The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 04, 1898, Image 1

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IF YOU WANT SOMETHING NICE FOR SUNOAY READING SEE THAT YOU GET SUNDAY'S HERALD, IS PAGES AND I • -• CuLUMNSOF READING MAI TUI Tits * * T«u*», AOSWtAj'l *AV!*O« i«m ■ A If* ftHVM #i!ni j lit* w«anM aa nB mi tdiytatab BU S SUBS BEK IE At tHlvMillr IwifttN A««iU tVI Tit* tdtMA lit) Cfivtoi Vitfe |mmi| Cm* Hi it 4 Ikl lUmttx MMXMtMM In IXM H|>| ft**s iSsstaWd ta *■ Oa,. Tlk# A HjflMrt'iE * t '■■«**»*#### £## f #9# *<n#MlM| HvH te» IS# Hftteftft . H* f* Pmmm Isms HftmMßte HH# j ton ft tfCAB* |qtM ms •m»U$ £n4 I £ £f#« # • •»(*££ «H» Sill# «f OsSS* I*l9l m snSti ai tHat of mn «So won ■M.f&r tSftr nrifit <i* #iiS ihf {fsF «ril) St Smmi rtMsStfts • Au«l—«l> A»*lte4 All St iH# rumor* tS#t thr bojr® ct ■ w gjri-xjr J will t our in |n*t#% hi*f Sr#n goi#A thr rouad* To# t MpmmtS have been krpi busy Ukmi about tie however. (ha'llir time of thrlr arrival •w nr(tfii»*ly learned A It iepbooe message Ml received from AllaaU by the rtK*pttoß commit ter Mdth’.c (but tli« boy# were uniter ihe ear iM amidat th* pouring rain, and that everythin* »aa being mule ready for Ibelr departure. The Oeorgia railroad wire* are dowa rouid be bad bjr tbe road srtib Atlan ta Thejr. however, used the Western T*nion a tree and got thing* la work* tag order, «, The In tn pull# out of the car ahed In Allan;a at 1 o’clock, and the boya <v.|l reach here between < and 7 Right royal trill he tbe welrom* giv en our home-coming hoya. All Augua te will do everything posalhle to make the home-coming a* enthualaatlcilly happy aa the leave-taking wet aadly patriotic. The men. women and chil dren of the entire city will each do their part. and. working together, will accomplish magnificent reaulta. When the train poll* Ip at tt o'clock It nil! be greeted at the depot with a aalute of thirteen guna. The Line of March. The line of march from the depot nil! te aa follows: Out Campbell to Broad. Up Brcr.d to Gumming. Down North Side of Broad to Moou mr nt. Back to Armory. When the procession ranches Scbwei gert’a corner, It will be greeted with a aalute of six guna, under the direction of Captain Brant, who will be in cberge of the artillery. In the procession will be: The Survivors In uniform, comman ded by CSptslo Withers of Company A. Richmond Hussars. Mayor and lumbers of council. Citizens’ Committee. The two returning companies, C. and E. Tip' Boys’ Battalion. Brass bands will, of course, be in ''"capt. M. J. McAullffe will act as marshall. When the procession reaches the ar mory, the soldiers will be greeted with addresses of welcome by Mr. M. P. Carroll and Mr. W. H. Barrett, jr„ and a prayer by the chaplain, Dr. Lan sing Burrows. l/pon the conclusion of ihese excr etes, an elaborate luncheon will be served by the members of the Army and Navy League. For a week or more the League has been indefatigable in its efforts to make the feast of welcome a brilliant one and the results will be pre-emi nently satisfactory, to judge from the j: s e s of contributions. It has not been possible for the committees to eolicit every housekeeper in Augusta personally, and they will be deeply grateful for any volunteer contribu tions of cooked food. These oontribu (Continued on Page 3.) ft* 4**t» A THE AUGUSTA HEIIALD. mini Mi GEN.WHEELER TESTIFIES TODAY TN %Utr4 IN In Hni Tint M*t. I'mmmni IH# Pot f ********* #• if*# * #* If# ! hsii to* £• teft*r%l#*a# ««# IM pt#i mi st~nkin* mi IH# pror##dtnr» Hitter III# » irt[ v _.|l_ A. f *o*i|nwH hi* hsd Kg.,-1 : Kl CiifT vltl bt #f#* i»*i f# * **l «ts not ijfl ” te# |||4 had not loss to th# sirti Hat. 1 had f#- xmr. bmi appm Jated tba altuattmi took madlrinr and ram# nm all rlatet Hr *«# in »H# Haiti# of El OHM? and npr##*#«l tH# optnion that f&octe frro *f*y* kf!)#d ia til# lofisstiofi oF ihe Hue tlinn afterward*. "1 ought to •ay. 1 ' said tbe General la tbe course of hia taatlmoay "that It wa* magnifi cent to oee the ofllcera of high rank going gcroaa river* with nwkt on their bark*, accepting all the fortune* of war with the men Tbey slept on . the ground with the soldier*. None of ua were mounted and we were without tent* for several day*.” General Whee'er took up the common report that tbe Cuban* Mole ihe good* thim dlseaided. It was not fair to arcuae the natlvea. for there war ao much of thla flotsam and jet sam. that hungry and poorly clothed a* the Cuban* were they were not to be blamed for helping theTselve*. He had aten among the 23.(t00 people who came out of Santiago mane la dles of refinement who were emaciated and evidently hungry. He sta'ed he had never heard of any shortage !n ' the commissary or ordnance supplies at Santiago, but he had lieen told that j the rre<Ucal supplies were short. Yet , he bad no personal knowledge on this ; point. A* a rule, he said, the quality or the hard lae’.t was good. The sp rit of the army was *urh that there vas no dis j position to complain. "Tbey were all prottA to be there and wililn gto under go hardships.” MRS. KATIE KEARNS J NES. Ready For Her Fall and Winter Pat rons. Mr*. Kittle Kearns Jones announces to her patron* that she Is ready to re ceive their order* for the fall, and witt ier season. Mrs. Jones Is recognized c* one of Augusta'* leading modistes, and numbers among her patrons the meet fashionable people of the city. Suit* sent out from her establishment are, as regards style and fit. pronounc ed perfect. Particular attention Is giv en to evening gowns, and some of the handsomest worn by Augusta people at. Sumer resorts this season were tbe products of her establishment. EXCURSIONISTS. Returned From Atlanta at An Early Hour Today. The excursionists that left here on Saturday night over the C. & W. C. railroad for Atlanta, arrived here safe and sound at an early hour this morn ing. They were a bit tired, as excursion ists are apt to be, but they satv all they wanted to in the Capital City, and had a long ride on the cars. The C. & W. C. handled them without a hitch. E. J. Erbelding has moved his plumb ing and gas fitting shop from 743 Ellis to 541 Broad street, where he is pre pared to do first-class work of every kind. He cordially invites his friends arid patrons to call and see him at his new quarters. EElll IS Slfll HIED (Yrfll n| (Hhtattf Itill Ht* I’Hfltftl ftVMft # nw*§ IN lit MMppMB thaafcf* *• »****•• - flw Nwwa Am n*n T«M £alaf4a9 a latent aa£ Hmml T.iHM* Law tit Hr# tlflf hi ltd (it* *an (tl### Hi ##*•*' (WaHatwr Agraaad. «Hrrr (H# rttf aha f a*# FM la a Yk* m r#rteifit ,w # North Aa* m#r»h hundred tarda from hlgN •alar marte* *ii# l»#*ir #HMia*#r a#wPow#ra» y r , faia# iid (jKiff %tt(f#raan In Ilia Male In Her IWllom The idiot i«»: Franci* EUaabetli haa erat dredge* and aniwea were loat. sad . *ih«i>B»r Is * shore on Cuai tx dnr.t sound It baa gone to pieces, ami the crew is Inst, Aa unknown *cho<>n*r *a wkotf on Jrkyl Island, and The Harbors done. i y*. whereabouts of ihe crew are un- I known There was no stub thing sa I a ssf<- harbor or anchorage In Ihe vl > on* of Frrnandlna and pfactiraliy all tbe ahipplrg ta the port ia dam arrd The quarantine station was qocrant'ne got away on a life-raft, and The Death* Reported. The only deaths reported when the informant of >Our correspondent left Frrnandlna cxetpr. thoaa of the ahlps' ere** as noted, vtMti those of two chil dren. who lived Ip a small house near the water. Bvavg member of the fam ily got away, except the two children. Churches Wrecked. At Old Town. n*»r Kernamllna. the churches were all demolished Tbe town is badly in need of assistance. All the I oat* belonging to the government at this point are •°* t - 88 t 8 “ 180 t *"‘ r#4 *' tied elevator. All railroad tracks ar» washed away. A JOINT S’ SSION Of the nilitary Commissioner* Will Be Held In Cuba. Havana. Oct. 3. Lieut*. Wade and Ma'sh have paid n visit to the muni cipal authorltie* at Fo*o*. on whore report of a fearful condition of affair* there the United State* Commlßrion ers cabled to Malanza* for twenty tons of the Comal’s rollon*. It is expec ted the Joint geF»lon of the mlLtaiy commissioners will be held tomorrow. Blanro today issued' a decree granting to volunteer* from Central and South America ijielr discharge, to take ef fect after the approaching monthly re view, and grunting them return pas- Hages to their home* at the govern ment’B expense, provided Ihey leave Cuba at once. A decree wa* issued prohibiting the confiscation of cattle' by all branches of the army and the regular troop*. The auxiliary troops at Cardenas surrendered their arms to tbe military governor on Ihe third of September. JIURDER AND SUICIDE. A Sensation Tragedy In Cleveland on Yesterday. Cleveland, 0., Oct. 4.—A *en*atlonal murder and suicide occurred early .to day at No. 238 Lake Htre-t. Richard Dickerson, aged 66, bookkeeper of a re ralr shop, sot Mrs. Blanch Wlnship three times with a revolver, than turn ed the weapon upon himself. Both died almost instantly. Mrs. Wlnship was a divorced woman with one child and had of late kept roomers. Dick erson had been paying attentions to the woman for seme time, but she had de cided to break off from him and when the man called at her home she refused to see him. and locked herself in her room. Dickerson, however, forced the dcor-loek and at once opened fire wllh a revolver. From the positions tn which the bodies were found, death must have been instantaneous in both, cases... Dickerson was a roomer at Mrg, Winship’s house untl recenty. AttH At A. M-V TO MAKE THE WORLD'S BOTTLES , J( si|^kikt V 1(9 *ani (dm I Id- Mil K I’MMi m Man Inm • vmw • lmm aw# *>w»h tawwat tw Mil M lh*wwg* I tiw aiwahsNgM #••* mw ■■ ms at (ha II Kit## piataa vte# %11###)~ . Haw-vj* a a# - * N * * p#a#i fa i f4W t#4 #»4 tWMM ttiMnl a pr 4 #* at •tetrte Hr to«M a#H . | |-. ,• _ — r> ,_ „. t h- Wfil nf (h« #4 Hr |*n'f>kßtNl tfiat (Hr were tillfllbt for th- < 'n-uatglt* nf Mb# deal Mr BrqphAetd ha* atawdlasi ty deelmed to sign any aw»l»« *gr#e n>Hll bat Is stilt wltliaa tn dtapiiae of „„ plant at what hr isuit-'t* a lair Mr. MurrtaoN. 'he agent of the *ya ’ -IKate, ha* sprat the moat nf hia time in Philadelphia, where tbe main <■*'♦• ( sad principal hotyegiv** maaufariu jla southern New Jersey The scant ! haa span! a year's time and eonsldMA ' Me roonev. It is said. In pushing the pr.ijeet. and the en *rgy and parslaten !r j which he haa displayed lead* those who are familiar with the negotiations to tbe belief that tbey will not be drop ped. now that they have pri reed-1 so !*iV|i U sold that the manufnrturen I net-favorably tadlined toward the prop 'ewitdtn. as there has been tmieh enl ’ Uuc «f prteea and consequent to** of profits. The Here effort* of the syndicate wer# drvuted to obtalainc options on Ihe va r ev* plants. These were aeesirrd In mont < sees, but they expired before the ! it tending purchnaera were ready to act j \ new ret of option* ha* now been oVnlned. o'hlch' will expire within a short tinr-e. before which It I* erpecie.l the purchase will be rompleted. Besides the Bushwirk work*. It Is raid that Ihe proposed consolidation Involve* all, or nearly all. of Ihe fol lowing concerns, whose work* are sit uated tn New Jereey: Bodlne Ola** work*, Williams!on; Bridgeton (Has* Manufacturing company. Bridgeton ; Cumberland Glass Manufacturing com pany. Bridgeton: Cohansey Glass Man ufacturing conioany. Bridgeton; El ukt Ola** >vorka, Elmer ; Jefferle* Glass. Fa Irion; More-Jone* Glass com pany. Bridgeton: Moore Brothers Glass rompnny, Clayton: Parker Brothera Glass Manufacturing company, Bridge ton; Salem Glass work*. Salem: S. A. Bassett Ola** company, Elmer: Whitall, Tatum Ac.Cn., Millville; Whit ney Glass works, Oreenßboro; Wood bury (Jlaas works,- Woodbury. ' ■> ONLY ONE NEW CASE. But Several Suspicious Cases Ara Being Watched. Jackson, Mis*., Oct. 4.—Only One paw cage of yellow fever was reported «t Jackson today. Several susptflloiis cases were under surveillance. The state board has Issued an order pro hibiting the assembling of persons on the streets. Relief contributions for the benefit of destitute negroes In the cordoned districts are coming In slow ly. Hnrriston reports another death and five new cases. The disease *e-nis to have a firm hold on the town. Orr wcod has had seven eases since the 301 h; Taylors, three case*, and two death yesterday. TEN NENT-WINGFIELD. Cards Out For the Marriage of a Pop ular Couple. Mr. Thorna Tennell Wingfield has is sued cards to the. marriage of his dhijghter, Susie, to Mr. Henry Calhoun TennentJ. The marriage oc curs Tuesday at noon, October eigh teenlh, at the family residence. No. 1027 Broad street! Chicago. Oct. 41—Gov. Bushnell, of Ohio, and staff, left Chicago on the Burlington today for Omaha to take part in the exercises of Ohio day at the exposition. 81181 lUS HisniD I tiNMtIMN NN It Ml ■ Mfl \fHi TNfef* l irtat |H»a>i Ha v (H#9 H# |Nn» « TH# prriimEMHt# H*«aa at II o<lo>l and lb# rfcritt#aia« pariy watnl 9br<»u«h iter imi an* ft*# 111 ran# iatH#f#4 aroaftd th# t#H Hull of lb# HUM*** at THr Haltl#*hl|i ar at *or##*afulljr Imm 4 h#4 at 12 3ft. MINS NANCY LEITER. Mux Nancy Ixiuir, . liwicn by Governor Tanner, of Illinois, to christen the now UmlUrahin nan.«l for that, is on. of Chicaeo’. f.iro.t daueht.i*. 1 h.vo were two rntr nail* io tb« 1.-itrr homrahoc, both on 111* fnreimnc aide. Mm. treorge ( ureon. ora Mary Uiter, whoso hmbaod »aa recently elavated to tho peerage. ■« now LadyUnraon. WEDDING IN SAN JUAN. The Result of Spain’s Proposition to Carry Oftlcera Families Home. Sa« Juan, Porto Rico, Oct. t. —The | transport, Desatrustegul, arrived here yesterday from Spain, and ia taking on board troops day. She will sail tomorrow. The transport, Isla de Pa nay. sailed for Spain this morning, with 1,200 troops on hoard. It Is ru mored that Captain General Macias wiil leave here on the Alicante, which Is expected dally from Havana. The United Stales hospital ship Solace .with 55 convalescents on board, sailed for ! New and the Mayflower left this afternoon. The Spanish troops were evacuating Caguas yester day, and the Arjclbo will be delivered over to the Americans tomorrow. The American troops are closing In rap idly, and the Spaniards arc concentra ting In large numbers a! this place. The, Spanish government’s offer of free transportation home to the families of officers resulted in many marriages of departing officers and officials. BaVsTATE DEMOCRATS. They Get In Convention at Worcester This Morning. Worcester. Mass., Oct. 4 The democratic state convention opened to day in Mechanic’s Hall, with little of that excitement attending It which lor the past two or three years has been a feature of the meeting of the leaders of the party in this stale. The war ring elements were entirely lacking, and the proceedings were as a rule of j the most harmonious nature. This is : principally due to the fact that those | who still oppose the leaders now in I authority had decided to wait another year before again attempting to ffaTtf'j control of the party machinery. j MM» lotlAlA A tlA# IH ittAt, UhVi «. sA# GEN. Ml'S MEN IRE SUFFERING iftiii) H( rptt in n N U<l a fin) iml lie* ffffpwiha l*u«tsi» »ifww M hattage I’YHtea na i «■ , y #a#a to ft###*#**#* * *o* -o# Mftfiitaa a |»*ai*a ' * idMmiNM ** afttaftll*# mm### mi ###' .. ##m a ten# ta# aaa # ■##'#•# •*# ###** ii I'wiaaflia mi ft#a-kaa«* Ht Htea Aftftl #•* 11 mi mm i |ft#«Ni Hat# Mllit h###i l t§it arllt H* *#MbH#4 «Hi#H Dili teaffta t 9 ia fliaaaa ### mmmiili THi* mmmnt ’• I tlf|n | !y |n| |or«t laiftH >ftt—l* j !tl |# «H# ##»||f # of Qrftff tml te*, «M##M all H# *aa «M| I# aa #*#*<!? •«vm*>m»m' •t«#*#a a<tew|H#H h# «Ha iteßaauiNNla W««** m iH* tev *»*•**» f##ta 91# I 1 1## tan nl OttfftM |Haa l* ta. nftiiii «tt« #a4 m *ata a a*#* Ufa! tapfHlf of •#*## RaatKafl# #aa. j wf * mi a tat of mmfb#f i m : -ft»fttm#m#ft«* OmTlI W find pf#* | pm# HniMiaa Hofti##ar4* aro«a4 «H# , *rtf, fHa* Rear Haa* f **• ii 4 mute lac lHa (W*l*tetfta IH# | ] ta«#t M>atar pftlHa fHa tH#f# la aa **#• as mm4u\f tat /** y . || |[ ||ffF ##£#• j uatlaa as MaaaaaiUfta j |*fi| Mat r Alfti tHal Ta pmr ##al mi , ) t ia re«lme«t ha* bees atak frata •# ’ ark ct freeh heef I Thera are still trace* at the rarest I itatirmpt sad ihe rnly survivor of 'he ' touad*-* «f the Fifth Avenae Rank I N Y Tim*. TO COME THIS EVENING. Friends of Mayor Walsh and Con. gressman Fleming Expecting Them. Mayor VV'alsh and Congressman Fleming are buck at home—arriving roin Washington at 4:15 on tbe South ern. Wires received gave Information of arrival at this time. Col. -D. B. Dyer extended his trip to New York. He will return a little later. MayoJ Walsh, Hon. William H. Flem ing und Col. D. B. Dyer went Oh to Washington Friday afternoon to use every effort to secure a camps of vol unteer soldiers for Augusta. Not only did Ihey’secure a camp, but the largest camp and headquarters. In advance of- their arrival Is tele graphic Information l bat they accom plished the object or their mission. The Citizens should appreciate the fact (hat Augusta was selected out of all the Cities of Ihe South for the largest encampment on merit and should extend thanks to the committee who lent their energies to the securing of thousands of dollars to the city. Many cities had representatives In Washington for days before our arrived there, using every effort to secure the big plum. Their efforts appear lo have been or no avail as it now seems certain that we will, by the first of November, have several thousand men at the ramp be yond Monte Sano. Send Contributions Ear|y. The Army and Navy League request that those who are to send donations to (he Army and Navy League at the armory do so as soon as possible dur ing the afternoon, but not to hesitate to send such donation at a later hour. The donations will be received any time during the evening. The soon .»».they are sent in, however, tbe more Bwvre#fbey wiil be. ••• mnm ftkANTfftl /*<y**fc tUAN AND UyiNOB ! i Sank. y •k B*#* 8 *#* w * W >aftuH# 1 <*#*».#. a## ##*•*• fftatea# li 81101 11 EH1 * Nm I# M*»» Am 4 a t*«ai ha 0# Ta# # t*§ •a TirUiL they MMI Ui<t 111 Oes#»••* (liawM £ !!••#•#• ■*<"'#£(#• AaH* lava teT d♦**#*#••(• I H»£ faaa N » Rb* PfapliMiaaf fa i taa TH# IMM#*teNMi i"##aadMaH | aH* ML».. {£it ##a#*ttel , iaa aa #|v A ba#a teaaa aa#* im f a««tta£* vhl ih# *A«*aM» T iftaa winirn aa4 IH la Ha 1 tier|Hal ft 'bl* IH##* ##*Ha. al *H# mum* * H# ia«i as <H# HaaaiaH ifanfa •in Hat# •£»«** fat aM >H ' Haa Taaa THater ailaaiaa tea* H##a • •># taMHaal fnatlaft Iteai# at !••• i ffftaM# •*« aMHrifaimi at tH# ******* jmm T» 4 ir % \|fAt itMwi at *h# ftaaHaaaa i -—.ai ... -a - stnaalMlat* i a Ts 4iHLUy»4 I W hile Geweral Mar's* and Oeamwl fwtram the aerewd ta mramnd ta th* t.'aad and owe of the MpantMl «ta*- -alwrtitar— ta Iheir rataveraatMM WWW <mr sotnm'esioneen have fall? ar knawieAged lb* tari iltal tbe law nf I' >* vevn s flew rut off all hope at ser • -< or fmm “pail- 'hev atilt msia'aln i'hal 'he Amertran arm* had • i-eme*. i daw task before It In --rawing t&e mountains and Mae la. ron'ended that 'the army ro«M boi have rearhed lb* i «■>*• *> Jo*a ei'boui a Nta of tw l Sou sand men The Pitta aklraalah ea <>n the aou'b road General Marta* refused to rail teeereen beraow be rlaln* bis troop* retired by hi* order* in ibe stronger poaMoas tn th# moun tain pa wee A* a mailer of tart, the only arttoa of importance ih* bombardment of Morn- Ca.ll* by t*atap*nn’n fleet rarijj tn May - Marta* Insist* wa* a distinct Spanl.h vlrtorv dampaon a cans pounded away for three hour* They wrrrbed wveral buildings ta the city, but for their effect on the thirty foot wall* of that old mediaeval fortress, tbe * and 12 Inch projertlta* fro* the American narvhlp* bad as well been paper wads. Not a gun was din mounted, not a mao wa* killed. Aftar the fleet bad retired - reputand" Is tbe word the Apantarda used tfce victory was celebrated throughout the city. All the military hands paraded the streets playing martial raualr. a grand concert wav given in the plaxa and the cafe* that night echoed with the erlea of "Viva Espano!” "AbaJo loa Americanos’” Bo It was that the military chief tains who met our commissioners, met them not as defeated soldier* to give up property lost In battle, but ra'hn* a* soldiers mattered by th# detant w others to yield that which they *MB claimed they might have been able successfully able to defend. Our Tactful Commissioners. General Brooke. Commissioner Srh ley and General Gordon wer* er reedlngly careful not to dlaturb their Illusions In thl* respect and to their extreme tactfulness is due the ease and facility with which the negotiar tlons were finally concluded. The? decided before tbe first meeting to stirk to the main Issue, which was the ( Immediate evacuation of the Island, and lo be generoua to tbe point of magnanimity In minor and non-essen tial matters. Tbe Spanish Commissioners, espe cially General Oriega. was at first dis inclined to discus* the main issue. They raised a myriad of minor matters —few of which had anything to do with the business In hand. All of these questionß the American Commis sioners waived aside, pending the de cision of the mnin question, the evac uation. But for several days they allowed General Ortega to talk on. until he and his colleagues were compelled to re vert lo the main issue. The language of the protocol was plain, definite and stiWjfic. It provided for the imme diate evacuation of the Island. On its text our commissioners stpod and to their gratification they found the Spanish Commissioners not only ac- . quiescent, but seemingly anxious to re- ■ tire from the Island at the earliest pos-. sible moment. The Spanish authori ties realized that the entire population had become suddenly hostile to them; thal they had been dispossessed by tbe court of war; and that they were no longer there by right, but by suffer ance. They were already strangers among people of their own race, blood and language. Those who had fawned up on th« captain general in the old days no longer came to the palace. He had no more favors to bestow they remained away lest association with the old regime might prejudice them In the eyes of the new. The po sition of the Spanish authorities was a painful one and though return to Spain meant heavy reduction in sala (Continued on Page 2.)