The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 05, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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WeONPMOAY 4 THE MUST* HtMlO nr ****** ■-- "•**’ «• s - :- jr mmmmm mtttvmm* • •** ipoora _ _’ ’ »,**. * f’*** .o*ll ws >-♦» » ****** jyfQ MMft gR #t*Oaraarara#©**ra© ** . Mar *4l* w«na (ft**# 99*99 MM | toft***** jK?** 4MM MMt 9fc#*# l *ftftft MM* Jsi7«mr»«» "•* «»UUI ** **» p , * < * •*••* •*« • • »■** -‘ *tTrit *M I). nan —r r»«i "■ ~ nr. - —«* *« *• «•••>• «*•**•* J I*. f«* wrara •» -* --- 1 1 Itkcnm bttb 1 bwj i*f o■ t j» + » «r >at j . Trail nil) Mji#!! r» nra ##!• *•!*» 2829 nut *nxi*MJ* »0T tn ' mmAff of Tho Herald have vrol'* *i ant pvt forgott«* the aeowuiuh *W «u canard I* «h- Uttar part of Au(art by th# publication ot the great wtiiM eaar’a proposition tor • general dlaamawant and lb* eatab l*hn»enl of palHtiai pesm NotwUtrtiatlni U»* tael that moat of «be nattonf pro»l*d in reply to tbs cnara tavt> tattoo that they would honor thcra •elves by bain* represented at th* pooCarctuc which waa to bo cal lad to tonlllatr bit Import a I highness- propo altioo, the tuaUnr baa already alnt<»»t faaaad Into oblivion Thera was no thinking peraon but knew per tartly wall, the day tho propoeltion waa jaartfv that there war no more chanc# ot the adoption by the nation* or Ku rope ot any general dlaarmament and ualvsraa) peace propoeltion than there Was on the construction of an aerial bridge to the planet Mar* It la quite a peculiar circumstance to which the ptuee circular l» dua; and the circum stance abowa the rtar to be more of an tmpreaslnolat than It la aafo for the holder of euch Immenaa power to be. Had the Idea embodied In the circular been the result of much communing on the czars part with able atatanm, had It boon the outcome of much atudy and profound thought. It would have been hailed with glad apprecia tion a* a bright indication pf the hu manitarian and humanlitng tendendea of the age. and at ushering in n new qnd better era in the progress of the world. Hut It pow aeema that the circular bad tia origin In a ehanoe Interview which h!» rznrshtp happened to aceord to a writer on political economy, and tho czar'i minister* have over alnce the publication imizing the scope of the conference which the czar auggested the holding for the dlacuaaUm of the amotion. Thus has the proposition which wa« to usher In the millenium been whittled down to Insignificant, dimensions; nud It looks to us as if "tho ablest repre sentatives” of the nations might be paved the trouble of meeting in inter national conference to discuss econom ic questions which every nation will have to discuss for itself at any rate, whatever the conference may have to say on the subject. Anyhow, while there may he an International disar mament conference. Just to humor the czar. It may be safely taken for gran ted that the universal peace proposi tion will not so much as lie enunciated find that the millenium is as far be yond human ken at the end of the nineteenth century as when the Pro phet Isaiah wroLc of it thousands of years ago. _ .. _ .. MMMMN'V ftp ftPkft II ftMM99N9*toft9Mftft fte InMNMM Ml ■ Ti» ' iaiil/ii%i ‘'* "T~ waMM ******* Ml fftftftl ******** Iftftftftl Min M M ft* *** *< tnn #*# to «to’top * WM m***§ 9* fft# i *»# ftft.toftw'*# m #tttft#*MN§ Ibnp» ft*#* ft *«# Ml MM to i mgdfinr «to fftirTf 9MHtotol Ml *to #** hm| to MtoHMMto Mi *ft toit «**<# MHMI Ifll I lii'Hpl'tMKiiit fttotoi ft I ulMtoi*! fito *to* pNto | toMMI IP MM *Hlrll ft** toM* ****** j #ftft##tii*ft# ft*##* gnna4 i# *»##•#* *&■#* 9i mm to top# toMi iftoii ** ttot ton totoi •# ttoto «mnp ft**# ** 9?%# totoptoi man Mi pm p topi l iumtoii top mum. MM to ift* mmmmm j Mtoftftoto## A ton totoP mm fttoftl *■* *## ippm* MtoP toMMI to*MM H •## MM MM i tol iMtotoii M MM toMNMto •### umbl •o» MpM of raasra m m onm fa* OTfaal Mow ***«•* B «*• l|o||M MMt raiMMMi* Ml OH •OfM flt H» aoaOOfß MM •*»» »M» lHMf| OMIM MM fMi AOMpM*** ot HIM MOMi M *M M MMx«lo<*«to i ral MoMm4i iMt #'iMMMft fpraM m tMft P HUH of IH MHMOOO MM IpM MM OMOiM fMoM omM M MvoM 1 1* Mom »■■ »qh <o ora moMhm m 'OM Ml MOH IH MHO to *»»«. Mo 1 mmoli Inm mi m *o*o»»» m§mm» I (hot Mlotto# OHO koto MOM to Mo I OMMOOIOOO IhOI Mo tBMH tVMIO kOM fcooo okfo to oook It—ls of omHhh* fwoo# tfcol k* cooM Moot Iko U>#» ooi oOooloUt* took# ora HmoM IkOO •HO (to fora 00 Ilnnioly oM rara- OtwHi raiWiOO. o» mi on u*o groro of feoon 000 oqo*o oolor lots Iko MMMI (OM okOk «Mk UM *4 tOKloco* of mono Ml 004 100 ora torioi Mt oor ilovar. akooM ooroly t>rloo oo lo Iko 000 lof oocoora tol MHO) KoOooirtM bo otortoO bo Iko Aogoola ooi lot Iko* bo It MO HttOOOO- ft lO fRMO I*o Mooli M*« <ku l*o lotom lo i*o loort koto gittwo. Tko Imouoh ofclrk »to*r mtm mmm »*»« toon OM Moo nob If to Mooli ftoou, oolortoo on oorall m. tko oiooooo or moot to ot o oiio Ihu«. oMoothiog laofMsoolklo for iko ooonro obirk Mono oitk o miilmo rtollor* rufllol (Moot I brgtooiogs kill loro* oortlogo; tko •mall mooo- MHortoo okouirt bo holpert kloof lo Aufurto coaroaiu c. aid a lomkloi tfc* trMoroot Mojr now on. although thry wir oot groilAnl •h rk otrory moo lark of >hrm to on roily burnt in aiming iko rtfoo ! IgrAo foco to to«o lo tattk. Ike galloat boro of nnnitonm C and K oomr home again loot atgkt. And rlgkrt royally did Anguaia do be roe If and tba boya proud to turning out to tneel them* Brood atnet «»» o • urging moas of people, orken. In henry marching or -1 der. begrimed and dua>y from Ike long ride, with browned face* hardened muaclea and elaatie atep, the boya •wting from Campbell atreel Into Broad, and thence, through a long lane ot humanity, to the armory. It woa a glad and aponianeoui wel come home that they received, ond many o heart tnuot hove beat with quickened throb under »he blue nhlrte, while the prlvotlona, the hordahtpoond the wonta of the paat few montha fad ed away nt the demount ration. Our ooldler boya are home again, and let ua oil remember what we owe them. ua remember that to tba Am erican ooldler lo duo Ih© result© of San Juan and Santiago. us remern bo- that he has made poaalble a fu ture of the republic that la grand In Ita conception and dazzling in its in tensity. ALL THE PHILIPPINES. The United Stateo should possess It self not only ot the island of Luzon, but all of Ih* Philippines. The Washington oorreapondrtit of The New York Eveuing Boat claims to tip in a position to "assert with assurance that this government ho* Its eye fixed at the present moment upon the whole Philippine group. The Luzon claim la to be merely the minimum. That much was determined upon a good while ago." The reasons presented for the acqut- Bltlon of all the Philippine* Is that if the United States Is satisfied with Luzon ajone, Germany wll prob ably devise a pretext for taking Pala wan, which Is the next most desirable Island In the group, sduce it shares with Luzon the emnmnml of the only riral rate deep water passage from the Mtndura sea into the t bins sea a passage traversed by n large portion of the shipping traffic from the rich belt of equatorfla! Mauds south and southeast us the Philippine group and northward to the China coast. in order to shut Germany out of the is lands, therefore, wc must take them all- I Ml. nHStittVt** Mint T TOWN. to**#* «to tof* utotoltoi' toto% tom* > toNMMt mm topto toMtototo totoi toto mm #top * ton itoXiiwii'w Jlffl ts <b*« ii«W * As#<n HMto ♦s**eswk I itoto toptoto 'into' I *l*9 toiflto' to itoto topi «hm* §om* t Xto» s ’* totopto*! top H I i Mt* into i iitototototo* . (tot tort iiintowl tmto f toHI fto# : m»om§ Hi** toil »»•'*»»«•* »# Intoto nto tom totonto tototo lift I ifti* #ni.t toim■ ton ton*#• to# n## : i-p «ii««nft* «- to m to# n# toft* t%* n*,<r>rf inn •*% i \ «nHi ton nto toft # •# toft# f #to ito I »to #nto tom ton itoft (Ptoi*9 Mtoto j ton* to» mm PKiiitotoi mm m ftp I ftpjyto®i fpftftft fttti pftMl pi top*# ftp [ mu pftft ftftp fPpPtoPMpMPI ftp : any so* IkNik two ptswao 4# aopawOM | ■SwHt m kMwowwn ot ffODOsgww •aao * biiwra w»wf m krawt Mfl A SHM kpssHk koraoks kp —• kaskM m» mto «%*p» tiftp ftpv toftn# Pi ft ppntoiP ptonft. ftto iHp intoftftpnM#* to o4t Skaw *»—< wf Vara* pMNHH **«% >«m rwtMOW* koao ttv<wa> wot ■» o*4 Mtvwww* Wf» O AMO Ml kko *•»*•« t.. l otag aowst *# Mb* aopltoOAa knook tkwl Mom Hp tko Ma s* assM OSkfOMI I It k waot I# kakpw Mos ##••»»> [ tMOIg MOM bo AaMgM H'Hk Wtova Oram aokoii'Ho laiff* ipwakaota a*4 ■aaviHk ■wortswe iff o*0»T M»o# Ril4ws* Ml skat iffksrt go tk* afcap* a# • »aOpwHa* la k hsksf koto MO»»t to tka karat wf Mootlo woa iraliet by o tody *k Atieoia B • Moapta rwokrotwMMoo gooos# Marti? okaP iko orwat Mlib of tko bet us oertf «M oo* «>om« aay epw •' orkwraoL Igir — Tko rapt? woa ftwra k^ora j oral «k*» *ka tkcraoaa# Aat—oAa wpwo ibk skH‘r»T? tiara skHpl bim t* Ira kt* wawkl mm*«oi of aaawsvtap ail iirawapnakrata to praook. •»* rra»ro«H ikkoha tar iko Morally Htakak # Me latter. Ikrtooe# woo k kravy MM#. *• iko oppra Mt book moths of ob" » wao 0 too OWN eogtrovM* <# Of?*' plo. Attweo tko Pool?*. 10 toe. bold eturekropby. woa tka autog'M* •* ••* •kkpfra. tkla IS tk* f.iao pwOstsM b? ik# aktoirol lo oikoooiaMrtuo *•«* of nwrtra? OOk oaaktara to so? to# ill Ha avmvwotr MU ko rkrsfely pramrarvek by Ms rrctptrot W#'v» loom ad aoaratk** •boot dywsOTMo boa idea tka Met that K doeoo t ttpi»d» deoowotde ood loet n mao? o otor? that. It osraata, did oot gat oot ot Iko ttsae. A few taooiha •»<> moo lowed oar raaotp Ik woo dyoomtie oat at the •#• waterworka. aod o bozfol es the atoll, lo tka oauol eoodle-llke atlrha was be log hauled ora to be need Mi Ike «*- >a rat toe work wt»«m It became d'.a- Indged from Ma place «n fop of aev eeol other package* and lombled ora. la falltag H rarwek ike edge of 00* of Ike wbaela bounded talft tk* ol? and came down with a rraoh oo o pile of reoaeiiee The driver taw the bo* ellp ptna but he waa to olate to eatrk It •ad anme negroes, who witeieased tb* ipcitteoi. say that bo rat perfectly atiU. fruaen with horror Ha fully expected lo be blown acruM Laar OlmHeod. and when he dismounted he waa trem blMrg Ilk* an napen l«af Tk© top of th© box waa apllt by the vloltnce of the ahock, but tb* coownta rc me load a* placid os ao much rtmdenscd milk W* were discuautag ik* utility of pawnbroker*, lhatr r*ul uaefulo*** at certain limes, when attention was call ed to what arama to be a groaa dlo criminatiun in the war tariff as re gard* pawnbrokers’ ticket* The Ob server doe# not know of tb*lr being used in Augusta, but lb© tan rent rev enue stamp required on pawnbrokers' tickets, no compared to the tax on bank checks, drafts and other negotia ble paper, seems out of all proportion. The pawn tloket tax la fust the same whether lb* loon I* a dollar or n hun dred dollars, and as U la paid In ad vance by the borrower tn other word*, taken out of tb© sum received —it must be a heavy burden to the majority of those upon whom It fails The pawnbroker is rea’y the banker of the poor in large cities, and it cer tainly seems unjust that bis patrons should be taxed ten limes as much as the rlicntele of the banker ot tbe rich. Take some poor woman, for exam ple. who wauta to borrow a dollar or two to tide her over some sudden stress. It i* safe to assume that she has calculated the expenditure of that little atnouut down to the uttermost peony, and the dime she is obliged to pay for a atamp tn addition to the In terest on the loan Is a frightful hard ship. I am told that there is a way of evading the law by changing the word ing of the ticket This is not don© lo Augusta, however. Laughter. When first her merry laughter cam© A-tlnklink to my ear, I ©tilled the healing of my heart, ‘•Hush! Hush! that I may hear." But when I saw her dainty face I straightway did begin To lift the latch that held my heart ••Wilt thou not enter In?" —Criterion. ’ “A careful merchant doesn’t throw his best goods under the counter or in dark places where no one can see them. But there are lots of people who will never know they are in the store unless you tell them.” TDK J.TTOTTSTJ. HWHALE HERAIiD PRIZE RETIERS SHIER RESORTS. 11l Far ft* ft#. 11l r# «• M •*4 f of tft* JMt toftftft#ftoN(ft# ft" # « | m* mmm nr~ffty to t*-***# ftto I. *ft ! \ ft* #Rft» ttf tft# M<4 # *»ft «ft» »ftpftto | I i fc it raukfk ■■ -is- ttff■ sftr !>»«##» *4 fto ftto ftto to . toft gfti mmm-< >m* toft ft### ftiftto ft# I «ft» mm* 9 vftto'ft »# #•####••#*« ♦ Hill - - to «ft* to* ******* to ; I A Z f i ftaMftto ft# to toto ! I M a.. |j *#>4| kM A i||H »*c ra • I rawiik* no* M MOM vvMkf *4 ••*#*» j jpMOT Mm? skM M» MraMwO ***** ‘ j ©*4 ©ora* *aOT«* *•• ? <*»* rakeat ** •* M «"* | ftp# wftF fti ftftftft j #'#*Mk#k i 9 m*s j I f»*to*ftft ftft toft j f : m % on* **m Iftftft I*##**# ft*#ft# lui "#ft9 w j [ *4#|ftM # m*mm- *9s*s fWtoftft W9# , ; « **4 IfMOTft lft#T# ftftwft ft* [im Hftftift fttot ftft"#to toft# mmmf I ‘mimtrnm ftt IX MftftPl •##<♦*4 ttft j | »IMftl»»# 9*m* Hi# ft*'#ft *"* | [ ftftftft ftftftftftft## #ftft9ftb fftftwift®* •ft*# AmmrmMm rnm mmm m mm* jm ■, totfftftft fft* ft to #ft# tolft# ftftiy ft9toto* j HI fttolto #• « to #»iiftftft mmm mi iNftto fttftftto *** •Nftto* 9ft 9ft# | tow*# to to toot. Vw totft ; totoi tto** putol ftto to fill# Iftftft.- ##MI «Mtoft * ft#** •■•vftilf #ft* , [ *ft# *pm*L to fftlgfif t f*m ««NI ■<- mi fftfttv w*9 | I t «•« rafraaft * ft M—.ffsl’rapM fllftlft tft M# * ft# ; r«<|erlOT fQfll ? «ff lb# aWfWIMH E *a* itawMH w k . ayw f#*44y ssrawra ! pmi u» aura# #»ri- ©e-1 *»(h *»■<•«• »r*g% ©f aigki nnf) fra ora, kixs #ki ■ dmc «ka( I oml ad >*- storo, fur we* i (bey »«-'•( Ik# artdOT **4 ever? "ray i i i©M*ra-ot #rar iwlt.* tor a waokerrH ravq fb#» *!«•?• M»MOT 4<kr a# M** , itbk Ikat knued as# f© pe»*-»* *a4 crak- j fiflMi wft#f ft I ft*# llHft **ftfti tliftft rwtotoft ftto •##•, to* to toft* ftto Hktftii watotf ft« 4 to ftlXftf# mrt (iaaSlg Ot tbowi we, ray fru-wk aod L , Ml the HldaiM Mfbwr »f Itoto aba? i as# rakraiwat *O4 r«*e aod **M<OT . ■ way oioVr Ike |r#aW t<r (be tfvrt ••<»#. j Wuwiog th# atump OT ble *MMf lot# th# , •otev, he askM tk# OTdle# afaHfp i w«4rw la the hank lid tkea. turblwa j abropt**'. r#w>a»h#4 f "|*mO here, my f?t< wd. thl* aurt OT 1 (blag >*do, We efra hers go And j peace. We were htffltlng to Beast* j ■ tare sod #«jt k In taaptrtnc draoohla OT the oludeonme Harth k|Hrtt I have pen alitlog up to my swan all wtoter rntOiax llamllion M*l4« a "Nator* and Cbllufe.' - *»d thtnfciMk haw I was *<•- i lag out aad alp culture pure from the | Ihrttr r« |«»r*-d f.uiotalna, (hep<* t« re lurn Home w ith Aulaeaa' in, rraao of etrrngLh and arapfrt* »t«h wkatavrr kaotiy prohtema OT winter might hrtno. But wh*t we are aciually gettiag isn’t Nature, or. if it L* so. .It I* Nature seen through s Itlm OT tawdry Htyfama transplant"! hittwr to dct elv* pc..plc lata the natlm that they are i npiyfrrg country Ilfs whereas, a* a mailer ®f fact they are getting only Mo bollnWMH play actor'# sham OT It.” ■Wei!.” said I. "twit what are you go ing u> da about Iff*' © "Aaythtng-’* be answered, “rather than this, I enroe out In lha early morning tn Inhale the fresh galea that Wow down from th# mountain* and watch In peace the pretty darlings of the humming bird* a trait the red cupa of tbo trumpet dower and all that real ty occupies my attantlaw Is the •quash ing of ill-bred children ami the shrill screams of their nnrsr nwid*. In the forenoon. whe n I try to settle down In a quiet corner with my pipe and my Tennyson, the fairest dream# of fair women are broke by the aenaalea* chattering OT the whist players or the effusive hi«h-pltcl)ed babble of fond matrons swapping nursery tales, or the gushing of lovely maidens that promenade paat with arms Inter laced looking jypnerlou* OT the presence of an Incomprehensible male heast who dares to prefer a booif to their charm ing society. '* ••That may be all very welt,” I object ed, "but you can't exiaa t me to wander f-dth with you In aaarch of a pallet of moas on the mountain side, with th* night dews for covering uml toads and lizards and snails and things for bed fellows, or aubject myself to a diet of corned-beef amt hard lack, varied perhaps by the opulertt spoils of your rod and Run. burnt td « cinder over a romantic but smoky camp fire.” So, for a while, we son tenuously ar gued the possibilities and Imposaibill- Ues of Arcadia, nuzzling down to the bosom of Nature and as is the use of great men in the debate of weighty pnddems. we at last came to a compro mise. ■ a • a a a •• The next night found us lying in dole© far nlente attitudes on ths grass fledged margin of the river, hard by a tiny white tent, wherein had been put an ampie supply of blankets and cushions. Had we brought the expansive canopy of Prince Camaralyaman it could have served our end no better. There we lay in full heart’s ease, lookng up through lives into the soft fathomless H zure and taking no more thought than the lilies of what we should eat or what we should drink, for It had been stict ly Stipulated ill the Compromise that the requirements of tltP alimentary s.vs t,i,] should be supplied at such farm I looses or hostelries up should at each time be most convenient in our pro posed rambling*. Three ideal weeks ( t spent on that ideal strip of green that lay between the vine-covered cliff and the hright flowing mountain otto of the sources of the broad, historic ishenan- • f *«# ftft % ftPiftN# #♦# Immm* #M| **#> { frtofeto ftto ft# ftrt l ,ft*M»ra,ftM--* fliftrff: 1 ftAftftn # 4MMi''ft **f-**i wm mm* h#9 *ft* m***- j I in i| ftftnmofti til mm MMN I #OT*NMftM‘Mra k'ftftftftM ft## ft## ft# mm*** l toftft ###ft •■#**" • 9ft 9Pftft • 9ft*### f Host ftMMPft i»i«wf,iiii(ft*| fftHHMF ***** ft## > ftHftft mmm*** ***** *$ ********* #•••• I ft* iMft ttoftpi ##'#♦ toft #♦###"•• m j I klorM*< ft# kora# ftMftft fftpf ♦'•■ftftM *“ ls # j . fUOTtMpAMI OT* wft **** m** ftNr #OTM w *‘" '■ j f ****** *«# Wft ******* mimmm mm I ftMi ftftftft##-, toHMfc ftp### mm*mm**m*. j I |#to#ft ftftftptwy •toftftftftto to fttotoftl j itofftm *if tftito tototoft ###to ft#®* j | JNI iffft| idirinp ftto ##«••#• ftP# 9®#*## I ; Hi a ftr *m**% ***** mi ***** tft# ******** I ;*i m ***«*? fftpft ft#'# l # l * •"im ###«•■'• J | ttf| ftft#Mßft ftftftlOTN Hftft ftf # ft# : . jftfttoftft. ft* 9ft# ftwftfti fti tft# rftftft# 1 ftftfti ftsft ft®# • ft### ft#**"# #*Pftft *• to 1! i iillftt ftf lift# ********* ftftftftft# #«♦ ’ *** * 1 \nfllft r pis» ft# ftftft ftftNNlft 9Vl# iHftfft* I ft# ft*# Hftft9ft ft l*#9l : : t##t ft#p iii ftft'tft ******** fti <a #*ftp* ft I flftft fft 9#«imftl##»9 «ft# ******** ##*"# mi * ft# f ffiinftH ft ««t4# WiHw# ## Ml# *"***: N#.. Mp t9N## ******* ftf | ft# PN#lft *tmm*f* •*»* f i IftMftft**** • xt. ***** ****** tft# ##ftlf# **# 'to toft# »i «ft# ft###- «4 ftftto •### 1 •ItraMHOTtaftl ate ftlira! ftf ftl I praftr Mftfftr «f fftiftt itoftHM#- I tywfw , a©. | r OTgftteNni Mftt III# mmim t fftirr ; ftoTJtoT aTT j •H #Hfft •• • r»*##ftf to# •• to* 4 * l l ft fOTff* fft #9l ftf If tft#t ft ftlft I mi .ararav LotHHOT > fa* »••» tft (9k# k:*at’9*tr4 lift*# #l## It# m#*o t st I #l m I .OT%.*raoaaO L ira a.Hw kaok nm «k* OT tew* j OT WavkawHsrw. OT Ik* OTk OT read I 9*** Ml f#fti# itfttoftwto 9# tft# #*ftt I tun* tpft •wntefirtt p#ttf ftMft ft#l ft Iftl ftftPUP# fft '#9## ffftPl •■ft■’■*»# ll# !••## tV# #**to» 9ft# to urark iMwwwieak (bat ik*’ MerrWt. OT tm**, Wfcft 4U* ft*# ft#ft * ram ft 4#ftftft IV ftfftr TVr* Hitt, ft# «#•## • •»•! pip I# •• Pft*ft4 tft# ftffftt# ftf •*”" TV*## •*'#*# it#*# rlftftf. tft# teftf# ft ft### tft*# ftM iftftf *»p# ptppffti ##4 mmm t«* •#c#p» r I### ft# (ft# tft»#4»f» TV ft### #ttP ftMM# fIM» H# ******** fftftf## IftftWtgft Ite •**#» p#Ptoftl #r#te HP top* • lOrtfiy fanw baa era* aek lIM |OT •r* prtan*4 oat. HOat wtOT** I'OTf kw»«o lo Ike lu*orta*i frlw** OT law • nailing M no eMker hand* ever •mg>«g ** h grab, a H|»l>w t* the Ik Maw OT tksr ‘(W ankapi*? for OTf ikmga And Iwtthw l*«a* •*•»■" Mar *m imWwmc, awd with tk* dark days OT ike awrly rtzira us ike I mm.main road to paiwied out (he fa nt»u* grtig *p,inr wkere. lo liH AdJ «toa*rar W*aktßk««n. tomwd «• **• ed iratwww cm ho#*, to ik* i*(rn.k OT 10# far Weal Howra-d wMK kt* ram rade* l» take kt* dram awd rattoo* • ••king dew a (kr Itory Hqa»d wMh a draught OT fair water fmm thia * that Mill toiMdr* la «vfrr*tl tketbtralr j traveler r..ll«»mg tk* road up tknajgk lbs h-ltok Gap. we* to * maker re minder OT ktMnrtr d«ra tfc# anetowt twit, still a M*rckd»r tbe faskt.mald' and fair OT tk# ttrad eMlea. th# Inn where many a "me wear* from <>tir I*oXl' w# si-raped for reel and victual In Ikto ton tka ' Mountain- Tbp Hows. they toiU ah"* Ih* wswn in which ooev met a l,’i*g»d#nt OT Ik# United ktalva aod tore ra-preakleslw M'Oii'S Madtona and Jelf.raon They were come here to dlscura the darltoa dream of the great ret of thee# three jcrntn this Plecah of vantage they rould overlindt the lands on either aide lhe| ridge and artori a alte for that grand monument of Jefferson - # orhoiaroklp and breadth of culture, the UmvenM/ of Virginia. Memorable council, and here la atill the veritable, dinted board of ardld oak. around which they aat. on which their glasses . linked, reminding ua that these were not Momcrtc flgures vast ami vague, but men as we. These things are common traraerfy. For me. I liked better a certain bit OT historical reminder hoown to few. The Ounkards are a rare sect, of whom a number are to be found In the remoter parts of mountainous Virginia, -•ailed tn theologlc phraae 'ixidonyp tists,’ because that they interpret lit erally the Master's eommand. "Wash ye u«e another s feet." Walking througb the woods one day f came upon a Bun kard church, a’tree church, revered and worshipped, more so. perhaps, than many a Htriutburg or Cologne cathedral. For dome It had the meeting hranchea ©f century-old oaks, for nave and tran sept the forest aisles, act around with the great black columns OT the trees. Hugged unplaned board* wore the pews In this sanctuary aod a block the al tar, Acceptable must be the worship. sOTeptabie even the foot-washing, In i»nrh a temple. And hard by Ilea the churchyard, seldom visited, the path leading to It h!1 but hidden in a tangle of vines and laurel. The headstones are rough, unmarked slabs of limestone, gathered from a torrent bed. There are but two stones finer than the rest, once mantle-white, but now discolored where the "lichen* mock The marks on a moth, and small fe,rns fit Their teeth to the polished block-” It ntay have been that he who set up these was richer than his neighbor* but I should rather think it was that he loved more. The graves that they mark, us the writing declares, are the graves of a mother, aged 21. and her child, aged two weeks. The date Is I»• rein her. IKUf,. the dote of Aust-rtitz. While the noise of Nnpoleun's cannon was reverlieratlpg through the espituls of Fotope. while the ©ogles of France were screaming their triumph over the ■Emveiers of Itussla and tint»ia. th© lonely husband and father.,digging the frozen ground in the forest depth, hud neither thought nor care for any of these things. As I stood there with bowed head, this tragedy of lowly life seemed more than all. their world-trans forming victories. jTHIS IS IT f 4H 0 ft ftPkft FOR EARLY FALL STIFFS HID ALPINES ACL SHADES $3.00 Just Arrived. DORRS Taikwinf. H*t». I um#fw»f*. M aJL i* f/ ■ § i 3s* mm Our Patrons Satisfied. Baa i kMOT tk* tk* ©Maacy OT th* wapflltk* ?*or Amt r f>m fa* da?end* atom* ra rmy afws tka part*, ••© tra*. - pat* IMo w. "Of drag* fax* aa4 imafc—at* .«.(•» *OT ua ygra fHOf ftoM t«OU. Diamond Gloss Black For G rales. Hearths Aod Uant.M <k,f» Is rara Bad aura gopoira I Of** trails 3a, October Mo\ mg- Len t I rget that AlabaaUita make* pomr «•“•■ dofakia aud healthful u trail Unis Wa all! suggmt lu*ll to pat U M. (lot aaiof card. Stains and Paints. You mav have to touch op. Wa sail <be best ratal*, Nam and Mnaraet Faint*. Uriah to pal them an. hm ua Ueiuler Dri( CupaiT m BROAD IT. s" * TO BE BOLD AT II ii. • Just received MO Hllk Umbrella# lo ; | 1 be sold at fI.IS; alto tbe b«M line i I ; of Woolen# In the Market at rea* i ; mutable prlc-s. V. O. MBK- : : TINS. The Tailor and dents’ Fur- : : uisher, oppoiate i t»uui» Motel. : ! « I ...» Have that Winter Suit Cleaned or Dyed. Itj will be ready for use when cold weather arrives. Hulse’s Steam Dye and Cleaning Works, 314 Jackson Street. Both Telephones. I would fain write of many another finding and adventure OT ours, of our pleasant hunting, of our trout-fishing In mountain brooks, dew dropping from stone ledges Into clear pnerts as shady and beautiful as any In a painted pic ture. All this has been pleasant and in vigorating and perhaps, tells better, but for me was not the best OT It. The best of it has been to me as I , now lie heft: on the springy turf and while away the day in dreams; to smoke one’s pipe quietly to the mulp mur OT the waters, to look up from the page of rippling verso and catch the chipmunk os he darts quickly along yonder rtiihn trunk; to hear what the wind through the brunches says of le doux temps passe: to rest i«er*ecUy so- i pine and picture the pleasures of noble ] toil—all this is summering at Us l>est. As sung Amiens long ago in the for- : est of Arden: "Who doth ambition shun. And loves to lie I' the sun'.' s ’ . Conte hither, come hither, come hither." HAPPY HEART. ocronen * |f fWMI ft** ******* 9ft ***** 9* *• Vftft pip ftftftift 9ft ftto *9 to to** to** tto tol tot * •*•*•■* ft* tofttoto vftikftft toft tto to to ft* tototo* : ftoto Uto to*#- to 1 * 9* to#* to* ! mm iftt ftpftto* tftftftl 9*91 ftoft (fttoft UmiftH <# iraraftk mm m, OTA* kk4 koo#w< OT rakra lauag* oatra? ra*OT |te».'ra.k»#%<fra |ji#w ft### *• ##*# ♦* tftftift#' ftft*ft ft*# ft*ft 9ft |r#"w tefttel ftf tftftft*** 9#* tP##M * (PM*# to# A ift tot to# IK- *to *to Nftftftffft 4 L. A. Gardcllc Ora«l«r tf> th# Ftn##t DRUG# AND MEDICINES file Asgnsia Herald Lirptl Bri#tat ill th Bill HiiiMl? PitUikl II .. TisSmuL „• Jtlt KICkT TP! m.«*PT! KKWFk ttIK JfPWh or THR woILD ffllll.l IT IS NEW A i 3 to «• iioi nh Aitrat* or UTIIKN OBoaulA AM) bOL Til t A Id'Ll-V A rApr.M. , •rl Hill VILL CONVINCE TOif PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 711SL. AigisU. Ga •tves wc Vfl TCtTt tm all g#OTb tk tight, gvtek* tka gmga* «In aaa a*l>- tUMTk ra» rentes cat iota f*it turn- whiU yog tv- FREE OF CHARGE, J —.OXCt.K ?oi o COAL and WOOD North Augusta Coal ASuppl? (?o l/uantlly and (joaitxy Uuar?nfOrtf F w SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bail ’fltuo* -1U Mruagc- dt£ n» —. Whitely /! Exerciser. A practical, "mplaand •flici tot Home Kxerciaer, * t,\ ones jacially ad«pted for l !]f* rj ladies and .children, bu \ f\\ at the stmt lime can bo Sjm/ V 1 profitably tiled by the lij tlrongett slblct*. I A Jin \?L laiCfcd: I l % tag 75c., *I.OO, ii.£A / Jr TT Yr BICYCLES - CLKVE- | \ || LAN Be, MO up; ViK-l | iy INf.d, *35 up; GEN -/ If mtONa, 118 up; THOM-I _J Ah, *SO no. i all and see *—v y-e.-OT* them. Every one guar- 1 1 I anteed. "J I / , Richards & shaver Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMIEBION MERCHANTS. 803 Reynolds St- Telephone I llivtie Lc»see Wires Ditect to New York Chicago «ud New Orltuut- Orders executed over our wires for Colton, Stock#, Bouds, Grain and Pro visions fur or on margins. Local securities bought snd sold. Reference© -National Exchange Bask of Auguatk, or Mercantile Agencie*. .