The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 05, 1898, Image 1

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IF YOU WAN BmETMINO NICE FOR SUNDAY READING SEE THAT YOU (JET SUNDAY S HERALD. I« PACES AND 112 COLUMNSOF RtAOINC “AFTER ras • **«*»- .sr |LAti»a* ******* I .g{ *%• '*ga tkfommo • » *» «♦* s***«*•* BIG SCARE CAUSED BY AN ERROR 4 hfiWrti Vt» Tnm l« fgl it UtMMMM. fft gtoUfi* II ItrlMti CMMI' Hu Vff} HMii tIW *•••#•••*• **" u,#li#4 • t&mtt ft #•# ft S-■ Ih-ftto'-«*a4 M#4(M? *•* am tmt rr gMtffelftPft# 4#? 4P*' % #0444 #** H4* ** ft 94449944 #•? 44 * **• ** j #» (1 1 ■» ftMHI *4 *%* Jft4 ##l49 * I iftft 44 p**#*®* t^ir ||« *4449? #ki#«s*4 i tin-fti« • fit ftftftTNrHl i imply H#4* ! m* ftftMMiM ft#*# jfcrrftii tft* (4#t# tft'M of «n* lirftfti dftlMl# ft#** l il<t i ftipftift |tut ft* irrvr *• ***** i* • - *#t* ) t >H _ . HkkiwaM Iklti Tft* *rftit~rr m> tft*t lltf ft#** •*» ii i TMtti4#tm Hi f(JrlkftMMMl ffl# tlMft fc##9* !#?•«** or for mill? nflkrn »i 4 tk i HftTfWlllft lltl I ft#* tufti tw Ik# f## itfi «f ifitiffi rfran ft HftfPkftf «4 |frfc#t§ Vttl 'ft* ##lft— of dtlitr iH Ttfio ftffr *nH if 4 to ift# Bmp 'ft# rt|wi tfH «ft# imv4t tft#! ift# piwpoltftfft Mtf fpctoft tag o wrfktft# ti ift# tftftl# *»f flHwk* ttoo to tit# •**(**!nrftd riiMlftUto tot tft# talk oi#l'#4 no oo4ftr rtf####* tJ<>4, (Ml ft##* Claw Tfttre #ii tßttt tot#r##f to Hl<fc Oonl 10 ■##• fmo tft# Trilft Ifttfkl (iMtettro tft on fto tft# tftiitoi ft#f* Kori* to tft# 4m* ift#r# tmm* tft# ***** a#**# (ftftt WftiTftO ft#4 #t#r|#4 0 4#**’ <m rftttc rftfM‘###ntotl*# for tft# ftr* ttßD# •Hr* impiiltio first o###rt#4 tf* •ftff lo tftto trrtiuo of liftOfflft Tft# fir *i fro* RlftUl #ft# tftftt tft# ft* fttoo n«ftt on tft# dMnarrattc ibtriff aftooiNt *t*o» of lurmi, tftouib n«*tli* in# dftftnttr wftft kAoftft* Tft# Coo* ftifutlonol A it numHii or# rerrlvlM i gool %-oto in RU'ftixioiid ood in tft# d]«(rir' m for o* b#ord # from. Tft#* or# knfflito tft#m in t'hot&ftj*. Tft# ftraoM tot* in Rkboosl It boouir of tft# ahMilut# lock qf opp*)»iuoo ood !•#* coni# of tft# ceruiot j tftot Coodl#r nßnoi t»c beaten Tbtf* Is do oppoait os to Uttls lo .letfwaon M«* Is tbs nest senator fro•» our dlrtrlct. A bit of delay occurred la opening »n*' or two of U>*‘ poling places Id tbs I'ouot*’. but everything wss Id ship sbsr* bright and early enough lo ac comaxodate oering voter*. All Quiet Along the Line. Wire tbe bars out doted, one might Dot realign that such a thing as an election was on today. The voting is quite llgat amt the clerks at tbe bal loting plain have bad little to do In the way of registering voters Such a thing as a fight la unknown and the -aril he* ler la ronapicuoutly absent. Aa near as could lie gathered, the voting stood as follow* at three this afternoon: ; Vote* Cast. First WaM 7. 209 Second Wa • d .... 157 Third Ward ..... .. ......157 Fourth Wyrd... .... ..300 Fifth Ward.. v 201 The populist votes are very few. The exact number could not be learn ed. In Ward 1 there hi thought to be « vote* for Hogan. In Ward 2 about 3 for Hogan. * In Ward 4 a ver*' small percentage of third party voters turned up, and in Ward 5 the ballots cast for the third party candidate were scatter ing. The court house polls keep open un til 6 p. m. MITCH AT HAVANA Spain Says She Cannot (jet Out of Cuba In the Prescribed Time. By Asociated Press to The Herald. Havana, Cuba, Oct. s.—At a Joint session of the United States and Spalnish military cpmmlsions. tbe Spaniards, acor.ding to report, declar ed it Imposisble to evacuaty the Island immediately, while the American com missioners insist that the instructions called for immediate evacuation. a irlng Home. After a ..few hours of conference on the subject, tbe joint commissions were unable to reach any definite agreement. Tbe American commis sioners, on the return to their head quarters, were busily engaged trans lating stenographers' notes, and send ing code mesasges to Washington. Ifcfh tMNV* A »FH THE AUGUSTA HERALD. Hillftf ML ItftfK# Irtwt »n ma#iu . f •#• *># #*'#* * ft (ftftNl tk#HP### tttß (ft PM94 BBtßttjP %m* tHM Bt » tftkftv kPftftHMl ftftft ft**##'# ftt# im*# Mi |#tl #A HI MMUCD him WITH W t.U:TS i igiiait—rt* L)a*M*l Mi larplaad TIN. I»n**t H; Aaaruwl ftra* 4* TW MwaM ASM|*>* *M OH >--W right fMßtlft co(«(*4, •ft® M *• •*' • anil Mr*. Moftta- * •*!* * * *.*4 I M«rrt*>’« «f »b* Third dlairvrt rw*M isg J©S*a *4«k*.wna lakes fro* jail abort! • sfirr I v'ckack tbl* Mg Md sb»4. Shotted Mo*N4*»' Tbe lyawblng gsrty sewt ro *he jsll. (Httaied gnu st Nlghl W«i<Nm* tall nad look the primser 4o dander - IsL near the rtty wnu ry. and r 1 nled tbe bud) »«b bullet*. He flagged I or Mm* ! HaaMb beaK'd f>«r mmy and r«ed ' "murder*" •* h* *a* being tsmartd from the jail. s* Hfs I Ml. WAR PATH Book *ellc* Marshall tloiag lo Make Nim* One Sailer. Special to T%e Hera*, i Rarananh. Oa Or* 1.--V A Mer afcall. a book *gr*i *ho wa* Ml filed in Augusts, a few tmrClh* »g« by A V Ri.d. o. *d Atlanta, a revreminatl** of b. Appleton t ft> . ha* hi* fighting clothe* on. and *ay* he la going lo make somebody autfrr ft*r the lodig nltiea beeped uptm him Mr oea »rie*l In the city court bare apon thr char ge* preferred and acquLiad H* leaves for Atleotn tonight alUr wairtuu* for Riadoc for clrrulaltng falae and mail , tm * report* again*! him and his w ife. He any* he will hare him brought back to Chatham He further *<ate* that be will agai'i* l Appleti-n A Co. ifor falae Imprisonment and libel. paper bi rnedout Another Fire In Sylvanla llurlng the Night. Special to The Herald. Sylvanla. Oa.. via Rocky Ford. Oa.. Oct. 5.— Sylvanla had mother fire last night. The printing office of the Sylvanla Telephone company waa c;m --1 pletely destroyed. The hr** wa* caused by a lamp ex ploding. and. owing to the great ac mmillation of paper near where the lamp fell, the flames got their atari, on the floor. It was quite a loss to the romuany. as a new printing prea*. al»o ‘heir new job press, as well aa aU tha tyne In tbe r.fflc* . were burned . There was no Insurance. The loss la estimated at $12,000. FIRST BATTALION. The Savannah Soldiers Arrive Safe In Savannah. Special to The Herald. Savannah. Ga., Oct. s.—The first battalion of the second Georgia regi ment. U. 8. V.. arrived tn the city this morning. They were given a royal welcome. Almost all the steam whis tles ard church bells In Savannah were eet going in their honor. (,01. John Screven, an old commander of the Sa vannah Volunteer Guards, from which the flrßt battalion >vas recruited, made a speech of welcome. After a hot breakfast the troops went into camp on the outskirts of the city. TEXAS POLITICS B. P. Baley Pnt Up For Governor By the Prohibitionists. , Dallas. Texas, Oct. 5. The state, prohibition executive committee today nominated B. P. Bailey, of Houston, as its candidate for governor, and B. R. Hancock as lieutenant governor, the matter having been left to their discretion by the prohibition conven. (ton. HOGAN IS SNOWED IN HEAVIItY Hl» tit t nlfiii Val* frt Mt*t t fuyilit *ig#t»rr Th» < attUifiiMAl I## Mi Hf AM MIlMp --gg i-m n b lb*wa» mMm Farm Cam* §ya »»imail !**•**%«. tt* imatiaM fvwm m tv M* t Aft, «<>*»*** (2* . (M. 4a -flm *4*«dMM |mm l«* 1 a f%sm k *%4 ##K# • Wftbft* I ftNMP# Tim JaataaT. I MMwst*. Aprclal In Tim H*rs>4 A Hama t*a., Ort I —Tb# Aitaatb J ,<ira*r* rltrllna mum* haa (ba * aria** prrl !*•** of lb* *4*4* *bo4* Ibal » light torn la being ram nad Rule M tetaal Is being aiaaifeeied la Ibe »taie rtrrt ioa. Tbe deaawcrai* ia all dU tnct* rum* *be find. ***** ta ba vo ting solidly Ibr tbe roo*tt*utl«.nai nmeodavai* pro* nlmg for tb* elar 4ton of Judge* nad aolmilor* by ibe Tbe I igbtest Vei. In ibis. Ibe flfih. dialricl. the vtdn will be almost uaanimou* for ibr sitlon ha* developed Candler's major ity for governor Is alroply * question of figure*. Hogan, the populist nora j W ||| probably receive the light est vole any populist nominee ha* ev ier gotten. In Chatham. Special to The Herald. Savannah, Gn., Oct. 5.—-The feature I cf the election In Chatham county ia ! the strong opposition that developed soon this morning agalnat the con stitutional amendment*. They will be lost In Chatham. The vote la very light, lees than 800 votes being cast at noon. The populist vote doesn't count for anything in this county, and the negroes are not even going to the polls. AUGUSTA CHAPTER, RAM Convention to Be Meld at Masonic Mall Tomorrow Night A called convocation of August chap ter No. 2, H. A. M., will be held In the chapter room, Masonic Hall, tomorrow, (Thursday) night, at * o'clock. The Holy Royal Arch will Is? conferred, on Brothers Thomas H. Goodrich, William Martin and Charles T. Pund. Comp. Henry C. Burr, of Griffin, grand high priest of Royal Arch Ma sons cf Georgia, wll visit Augusta for the first time. The degree will be conferrel by coinp. Hem y C. Burr, grand high priest of Georgia. This is the tirkt of- Hcla visit of Mr. Burr tr Augusta and a full attendance is requested. At the cose of the chapter a banquet will he served. , Owing to an accident which happened to Mr. Burr while but driving yesterday, it Is pos sible that he may be deterred from attending this meeting. In this event. High Prtort H. J. Dales will officiate in his steal. al«m *u a* Mtbl# Rilrti Ifff *hO tIAtMI m«t, ta* timug* Rb ii* usa tba*f In ! •*» lammdgMl h*»‘ an tb* llanbM r.n m qt l%* t Tim w. | «ip9f|| ift#» i'lril ftdMßMh## #4 ##fl»ft n ftnWft iftwifftftfii# hi ft#Ni dpi mtp 14 9ft# ; * <m| § tft ftßft V> t ¥'■■*** 4ft#ft«#t 4VMMI 1 SHMI ; I f ■pH | tws irnftirf n.nftl #44 •###•■##•# «4 H Hfj ■ 4 491141 nt #44 *9# #4Rwf |# fWftft Aft# ■r4ftVWN4fc BM»* • .4 «b* r trm tsf #»* INmn bi*—» ft [ fft# 9ft 444# ft ft 4 9 ftfti *o#ißff ftftHMft ftp 1 •A'PMIPMMMfid# ift lift 4 ' * YKftk ******* I ft»f #441 ftlMift ftftt# Mtfttftt ftftt? I i tftfli ftftftff (ft'#4» 9ft 4MH» ft Ift 94vp| f #mv4#| f «4ft*4ftft lf#ftft4R44lft 4ftftPl f *** ftpftMfft ftH ftftftftf» #Mft |ll*m Riaw Vocgfd I J ft **«Mft#H4ft tt Ift# ftfflt 4f tftpft f # f "ftftftb#Hft W&W *9iM#ftft. 4MMft##4Pft^ I ) PK#ft# 41 i fin 4* (ft #ftftft#4 44ft# II ft## I ft## ft#* HftftftM ‘ fti kpftftkk P (H 4 fr»ftft |fta«M#4 ftMtfti ft ft## ft <aft lift* fr tftrfl «|M 4ft»#ft4 ftftt# #f E ift# tr# #4 ftftt# 4ft Uni #mmi #«tt«-# ! fit##tft# tft# ftNMPftft ft# # fftttiftMl #9441' ? mmm #4 'ft# S«ifiMk)N## brnr '4* r- fit I <4*f 4 f »iwi« **k Not Mat lb»*l4* I. ibis cm Ibw By uwr* but. and I w .*. A >♦ a. T tfflft## MM# 4 ' t I*l ftfl ? mww w wn *— - 1 9 uiaft# iftlaftHH ft? 'cirtf ftrfri ifitm imvrr*. 4## ft# ift# j Ltnr« ##4* 4o«ftU## Mfl? w#r# itrnwH. I*4t 448ft#4tt«- #(or»iHi# w I larftlfti* THE FEVIiR IS WORSE Cold M Mtbr* toa «b« <tol> Hofia «f killing II INI I in> AffnHll#l t# The W •tali | Jackson. Mian., On. V AanChav I < aae of yellow fever baa dev< loped in Ike Assyrian rolowy. M'eal Pewrl *4- • nd. owing to (he fact that many of 11bee* people are huddled together In narrow quarters, there is apprehension of a spread of ibe disease among [them Li Faopie continue lo leave the #tty nnd frdH. day tb# number of clone* place* | ef.iboainee* grom larger. Only cold weather can now relieve tbe alt tui tion. ■ The *pr**ad of. fever over the Male la rapid From many qnailer*'tome report* of •uapifilott* caeca amt much .p. found lo Is- genuine ca*e* <M yailow fever. I, iThe stale b* mart'a order forbidding tf|vel between Ibe towns of the’lt Ate went Into effect this morning. A NOBLE TAKES MIS OWN LIFE Sensational Suicide in SI. Louis During the Night By AaociatcJ I’ress 4o The Herald. St. Lout*. Mo., Oct. 5. —Oliver W. Troupp, said to be tbe son of an offi cer of high rank In tbe British army. I was found dead today in tbe bathtub of the AY eat Bud hotel. He ia suppos'd to have committed suicide. U is said he Is tbe Bon of 1-ady Dunmore of England, who Is In this city, atid who attended the veiled prophets' ball last night. Troupp la a nephew of the Ear] of Dunmore, a Scottish peer. IMPORTANT INVENIION. Solving a Great Problem in the Musi cal 'World By Asociated Press to The Herald. Cincinnati, Oct. 5.—A patent ba* been allowed to! Dr. S. A. Hageman, of this city, on an Invention which he designed to correct the false intona tion in “tempered” scales In which all pianos «o«v play, so as to make the piano render music In the true scale, raising that Instrument to the level of the violin and other stringed instru ments. The problem which Invention has Bolved has puzzled the musical world for a hundred years. NOT A CAR RUNNING. Street Railway Hen Out on a Strike in Waco Today. By Associated Press Lc The Herald. Waco, Texas, Oct. s.—The officials of the Waco Street Railway Employes' Union have ordered a strike, their de mand for nine hours a day having been refused by the officials of the Street Railway company. The men havelheen working twelve hours a day for $1.50. They ask for no advance ir. pay, but a reduction of hours. Not a car;was running in the city this mornings Capt. George Oionway and family have moved to Woodlawa. *■ POLITICAL | 'AGONYIN ‘ ATLANTA i Vi4|4if| V|i lifting Iktftl Til* MtrflMt Tft * lit* ft** I '#l ft) I*4 01*. . the LoUiabM l*ii«m * nh M <w4k#4 l to# • Lbmrn *■ ••>• cto u»4 » Atton»a to to Ift# ift#### «f tft# Bm**m •ftH**fttoni ■ ftflH#ft# ft# fwmtm. tft# 4###»9#4l I49#t- { ' m* Ift# Il#9l4>lt#4 4f 9#9«4 • »4>l I ■ ft 44 4*4 • (ft» #41141 »#4ft# - 4i 94. hi* ft«ftft«B #4 tft# #4#tt« *# # I# ft# 4m4U#4 I# V^*v ##° ft## tft# ft#* ##rt#|| #HM#'ft •#!«■### •##* ft**## ###4 fti 4r«n#«i»M 4### ••# «ftr»# 9#4#*ft |«*#l44 tft# ft****. ft4t 4tit »IMH «4#ft ! # ftflU in Nii##rlt tm # tut# H#nt# ft tm ««##l#»4 4#4*'f#il» #* tft# 9###4ft4# I tfigi Imp |g rius< #Hft fft»ft#M# 4# 41 Tft# 1 ■ ,r ** ## I vtis #f**!oiftt# ft# #t#n#4 ft# 4 t#rt ! ••Mil i#|firlT? J##t Han 4»tl pmb i #ftt# 4rfrml Ji#a IHivlio 9m mairtl •nan fra# ft# 4#t4 Ito* H Hu* M arked Tke Aoetmitag kulfart aywem «n* put lain *•#■ t'tadav far Ike fiH lime aad to wtwkifag b%e a • harm Tbe city primary to kelag rwadartad wader ibe eywtem and arm kae there beea* a more Mltofartarliy coadwrtad etor I mg ta tbt* city Tbe expert race of tbe voters wa* a novel «>»r The? eateted the Unto lentto with a feeliM of eWrtnNly and ram# nut praising them sad tbe new - baUnrtaa system. Nut a niiWplalnt wa* beard I41M( tbe yertep a* a whole Tbe vottac began early a* if tbe voter* were am ino* to try ibe aew avatem There are plenty of booth* pro*td<d al each precinct nad ibe fear of mar otlien* that H would he impossible for all tbe voter* to be arrommodatert la ibe booths was quickly dissipated At ao lime *•• there aay delay, and not half of the booth* have been occupied al any one lime In any of the ward* The riuseaa ■emdl to take to ike «yslewi at once and they • eat right in and prepared their Itrh et» without difficulty and quirkly. yielded but few vote* I he Issues In the Campaign. Municipal ownership of public utll itiaa ia being battled on. There were twenty-two candidate* for city sexton. Tbe vote on thr $200,000 water hon,U verms iL doubt. The proceeds, if tbe bunds wto, will be used to extend water mains through tbu' residence portion of the city. An official ballot bad to he voted. There hav* been much bad blood anil bad charges. Tbe Uonstitul ot, h.ts support* d Marlin for nayor. Tb) Journal has supported on one. but has called for a fair deal. Thu Journal sounds tala warning “If Ihe.-e ta one thing In which the people of Atlanta believe, H ia a fair i election. If there is one thing ttiat tbe ' people of Atlauta are always ready to , put down and to crush, It it an etlorl: to maulpulate the vote by ema’ rna- j chine methods to prevent a fair ex pression of the popular will. “The Hrothertou »iib-eommlttee j allowed last night a gleam of Intelli gence. ARcr allowing Captain Broth- | erton, whose par.iann opposition to Mi Worn ward has been fully exposed, | to appoint In tbe first and .bird wards ; men thoroughly antagonistic lo Mr. j Woodward, and after declining for nearly b week to recede from this Hh tion, they last night, under pressure of public opinion, conceded the jus tice of the demand for fair play by giv ing Mr. Woodward representatives in several wards, though the division is still unequal. . “We do not mean to criticise all the members of this committee. We have no doubt that with most of them this injustice was unintentional, but Cap tain lire therton is a witty politician Accidents never happen In his political management." Candidates Talk Out. As evidence of the feeling of the candidates, I quote Mr. Woodward, in bis last public address prior to the election: “I started into this race six months ago against factional politics as cau ii. proven by the fact that citizens came to me last year and asked me to help kill the leader of one faction l.v voting against him. I did ’his. but It did not quite kill him. as he has sen' out hl» representatives in the *hape of Mr. Martin. "1 could have had the support of Captain Brotherton. for he offered me his influence, his time and his money MAC MNIAiI4 »»*» kb f itb< nm i , OCT. L *** {** irn—- «ft# n-itr-if r 4ft## M# ft#* Ift*# tmmtmt ftftftft ft* Bttst 4, #44 I« #### ft aft* ft* #*4# 4. | ft*4| 9MM# ft I #*##### ****ft##4 ftMMH 444 ft #44 4# t *4pft #4# aft# ft*o#4N# #M#ft 14 9lM#i I ** m |44 44*4 94#* 4 4 9# 4N# I Ntolk * stet to * ft 1-** Wg *-ft# to I 4 4 ft#NMi4**#A ««* 4#4 ft# *ft» 444*4 I m ftg| |ip tftto 4#### ft*#4 *4 m tft #*H#*# 'ft- •«* ft# 944 ■ ft* 4# ' t|* H##f ML to#** ft# 4* #4* ft# 4## * rT|lit M | ms ft# ###» ##4 «ft#f 4« M | ftfftl |ft#| 4 ft* #>#l*4, 41 •### |i„ m H* fitoto art * .ter* to mi aka* to *ll to» I *'< { «#*• aa***»* toto “ •# **toia ms , H*r* to I ax*to* to * tiaxxiai to*to «k«* fiaM* tor toto- Tftto## I# ft# #9#4##M ft**# 441*ft i# lft*#4 'ft# *99? 414# #9## *»4 m#»* M 4 ##ft|MMMl #4# 14*1 ft# 1 * t* t ##> * ' r '9 #9###* I ###•## t •##### HI |ftp |*4#ftMl#ft# Nt ii ‘ baa ato **M Nb to auaswi la aay <Beaa* to ito rafiato* • Tto# ar* lafato • baa ato ”4 ito •»*•«•<' awtortto to •** ag» ito yUtofi ttou* gaalNtotoi far* , , g fftift#*# e ff*ftfift to # • 9ft## 491* naatow ito yitoaare fallty sad wNb f ipfit Tft#* ftpfNp ftft* *#!•* *#4 PL-? aay alto' gyy Wto* I t<rm bratg IbM M* W«nd*#»4 •*• Heal t*IMI *Nk 'to taaaagma aglatoa*. I •4ltttoJ a roaaaiaalrailu* to tba . egaatoffaa laqaartiag tkat to to glvra •u>b in*M»*iail«* a* Ik* UMBagtat tauurto a* to toun I bn»» atok* lag to do yritk ito wire*was of man*- - grr* and I to am fear ito taaeli ot ito rtMlag I ertlliag » fa*»# lb* , M m of ikt* «*«pa*aa to ito •«•**'* sad ttoy *lll a« •* tbe poll* aay aad pul «fcet»*el*ee oa rerwrd sgaiaal ito toykaW* maikud* uaed la this i ampatga * Charge ot Trwfcerv. Fxilrtlr MMiaml a* voiced ikrougk Tto Jouraal towed Vaa» W. H l»r«- tfertos t *»u »«*alttei to bold a uiMitna and make a ato* ot aitlag J##. O. Wood wird a par * nat repreyeatatloß oa It* ** of man ager. and clerk* *1 ike primary. Tb# frtead* of Mr Woodward howevar. as sert that ik# a*tioa of thr lomwitt*#' was for display only aad that he ha* nut been benefited a* far aa rapraraa la.'oa I* coocerard Tb# appoint ment of several of tbe gen'lumen who appeared as friends of Mr Woodward hefora tbe committee, wa* done, they claim, solely for a purpose, and that tbi* purpose was to cover up M* fire-1 i tour action. Repudiate, his Friend One candidate, E W. Cook, ha* re-1 podlated a friend who spoke for him He says: “In thla morning'* Conatltution there appeared an account of a meet- j Ing held In the Fifth ward last nlgbi.' In which it appear* that one of my friends appealed lo tbe voter* to not vole for one of my opponent* on ac- j count of hla being a Hebrew I wlah | to stale that 1 moat emphatically re- i pudiate tbe language uaed and l are no reason, why good men should not support him because he Is a Hebrew. I make no auch appegl for vqtev; and; If I can win only by race prejudice. I would not have the off ce. I have many friends among the Hebrews whose friendship I feel honored in possessing and which I hope to re tain; and to thoae who know me i>er sonally It i* not necessary for me to state that I do not endorse the ren tlment expressed by the speaker refer | red to.” Papers I till of Ada. “The papers are full of advertise ments of candidates. I give -oroe of ! theta: "If you want your wife's or child'? grave looked after, vote for H. H. I Barefield.” Another: “Mr. Martin. Mr. Martin,, why not say for sartin you won’t vote for Mr. Brotherton?” Joel Hurt stands for council In the Fourth ward. A bitter fight was made on him. Here is one of his advertise ments: "Another Lie Nailed! Joel Hurt's opponents charge and slate that he has done all he could to hinder and deter the Whitehall widening. If yon are willing to he deceived by a politi cal lie, read no further, for here is the truth.” Card F'rom Hoke Smith. Ex-Secrelary of the Interior Hoke Smith has a card: “It is being told by enemies of Mr. John S. Parks that he was discharged from The Atlanta Journal because he was short lu his accounts. This Is a falsehood, pure and simple. Mr. Parks severed his connection with The Journal voluntar ily and his accounts were perfectly straight, not only at the time of his resignation, but at all other times as well.” “Who would the voters rather have for mayor? W. H. Brotherton or J. G. Woodward?" - ’ir-"" |p* fcAftfc •**»*•♦*♦* tto* THE REDS TO GIVE BATTUE ! (to* into **Vf IIP* *K* ftt* uifi twn* : Ttfi I Ml* to NfiMat >*4) *6W Ml ttntmtol ** «toto * »«#• Itot I to# Imp Aeaswaatofi sNw*a to Ta# W#?*kfi I m.m*» ii*n# 1 4*m***i to* ttoefi Mto«»*v *•s» aaHF to*»* toF i ••»«< i«*aa4 #e»**mi*art to ***** tba I mm*fas*f**t latoa#* to ’•«** to iN •"—•o M* to*etoe**l te* MeatofaStoa aa4 • im iqn aaat tort • ■•#*<•*• **# Mafito* bito akarnt* awl ***** to owe Ik* lilqafi to p—hi” *- MBMmfae* Ike a**to am amfie# ike *ga*w*B*a * ***a*maß ot rg plain gritiMwea % ***#s#"•*'k •masto will ke •**! tnsa Feel fi*#*Mtol to IfaMta #*«•*• Lee** l*#ke ftoto «v* ke* to pf*to*l ike * f *i **aaa#*g *uwpe*x# aa4 ixwvw** *1 Ik# **hgt*ewff* i ag xaatla* lx la al** pawtoM# 'km xwkfileFa R*gß ik# Fx#*«i##*ia Miakeatoa to laaltok a ti a# mart <« p»wtori ik* **«»♦*meat tom to R lam >nxg*aknk Tkat# at* ’ Max## nppvekexsatosw kwee to a geaetol i kips* wa aprta kg f fa# tar low* ara*. ke# of Ike I'ktpp#* V». ia tkte v*c»uy kav# aaoto atg kwktoert ngkitog aae* nag mill sank# mack trwaM* ts jaaef i* tk# pifafwx. Tk# atobarttl#* knwevee. to ato *kar* ito appeetoaewa* and toll#*# Ito matter will to speedily aexilto Miaaeapatto Mia* (to l —* * #p#- clal to Tto Jautaal from Waltor, Mtaa *l#* - Tto ladtaa* *r# ap mmiib torertaiaed to r«*ito tka ttoop* Cap* W l-m an* ha* j«*t come la with Ike log Vera fito bag pat la to Hear t-laag lastoplgfci on ac t«x*t to jiaavy wea'tot' sag wae al once aetaad ky ito plllagera Tto flra* were put o*t sag ito boat tied up ky Ito lag tan* who threaten ed Lwctan* wnb death nates* to rq icaleg tto ttrengtk of ito military forces sad ito time to ito start to ba mad* from Walker l-oclaa# would aoi give tto information wanted and to was told until daylight Ibis morn ing aad 'hen released He aay* Ruck* are la war palm and feath ers General Baron landed a detachment on the mainland opposite Rear Island through a heavy surf. Thare waa no hostile demonstration and no Indians were In sight Tbe buxb Is being eeourrd ia an attempt to find them, t.ut thev appear lo have retreated in tto direction of rasa Lake Tto au thorities think the Indian* will reakp their stand at Little Hoy l*ke. with in three mites to Leech Labe, where conditions favor them Over-alarmed bands of Indiana have Imen seen making for tbe rendesvous. The Millers are terror Urickan. but General Hacon sav* every precaution has .been taken for their safety. A heavy gale is blowing and the air la full of snow making operations on the lake difficult. If It develop* that the Indians re treated to Little Hoy l-ake I: is likely the forces will be brought back here and taken by train to l-othrope and thence marched across the country. DEEDS FILED In Clerk of superior Court Office Today. The following deeds acre died in the clerk’s office today. Jch.i '.Viegaad t< Emmie Gar tlcllc, h.rt'sc and lot on Tel fair street, consideration .. .$2,200 Arpusta Land Company to F. L. Fuller ft Co., two iota on south side cf Broad street, near la kevitw, consideration $ 750 Augusta uml Summerville Ixncl Company to Irlsii-Amerlcan Dime Savings Bunk, five and six-tenths acre* of land on Hurrisonvilie road, for the con sideration of 8 shares of Au gusta anil Summerville Land Company, aud $ (0 COHMITTEES TO MEET. The Finance and Appropriation Com mittees Assemble Tomorrow. Tomorrow afternoon at 4:30 tbe nance and appropriation conduces will meet at the city headquarters. Several matters of interest have been referred to them, and these matters will bo disposed of. LECTURES To Be Given to the City Hospital Nurses. The regular semi-weekly lectures to the nurses at the city hospital wero reeommonced this week, Dr. Guerry delivering the first. These lectures are very interesting, highly instructive pnd are great helps to the nurses,