The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 06, 1898, Image 8

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THUftftOAV Jt ffilS • -MSB.. “ ■ Wn—iirtfr-* «aiMf In NF fcftft* Hwmf’NMA *n* nf Mi 4»t w+w twm NN I—*** tfcl# pi fpMtip —IHMI ii §***■* tit vp* i—pni•—t 9 n» — • * *»w«i I P pfcNf« *4 up «Puft* • pkiip* vft# nphmmn *•* pttp*« |l Mi OlMl"*tft*fll '• •#— —• —p vpM 900*9 w» * n«n n*• flfti* ii I* ii Mi i** * #ft flp M* M— * »MtM If 9 •ftMII «Mi Mfl* Ii MmMM Np Mmm MM If 9M t— m* _ m 9O oj>J^\ytTU^r*^p yr TV 4000.*. ** * # TW Cm» »:«■»■■ »•«*■«***. c—• All M tiilll Mlifii— «f •**■ Mr* INi IM !•* imm**— *•*» pi— I Hfcff*tf PI Miil IfMMtrlM 99094*0$ 09 Wki ft—P M citirgii f»!t«*trt Jf9009 Ip IM I—* IMH tfc#f !»*•• torgtrt la tfc* >**»■ m«m of ifc* < rent ftMR # . IV r«HI mm* —*y ■< MhVi r««fciM awrwf*. a«»*r»*f mmm»t • .;.*»* w»4 «*•»* mW tb'«** TinrT-r to **»P I't* »M* troasf*# red • .., * : » Tb# |mHh*Mlw fca# tow*d »• r-fffl rottoß* *" «*• •»■»• *•« tfc#*# w#re *l*n •torn* ••*' A* tv ■n «itt prnMMr nPU f*fcf "* n «... t*#r* «tll V • (treat deal Vft •**# Tfcld tllflMW Mi t»* V #a#4o ttamt i« Um «■*■*■• Imi tgMfcl* «*** foaai I* ##eartog mr ,, t Vi pfd !• MMV (V fr«x»* IV «>ffir»r» lM*m. R**'»y **r«red miH,(ti awn H transfer ikm 7^,l, mi |ii a m»« nini tfc* o(fc*r» *•'• m im *ll lb* (next* are atored «»W} Ii ib* fbrM mmwl »*4 tb*t A't mrm htmiU so tb* iw n ran gat to Ifc." utt bantu** to «*t gnythtog tbey mar bat* glared I* *t**m. AUQATOH DEAD. Tb* Part M#aa«»rt# Out Oim flo»* kurkwity Several dsv* mo tb« ntdltlon to Vi#«r tor Maori* of • l*<K* »lllf*toi ■II prorlaJowd Tb* a*ly »|Mc-Iti*** of tb* llMfti Ibmti* mm* **pti»r*d V low tbe rtty and 6f»omt for •*’* oo th* atf»*t». It W*« purrbtMd fcjr tb* m»n»**r of lb* 000 and **m out U «n*s b* th* OM follow bad V*a to* roughly h*n tlwt on loaeod for th* awidily loinli* of bt* <j*Mt *tr**m Anyhow, h* gar* »M» M> and to bo longrr with tb* rm< of tb* rurlo*lti** In *ll proba bility tb* akin will b* pr***rv*d. B*for* purrh**lnc a platol nr gun. Mil on m*. I ran aova you monry I-rw la J. bchaul, Pawnbroker on Jaekaon VITA SCOPE SHOW. The l ast Exhibition to B« Ulven at the Park I rlUav. On Friday evening th* ln*t of th* aeries of vMnarope plrlorv* which have been shown at the park will be given. The** ehowt hgv* been enjoyed by number* of Auguaia’* rtlUena and they will be aorrjr to hear that the xea •on la over, Quite a Urge crowd will he In at tendance and an enjoyable evening will be apent. MAY HAVE ESCAPED. Prisoner Thought to Have Eluded United States Marshal. Word reached Ihe Polled States rev enue officials here Ibsl afternoon of the capture of a negro murh wanted by them for operating an Illicit still in Lincoln county. Marshal Humes wired that he had his men and was at Thom son with him mid would be here on the morning train. The train arrived, but no marshal afid prisoner. The officials here think that perheps the prisoner may have escaped from the marshal at Thomson. Dance at Lake View. The dance to be given at Lake View under Ihe able management of Mr. Rudolph Skalowskl, will, weather per mitting, lake place thlß evening. Mr. Skalowski's pas success in conducting entertainments of (bis kind makes this one anticipated with much pleasure by those who will attend. The Lecturer Who is Coming. Sam P. Jones, the noted evangelist, said to thousands, at the Canadian Chautauqua, in 1888: “Having heard the prominent orators of the day, 1 am free to declare that I reckon Robert Mclntyre, of Chicago, the fipeat popu lar speaker o& this continent," - Since Aguinaldo refuses to accept any remuneration for bja services until his army has been paid, it must be admit ted that he is « superior man to the Spanish colonial governor. AnittSCAK CIMIIEK& To »M«o tv (kws Carrytwg TroAs of tV C —try. j T%# If—M Ihmi f—ntiv—l tA# AM U*—» 1 1—I —KlfiMPt ?fv««i lA# ——ini of A owooiog of «V Fbtlobotpbits Maori a# i Tr*4* VM Vyo l». too* I "Wbaioos. H? tV qhioo «f tv Prso | NN*i f <rf Hf— mM lAw—flfl *lm» I adkiti tm4 vAtof of owr f mml fMiv f , grrot for aotrypna* Vv* : Iwmia *—•—l lo nvf Hit—*fstonMt f a—hfttftg #ttff ImniikA of t&fdulfyj K t to k«r»by ‘‘Wroulrsl. Tfcot to orior to toko *4- j vootag* of lb**r wide bfldo of eotrr ‘ prlo* tV Ai*»rlta* orooo curry Sg trade tkosM be rrvlwf. owd IV Efcll •detpbia Hoard of Trod* hereby orgeo Oatgreo* to nW at IV agynork ‘ hag *e*rlno wVt artloo t* eeed*d to ! restore to tV foiled States tV ore* i arrylao trade lo vesorta sol Hog under ■ IV Antcrlcoß flag Hr-solved Tkat a Wurvemeal of soefc universal advantage to avrry arc,«o» [of our enoatry tbosM.iwelre tfc* *np -1 port of alt Brood* of Trad* ooi men merrM organ I*ol loos, and their ortlv* end cornsot cuoperatloo la hereby Is* I Vrtkr d. ••Resolved. That tfc* pros* of tV ! rolintry V urged to lend their power- I ful aid to IV aoreoaa of tfcla great Na tional undrrtoklog. "TV foregoing preamble and reoolti ilona wets unanimously aiverted ••FKKDKKIt K KRAI.EY. “Pres Pfcltadelphta Board of Trade." PAPERS PIT ON PILE. Tranter* Recorded I* Clerk's (Nfk* Today. I The following paper* were put on Itle l ln th# clerk'* office this morning. . From Planter* Loon and Havings ! Bank and Mary M Hnfcweer* U> Aabury C. Qullllan. houtc and lot corner of Broad and Mc- Klnne »tr*et; eonstderaUon 14,50# William M. Mosely lo O*or«e Wdgle, two lota on south atrt* of Broad street, near Hawk'* riulley; consideration. * W* Hecurlty Inveotmant Company and Josephine Hlreeter to Wm. K. Miller, prot>erty on north aide of Roberta street; consideration... I "M Augusta Heal khitateand Improve ment C.rmitany to Mrs. M. A. Hprague, house and lot on east side of Wright’s avenue, con sideration .-I 350 Now la the time to plant your bulbs. Wo have the beat, mixed color# hya cinths, Roman white hyacinths, fusch laa. tutlpe, calls lilies. Easter Hites. Prices for bent hyaclntha have been reduced by us to st) cent a doaen; other tnilba cheap; try a few Chinese sacred llllea In a bowl. The Hues Floral Nur sery. Bell ‘Phone 1921. CAUSED 3Y DENTISTRY. Died After Having Hla Teeth Pulled. SS New York, Oct. 6.—Judaon Crotw num> Jr., a clerk who lived with hla parents nt 2li« Division avenue, Wil liamsburg, died yesterday lu the East ern District Hospital from loss ot blood following tbe extraction of sev eral teeth. The young man's father anys that several days ago his son wns suffering from toothache and went to the office of the Waterbury Dental company on Fulton street. Ho had one tooth extracted from one lower Jaw, but us the pain continued, he ngaln visited the dental company last Wed nesday. At this time three of his back teeth were drawn. Tbe bleeding from the gums could riot be stopped and young Crossman grew weak from loss of blood. On Friday be was taken to lbo hospital and Dr. Blatadell, the chief surgeon, said that an artery In the gum bad been severed. The doc tors could not stop the flow of blood and the young man died. At tbe office of the dental company it was said that Dr. W. 0. Smith pull ed Crossman's teeth and that Dr. Smith was now away on a vacation. It was also said that. Crossman's gums were bleeding when he first came to the office, and that he had to be as sisted upstairs by a friend. A repre sentative of the company denied that an artery had been severed while the young man was being treated there. Coroner Delay whs notified and he will make an Investigation. Pineapple. Edam and English Dairy Cheese fresh at Lainkin & Co.'s. OFFICIAL VOTE 111 RICHMOND. til Mwt* TkNriOwj tl ft* tffifl ( Kuo T—« , IV koto to* Mho iw CflWoM** V'»» ffcMffifla I V Ikg —|R| T t f •*"*■ 90 Ifc# A «■** #* • hpsmrfb W**4 ........ m » * I** H ra.i 11, - " Of I g , . h « m _ m mi Tb * is llMtb tn*w«*t ..«.••*•••••*•**•«*** * II * I * | itagih Iboirkrt .. _ ** f foul Tag so ,MM,.*.i«e e „o.- ■*' Id V TVWM<ffiOMIMHIIHk' l IV MkMI vsoa* V wmxm* boo a**’ rwbi WbM» ■ ■ Wffi ft K****r .. •• •■■■** р. i. *N «r j m~* « с. ft ftofcl*# ........ ... >" . W. A. m ft. H ftkv >“ D V. Rsavoo ..... W I flavxoM Word- - ihssa .r::.:v OtfcaßS ...... .. .* ....ft® | Clark *** j M)lf IN j Third Word - Keener .. ~ .. .. ......*v A»**d »»• O'Connor W Hohler Clmrk Reavos .. ........WA j »»* Fourth Word— Kerner ...... .. «• ......W4 i O'Connor ........ IB Hired «« Hohler W Clark S' l4 Reaves - ~tt* May riftb Wart— Keener .... .. .. *• O'Connor ....I*l Steed >l*l Wohler I* s Clark »»1 Reave* *** May In (he 1269th district all received «l volet. 119th Dial rid — Keener O'Connor t Bleed .. .. - Hohler * (’lark » Reave* • I May .. • 121si District — Keener 9 O'Connor ? Steed ...... -.11 Clark 10 Reaves 9 Bohler 12 May 9 123rd District— Keener 82 O'Connor 82 Bohler 82 Steed ...62 Clark 53 May 62 , Reaves 82 124th District— Keener 4 O'Connor 5 Bohler Steed 5 Clark 4 Reaves 3 May 4 1434th District— Keener 12 O'Connor 13 Steed 14 Bohler 14 Clark 13 Reaves 10 May 12 Vote** for ratification of the amend ment concerning election of supremo court Judges by the people resulted as follows: For. Against. Ist Ward 102 2nd Ward 100 2 3rd Ward 153 2 4th Ward 209 l sth Ward 160 30 1269th District 59 1 121st District 1? 123rd District 53 124th District 7 1434th District 10 2 119th District 9 College Professor—Your father Is a wealthy farmer. I understand.. He con ducts his farm on scientific principles, 1 presume." Student—No; be runs it to make money. He—l would like to go to war If 1 could get in the commissary depart ment. She—They would not have you there for you don't know beans. T mWC AUOUiTA MKHAiD. AUOUtfcYA LV* *UM, tut iww*t ftami •b 4 ••><»** ft • ffc ♦»'** • * ; I ba6tfffi- «lR>! ■ ffc* I m* ** «** *** 1 I AMftßfe w A „ fii ■*•«* u* f, Mb Wftftßft • | •*&':*»** m M mmM. I H **' - , As « MiWltfcft Itv ' Iwm Trr mni jir> iw mmm fkfbo II «**• w mm l*>tw fffi t gfc-Hi#lh ttn Alik. dpk; % %• # f 4k ] I #*-*■» 90 # ART* 06'*»# **N* [ Hw9 #%k MM* it IyMW• M-'** I .igM.Hn nA* A.• »- a * 3Sfc.•' -d(ft IA tftfcft Ifc *-■#% % l# W Hnwi M MM *# iikk UM , - tittfftmr He i» MV9 AMMMMMi# * !# ImmMK ## I'iiwfi AmR % tMft Ri ifti y|f% ft m+tm \ .m * ft r.* •* IMNiftMi *»♦ * ,fnrei tl»«w*m.* Aka Mt Mm 11 ' t*p9 in iM Anni • \ ilMift m «M i yik# Ik.**?di aim mm |«of* ihmmM fflitm. lUm *• {••Ml oi# Ini* islial •• • f ftdM«i§ t« IM hftfl m%M9 Till U» 1 T%» sMifyßfct wm fmMVMI. ftrlWNft It tie m *i rw k k *** M : iiA lila or* TIB Ml !~«re*d*d to ewrw. k . #»•*«. *rto ,IN RMmi il ruMt*| I*l til !nhil. M 114 Wi mttVttAf Lad prof-orb it ft tog WO* rtfl through tfc* r%6l Joo I**o part at III* Cgfct »*r woo rot aft. [tooid** iwmw rat* lo tfc* hrxd ood -***% tod 100 stbha lb tfc* «Oi*ff Of the ihoefc He fell ok tb* tonr ethidated load nil gsteity oa’ked oM Of tb* sltboogh h owbfcrr of men wore THE STREET TAX — - Coum times IRalat need It Simply oo Trrß. It wm known tkat a( tfc# tun# tfc# new e si# wna under muMtntiai and new law*—some very wise ewe* -were being toggeMed. * tbe prcpost.lwn ot requiring all pagaient of tnxo* do# a i i ndlUun precedent to registering was broached. This wo* met try th* •ag itation that aork a la* would and rctild only reach the property holder and would be elnaa legislation. Then rtor on tb# proportion lo make all nien become tax payers In fort by tba leap of a street tax on each tn.liy dusl. Vest, r.lay 1 rhsrged to n meml-er of th* .i-ud# comm If tee that th# eirmmit tc#tiler rejected (ho street uiif jiropo attlrti because tr was no ultp> pular InW. This Idea Wa# rejected. I learned that c unrllmen hold that thf poor p. igyle pay the taxbs any how flam lhat. Id their opinion. Ihe levying of a street ret would be In H* nature of at) addi tional apd unjust tax burden oh lha poor people. Twain’s flaterlal For Stories. • In Berlin, when one pays his fare to the conductor on a street ear. he re eelvr* a ticket, which Is toon after ward collected by an Inspector, who boards the ear at a fixed point, says the I-ndies Home Journal. One day. Just at a Joke, Mark Twain paid his fare fifteen times on one trip, each time throwing the ticket out of the window or under hla ns soon as he hud deposited the regular fare with the eondnrtor. A fe«v minutes later the Inspector would get on Ihe ear and demand tickets all around. Of course Twain had none to show and hail to buy another, apparently with reluctance. The performance timused the American, dumbfounded the con ductor. who had never met so reckless a passenger, and tickled the native passengers, who thought the foreigner well punished for his negligence. By this modest investment material was obtained for a capital story, which netted Mark T-vnip just SSOO. Is Medicine a Science? The annual opening and Bddresa al the Medical College recalls the same exercises <wo years ago. when the ad dress was delivered by Dr. Jos. E. Al len. and In which he alluded to “the science of medicine." The address (lid | not. please the editor of the Augusta I Chronicle, and so in one of those short editorial paragraphs a few devs later, he enquires, as if in a triumphant ■manner: “When did medicine become | a science?" * We notice now that Dr. Doughty, in his address of this year says: “The ’science of medicine has long since out i grown," etc., so we presume we may I answer the question of the Chronicle by saying that inffbe past two years medicine has risen to the dignity of a science. - > B - Oct. 6, 1898. /> "They say that Miss Easily has mar ried a coming man!" “Yes; but it the feeneral supposition that she'd never Ware got him if she hadn’t gone after him with all her might." ux-a COUNT HOUSE | IS TENOENEO. ! hrk* £** AfNi t|t Nm* H#t? it (t* % #toNNo)flMi 00 9040% t«4MH§ft IS ft«t*w> tft mm . . . 00 INlwAftft s . iftAft S fj-* ? 909 m 90 9990900 99 m ■ 9000 m In IpMtf' ftMNPßlftfftfti flu tflfet j |ns fig 999 m %ts 9009 Imh 90 mm m ! '*• 9 mm* mt*®**# *o* rnMmmmM Kftftfllt mm 900 9*0900 f lw f 9009 9009 I ftftflfl Qflft flftflnfl . I t>mt l firuf 1 1 90 tl* WILLIAM t Wft " «HH "* ~— ftnod* odd Wswodd*. H fcggggd 1 ,so - * ftgl ** » j fc«* gododdoo sftre DEDKATtON f*r C4STUC HAI L Tfc* fcoigfc#* of Fytfctoa MmoAM IsR fvodtog For Bui Furore« T%* tto9tm'' flflNttfifttlftfti 90 OmnKl* IIaH mtftriftfll Iftfti es 11*11 i« 0m r 00909 90 HH« mm 4 Jmto9m9 0999059* Mm9} Kaialm# fftiftfti aa4 9m gey |f | Mklijtff* f«f tA# Cft , f#ftflU;*ft|PftL Mr W f |f»Al r|jft> Irrltor, #*9t 1 KtiMlAt D tl ftagAftp 9i +9%m9t\f ft* 1 t9*9Nok (fl# frtn»»t»f of tA# orAf [ Kfiifbt d« H Hiiftntt AomnffNaAif •f M*O9 09g 100 TlflllUPO tA tA# lAttlA’ ttod at d#d ore toto tb» arte#. Knight C. Heart Cofc#a rtooed tfc# speak tu a t* e oOwet ood wttiy add re** ] After lb# tMWtflOd were over ftr . Job* D H*fco #up#r!dt#nd*d Ifc# *erv- j log of elegant refrrehdieot*, and tbe ; knight* sod (heir gdonta enJojrod there to the folloat extent aud Itogered to | quite a late boor Tfc* order of Kntgfct of Pythld* hi to 0 splendid fund" 100 Til* fist lodge* ore oil enthuMastir and good dork t* don*. Th* «r* kali hot beret lit ted op ood tfc# lodge# hav# quli* an ot tractive pis#* Id which to assemble CONTRABAND WHISK BY. United stales Deputy Collector Ikito Sell#* l iquor Package*. United Stated Deputy Collector Da ria has oelxed seventeen keg* of what he term* ecflfrofutnd whi*hy. Tbo whisky wa* dhfpprt h«re by parti#* to Salisbury, N. 61. and la no! Just o. k.— that la. not in the right kind us pack ages and. what to them aln offrnae. lx shipped to flcatltcm* tisroe* that Is, all but two package* of tb# Muff, Of rour*#. the fletltlou* name* rep resent eettaln partle*. Thu* »onte of the goods are marked “Diamond 0“ or “C" or tome other letter and the ones who were expecting the good* hail re ceived the bills of lading and were on the lookout for them. The government Is very strict about the shipment of whisky and when It la not sent exact ly as Ihe law reads on the matter the revenue officers aelxe It. The whole amounts to |BO or s9d worth of goods. His Happiest Moment. ‘•John,” she asked, cuddling up to him, for It was the seventh annivers. ary of their marriage, according 10 tha Cleveland Leader, "what was the happiest moment of your life?” “Ah, dear, I remember It well. I shall never forget It. If I live to be u hundred years old that moment will always stand out as plainly as It does tonight." She sighed and nestled a little closer, looking longingly up into his honest blue eyes. After a moment's silence she urged: "Ye», but John, dearest, yon haven't told me when It was." "Oh," he answered. I thought you had guessed it. Surely it ought to be easy enough for you to do bo. It was when you came to me last fail, if yots remember, and told me that you ,had decided to trim over one of your old hats so as to make it do for the win ter.” Then the celebration of the seventh anniversary of their marriage heeame formal and uninteresting. Now that Hawaii is part of the t'nl ted States, tho refusal of tbe Postofflce Department to grant domestic rates of postage to the islands will not accord with public sentiment. It looks like one of those stupid rulings exemplified in the act of the San Francisco collec tor of customs, who levied duly on the salvage of the Ameiican warships lost at Apia. The United States gave the wrecks to the natives as reward for heroism In rescuing the crews. With great labor the natives gathered the salvage to sell at San Francisco, where upon the government which gave it to them confiscated it for customs duties. It's quite the least conventional Place beneath the sue— And the air at eve is full of song Of the shrill-voiced katydone, ~ fancy wookwork j of all kinds. j ' OM& 9. Dti*£ft *d*di« I j € • u»jb *u\ • wv ii Mkr 11 aft* »•** no#d| 1 i—dotorere XWOdoOlrt # re ffiaarto# flWfcft ■AMBAftI ft f ftMftflA. wom V * #*AfA ftuftitftf ftf i I' nifftnl IftAtflA (A# -■ if IK ft it**** f flwoiftf r—flit *4 tA# | ttl A f "IVAiAIt A *TAi | AaA A**a |amma4 Apni As * Aft Tam *4 ' 0m 9*99 •mt#*** io«fi TAa mmmm mtm WMifilfli TA* A»ft 9tUfo? AlfWAttftlAAftf* 9999 I I.A#A fftiM Afor» lA# Ar 9*4 0099 9*k*4 Afl Jiiftgft Bnrt if tAftf Aa4 99f itt*9 *A ms 9tkf Aft fIMAMMHi ftptfA lAff'Al Aft** fAMr r*»lAfl imNflft Am «a*4 |*T A*4A#tiAMAI wAftA I A4* #»4o»ft4 •IA ftnftA* AAftrtAl 000990 t# 4fttftYAltA* lA# irutA ka cm9o9 IlAa t At* Tftt la tt «w of tfc# Wtldoae# Id lb* ere#, t €99 t'Atj «p> 09 tlAft Aft A tftslft AMf 1 rA»A»t ftlll ’H# ttrftrt of tA* |AIT tAtrftftorf pmm ftftA* jft—fft mpom rmfl-'* CoiUMtftA A# ftAi4 ftWtmifli Aim* ' ftftif Aftft flAAHftllf A MHAJiftfl M Aft tfAft lA»t fmi If* Hiflft'ftfll ftfftAfft tlftAt «|ue tAAi ciAft. i(4 ym ao*i rft* ! ANARtwr thmt ytm Asst flft* Atyo»4 tA# 1 ptrdcfilfll pt»W9T of tAft tNftft!4tA| «f tfc* l'dl»#d ftaiod. Tfc# Judgawnt of tAlft cf *» rt tA tb»t feu Aft lAiprt»ttAft*i foe tfc# term at yoor notorol Ilf# Id tfco peo n ntisry at R*!#t*b, N. C. OARTOniA. jm Ho I*6 1«t htd li*lß ld(M ■■Sc heme*.’ The current ' Pre* »*nd Printer.” un- I der th# above heading, dive* the fol low m« itat of pure* f-w th.we who write retire*, or make ho|m(i<m* to **" * rvqMP" t Tlrei. Ffcdsdelphl* Inquirer olvre • [m«mref the world on th# psymeni of ■ 'two month*' Mibortiptlon. Coupon* In th# Philadelphia North Amertrin nr# good, with ten c#nt*. j 5* s Demntret paper |»tt*rn. ! The to. John»bury. Vt. KepuNlcsn give* n gold woteh for eight nit*.rib ; era uxl » sliver watch for four. ' The dsn Frandwo Post will give ll# for th# pr#Ut#M baby. Photos must l be passed In ond will b# published as i half times: a committee of ladles will | make th# award The 8»n Francisco Post* nakes a defl ! nltlon at "H*h*," and four coupons cut from four successive Issues, ea. h containing one letter of the word. The “mo*t original and clever" deflnillon will win ».t and the secon beat #2. The Toronto Mail and Empire will have a Christmas story competition among ihe boys and girls under sixteen who read its Children's Corner, fltorlcs must not exceed 1200 words. The prtxes are $lO. $5. and *2.50. The stories will be Illustrated by the paper's artists when printed. The list ends with; The Augusta. Ga.. Herald Is offering $25, sls and $5 for the best letter* from summemr resorts. The content is open to all. TOO LATE FOK CLASSIFICATION WANTED —A COMPETENT MIDDLE aged woman, strong and healthy, (White preferred) without any encum brances, to take charge of a residence In the city. Her duties will be caring for the Interior of the dwelling. No hard work, good wages, nice room and plenty of coal. Must have the very best of credentials. This Is an opportunity for a good home. The present woman employed has been In charge for near ly sixteen years. Address O, care Her ald. Oct 8 WANTED—A PLACE TO OX)K. Reference. Apply Lizzie Presley. _92« Twiggs street. Oet . WANTED—A PLACE TO NURSE. Apply 1121 Twiggs street. Oct 7 FOR SALE —TWO SUITS FURNI TURE and wardrobe can be bought cheap. Party leaving city. Call at 220 Greene street. Oct 7 WANTED— A FIRST CLASS COOK. Apply at 406 Greene. Oct 6 OFFICE BOY WANTED: ONE WITH some knoiviedge of stenography pre ferred. Must have no objection to work. Davison & Fargo. Oct 6 PLEASANT ROOMS FOR GENTLE MEN with or without board in pri vate family. Address R. L., care Her ald. Oct 9 I J 4 OCTOAwft« cm t« *f HMtod *s» i»o*, ■ »«**«*■#. 9mu4 am |*4il ' $990 $90909 mO9 «A»ft lA'ft#A*AA : IM* ftftA ftA-ft* ftftftftl lift 9 ftAAfl f f'*■ flft iAA , SuftHAft, ftftitWft TODAY’ft *IA*ICn A [ Tod# ■■ ■ towaßpe A t'l t wTA CLAMflClTtoll ■*#•#*■ tmam .. ••••.* f**ftHl •bbi pre ir-ttos *i ........ .4 l id i is# moddreM .. «. .* m .. .. elk I IMMMffil re .. «. #re ItofiH *»-aarea „.. ........ x% »»—4 mtddhdd .. . .. . .. re •'% . .^^rereMMMrerererererererere W##dl #wtisg ore f. IM* mmt rer* ia*t »#*» y Mtf M wd») .7 .7 .*.* !*3t «3J ' T*-rrfoy .. .. .. .. .. ... do#* XHd VT# tn##<l*v -.,. .. .. I Friday . .. .!. MB I ttooi re .... •* tdsdt D'JOd | SAl.r.# »s*!>' S FMO fIIHPMFN'TO flgl-t opioo.r* dh' Ns turds# .. . Dll Itt DTI Monday .. .. DM sls FW Ti ».4st . .. ll** 2D :*** Wsdaowdov. Ifdd *•* Dt# Thureday .. 14*6 2Z3 Idffi I Tt**l .. ?*** >*d* I*l*3 OKOW RBCEIPTN hot i red j N#t re- .lull today re .. 2*16 232 fl {Thretsgh cvdi*m today .. ID .... Cross revsfpf* fnddy .. *. low $S2d fITOCK AND RECEIPT* its; um Slock In Augusta today . IM*4 2*o*4 j it#.s4pts »|V: • I.. ssdre fcllST NEW YORK C'VTTON. open Clo*#. [January .. * ** *•** | February 8 « T March *-3* I'** April *■** S 8* Ms* .. .. .. 6 5» 5 5* June I® August * f l October 3.2* 3.3 t Nov#mb#r < 3* * 21 t [leremt#r .. •• •• .. <• $-96 5.2$ 1 Tori# .. .”. .. .. .. .. •• Dull Middling 3 *-l* LIVERPOOL COTTON. [January and February 3.#! 19! February and March . JO2 3»t "3 Mnrcb and April .. •• • 9 '*3 April and May *■« 3-93 #4 May and June 2 86 2.«4 I June and July .. .. .. 3.04 3.05 'July and Aug 3.87 3.'ft 0* Aug and B#pt 3.87 06 3.n* Sept, and Oct 3.02 3.01 flj 'Oct. and Nov 3.01- 3.01 Nov. and Dec 3.02 2.00 [Dec. and Jan .. 3.01 3.00 PORT RECEIPTS. 1697 U9* ; Galveston .. .* •• .. •• 189058 1.433 New Orleans 104*0 112.6 Mobile .. *. 853 Savannah *l3O i Charleston .. 4545 | Norfolk fc 31 r.» 3239 Wilmington 2269 36.3 Boston 31* Philadelphia .. •• •• 332 Estimated total .. .... 46317 52000 CHICAGO PROVISIONS. WHEAT— October .. .. 02 I 'j 44j* December 02% 63*i May .. ..’ OD4 * 4 ** CORN— Octolier 39'» 39tA December 35‘1* 29'% May 32 31?* OATS— May 23 2278 PORK— Decemlier 7.80 . *7 January 8.87 5.95 LARD- December 4.62 4.. S January 4.72 4.50 SIDES— October -• r * 20 —— January 4.57 4 OS NEW YORK STOCKS. Sugar •• 11261 113 Tobacco 12713 125441 B. R. T 8614 67 C. B. Q 1106 Ilf' Missouri Pacific .. ... 32% 32 T J Louisville and Nashville . 54 7 s 55 Manhattan 9S»» 9314 People's Gas 104% 104% Union Pacific 33% 33 Rock Island 102% I#?% St. Paul. 107% 107% Southern Railway, pfd .. 34 33% Western Union 91% 91% / “Pa, what’s a -peacemaker?" “Well, Mrs. Flaxton, next door, ev ery lime she gets a new frock your mother has to have a better one.” _