The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 04, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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net a mm** nt*. to tMMMMMttgfll ft—**** A M W* I~ VV •"•*• I AMM £ggg(|pt> K*» 4* #*4 i || iKi Us* He#*** #****£*« V MA- A » • *»•—•*** * f *** • * V ————*— AM A— **: Hr* —* A****** * • **** •* **♦* fr*t ##«»■-« id Hit IWddirt* «# *%* •*# -dj Mi Id •*§#*«**«•'•»** tint Ml «MH «4 M iH |PiM» id» #4 t*» W Mdd P*H iWM Mliit tJIMI ###» #%» AMH|#I K§ tMRP** It fff #* iMfHNI #n4 H #k§ j V t|* *«—4 Atw «4 •*#•* # j H |r. gs. in in mil a* ntn# g#§ dNPd* Idl’ did H*» •* i**w* i 14.** ta#* p9M* TH# idddMi •* ■**; (PdKMNd wlMd flfpallf Nn fM m 40M| •» Mi flfMf *»*••*- ♦##• TMf»«4*l #* Ilk# *4! v—< Q» • **•— Brt W—* If f— »* <4 —a wA*«a AaflMfl *to— «•* *" V**« art A** A* trt*4 »—•# '* •A' gwiw Bflto It* to— »«♦*** '•*■* $ |d# «Mfl HMI #f 41 •** ' rtJWtol TV H <•*» •»*'■ Am I* f«** ••*•*■ I A A A )»‘A* M* *—•■*• «l (A» (Atortrt »*>!'»< »—i • •**• **f * ***>k *f NM t*rt *f— I* t J Am« • to*|At tA* Art* *** *» **•»* *• |H|-‘i W* Itoi'fl— A** W *4l * ,<*• m At* t**» »t * *» Ami*! TV «*•»►**■»** «* ll* At# •111 f . —1» •»** AA* NA *•*"! fg,i -tt M «V— A— «4V* «**tfc* t*#** ll» tkto •»* U, II I. nw, tern**'* 1.. I nrrr far*— l * «*•»•-< 't r *’ H,, 8 . n M (An to • A** *. li V MM frt—4* »• « • —'t*—■ mi Mil *w mmM »«—aA • tot— AAA WA- H i inA Hto Um AUI A* «*•**»! A***rA»*Ato* tA* into to WWW luPAfA • lt*M' w* <A* W Wtofuw iVto—Ato AAA *AWI Mtno* totwr A .WWWiU* •« ". v -wr* «w A—* Mli*to A* —WAtAA •* «M«Awr t. Art lA* Aw—• m*r* mm w.i.wrtMAw* TA* Aw—A; ■Air-f*~* to «wry MUto Tr— tow X* 4I«MU Aw 4 Aw A* ArtWM *•* MkfliAStwA wwA Awaito*. TA, «Urw .. .W .4 to—U. 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I—l *—«*—% to. —A aw 4 atom ww a—tolto «’•**•** gttcwtw* wawA*e 4*r to A#W **•’* i PA—rtawa A*4 »***• A— ww tort—• ’ iwtaff. * *»to«4 *4*to*4 Irrtwa •'ttArttor < MHi.ia —* »• w*» •**•« tor ww4 wwr*; ■ prM* (to A*aa toall* ww— a 4a. *4*4 j j« —m nmi" I niiwliwwto ito** waa - ilk— »«■*»- **4 waa *— * •*• to— ] | kw— * toy waoto *w* **ft a— —4 ' iA* rtww* ®f —rtAaW tfcflto Aw to* s laAort* law to fry iA— **rty *• «—toj Ml* a* M*w»a»4 A WAtaf**. TA—toy wtoAt *• A'ltola WAU— }— a *wftr n *Aw nrt4*« a< Ma*to*ta t V 4 Ala Ml to* rrt o« Ay •**— a Alia V WA* —*lMl« • 04* • **»** j TV ***** •*• —toft— iw a Irat*. ww | lA* roar >4 IV l*#t rm r. ww4 Ml o* mm Aw* atiytw* Mta—ac lA* «*to raa orwr Alai M* waa iwVa Iw tV Of*4f Atofittal atom It •** •Mwwaarr i« atoprtair IV i*f >— V low tv A*•*. ____ P—ota. (AmAla Vftat Ousa-ftwiwto. ttarrtaptto A AKAarAtow V.a4 Ana ciMtota. B I*. Ifarrlupto* 4 RHurw** ««. nd hand t'lal■>>#. *; to. AmerVww dnuto* Wrt—l rt«4"l II to Ototar. Maa .Itdia a— liawl-' WMw**. I to* * ‘wata. at L J. Hi haul. Hell*Ola rawllbruVr. WEARY’S DISAPPOINTMENT. THJD -JLTJO’O'STwAe HICJK*AeI-r5 A Mfcto Atff loto n»l ■ ''##|hß?S^^^omi| > ftw * tof to As aw. ■ *wa *. www* * to ****** *Aa —a to Mwwww #— w— ff ,-tt Aw At* toil a* ■ ... ft* At** 1 AfAfl Wato Wf *A* ***a»to *4 t|W —i a , arm wf a—*—• *W4 tßw >*»•*« ma lt aunt m——• 4c*.*4tof V a (A**a A*A**l A* fly** * to A:** j .Aw a—awto Art V BA ****** to fflwj etna «—tap «aaflMA***aa If* to waa I pa* IV nw *t— «t Ml *— W*w* *a*4 •t *<*to flf «A# .—*> « - to *•* | waa »»*•— V— A— to#*— *•—» V I I Iflil—yniwi tofIAWMM • —to* to toa I j tv >'"—«* n«—iWtaa A— Am* { j*Aa«fl— Ay tit* MtwAfla *f •» tow—. ;fMi A* ww— wAw wwmfl to* to* to—, j ta* wwA * *»■■*<« A> t«awa to* tow— —fal*n Art ft— —(paw—** toj —to tAtow wtw. •* *A Ity to* • I at— Aa* tw— —la*m* 4a— •••* tp, IV«aa*a »wrtw — y.toVto —at——w. MMW* to tv tort* ** tv W •'* MW Awgrt V tort tort M t* a—* toi pa •—# toWA *V II lui—iV fl*4 <V * t'#oM# to d'd«fi #1 h# * mm* Hi" frvto w——tato am A—»_ y—aa r»n«4w*w— fa »* flam IV **w4— *— ,—T— It— ta a twtto raawrt rt •—% j Mi tV art A— Aaf4* wawA toa#4 *•. V walk— warn #W4 •aatwiw— a tM4 «f #W» wrt— to j tea— ta to—A tAytaw. * V- ••»* Aiy wad i*i#»*tflWM twtwi— ptow— WAWA Aw WAPS VA— —f•• **•*• art rtflMy Awtoa —4 VA- w* •—! a .at# M *A4* m— wa VA— *—*j A— a— iai— I *irff mrtWtolty si ww** wiwit to tort* V tw— *w*rtw«» a* IV Artt* lAa—flA tV VAI M to rtww iA at V Artt A— W* Mart to— MW —i Am map a— p—rttiy ta«m tVa tAa- V t »*»ik* Am— wok Walla Aam A— an at tvaa *wl**4 eteert «w«. wr iA— Ay Art— *| «|i —tty >—fl .n*( —A* *w4 wA— A*—— wp— am Aiwad iw V —to* *«rt ***** lAwl Awm Ww* m to* *o*ir ll • V*—A* WwwtoA worm af—' *a*A to—. »# feiiwd ta*44r TV* Vm M* Aawrd nf rims A** I— tAla VI4 to tV a—a* f Hill* 4*tßM* wa* 4o— V tAt* ww* lari »wwr *w4 M A* alw— tAay *»" frot>iAiy aVi maoialto*. oa —w I*ll to 4w. RVAamltk* will apprariaie * **• aatil aHarhwto*l roaatoO— "f ■ < tampiop plat* wAIaA I* f***r»*4 tw owe *a<t of the an*" a— o*wr.ied try a ievrr to Awld a pto*-e of ta#«*l >• f>- iH too for work • «- | ‘QHsiJfca H Mb * ' I CASTOWA f jj# u > i i ; .« * I divNMirwfit , j I MXff tm Aw— J—r.W—* “f ? I tarn* t—r pt wwarrh* | NOTICE! ; an4 after this date Subscribers to Exchange of the Southern Bell Telephone and Telograph Company will be given Free connection to the following places: BATH, S. C.. EDGEFIELD, S. C*. CRANITEVILLE. S. C.. JOHNSTON, S. C.. Sonten Bell Telephone & Telesrapli Co., W. H. ADKINS. Manager. JOHNSTON TELEPHONE CO., W. A. Giles, Present. pyv 7\ i I/ \ / \ T(P"U& Is/ \ / \,9 cv*hf)on V \ * | / iXPoiilifipi i \‘f \hirdMtl*ff\ I \t VCwtr* (Ul\ I y \ Kary f,ne*\ =^S, Coal, Wood and Cedar Posts Blackjack Wood Sawed .... SO per Cord Good Dry Pine per Cord Good Dry Pine, long, . . • #2-75 per Cord Special prices on three Cords or more. Best grade Jellico and Hard Coal, including the celebrated Indian Amount a in, at lowest prices- R. H. SIKES, 904 Marbury Street. Btrowger ’Phone 740 ------- Bell Phone 2151. Hotel Sit Claire, r,5 iihtroit. men. iA baoliitely Klroproof, f /J'liorou|?lily Modern, , Central location. Haadquartara For Southarnara. states to sj. s« r~ — i 1| t: Ji w* TWfjr » 1 ' WM. P. BEYER,' Proprietor. CASTDRIA | wf tt»fA»l* anif OilMftoto The Kind You Have Always Bought Bear* the / a Siguatun' /jLvr ft JS* The n,/* V/ You Have Always Bought. hSTORIt fl—rtflnato *rt •!»•#*. ••# •••• •d I *. LANGLEY MILLS, S.C., TRENTON, S. C„ VAUCLUBE. S. C„ WARRENVILLE, S. C. A NEW BOOK BILLIARDS mt JOHN A THATCMKR ('tiiMnii r*r«rt»» nwu«»»»irt*ii .*f f»WolN li, »in iter «l N ■]. Uw i»nKtni lourimuißi vm rsturt •ltd II" unit pi«>*r •***■« h< hmfif, IWMM*, ***d !vm lit 0»u »r KHirnanifßi OF INTEREST TO EVERY BILLIARD PLAYER PANTIAI CONTENTS. 100 04AGNAMS Of A OUAMION SHOTS. SCMAEPSN S STAAKIMT NAtl NtJNSS. STENT STYtS Of NALKUNE QAIM. Alt NUNSINU POSITIONS MINCH OONNEN QAM l STOAT Of 04AMPIONSMIP GAMES ANO INTENNATIONAI CONTESTS tIST OP CHAMPIONS OE AMEN'CA ANO TOUNNAMENT NIOONOS. ITO. Tlw author fl«i» inaay, «lu*t>l« •,igjr«-»t}on« to unt ie* wlio ti o-rt" in r<*narrrl**r Ih. oirtjiod.wiiplit)"! I.y Um world * ejtpcru. It will «ttow jrou HOW TO PLAY Clotl, 75 Flexible l eather, SI.OO. tttpMltw M>r,s«lt|llich«. amt, prepaid. to toy addrea* on receipt of price Aapsta Eieaiit Herald REMOVED TO 711 BROADWAY. E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils, Daters. Pads, Badges,&c 711 Broadway. Augusts, tia. Stronger Phone ‘MZ, THE HERALD STANDARD yyAR ftTLAS It it popular btocautoo It It *utt what th« Bretot8 retot fw*w»p*prtr-»M*cimii pubUc wdPtja Thto laps art larga and cloar. amHuliy douHo tha mi/if of any othMfM putwuhod. Th«y art beauti fully printed In five color* on heavy map pap# r IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WAR GEOGRAPHY you will find thto Atlas «n mditpentablo aid. It will help you to obtoervr thto dally changtoto In the siiunt.on, and enable you to keep pace with hifctory. You Need An ATLAS! (Jet llic Latest and Uk*l— —•*> Contents of The Herald Standard War Atlas: Cube .... 14x21 inches The World - 21 *2B inches WnMndlfli ... 14x21 inches North Amsrtc* - - 21x28 inch#* * fAawtWfl »#Wt* list*. South America - - 14x21 inchss to —l'flwfm . rtd4rt Bdatof to mSBW— Philippine Island* - • 11x14 inches Hawaiian Islands - - 11x14 inchss Europe - 21x28 inches Spain and Portuftol - - 14x21 inchss A S j a ... - 14x21 inchss Mm—lag —w Tr—-SAArrt— HaMraafl. Africa ... 14x21 inchss Oceania and Caroline Islands 21 x2B inchss China - 14x21 inchss Harbor Charts, showing Matanzas, Santiago de Cuba. Havana, Cienfuegos, Manila and San Juan; also Cardenas and Santa Clara Bays, and Island of Porto Rico. Do not confound this Atlas with the cheap smaller Atlases now on the market, it is just out, and entirely new. , The Maps are clear and distinct, and twice the size of any others published. Rand-McNally Maps are Standard of the World. You can be sure that you are getting the best when you buy The Herald Standard War Atlas. Remember the Hain Point The Herald Standard War Atlas cannot be purchased at any store in Augusta. HOW TO CET IT—City subscribers may call at our office, or may. order the Atlas through your regular carrier. Out-of-town subscribers may obtain a copy by remitting 35 cents to the Atlas Department. Address Augusta Herald, Augusta, Ga. PRICE 30 cents—PßlCE 30 cents YOU CAN'T BEAT IT> I. C. Levy’s son & Co., TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS, AUGUSTA • , , • GEORGIA READ HERALD’S WANT ABS Our line of Clothing for Fill and Winter wear la above competition, when the combination of exquisite style, perfect fit, finish and low price are taken into consideration. Our school siiita for boys, In double-breast ed Biilts, sailor suits of novel design, and suits of every style in durable fabrics In mixtures, plaids, tricots, di agonals, clay and cheviots are hand some and well made—and our prices! Examine them well! 7