•%•* *S**4b tM» } **o*t*mmt %• • #r«ftft§* ftf ftftiftVtafti fttataft|f I AA4 AAMKt M—M. * fftp fftfti liMPf flMi* fi 9H»il ) tUtaHSiVftft «ft 9ts» t PMft Pi iPPMffePf I mpiMPP Ml friMPPP lit C#PPP«MI «PM - •Pit ftsftlta UPI •** ta* •*•***•* i p pgpPiMNP «ftH|rt#<B TP# * ftVftftHftftftft# | PdpS (pMNPpPPpIf pH ft# ft PltPMl ***** «ta# ftftf | tirt inntf - it ip pm# Mpap p **mommm* ‘ ppi pp# pp ta* ppimm • jmm ppp ‘l* 1 Plltirtit JMMftfl* #**• «P %*P*P Pt j fftftft Ywftftftft CPPt ! R |p •‘SftftNl fttaMft ’ |# ftftftftwftft pit ft {ftMMft# Mftt HP PIMpBPPt; •mi ppM tpip m*% • »pp-iPPi •« ta | Pppgti pppt* tpp ftata# Mi* ft* taps l PP ft* MPMMNPiPP ftftftS# IPP PPPf ppi ftMSfHi pt Pt ***** pMPPf Pft IIP' . ****** , * ** * I Tin* Mp imp ***** YapiiPMtt |p #£**•* tft ftiiftftta HtwPpPt tip ftftta Vpii In “ H t»P* p «p>f P»* ftftft# ft%#*% fPMPI tMVfti tPftf* **•! •**•» YlftftiHMft * OftMlft tiP pftftf. pIPtIPP • ; ti# ****** n#m ‘lp ihmmp pppp ***** P ft#*##* *4 fltMtpPi Pt • fIHHVP p| t* IP • TP*t IIP ftoupPl ***** • *»'PP Prmm» i mil Pi pi iPp Ptpt ftMPMMftP ups tip *,** tpPMMi PP4 TtPPPPi >#*»* IP l>Kn‘ ftpm PP4 till ft# • Otatffti*™** «|MrMRPt# If It PfPP Cf Pt ta* tap ppMP Ip • •*•* HPfc i«tfP f*r ffttlip Pi H IPM HP* ttP lit #Pppt»p *** mm* fp* l tap «inpM9. t%* «*p« tatp Mini tap tat tpp! m- IMP! H*«ifW Mfti *••*«* ta Aitapip cPi fppiinpttiim Mp. r««ippp pmP Altart k««v plirtP tap? ppPMt «prP tmmm* ptr-mtlPp tPP, TPM It litiMt fi# lift H*lip ppptt. PiP Pcpp f»' *tp*'t prill totfc* • tapfiP fill tap H« OEV SICIO B 1 ANSWER. Tlw I «Ator H* WrM» *• MM • rM«4. WIW* M* I or,**. MM WW*. |Tft»v i fit N#w T«HI JlWfPiPl Ti if Mim Ed* *i I* Imp. «P PMi ftap**d K’ MHI* { |#t .p N#w Ytrp. It •» pgfprpirlp ft* ttphF tt knf tit mi npf at, IvcppP* IP* piNAlfpl Wl'lfUtM P»*f't * P*lP** tßil**i tl diet rttput tit 1 1 tit ip**! fimirti - i •Pl# irpptditt <4 tit Iptt |# ptfstiMi. 1 Otn Prhlp shm ud lulltP rilhp ••ilon K's. •«•«« of (MiitW *»' Ivin ronipawMl ‘tlw M*r MpaaMrt"4 •Hnan > IA IMA. MMiut M Md »i» Mwwd hw »IA. '♦»«. •»• *!»» »M« Ml*r« Mt wrinA »IIA. AM<4. •» <>>• •wy of | Iwmall of fiiIWWM. M prtn •iat»j Mr* mrftlMi IW Hl* H(M«*. *o4 miMUMI ibM *n*»«r I* Hl* frt**4* iH. t i if _ || |. f*|t ttlf A|| ■t) .tW» A of, 6<an*> Wit HOW* MMAHv lit* wttk Mr frlfllr* cm**iim. f r i,-n.l or M»Mr Ataitm Mo no If w . boioa#* to tho OtrA obouM fall; -I an pr»f*r«4 1a .tofnal whaf I batr 4< nT Uaforo (hr o ml* tlibanal I rrro«alM a* ha»*wr itw. alwhtrof m> o« o con a. u nc* and tho tar of haaron. I am not aaarc <4 any ala tutf* or «*!# of moral* which make* It j bifamow to fotiivt a wmaim; nor II uaual to make our dom«**tk‘ Ufa a oui>)+> t of rcmauJtatloo with fncßJ* «io matter how near and dear to u» And I cannot allow tvtn all the awrtdj com blned to dictate to me the repudb •tluD of my wile alien I think It riant to forgtva hrr end reetore her to tuy ci>nflden< # end protectiem. "If I ever failed to comprehend the! utterly dieuteie poeitkin of art offending though iiatirnt woman —tho bopeloa* future, with Its dark powiiliilltlea of danger, to which ehe la doomed when) pruecrUwd •> an outcast—l tan wvwj ere plainly enough In the glmoet uni-: veraal howl of denunciation with which «h<- l» followed to my threshold. the misery end peril from which I havw] reacured the mother of my ehlld. Apd although It la very «ad for me to tn-j cur the blame of frtenda and the rwj proechea of many reel and wlee pen pie I ahall atrlve to prove to all who may feel any internet in me that if I, « 81 the flint man who ha* ventured to a»v to the wurirt that an erring wife and mother may he forgiven and re deemed. In apite of all obstacles In my! path, the food result* of Ihl* cf*mph ahall entitle It to tha Imitation of the, goner, u* and the commendation of the tuat There are many who think that an act of duty, proceeding aolely frunij affections which <ah only compre hend, d In the heart of a husband and father. If to be fatal to my profes sional. political and aocial standing. It thia be »o. then ao he It. Daniel D. Sickles." Arms Refused. fit. I.otils, Mo.. Sept. 30.—The aherlfr of para. 111., where there haa been trouble between imported negroes and union minera. telegraphed Governor Tanner today to send 300 rifle* and have the wcapsons In Patta at 7 a. ni. The governor said the refluent could not be complied with. Remarkable Rescue. Mr?. Michael Curtain, Plainfield, 111., makes the statement that ahe caught cold which settled on her lunga. She was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He told her that she was a hopeless victim of con sumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion she bought a bottle, and to her delight found herself h.-nelitted from th c tirat dose. Kin- continued tw use. and after taking si* hollies, found herself sound and well; new does her siva housework, and is as .veil as she ever was.—Trial bottles ltlc of Jhis Great Discovery at Howard ft Willet a Drug Store. Large bottles 50 cents and *I.OO. - j TEA TABU GOSSIP j Aab A" Air- ita*~ >4*i * aaa a** tf* <VAo irrrr «■*».( ta *•»■«« a»*>— am Ulr—fi •*» PPMtPP PPttiPtt -tiiijM prPV Imp m •wiPNPp ## tamp •• Hta • *••§ pi. iinr ppita *>■ » * ta» mmm. «f ***** ' mmin fi iMHPPPp iPPPiMt^t. | §P «rt • tit ! t.i»tt p •**• WPI AIM ! tfpMl #• PM* taUMtaPp M*i PPma ffitrp PMAfttti*t *-#tK’i#t • ptMNMptt [up • MPMMPP MPP PMtaPHPAMP i fit fIMPP Pit PPMtWi «PM «*PPpP *•" ’ff itpMlfMtaPiM t*t •*■** pPMM Mitt j j it MM ItaMMi Pt#« (IMtttM tit MmJ ift# mm. mmhi pf*tt ppM*. tiii *• '*| M»Mt MM MPtatai ||| |pn» if pttfctp pftt> -#pPt i ! !i PP* Ml • ***** H‘l « i •*•**? ! It itfifT Pt i»«p mi hm taMtPP *f| I |t» |Mftp ••«** Pit ft* tlPPi* «*p*i**ij HfeM * ft foM twtM pttt«w t tM Pf*** tail] •it* it pppt*. lip**Mwm pf pmm tM| p flip fttp tiMi * Mtatt imp ‘ I •Mt# fiit- a* tint min MtafPl I "ftlMIM* ? Yit #M ts MM «MMt • ftdtrt It «f‘ j ■ frtiTT tit PtpliPftp *t ftMM •*••] fin m TV pt#pt«ttl fitMtpri *P Ita* tapj *n»#tilt M PM PPPMP talltri it*! ' r#«Nl M tit irfftiiirv Mid *p*P* * j ■Mt ftp**. ts • mis •**• p*p HUM tat H IHtaP j Hi M Pip taPM IrMt lit tpt* M Pat itipiitft* , fupti pi# it 11 i n*# • pMttpt iP» ,rf ft* • M Ptft• I ts • *M* tlttif Ht |iw**t It **t H ! pit'tyt Pwrtt Mi Pit* it itpiMk# It j letn» tip «r«fi. I At i*P ft** M tit Vt Y tfi ft* I | |B*Ml t tat jfttfPty P*t • ftMt ts Hit ft TPwtPty. An arf of rtiaritr r**»h"* a maa f»r tbar abanA oa Ibr oad fa fWrr thaa aa Act of hirolam. l, -T <l mu i,., iao faiffa Awtlbr-1 twi of rttratn* '*4aar tilOa Aa# el roof , ara,'* drawn by bora*A> Many A man wbn baa Ibo aanf fa ' prof a* *a a tlrf larba Ibo aocaaaary * ■ rl "• TM oftrst>€i resvrtUNH ••• ft f**in fUi ftffftir. |i**th Pays as 4 Fi>*m* bad * >ata4vrmb4v «p do «»tH It* Hnisc# OrMtmr* *'<** w tad, ftfttmft *• ggtll sou ftvr vijr t*» MB#* I bui|r'ft *YJ® to l*wflo llitw • Tb» opaaltka tagprr* era ra-1 fartlM tv ’’ltnoarvall. thv Rough Kl -1 , r - a , TV44y. tha Tbs Ivslgar.” Tbara *•> a tltaa wh»n two pugiiss<» | mat tea or both h*4 ta “btla tha 4uat. ' j Now tbar aimpljr "chaw tha rag.” Hasrhall ftUyars, a* a rail. #»» not 1 superatttlnUD, but moat «f than) ballava that • Jioma rub la lime **»*• Iba atna. It la quita ltkaly that tha g<-n*ral pula , ii.i kill vary aluaaly Invastlgata tha tn ) vaattgatlon of tha invaatigaung «u«n --| mttaa. With Veauvlu# In erttptlon and tha Hon. Joe Haller on the aiump, who, will dare to deny that this la a merry world? If horse* could talk, no doubt their voices would t>e heard through the land calling for an Improved breed of hostlers. The report that France haa recognli ed the Philippine republic can hardly he true. Ton can't recognlie what does not salat. It now remains to he seen whether I the Marla Tereea can become wedded to American Intereete end retain her maiden name. Colonel Teddy succeeded In escaping the Mauser bullet*. It remain* to he seen how well he will dodge the polit ical brickbats. [ Agulnsldo'a pml**»rir* declare that i they want Independence or death. Hut j they may decide to compromise on a hag of peanuts. , Delaware la atlll running her whip plng-post. but keep* l< for those guilty of petty larceny and not those guilty of political conspiracy. Mr. Depew is something of a Rough Rider himself. He rode hi* Pegasus In to the empyrean from Saratoga at a perfectly reckless pace. Tn the matter of evacuating Pub*. General Ramon Blanco seems Inclined to wait until he receives assistance from the toe of Uncle Sam's hoot. A crusade for the purification of mor als In Chicago has !>een started In that city, but since Hercules has gone out of business there la little hope for it. From the way the investigating com mittee is sending out question*, the im pression may gain ground that It Is going to Ire an endless-chain investiga tion. . This is ihe day Mr. Croker goes into convention to nominate a democratic candidate for governor of New York. It was hardly necessary for anybody else lo attend. The Delis Social Democracy Associa tion has secured a tract of land in the state of Washington for the location of a colony. Maybe, Mr. Debs will now go to work at the fall plowing. thb) au uxaerr hjuia at.p PainMKHier. aaa«*A AA AAtafama AW* A*w* * ta# aA«waa BMMIt («tn A f*t inyAad a I***) a • t «•# «f tit ***** ptapt Itpt P tpftt. tip HftfMftM It Mft* IMftM* PHI. [ p A twit** M Apt tttMttPp MMP. , !*%.«<««* mP tPfpAMi «i tap iHIk I Ttapf i «d tfht I*** tap* »»***■ tit t Mt* •pP fit i it ta* pHft mi up r*i ftlftpi* mt m* fPHP IMP i* »*t IflP •**< Mitt d*tH»i*p m fit tpniif «•*•« j PpHta «f Ittwlt I* Pitt i*MP I TP* ttMP H *pi*|pitp ftp lMP»*pt j j <«t « ftp PM «**•«*•* ftptti tit ««p| I Yip tipp pftMi up Imp tar* • ftMP ■ [ Ifftti IP tip fifPtiit M»P «M t Mftpf I Api f tt* *** i«p ftttPi Up iitt I*p »i* pftpt M -»V* it dtp MMi i A ftp HftMP i Imp pim tpp, iMPiipci liffttl f I it* pm fit Mwiittt *P lit Http ( ftmipwr w j»rr lit PM Id ft IPtMftp tMII Ts ifpld ltd lift iPIMtfP PtpHt. [ fit imm pt piitftptp ts fpp#t Tift** ppm »Pt I «Mt pm MNiPa |Yip< pH pm MMt ts fit dt*i | A lit tit PM ft lit plftPHtf pt* ■ At* PfePft I *• tit IftU M fttd [ Ti# *MwP * r - ** * fiptt I I till tfty fNPtr* M *** t* ; ' t tpr'*" - I WVp IM> lift tt'iV tV*% t ply ftftftt New IWyariawal WaabHirbm H. P..OH. 1. Tbo I a mv mil Mary 4* part mrnt to m I known ao Iba "infMlbnl at f*nrfo j nir« .** Major <Jaar*a> Job* B. Bwln •ill ho bn ohawanr i. , INfti Proa* Da war B'nahinfiAb t*tf 1 -Aormary ld*n« | rvrolyad a rabtafrafn from A4mlr«l Itaary roiwrUni Ibat all M A«t*( fbara. Cm Mr. Jnmo* * r«rM, of Born! i Hnaao, W. V* , baa AlararAM all olhor , iMarrbo* maAloiaas and now h%n ll«« Irwty Cbamborlaln's OaMr, Cbalom and ilMarrbnoa tfona-dy. H* baa ward It In I hi* family and add It la hi* rwatomar* ] yonr*. anti ha# no brallatlon in I aaylnt that If I* tho boot rrmnilv fur | i,41, and dinrrh <•*, hr ha* over known jit no! only (!»•• rolwf. boi affacf* n j parmananl aara. It I* alao plrarant and janta in tn(o. mnhlna l« nn ld« al tomwly for bowal rontplttan. (“or •»>« *»r *•* • snndar I>ruy * Co . Parr es U*U : Tuwtr Dn*l Sltftt* ~Tbr Senator'’ Safe. j Waahlnaloa. Ort 1.-A diapat h Id j yfia War imtoirtmetA annoimcas time ,t,r iranaport Senaloi , lon« orardon. at ben Fiao'lwo frou Venlla, l» 'ii.ili'f: filing rrpalre. which al a aufferad from the lyptcon. « .nnA (lucklcn * Arnica Salve. THE BEAT BAI.VK in tha world for Cuia, Hi ular*. dura*, near*. Balt Rbaum. Tovar Boro*. Tailor. Choppad Hand*. Chilblain*. Coma, and all Hkln 1 Eruplkm* and poalllvaly curaa Ptlaa, or no pay raqulrad It la guaranteed to glva perfart aatlafarllon or monay ro fSindad. Plica I# ranta par boa. FOR BALK BY HOWARD * WILLKT. During a raproducilon of the battle of Manila two men were hilled In PKtfburg recently. In thla Instance the ways of peace acam to have been fraught with more danger than tbnn those of war. for In the real engage ment at Manila the American lota was just two leaa than In Uie counterfeit presentment at Pittsburg. Piitola, Doable Barrel Ouna— Ptutpls, Harrington A Richardson Brand new pistol*, *2.00/ Harrington A Richardson second hand pistol*. *2.00. American double action pistol, *I.OO. C.ultar, Mun dolln and Banjo Strings. 2 for B cents, at L. J. Bchaul. Itellabla Pawnhroke^ " -■-■•' ~ J. W. naggett, of Oalc OrOve, Fla., had an attack of the measles, nearly three years aro, and ths disease left him wllh very severe pains in the chest. »I thought I would die,” he writes: ‘•but to my great Joy I was saved by Chamberlain’s F’aln BaJm.” I‘alna In tha cheat nearly always Indicate ths approach of pneumonia,and by prompt applying Ibis liniment on a flannel cloth - which should be bound on the cheat —ait attack of pneumonia may be pre vented. It Is always prompt and ef fectual. For sale at 25 and B 0 cents per bottle by Alexander Drug A Heed Co., c. R. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Store. Judge Van Wyck ha* resigned the *14,000 per year, with the term four teen years, supreme court Judgeship, to run for governor. ’•You know he is In the army now and cannot tail!,” said Mrs. Bryan lo a Washington reporter. Mr. Bryan Is much improved In health. Sloan won five nut of seven siarts at Newmarket, Kngland, Saturday, a phe nomenal occurrence. He was given an ovation. Only steel lined and burglar proof safes used. Money loaned on anything of value at a low rate of Interest. Wa terbury alarm clocks, 75 cents. Lewis J. Bchaul, Reliable Pawnbroker. NOTICE! *nd After thil tlift Sub*crlblf» to the Augusta E(change of th* Aouthorn B#ll Teiophon* And TalrgrAph Company will b* f ivon Kro# connectk>n to Ihi following place*: •ATM. ft. C.« EOCiriCLO. B C-, CB AN ITS VILLI. S. C., JOMNftTON, ft C*» SoiMd Bell Tilepbois 4 Tilemait Co.. • W. M. ADKINS, M«n«#«r. JOHNSTON TtILPHOSt CO., W. A. Guts. Tmidenl. 7\ysr | i/ V V c rr::- A A IK \ \ fl \ \ /\ l/K)l Coal, Wood and Cedar Posts Blackjack Wood Sawed . ... 50 per Cord Good Dry Pine U-00 per Cord Good Dry Pine, long, . . . *2-75 per Cord . Special prices on three Cords or more. Best grade Jellico and Hard Coal, including Ihe celebrated Indian Mountain, at lowest prices- R. H. SIKES, 904 Marbury Street. fctfowgsr l'hoo* 7*6 ft# 'l*bona if!SI. Qilder’s Pills Are an combined aa to do four thing*: J. THEY WORK THK DIVER. J. THE* EMPTY THE STOM ACH. 3. THEY EMPTY THE DOWER ROWED*. 4. HICK NEBS AND GRIPINO ARE PREVENTED. Home pills on the market do H of this; some 14. UIDDKK'S due* all four thing*. The Howard & Willet Drug Company Manufacturer* of QlMar’a Pllla. n!sE's, 801 I.t.IWLM KKPAIK*. Lombard Iron Wujk* & Supply 00., I^T'JROISriZIEC -The Barber Shop of the South.” HICKEY’S is the Place Five Barbers, all first-class artists. 212 and 214 Bth Street. FORMS FENCIN6 j$U.D ON- AUGUSTA FENCE CO.. 310 lOtli Street, Augusta, tia. ri»i. of Town Work Solicited-*K» It LANGLEY MILLS. S. C. TRENTON. B. C-. VAUCLUSE. S. Ca, WARMINVILLt.BC. A HIV HOOK BILLIARDS •* Mag • taattall VM* NAftHA *• **'* ( ?2a I #»< tft» «#« A *.«**•* «MbMM»A Mt* M*H ft ft# or I.NTTHLST TO HtlU wmo rLAYU I .a ' • *••• **n* «# fttu a#* a*ft* AHA WftHftft# MftftrtftftWl (MMMftOT AftAftftO •#*> ) ffto* 00 «MMAM#Bi*MftM- p cbAAftt AAft 1 •—MVM Aft*O* nwAOftNOMftk n* MV>iCA Aft# 1 fist OAAiM* EfOOA Wftf *VN(»A# mrn*m mt# %m%*mw*** •»*** *• , tom it ft—f m »f lift VftMfO tapaVAH p*«|Mf f*i , HOV TO PUT i imK ft fill i fttlA* IlfttMf, II.H. •MpftHftO *ftN««HKft*MA IMV fftf li fft AAf H*ftftft «• < nwM ft fftfta iuuta Ifeiiii Herald MONEY TO LOAN. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable In equal annual Instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting th# money. Alezander&JoliDSon Agonta Hcottlkh American Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St. i PORTNER’S < ? HOFBRAU and ) / VIENNA CABINET / / BRANDS OF f I Export i J Beers i ? ARE THE BEST ( S As-K FOR THEM. / REMOVED TO 711 BROADWAY- E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils, Daters. Pads, Badges,&c 711 Broadway. Augusta, Ga. Strowger Rhone 182, JHE HERALD STANDARD WAR fITLAS It Is popular bociuM It Is *uit what th# ftpftat public want*. Tha Ma pa ara larva ami €l**r* ind hilly doufaft tha itLta of any ylnfm puliliftiPtJ. Th*y ara baiutl* fully printoo In flva colori on haavy map papa^ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WAR GEOGRAPHY you will find tha Atlas an indiopantabla aid. It will halp you to obtarvo tha daily changas In tha situAt&n, and anabia you to kaap paca with history* You Need An ATLAS! v — TJat the Luitcst and Bent -—^ Contents of The Herald Standard War Atlas: Cuba - - • • 14*21 Inch#* Th# World ... 21 *2« inch#* 5b..1a, jiarri a* a«aaan <«M«b. «mM* sa4 lalafragil Mae*. W#*l India* - - 14*21 Inch#* North America - * 21 *2B inch#* lkw*| i*M« Ilaea. South America - . - 14*21 inch#* kkvala* «*M* Mwaa. Philippine Island* - - 11*14 inch#* Hawaiian Island* • • 11*14 Inch#* Europe ... 21 *2B inches Spain and Portugal - - 14*21 inch#* Asia ... . 14*21 inch#* sba* Hig M« Trim-Siberia# Hail road. Africa - - - <4*2l Inclw* Oceania and Caroline Islands 21 *2B Inches China - - - - 14x21 Inches Harbor Charts, showing Matanzas, Santiago de Cuba, Havana, Cienfuegos. Manila and San Juan; also Cardanas and Santa Clara Bays, and Island of Porto Rico. Do not confound this Atlas with the cheap smaller Atlases now on the market. It Is just out, and entirely new. *■ , The Maps are clear and distinct, and twice the size of any others published. Rand-McNally Maps are Standard of the World. You can be sure that you are getting the best when you buy The Herald Standard War Atlas. Remember the slain Point The Herald Standard War Atlas cannot be purchased at any store in Augusta. HOW TO GET IT—City subscribers may call at our office, or may order the Atlas through your regular carrier. Out-of-town subscribers may obtain a copy by remitting 35 cents to the Atlas Department. Address Augusta Herald, Augusta, Ga. PRICE 30 cents—PßlCE 30 cents YOU CAN’T BEAT IT. I. C. Levy’s son & Co., TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS. AUGUSTA, a • ■ t GEORGIA BBADIERALD’S WANT 1 Our linn of Clothing for Full und Winter wear la above competition, when the combination of exquisite style, perfect fit, finish and low price are taken into consideration. Our school suits for hoys, In double-breast ed suits, sailor suits of novel design, and suits of every alyle In durable fabrics in mixtures, plaids, tricots, di agonals, clay and cheviots are hand some and well made—and our prices! Examine them well! , 7