The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 04, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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TOTTOaV 4 THE AUGUSTA HLRILD amin * «<»fi mui •*»« f •* *»t 9«9K* » *** iliWI ■ *♦*■*> »*"* ® ® •etui tfft4V4 i*» ® ***** vmwmm- * ■***—--m •»«***• *. . - -,..... .**.m - --- *<** m4 **4M| «# t *“* /*//*****- HP * * w o**mm ft****** mm**** fUf — tawataaataAgMaw ******* — • **• *i »* **•• *“* •» .*♦*•» ■ m «au» wAi», H^ |)lt r -ijflft*# *Ata-4 ftlftft 4 OMUMMM - ''' *“* *•** A****** ***" Is* ♦***» _____ _ ft r-f tataaaa -warotaM*# Vue W« | I »"0 fW» MMU> •» *lta»*w-Art rt*te» **••* *■* »** **•**• ****** *•4 at tota*#* M*w* . tk*M U*« !• I tHMM -At ik# tlta»MM«* • li 41 At Grand »>•*»•* In tiitb *m*/ Otf - At <4* IN*** g«t*« m ran awmmm An* ivim frmmM *•* T' k * •****_** •mH »«W#d# ta*A radltand* •«* *•*’*' • (a*** kg ttafwrrtaA **• *•** *• **** i n DAY ™irj /hKi "' ryjOiii it i3;w !5 YtttlTilff Iff 20 21 2- BErai2SMl?nßl2f> Til KORII r»« limi bpilar tlor(M, n( Alabama one of (Im MnUt* of tbt Hawaiian raoim'a il«o, Which arrlred In Ann rnoim'i last wrrk from Um l.laud. U •• «r --di-et, npinwlM champion of ihr ter ritorial ewpwnaWw question. ami dr clarre that we ahouM never conaent to (be return to beam of the Philp ptwn. Th* Alabama aenatt»r. when the pos •Ib.e totervent'on of Vpc Kuropoan powera waa mentioned, retorted that the l)«lled Blau* wrted strictly the part of "hands off" In the recent die tnetiil erment of China, or (be attains of certain Chinese porta and the aurrouu dliu; territory, and arblle we m.ghi have tltooKbt It ungenerous and uu hitnl. wa aatd nothing. Now, continued (be rcnator. It la our lime, by virtue of conqueet In wa', to have aometblns to any, and wa de nira a return of the conipltinmi by the powera Tb* Here Util believes Ibal the people of the South aw overwhelmingly In favor of the retention of the Islands, and duetts a quick announcement to thia effeit either from ibu state depart ment or the Daria commission. Tbe people of the Phlliplpne Inland* desire indtpendcuw, which in pm for ward aa an anplrallon anil not an a de mand. If they cannot be (ranted Inde pendence ut once they ask for au Am erican protectorate or for annexation to tbe I'nited States. Under a protectorate or under annexation, or under a prom ise by the United Staten that the Isl ands will never be given bark to Spain, the H'lptaoe will ’.ay down their arms tonl uceept any terms of peace dictated by the Americans. If the Inlands ure to revert to Spain, the Filipino* will continue the war and fight to the bitter end. The responsibility for peace or war in the Pblllplpues rests with the Uni ted States. The Spaniards have boon dcfralta end have surrendered. The Filipinos have not submitted, but will submit a* soon a* the United States declartt that the Islands shall remain under American, control. It Is In die power of the United States government to insure peace In the Philippine* to morrow by the anomraceuent of a i*. a nilß policy. Tbe sooner thla Is formally announc ed by tba government the better. There is nc political or diplomatic reason for delay, and (be issue of peace or war may turn on the promptness with which our policy is officially declared. #1 W#**99f Mi MU #*MMi ’ | ♦AiriMMMA ft##** * 4fc r » *-• 4#4ft##* 1 «.*| 14.4*11 Mil < it##***#** /mm*** ■■# *•* | S9H (Nali •<• fji #p* •** mm 1 *mmmm*m m/m #4* *** mm**** i ftlt , fiu . ti. tTi“t MM W*** ! «i m* «!*•# si#***#*# *& am Mi! 49% 941*4 In**"®* ' 49* # 4*44 999# /**/ | **mi 49# wmif v# /*/*m* #wp* •M'i.w.t' ■ %** mmmmm m/mm. m* w t* t p. j *4j %■ t*, T- m *-/ # 9* )>« %n - A • tank «| mm ta a*nm» w«M’ • | Ml **f MAM KM mh* «t li ■»■'» j mmm mm m ••• «<p < ns np£ *ms *%*« ®mm%m f***** m**-1 4M •* f*» §pK*«a* *f f** W t* t. •%» »iwi*w**i «** *1 #«*• j *| |*9 >*HflM**** ti*9 W *9 li* ***!*. ••* •* •* m j 4*c*f i* t*# mmmt t** **ili mm* 1 %«*** I* n**t!#•*! *** ««*n, *• **•* j Mm* «*t #n*9mm»« t*-H* *** mi* i m*Un* **4| 9kMM t*a*** StiMS 9MH* MM* j mmmmm/ m mm* mm/m *• *n*4 • *M», I >• i«4 ik* mniki at ilw p>4 M « i« ik* iai (Hat *fca ana* M'mA m*« | mm * UM lIM MMMaiMI ! aai aaaiMlM at Mm Mmhl at Um Mk ttaai a» <k* aaM* akin lAia aMratat' »a*'M am|M*«*:»» MM* *M »M*r* at la* ft Mark Jaa**a <hr <rlr**i vtU Ik* rkakaM viataa* at fraika Tkk j kaMM lt**if *•• kMMlfwlif *»4 !*•*<■ j fatly raya’tnawi To aoara *a*ik*' tkk yta*Mk : .» aMakay at aa*k*a aa4 *m kakAa traai tk* ktafera at*** M a** muH la a »m* ant at tk* fiaa* aaM Tka nark aa4 tn% o*t* r*«*r«d j arttk a kaaA* Aartaknt ««-4 taa- j i*a vkll* ni oktt* **4 Maa w trai nnnr* tkarorraai tuaat ka ikt* a*rk (omlM a** tka raat at Vta of tk* Hum* at Dllkatk. vltk Ik* laarrtk* Has. 'VkrM*aia« at tka hUltaklt tlttaato. Norfolk V». OrioMr ttk IMA" Tk* kotila araa krooakl lo tk* rkrtataalM M*a4 la a «-o»tly laalfcar raw •■! H to **f* to aay tkai Ik* fnataMai* <*k*a away toaigki ky tk* fair lltlaoi# laky alii rrawla a yrt»*4 aoa**alr of tk# araai ky «fc* kooa* of laurr. njually an allk Ika rkralyt* ami voarktr* krlf by PM* UIW tk r«r*aily tiiticaiiaa Jo* troai tka tk moiii akaal Aaal ■LBcriOH or tvoan **o aouctfota ■t mi nopu Ok« of tk* moat important qua*Horn that trill roam up for tk* Aurlaloa of ike rotkia ut tk* atat* la tk* rallftca ilob of tfcr I'onatllutlonal Amrmlm*st pruvldlnc lor Ihr rlwlloa of Ute Jud»a* and aolicitora by lb* people, tnatrad of by the lecUiature. The oraturr prorMina tor thle chant* rat orar ahelmlOßly paaard by ibr leal leglda ture. To aay one at all conrreeant with the trading and trafflrklnc of vote* in ike lectalature for tboa* high oßcra the propoaod change erema a *t«p 1% tfar ilfki dlrrellon. II will makr it impoaaible for any state ring to parcel out the rarlou* ofleae In the atat# It will bring about an era of bum* rule In party affair* It it needles* to gay that the otd tlw* ring I* against the proposed change and that It will be fought se cretly In all the counties where they are In control. The opposition to the measure ha* shown Itself In getting Chairman du- Bignou to adopt a ballot that M coo fusing, and which the oppoaltion can use to It* dcstMellon. There Is no doubt but that tb* people. If they un darsuml the laaue. will adopt the Con ititutlonal Amendment. There Is danger, however, of Its being loat, even with a little opposition from interested parlies. If democrats do not under stand II and do not ace that their bal lots read for the Constitutional Amendment. When you vote tomorrow, see that you vole for the Constitutional Amendment. Old Bob'a Conscience. The Chicago Record tell* a atory of the old days before cash registers were used. Crunk Parmefee wga running his bus line iu Halstead street, said the t.arralor: "He had had u driver named •Bob' Somethlng-or-Othtr, Htul lie hud his suspicions that he wasn't ge.Uug all the far?r he was entitled to. 'Poo' had a liabir of talking to himael', and one time Parmelce caught him Ui the elnble reckoning up the day's proceeds. He had empt.ed Ills buckskin hug out into a sack of oats, and was stacking up rilvir dollar* In two piles. 'Her 'a a dotiM for me and a dollar for Crank ' he says, ‘and a dollar for me and a dolku fo' Frank.' He kept on this way until he had «ll the money equally di vided. with a dollar over. Old hVatik I kept still and waited to see what Bob' i would do with that dollar. 'Bob' seem- j ed to l e rather undecided about It hitu* j self, lie looked at H and weighed it j In his baud. 'Shall I keep It?’ he says to i [ggjggp** %»►. it* in 9mm m/m * I i ss* ia* Ip in** mm/m/ $//m///m** I*A «4MI i* tNfc *** 4MH* *94*9919* 1# t** 9mm mm mmm n* //* mm mmm mm mmm m mm #*#*-** %■« •-.■a*M» mmm mm **►# mm/// # '*** - ******* *p *'*/n**m/mm m****m** p** mm**** imh *** , -' i »***R , %9. $0 «**mi if f*9l mmm 'i mm * *mm ■*//// mm/m i * Ds>« «M Ms* Miiaai "a M-tasMk n**P*%M*f *ik.m 9« A- * rk* »a T“ni-- f —to if * 9 giri ir * *§> «*9- *n* - 4*p»9 *j/ *** <** *l*l pm** ** ft* H* p*pa* j ui 0 mmm *m/mmm** mmmm.. m/m mm j i4ii*i #*#* *1 mm p'mi upm *1 tp**i ina mmmm m mmm&mmt. | m * •**»• 9b* t* ** *•m §m*/mm ) hp ** 9*9 mm*m*t* *m i* <**•* i mm** m mm smm m m* m mmmrn \ * 49#1*l 9 P* P** * ****!*** **9- ) 999 **9 *1 ir* i* *#*• • mm mm* *4 M <A* yatagawM a# • 4>*ta •» A* p<«*« H a S»*i an'H swMMy as a : mmm*m ewaaef ftaevy a* ANy ** f M* j •was *M*ai •»««% an) w n*4 »*»“ b* ■ QM* H*w Aktlasw." **AIM4 Mm bA* 'ft'sayA-sMrty * w biitae*' 9mm ■Mask [pr~* A* I m* (Ms I bat ** tiMM mb* - H Mkpk -MM aMb •* ** MM < tMMIMf kbbA tfiMf I •*•! •* I tk tka* Mam. t #■*•■*•" "ftaetatatt * Tk# awwaa Haafe a wean at ***•*. wtwta kta nAsaMhaatmamt m A. k«tal*>l ts m *N» manayvv. sM M An* **■»• tk* ' pergi r*M *M wet wHk <M* «*H ** »• • t mtVRNt.T AMIIJAI Oe*SM« Nw t : tn ApneklMtA «*sn*« *»»• •* II tk* mm at Mb* «**•»* M* tksaka It t ; t* a* rauiiMta prle#. In**• I S ail tka gave**lan to* tkte yk«te ta*aa f I t ta-wgki at mm «*k*a Mam* #«»#»'•«*•»««**••**••• *#*«*•*«•*»• -* 1 Mt mtita ka* elwnya at»t*taia*4" ikat ta r* |; teenk *A aaU*t*»o<*a mat of *lk aAvatHaetkast. If aakklsgt eta*. NrMy »*A. A baa at ate* pwM-afvta* *M nktt* •affata* »n* nsaAe as eaMlt. rquaity MlttM plait* |4*e*A I* rtfrle* *"•! *#■ ransnl nltk a M»** k»w #«mwp«**4 ■» ••a honpa «• •** k *kM AaMfced «• ky MM potat* nalf-hn»4ken *>*»< fn*b inn tvinrtal wtv*t* in ewt»y *"4 r»r*i Mae nr* set for tb* bang mantlea Ibln fall Jr Inr In “Atari** an* narm* taste nt fur #r* a*»ts wber# Oassos of far are c*a»a*Aer*«l t«*» *>*p*«alve. Mbit* I* the W»*l mawtar e-dew abroad and mem "t lb* aman gnans are mad* <«f wklt* tn tbe< ar*t ptae*. they ar* *«p*nMv* bemnaa tbay anil, aad In tk* nr«l. they are alw*r« pretty, an tkrlr popularity la »na*ie*- ttoned. We shall *e* tartan taffeta* tha U*t at autumn wearaWea and *1 b fnngN In nil aorta as c«*l«r combirn* tlana with eebi.a to irba out in»» Ibrplln or tstddn»t. a* *>nr gr*al aunt* ware accustomed to call ft, I* *!*•* In the MII, and the prtnrem# Awn*, dished up a la l*>ul*e Pels*. la to hr une« mu# foisted on our figure* The Mouse wilt be replaced by a light-tilting bodlc# of rich brocade, ending In what can hardly be railed a beuHiu* « f* w Inch# #h»h»w th* w»l*t line. This bodice "pen* in a narrow V 1 uahow the laevltaM# ahlir neK It *t-. rang*meet and fsatena with rather large artistic button* it the fruit or, •Ide. On# of tha newaat notion* of the mo ment la th* Tallon gown, which Mme Bernhardl hs* favored on the stage. It la intended for evening wear and mutt of neceaalty be made or e»me a. ft ma terial and have a ruche of artificial; flutters al th* hem: the bodice and the, whole character of the dresa Is Inspired by the fashion* of th# period when Mme. Tallcn was a personage much re garded In the echeme es life In flng land tt 1* generally white silk muslin that I* covered with black lace litcrue- j tatlon. but in l'art* they are applied to the same material In all the moet delicate ahedee. “My Country, ’TIs of Thee." The American national hymn translat ed sufficiently Into Spanish, 1* as fol lows: Air: "My Country. 'Tta of Thee." All pleste rise and sing: My palrla, de tt, Cutia y Puerto Ri co llbre aon. Comprendo t’nele Ham Vn hombre fuerta am. Although tenemos ham— hre muy mal. Pilipinas, si! El Senor Dewey, he— Caramba! Ay de mil Has taken them. Our groat buque* de gucr— Ra! Gallant ships that were! Why did we lmper— || them near Schloyf Re-cu-cr-da el Maine! We faced their Hag In vain— They're raising el In Bpuinl Raising hob son! Ml palrla! ha, nl lats Islas en el sen .ij;l 1 Nl ironclads have we— Nl natlii left. “An ad” that goes into every home and at a time when its appreciated is the quickest and cheapest way of telling buyers what’s in the store. They’d do the rest. TH® -A tTOTTBT-A JH -0 iHKtmsm»!« AIUH*T TOWN. i**# *99* I W»i4*jli limii*4 «*9 as MM AMffaitaaf 99% ** AM"- *fb»* paaiaee g*af * 9* be* • «ta* «anc.,># *■■* <*m#v taa a*• aamm «awa -agaa *> aa* .9*l 1* gw*** * taw " tea* •** w«g*%p% < I## *MA» * i%.M Mpf *»»* If** *f(49t" > * , 9* A* 4 i*j*»9**** I*9 94**HI »*#**» *:j**»4 94 *M4MI ****9* 9*9** * * 1 4*4*9 4941 | *949*91 9* Ih4* Hmm mm* m 4 *'994? * $ #9AAi if /mm 4499 m/**^ t*mm*m/ inh mm /m/m *mm §*►#* **%9» 9 I*# #*9 494*1 H* # 4*99 #994»* mmmtm \ | A4M99 9* M 4 4m49# #4994494 •A#l 4a9# 4491*991 49441 9NM9 41 ■ l <9i'#99l i §99 i9* 49994" m 9 ff-HAAI 44 49499 *M4" * 99#H>4 4*44*49. T9* #499 4499* 4*99# •*» 1*441 #4444*9 1# # I##** 19444 T#t* mum/ms/m um mm m* i** 9#4* mm* m/m/ mm/ /mm* ***// mm* mm mm/**/***/ 9*f it* I*4 * It* 144 4*9 ill* #9p4494|f ftKl*99 9*9 4*4 491.19# 9# *O/*" 944 14m* 9 99i i* 44199 9*944 #*4*9 *4 •** A 4*l* mm/m mm*m/ mm* I**# 9<9# f » 9i #4 9-44*4**' #t 9*99*1 It# # *94 mm* 1* #'9**4 #*** «**• 1 i*» 1 ft* 9 ti»+A 9/mm **9*944# w*/m \ 9*' fttftf 99 Hi §/**"• ** *99* ♦naf*9l i#«l t#*«» AW t*d9 •*•* I* mmm*. mm* m/*t ft*» m***miwmff m/m I9f. 9*9 (ft# 4*4»t9* * 94* *«* *# *# j ***** J4i I*9 |*M|444 4N99 4N441 4Mff | 9f I*9 |«9« 9 * 9*4NN##*9 II *9# «* 1 «##t#9. ftffttf <99449 T*9 94*994*4 ; 994 9 44*9 lM#4*lf49 #*9 9 # lW** ft**** «4 #4*9, *4* I 99» 4#lf«#Mtfi H9*ft*f9* | #**l94l II *44* 4444W441 19# #444 *9 ! Cl#*9 I*l t*4 l4M4*e 99m , *4#*4 *l9 j m»mm*ms‘* t(*l o#9 f*#*| H** I As M Is IknwAb* Ikat Tl—JliAur- I Haai rest Will be UM ■*•' tta*earn* i as Haw Teak* Wfcwa fc* eatA en Im* , #|#9t 4ft li* Hfft 9 tf9 *■**•• 99*9 • #r*# tin M/m*/** *<119199 m*m* ** j ft#r* mt flu 9*9**4* N#* 9*S9# 9 *»«»9f #M*, ■* ; § lift I* t#lft»44 9*9 19 |Jft* |*W» 9 49 Nl* m**tr 119* «r tm* *** *H *** I .%**•** Um##** 99* 9* *9 j )>aT || # I Itfll W***? M 9* 9** ; •bn f*»w*d atadarw oatlmHad fca'dakipa witkasM taking - rtoa* kart «<* fna 1 area ue treagular. tta ataffuiarly l.ll* gad take* ka aaHlaa. takbrk ka tif tta daw. ka etpuaN bt* «#*' t«a*k ttay arw large aad vary atkHa and j mmm tn prolan a lutta. Mt* arowetarfc# ; ia brown and ratker ikia. and ka I wear* td# round spare ar la* Hr* ; avanaera ar* *aav eabd poilafcsA and . ka kas all Ikat tndeecrtbakt# *B*«»r I fair# of a cultivated taa* of tk# world wb'ck enabira him tn adapt klameif Instantly to feta surrouadinas It* ara* waa aa murk at born* wi«k kl* ewa bor* *• ka waa with kte «oc»#t» earatla aad tkte particular trait kad a great deal to do with knitting kta raaimant loan her ta auefe ktaonlehlag bond# of comradeship Tfea. lota, kl* arataocy to nomatklag prodlglna* It **e*nrd to m* tfcal he ka** every au»n by aaraa. and t an eat* ka *** akl# t« nddrwM m<wt of 1 beta in tkai w<V Hia troopers worshipped bits. M# •# a big man We have aw beard tha lata of him “ Aft, r yuMting Coloael DyW* eoaffw* - tor* the tack iffy Ukaarver beard one of the motormMi deliver blaMelf of Ika following, aa be aetUud d«w* fur a few minute*' wait at th* rom**- tary. Hald be: ”11'* funny bow peo ple wflt run tn front of car* on Hroad firei i You see. It* ibis way. When I come to a crossing, there will be some woman standing on the aarb walling to walk across. Whan tb# car coma*, doe* aiie slop and unit? Not on your life .the grabs bar skirt* and rushes Inwards the car. crossing in front of It so close to the front board that I feel up hair beginning to rise. When she has passed the car. she walks very leisurely to the oppo site curb Just as though she had all day to go where she wished, as she probably had. No. It's not Itacause people are in a hurry , for If It were so they would not walk so slow after ' they pass. It's ]ust something. Ido not know what, which prompts peo ple to run in front of a car, Instead of continuing their slow pace and al lowing the car to go on by before they reach the tracks.” A Itinail street Jeweler tells the fol lowing on a gentleman we all know. The gentleman In question plumes hlffiself on his freedom from supersti tion. "Rack In the HOs rorne time." said , the Jeweler, “he bought an opni ring while on a visit to Han Antonio, Tel it, Tha setting was supposed to coma from the Mexican mines and was re markably handsome and full of fire. It waa mounted will, ten small bril liants and made really a very striking ornament, bill as usual (he friends of its owner were constantly predicting that it would bring him bad luck. He laughed at their alarm and finally took a great deal of pi ide in vaunting his superiority to popular superstition. About a month ago lie lost one of the hrilliatits and brought the ring here for repairs. 'l've worn this opal for over ten years,’ he said, 'and I’ve yet to discover that ll was responsible for any misfortune. Plague take such silly notions, anyhow.’ When I re paired the mount I examined the set ting carefully, ami was greatly amused to discover that it was noi an opal at all, hill merely a piece of colored glass. Opals, by the way. aiv easily Imitated, the current belief to the contrary not withstanding. When I lohl the gen tleman about 11 il made him so mud that he gave the Wag to his negro porter." 1 A distant relative Is not always rich, but a ricti relative sure lo be distant.— Philadelphia Record. HERALD PRIZE liETTERS . HMAI MAS SOIIEB RESORTS. st» fm t* *4.113 fm 4a la# HiDFiMM f «*Mi ftd9§ MW#** M* I*4# 491 [| v . imm tpff*#* «#** ft |*rmr «***•'*-*► | I ft4iff#| *94 l|Mp«ff#ft#l# V9N4 mmmo**s &'# j [ 4ft ■< Iwl | Imp <i $ <44444 9 4*9 aw •Mtata##* ■ 4 «T7iT eE^Vta.J!j I ftNfef i 9tM4t #9# #4M ft w 1 **4til>4449A 4HOTI I MUM ’ mmm*t 49*9 w*** 4M4m> ftH#ftPo#i I *m/m 9 ****** *9 I9p fcw 49449 99# #4* *4] I# 90&m *N 94*' '494 <Wi •#•# 9^ # * 49 *9m , iyg,'.rt-ij • sen# few ta—■■*>>»- **»< a *•««• Ml ta Ik# aitai «A taita# Ikai to ta~ t#ta. ta» tata MM »*«*#' etaNgta. |ta**aAtaJ th# »tw*» tataf have keeta at MM *Bta>| «.. _ .—_ __ 4 w. - 4_a| i I %*N<PA 19 <fc 9* 9 MiP , /***'* */ it* 49ff *99 t***o ** I*4 m**m ! »»9(* #n 4ftft49 m *m* I*4 99* •*• •49*1 i#M ft4«*9l9# 44*9 «t ** *»* “ j | *9*m*4 m f -m*mm* I*4 ft9A»t-* |<A4»* - |*» liaal* 999 4Mft4f9 I *MMf ** | [ f<*m*** 194 #9ff *f4 ##9 t*4 f*#«4P| | mhmmm***. I **** ll* ***/ •* 94"aa49* 49i I fNfcrftl fftfl 994 9194 l» t* *MM49#44 t \ mk* Ml 1*994 «99l til# «MM9 w*** . mm* Iffpiffr# 4tW 9f I#44HMK9I §*¥**/* 49-4 I" mM4 9n444* 9>*41*9499 Iftff4 llftftft# tffit 9f|n 49494* 444K4 »"4*tftwMj I 9*4 4 #»#*#» 9991449 9*4 9199*9# * »*\ ■u****** //m #4 «*# *m& tmmm <«4 MI 4<#*i ni «• 4 4i*ii t*w f/m/4 #9’* 4 *»•! I tat mtat tfelata* ta tan eta-wkoew I Mai fatal auaialtal I Mft aeta that ar#a#ry-aata Ik* aera# es gnu-try' It tal true tiai my lataatieaa w#e# a— 4 t| gtat at tk# ttm# at tartttag that ll Atantalta have pat ta nat-iWsg atattaMl ika dim w*e mmaastM#.” #*ta tkai '. tan k ngat## fat ta#a a la tka vall»y “ | a-.ernl tiawa 1 t*M nataitiAta t* •peak if tk# “wltta llttta ia anils t-M-J reals rttabta# aMM" ••* «A tka hroa*j IN as ' all.-red sntMtaltn* am ■»■■##• j tanta -tal asiH't,#* 1 nrvta **'aM | hdng them in In ttaat carefwlty carat#*#] maim nee w kick tk# facwtaM knf prtae, letter* called far. (ta ptarpone t» get aa Inept ratine N a, parmatapk #f aero# de#er»p««m. I ettmh j eta tap «*•* n>-.r»lt>f ta the tuta «f Imver a; *|- tk- usual predpta-n from urhteb tk# trataltinnal Indtau ••Ifm, k"M Kota, leapt t# feet death- I* ta a eltmhj <.f mmw l*« hundred fnet up a m»'»- db-utar path, ta whir* a ruUtata »t«ai#. If oner atarted. dvea n-»t atop Jta gather ( m,m>- There t# tk# rvenrh Hroata at, the bottom, awtft and <h»«fer«M*. tn ,aa* your foal k*M>e»# t» Mtp na ear •rs these ititaN. It loefce fetal there *• though y»u would g« eight tntta the rtver If vuu should rkanc# to fall Nut you wouldn't. there fs a PtM of rurka' at the bottom, no wkhk you would' really land Kroaaurad of tkt*. w#J climbed »n until »« r*#i bed the top.) time w# ecramhle.l oul on a ledae of roc* about three last wtde. «u» each, ntde of Which was • akeer pTOctptce W»* sat there. looking at the glittering, Kr-m h Bread, which iln-led Ith# a. setting of dumaond* sr-rtind th# #«r»er-| aid of the hotel lawn—and thought of what we should have for breakfast i when we got back. just then It occurred to someone to, tell « story he had once heard about a lovely young girl who fell over a cliff (about »* high »e the one we were oa)j and hung on to one blade of grwaa un-j til wKneone brought help from the nearcat House. #l* mile# distance. Apropos of thin happily-timed aneo dide someone dee started a htg rock down (he Side of (he cliff Our nerve*; Jn ogled, our teeth want like castanets/ and each hair curled Itself Into th# let-| ter 8, a* we watched It go down—down —down. Thai verse of Iswtgfettow'a. about each fireside having one vacant: chair lushed to my mind with atsrl-| ling distinctness For the first time,! we were Impressed with th# philosophy j of th# reply we had gotten from a; mountaineer whom we had met along; the road. W# had asked him if thought that we could get on top of Inver’S and he had an*w-ereii! ••Ob. yea! ye kin alt up all right, hut the mischief lm kin ye git down?” When someone at last said: "CMme, we must be going down, my feet event ed suddenly to take root In mother earth and I felt— •■(Jo one, go all. tht* roclt shall fly From Its firm bane as soon a* I." But we finally started, however, and, to make a long story short, we got down safe, with no bones broken, but to save my life T couldn't remem her any of the lovely things I had Intended to say about the view. Another day T climbed up with my Kodak up to where a lovely view of the French Broad valley, with the "purple peaks" in the distance, smil’d Into the camera. I decided to describe that as tip- P iik from which aeven stales can be seen. I thought that would sound well In my letter and also when I showed off my Kodak views to my friends at home. But unfortunately, 1 used the name plate on which I bad prevlousy taken the picture of a young man on a don key. and so spoiled twu good pictures and a better story. Then for a week the clouds came down on the mountain and completely took the place of scenery, ami nfter that- 1 took to golf. t have only played long enough to liml out (hat "tee" and "caddy" In golf do not hoar their customary relations to each other, but the fascination of it is so strong upon tne that It has not only driven scenery and poetry nut of my head, hut has almost succeeded in severing home ties. I feel that I must stay here until I learn to play, even if it takes me until Christmas. THIS IS IT mm/mm/m* f mm ***** Ainnnri A ,\A FOR ' EARLY FALL STIFFS MO ALPINES ALL t.MADL* $3.00 Just Arrived. DORRS Tiftorinf. Hats. Furmshirifs. ft V Our Patrons Satisfied. \ J Dan l taMpta taa* Ik* ataaagy at J f ta* pttacrfcilia . f«u Aataar I % gtrea fm w|*»k mtum a# V # i.r#f mta the ptatrlty en# Amt. # ( Z / . • -•» ) f yo*f t*M*V ption* I* Hit. r \ Diamond Gloss Black f \ For Grates, Hearths N S gad Msiit i* out* I* brat aad 1 € mast ynputor larg* braua taa % / October Moving. ) £ Don't forget ifeal Aieteatme \ j n*M* *M*ty taaOa ta«r#kta mm W § b**ltkfHl -1 3 protir lint*. W* * V will •ugg**t a>ii to put M aa. t I ttat / Stains and Paints. C i You »•» bav# t« tom fe up. S C Dp wit tb# to.t I’alate. Stains C / and Xneraei I’sluta. Brush to ) / put t!i«M on. te# tta. V \ Alfiander Drm Ciipan j S X* BROAD BT. S TO BE WlUl AT tl-»■ : Just received Wl Klik ITmbretla* to j : be sold at tl IS; also the beet Hue i : of Woolen* In the Market ut re*- t : Konablc prleee. F. O. MER- I : TlNfi, The Tailor »nd Gent*’ Fur- : : nieber. cppolete Planters' Hotel. : : i The hotel le *tlll as henutlfully hept as ever, although most of the summer people have left and It ts simply wait ing for the w inter season to open. All the Apgusta folks hav# returned to Augurta. The British consul who Impersonated "Jack Frost." and the old gentleman with gold teeth, whose smile was so dazxllng, have both van ished. Prince no longer sends up mint juleps to the lovely looking old lady with gray hair who took them "for her health. The young man who showed us his love letters, with pho tographs of the victims, has gone away—"to seek green giris' and pro ton' new" The glory of the summer Is departed. The Jelly liltle card-purler, with their Jolly little rows, are things of the past. The Beat dens have left and the haunt ing strains of "Dreaming" no longer echo in the silent hall room. The tete a-tete benches on the lawn are deaert ed and the bowling alley no longer echoes with the sound of "spavee" and "stripes.” The aeaaon of ninety-eight ts dead. It has slipped away Into the silent Past with all It* friendships, tls jokes, and Its Joys and Its heartaches. Soon they will l>e forgotten and the j dear old summer which brought them to us will seem to have been "Just an other dream." GLEN ALLEN. Beniamin Silliman. rUNi’Miiin Silliman, survivor of the Whig convention which nominated William Kerry Harrison for president, j ...nil .John 'Tyler for vice piesiden*. Inis Jimt C obKtied his 93rd birthday in New York thy. Mr. Silliman U still vlgonus ol intellect; lively of imagi nation und happy of wit OCTOHEn 4 ff na* AM fftaMM *k MM** * * MAI {■•* fftaMA tta *Mta 44# mm* mrntm awta ASH «paA • AMAfehM tal tataai* «*»■ -* -- mam* *** AMI //**/*//**/* mm***/ m*m w - w rtHM* Mrai aam* am# a» *am* Nm | ***** **/*■/ #P **#*!*•' MP /**“ *994 : ft lint ## I99>#» • *9# 4444 <4* fti fftMt s » gM #49999# mt* s*aam* * /***/** : %*** ui# #44 il* l «*#• /* mm *m/* 1 t4#ri#99 LA. Gan Idle DfMkhir Its th# rinANrt D4UG4 AND MCOICINCS : , Uni For Sale! ra* tmmma p m’’i wai a> *<*a **peL-fe ktaMtaMtal Jta* *M Ikt Newata taatatatM taan «*-#•. a*A «M#- M«a aw*—* *#••*«• M •*#*** fWMMtaA *M* Mtat tkTOtafk *# »s«* sta*#a ftatak (tatakM M# Mta Wk* Mstata-at Nltati anfeta row* lag «•»• ta M f»x antaa etavtageata kg J. TV*# l * f •••* A ©a.. , Kta*. «: as>4 m taroata m*mt< mm- M thing DM hMA* aKtata# **A Ata* «•*«• mg ••*#*•• 4 ta* 4 hwt g tackata. ftak* ( amt M*«k fti Not Lot *ta*Mtat#»at» m tomr •* ah**# Aa j m IMaan t. **#**• m m t <•#*** J p dtp »«***•!*■# hark t»**<h tamal . ■>,»•»( t(A fffent • la*k*# aina aaawvat Aa# Maa atasat ta* (*#* j fratat *#ta Mta b# tasap tta tk* Votaata tg Auto itair-!»•#»* ••• «• i •*># • _ #tr**t krtnta • •«*«*#• •* »*» UrOKta ? K#«y pggtawtata wifi In »t*«ta •* *■ 1 ih ak» A*s> «ik*A gragsrty Apply tat ( Georgia Railroad Bank PROF. P. *. WHITMAN, 209 7lb St.. AnrmU, Og •IVs 8 YAM m Tim taw all ostaeta • »i g l.t, |rt.w (*«•■*«( glansa sud WAfeu :#nta. tat into foot ft te* stele you won. FREE OF CHARGE. ■ .—OKUt It JOl* COAL and WOOD FROM THE I North Anguita Coal & Supply Co iquautily and Quality Guaranteed. F- W SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Ball Thune JRd htrowgar MB The Whltely I Exerciser. { A practical, simple and edict cut Home Exerciser, oues peclally adapted for ladlss and children, bu at lha name lima ran ba protitsbly uaed by lha itrongeat nthlate. PRICES: 76c.. H.OO, H.M BICYCLES CL EVE LANDS. f4O up; VIK- , INCH, 138 up, GEN DKO.YS.fIB up: THOM AS, f6O up. Cali und see them. Every one guar anteed. Richards & Shaver Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 803 Reynolds Bt= Telephonei^.n 3 i 1 tivale 1 ~a.. 0 VS irea Blint to New York i Chicago and New Orleant. Orders executed over our wire# for j Colton, Slock*. Bonds. Grain and Pro. I visions for cuah or on margins. Local j securities bought snd sold. Referemcee —National Exchange Bank ol August*, ; er Merxentlls Agenciaw. . j .. Ip