The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 06, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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6 THURSDAY COAL-COAL-COAL *twA t r ami* ®rt ar w m t* ftwf AißJrß*cr TM* OftMT OHAOKft Of 0H» d®m JaMHc* GOAL nmfirwrni ffn ■ - ‘ M**t’>*» ICE COMPANY AIAM*V A lAMM'tm ««§ iff| #**** »*♦ > IMm*## «# #9#«#| •*•*■* WTWft j gftMfc 4mm P t#fto# «* m m 9* **# •#* >W»i*i *«# c##***** i l’«* **## * • O>o>|>o ii. pN IMNI *•*•** ** fpt #*M * m *» ** > •** P»CN m*#*# v *#» f ** *r*# mmmm**. pmmm *» *• **** *i J^J£ : r( .£ •* h*m .« IMA ft* ft* #***•**#••* t%lfto*o' »♦*• WWW »»*#• *%*«»* ; ||So#ol *#•<►*• #*«*#» jM •* *• |9l3lft’ *f m•* ■ *__* ■ pvn rrpfY KAftftrr ih*»i *—y. *f «—** •? figll it»t« IV«HiI «■#*# v •• *»" ft ■#000904 00>Mft#9l i* ***•• •**-• * 2 fIpUMI •0»*00» MIH •«* «*• J #>>##>**. pmrnmmm m> mitivi *■*« !*>■"■'■■ »*• ft %**to* o*of l oo* 00## * *•* #R •»* ** 000IT# MMPI. «MMMMi N #• - tin ■* *4 »* M» •* •*» *• ***••’ ** ftftstrift •»«• •*«•*•# M— **•> fta# *—«— -«« .* ~ •*•• *• • gmt HI t M#*#* Mt »**P •* m fcftfe*** M 00>4» full **»ft *•*• ■# I* 4 Wfftf9f*W A VUI n tl t*"» ***# l«Hf, it •*. M M • #*roirll»t., |M #**#» ii <• » ••*# **• M It lO9#M •*■** «*•** • tft* •* **“• - H m. w*m ******** «• « fftr»»» MMrtfM SMI M**-#*** Ortupfi 14 MW * *• **i 4 'm* n n UTfiwr "« M twit. .. * » * OfMllMtlit H M < H . .. ..11l j«fc„ f Km, H I I »Wr>tM .. * M JnlM, IP.. KI«iK- II N**A A C .» « I I^l ■root, nut Cartw«.it. •• |A Ii m*"*- P" 1 MAMKIMI. Mtonßai.'■■>•»*«»>■» • J. •••• * •• * | VtMMW rvuit «i tin *• |>rt— •• •'• • ;-* VrwM <4 ihi tmmn. W ■• •• *’ | ©•» m. T-l Olhnt. t 4 •• * *■« Ailtiaw K<*. 1* M f ( l4. «{ t|i* W«l .. ........ M l‘l As. f. Kina 14 1 R »hlrtin« ..>*-* J*o r. Kmc 4-4 A A (katlU .. 4 l-» H*PM \\\\ Jrna T- KM. I4I»I> Awntt .. .. • «-* tm> r. Kin*, tl inch K C •*» lHfcMfH! *» *4 •* •• •• •• »• •• •• i t*2 j »m° r KHml M »oi K* h. hwt - •• •• •• .» ' ■• • l •'* I lm>. r Kiaa *w» KKi»o«r . I 1-4 mblmvm AhMmlrcll (IlfUU*. Mall.. *• •• * I’ 4 | Mirrinut' h ahwtmo •4**4 ... .. ..I I*4 Chirlrr ‘ hjcA iUt»» fl*M M*n .. t l-l Viablr »M|l • AIM« (KIP P * 4 ’ * •«inpK*i'« »-i p*r‘*to* • • • (him apmf s*t Ml. 41 AMwrkma HK»1» him. 44*14 .... I t-l AU'.< <HH mill** *44*4 4 AlMdnn IMl|4 !*»•* §4*l4 .. •• 4 IntimaCl*'!** hMh* 14**4 .. .. 4 AIM ! I'WllMl* 44*44 .. ~ .. .. 4 Athni* I*«t>*nn* 44*44 .. .. .. .. 4 lnritK. 4 *' 4* fclui- 4 ■UaaUWt'l 44*44 .. - •• 4 Uarthn W**hhi*t«n M**l «• •• •• * *' 4 Oampr's riillcnt* 44 *44 .. .. •• 4 flutter Oik* 11*44 .. * M | TICK*. H*mp*tilre .. AnvikMi A C A JO I-* Amoeh.nK- A 'AmotkMl C .. •* * *' 4 I*UAID BOMKIPUIiA .Oita * t ** Teur y*rd, *<xhl *1 '"rl 1 4 *" 4 - l."<si »hlrtln*» IMA*- »> •• V “ , Lo*l Urea* cljrle* JW*M „ .. i. •• 3 1-4 «t. Cl*lr <!»••• *«>TM •• •• •• 4 Oraan Mallda* • •. •• : < •• 3 3-4 Kutlai W»*hlnft<*l fanrie* •• .. 3 J-4 lll»«-cllcueoii* hr*ndi. light weight .. t* l-t*l* 1-1 Inttl* 4 ycrde plcln .. .. •• •» *• 3 1-4 Thorndike * 3-4 H*nule* .. -.j.. *f ~ " 1 M Amoehec* .. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• * *■* Pelham. 3S b»l Ito box 13 r. O. F.. 30 ball* to liox 18 K O. P . 2« belli* to 11) 17 1-! MU*co*i’t> U .. .. •• * I** aj inch 4 1-1 yd. plaids, beet make Simpson Bilk /Snish foulardn 64x -4 Puclflc mourning* 64*84 4 1-2 Chin* Bllkß 64x84 4 l’ 4 Middleton) 6 8 *** ttUter 44*84 3 1-2 Csncord, 58x60 ..... 3 1-4 Jbome 68x40 3 1-4 -2 Fifth Avenue 3 2- 4 KBARSBT'S. Heavy Columbia, lueivy Keareey 8 1-4 Xineald end othera 9 1-4 LIME. CEMENT AND PLASTER. Lime .. .. «. .* .* •« )oaß6 Rosendule cement *1.46 Portland cement .. .. .. 12.75 to 3.25 Louisville cement In paper sacks ..11.00 Plaster in bbls 11.76 HARDWARE. Well buckets, per do* 13.00 Fainted buckets, per do* 11.10 iUBB cedar pails, per do* .. ~ 11.76 S H B B cedar pails, per dox .. .. 12.00 Tubs painted, per nest 11.75 Rope. Manila, per pound 9 1-2 Rope, Sisal, per pound 7c Rope, cotton, per pound .. .. lOcallc Nails, wire.. .. .. .. .. .. 11.75 base Nails, cut *145 base Shovels. Ames, per do* .. 111*111.50 Shovels, diamond, per doa .. .. 17.00 Shovels, riveted back, per dp*. .. 11. T 5 Plow blades .. •• •• 2 1-2 base Hames, red top, per do* 32.25 , to+mmm #*■§ »-*# ftnwt. #R# Mo# m m ft| #> ft ti r-m mm *m«i, |mm» 4Mi MHM (|UHf 1 Hifflrprr mmbm* # 99m *» * m ifhM mmm n» «« m *•***• 9 M fftniMM iMh'awi |mm «n#| m ** 9* ** ww ] : #«** •»«' «m# ** ,9 ** ** •• m , # mbmiM. m» MMMRA #Pt ftftl m m m ft*** 'fMM «Ma ##r 4mm $m 01 #m— 4* ■ Mrnmm fRt ohmm * PM *• , M»M* ftf# 0 AM#' #* -mt fR» [ >*** >«## iWM *0 mt**4 99 999 00 R## |M* Put p* *8 41 R ** lA-M# MMk#M it* |sm OMM m . *• 90 [ AM# #•#!■•, RNa. A Rm 4m# ** ftl j AMM limA#lm» ss» 0 pm An# h m *. P [am*** Aha «bh# ##«».',« R*o itm lAMMMi M»l*MM#pA ;i Ms 10 . Ah 1 oM*4lmm pH#. Mloftl4 00 00 f4O PT aTA ftpiAf# | #<m#4MNo#m Pi«bk 0m mm 4 omm#4m PmHH4O - ftp I**%a if. Po#Mp. OA4 040*4 I#***## f'A. o#o 4$ Hutum , ||B I fpPM4#o| f f*T* #4O t* 44 Mi „. | •A* l *n«* 0I f m #OO m999m 9m p*» |«lM*H#i 0 $-fm. OMA * m m 9* ft* 4 i<ltM4#ol 0 I fit #4O «« •«*••• ft# ** * A#ilo €%fmsmm 4 I*ooll »* **. . #0 til CITf #c#tfAi, | A#p4ooA f’A, PMO 101 ••• i AAAMMMM It fAMI •• h •• #• 4t ft# j Am%N« Am. #OO , .#•**. M 0 Ai#«m«a 0 IfA ftp M M M M •••! I A«««•*<* «m Iflpt .*♦..***»• ftP •*« AIIMAIM Pa IPM 99 99 99 99 IP ... jA%Pft*M A*. |#« ...a.a. a, !•# ... 00*MM«#0 A 0 1040 »« .. *4 «• 110 •«. Ir#M«ii.oM« # ft»ra tut .. M ip ... Mm*-*# « l«Ta HAS *» .. .. .. MA ... : I Mm* •# f». pit Ma.».M .* .. lift ... *f T*-Cm t* ....«• M ... i [ClMMipiMi f*A #44 .. m. 44. P ... I *■##<#. #Aiu9iciAf> mmiA OHMUfti R M 40 *o* CM. r«. tPi .. •• „ , IIS ..., ! Umi#to*M *. It. 41 *OO Cm. | A a IPS * Hi ... : CHrMlf. €2a#*Molm * A» ! OMM!A IP O*A IPS .... ** IP ••• idMkrtettA Cotooiftp A Am H f*A IPO ** .. .. .. Ml ... A.gust. h» R K .I *. t*St . ... *4 C. R R Ranking On Cathsl »r*l Trust I'a IMT ~ ~ .If II it ait her* H.ilwar I'a. 1*44 ... IT M Central of tlssrit* Railway, Ist nshl Mart. *«. 1444 .... M 44 C of tl. Ist pref In 14 44 CMitrg) of tßhnrgta Railway, 24 I'tef laeonie. 1444 . .... 1* 14 |C. «*f Cl lat pr*f I. . 1*44 .... I 6 O. h « V . Ist m I'a. 1441 . IM ItT South Oe-Tg** and Florida. M ra. i«m io* twill Omrfl* and Florida. M 7's IM . 14* ... Ora.. Rteamablp Co., let i'a M Fa, IM IM FACTOR T BONM. Enterpct*. Ufg. Co., lat Cav 1*43 141 ... Hlhlejr Mfg. Co., lat ga, 14M . !M Htbley Mt* On.. Ist ra 1449 . 144 (la R. R * 11. On. stock .. ItT 70» Noulhaeatern R. R. Rtnrk .. M !M Augusta and Itavannah atock 4* IM GRAIN AND PROVIPIONB. Oats, white. Backed it Oat a mixed, sacked .. ...... ~ 34 Corn, white, sacked ~ .. .. .. 64 Cora mixed .. .. 44 Meal, baited, per butbel 415* ! Flour, rommon 3.50 Flour, fancy extra 3 75 Flour, Second patent .. .. ~ .. .. 4 00 Flour, standard patent .. 4.26 Flour, fancy patent 4.76 Wheat bran, 100-lb sack* 80 Fine feed. 100-lb sacks 90 Hay—native, per ton 12.00 Hay—Timothy, per ton IS.OO Hay—choice, per ton 14.00 Hamt—choice sugar cured .. .. 10*116* j Smoked rth sides .... .. .. 4 1 Dry aalt riba * ; Lard, pure leaf. In tierces 68* Lard, kettle, rendered In tierces. 6 1-4 Sugar, granulated 5% "crazy in jail. The Woman Can Not Be Sent to the Asylum on Account of Ouarantlue In the county Jail, a raving maniac. Is Clifford Williams, a colored woman about thirty years of age. Rhe became so violent at her home in Summerville that the authorities de rided to send her to Jail for safe keeping. The authorities of the asylum at Mll ledgevllle have ciuaiantlned the build ings against Richmond county on ac count of the recent cases of smallpox. WDlle this quarantine lasts there Is no chance of sending the woman away, which doutbless will be done, although the trial has not been held und she has not been Judged Insane.* CASTOR IA For Infant* and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the S? Signature of L&ATyf. J-&*C&4r'i BRUCE IN CUSTODY It Is Charged That He Is a murderer of United States Officials. lly Associated Press to The Herald. Little Rook, Ark., Oct. s.—Harvey Bruce, moonshiner, charged with be ing the leader of the band of Illicit dis tillers who, on August 29th. 1897, am bushed and murdered a posse of depu ty United States marshalls. In Pope county, Arkansas, was arrested in Van Ruren county Friday and landed in the penitentiary here yesterday. TH» AUOUOTJk HERALD CHARLESTON sirs “HE TOO" Ti* CH4 0 i! Mt <M ft ft## oft #•• A ft#!** 000000* PNI 9NM*f A >MO * l «■%#..? •#«**«mm CM 009 MA NC* A ft** 1 * mum MM* OS-t-*tM I* «#*M*## A ft* RP •ft* SOO <0 §#M**M T oirn> #oo*o. 00 10/ * 8 M# A I# At*# ft# 0 4*poi *o*9 *‘ 4 TA# 00001 MK*«9*| o*olo ftP 4 •HttWft' 19# 0 «# MppVC** Hf nl o##f ft«»A*J •ft#** cm** mmm •*> «*4 HOHOOMI 4ft - ftMlft T*ftl MM* ftl A<*o>o *ft A* •* o*j *H#O #o*o^p ftftft A ok*i ftM* Hm# 00 1 # *AM ofloHo*| 01** 0f • •*#*« MA# ofe#Mo H*>ootf ft* ftA l * If*#fto 'Mt* fHO* Aft O*HM of fft* o*o TA* AOMPMOOI <s j Mil ltl ,. || mmmlM *-9km (a* ' A OAOOP**» ftf*tA# Aft Aft OCM# Aft AH . iA# ft*#* *•#■#*»' nf Wo#ii *0 ft** fmm oAM*ftft 90 OMI oft* oAw*tA •Iff A* AwCN #*»!f«*4 OP* Ift# Af Aft)*«ft •» m%m A ftl A*tlf t* fMlAo<nft ft Wilt ii* M j AftftMt*A*» tat!«4t o* !• |nft» lm lA# mvmV a. ** MrmtrCtMf V(>o. I Mr* MHui«l f\rUM. htinlAM tit. 1 olmA**m fA** •( 11 FtvM#t (Ami »A» r-MMfAV ] was 4rwsi*4 far a w*«*w»h k* hnt famity lit)>o4 4#fV taitf ||»»W o'fktfip ||# » *-*.| f- ; . f I I Ami mA# mmm M C ol# vk (Mm of *<#♦ •ittvifMH* mmA I Ami n* mmlmur .>#l4 cut# Arr Hftr tfvMftft# racimiH Dr. Kimm Mt* iCHvtrt f*»r r «*itnc I A#, lb* Axifftl M taflJt. *nl to fetr AottfAt tatnd Ktrwdf Am#<M from lft» Ar»t Ac#* HA* evtUnttd Hm mm#. 1# ftfitr laAlt# Hi AottAw, f<#»4 taratlf Bond and o*o. nt* 4mm A*r ill A*HMMOorA. and »• Mft *tU m> *A* ffff TYImI bnffltc fir of tfttt ClrpMl Dhrottry Ml H«*nrd A WHAM'* fame At or* Ur# tart fir* |i c*Mtft tnd ft! Oft AtUOATOtt IH El- Two Wrpttka H|M la Their Ikeath tl C tat ml Park. N. Y. A dual to Ike death WAa fooitht Ik ('eairml Park. New Tork. laal treek. one afternoon, the advnraarlsa being two lusty glllgßtoni. «nd the victor celebrated Ik# occasion by swallowing Ike vanquished. How Ike trouble started, no one koow*. for when the Hruggle wna flfat noticed the two creal urea were aa Busy na Bpanlnrda dodging American t’kHa. They were not equally matched loalxe One was exactly three feet In length, while the other was about elg, Inrhee shorter. The latter, too. waa ronalderably lean er than his antagonist, nay* The Jour nal. No two bulldog* ever fought with more rnvageneas than was shown by theae two alligator*. Find the longer animal swooped down on the smaller follow and banged him over the left rye with hta closed paw. Then he turned quickly, aa though to run away, but i net end landed another blow on his opponent's head with a sudden Jerk of his tall. Two such furious blows might well have crushed a foe less plucky, but the smaller animal dashed at hla retreating antagonist and grabbing him by the end of the body tore off a long atrip of his hide and proceeded to eat It without more ado. *, Infuriated by the pain of his torn skin, the big alligator rushed a sec ond time at his adversary, but the lat ter, profiting by his experience, drop ped the hide he was consuming, and, stepping aside, executed a flank move ment on tbe enemy and charged at him gout fashion He plunged his head into the side of the big anmial and rolled him over and hanged him In the storn gch. This seemed to put more fire Into the big alligator. He recovered him self and struggled upon his feet again while the smaller saurian drew off to the further end of the inclosure. The alligators faced each other for a mo ment with a space probably of five feet between them. Then, as if by the signal of a referee, they rushed at each other and as they met In the middle of the space their heads came together with a bang. This seemed to stun the smaller animal, and the big fellow, seeing his opportunity, punched him in the side, rolled him over and pounded him furiously wilh his tail. Without wailing for his opponent to have a chance to recover, the big al ligator seized him by the neck, ohewed off his head, swallowed it In three or four bites, and then lay down on his stomach and slowly swallowed the body of the vanquished animal until nothing bi.‘ the end of the body pro truded from his jaws. It was a fight to the death. Only steel lined and burglar proof safes used. Money loaned on anything of value at a low rate of interest. Wa terhury alarm clocks, 75 cents. Lewis J. SchauL Reliable Pawnbroker. Good! IUCK BAKING POWDER. 15 THE BIST. 14*6$#** of Aft ft* tM#* t%9t Ptokurr. mm want FOR RENT fj II Wk«W» w. ,mag,.a -a aw amkav w« ,luH toF to Clarence E* Clark. j Raw! Kata'a. 4® Ofctog *■ I FOR RENT j, jk, wntTrs M'.un» on (i'rn ; ifflipAD mt#V. • a^ito ftfti flread fttfrrt. HI rowmM •* •• #. Ift.MM 9# Her etrrrt, ft OMOOO •• •• •• •* US Kit* grist, i rooms .. .. 14 441 7« Kllla 44mm. t IWSM 15.44 444 (in*** 44r*e«. 1 aonma .. M >4.44 1134 tlreeto street. I h**u .. •* B.® 1144 ( street 4 mss* .. •« 15.44 434 Tetfalr. ( rooms ...... .. .-I® «4 433 Feawh-fc itnet. * rooma .... It 44 134 Walker .(reel. I rooms ® 4* Wondta a a A venue. 4 rooms •« •• 15 44 Chafe* Avenue, 4 rooms •• .. .* 25 44 Monte Rano. 5 room 12.54 House on Hltl, 5 •• 15.® RcMNVIf In desirable toeattoM. oFimuiw-- Rtreet ........ re 1* 125* vrnih street .. .. ■> •• W •- * 33 sKia Rang 4 .. .. « ........ I # Kw Hangs .. .. a* •• •••• * 33 (,!« Range .. « J-* jffifyßi’W* •!(*«•. •• •••• •• « *•* | ■TORE*— 655 Broad street.. - •••• » 00 64? bp road street .. •• •• •• w M 613 Broad street J® *® Rt fhoart street ,ii <* *3 ®® 621 Bund Street ** ** *lT,Rroad street ®.® 424 Broad street .. .. .. .... .... *>■**' *sn Broad street 04 ■ 243 Bills afreet **-® 819 Kills street »® «® Part of desirably situated Broad street store, especially adapted for dressmaking eatabli»hmrnt. The above Hat will b# changed from day to day. John. W. Dickey Keal I.statc Agent. To Rent >* 1 "■ i -- i»... gtore and K««Bdenoe at 1266 and 1267 Broad atreet. One of the beat standa in the city tur a good Grocery Store, or in Igct, any buaineaa- Tbe House baa alx (6) good rooma, a (tood yard, and ia very convenient. Apply or Premises or at 808 Broad St. FOR SALE • gtp~~ t have for sale very desirable build ing lot located in the centre of one of the handsomest blocks in the cily. V lit sell tame very cluap. Just tbe place for a handsome resloence for your femily. Good titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O'HARA, NO. 1337 OREENE STREET. ~~FOR RENT. NO. 849 ELLIS STREET, BUILDING three stories high, cbntahiiing elevator, etc. Especially desirable for wholesale business. Price $50.00 per month. .Yf» \ JOHN W. DICKEY, Hi Real Estate Agent. CAU, »OM lufutia irewtnf Co i fIiAfOAT Hlkft t ni?S3] ysi k• ■ 1 . B E It L E O W OEO Y< GI A Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. v-riu. mK AUGUSTA BEER. "The Barber Shop of the South." HICKEY'S is the Place Five Barbers, all first-class artists. 212 and 214 Bth Street. ? PORTNER'S < ? MOFBRAUand S / VIENNA CABINET / / BRANDSOF / J Export \ ? Beers \ ? ARE THE BEST l S ASK FOR THRU. / bTk7 mTtCHKU.. AI.KX M. DONALD Su(.t. o. Con. Hk. A o«ii M*r. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mclntrah S inM. Kl*ctricSuppli*e -(wikio* Tub**, ct*.. *tc. Re l>air* to all K'actrical *pi aratui Electric Wirings ipeci»Uy. Batl'Phoa* I*l2- • - * Mrowgar 878. And rery T,OW PRICK*. Ujr*; I*l PF V ALVKS end KITTINfiA. Junes, liOILF.KS. MIM.H end HEP 41 US. Lombard Iron Works & Supply Co., AUGUSTA. GA. NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE DBS Land’s Headache Capsules Mid* Only By HOWARD & WILLETT DRUG CO. REMOVED T 0 7iTBROAC«Y. E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps. Seals, Stencils, Daters. Pads, Badges,&c 711 Broadway. Augusta, Ua. Btrowj{er Phone E 62. Rates $ J so toij s 1 WM. P. BEYER, Proprietor. *»»,****»*»»oi*iwi Charitkion IM CnoNm Ml Mi * • *'•#•***# Ml fflA *6(o*l* f* 00fftftM 000 n ;sg iii i i • 4<*u I * [ftoM«tf#M*»4 4 999 * i f IMI 101*01 I v f#|Hnm*i»2« v#f §MpMO*AMMO MMmba*** 999' ! -wm* * ft***- 0 ■!■** *mm : .■- ntH iu»-t t. 4 *o9* *9999999 ; * -i»m—*»»»- l>*MPn**» |M| ; M»» *o*9ft#o -99*9* I*#** I Am **Mo*oi ■wtiL nJmm \ 2| ojjooA#H~ J, , ,>aitll MMm: ■—M I*4 : ft *#oft#oA* **#*99999* * 1 A**** *99*^99 S |teMM $ 9999 $ • fit i - itt i * o*o*ol [A § BfßSb ■ 9*9*99 999*99 $9999 999* ] (M*#* j I # Mft«MNItH4 999 9 ittS' ft fill M •••«« —99 . « (AJM* MM* t« fin an i Aft**' m tNTirAftrtri-1 m i JMII | I 9f*i ft laiwii •* ® ****. * I *o>»ftA, ISO I >A®#rf ~ ~ r> t » t Ji; , I tMSm **#ol fip*6. i SmfS Sgm * |(i|fP4,>»4®..4544444 9*19—1 *» Amm®*>* t 40m (* tf#9o N«# A9*MM*M *Mta* *m* HMM-fW# *ll *4O*OM ft *MI ft# A 0 ft—10* 'MMA *. ft® _ 9 A9O 09 A«**M#hM# *> <A >*R4 -9 «0 t A. la »«0 *•J| ® f> *OOO% *** >«*#oft#*ftM •** >*O«A» •* ft«*y»fr I m •» I* A *ji *0 m 9NoM>*> «* MM**# AMA* **ft**% : ** #■* **MM«M M.f f ||H* ft*M MM* ft f. M polyp, naIMHkM 644 IK KMKKKMk lea®* K unit— Aaa<wea 44a. BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD. II . c OIUTTIA OA#MAMMf f f—% pm< total 1 i % 4m 4 M n««| o*% 0 OiMM < lM** * CM** OmMM anr*jo OAI M? My, 5 *AMt9MOk Ml I*#- M« 11 *•« | 9ft H *•* AH nt I l*m*u Laawa FHtAli 14 5 Hi >... a a tarsal .41 »®H • 17 14 > M lj ... lM«w ....« t 41 tl tl (4 47 IHM ... Aat as „..f 11*11 H .444 | :4l> .. >’« tla’aw a> 144 Hi4l jt«Mj »i* «‘*|pr (>*ff f 9 011 MS ja a; tut« AAgs's , 'f9fa fl I;14 II ® [ *,m 1.»*4L,. ®naca ..a, 4 »:t a 4 |4 i 4 lt> • *1 ft#fa W®*(t t'nlfli at I # ft * ii • a *Ml*MtlM * i tr) am TH-I aLatwa ArnawiFM FH HaU Nat Nall Ne 5 , 9 Regutv* Malta*. F. Flag Ftatioa All regain* trains tram Andareoa t# {Waihatla fcava right la track aw* l iraipi « f Iks aaaa riaat movHMl » “*• |.oait* titwtwa. an leas atkemiaa Hare* MM ky irsta oekvre. Will a lan at»y nt f.illowkig aUHeaa ita lake -m ar lat off paaanngvrw Fkta | gay's. Jam' a sag laser Springs No U counsel# with Soutbara fail | arey Na. 13 at Aa4*raoa I Naa I and 4 conmact with Boulton railway Noe. 11 ;.«® t! at Srem a. 1 J. R. ANDERSON, Buyer nundenl. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. SHORTEST AND <JtTUKEBT ROUTE TO THK EAST AND NORTH. 1 1 Ng*>! Lv~Augua«a. Oa At | T 55am 3 44|au't Lv ... Aiken ..... Ar | 7 Ikm 4 l7ym, Lv... Denmark. ...A* i 4.17 pm ! 4.50 pm, Lv.. Oraogb'f....A* | 5.44 am | 4 44pmf Lv . Humlcr. R. C...Ar | 4 2*am 124 pm, Lv....Floreoca....Ar j J:»am |o-33pn.: Lv... Fayette villa. ..Ar I I 14pm 1 ;um, Ar.Petersburg.Va.Lv 4 12pm 4 00ain Ar....Rbkm<ind ~.Lv I I 12pm 7:4lami A*..Wartilngton..Lv ! 1.44 pm 4iOSam| A* Baltimore. ...I.y | 2 23pm It 21am Ar. Philadelphia. Le |22 09pm 2 03pm! A*... New Tork ...Lv | I.loam Pullman paloce buffet alreplr.g cars from Macon and Augusta to New Tork without -hang* R. A. BRAND, cion. Aft.. 722 Broad St, Augusta. Oa. T M EMERSON, Tratflc Manager, H M EMERSON. Ooa. Paso. Agt. Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd. 189*. Lv. Augueta . .. 9: SO a. m. 5:21 p. m. Lv. Sanderavllle . 1 19 p. m l 9:09 p. tr. Ar. Tcnnllle .. .. 2:» p m 9:21 p. m. Ar. Macon .. .. • 3:45 p m.j 3:56 a. m. Ar. Dublin 4:20 p m.| Lv. Dublin ‘l® h® «• m Lv. Macon .. .. 11:38 p. mcl 1:5.7 a. m. Lv Tcnnllle. . . 5;15 4. m.| 3:10 p. m. Lv. Sandersville. 5:25 a. *n.| 3.21 p. m. Ar, Augusta . .. 9:00 a. m. 7:10 p. m. Eastern Time. Close connection made at Tennn i'e with Central R. It. for Macon, and wl h Wrlghtavtlle and Tcnnllle H. R. for Dublin and Hawklnsvllle. C. W JACKSON. ' Gen. Fgt. Pass. Agt. James U- Jackson. Joseph H. Rands. Receivers. MONET TO LOAN. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. AlexanMJoln Agents Scottish American Mortg»«e Company# 705 Broad St BELLE or OBOBGI A OCTOBER 6 HfMMMGMkf 4 •g*®44**tHMH» S. 11 6. MUNI! CO 4mm tM»MM«9Mft m## M. f rf* HftftM |loMoM fj P toB 1 hM> A 00m* l* * rnm * MM'# ■ * re • *99 pwi* V|M i‘4* * > * iW**- Ml® m omgm*m *»- *«|of ; |A "mp WWmm 12# 100109# M mm* #* W*m*wm mm«m ' m® * ****** ft# ft 909* m t. M|mM i ll* fttiuiioPitiuM #9(000 9###ft lftoN#oo I ' V% O M M#*H ... 4 # ft##ft A * i*9m*., • I jjNMM. A ♦ jft "Nfft*## IMIS MtiM ill MPfti Mft# *ll *IA tafM* 0A mm f%M*o# ***>*» Mr Mnn9 OMOM *# i « imm imririt t ♦ Mmm T®HUft#ftftiii $» MmSmmi Efipb mmm M# #MMok*fftk Mi ftM ift |MO#RM*M 0 a# ot#|Nta A ft * *4* i • o*ool. 4 * IftMM ' m |#m !0M A# 00N# *1 10001 ; At A** %«90i0ft0** 09 OMOMMMM , J oft*ol r ng> Bir TR # | MOO %*0 :■ * 'Hftill. 00# 9ta*o 900#0»ft 00 * #*Ho*N* fftft# ft* 00 fto* < 0# 00W#5 4000001 •44k ato •—r«y4a w*B reato toga ak pam« )!> H»X u niHMK ttoyaW «MMRKS gM* MbM*® * K itßliia*. *HB »«•«'—k **k • SOUTHERN RAILWAY. * to- a* *toaa Ik »rer«. « •• • ia*m aaß Bare* am****- ■—■«« *tore wreaaaa €•> i ialia ir* >MN**k taiRRtR Wrerew *99* . re , mmmmm* reaw-..--- - - »**h 10 »*k 00 014*0 *ir*R ft. * . ftogllf HMMf rjf;;!?® to treota I l*r « **a La Ck>Are>cau«4 | tJ* *1 s®B to SSaatoT LN f» At kre* rearea 4a By fl». u 1, ti totovST • *** I- arerem. to Ky. Tg« . .11 gfy • ilk i • TStre " > ... I (Am 19f e^Ss.T*. is;. IS: * I iHm ! Ms • Ib-kIBK * | f Jay t 1 a |a J £ •* ixttssf ■ -.1 |w * ■ ' • iwavtna . Mr WM#OMMRM •# * f ®so is! | • BmafUk ■ I > J «*», • ~ 1.17 k- as Uuh Hall,. Ly Sut*aM» air nikaa I* Mbkfto. . 4 atp ala i . toUtaawre ...... : a gap **; • 6* Wans baa. to Ry kt a* II Ua to kMMreag ..... : I* Mai Itotaa Lv lire villa - . |4 »• 6 Isy ILv Mvtfvtk .... ■ 4Hp, Ar Uriaankan * aa a Lv (kretoN .............J 7uk* fly * CkartaHa ..... [ fit w*y “ keek MIU • I to 1« ti (My * Ckref* .... I lv 15i tl Vp • Wtaavtore II 41a L »a Ar uj'tu k:aa ta >1 . ,!! 4M». IK a Lv Cakaankaat'a tap'*. i 1 l» 4»a * Jokaateaa ......... I Xl4 pi Ik* • Trvstxa j »<*|. 4Sa ■ UraaitevlUs *»,» ’4» Ar Aufavta * 4 Itji a«t a tv. Aakavißa ~ a iaat 4u6p v Bpacaanarg ' II lal 6Up i v CaTMa. kC kO ky .. ' 3 4D|> 7 UUa t Charlaawe : * 4#pl I! <*>a Lv Cottas, r C triv II 54 a lifts “ Katasaal) 447 p 44* a *t Jaegaraellla kKp; 414 a •t rerTw® car «krvi< b K,.-ellvDt dally naMvagar arrw batwaen *l..nda aad N'rv Vork Koa K and » k and Asaffcwmtera Limited Solid Vaatlhuled train with dime* ear, aad Aral niaaieua, toa north of i 'harloti*. Pullman dravrtna mum alreptnaran.bvtwevn Tampa JaekH«,ii!v. hsvanaaa. waahlagtoa aad New v Jtk Pt.ilman a.eepina Cara between Chariot ta and K gbni .ad Pul man grawiag room aleeplar ear* be tween Greeneboro and Norfolk Chow eoonej tkw at Norfolk for OLD POINT COM PORT, arriving there tn time for breakfa»t Solid tram, with Parlor earn, hatween Charleston aad Aahevtlie Noa. U aad 74-C M. yaat Mai). Through Pallman drawing room buffet deeping car, be tween Jacksonville red New Turk and Pull man meaning ran between Augusta ard Char lotte. Pullman vleetwsg •-«■» between Jack W'nvtlle and Columbia en route dally lei wren Jacksonville and lln innail. via Akhevtlle FRANKn GANNON. J M. CCLP. Thir.! V P A Gen Mgr T M . Wavhißgtoa W. A TURK. 9 9 HARDWICK. a. P A . Waafctagtan. O P. A-.^tiaata. GEORGIA • - RAILROAD. (40th afavtdlAD Time.) Schedule Effective April 24. 1895. Pullman Sleepers between Macon anl New Tork. Through Pullman Sle -pera between Au* gusts and St. Louis. • Lv Auguata ..| 7:otom| 3:2opm|l#:3opia ,Vr Atlanta ...|l2:3spm| *:2opm| b.OOam Ar Macon ....|ll:l6em| | #:46atn Ar Athena ....|l2:lspm| 7:Jopm| Ar GalneavlUe|*3:46pm| | - Ar White Pl*gj»l:o4pin| I - Ar Mill'ga le !10:10am| | 4:3oana Ar Woeh'ton ..|l0:l0am| 7:10pm|..„ .... Picayune train leaves Augusta daily except Sunday at 5:15 p. m., and ar rives at Mlllcdgevllle at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augueta 6:15 a. m, 7:45 a. m.. 1:20 p. m . and 8:28 p. m. A. G. JACKSON. O. P. A. JOE W. WHITE. T. P. A- CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect, March 6, 1898. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta, Southern Ry.. 9:30 p.m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:13 a.m. Leave Cheater, C. & N. W. Ry 7:45 a.m. Arrive Lenoir, C. & N. W. Ry 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir, Stage 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park, Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage .. 7:30 p.m. G7W~HARPER, C. F. HARPER, President. G. P. A.