The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 04, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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6 TUFBDAV COAL-COAL-COAL AM* IT* tAH Itf-tUgN **» TNI ICIT ORA©«# OP AM* iY#rr J»u)p> (JOAI. A»#ift«*W *** Kut i»f _ p*— ’ -222 S “"city ice company. m m ft4*#4 WPVVHft*' Itoftt »—Ofr. *-• *** * “ Ift##* am**** mtn* *« fhpwii j#'§t»t mftftft m» li ft— %»■ Hpi . .•« > - - ** * **** * f*HI ffH AJM* #K«*i9* , ftt P——ft—k ] H*M» »»#4l-ft# t—a **4» #RfMA |—ftftß| *##*44 « fcMi» •** WWI « <H • It *■**•• *• f €#44*9".. 44* ft#ft# ! #* *# j* *** I ft £ ft*—# » •« - j ft#»> >i« %■*•##« \» —#•*> • •♦i i j Irf—ft#4 *•*#** «« - ftftftftft## ft*ft * ## 4f **** | fir**4 pftftpftMft ft*—# ■•* ■•#•* - v ■ftftftftft4 *#*♦«• *» •*■ **•• *• T "™ I * T *? Rip ft#f—»yf* ** •’.,** ®*B| ... #* «* *« ♦* «# **N# 6r** ■ immm ** ** *#' W»* ♦ .Aft* ** ** i yv« irvviCll 4M—OW» j m***. •**. —i*»yyM«| •* IlMtf *»»t> •in ISMjft* '* ’ pan*** gnwnMNi **M\m • «... •#~ twiww* #**xb#» «2 **’* S’ t ••44*0* . .i»W ta «•»*• •«• Fbaak* #»*"»•#s • #™ ** fl* £ , a ••# WMt ##4##m#4| t # AW * %m , -» *« • ',•#•» *** !••«#-* in* itiftiA.ipp |« m *2 mm 4w# «## „..I ,7y *■ f #"Aft » 1 RfsS**kt 14 • ! MIRANt. fiil Ra*MW *** Im * !»*— (N* —MM i n,(• «•• ii—» w—». • *.• •** • tmm •—»> «* <* . W» y* 5 H H. f teWNP III’ Aflk- <W4NWi# JR' I Rlv AHi., «NMi lan W ® |l* | AjCjCltMl RA»«rlt#l R4W-.4WP* f oHHnffl3*# M iiWH **N| R|‘ • H •* *. * Om%iHNrßßft, W * * +rn»im * • * ** *• dmiti itii #i it i| ■«. |«An f*. Klfttf f 5! R R iNßilNii 1 **• IHa P RHif « * r 1 1-i (■Mflßf jWUKr flurtKwOl t# fR» *• f rf ohimmk. •• >*• **..y**»' >l I** ‘t' - tt AMUCfftMCW aii«t»ik» ■•'»• *—»— •-»•' •*•• *• *• ** fmi of im imk * t—•• •• •• •*■ fVaH <4 sfc» IM—. *•• UM*«M - •• * ' * CatHrt. >4 Mu—* • •• •• *• *• •* § *"* I AlM** *—• '* !'! fill, <4 «tM n 1 1 , jm, r. Km« T-l M R —«*»»« ..»*-* !T . K t-4 A A utMTtiftf . 11l T 1 - &* * i 4*4 .*. .... •»; "*iit Jn a f»„ KN K •Mucll «J*M»fTfyi •.. 4 *•* I jmn r Kin*. * t*‘i B C ••* T-n. •_ *• •»*»' Jn< f *t'»*• *— h *• •** . Man. .. ~ M 4bo r Kin* M i*c* Mi*.«or . IH; iIMI MTB Jkm+rirm* »htrH«itf» ♦#«•< * %m 4 MWTlmnrk —rtKMM. -_v •J” rktrlrr t— I— MjrM* " * w W*.h»n*«o»<*M*l«*n.»» * Allw » (lu>yl * » *• •• * *"• •in.!*..«■« M PM— . « 4 - • » Awrli nn 1*41» - Ml—- M*M .. •• * •** l Mat.r twin lni>W4> M»*» •• *• Am.rt. »•’ l*4*.<* •**••* ***•*'■*• *• * l«l*fn»lt.»n*l H.M M**l •• •• * All.n * mr—• •**.« •• *• •• J Alien'. Unlu*** J lnd!n Mu. ’ * India Mu. «»« : ■klnaUuii * «*•• • - - llarthn W*«*Un«t*n M— ' * ' Onrnr. » r»dl»nli KIM •• •• Omrt.r Onk», &»*«• * w TICKS. • | 1.1* .. \ i Amo.kM* A C A » »-* Amo.K I '.* A •• •• AmoaknaK C .« .• •• ‘ ».cipr<Ki«r .. •• •; jL rt ;; ( i-" pUAin HOMKfI’UM. City Mill. .. »•• * '■* Four y*rd. *o«d « H» •* •• •• *• *■*'* ] Lodi .tilrUnc. 4**Al ini*. * drrii »lyl»# k*»W .. * * * | Bi. Cl*ir drr*y Ocr.n .olid* .. •• •• * *■’l >u u«*!’.* M" le. •• •* 3 3 ' 4 |ilii rU»n<-ou»lfdinl*. KMII weight .. •••• l-l.i* »** laaett* « yard, plain .. .. .. •• •• 3 ■-* Thorndike B t. * 3 'J Hen ule* *• •• «» •• ‘ l ~* Arooike.g .. .. J J*eUiam, *2 bal 110 box 16 jr. o. T.. 30 balls to box IS E. Cl. P., lb balls to 1b.... .. .. 1" 1-1 Muaroge. B .. •■ * l ’* t; in. b « 1-1 yd. plaid*, be*! make * Blmp*i>n alik flnl*h foulard* Stx 44.. .a .. •* *♦ •• ** '* ** ** ** Pun He mourning. StxSt 4 1-2 cum. .Ilk. 64 x 64 t 1-4 ® Hock port 6 *'• Bigler 64x61 3 Concord. 56x60 3 l’ 4 Rome 3 1 J Keytftcme .. .. 3 J* 2 Fifth Avenue 3 l* 4 KEARSETS. Heavy Columbia, heavy Kearsey S 1-4 Kincaid and other. 0 1-4 LIME. CEMENT AND PLASTER. Lime ‘ oaß6 Rosendale c.ment W. 46 Portland cement 12.75 to 2.25 Louisville cement in paper .well. ..SIOO Piaster In bbls 11-76 HARDWARE. Well buckets, per do. *2.00 Painted buckets, per duz *l.lO 2 H B B ced*r pails, per dos .. .. *1.76 3 H B B cedkr pails, per do* .. .. *2.00 Tubs painted, per nest *1.75 Rope. Manila, per pound # 1-3 Rope, Sisal, per pound 7c Rope, cotton, per pound .. .. lOeallc Nalls, wire.. .. *1.75 bare Naila, cut •• • *l- 45 b * lw Shovels, Ames, per do* •• •• *lla*ll u Shovels, diamond, per do* .. .. *7.00 Shovels, riveted back, P.r doa. *4.75 Plow blades 2 1-3 baSe H4NNM mtk Awi tWR. IP** §m mm*l R • #•<§ INR iWMN. gpi IN# #* &•> Rt lR n#«Mo# i mm m fIpMBM §m m mm i n~***.*> mmm* *** At »*•« »«I M j mm 4 *nwa#. rm# m m -f* At *•*«*• R 11 H * §Pf IN># w«•ti mR R mm* sm» «M# »* »• *i MRR ss#m RUMIMA. N** (Ml im» m b# W j Tfiiiruni ppf Rwk R9t Rt ***** ** 'RNRMfcM’ #4 ANNg|g| pHR #>"—< Rt RRfeR AR Hof# 9m#mi •*» i s** #»**■• y* *• m* 9*o* .WnA —•§ f|a ' , || rmtm na—a a*a Ana . , M M ... HIM A«w TMT-* — **> I |« M „ , « AR9 !#•(#**•., R • I. Ms 4N|R km* urn 1R ] an*. 4 I#* RnR „ »* * R A <NNN R|«l Ifimt «Nf #*,»«•** IN»» 14**1 #anmnma RNR ill .«§*# RR ] ttrnir-a »•*•, nm tmi tn i tti ||N|N4iNiINIMI •**«*%♦ NANI RnSMRi (NiWMNIN HM 4N> l | . RMMRRRR fm MR «* *•»*♦#» «» ». IHw ,** | *AP' nwwwryNi • lit HU nn „|N ••• 1 PV l|K fMI 4NgNiH-N *m iRRR •* •* •* •* *i tiR ••• i 4fc# *•ft mi Maa,, 14 ••• I Jl NR HAT 4 4 tr* RMR * • «• a« lift Mt i Alitftti |'«t HR* •••«•« INI ••• j i 4 A, lift m* *• I*4 ••• ] Ue-rata It K A M| Oa. (IwrMlf.-Cn—N. A An gnat A t.l Fa. IMt *•> ... charlctla —lumiua A An gnat*. *4 r*. itta m Auau»'a —HR. la. 1*24.. ... M ’ami Tnus lx fm .... M *6 Novlhern Raltnay tfm. I*M . .. *T *< rvntml «f ikmtix Railway, let ran— marl. **s. IM* ... •* M T *4 0. br pref ni «....* * f'mtral *4 o*wai* Hatlamy. M pt« 4 Ilk ‘Piww IM* ... IS 16 C. of fl IM p»»f in.. 1*44 .... I • o. * A P., lat SI Pa. I*4* .. H* l*T i Mouth Ueorgdn and Plnrlda 2d vp, taya i«f ... Mouth neural* and Florida td ra. i— .. iM o,.aa *irxm*klp lb., lal Pa 24 ra ia»* I*4 ... FACTORT BI'NTJM. Knlerprtaa Mfg. Co . Ist Pa IM2 IN ... MR,ley Mfg. Co. lat Pa UR . IM aitdey Mfg Co., lat Pa IMg 100 ... 1 Oa. It. It A R. Co. *Usk .. I*l s•* H.»ulhwextei n R. It. Mik k .. ** IM Auguata and Savannah at«» k . M 10# (■RAIN AND I'RtxVIMIONg. oats, white, wicked .. 1* ,0811. mixed, sacked 34 [corn* white, eacked .. »• .. •• 6* Com. mixed 4* Meal, bolted, per buehrl 47H Flour, common •• .. •• *.*• Flour, fancy extra *.T» i Flour, second intent .. 4.M Flour, standard patent 4.18 Flour, fancy patent 4.78 'Wheat bran. IM-lb sacks *» 1 Fine feed. UKMh aauks *0 i Hay—native, per lon 11.00 I liny—Timothy, per lon 11.00 Hay—choice, per ton 14.00 Hama—choice sugar cured .. .. lOallVt j Hmnked rlh side* « 'Dry *alt ilbs * | |j»rd. pure leaf. In tierce* 5% 1 laird, kettle, rendered In tierces. • 1-4 j Sugar, granulated *K - sticks to Her Doll*. Ethel —Mother, ran l lake my wax i doll to heaven with me whe« I die? Mother No, Ethel, you cannot take ; jonr dolls to heaven. lithe’ Can’t I t»ke these tittle bit* Of dollies? Mother—No. Ethel Well, can't I even take my rag doll? Mother—l told you, Ethel, that you ! could not take any of your dolls to heaven with you. Ethel—Well, then. I'll take the whole lot and go to the bad place.—Truth. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Plenty of Husbands. Embarras de Cholx—Maud—l’m aw fully worried! You know you told me if I put that piece of wedding cake un der my pillow l would dream of my fu ture husband? Marie—Yes? Maud—Well. I put it under and I dreamed of the Seventy-ttrst regiment. —Puck. Only steel lined and burglar proof safes used. Money loaned on anything of value at a low rate of interest. Wa terbury alarm clocks. 76 cents. Lewis J. Schaul, Reliable Pawnbroker. 'TTHIHI A CTOTTST-A. HERALD >T» TABLE GOSSIP > J»VH/VM^WW4 ! Wm ftß* ♦4# R *«R*% ftp* RRRRpfei f - ***** - RNMif 4 #Ni4 mm&mm r*r rr* rr *ft#| xwaifMM# I ffß# RIRN I IRiNiIHN ft 4H«MI Rftft 44# 4#ft s grim f-# (Nma #Nd## 1" Tigaiii’ *§* fftMKM 1 * u.g #4] - __ . J tjfift iN#t 4ft##ft ft* NMN'RftftN**ft# , e» :f '*A f%-0* ■* •***' I I • PHB# Imut-M# If 4 t'B ♦ t#* v I ? ttirNNi *• Rft< #N|<Wft* ♦tt%«iNl Nil## l *# **»■*’■* wWI P# IftWWW v'w * [ 4 «*#i 4**ftft**#~ Wftlw# rHßftft- ft** #i # 1 4«i#ftt#ft Vin Wf*k w**f •• P" f# ll #** lißTfVWnr «*r ft#* T« rN M ftniH # 4«* j ta. bed M the HM *»H«« rwveewd by <be ralla « b* *|wv left I k»faf«s Ibe-Ii Aar eg pa IM tab. A recently pwMMdwd teller •*>”»« that p f|, Konaettl narrowly emapnd. • I ,«r rrlete of bM career (vine forced to beicnme • telegraph drrt .laatead of a pri-triM and a pn*bet of Ike gospel of pre- Raphael!*m. ft la atale4 Ibat Ibe merrbandlae car rwd by rail la the I'nttrd mates la don- Ms Ibe amount of land carriage of all the atber naibm* nf Ibe earth rum bin d . This means that 7a.asa.oM people nf the it'nlred mates irsnste'Tt tnlre as mm h ! merchandise as the remaining 1.4 M MS ! ..f mankind I J Fnsler Fraser, tbs cycllsl, who Is I wheeling around the world, ntll he bark In lamdint In a few daps, and mil I publish a honk describing his adven- v ture# in the mans <4 lbs autumn It' •111 give an kccotmt nf a Journey ex ' lending over I*.SM miles la rlghte-n different coon tries i There ta n eusptcisn In New York , that some nf the theatre managers re-, I fact -vrrlrhed aggroga Ho*>s of musi cians for their orchestra# In ord»r in drive the men In the audience lo drink l» tween acta, and that ttisrr la a deal betwrsn the managers and the neigh-, j baring as'oon It neper* ! one of the question* of the day In England la: "Who shall write the pro* I | H iaed life of the late lord Randolph 1 (’’hurrhlll?” Hl* *>n. Mi. Winnton ' i*hurehlll may undertake 11. hut It la I deemed hardly proable that at thl* ear-. I |y dale the ronfldentlal alate papers re lating to hi* father * political affair#, will he Raced at his disposal. Much Interest la felt In the volume of poathumou* poem# by Victor Hugo,| which la soon to appear under the title "Le# Antic '* Funeateu." These poem* have to do with the political Incidents of the period of the second empire and. therefore, recall In a way "Le* Chat- Imenls.” Competent erlllca who have pecn the hook In manuscript »ay that aoaie of lla pooma are fully as tine aa nny of those contained In the earlier 00l lection. Remarkable Rescue. Mr*. Michael Curtain. Plainfield, 111., makes the statement that ahe caught cold which settled on her lung*. She was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He told her that she was a hopeless victim of con sumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consump tion: she bought a isittle. and to her delight found heraelf benetttted from the first dose. She continued Us use. and after taking six bottles, found herself sound and well; new does her own housework, and I* as well as she ever wa*.—Trial bottles 10c of this Grent Discovery at Howard * WllleCa Drug Store. Large bottles 50 cents and *I.OO. Bennett’s Appointment. Jairie* Cordon Bennett, proprietor of the New York Herald, has been ap pointed a representative from the city of New York to the lnternAtloual con gress of public art, to convene in Brus sels • ext wet k. The appo.c nent comes from Mayor Van Wyok Mr. Bennett Is a pillion of art In all its forms. His Wish. The Grand Vizier was ambitious. “I think," said he, "that my head will he on a medal some day. "Ha!" said the Caliph. “Good idea! I’ll have it , struck oft at once."—lndianapolis Jour bkl. J 2 X—t— i.l I■J. I GooD IUCK BAKING POWDER, 15 THE 3£5T. - ■ Hitfh««* of All In lnv*»i* i inn Pobboc. MUM. I»f AIT FN RENT $ p W w***n ft## mm NRfM# 1 9t« itNUf ft tmmrn* „* H R« lift mm* IN*# • 9*mmm •• #* mRR! j 111 ■ ft | B It „ fttt itii Vni « Wat ft wmum M M «« tft ftft | H f ... * _• a «AM ftft ftft | | p wv»%* * **%**rn** *m at## jifi j UAJLUMfa f%m ItM «R ft# i Nftilf~i ft mm Rftf 4* i, Clarence E* Clark, Im| Batata. •» Rr«*4 •» I FOR RENT t n wHirr* H'sc«hi on oitm BROAD fTRKI.T Mft Slffi#ft mrNM, I# vs ~ SC C# 444 14# y •« m t 4 rift*## * • •* *• 44 -44 Bl Etna street, t rwnxwa .. .. .. I# M 7x3 MNIe street. T r«ome .. .. .. U.M 344 (JfitlS* fifwt, * tiMHOt *• •* 44 44 IlSi dvwft# #9r##(. • mum# •. •« M S 3 S3#C ilff* m> iitfH, T room# »• •» U.M 03 4Vn#lc4 *9 1 % room# .. .. Ift «4 33ft W#l4#r 9 v#ftw •• «*•* f 4 ft W xo«li#*»n Ar####. 4 room# •• •• W ft A %*#«•##. 4 mom# •• •• »« Ift 99 MoCit# fl###, ft >mi### •• •• *# 13 44 | H”#** ft Hill. 9 room# •• 19.99 Room* i# d##lflbl# Burst lo##. OFfU'ICi 13# fß*V#Bth .. •# a. •• •• 9* M m ft#v##ill 9 39 1 tAbw Rang* - • » I U> Bang* • » TM Keys.. Id. .tree* re » “ ftTOlllCft - 8U IMNxxd *1 real.. A !! Ml HWiad street ~ V .. .. •> » w ™ 613 Brxxad street U' 00 111 Bros'* street .. p <* 62* Rfoad street W* 027 Broad street #'s 62* Brxmd street .. # * s 630 Br. ad street „\ ®* 741 Hilt* street •• • Part of desirably situated Broad street store. **re< dally adapted for dressmaking sstahhahmebt. Th* above Hat wIU be changed from day tn day. John. W. Dickey Real i:*tate Agent. FOR RENT LIST CHANGED DAILY. 515 Lincoln, 6 room* IM<> 323 Telfair. 8 rooms JA.OO 1336 Jimes, 7 riKim* 25.00 J 33 Ellis I*6o 335 Walker. 8 rooms H.OO STOHBS. Cog. 9th and Barnop JIO.OO 3M Mclntosh :. 79.00 537 Broad 20.00 656 Broad 27.10 |j. B. White houses. Broad street. J B. White houses, Jones street. Get prices at office. L. F. VERDERY, The Renting Agent. To Rent Store and Residence at 1265 and 1207 Broad street,' One of the best stands in the city for a good Grocery Store, or in fact, any business. The House has six (6) good rooms, a good yard, and is very convenient. Apply or Premises or at 808 Broad St. i. CALL f Oft lugusia Brewing Co * •JCPOftT MkMi B E I. L E O W GEORGIA m ’ , 'j m* 4 Our Orauftht Beer Has None Superior. fft f,|r M»ft AUGUSTA BEER. I mw*—— 'W— in *■».«■**—an •*———•S—N j RfAL » ; .ST ATI.. FOR SALE; IVI hare Mr as*, regy daimkl* bNM4- »g ’m ieraxed m thaasntre *f oa# ml ika | l andxßxaxal Mark* M tbs rNy. Wilt sail j ■aaax rery (bag. Ja*a ib* 9*k* fc* a baa Mums ruMaai* Ire yeau Max Hi- thM idia*. CALL ON MRS. JfIRRV O’tIARA. NO. IJI7 GUM.NR STHR irr. FOR RENT. MO. 944 KM.l.# 4TRRRT. milaDlHn ' tbr## itorlf# high, rontiinuif #l##a9or, i #l#. —##H#Afr dFflfiNt f«if wftftlfiil* j buffln**#. Prl<f 994.99 i**r month. JOHN W. DICKEY, Real Estate Agent. H. R. MITCHELL, AI.KX. M< DONALD ttnpt. a. i on. bag. A uau. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 111 Mrlntosh ktreex. F.ledncMupidiw—-yaaking Tub-*, atb.ate. | H i nr* to all e lectrical apiaranu. El* trie Light W.riug a *p*cmlty. i Bail ’l’hoa* W 4. - - - Ftrowgar *7«. MOTHER! A When yon start that great boy of yours to school hava him well drersed: It will en courage him in hla studies. Our Boys' Fall Suita for school wear are of the quality and tailoring that easily please the boy and satisfy the mother as to serviceability, styte and economy. Don't buy him a cheap, shoddy suit; tt won't stand the wear and tear, and is the most expensive in the end. It all depends on the store you trade with. We do not sell shod dy suits at any price, but we do sell all-wool suits as low in price as other stores ask for the shoddy kind. Our prices run like this: $2.50, $3.50, $4.50, $5.00, $6.00, $7.00. ALL SIZES. L. SYLVESTER 826 Broadway. next~time YOU HAVE A HEADACHE USE Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWARD A WILLETT DRUG CO. lUUAOdh k*jA»K**vt •** Chirlnion I« CtroliM • ft e ft#ft • # fteftft#ftftft 4# ft4R#Nftft ftftft# r Aft*#M(M» 4|l #Rft*ft 4 #ft "m I4R - I * ummmm***** ** I * CINRRftRPRft«HMHn o**o «*| • #■%#► aft*### ■ *WBRR WWRRRftiMft jMßPPlti'' l * ■■MRHHMHRft «epw : I I * BKjieejfti !■■■ ift 11 * •ftjjßft ■*#**■>+*• I * •-1 *•- **** I QrBHRHE«« I * wtitiT MBMR'' -... 'jjpf I « j&NfIiRRMRft *»i»e ■ ?w'4Pft*# 1 m rnmmmmkm ■ ***** rmjrr ****s*** * RRRpHßftii *»'»<i»'« 4l *#>>!# •#► . ■ * WK'tM't i■- i. jpm* I IR# ft 7.f ?■ 4#Rftft. * ft.;;ISBHP I II m t. ,n#|;. * | ftftßHßft * I Aft RRRRRpb •#•*#•« •t"*# ** ftftßftftft **" I * mmSm ***• **a*.**mmh*| IRRMR#—*** *■■** 1 * 000000 ***** * j Mjlßft; - •** *■* * | • ftNpMftNb - 4 rrTT- - - !»•*»•••*I fUIRR I £ UEB» * *o*oo 000*00 ••e#| Mm I * fw*m* *OOOOO ** I ■>H9? i # I«MHR' 0000*,***. * »•'• j * Til tti M** ‘ **m I PW|NRv *•*«» *>i>tt I J RftMft ' JRyfti I * mrnmmm*o n *«*«* i ftRyRI fT , liEy(ygr* ,i, * I m irnptmmm J&i** o*o*oo* §* »>***| * | *W* m*9m~*o*** *oo* 14RpM» MR— I * pr—RMß** *•« 00* »•««»•* | Mhb I 'lm—tee* -»••••*! M—Jffil * fpg— I * ftRH TIM «mnUmh. Ilft—ft 4# 4ftMw#Nk. *,*.,*.. .- ' " I | t ftftft ftl Mfftft ftNftft ft »’•♦**> » ♦>#> #N# wa > »i*wa ax 6 ibsw* FaM ba *- |MM , as • A. 1> , , *1 IS II aSMI ' >1 as bxwxpxarssl P* M gagpw .•*».!. a*4 * #• p 43 **** ttgs a*aks* has* Aw* PsaabsaA >*****•« I fa* swt *, axw si'.p kx6**x»s ss SAPS •Mb mmMa SM. aAg*MB «,* IR4W.IP* r*s tp t- M pnl, Oil AweOb* %gb t.M BWi-Wdxb. Irnißs ■sasgM l«Mh. BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD. M C. MUTTIK Mr**** ImiX ,M tksaxbws l F'eM Ass lx F$«M #**d übx rwxs i o**» «*• tt's'g a N'» * 1 Is, tw» a bsuxa twir !*»*• s NaU Nxx4 £ >*• » *•* ; AM FM » iMftx* lasts :M !**• j ta A- t<m » , AsdMSiaa ..A * MfH • It M* gg f|„ M Dmwx ...I) Mlllfl la at I IS I* ..... A»»«k ..... ft • OMM ® 111 t ill Nad*i«a .a t Mil 43 I «• I #g|# Ctrl*? x-rasAf f t Mil U j * tt *•"*!* AdLan's OIMfl fl H« U *» I 3 | »;M .. 'fKNACA «■-!►:* M , * Ilf j i 1* 5| i s Wsatt t'xiksa * * *w, I n 8... Malta wa a* HI • u j-M I llswx ArrIVPjFM FM. Ma t* NA« ?•;»» s*i | 9 Wsgulsr AtAttab. F. FVxg St*t*on j All rwaukxr «rains fmm Aadsrsns ** 1 WalbalM bavs tight I* Iraxb **« trains *d tbs sauna rtaaa assvlkg la •*• j pnaxis dlfwtkMk ante#* stbstwlaa agac- Hied by train <*rd«ra mil AM» Step SI Wbsbf IWtlxM j lo taka n«M«* psasenger. Pkla- | ksy A Jam a and MMf springs No ’! connect, aritb Axmlbarn rail way Na. U at Akdsrann. Sam * and i canned xrith A,Other ' misty N<s U sad *7 •» PesMca J. R. ANDKRWON. Buper'nleadent. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. mnRTICWT AND QI’ICKKBT ROOT* TO TM* KAiT AND NORTH. 1 Many Av- Augusta. Ga At ! T litis i,t m La Aiken Ar 1 7 l*am [ «. ITpcnil L».. Denmark. ..Ar I 6:l7pm ( 4 86bOil Ly.-• Oraogt''g....Ar 6 team i • aapmi Lr. .Kumier, A. C...Ar | 4 2»am I.Mpmi Ly.. ..Flaraara—Ar | * 28aro , M liumJ Ly..,Fay*ttsviHa . Ar I i«pm 121 am! Ar Petersburg, Va. Ly ; * 12pm 4:6oam' Ar.... Richmond ...Ly ! * !2pn» T:4l*nij Ar.. Washington..Ly i 2 44pm » 03*ml Ar... Bslttmore ...I.y I 138 pm ; II 36am 1 Ar.. Philadelphia..Lv 111 dapm ' l:*lpmj Ar... N#w Tork—Ls | 116 am j Pullman palace buffet sleeplr.g cars j from Macon and Augusta to Nsw Tork without .-hange. R. A. BRAND, Gen Aft., 723 Broad At., Augusta. Oa. T. M FMERRON. Traffl' Mmuger, H M EMKRSON. Gen. Pasn Agt. Augusta Southern Rai - road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd. I*#*. | Lv. Augusta . .. #■** •- m 5:21 l>. m.i Lv. SandetavDln . I I# P* m.! #:6# p- m.' Ar. Tennille .. .. 1:30 p.m. *2l P m. Ar. Macon 3:45 p m.I 3:65 a. m. Ar. Dublin 4:20 p m.i Lv. Dublin 'l° w *■ **•' Lv. Mscon .. •• 11:3* p. m. 11:55 a m. Lv Tennille. . . 5:15 a. m., 3:10 p. m Lv. Sandemvllle. 5:25 a. m. 3:21 p. m. Ar. Augusta . *:OU a. m. 7:16 p. m. Eastern Time. Close connection made at Tennnd'e with Central It. R- tor Macon, and wl h Wrightaville and Tennille R. R. forj Dublitv and Hawklnsville. C. W. JACKSON. Gen. Fgt. Pass. Agt. James I'. Jackson. Joseph H. Sands. Receiver*. He Georgia Solar Gas Company SOLE OWNERS. For the right to Manufacture and Bell the INTERNATIONAL SOLAR GAS MACHINE IN THE STATES OF GEORGIA AND SOUTH CAROLINA County rights for sale. Write at once for full particulars concerning the Machine and Light. The public is invited to see the light and machine which will be on exhi bition the balance of this week at 744 Broad Street, MASONIC BUILDING BELL K OF GEO It G 1 VY OCTOBER 4 MiUKIAO mi*****»s.♦ MMB sTtiT Mliwu CO ftftft •ft ft ftftft#*— ft .ftftft smmm ftpftft *•*# tK«#wfti# ft.#*# iirlT ft## I##* : •tft *% ?* pEBPW *. % . M*. ##*•- i* « ft— ft# HNftftft fti—ftft ySrfftTiiT ftftft Iftftftf 4* 4# ji——ft4ft<ft— L 0 .#»mr# f# Mu*** t • * p>i mil’** * i * m I* ft *ootim, 000*0* l* rftftM## £.ft##| iS—iafti ft ftft fj— **££ ft lftftft 4*CftSfttK>i« A •■tftftf ft *##• ftHftftft * I Wftft*44ft##***»a 4tftftft 4« ftftft. i**, tft## 4* 4ft— t L.r *». • * * 0 * f 1 ft—•» ftft tft— ft— tft# C# ift«## l • ¥•# T r*%.M *## i t y» ft. ?M* ■ w OO -• * • 4# 41 ft# I # CM## ft I *Nfc# ft* >«ft* ft ff mm i# ft ? o## A • #«# 000 f JMM# 4* ftCftwM ; ft# ft## 4 «##t .ftft# 4# **o*ooo . * *4fti ICM#MM ft ##ft ft## t«p*t «<«•##! •## #"#4 mmm ft* f # F4* #pl#cftft#ft# sogoom mm ft# om ><4# i#ft4l ft##ft ft— #l i#n : *ooos ftpftfM—b _ I, ftftft&ft t.A ftftß—f Heft—l 4 Iffift* IMft—l4 •aasaej.Gw* Ad* #iw |,— a. ».* I* COUTHtRN RAILWAY. " -SR~ _ ••■' w«s a Mb ttuntml j wan, husx, *- s-tu*. p<'4M> be """" I• •» •?# 4# Omm# aaa *», j *wp aw* LToxM'xwaM'M*** ""-jit*'' Jt£ £ VWhaxg A* bp »*•TJ 4 I, aSsmla **» **» • laaswa . .... I I 8K >1 M ft xwxawtiMVa daft !•“a **• .'.(wllwli* . i Wjl 4*x* Fl * I ferW *#• - -T?? - | in* : ix» • LzTsm I f Mpt tMS Ax WWW . ' J ' 4f (LI|OR# Cl •’ #l* ** ft# [CTtii wapaw* HfSr Ar W.*e*M .... -1 ' - iT*** .■ ■ . Mpi iMs Z I *•*; *•» *££££f*ak..7:."|Ta: its: • RJms In Us IMS » R“ToSr .... ;»«*>, . Na. ft Na. M l>aii, Haxir. Ls Mew Yotb-Pa I* ... i isj Ultae “ huxsisMMa- . . 1 *Mp 3 3** * Maitnaae* . ..... j •*x •■ s Ls Will'isa, *o *> ' a*» II Ui Lx bikbxareM ■ RMxd l»«tsi Lx las cm* | *ii aUp L*. IfwMfc ... »■»” Ar. Ursa*pair* | • x»# . L* Oraaaebers I IMs l|» * KZmB • - M Na neap • Sam MM* 11*1 * wlaaaasr*. II 41 a I* Na ArCol tubwpi *W M *te» IK* u.ulnnaTa w*'t. I i4|> 4'Us | * JsISMSSba I lg|>! #O»X • fisaxoa .1 lAy *»* * (traansstU* I Igj 7 >6s [Ar Augusta . I i llj l#*a ) ‘.h»vij» J! ig ft Im Ls 'xpariaasurt .. ■ 11 *>• aUp IL* OaChis'g.r M# »y 1 1® V 7 «»* Ar Ckarlsstaa * *opj II •<* CVailH* p7*P By .. ... ill 46 * It « * , '* Mvaaaak 467 p ftika J*. 3»>nxlU* 9 Mpl # Ida •I ppeixtxt PAR xggTK I Hr -UsaA daily pamagar xsrsxe* hsxasea Fiend* and Wsarlsrk. _ K«s 37 sad m- wasbtagtaa sod Saaxkxro'em ' 1.1 IT red Jpttd Vssdhttled tram with dining cars sad nrst eiaa* euaehes aorth of (-Ssrlot'e Pollman draxrmg roxan Aespingoar,bstwc a Taaipa, Jarkamxdll*. eaxsncan. bashugt.>B andNea fagk _ Pu.lman glxn-ptag Cara betwesn Cbarloua and Kiohmoad , . Pullman drsxxtngronm sleepXn* ears hs tween Grwxilwroand Norfolk <mw ix>»nie *l<m at Norfolk tor OLD POINT COM FORT, arriving there tn time tor brxwkfaet Solid tram, with Parlor car*, between . CharieaMa and Axdmstß*. N.W 38 and aa—lT. 8. Fait Mail. Through i Pullman drawing room buffet ,kwpmg care ha- I tween JecknunrtU# and hew Yorx and Pull man steeping ear* between Auguata and char lotto. Pullman abuping care l«dw#*n Jack am villa and Columbia, en rout* daily between iackaoa sills and tinctnnatl, vm Ashavill* RANK* (4AJ4NOh, J. M. CIXP. Third VP. k Usn. Mgr. T M.. Washmeton W. A Tt’RK. » H HAMDW K g. u r. A.. Wggklng*— « P- A- Atlanta. GEORGIA - • RAILROAD. (90th Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24. 1611 Pullman Sleepers between Macon and Nsw Tork. ; Through Pullman between Au gueia and Bt. Louis- Lv Augusta ~| 7:obami l:20pm|10:30p!n Ar Atlanta ...112:36pm| »:20pro| 6 00S3N Ar Macw ....|H:lSamj I 6:45am Ar Athena ....|l2:lspm| 7;3opm[ Ar Gcln«*cvnie|*3:46pm|.a !•••• •••• Ar Whit* PI e|*l :00pm| 1.... .... Ar MlH'gA'le .!l0:10am| 4:3oaa* Ar Wash'ton ..|Xo:lo*m| 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves Augusta dally except Sunday at 8:15 p. m.. and ar rives at Milledgevilla at 8:10 p. m. Tralne arrive at Auguarta 6:18 "** 7:45 a. m.. 1:20 p. m.. and 8:28 p. nj. A. O. JACKSON. O. P. A. JO* W. WHITE. T. P. A- CAROLINA ATI) NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule tn Effect, March 6. ISDB. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta, Southern Ry.. 8:30 p.m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 a.m. Leave Chester, C. & N. W. Ry 7:45 a m. Arrive Lenoir, C. & N. W. Ry 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir, Stage 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park. Stage 7 ; 00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage .. 7:30 p.m. G. W. HARPER] C. F. HARPER, President. G - p - A -