The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 05, 1898, Image 3

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WKO*B*OAV THE COMMITTEE IS HT HOME lUw *•>«• c.iinfw— § hNNK 4mi«l fMNi) **•» m * •»%•*§s•* fiitiynti j *fTt*i**i*)ii*i 9s**# #9fM##*# 91 I s#au*MNi# **fe# Ift tt— $t **## #ll f f >—9 *•*# I *«* #»*» *#*•»* t#l* |*» ####** I i%i I*#*# • **# m I# *#4M «u4[.t ~ri)ir a rr-it t Hi*###)# ****** t##>i #• I *» 4hn li# lift# f*N» |**##»* 4# !•»<*♦ J fw ii##mui m #Mij| |# #4 #|ilii#H f * • »•*# #+<*###* |fci *»»»!< I flkPt i*w#*«4Wt' «mm 9» pro##*•••#•# 9# I (jig|# jM# ||mM <*4w4HM*#% HMf ##f ##4l #*>*•# : **» |ij»Wtr,4#» *» MM ft* *# Ttr# #W**% •*» ,«ni <*■!** *4 lip*# 9# I tip pfiff| »P»pt •■*%*# »*»■*# <p> i wto'i 44### *»-***4 ppM Ip Jn4] ip ip ffpvl #f <Pi I p #* *** Dili. s*## *##***##s# H HIP* *#» *«MMMItt*P IMP Ml tip #9* j P« tip i ipmtl tp pMrtlDt Ml Ip tPP 1 CMifPP ITIP PiMPMf #*## <1 PM# IIP | », *«Mi«ft*w4#t*ro *4 tip #»M*i Nf Ap i «Mfc_ tNMIP (#*f#9*4l • ##• Pi > , |j| p*«w# M# #*#%''£*♦ 1 . g* .k®* twV***M»s M«*P#flti # # i mA m*»<4 m+*r» prj.rifflr.l ip‘ ##4l f #fPI *Mf M-.V* tr*****? % * ->•* 4 ##4 • I I a omrur #4 t* Mp#fi## H* fp. ! , iU#r* P k .% ‘til' i+l * Th« Ellis Restaurant hat moved first door above Oyer building* PIJR.SONAL. W 1. Ptou of Alina Uat Ike Pisa tar*. C F. Ri»; of ckleagw 1a at IS* OmMi vv M fsxtr of MoU km. U m tto Arlington Harr> (irooa. at Loatovrtto. to at ito Araagtoa IHi in an Stuart of l'fclto«tolpula n a*. tkt Planters n. w. ctontoer. nt QtHaM. Oa., to at ihr Planter*. H M, Mrt all at Mooltrto. Oa . to at the Planters. S. r. Burdin h. of Philadelphia, to at the Arlington W H. Srl«*t la of S»s Kraaeisio to at the Arllactoa. B. H. Henderson. of Albany. Oa . to the Planters. Mr* S. W. Cobra, of Montgomery la at (be Atunaton John A. and W N. Anderson nf Auanta are at the Planter* O A. .anp, a tnerrhant of More land. O* -. to at the i lanter*. X. L. Perkins and W. F- firrarw •I At anla are at the Arlington. 3. F. Covelt. represent!** a mil supply bouse of New Yore* to at the plainer*. Wro. H. Elkins and John H. Klklns, tobacco nien of Rlthrootid. are at the Planters. The Planters and Arlington hotels Vre decorated in honor of the return of the soldiers. O R Webster. E. B. Cowen J. A. Kendall and \V. J. Herman of New York are at the Arlington. Mr. J. 0. Its mho. formerly of the j b. Whit# company, has accepted position with Coskery A Hunter. H. L. Webb, formerly clerk at the Planters hotel, now representing a to bacco firm at Richmond, to at the Planters. Mr. J. L. Reid, of the Lumbar iron company, a popular and valnrd at.arhe of that corporation, Is off on a pleasure and recreation trip to Jersey City. N. J. A pi ssan visit and safe return are wished him. Thh following railroad men are at the Planters: R. W. Geiger, agent .or the Western and Atlantic ral.way at Atlanta; W. Glover, traveling au ditor for the South Carolina and Georgia road, and B. F. Fair and J. P. Roache, of the latter road. Mr. Edward Pritchard, who has 1-eeu the guest of his slater. Mr.s. Win. Lawhon, left this morning for Jack sonville, where he will join his regi ment, the t-cond Louisiana. Mr. Prit dard is an old Augusta boy, and this visit was his first visit to his old home It thirty years. At the Commercial: E. P. Avant, South Carolina; G. H. Wiliams Bos ton: B. F. Forman. Ellington, S. C.; j. C. Bates. Ellngton, S. C.; J. M. Ashly, South Carolina; F. S. Wittenß by. Willistcn. S. C.; Frank Martin. Nashville; James Gray, Norf 'k, Va. Moved four doors above Dyer building. Ellis Res taurant, It is understood that the investigation commission Is not to be restrained as to scope of examination. It would be possible for- it to get a great deal more interesting than it has sft out to be. It was the American soldier that car ried all before him at Siboney and San tiago and conquered a glorious peace. He should not be denounced or slan dered. . .. . *«rt wrw ««m «•*•»« ** * «** >ii—l »•** Mi mil pp*p * f*X MrfMMk 2! K&atx 1 '»: ' asr a^^rstursy; w#*r*§ivmg QuAlitH* of o**r Itho— tHai* th* point *Vr* *trt»nf in. An* Quotation* p aprv* a* potmar*. _ 4| #3.00 ■ _^—.. .. ._ ..ah. , ...- a.- **-m* JMb 4k A** M# tMfei* €*l*l# **•# *%»«<*■* #*%*« *#* ?**’*• <k#P WiP #1.76 Pm 10m* mm m .«* ►*«•#*»•« <MMy A»» rnm mmm Wk«! t~*-it i ‘in MmK tip niimi Pp#' M#Mpt t!%i Mm ##♦ ||M#Pp ##*# ppt t»p**#Pp Upp* St. 00 SCPipp" fpp#'*## Hi# f####RM IMppp MPP ts P» #, PPt# Ipp*# l *# •ippi#imp#*| tPP* •« #*>* p*f #pm# P*p*Pt'* lip #lmpp pHP ##**** Don't l.;i to in. S TSm «ro many ho.«,tiM Tan and HU, k Kid Shoo, lor Cant, and Lad,., dlaplayad thorn Many ol tno .w.ll toaa. RICE «to O’OONMOR SHOE COMPANY | TWO 834 Broad Btreet, Name Across Sidewalk TWO ' STORES 722 Broad Street. Opposite Monument STORES M At TitVl d Ks MOA> TP# it #tf. IP-*# PPPiM #(m jo MfilP Mfgup### I A #%?Pi #*# MPf t’dMh# M* If fit *»*•»t •• * . w«« tpi of $4 «hi |flpap « *■,■♦*=•» a* | Mr *nt| Mrv ttnxtlr t»#t* tP fPisp* i tMW? a# uL lSr ,r Aflor th. th. y .un* r««pto I*k 111 P at |),itn# \tt ftirtr ffPQdP In tip j PMtlpat on TVtfpir #UtMi. Mlp Ht«-»nah«n P op of *qtml I uititrnNUly Mmirnl l uUR I wu*m*i to Aifftifti ttM ho* h*Pt» nf Miwtp frla-d. ta J"* . p; °,VyJ2X ygg&yaS^r Mahoney & Armstrong, Coa! and W*hxl Dmlaw. rHRcf and >«rd No. 1 *Ui*rtAi» *tr**t. 'pIMMA. Bell Phone 179 A Stronger Phone aAI CHARLES SAXON. COLORED | An Augustan. Who Was In the l ight at Santiago. Among the heroes of Santiago »*» (’lurries Wagon, colored, of the Twenty fiflh Infantry. C’o. B. W son ts In Au gusts today greeting Iris old fitend* and talk* Interesltngly of the battles, •round Santiago. Thirteen year* sgo Wagon »a* a P»r- 1 ter on the Charleston and Western ( Carolina running between Augusta and Port Royal. The government is sued a call for recruit* for the army •nd established an enlisting station In the old jroatofTtce. Thirty-two negro men applied for ad mission to the army, but only Iso pass ed the examination. Wagon being one of them. He was sent West and placed In the T<* enty-fifth infantry. He served through the Indian cam paign and ha 1 many warm skirmishes with the red men. Hi- say* that you hear a great deal about Indian fighting but that a Spaniard l* the meanest and hardest man to fight he knows of. When the Twenty-fifth was ordered to Cuba. Saxon went with his company and was In the gallant charge on th“ block house at San Juan, being one of the first men to enter, and receiving a Bevf . re wound through the left arm. So, busy was he In the fight that he has no Idea when the bullet struck him and only knew he was wounded when he at-, tempted to raise his arm. He says the Spanish shsrp shooter* were terrible end that they made sad havoc in our arms. Perched in the tree tops and with smokeless powder It was nlmcst Impossible to locate them. After ticing dischaiged from the hos pital Saxon was given a furlough to come heme and fully recuperate from; his wound. POLICE PICK UPS. Little Items of Interest Found Around at Headquarters. Willie I>avy was fined 125 by the re corder for violating the cemetery ordi nance. Officer Hatcher brought Tuck Web ster to the station for violating the railroad ordinance. He was released. Officer Watson reports killing a sick horse on Railroad avenue this morn ing. Rudolph Thurman was fined $2.50 by the recorder for a breach of the eight e Doc Cade, for a like charge, paid S3AO. John Parsons, for a similar violation, paid $2.50. James R. Keen is said to have made over a million in the -drop In tobacco. T» AkUOTJ»TJk HUtAI-D Our Ads Are Practical, Chock Pull of Com mon Sense, Brief and to the Point (lAkik to ni» sum*, IlmMi ##!*#! M* •#!•*« I# IP %#« V«f|. iHra «ii#tP ft iP | fr* w tsP prvlfp #t Iwi o* # .. iinrr tiring m+*r from IP Hip P trtii to Up |w#t mbM I# IP rn**** i tR Mb di«* hargr hr* l« fHdtlPd «h«t . nut*.*, from daii* «»f dP hirfv Hr \ ' W ||| ffH-etro Mtll i«r fP thin time tats It wort a twniih on hi* rwnllatmfnt y j. , t,,, tn*t»k frPnd* put ■ n#a #ro **ry to •* > hint trove. He I* m altl thr I' ll* dttling * Imttlr *nd If j ht* vcinfi ahuuld Dink P ha* ItttP bops j liimt at l.dkevl*w Th. dann. «» hr *lv.n at It. Laka | v - t ::zt\ r„i y., niv.n hy Mr flkaloaakl. A ae |n t cruwd haa lovttrd and th. .»• . tuna nrt'uMrt lo Im moat rnJoyaW*. Thiawtll vary pr.tbaWy »* th. laat lake (iMnre of th** *•'**<>(* »i»d *houl<l be well Mttrrifieri hy tho*e *n fortunate u to receive an Invitation. Th** color holography procea* con tinue* micveggfttl. WINE OF CARPUI Acts Like A Charm. —v& Moss Point, Miss., July 14. I have been using Wine of Cardui *2 Et' and Black-Draught for delayed or ■« f % ®j| suppressed menstruation. It acts * MtHfo like a charm and has brought me Sjmjjm, complete relief. Candis McFail. HtaTon" 11 There is no charm about McElree’s Wine of Cardui, al though there seems to be. When it is taken by women suffer ing with “female troubles”, it cures them naturally. This release from the grasp of terrible diseases brings about such feelings of relief and joy that they imagine the Wine is charmed. The fruth is that this is exactly the medicine Nature intended for curing the feminine organs when weakness or disease attacks them. Its action is direct upon the delicate organs of menstrua tion. It goes straight to the seat of the trouble, and overcomes _ . --1 d. stopping pains and drains, ladies' advisory DEPARTMENT. !| restoring tone and strength. For advice in cm*** reqntrtnii *p«- ' allaying inflammation !; and ulceration. The monthly : ch*tt*noo**V?fenSr ** ed,c, ' J * Co flow is regulated like Clock. work, and headaches, back aches and nervousness disappear permanently. It insures comfort and safety for pregnant wives, and vigor and health for the coming child. URGE BOTTLES SOLD BY DRUGGISTS FOR SI.OO. WINE OF CAffPCji SI.QO A Mm* 9MP Ms t * tw* tpawa Mlppa laro wa M#iMM# * ***«*# M#A. *n4 a* l . mt g# ##•*■% #•#• MM ## IPPro# •roPMAMWIP** i M## 9#P i pgpaij I# #*ro| «M* •# m•* mm #•#«#. *#• *•*. M ##PMi «#m fv» a Mw MS IM *» M*a thw. •••»«* Mtt ft«e *•» iw ratios WINS All AIS TW (Waa Mitt vmMm ta, k««f Ml Ik. Med Was—- Ttgihpgl I a##** pm MMiftHy , II M K. : At IppMM# ~ I IhMgMh ~ ~ M N M H „| I# # Hat lee p» -A P #**»* ##M Pat###f. Mr*] >lltla4*!p|p# a. .* a. I I# # in • l4#‘S*f"lee **** Pl** ■ a## Nir grta#4 # I M»*P a#4 #r#me«. At ll f Haiterpa IligPt ##M l*«ttise% , I At nufig# ( % trW IT* I lamlaOH* r « II t HaitarM* TMnmted and MMM* ; I ntmllu and Klttrede* [lhhM^ 40 « • * ’untlaUUd * > * I HaM.rl.. -Taj W.r aod Cbanct. Me | gee Aid Klttiedp • Mandint <4 th. tint**. Won. Uat. P. C. *' *i I [ Hal’lmor. .. ..91 ■’° .M> CMH-Hinati S 7 .*l*l . cvrlaml T 7 «l .«« j flii.aft, . .. .. ..II *5 .SM ] j New York ! 7* 7* ; I Philadelphia .. .-70 M / .M 7 Pitta!,tire M 7S . 4*d Uontavilt* *. *5 77 .46* I Brooklyn M *4 .*7* «aahitk«uift .. ..«• »* •«» M. louta M JM •*** to crossTme pond Theo ttankrraon. Commercial Club Waller, doing to Knglano. Thomaa Hanl:.raon, th* *.ll knnnn] Conintrrtlal fluto walt.r, will aaon *», ai-roaa Ih. hla pond." Thomaa *«*» to th. olb'-r aid. of ih. ocs.n to (ill th. I.raltlon ..f valet to Mr. K. 11. Butt, who l.av.a Friday for that place. Thomaa haa lota of frl.nda »ho »111 re gret hla d.|»artur*, hut who will wlah him good fortune and l»n voyage. INASOCIALWAY /Jk\ xrif • x^ffwMy I etler la a knapsack. Hear f’sps Wr mi*» yon fats awful An’ Aria rrtew ss* Wry (toy. We wonder when you will be cun lag A*' why yon went further away. Aa' often we go to the station Our fine soldier papa to meet Wr want to he ready and oa>ttag To walk with yon down tbe mam IllWt Mamma aay§ yotTII to promo. H, So we are as proud as can be Aa' folks they are railing you hero: What 1 hat raeaa* we really can't see. Perhaps you ran aak for a furlough. Like one Tltal they gave I'nrle Nat. It's months and months store you en listed. The kitten to now quite a cat. We both say goodnight to your picture The one with the uniform here. , I kiss It when nobody's looking. Because you are our own papa. dear. We love you. I guess more than ever; Your being away spoils our fun. It's great to tie In a real battle. An' carry a knapsack and gun! Yet. pap* sometimes I am worried. Thing* happen to men who must fight; Be careful now. please, of the Span iard*. Mamma says that war Isn't right. But then It has made you a soldier. And Cubans are all to he free; Now, don't get sick down In Cuba, But come home to Aria and Me. 0 0 •••••••• Tbe ioldler lie** dead op the hltUide. A bullet has pierced his brave heart. They put hack the little home letter. While team all unconsciously start. Ah. this to the first and last furlough! He's gone and can never return, But “Aria" and "Me" are waiting, The sad news to finally learn. Mrs. Findley Braden. The Soldiers’ Banquet. The banquet given the returning sol diers of the Second Georgia regiment, last night, under the auspices of tile Arm;* and Navy league. It to safe to say, was one of the most brilliant banquets ever given In Augusta. At the time of the train's arrival the ar mory presented a scene of vividly bright and picturesquely striking beauty. Hundreds of incandescent lights shone upon three long tables la den with a most elaborate supper serv ed amidst elaborate flora! decorations. The becoming uniforms of the men and the bright guns and flower decked and the lighl gowns and flower-decked hats of the women added no little to the effectiveness of the picture. Every one was in a high good humor anti compliments and military souvenirs were exchanged lav.shly. Today there are going the rounds a number of pretty stories of gallant soldiers’ gratitude and pretty women's graceful acts of courtesy. Altogether, the hour was one long to be remembered. So numerous were the dishes prepar ed, that there was necessarily a gieai quantity of everything left over. The members of the League Committee propose distributing this among tue charitable organizations of the city, and the families of soldiers in the two companies. % Miss Gould’s War Services. The activity of Miss Helen Gould in the public service has been recognized by ;he municipal assembly of the city of New York in resolutions passed on tbe 13th of September, which take r ■ %2.m ta, w... a MM •* flaaw PkkMuOta <S»anH| SfM* M*4 *•• MlbaaM •""•J •*» gri'nir .«.* «•« .Mtk turn l‘ at» e m pm *mm m $m «##• ##■# •* if*' l ' $1.26 gy a -,i - - grw u 1m <Ma tWtMa pm*** n«< nt* akaaa* tMa <aa t%a* a*. #wf • mmrn* .**•* «a< »■»*• ****** *• *•» *«aM pm*** tn aasrt Mae n naaa la* mmm nt M »a •* m tai a tame p»a>* #I.OO Pm imi* •* «mi* ittr* 9>*r> a #»t»* fMM Idhro ##**»# M<M I M •• §1 »k* ghNff# iff **m>* *<bg **!•*#*«tin# 9# HM# #CMf i #f ##? gif. of # »§f NM f* i#l##### h* th* ##thNMsi gwf*fg#N l '#t« j |»4 ia f hMt Mtrini g#4 *!.##># ? f 9#* [ noil Hi l|g* m*l#gte «f ov* Mfl ##4 [ inihifii HMikat* g#4 *iilii#ri b be pm* I «*m#l #ttM J fiiTri‘#*PT ##4 t«#*rrm* h*lpfwh»ro» i*4 ilterlt the fHf t leeh If* orirrf «• her the MMniff <4 the ■ ■iflMl #t#t*t#4e ##4 #4fll«r#tM Tht* i* * #i*i igg*i*hr# him or. h#t «m# <h#l h** bee# well «#r*e4 A* A»- Mi*t##t INterlof #f th# W#- ! im#’* N‘*ihm*l W#r He ks A mortal M I Hie* Go# 14 h#e tee# e#|* i c|*#t g#4 ueeful I# M|Hn« the tttrh I *o*4Pr* Pho h#ee name t# i*rb n««l*i her# to Near Yorh ##4 vkllltf. j Harper • liur Proh#M> the OtAtl # m#m I—Mr* ftefugi* rarer#. # p*U*#t I# # j f*#ltfof#t# rcMiatf bo*pH» ta et#lm*4 to be flK# oaly the oNlegt *to#mi# t# the ! elate but I* probably the otdrot aro ma# I# the world tv the Is over ta# *«r*m *»( age Ht»e sat I# (*#llfor> i #4# over titty year*, yet c#D apeak a f<p* sonic only of fSagltsh Hhe »p*ak* Hpaotah flueatly. Hhe |g # ! great rtgareite smoker., Her flee 4 hlldren have died of old age Mr*, i #rera arrived la Han Kraartaro about She year list and ran remember the i laat throe Mexican governor* of Call* forata Hhe baa aiao n good roeollee- Hon of the rloalag of the mlMtoaa, (be raising of the bear flag and the ar rival of Fremont The Lyceum. i Th* n*w« that w* am again to har* jth* pl*aaur* of bearing Dr. Mrlntyre la ballad with delight by all who r*- mt-mlwT hla "Buttoned l'p People" of Inal aeaaon. Dr. Mclntyre will appear here Wednesday and Thursday night, the 13th and 13th No comment on the lecturer I* needed, but the two lecture* win he "Thirty Hour. In the SunleM World, or a Trip Through Wyandotte Cavern.and "Egypt the Land of the Pharaoh.” Peckham-Thomaa. Mr*. J. Pinckney Thoma. ba. rent out card* announcing the marriage of her daughter. Maude EloUe, lo Mr. Thoma. E. Peckham. which occurred j in Augu.ta Monday. September the twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight. Mr. and Mr«. Peckham are at home at No. 2131 Loeu.t street, St. Ixruis, Mo. Daughters of the Confederacy. The meeting of the Daughter, of the Confederacy to be held tbl. afternoon at four-thirty at the Li brary will be a very Important one. and a full attendance I. especially desired. Phllomathic Club. This afternoon at four o'clock the Phllomathic Club will hold Its first meeting for the Fall, In the library In the Tubman High school. Mr. E. B. Hoik has joined Mrs. Hook In Atlanta. Mrs. Caswell will entertain the Eu chre Club Friday afternoon. Mr. Trvln Alexander Is spending several weeks in New York. The Thursday Reading Club will meet tomorrow with Mrs. Cecil Coch rane. Miss Jenna Garrett of Augusta is the guest of Mrs. Edwin Crane In St. Charles avenue. Atlanta Journal. Mrs. John Wicker will entertain Friday afternoon from three till seven o'clock in honor of Miss lone Barbot of Charleston. CHEAP RATES TO WASHINGTON, D. C., Via the Atlantic Coast Line. The Atlantic Coast Line announces rates of One Fare for Round Trip, Au | frusta to aWshlngton, D. C., on account of Protestant Episcopal Church Con vention. Tickets on sale October 3rd, till and sth. with final limit October 30, IS9B. Through Pullman Buffet Sleepers. For further information and sleeping car reservations, appiy to r. a. BRAND, General Agent, 723 Broad Street. ocroac* a U*N «*4l4* •It* ***tr PtltS, BETTER V .AND— v BETTER Every day our stock is more c Dm* plete than ever be fore. (M R BaROAJINS MORI TeUUNQI. We furnish every thing to go in a home to furnish it complete. No half way business- Be sides, we give you • all the Credit you want. Allow you to arrange the PAY MENTS TO SUIT YOURSELF- Onr »7.M t ook lag «to«, « cash and 50c. W**ily. Our flrU-ela*. Sawing Ma chine at 536—41.00 cash and 80 rents Waekly. Onr Conchas at s*. 00—41.00 cash and fOc. Weekly. Our Solid Oik Hall Rack at 44.40 —ar* but samp le* of what we are doing to make the homes of the people of Augusta worth living in. ■— —'^ No matter what you want to go into your house CALL AND see us. We have it AT 5 THE LOWEST PRICES. gpp~ W j employ no can vassers. You should avoid them as you would poison. Pleare report to us the name of any man pretending to solicit orders for us. Padgett Furniture Company 1)10 and 1112 Broad Btreet, AUGUSTA, UA. E. J. ERBELDINQ PLUMBER, STEAM, GAS AND HOT WATER FITTER. NO. 541 BROAD STREET BOTH PHONES FOR IRON FENCING CALL ON AUGUSTA FENCE CO., 310 10th Street, Augusta, Ga. ®fc.Out of Town Work 8 olicited-^HR It Is charged that the asphalt paving companies have been systematically! Rootles New. Strtrk. citXc,