The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 03, 1898, Image 8

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MONDAY Furnishings. All that th« e«tlu«tvo Furnisher hat. of iuftf aa high a quality* juat aa #«cltialv«. morn ol a vartaty. much I«m to pay— Scarf ft. Qtovaa. Hosiery and Shirt ft* BOYS. Fumlahlngft for boya just Uk# PapaV* jutt aa Clothes. Hata and Nackwaar ara— with all the mannifthneea taken out* HATS. Laat fall's Derbies were all right for last fall; but how about this fall S 3 00 here; all the correct shape* The beet of everythin# *n Clothe*. Hate end Pumi*hin«* at Uttie price* pennon roe ch Aetna. (*•**■! to *•*• ••• A «***s• Ume Tito CtoNpM*. Yt>ie ■aawtag • taaet toMtto •#» ft ito | In ah# * t#e k * ntota* Ip M**»* a• I. I H P. to 4 tTtoto* totawaka •*% *• I |to Ito *. *r*. to aaaahUtol a ito***! 1 1 to to to* toi •• Ito Ato-n* to** *»4 Tnto itototoe. /** tto i« i<W>wn Mh tor • *•«** H# j totoirf >*ee* wtih tto ttoto to reaew; to tto IM at l>*l «**ra eff llto Tto n*n*t Mato «# tto ewaapekf i* j |S Mm. at ttotto W pee r«*»i to* artcai |. I*.* aatt ta Tto Miaraa w» **l a»4 at |IW wk Mi *• ia*Ht*f i» to At** tto h|M to toeiwaa* atorti to > mm Ktoattoaa raaiMltc at b**at aaA. Mllttm ta at fatal, toiltt at**., ai. tog aa t aatMaai aa* trv.toa, aim a-, lauafnr* aa* a toga tola nfaatator* rap- ■ re* rat mg faaoraeot aa<i aarat* rata ***l*i wtt* to la*alga* la. Tto pattttoa aaka for tto right to ta . Mtdtai, ■*« ari r« aa* braartoa la otto? | •tota* aa* lirtltortf* of tto United , §:*♦»*. * Mr. Joeeph Riftoii la attorney for tto petitioner* Mr* R. H. Karat la ft Friday after noon for MlUrtirrllM. tto* aha till •pea* a to* araaks with friend*. Mr "Tip" MrMlltan of MltMtorll’* Hla tto rN}. It la ratnofa* ikat hr % bar* to aaa a young lady la rrgaiii to matrimony. . - '» '* Mahoney & Armstrong. (tal an* Won* T*rairra Ofllr* and gar* So, I Maoartaa atrrrt IMh 'pk natra Ball Phone 17*6- Atrowger Phone jMi OURTONNAOE. H Proailtaa to Ha Maavy During the Coming Year. Washington D. C.. Oct. J. Return* to tha Navigation Bureau, aa set forth la Cotnmlailonrr Chamberlain* utinual report to Secretary (lage. show that during the flacal year ended June 30. I»S, there were built and document ed In the Untied State# 953 merchant yeaaela.of 190.45* gr««» ton*, aa com pared with »#l yeaaela of 111.393 gross tona In the preceding flacg] year. The dwreaae In the conatruction Is almost wholly on tb« Great l.akca. During April. May and June, the month* of the war with SpkJtl, the tonnage built and documented In the United States waa double that of the corresponding month* of 1897, Tha topnage built and officially numbered during the ftrat quarter of the current flacal year comprise* 301 yeaaela. of 33.191 tons. Indication* ate that onnaimctton du ring the carront fiscal year will to greater than any for twenty-five years except that of 1890-91 The tonnage tax collected In the United States dur ing the fiscal year ended June 30 waa $846,771, compared with $73,770 for the previous yeer, and $644,255 for 1896. British vessels j>aid $563,721; Gorman vessel* paid $86,120; American vest-els, $66,334; Norwegian vessels paid $47.- 070; Spanish vessels, $17,521. Col lee* tlons at New York were $283,827, com pared with $237,778 for the previous year, JOURNALIST DEAD. He Did Excellent Work During the Spanish-American War. New York, Oct. A. vV. Lyman, one of the best known newspaper writers of the country and for seven years editor and proprietor of the, Helena, Mont., Independent, died lt> Brooklyn this morning. He was In the service of the Associated Pres during the entire pe riod of the war with Spain, having been on thedlspatch boat Wanda until the landing of United States troops in Cuba, when he was stationed at St hoaey and took charge of the work ot -.he Associated Press with the army In front of Santiago. He was down with fever at Siboney, but remained faith fully on duty until alter the surren der of Santiago. Thirty-five year old.jojyn Seely's hair turned white in a night w hen his ten year-old boy accidentally shot another. HR AON Al to M'ftoii at t h»iwto» "• •* tto hr j A ML MiMiill , tkftM£*MM>*. lb fti *%© ; Hftt J**kftMft*Hl <-f C^HwrftBMMHI. t§ ft! *!s• I AjNlFMtmi. u !§«***•#. of At laat*. b M ftlH I Afßaglas W, & Moorv. df himtmm* *§ Ml tfc© I .%f I iNgtCNI. W CL fa rm *4*. of Si Uwrta ** a* life# ArllUftim W, fam m (Mlt, of MftHlMf .* It lib# AfUftflftM (tci it Oaa*, of riftOMMii »• it tfc# ArUftßtiMt W J* hfl u of MvSMo, If, Y , It •( h*,+ C t Wtmr, of tJMitovti!*. K*. I* «t A M JariMF. of X*w York »t I* lifc* Haator*. I Tha*. Kaa* rt Phtlatolphts ta at [tto Piastre# IP. L deal#*, at Wsywawhom spent **»'*rdav tore. H W M« C'wrw. of ChattMaot*. to at tto PlMtert, T. W Blmpklwa. of Phltotolpbia. to U* the Aril agios. Jao. O. KtarMos. of *trlto»lll“. Os.. |i« at Itto Pis: tecs P. O Oardner, of Bloc Island, It!.. ! it st the Arlltigtoo Petar Hells and wife, of ('olumbt* 0.. I arc si tto Ar'iogtow. Judge Usllowsy to lw Waynesboro j today bold tag court. O. A. Burch, son-to-last of fksster gillman last tto Planters. I a. B Jordan snd A. J. Mvsni. of Itostbtrg. 8. C, are In the rlty. K. H. Clements, auditor of the South ern rsllwsy. ts St the Planter* O. Klaron leg and W. J. Wilson, of Pawtucket. R 1.. are al the Ptanteia W m. D. Sp'*«*r. Mai Robtoaon and "-P. ft, Phetp* of New York, are at the Arlington. O. O. Sm'tfc, of the ChaMannvga (•off.u xunpary, In reglatered at the Planie-s Hurry K-lglcr. a popular Irayeling man for a Philadelphia liquor ho i*s. It 'e the city. .as H. Pt.rtomhaw, repreaentlnq a railway prln'lng house in Washington, j ic at the Planters S. Tennent. of Ph’lndetphta, reVerentlng a drug house of that p ace, I* at the Planters Kdtiwrd I. Gage, representing Fran rts, l.cggott A Co., of New York, large g'otera. la at the Planters. We wMJ be “at home" altar Oct. Ist., nearly oppoait# our t resent "land. We will have the largest, b—t lighted and cheap est liome on the be* business bliH-k in Augusta, where ws will display tbs nlflsel selected dew stock of Staple aud Fancy (irocerles In the city whiro will be sold at Rock Botina, prices. We cordially Invite everybody to call and Inapect our stock. SHEWMAKES HOME AT LAST. LIBERTY COUNTY. They Concede Some Office* to the Democrat* in timamiel. Hinesville, Oa., Oct. 3. At last, j Liberty county is about to throw off its African yoke of bondage and step out* wearing the clear cut Caucasslan collar. At the cloße of Saturday's work the registrar announced that the whites were ten In the majority. This Insures the election of ex-Judge Harden to the legislature beyond a doubt. There Is universal rejoicing all over the county. So much interest has been taken In this part of the con test that little or no attention has bean paid by anyone to the state ticket, ei ther populists or democrats. The ne groes threaten to not vote for state hous officers. As the whites have been absolutely fair with them, they accept the inevitable with good grace. The republicans are running a candi date for jax receiver, but It Is not thought that, he will do much. The fight is principally between Wm. H. BraggSi democrat, and E. M. Oneal, populist. R. L. Dyer, of Savannah, is at the Planters. He will be connected with the firm of Landram & Butler. TSIF AUOUBTA M»BALD. OR DOUGHTY TO STUOENTS I IfMM Mill—i IhUirN k k 1.1, Niilff It ammamam 1 hkoiaiai Cwrtige at tto t **»—«*<* a* ummmm fpvURMk UM MHMNiNtti ftMHMb A 4 ftwMMft *kb tut igfli m&m [ s|« •*«#«#«« mm *mo* mm* Hfii •iNMiftt m m* *• **»#• mm # mmmm* m |ii ■ Man, mmArnmA m *9m mm twAmg* . aaagdvtttotoea art* Wtotoßaato 'to agata [tagwa to Ptofto to Mta Mas •» 1 MaatoMtak far pwaaaa Hama at ito ratagi • tow aasawtoso* Um aaniia al tto amta . I tar i I-, f—agkls ft , «ato> at** s' l*toast*M| aMMto fa# at tto"* ptotol- I «al atostaw to Uta twsmil taum oha hw* I ah'—w tto •attoto pmtonaw* a* a*♦ AtoMMl **to* Nttaaa lit fa—attot Isto* toe teaaam to had has# «hwa*a —toot mat Ito* toe town* >4*i tenet, I tto awtatoe aaa astoatogf *aa ta afptot | get Be i *ito Ur rvoaenoa a* ****** j | tto tahtomw ta#* tato. tow* h** oetat | •wtae an* to 'to wtdat at tatoat* •* atotMM ahato tor a v*t)" * to aMreas I yaw tto* tot* Ur toe —S'» "two [ ffpMtftqtfiP# UMb ii'ipifttof ftUßKift (ft My rmMNI *“■ | itoy tahe tto atoape at tsrw pratomt tton# Rear tto* to toto* hiw i that srfasira e* was is* a am tawg atto* awl - f gvwtaw Ito ragarttf of not one mwh. j | taal haamtato* to a* toe* »>!»*■»* |f| Ml MfthfWdMftl b'kp IMF IMIF MM# MMftM Mft ,Mm aft AM Um mrnmm $m tfc# ■ m*%r% let iAilmlm «MmK nftßMTifto nf jpftvfl* -TM# qrlnftrr of imnlFUm la •• rkfl ftf | : fns*«r4 at a at*M tMai Ml mkm#m ’ mmr 4mf W» muk M all to* 4ajr »»4 iCTMMMftwM M» toklftf Ito a4* > i % aiK artoMf# ft <mcmil4 mmm mtm ta 4#< nft> tM#tr Um# to #a* riaaiva naAMf Ms tto MwitoMi p*mm atom Hi 1 »'MM» inyatof* M#ar attaiatac a knuftlHa* ito* awft* M*«v|iiaa par n ■ witM tto rftpt tAMMMfpM I•t M# w * ifc«<M tov MMfMMWtbto far mah (o Inf MM Wltk Vila i4f»i»r* Aftntkff pmpmllkM to lto( IM# raaMoMaibllftF IlMt atiftiaa ttiwtf 1» MNlJrlftM la i great rt tbaa aMY WKIMH’ 1 |tn»Hka or ro .rattan. That sms ewrprtee same, hut e IHtta ita the matter •$# that aoeh Is an All that s P hath will h* glee for hts IMe. Wlra a strk man goe# to a 4ortor. he pott hi* Ilf* la ito phy»lc an a hands | He not only puts hie life - but has no , earthly redress If tto dortor Is defi cient In treatment What greaier eoald I here he? Ws • should direct oar efforta an as to get tha grawteat returns. How to dq this It • problem that nrk man must kh*» for hlnwtf Too raa’v make One pre script lou to fit all t>raln eaara. (tut I liellara that a few »u*g««t ion« raa bo offered that w.ll prove useful to Ibe i student -After an sberntlM of men. I be lieve that many fall abort of what might be arcvuwpWufccd because they j do not hnoar host to study or what to study. "I would offer a few suggest lon*. Dear la mind that your study here la only the preparation to a loe-long study afterwards He! a good grip on' I that statement. If you simply lay a [ satisfactory foundailon. It Is all you can possibly hope to do. Aim to de-. j velop yourself, to fit yourself for the hlghes usefulness to your fellowuian After you leave college remember that j medicine Is not the only science that you may touch upon. There are other' sciences akin to medicine, called col- j lateral sciences. These you must learn to a certain extent In your prac-j tire "Don’t be satisfied to let others do your thinking for you. What another! man has written may be so or may not lie so. Study it out for yourself. A ! thing Is only learned when It is mas tered. "A philosopher once said ’Money! which a man cannot spend makes nOj man rich, and knowledge that no man can make use of makes no man wise.' When he said that he uncovered a rook that many have been shipwrecked on ’’There Is no royal road to knowl edge. It Is a rough and rttgged way. Don't be In b hurry Oo slowly along the road, or as Bill Arp says. Make haste slowly.’ Digest well what you learn.” After a few more words of excellent advice to the students. Dr. Doughty closed his address by wishing the stu dents all success In their chosen pro* fesslon. Dr. Foster then made a short talk, regarding the hours of study, etc., and the exercises were over. There is a large number of new students. The exact number could not be obtained this morning. Mahoney & Armstrong, Oral and Wood Dealers. Office and yard No. 1 Macertan street. Both ■phones. Bell Phone 1796. Strowger Phone aßt Bob Taylor Passing Away. Knoxville, Tenn., Oct. 3. Advices from Johnson City todny are to the effect that Gov. Taylor's condition Is. critical. He has taken no solid food for two weeks and suffers constantly from nauseau. The trouble 1* a gener al breaking down. I .11- ill ■' nr - CASTORI A. Bc»r» th» Kind Yon Have Always Bought % 7” G&ASMzZm HEW STUDENTS NUMBER FIFTY 11( Ptrftiwii inftat TMi Hf** AphitaP talii Ha da tato ftp Meh* to Ito to* itong rhuaaw Iftftw* M**t iwMpNi tofftiiMtw mr**r*- mm* **“* \ mm tw mmm 4mmm <to>i rito rxr:-. «•»«—*«*. p Nsah tto taMNrme *ato torn wto mm' ito at—* ill* -tor 9- Ito wtotary ; . w—#—e«i. Tto -wtoeag has a —* • aeaa genre a* the iw—iin**—. era* j etaeh were aae* to Cam# MM *—«»* rang gawtaa haaagto nahi aw* we a*9 I itoaa rtaht Ua—tah *Cm liHMH'h HW HWIO RICO. Cla tore ha ease* t« Vf*4 'aw tore at 1 to— Ykrrr 1 i ~«*iMMMM #|p* ♦'#•"*! t«i #*-*ii| Mi ?*■ . t, ?! \*. \ . . . . to Rlro aa auiy to deelrnl by tto eoto rwatifti general of that island TV Piphth Ualted taste# mluat—re iatea - - j>ry snd iw« rotapapfee at Indiana tat- 1 nerd volunteer* now at Port Thomas.{ Kv , will telteve tha Ktsth mint it tat «utry at Chtrkataauga Ail troops at Camp Itoade wNt mm he ordered to points Bomb. Sto' of: them may go to Cubs, but a n«|w't> • 111 tor ito preeeat. occupy tto are . ampe recent I v —lced la Georgia and ftaoifc Carolina It la thooghi i hat the trwbps sent fra | garrison daty in Cato aIB not rrmsia 1 hf r c few month* wilt return ta Ittoj enunrry. The asm# la protwbly tfto a* to Porto Rico. It la also Intimated, ;hat when the tfeopa —turn tht vol nntier* will he fusa slaty days* fur-' taught and mustered out. Ity Ural lime! I Con green will have aa opportunity to. •Utermlne uhat will lw done rh" f arriecn of our new poeaesatoMh TV'* determination la no doubt dun to IfY* pressure brought hf mcmltei - * of ■('flhgnr* for muatrflng out the roluu- I i*e-rt from their state* and dlat.' l .:*, | Tb* rcapauialhillty for furnishing tha prulp# for garrison duty snd for iroiv; dlfty generslly will oe upon Ciuisretw. i The recommerdstlop of the l*r<.i’.le,it nnil the war department will be me »*»: Wfore the rrtum of the in nip* from Cuba or Porld Ritso and the ne • easUles of the case are made known. Although there he* been some preaaure ( I for the mustering out the voluntee>#| |(lt- n the announreroent was made that troops could not be spared, the de- j : mand continue* ivlth Kiilllclent per i slatenre to convince the war ofllrlata [that the reorganlantlon of the army ! will be necessary snd some arrange I S meat will have to be made to secure i ia force for garrison duty In the Islands and the statea will not be subject to| the same dllTleultles eiperlenced In the: case of volunteers. Although the pres- | sure for mustering out the entire reg- : Intents Is not ao great, the demand for the discharge of Individuals has over whelmed the department. Try Chsej and Sgnborn’s brand Moeba and Java Coffee and Tea. They are ab eotitelv tile Hnest grown. They c<*t you no more than lower grade goods are sold at. We are sole agents for Augusta. SHEWMAKES Coffee AND Teas POPULISTS RETRACTS. The Whites Have a Majority of Ten at This Time. Stlllmore. Ga.. Oct. I.—The Populists of Emanuel county have all along been claiming everything since their nomln alloc, early In the summer, until dur. ing the last few days. They now eon rede to the Democrats a portion of the county offices at least. The tight seems to be most exciting over the office or representative, sheriff and tax receiver, while the other county offices are prac tically in the hands of the Democrats The Populists are making a purely personal fight this time, totally Ignor ing the heretofore advocated principles of the Populist perty. This county has always been in the doubtful column since the organization of the Populist pary, the offices having been divided at every election except in 1896. Every body seems to feel a deep interest and a large vote Is expJked to 1* polled. About 5.700 names jbve been register ed Bad accepted as “gal by the board o* examiners now invarssion at Swains tor°- H - Before purchasing;* pistol or gun, call on me. I can money. Lew is J. Schaul, Pawnbroker on Jackson FIVE GRAINS Of MORPHINE tKf M#t Q*#4 Tiki l4Mi Afat' j Imi • *mm mt fAmmp* : Ml Ykfk*4 MUm| fimftl »» $ ifli'l'MiiiMM I Mf#4 MMMNNI, |'*k-w totk MM wftpc f . »ft**A MMMkwtoMi Am M* *♦ <4 wm* mmr hi tMMfc, mmA pm+rnmm mm §&+■ ■ 4 t»M m**yhm* mm 4 mikmtrf h 1 4t im a) $ ft-ftfedf MWWftffM 4Nft' ; | etrwgtwg tto #•—*# ed tto tows Tto day ato sw* tor toMtoa* aa* tawvtng’ I MM i kH*‘M M MfMMRMCkMF Mahoney & Armstrong. Bell Pbnwe ifi*. Afrowgee tae- ill A CRISIS AT HAND. Tto ItoHianw* and Petrel laat *• 1 htneaa W mere U ssh r.gtoa. Grt S. gaereUry Long pan meat atow.n# tto akkaam'* <* Iniuftiffiibl r'»#®iic|S* 1© ' »•s*•. ordered lw way to a**»d two worabtps immediately from Mam a to a t#*at j ft* tjr*r thr ( uiftNft r*p*ia aft pcaaitii# for a warahlp to Th# v«■>*!* ftf« Ibf HftßißMlfV Bid PHlftl Us ytm d tk# Taku fort* at th* *••«?»«<*♦ iKua'nj but tha PatfMie M»| *1 amaH- I r »ritport ion* tnfty tv# ahh* I© ruaMti Tlcm Tftiß. Hghiy ml!#* aboft# mrutb and aboot Ito same dlataare Tto ofllclale keenly regret that tfcere I, n „t B o«r in Asiatic water* a light- j draught gunboat of tto Helena clam | which could aacend the river a* far as j the Chinese capital. THRI-AD CONSOLIDATION. Work of OrgaaUatl n to Proceed Rapidly Now. New York. O-H. 3.—Among thj par aripera of tb* White *t»r Bwr Bril- | ! an-,tr. from I.t»erpooo4. were Joai R • |sis Paaeoa and J. K. Ijatsu. Witt, are actively In'.ereetfd -ll the c.-rreot j negotlattaaie ft> r a conaolldatlon of the t tciton three I c'.mpanlea. 1 ia apparently expected that the w-'k of orgorlxlng will now be rapid j ly completed. It has been under*' '•'d | lent capital for underwriting he com- • pm.y had hen offered, and ualcaa, ibere baa b*cn *ome hitch on tint score ,t I* probable that the rottecll lo tion will no' to tang delayed. The Amerlc.m Threod company, H wilt be rccallehl, ia capitalized at $lB.- 000.009, of wh'ch $6,900,000 la in ft- In ireferred and s*:.d‘W t*o*i • !n common stork. The English Sewing ' If.'olton comnvcv aorae time ago P’r chnred the atock of the Wllllmanik Linen company the largest cf th> Am-: Client, paying one-!,#!.* In cu-li and aqiceing to pay the other half j win, stock of the new .uncr can | Tlrnad company, or H-Jt should not he otguulxed. to r«y ‘he hthcr hnif Hi nnh by the end of the year. It wIBj hw «cen. threfore, tliat the stcck of ’be | \,'iilimantlc company changes hands, ppjway. The English Sewing .V'.ton cpinpany a 133 undertook to subscribe for $3,600,000 ot the common stock of the American Thread company, an V if Ibis money In ready, the deal, a-t nbove ?taie, will probably be consummated root). While this arrangement will give the English Sewing Cotton company a large interest In the new company the management will. It Is said, be Amer ican. The board of directors will be almost wholly of representatives of the American mills, while the officers re cently elected are also from this coun try. They are: President, Lyman R. Hcpktns, of the Merrlclt Thread com pany; vice president. Amxander King, of tho Barstow ThreaJ company; treas urer. Theodore M. Ives, of the Willi mantie company. These officers will bo assisted by Algernon Dewhurst. W. M. Moniove, and J. E. Lawton, managing directors of the English Sewlog Cotton Company, Limited. The fact that the Coats company holds on interest in the English Sewing Cotttcn company aas led to rumors that the ultimate result of the current negotiations will be the absorption of the American concerns by the Coats. This is denied be domestic manufac. turers. It is intended, however, to work in harmony with the. Coats com pany and thus put a stop to me recent severe competition in the thread trade. lumber or honesty (gMMiI ft# Bhtatft M yuaßf ftftftoflM to He to Ytata §tt tHwl fttotata ntosAtal 4ten mM j Kgwg gHe tot tal iglaat—facet m leeHtog fHel ft || I rywfti gft Rig wev wyuita end otafaefts j b uaw kawawtetenw fti Pwtof. ftegah ft f?|Ms M*b ttartk ywaer —Hale rvt f«to (He Igßtoef. tftltagjea saato ftaafk, 4< . I 111 Nwftg ft ektalh fttotok dirt In fttotaH iHeee tof «*% thatl tota* ttt VMftlft Ito ll j WtahNn «t tht **l THey are iHe I pspy ftgfto men htf Iftto Haj—even IHal I caueftto MtokM | gntwtlfPf I Hev Inn* yesf Itotoe I * tal my tana- I sum fte mg. into they 4a to tftgt tagy Tk*y ttt I Here tot Help tug with THew tratototof at* to iipfittmi tta at vows *ervw a I Yaw <*o torpeftd tohnftteK uyutiftfft *t*4 lHey I leto ten to rtlg of <gl | CUM P, DCCtN. Mtototofrf. I | Lumber Ygrto | TME » E ATnr.R fee*, a rtaa of Al tost ra tto pa*t 34 Tto atorm la centered (Ala morning otet tto upper pu'lkta of tto Eu«« faulf dtfttlN Adftfilft **O »f *'■ *lft | pfVt i Uft of 29,MS ImtMmm mm 4 Momj Ik# folloMifti Mm ft j rtiei urt nrr»l 1 Ml to! fOftlftl PftM»4 mlmcmm »• IM# |M9*t i Im^Mmm M* Cmrmrnl .. .. .. .*•*.. I**4 Vmkon Folai .. .. .. KtAHtillk *• ** *• * W Waahtngton V-.l'”- * * VY agne* boro 3 M Fa run nab 3 43 Charleston t.M Augusta 1.39 81. Georges .... .. 3 M Toccoe .... ...... .. ....1.9$ Maalmum wind velocities occurred as follows In the past 24 hours: Augusta. 3* mile* from the norttoaat; Chaiice;i>n $4 rail— from the aaet; Hsvaunah At' mile* from norihweet; Atlanta' 4" miles from the northeast. The femperatine tht* morning I* lo the 3ttjt Aver the upper Miaaourl val ley. tliii unseasonably high over the middle and stern portion* of the country. t 3 I (Jueet, Olive* In i huls. Pint Ola* i pur* Olive 014 : st,reded Wheat B,a ruit "atmeal. Kden, Pine App'eA B*u«i * Ch*e*e, Ac., which J we offer at tfa* iow , aat prices. SHEWMAKES NEW GOODS ARRIVING EVERY DAY MfIRRIT IN PARIS. He Did N<B See the Peace Commis sioners This Morning. Paris. Oct. $.—MaJ. Gen. M rritt. who commanded the American troops a. Manila arrived here today from Mar seille*. He repaired to the Grand h.>. tel and declined to be Interviewed aa he was suffering from fatigue. The general did not see the United States peace commissioners before the op' i- Ing of the Joint session. The Ani'vi-' can commissioners held a meeting this morn ag preparatory to a second meet ing wilh the Spanish commissioner*, which began at the commission rooma at 2 o’clock this afternoon. The plan r,.‘ work directed to be prepared by the secretary has not been perfected as t!,u secretary of the Spanish commission did not arrive unti today. The Am erican commissioners will be received by President Kaurc Tuosdy afternoon. We have just received one car of thefnest Fanned Ve getables and Fruit’. All new pack good*. Bought before the recent rise in esnred good'. \\Vre contracted for last April nnd we nre going to sell at the lowest prices. SHEWMAKES 690 CASES A Ch-plain Suicides. San Francisco. Oct. 3. —Advices from Japan brings the news of the death ol Rev. Thaddeus F. Freeman, chaplain of the United States steamship Balti more. at Nagasaki. From all accounts Freeman commuted suicide while In a state of mental depression consequent upon failing health. New York Futures. New York, Oct. 3. —Futures opened quiet at the advance. October 5.20, November 5.23. December 5.28. January 5.33, February 5.37, March 5.42, Ap r il 5.45, May 5.50, June 5.54. TCIOAV'S TARIiEtA. I AtHIiTA CIsAMH f|f*A mHtoflM rfy-INM* . .* »*,* Mav . !%M4 ! I4*w MMMMMMBMI •* •* •• m# w* »• w*M turret Iftsftft itol4ltiff .. M „ # U I 4 ,#%*— f m-HMMMMt a* #• *e ww .* *• A I-Ml UM? | MM flf>(MyMmY •* •• •• • * •• #« MM MIY i m n4mw aa aa aa aa aa at M9> IJM T Um&*f a. a a. MM aa»# Tmmt „ .. .. M .. .. ims TfJM IfttsCA. BFIkKKIIM BHIPMFXTS. Iftkw. Mplftftto r* Bbi|ifti#ft|, Ktoiltinlftft •• . !Mt HI |S?I MltftAfty •# aa He! SIS J?#? Tutftl •• «. S44A 4M ASMS OlUMii RJCC*CIFTM. 119? 1991 NX r* rtfilft f>to|ft ft ,« •• Ml IMS T?ir*»ufth col ton ttpift? •• .. ?M Oratt rNtolpts t*ilft|r •• .. 29M 4253 STOCK AND RECEIPT*. IS9? 19M S!w k In AiMniftt* *a aa I?? 33 211*9 RraHpti »lnt f Hc|»i. I .. LAMT OC*TTD2i LBTTKR Aufuitta, 0% , Oct. J —Uvwtwol c»* hies ivffp bet ter thift nomine, wtfti «fm( itlHg I&.MM hale#, at utu ianit<l ; price*. Future* th*r* mere % lo l point up. Mew Yf»HL In reaponee, */lvanced 4 to f point*. January aeiltn# on rtrat call at S .39. Heavy rrcHpt*. boftrvfr, (haai’kfd the upward movement, and price* utoftfel of 3 point*, the mftrkft ruling dull »>ut *t«**dy thioughout. Jan uary at 3 ©‘chick l»eing 6.0. Homiton expect* 41. M0 tomorroe a«- alnnat S6.tR; New Orlean* 17.000 ag ainat 13.000. PAINE. MURPHY A CO. The followltig quotation*, the Hosing price* taken at 2 o’clock, are over tho apecial wire* of Paine. Murphy A Co.s NEW YORK COTTON. Open. Cloae. January .• .. .# .. .. T».3.1 March 6.42 5.41 JTpril 6.45 5.t» May 6 « »■» Novcmt"*r 6.23 5.23 ■ Dyccmlstr s.2* 6- 2 * Tone Qulet- Mlddllng 6S LIVKKPOOL OOTTON. Januaiy and FVliruary i’.*u 2.62 •February ami March .. 2,*1 2 *2 Jgsrch and April 2 42 2-Wn;icl April snd May 3.0« 2.00 May and June 3.lit June and July 3.01 3.02 July and Au*. .. .. .. 3 02 Sept, and Oct 2.62 2 6,1 Oct. and Nov 2.61 2.62 61 Nov. and Dec 2-60 2.61 62 Dec. and Jan 2.60 2.6j^62 PORT RECEIPTS 1897 1838 Galveston .. 1»»34 20914 New Orleans 5374 16134 Mobile .. •• 1503 Savannah 8100 1 0083 Charleston .. 4 3<) 4 4205 Norfolk 4 85 5 Wilmington 3547 Boston M» 189 Estimated total 48018 42000 CHICAI3C PROVISION. WHEAT— „ , October *314 ** * Decemher *' '* May 6314 *•’ » CORN— October •• * December 2W* May 31% 31% OATS ~ May 22% 22% PORK— ■ December 80<) ‘"2 January 9 00 8 95 LARD— December 4 " 5 January 4.85 4- - SIDES— October 6.27 December I-*; January 4.65