The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 08, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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SATURDAY 2 NO WAR PRICES 1 C *%#s*• * * * * ftjMjßfl ~ iwrMt ♦ • • J»*ssf ****** Omrli j i. , • * * ay ** iwft U* • • • • ||f QtraNMl § I OO •#***• I IMV« ** to ftotol ***** to Om* **•#* #•* •*•. I «•** MV« y*>w frf* to 60 ••* *" i“ r * IIM Lo*«**« J|oot* of DitoftotoMW tt% Augw*l* LEWIS J. SCHAUL, jeweler. Un#** tty* AfUr%oUm Hal** HAVE VOL’ THE RIGHT iM fll fUf #!»}♦•• «M* •*•*-* *• «M ■ pngpftf# MP * «"#i''ft**** # ft*mm| fftftflhto *toft ft* 90909* #1 W* MM* MM PER WEEK? t#m «M mm****w ***** m mmm» % ***** mm i M» §*** «M*M **•» *•* ip,» f ■. ■ • m i# EVERETT UN****** rtM. I? 9 «p|iiM*f' omili •*■■-♦ i* m*m wmm* IMAtAIKO AUft TVMMMI W uk tr m. Tbomas & Bartoo, iw ii HAMurr. > ffi MO ft DW ftT« At *fll*MTA, 04. flCOHClliliO SfIILSTODfI Y (Ur >— ffrtalr 1 h*M to Tb* ll«»lit I New tort Or*, a— Khw AgMKiIH M* iMor Lapel. at Maatla. uroft of III* FWlilpfrlVl'' »**> ** M km la W'Mhlngtoo coofrrrlug wllb Ptmfibnl McKinley nrciflipooletl by m lombert will rail for Kraaoa today oa tbe »te*i»*r I<a Tonraino. When *e«n by a reporter. Kao or AvoMfito Mid ibat tits alait fa New York bad no *perl*i *lgn!#f ware Hl* mission la Washington, which bad hem, (a obtain otoeMl wpre«*ot*Uoo at Iba penes roatfiww*. had failed. •H aaid ba and Sanor toga* would go* ba obliged to trod to tba good wilt of tba paarr i urn mis*loner* la *p ptsru.x bafora than. hi nor Agoaclllo, in conclusion. Mid' "»V<* nra aniioua to asourc nn indr panrtßol government for our people I tatavr that nra would maka at rapid progress Independently aa under tba proUrtlon of Iba United States. Spain baa. aa every ona known, aupprraaad our Industrie* and rauaad aUgnatlon In tba rouatry. Under our own gov •rnniriii. thara would ba every Incen tlra lo prograta" Horatio S, Rubens, eounarl of tha Cuban Junta. Mid that T. Katrada Palma tba Cuban delegate. baa bran asked if Mr Quesscln, who hat rapra aantad tba Jirata at Washington at va rious time*. had darldad to nrcede to tba request of tha Pbiltpplna delrga tlon «b«t ha would taka tha aomr office for tham. It I* not known hare wheth ar Mr. Quatada will secede to tba re quest. j To Cure a Cold In On* Day Take Bromn Quinine Tablet*. All dru**tal* refund Ihe money If It faile to cure. Z&c The genuine hai L. B. Q. on earh tablet. The Queen and the Czar. (By Associated PrpHS to The Herald.) Ixmtlon. Oct. S The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Daily Mall say*: "Queeu Victoria. It 1* reported hcie. Invited Eimpror Nicholas to Halmoral after the funeral of Queen Lamia# of Denmark whh a view to a personal diacuaeion of the far ISastern situa tion; but It Is aaid the t'aar la not likely to accept the Invitation, owing to the critical position of affairs." fimtth A Wesson pistols from IS to IS. SO. Several good bicycles for sale very cheap. Oood watches from 11.85 to ISO 00 at Lewis J. fit haul, Rellabla Pawnbroker, under the Arlington. NECKWEAR. F. C. Turpin Company has received the latest thing in Neckwear, Ascots, Chat tilly,4-in-hands and Tecks 818 BROADWAY 818 WHV SPAIN IS STUBBORN «*» ******* ** **» ttfoWi ■fttotoftto fpNA. * fw* fit*gMaPfr* •**>#• I t%B gMBIMi •» ** >"i ***""* k«l <**&* »AM* (t 111 i-tii *b* ****** Of t*o fpgt mKfm ABMPM *** tftp iMmU# *9 I*l*"* |§#4Mp *A(i **|oh At A4*M» *•» $ * nvf m9m torn A pt'MPNt * A«« *(M p*** I *w*mm *0 INiti A# MU A I ******** Mi MAM* I I II Ma OH • f%* ****** wist { i|i iMHMI At * In* CNMMMI AHM ******* to* I *m*m4 tto* uiMMiAtototTi •*#*• I» m*i**4 finto MifitMf tr*m iMto 1 1 * fwf-'-f ** *» ***%***•##♦ itoA Am***- |f#fk r«»iMMI*NIN*INIMf9 •*» MftStoNVfi *** A* •« |* l* It III NAli* t toiiAtooi at • jjiraM-wiA «4 6**riU Ml»*# | *at i Ttot f fMmUiHto *m * to* MtoM Im tijiN On* m Mam* «p I***** I to* ||lM*Ht «A fIMHUkg M *#A 1 1# A AHAAOAA Mto*cA* to*A toAOMMI I l ,lfbjw w tvoito f IP4*K*MM**** ] Hinadnn No tbatr pntw of »k* Lyrrouy tba boaonoo of lb* Cnbno «| fimkl obrtbaa tba Npootoada oftt „., w ,- u j |f <)bo. Ifofttm ] tvnaa Wlwt iba iranr of pNwa la ■W# ana nndaattaod tbai ipom !■> wan of Atoartflo a MOMnry diMnutti'* Ilk tba On If of Maalro and tba ftrib ] Kan may bo tampiad to bold not for Ibattar rood! I lon* that aba batw rod bar {rail aaMiitad to wba* tba Heitol waa jMiMcad hot wa abatl ba aurpataad ts I tba Aonrtann rommiataooant An not I paramptortip tnatal a* Praaidam tfr- I Kw'ay Is Mid to ba rrtdy to do —oa Jawaaring aoab dilatory plaaa awny A of tba war would ba aa art »f lolly appmiimatlng to <rlo* H With rafaraura to tba t'nbnp daM iba Tftoan Mya "Anartraa ilbmand , ibat Apoin mom tba yanponathiiity amounts aubakanltnlly to rapudiailon: and. M tba Joint Inloraats third par lias, tt ta to ba boprd a drrl»l<m will |ha mrnfnliy roiwidarad An aoriy mn- I rlnaion of panra ta daatrabla. but it noold ba rtanrly bought at tba aoat of an arrangtanaot wbtrb might < bum unaaamaM. bofb artnol and pmapartlrr |in tba world - * mooay morbau." London. Del. I—The Madrid corre spondent of fit# Standard rays • Thar# haa been a remarkable rentl aion of public feeling again* Spain's traditional policy of lanlatlon and an frailly; and the papcra ara applauding ’Manor Magnet fur urging. at lha last I cabinet council, the oeeitanlty of | spa iti « taking an ItMaraat In lit# af i fairs of tb# far Bast and of Morro#ro | ‘This r ban pa of fr«Uag la dus to Spanish reaentmrut for England's too friendly attitude toward lbs railed States during the war. "Many petition* have been presented to the government In favor of reduc tion* In the peninsular army: but they have elicited only a declaration by Senor Sagaata that, owing lo the atti tude nr the Carlisle, a reduction Is Im possible." Mrs. It. P. Ward, clairvoyant and medical mairnellet, has removed to No, 743 Bills struct. THE EdIPEROR IS HOI DEAD (By Associated Press to The Herald ] New York Oct. 8. A cable mes sage, dated Pekin. Oct. 7. to Thurlow Weed Barnes, In New York, from H. H. l«wvey. President of the American University In China, denies the truth of all the recent stories as to the eui rlde or assassination of the empnr or. “No one has been hilled In Pekin," the message says, "except six natives, who were beheaded for attacking Eu ropeans. The emperor has beeu de posed. The empress dowager now reigns." Requests to Charity. (By Associated Press to The Herald,) Dedham Mass.. Oct. B.—By the wilt of the late W. S. .lordan, of Brookline, bequests amounting to $19,200 are left to various rbarllable arid missionary organisations. The principal bequests are: American Baptist Missionary I’nlou. sf>.<K*o: American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions). sr..oofl: Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal church, Boston. 1*2.500- .... THE Jb.UGX7ST-A. HEHALD SNOT BY A WOMAN I ii §An **AA(A*' s * ******* m* w** I *** It. 1 feMM T j I* . .Aiamitlrti tb-. gf*N*M* 4MN ~*# , mU# a *o9******* Ttoi tobAkfl POISONED HIS WIFE iH) Aawoamtad Pfraa to Tba Hamid I Lawranaa, Kan. Ort. » J J. K«a bla. a wMltby mart-boat, boa baao ar rMtad. rbargad ottb bacon murdamt t.t» nil* by poinmibg Mrs Kunkla dlrd tao day* nd" kbool four waaka I prralona to tba woman - # Aaotb Birdla I Irnmnarm bat If-yMr-oid daugbtrr j from baa formar busbaod »M altar a llagartng lilpaaa wblrb boAlrd tba ab.H j of tba family phyaiaian. A saw day* bafora tba daatb of Mra, Kunkla. aha ‘ lo'd bar nalgbbora Ibat abr wn# being 1 (■lowly poiaonad and aiaa tbat bar | dangbtar bad baao poiaonad An analysis of tba woman • atomarb ' rhownd strong algn* of nrnanlr anti up- ! on tbla ahowint nod upon Iba taatl in my of nalghboaw of tha Kunklrw, tha jury ralnmad a rardirt that Mrw. Kunkla rama to bar daalh hr pilwta ndinlniatarad at tha hand# of bar hus band and "otbarn to tha Jury un brown * A fwrthar wife of Kunkla la Mid to hara dlad wuddanly aftar hrr life had boon haarily Inaurad WINE OF CARPUI WOMAN’S CROWNING VIRTUE. BflTOft, Mo„ July 37. For ynrs I suffered terrible pstn* every month and my doctor told me I could not be cured except by *n ope ration I frit I could not submit to that and was so despondent I bad riven up all hopes of* curs My hus band insisted on my trying Wine of Cardui and at Ust thank God I did try it. Last month I did not hive a pain, and did all my work, which I had not done In seven years. MRS. MINNIE LITTLE. Wne!Gid«' Modesty is the owning virtu* of American women. It is the trait that all mankind admires. A modest woman Is the most pleasing of all created things. Because of this becoming virtue thousands of women prefer to suffer untold miseries rather than confide their troubles to a physician, and to even tWnk of submitting to an examination is revolting. They can’t get their own consent to an operation. Wine of Cardui permits sensitive women to retain their modesty. With it they can cure “female troubles ”in the quiet of their own rooms. If special treatment is required they can write to the Advisory Department of the Chattanooga Medicine Co., and their letters will be promptly MOIKS’ XOVISORT OEMRTMENT. ror todvit* in entea r«quirtßf *P«* Clal direction*. ad4r*M.c lvu.»s *riup tout j. IhmNm' AUrtfvrv DrparUtun t, Tfce CfttoftMMfetotoftto M«dt«:ine C*. Cfcftttauootfft. Tenu. _ ■ ■ - **.■ ■* •mwmwmm.A chronic condition. The longer postponed, the harder to cure. ri 4 A LARGE BOTTLE OF WINK OF CARDUI COSTS SI.OO AT DRUG STORE. WIN EOF CAR DU I FUNERAti OF THEWEROES i ajiwg-ilt tit if-it fIN*NH* #*.«-' ft • 1 I 'Ze'+ZwZ 'ip. 2f3S I gfk |gMN «Nk fMH MfUN fAn *A*m I AMP* tto%«*NA •*#• AA Mi Nf [9m Una# aMaa* ' aa iAa am**** a*a CARTOTIIA. b._m- m *• 9*» fm Apa aa#a ftoN«r*f j **** ** _ rr^Z typ&zZ | MR. SHERMAN HOAR DEAD II Up JMmnWaA fT a— *a Ttot MamMA {| I ibtflbi* If,mi pfti f m<| i - -fpif-AA As ■ MrhVatta Voluntary »MOt muon •« boorTtfibn—kAN f« tb. Nbm.ij Kbarman lb**» wa. bora la Concord Nfalf I AAA. M* aalaaaA aaA I m l .MIS ANMI A t •■*l4lA* *■- I Vi(* IiCRIICA* . I Aftar two yaorw to tba Harvard low L-bool ba waa admttiad to tba tftddb at bar In IMg Ha began hi.l to WaHfeam Mom., and yt-orn In tor outorad tba law Arm ts id orrp. Tborwdlka A lloor, of Boa la IN* ha wtm ajaaiad to rongra** by tba drmnrra* t At tb* agpttatlon of bla trrtn at Waab ngton hr wa* I appnibtrd dlttHrt attnmay for tha |lio*t(m dlatriat. bp prraldant Clma- I tar <g f total da of bis own town 1 rhara for many yaarw ha bald Imput : tant poaltlon* of irnat. ba was adt ■ Irartor of tha American CnMartan tyrl elf, and a tnem'-ar at tha board of itusltwa of iba Phillipa-Eteter mad samy. Named For Congress Urn*. 0., Ort. A- The Rapublicagt* of the Krnirth dlatriat today nominated Philip M Sheete, of Bodklaa, lor Con greao if | ! 1 Jr answered by women trained in the cure of womanly weaknesses and drains. There should be no hesitation. De layed treatment means a Pni lie's Celery Compound \\ ■?.(< ■ w Makes People Well. ! It lA «to# IfMMti f*H*MMTtoAAA# rwilftff tfaAt ; ilb# v t»miftr riiithA *4 AflNrVt 9m* l» * 1 f.• ! •» gi | K ?*H'* .{'■*, Ii r* , ' i ill iiipm an tirtf f iiNinlfUi , i fibril m>l |UMW Alt Ads AlM**** aani | evacuation OF CUBA tdy Aaaoilatrd Pr»«a to The Herald 1 Havana. Ort. A Tha Saurpton Is ai paetad neat weak by tba A mart ran • ommtaaiouer* and w*M ba uaad a* a dlapatrh boat to carry apaatol anvoyn to dlCeraot pans of tha Island. Mr Gould, legal advisor to tba I’ni ten States aommtaalowara. baa bean da j voting bla attawliow to all branehaa ' of the administration of Just Ira hare and Informing himself wKh regard to •rvrrkl pending raaa* In order to be ! thoroughly posted when tha moment arrlraa for n ehanga of regime Tha A mar Iran rommlslaonara hare delivered to the Spanlah commisaloei ers their answer with tha Instructions of tha Washington government re garding «ha time of evacuation. Ifobhad the Grave. A startling Incident, of whlrh Mr. John Oliver, of Philadelphia waa the subject, ta narrated by him aa follows: "I was In a most dreadful condition. My akin waa almost yellow, ayes sunk rn. tosigus coated, pain continually In back and tides, no appetite—gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given him up. Fortun ately. s friend advised trying ‘Klactric Bitters: - and to my great Joy and sur prise. the flrat bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life and robbed the grave of another victim." No one Should fall to try them. Only 50 cents per bottle at Howard & Wtllefs. Philllplne Finances Ix>ndon. Oct. 8. The limes this morning publishes a letter from a Ma nila correspondent who gives Interest ing nttd elaborate details as to the Philippine finances and the estimated budget for the current year. The correspondent shows that the abolition of the obnoxious poll tax would convert the present surplus into a deficit. DIAMOND JUBILEE CARNIVAL. Macon, da., The Central of Georgia railway will sell excursion tickets Augusta to Ma con, Oa., on Oct. 11, IS and IS. with final limit Got. 15, IS9S. at rate of 15.70 for the round trip. And will also sell excursion tickets on Oct. it, 11. 13 end 13, with fine! limit to Oct. lfi, IWB, at one fare for round trip. For Informa tion regarding Schedules, etc., apply to M. <\ Jones. C. T. A.: W. A. Olbhes. I’ T. A., or J. W. Nall. Commercial Agent Down in Crocket' Neck, Kansas, when an infant toddler Cries for can dy. they give him a stick of dynamite; and for an express purpose.—Kansas City Times. _ ( ... . AtmUKTA t, V i CUM, isi Mkssr a*nm»t rartbft^tv V ***** Tf*»«b*tr*f .*!.«, Utf •§ WANT AIS. *%** 90**Ti<*$*** +l*o Util I I *o9w*+ mm *** *4 •«*» '****' 4$ \ (*+* ***** *m *AhA* a# *Ai||#MA I An* ***** INN* *A# In A'IMM * *#* I m-W* A* * IM ANA* *mM pm* i «hs# *. f § *«■<» * m* mm #•*# l Wh* AtM* *m* **mo*m* ** m mm* j tto*t aaa mm ***pm*m§ *m *m a* aw* a [n* mm *t v**m »#»*■» **wm§ *9** [ f%* IWKH'«*'it Ml AiNAriAij ****** |#*4 *m& &*-* **m *mPmm*4 *t mm** mm I (MAH m SITUATION WANTED Ibr AIfTYH* 'tot Rkto'ktnf MPN- I MkHP -M* ggs • 4 w*gw «i >* ywar* ssgstwto kitow to in as *tog» • [ wwgw *toto* B# to set I • f<M * A*!'•*• t**«agwft tit £to • ><rig nwtoko > O M. I A Grwttl Ptonjl to AJfYW' to* YMPB I Kiwto wtanto to « pstouto towstto «e An tomwsw *•% fton *to Warn us *•?** j |«W« Abkto Mt Tvgftoe toSB»< ftol it i ItoA M I toll WV A tototof »4» edt/Ut LS* «m J**** meem o*4 • —— —— —■ to A »fTtot» 'A fiavft AH k'TtJ* < m mb • f#AWMN* 4f"A*V *****o* A* 11lAft ********* 909**% * wawtktv- f*. m t* «*f imi hi totow. revtto tovtoto* RtotofVW* i I W AtoTKfv • A*B«torTl'Aß I Mb * f*Ut **lo* fb * **** jJ 4k<4| t * «■ ® js*s-rt4Nß*' e * Wi HELP WANTED I WAXTVSYv- Tot*KO MAX, WITH; AftoiftWNA IN t*ft NAA*wrttlNS, , \\- a ja TA« t ► • Jk * * * ift I*KTICKT lift I*t *%.+*» , «i nnn b«#'.*r*A #ml *NN*Hlk|r, 1 I|M tfti# rHf Hf *l*4*l* • wtl9 to# | f»«r til* NUrNr *A tto* -t«Ntlni Hwj I to#raft wnrto. ft*w< «U4t, Ntr# fiwaa iM jpwwtp *4 rwni Mkbl tore the wsry to#« lO' rretowtint* Tto* H an 44H— Hi tor > gnwd toM* Tto peetont^ww-to. If aftst**A y<N*f* A44faaa O. f*f» H*t- , •14. Oci • fcTrsale cbeam-cbbam at n jackrom or. FvHt ItoSniK FARM O.NB ! mil* from rity limit* a bargain Ap ply W. C. J naa. Ma. IM Jacbaua to. Oat I ' TO RENT 'for ItlChiT —RTORK Ms AND HALte- WAT 147 Broad. Apply Commaretol I Hotel. Gat 1 |TO RKNT—RTORK MG. Ttf BROAD | street, next below Haven port A Phln : lay. running through In fcllw atraet. . Fnc* 11.4*4 Alexander A Johnson. 7M | Bread Btreet. Oct t Ts * RKffT —COMIIODIOUB BTOR*. I No. Kl Broad street—*7s per month. !W. S Gardner. IIS Kightb street. ■ Oct I FOR RENT-A NEW HODBE; ISIS Gwinnett street, five doruw west of Woodlawn «venue, eight rooms and bath, possession given at once. Apply to Clarence K. Clark. 832 Bread street. Oct I ts PDF.ABANT ROOMS FOR GKNTI.B MEN with or without hoard In pri vate family. Address R. U, care Her ald. O* - * * TO RENT-ON R OH TWO ROOMS furnished or unfurnished. Men only. With bath attached. Apply P. O. Bo* 555, etty. TO HENT-8-ROOM ’ HOt’SE. ONE HAI.F mile from Wholes* on Georgia railroad, with otie-honw farm D. W. Marks, corner Twelfth and Telfair Sts. Oct I MISCELLANEOUS SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING only 35.00 per month at Osborne’s Business college. Monday. Wednesday and Friday, at night. Come or call at jonce. Great demand for stenographers, i June 17 ts 100 BASKETS CONCORD AND DEL AWARE grapes. Just received at Gi ovanl's, 631 Broad street, Nov 1 DELICIOUS CAKES AND HOME RAISED lightbread at Augusta Work Exchange. Patronize home industry. Oct 9 DANCING SCHOOL—MISS BELLE Smith’s school will be In session for children Tuesdays and Fridays at 3:30 o'clock. Adults Mondays and Thurs days at 8:00 at her parlors, 128 Kollock street, northwest corner Telfair, begin ning Oetolier 11. PIANO LESSONS. MRS tDA STONE WATSON, 743 REYNOLDS STREET. WANTED-KKGTLA R BOARDER S~ good fare and neat beds, also one un furnished room to rent. Apply corner Ellis and Washington. «r 603 Ellis street. Oct 8 OCTOBER « 0 f tokiAAm ttetoki A«# * A 4*61 to toaMM* lP<to>'i MMb. ** SB to : f|. to MP HP >, '<‘ V - iHill Hi an p».B 4 - «**■ <bstow«to *4 to aisiiHP MMs tolinß** ** Mr a *•* *>%* »«*to mm. stout «*►»<• W **» »to»'% 4* «•» - si—armgo* 4 **«to »*■ •'«*•**# AA* l an *a A * toto Mb'«•*** IftoPANe* tototo **•> 4 a->Vv. a si *#» »fa VIA «to*f I. übsh *a Jrv**'» letoAMb to tot toaai >l)«Sl Uto #lll i>»-. **4 || [«.' ¥ t» »1 *t * AIU *4gM kit [ mat wt to 7 *r -y-ffi-r si toe* *. tv ta g [tor* f fiNIAIIII Atoto* *•* fMSto to i AND FOUND. ' ■■ *m— 114*0* *tril * fit if tt - ito|*f ▼M t, j #4M9 |ifc*v-.’towf •**■■ » m# «4MHtoMM# omm** 9 h toto ipMli ******* p*m *** •** *m**f* [ *s**» **-* ft 9 mm* 4 ***s IM* 9* %s** oW ii wrinii spccial Noilcc#. 9Hfi vf'4*t% c%«tf«rrt AM 9* m*******. IS# i* ***** 9*o 4® PM* 3 *## m***m m* ! 9**mm m* *m* to**- trito# ****o*oo*A mm*** ****** ft -» * * CM-tft fVI-JH* • *o**f\pf* 9% # 9S9ooo*** 9*t*iMh#toM| dft*M*t# V»M* lum ftvrMW* * mm 'niai4* ItoMi iMUftfttt %k* to# ll# iWttfPM# o*9*99*'* Am* 0f to.M JfM | Mp» Ws »4ri*«iUfti A*s*m»9 IPs Cl SSOOXOO T Per d | fifitl! I*TI Witt, UMM MAI Jt A MILUdV SIDlXAift lerii ftotolff Ml A m*rnm* <*• T« 9 ■ pm* 9**o. ?** (NftNl**f infnftoftti# *o*o 909#*9mr 9* 9mm P S 0909*90, [Mi . tot Ms I* U tiff. MoMm*. i*A*%T9ftcitiMHf* mxumna mm *9* nmvrr tof tAi4 A Hit*** I atoHF#tft %»*t MMHttoM Ifpwfi Mil Til# •#■* *».*t |*«rtn*r H If Imft *ttl r«Mv>t [ ftri --J##9 *9*9 I||' tt If UV|I JAM f AM ITU. Havr # utft 9*f ftlifwf 111 fftto ftruf 9mmm*m* t» ms pmt*m*9 M H Lftft«t. f totoA twr ftp to raftftfMNlferto "t tftto Ml*#f%4 ttoiroMft h#n itofuri' fhto* ih# .Him <4 Li*4 A MftftiM. JAM. f* MMtTtf If Af* rfftf «o toltopvr I toftito | ltofr*F I ftw iitoitr# that | #rfft c-ofttKm** tbto ( drag b******* nt tb* old stank of | UiMl A MfftHA, I*4 fttoitorto 9K# **Wl<] (Aft! I ft Ml tolUHil* Ift tft# ftifftTft ft# Ift (ft# (tolfH ft ftrft flito. yp tr Atolto ifrti# toltofto. tftfHl i«toft#r(tftlif #aA t*m ft Irtotottftlktoft* # ## Ift# Mft#r«l s#lr »*ift* 09*9m tftto <44 Arms K M UANI> gPE* IAL None*. it hereby announce to my pa tron* and tb* pubic that I have tb** day tnosryd my «*!#«* and r**t denve Id No. M 4 irft*at struct, (cor ner of Centre). OAtt hours rumum unrh an g< d. THOMAS D. COLEMAN. M D SPECIAL NvfTICM, DR.R.H.HTANI.BY HAS MOk*ET> HIM utor* and rttMtsr* to U 3 Bnal •treet, where he will be pleased t*» *** bla friends and patron* Bell 'ptnsiu No. 3SB. Tu.Thu*J(at. 3wk line Good* -Low Pries*. $1 tires* Shirt*, at .. .. •• .. •• •• *•“' tt Unlaundered Rblrt*. at 6*o 54c Su»|wnder», at .. .. .. .. .. .• T*”' 2pc S>«k*. at **° tor I’ndershirt* ««■ Drnwer*. nt .. .. 35-' | 75c Extra Fine Qtmllty *t W* 3 1135 All Wool Undershirt*, at .. 12 pi Umbrella* r*tlk» |1 25 Fin# tltoefc of Woolen for Ault* and Trousers. F. O. MERTINB. TS.llor and Gent* - Furnl*her. oigw*ll* Planter* Hotel. Inheritance Transfer Tax. (By JU**-c.»tetl Pres* lo The Herald.) New York. Oct. A—The *ppel»la di vision of tb« supreme court ha* hand ed down n decision in the case Involv ing the payment of an Inheritance tax upon the property of the late Sarah E. L. Palmer Mr* Palmer Oequeuilied three-sixth* of tier late estate or $28.- 4:;s, to Bishop WiMlam Taylor, or hia successor, to be used in African mis sion work. The Surropgate Impoaed a transfer tax of $1,421 under the col lateral inheritance tax law. Mrs. Palmer died before the law waa amended In May. 1896. and the caso must be decided aa the la<v before that tlmr. As first enacted, the law ex empted property bequeathed to a bish op of a religious corporation. The ap pellate division holds that this applies In the present case and the order of the surrogate Imposing tax Is reversed. The money now goes to Bishop Joseph C. Hnrtxell, Bishop Taylor s successor. CABTORIA. Bs*m th* Kind YmHawAlwg BeogNt *V — ■! t He Has Resigned. (By Associated Press to The Herald.) Madison, Wis„ Ort. B.—Dr. W. A. Fricke. state inspector, has placed his resignation from that office in the hands of the governor to take effect Oct. 15. Dr. Frlotee goes to New York, where be will be connected with the Union Central Life Insurance Co. The French Furniture Polish sold *t Alexander Dtug Store make old furni ture look bright and pretty again,