The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 06, 1898, Image 1

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YKX » * twin ■ ii m i feagtogi* AtliiilffA j to 4SMMA U* IXO* te*~ ftAfiK Smrnmmm mmm •» pH Hms I * • **m mtoeta. Mtt Nffth INDIANS KILL TEN REGULARS, WOUND FIFTEEN Nc** Coming In of a Blood\ Battle Near * Walker WHh the Red Skin*. K*f«rt» Tlai teoNi‘i (mmmM M l’. 1 H»4 Sre» All Wlfwl «4 (Mini4tr«H FIGHTING THIS A. M. Ilajit VllklttM. Ni PfHtlt* ii 4 oh IMtaa PtilrNMa Aarae ifc* Dm4-*4'«L Slnfcaa t» SUtfct- Ij WNtM-Ttf INlio llitf Ihr KftffUr* (*r*rrH. nn> IVid laetaas ii Wltfcli a Mila •( I.aa4iae $)•« Tlat lit Sal* 4Rn Were I igfeilag Har4. Tkr CmumAh Nm* Hi*» IM it** cril Hattie* lotto* thr Cum at the I row*# to hkh to Rr*«lt ln( to Sto totwh Hlwittoe J», iawliM l*r»Ni to TV H.ttUt Minn*»i*‘U» Minn., ort. • —Arthur tyttytr, staff r«i f a.|j>attnt off I n*‘ Journal, aim at x.ja tht* morn in# from Vaiktr, Uuo ; Th# lorn off man under (Wnetal Horon have been annl tiitolotl. I *» not kaow .briber I neper tot Tinker ha* more information than 1 have, hut he amt word to the war department latt tliflrht that the third Infantry detachment had been wiped out. I *«* In very tote from the e*pe riitKm on the Flora. We atnrted out to carry auppllea and ration# to the troop*, tt eta* very dark off chore and we signalled for an hour. Corporal Net tlrkoven u»ed the code In u*e at San tiago. Klther the troop* had been driv en Inland, or there In not a man of them i left. No answer of the signal of any aort *a* received, although we lay off and on the whole length headland. To land waa an Impossibility In the darlt, as the reinforcements from Bralnard have not arrived, and there was only / one Winchester rifle on the boat. \X hy They Did Not Land. “There is no possible doubt that the •mall tome on the boat would have been annihilated If we had landed. There were men on board who nre ferred to die lit the effort at rescue,how ever futile. It might have been. We had blankets and rations for the blue coats if any of them survive. A heavy froet prevailed. There was not so much as a coffee bean to divide among the whole command this morning. The men of Bacotn's command were taken out in a condition that is a disgrace to a militia sergeant, were he responsi ble for them. Every life lost here Is a useless sacrifice. Had the proper force been sent in the first place not a shot would have been fired. yyrar His Hopes. ( "I have hopes that‘Bacon may have entrenched himself and that failures to answer the signals last night was due / to a determination not to betray his lo cation. The men had 120 rounds of vt* €**V» A TILE AUGUSTA HEIiAIA). totiof V* the ehatgah—tet I 49 I flu IMmmnMM t«^4ft I «ass ## *## IfMiiiiA 4#kl#t <i<h*f IS 4t«|| W#4 fwPf 49 W**» t Ito #4*4# *»f NofMsg tm I mi j "’Tile inrefre M»«* 4*4 4*4 !»*«•« pi #*« »'tonrt4f">le» •« m mm TWf k#«* 1 th« 1 4 4*l*ll mt * is >#||4 |# 4#>t #l# I tp>tr ffl94*Mf The 4*#M mum MitfiM# I 4#lT lifui'i l 1 IS 5* %** S I #4#Y#4 PC’VY'f'f RttoA I® fMA t*«# S •l#f*f lull pigM «IIS « WltrlMfltT *<-«« 4» St« C*etrtffktof) krfw>ft A spMitsl *» Tins Josmsi ff****» Wit* • nmmmt JM. wMi rim# « ’T | hfUed •r 4 tl w«4iwM M# SesPp 9Hst | iSlgs the |tidl4i)i lut4 five Nest mi If. ■ TVif ItfS, He rtstms, ih4 ti«eH (lie killed «atf fnfitM The Hee* sltli ll»(«ii if# pretsbii *«f*. ««4 | »iw ffUirsgrenient Is fell stmflt H I lisve ; <«Usf ififstmstksi tkttt tHere mtt l*lf [ <!#•# Indian* frit Ills t mile r*f ih# in»4* i*"« " _ M Re table Nwi. j A ifw MU l« The Jotimai fr*#** Wsl* | kff, Mins , resile' Wllfclssoti. ell iHiialra and one Indian pdlfwan I see <)*ad. Chi. fMieehes ie htifiiiiy wiun* Ided Thirty Indian* at* dtad Th# Jour nal diapfich i*oat baa lull { from (he battlcfrfind. There see the j ir»‘*et deefwrete fijrhtm# there ell th'* (Domini The Journal boat brtumiit wit |H. A. Thirties, deputy marshal, awl j Col. Ifheehan. Übeehan la w*l isdljr I sounded, he la shot Is Ibe abdomen. From Ambush. While the Host nil tmneferrln* the I' wounded met* he waa fired on fr«'»*s am bush. Th|a waa a signal for the Imme diate reopening of boat llf ties* The j troop# opened on the Indians, and in a second there saa as fierce a fight In pregres* as that of >e*terday. Narrow I ampe. Car tain Baulleu nairowly escape d with hi* Ilf* H" had * nhouldrr bored clear-through. The tiring became w> hot that he >va* romp died to weigh an ehor and steam out Into the lake. Th*' Indians appear to be In fore*. Karon * tommand I* too small to take ihe ag gressive. The detachment Is entrench ed In good position and can hold out aa long as the ammunition lasi*. Tin steamer Chief has arrived there with a posse of men. Major Tl was shot and hilled while walking up and dowhi admonishing the men to keep thefr*heads low Huhl With the Red*. The fighting commenced yesterday TO miles from Walker. The soldiers. 100 strong .under the command nf General John M. Karon and Major Wilkinson, had arrived there Tuesday evening, and at 4:30 yesterday moving they went on hoard boat and were carried to the point named, where a landing was made w.lth considerable difficulty, a gale of wind having stirred up a pretty lively sea. The landing waa effected at about * O'clock. Scouts were hurried through the hushes In ev ery direction, and for three hours no trace of the Indians could lie found. Bvery precaution agalrut ambush had been taken. Finally at about 4:TO u ctn k the soldiers were drawn up In an open spare near the shore of the lake and preparations were abo-ut to Iregln for dlnaer. The Opening Fire. The soldiers w*ero still In line, though ihe coffee making had commenced. Su ddenly a shot was tired from the house of Bog-Ah-Mah-Oe-Hhlg, the Indian who has been the head and center of this whole difficulty. Fix-Marshal Kd Harris.a Walker haifbreed.'.vas struck, his arm being broken. This shot seem ed so be a signal, for immediately shots tame from every direction ami~three men were dropped and were carried to the rear. 'Hie soldiers, who are vete rans. not along of the Santiago battle field, but many of an Indian skimish. knew what to do, and at the first shot all found shelter and awaited another volley to tell them where to shoot. Attempted Rush. General Bacon and Major Wilkinson steadied their men with encouraging words, and with a second volley the In dians attempted a rush on the soldiers. The rattling volley from the regulars that met the oncoming reds stopped the rush and drove back the Indians, although half a dozen cf them were dropped hy the soldiers’ fire. The fire from the pillagers then became more scattering and the soldiers made a fine charge and drove them back,though the firing’ continued. The steamers in which the soldiers had come, as well as these used by the newspaper corre spondents. were fired on hy the Indians. A special train left Fort Snelli-ng this THE MOTTO OF AUGUSTA ANO AIIOUSITANS SHOULD Be-"EVER ONWARD." Law** at llto I maSS*- 'ZZ? J m 'to*! TH* Iktortaaat to mt*M. | # *. | t _ , amt him* Hi lb* *»fto ] Coal.rtiag tmffa*. rv Mi(*» (Nwifnlwl'iD l ( of lfi«flnn As- 1 r**«*ry Mi mM the Alt h ** » , MU i t h«* Bfn) 411 <i**n*-rtl RAron ti4u »r»t thi* irt»vbl#* would toil l«*nf. \\ hat They Tbl«k. I TV tmrt that th# *»r d#r«Hm#v«( ; iiTir thr OMthrmli «*f the pillager In dian* Imltfie* the Official* to the be- 1 'lie f that th# r#porta are *ieatl\ \rmt*4. In th ai*#«».r of ..metal In for- • matton. <l#neral Mile* will w>t comment • Ih.n't know to’hrr* Ih*y Are The following from Ihe Indian In»p*c-, dor Tmker at Walker', sent ihl* morn ' tug, has lien rrl-'l\*sl at the war de- | i parlment: "I am Informed that two hundred soldiers are due here In four hours. 1 have not beard from Generali Ua. on * forces and do not know wbetel lh*y art.” AMENDMENTS ARE BEATEN The Election of the Judges By the People. Look* Like the People Have Voted Against the Proposed Law. Special to The Herald. Atlanla. Oh., Oct. 6.—The eon atttuUonel amendments provid ing for the election of Judges and solicitors by tho people have In all probability been de feated. Accurate llguies are not yet obtainable, but the returns of The Atlanta Journal and those at the democratic head quarters Indicate the defeat of the two proposed amendments. A Name Substituted. By Associated Press to The Herald. Indianapolis. Ind.. Oct. 6. —The dem ocratic state central committee has de cided that M. 55. Standard, of Jeffer son county, should be placed on the ticket as candidate for supreme Judge in place of Judge Hackney, who re cently v.ithdrew his name from the ticket. Taranfrala Captured. Mr. George Ccchakos is not (he only fruit dealer v.ho can boast of having captured a live trantula. Mr. Cochakos discovered a tropical insect of the above variety last Saturday n : ght and today Mr. A. B. Giovanni found a tar antula in his store. Washington O. K Sandersville, Ga., Oct. 6.—Washing ton goes about 400 majority for Cand ler, All Democratic county officers elected. __ £3. H. SUJ-JjIVAN. (Hit Mff U* CANDLER BY 60.000 AH. _ # 4 v 4 Ik- _- a a to. I M | 1191 P IJffWw tffll P »• I4N k|4l p»»4*« Ml IM tbai* «tmh v*>MpMMh I <*»*>• m«mma fmpfttnM.. m * ? *ff l-RI.I-ARIMI I I* l* \K \DI TW Mitor Hto« • to HI tosrtfc mi Sniff at pja. I Sirr *4 nee J4I be soldier bftys bars town a**e»btod'Si Ike ar -aory and at *th# ptfMiii pff rl) all of utir h#ro** mtr rfMr pnrmfi. Th# ord #r that thr MriL would ill** pia«e it 111 Hi* bi#p rhans#4 to 4:M *n<t at that tiJM th# Mm* «UI Martb hr tor* their (tldiffi The maß»a< re* of ♦hr mirpani** artll t*k* Rlaee on Broad aa high up aa Matoary *no a* low •* rea r# The Sixth regimen: band ha* offered (tt nervirm and will furnish the mush for the wratkkl. Heratal of the boya will not patade. and therefnre will get la trouble, an after thr drill to over a verbal fur lough will be siren. Tboae not preaeat do wot rerwiae the fm lough and besides trill hare Ibelr pay docked Captain Frye s company baa turned la all aquiptaeaia except belta and sun*. These will be turned la tbli afternoon Immediately after Ihe drill i* over. Cap' Kenkl w II commence to check In the equlpmeota of hla loyk They aU thm be dlamtsaed for ihrtt 30 .lava i reat. ...The exact time to lie devoted to the 4c(U this afternoon has not bken deter mined. , A> 810 THIEVES GET BACK. One (ioc* t» Apologise ’ and I* l.iick.d lip. Nt* York. Oct. 6.—Five year* ago toe bookkeeper for French A Ward, j woollen merchants, of 95 Franklin street, walked out of the firm s office, ! taking with him the assistant book keeper, Henry Kevlin, Jr., and neither I came hark. The Arm waited for two j or three days and then made an Inves- I ligation and learned that Kevlin ami i the bookkeeper had opened an account j with the Jersey City Title Guaiantee I company a; the expense of toe Arm. The Arm learned that their bookkeeper and assistant bookkeeper had been i taking chet ks that eamc in. indorsing them with the firm’s name and then | depositing the ehecks lo their private | account In Jersey City. Indictment* for grand larceny and forgery follow- j ed, but Hie bookkeeper and assistant had disappeared. Yesterday morning (he assistant j bookkeeper, Karlin, walked Into the firm’s offices drunk. He said lhat bis conscience troubled him so I hut be could not sleep and be wanted the firm to forgive him i for hlB past acts. He j said that be would make restitution if : he could, but that he bad spent hiß j last (lime for a glass of whiskey. He was turned over to the police end com mitted to the Tombs, being too drunk to enter a plea to the Indictment against him. Kevlin, when seen in the Tombs, said that he end the bookkeeper had run away in March, 1893, to escape ar rest. He said lhat the bookkeeper had concocted the scheme to rob the firm and, bad carried off the bulk of the money. The amount stolen was about SII,OOO. “After we skipped out,” said Kevlin, "we took the money and went to New Orleans, where we read the account of our disappearance in the New York newspapers. The bookkeeper had left his wife in Jersey City with bis moth er. We heard that the New York po lice were on oun tracks, so we decided to go to Mexicoj We lived In Mexico about three yeaTs, and found It much cheaper to live there than up here. The bookkeeper was stuck on horse racing and spent,a great deaj of money In gambling games. Finding our money all gene we managed to scrape up enough to come back to New York, and, the bookkeeper is now in this city. He wanted me to go up and break the, ice with the final, believing that we* St lie edtows . # v ■ gw- k s tons# to* j INHtoISI 'i *% tm t HIKO* 1 Itraak a. Ike I mat idh al (to* Lean* mmmmA I fjijiii ii «%9 • A jtttfHh *< H m fh# 1 ■ } > 41 ._ mr; s n -"Ht4 it t*. Mt i 4««ri MM> I -*« f» Ito *iar.A tontof l»Y Th# luDll* 1' t fOiA th# I ,st*4l«|«9W*4 that tt*. *Up ««*«•»«• »—• * 14 My «h#«h#f h# I* ill** «*T 4"t4 L * The Jury I tadiag. | «>»« , «Vt « -C.*r««HW < | v.i n h«* rornpleled hi* imiuesl ißto the death of Koine Gill, •how dls* •' memlend body wa* f >und In the Yet mw mill in—.d a tow week* ago finding ' th«l *f-e rame to her death by fel,.aVm* heinh-tde at tb* hand* *f Nancy A .tall ford. mmUmUH «n<f *b#tt#<l hy Alfr#4l i ompm ind itffspr |»r«yt«»n Th"* grind lury hi* m<tl<*l#<9 Sinry tlutlforvl for * r in th# d#gf## Tbl» will ; miwis- her extradition fr**m Kng j I'hailr* B Baker, a well hn •»« dent !|at of thl* city, baa received a tetter! j from a prominent dentist In New Tork. I tin Which the writer states that he did work for a young woman known I a* Mrs Katherine tollher. who went to |u« Angel* a last and who said ! she waa goliig abroad tht* fall. The let ter *l*<> st»t.» that the woman's tnaid • n name i»gan with a T*. ' and that lb# d'wrip'ictt of the w.wnsn anestrd i m London On Mra Wilber »<i a dot. New York f uture*. i S w York. Oct. d. -Future# opened steady. Oclulwr 6.ZA. November 5.31, | or,ember January 5 40. February r,.43. Macrh B.H. April 5.53. May 6.iff. June 5.62, July 5.65, Augunt 5.70. THE FEVER IS RAGING One More Death Reported at Jack son. Large Number of New Case* I* Re ported. |By Associated Press lo The Herald.] Jackson. Miss.. Oct. « Another death was added lo Jackson * fever icord lasi nigh!, the patient being Le ila Harris white. Her death how ever Is attributed lo neglect. She was sick seveial days before It was known, A telegram to the Slate Hoard Trom Starkvillc says: “The sick arc all in the hospital roidon around the col lege ground* Most of the college peo ple leave for St. lamia today. All of the exposed are quarantined. ’there were lit new cases reported in Missis sippi yesterday as follows: Jackson 4. Water valley 1. Orwood 4 cases 1 death, Taylor’s 2 cases, Horriston G, Stark ville, A. and M. College, 3.” * MR. AUGUSTUS HILL Former Augusta Resident 111 In Sav. annah. Mr. E. A. Hill received a telegram this morning stating that his father, Mr. Augustus Hill, was critically ill at the home of his daughter. ,V|r. Hill is an old resident of Augusta and his iiiness will be learned of with much regret. A Present. Mrs. R. E. Elliott of West End has presented to the Woodlawn Methodist church parsonage three sets of window shades and a roll of matting. This was a most acceptable and very high ly appreciated gift, and is in keeping Mrs. Ellioit’s kindly thought to others. Seriously 111. The many friends of Mrs. William C. Wardlaw will regret to leant that, she is seriously ill at the city hospital. i*f t<**aim a *r*» INI VHtol, Uhl to *MA INSURGENTS FLY BEFORE TROOPS I , H*. * MinMi ijtirfff Flint |«v Th# 1 1144*14 On § ## Ah mm MKrt* iMm s»»4i 44 it * «h#*# (tail i pmmm mm Ml «irt I j itoljwili Aid thi* mm MMMHfIk t <4HH*M. • iMKH • ts it liiwiH’ii iM § flag ti PfMiMl pH* »i»<* (*•*# yutpi*#! Th# Hi* iiHiitii ituf fl Th# hill mi lh#M 4rt'M»#9» fi ihi ftonwittoli* *•* it *A#M KPlsC*>f*Al- CMIRCN. Ika Days bawaffmi la tonak l*«ton today. I I Hy Aaanrtotad ftowaa to The Herald 1 Wasblngtoa. If C . Ort A Morn- I ia( prate' toe the to the j triennial mavsniioa of the K| •sepal j Church tea* ueld la the Cknirb or Ik* I Cpipkany. Her Hr. M- Kim readme the I sera lee llnbnft Gilbert of Minnesota pro I nouaced the beaedktlow and Ret Or Morgan Iff! 1.. e president called the second day's aanalon of the house of depotles to order A number of standing committees arete appointed, and rrantuOna* and memorial* on de ceased member* were presented nod srfrfTfd Rev Or Menu of Mitwuur. offered a rraolutlon naming Kansas (Tty aa the naxi place of meeting Several reso lution* on the question of mairlage nod dlroroe were presented and Bish op davenport of tbe Otoreae of I sp ingf eld moveil that tbs dlscuasioa •if theae questions by toe convention lie held behind closed doors Tbe matter was referred tor consideration hy a committee. Tfiriffii IS TROUBLE AHEAD. The Negroes to 111 Be hilled II They (io to Illinois. | By Associated Prewt lo The Herald.) CarllnvlUe. 111.. Oct. I—'loe1 —'loe town of Vlrden prrwnia a decidedly martial aarect, ful.y 2.500 aimed mlnera b"lng organized into squad*, which patrol Ihe railroad (rack* and highway*. The commleaßry etranKt-menla for feeding the miner* have ben perfected. The striker* are not molesting the companies' plant. Manager l.uken* ha* reaffirmed hla purpoae of bringing In Alabama ne groes lo take the miners plrc-* and Insist* that Ihe (sheriff be In readiness to Invoke state aid. A STRANGE CASE. Circumstances Surrounding thelfeath of Strutt. |By Associated Press lo The Herald.l St. I anils. Oct. fi The peculiar part of the circumstances surrounding the death of W.llian Strutt tvbo was found in the bath tub of his apart ments at the West Find hotel, lies »n Ihe fact that his clothes were In Ills loom, which was securely locked, and the key was down ir the office In ills box. Strutt'B room was 101) feet from the bathroom. WALLCO TT UP. He Is Agaht Nominated in Mas sachusetts. I By Associated I’rcss to The Herald.l Boton. Oct. 5. Gov. Huger Wollcolt was unanimously renoijiinatod by the Republicans today. W. Murray Crane, of Dalton, was unanimously renomitmted for lieuten ant governor. The Anglo-American Entente. London. Oct. 6.—The pally Chronicle By Associated Press, to The Hen-Id. publishes this morning an Interview with Senator Frank D, Pavey, and the Daily News one with Sir Charles Tup per. the Canadian statesman, both of whom dilate upon the growth of the Anglo-American Intente, as a genuine and enduring sentiment, Sir Charles Tupper testified to the sincerity of the feeling effecting Canada. The Peace Commission. |By Associated Press to The Herald.) Paris. Oct. 6. — The United States peace commission held an hour's ses sion this morning and then took a car riage ride. A Soldier Dead. Han Krancizco, Oct. «. Private Wm. Bun:pass of the First Tennessee is dead of heart disease at Camp Pre sidio. «*» 1 f Htfathtoto# • < k ,«•»*• ■ lO*-# Iff* PLANTfii LOAN AND •iAVINCtt BANK *«#*-? # #♦# A I* ##9-4' The I Andinfal Hollllto Cauac* a l*arik; on Shore. : \ i.fpfft ttoff! ts I* 944V* •titot Tike* H tl* Wteto l Iffkteva to«HA fto«—*>» »•*#•*•* ami tower* of Ika iwaKgvkt* to* tmffn. iNkw* fakikt «• Iks nut* fMrty ass Ika kt llvaa hiftod. T#4 rMtif «M iiitHfiiti. tA# t# 449* hi#* *»*4## i ii tiWf mi ft##li* ti cn### ###DNii i mem i#** # ##i 9M» ##M4>it#A ii# y*« #4l • f A# if lMr so 4#* ° 4 #i# I ELL P OM TR kTLE. Ro*a *toW»a >w*t*<a* Unkwu laiwrto* Vnlnffty Alicrseo* A 4#r» m» Arrldrgt orrifr## | 4ijr iflrriooi I# Rom M#ttoi, 4Mi 11V44 Ir IBiMri it< >• it 4 Mti«# fii'c mi girl ntf f ; v#4r4 oM mJ ti %rr> rr«r*»i|fet«i I Thl* d<Rt nid ##tc*f Mr fn»«u dollß i 4 hit alt th# rt)thtr#i a# Hirriibun ] wamber** men do. tuH9( #4l ft*# rill* j rail i# gMt h#r #<jo#. Y#*f#fdiy #hi 1 Aid inoihfr tin!# girl Mirtnl o# # ru pfon ts fills hind #n#, #• ib#> usttil- I )jr did, tr lkfd th# hi#h trritl# if th# i Hontbfri raid When h#t |»##n ih# #mharkm#ot» th#> h#*rd it# | whifllr of it) riftnr ild thLokiil UL «n on th#!r owe Hi#, quirk#!)## thtlf I p» UifortttDitstjr Rom atumbli#. ,»nd bring snrh i llttl# t bln*. *li|»pad tltrongh the crossl to* hefrre her com ‘ pan ion could catch her. fatliug thirty 'f *1 to tbe ground below. ’.Vben aa : slstance reached her she was imrok ) * clou* and ha* been *rer aluce. It 'l* tbrught that paralysis ha been i caused hy her spine striking with suck I severe forri. MAV GO TO MACON. :or Walsh Receives an InvltatiM From flavor Price. Yesterday Mayor, Walah received quite a pretty Invitation, signad by Mayer Price, of Macon. Inviting Ijlm to l«e present at the rarnlval In that city. These Invitation* have been sent to ! all the-mayor* <4l tieorgla. They re qi.e»t that the viaitlng mayor* repor. , ;it the city hall immediately after their arrival, uhere they will be met, fur- I rtlahed with pease*, buttons, lodges and ! other necessary things. The city hall will he the hefrtqtiar- I tet* of the visiting mayors, au.l open i house and a royal welcome awa-t them. The mlnd-yoor-own-bualneaa Hub. which was organised by Mayor Price, several years ago. will be revived- Cer tificates of m mliershlp will be jgtetld ed to til the mayors and a button en titling them to all the benefits of mem tiershlp will be pinned on the labels of th-lr coats All who allend Will have a royal time. The mayoi do •* not know whether he will be able to attend or not. as bu siness eems to Interfere, but at the last j moment he may be able lo gel away. A LANDS! IDE. Populist Counties Oct Back Into the Democratic Column The Tenlh district come very nearly getting squarely bock into Ihe solid Democratic c luum yesterday. The legislator In Columbia Is in doubt. R; jvla, Democrat. Is elected tat Wilkin son. Reed. Democrat, is elected In Taliaferro. Farmer and Johnson. Dem ocrats. sic elected from Jefferson. J. C. Jarnigan. Democrat, is elected from Warren. J. W. While, Democrat, is elected from Glascock. Wilkinson gives Candler 370 major ity. Glascock gives him GO majority. The Constitution gives Candler 7G ma jority in Jefferson, though reports in Augusta say the Populists carried the county by 35 votes. Taliaferro gave Candler 75 majority. All of - be counties enumerated above have been populistic In former con tests. MR. BEN HANKINSON Was Cut By One of His Farm Hands. News from Beech Island states that Mr. Ben Hankinson was cut by one of his farm hands Tuesday. It seems that. Mr. Hankinson had given an or der to the hand, which was disregard ed, and upon Mr. Hankinson’s starting to enforce bis command, the negro at tacked him with a pocket knife, indict ing severe cuts on bis body. Dr. Phil Eve was called in, and rendered med ical services, and pronounced the wounds, while painful, nothing se rious.