The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 08, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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4ATU*OAV 4 Bust* hemio mm *»>*»• «*•**» * * r««- • re*. *i *"**n **• •*' tit W*A MHU TWt NMALft I, IMMHH »»*•*• **•#■• ••* MwMl trawse* I in cm—ms m re* f'#***** «• fiew trek <*»!>■• ****** ** THI BffTOtoto O* RWm ||giM He toatot Ik* ftototwwtot# *ritoto Ito *mm> * s*m* * •** &** §m m #1 •#•* nnnto**.-. SOO9* n» VttojMwtto '**toto*<4 4*to4to |ps to 9099*09909 fli IlMwtl. J.'tare PtotoNtorto Itototot Jtoto** 91 iltotollT *9 flte !#•*• tp * «» Wt# t-IWiM—r Into tow • rwHM fl* Tf*S+ glair • KittMitl foMtft Mi X#* ?«#IL (*o*oo*o * Tftt #*#»# Tr«»« *•» •»•#* ••"■***# |«l « M Pfr4 ** *M r*4lm*4 *«#tofto TIM IVwrfMi nMM M W#* #*«•**** t?-4 iitiiit rtjr r#<»p#to»4 I ts *%* Omttx 4 y MP( dM** yuiwwHui Mate r«M| W*»d *1 t*r i tmtlMt ■PPMto. tM« < *tr. the r thing kwnwa to eft'll'* rail »»« to «•<s• to Ik* (to* •»!>"• • ItatPff Wllh'tßi and psrir «r» abort- W eK aa a trig Ihmtfli Pa ;■*! iti. md Ik* Hl* land to’l*f**l<t''l'-l (Vvflißd I* It ■ ah» • t# appreciate Jersey reel eetst* Mtt Princeton. f|# npnattna at llf n*'w ''RitaM gOggl# l t.»na al Mentis Itw been P*wt |ton<-4 until Nov It iMtnd r -f M.tM tronim tot Cuto. H It tow doubtful If IK otf I ton to It that Stum to* «rtll to tent. jlfa n pro pot re t» http tor eye* ur»m tto Ptii« peer# Cauunlaatou In relation tu lilt Philippine qntatloa. Tto puna nronto' Prom Iht Marla •ftrtaa. ito Vlsraya and th* Oquendo fcy Hoi*on art valued at JMO OtO The oruffoP tn<l lona art Mill await Hie order* off Tomphiotvllle, and Iht Indiana will to ready for service Mon day _ Otnrral Merritt ha* given hi* view* nil lb. Phlllliplnt queelloO at a I'in* Menton of Iht IVace Ccmml««lmi In Parts Th* New Tork Supreme court de cide* that a time limit on a railroad ticket la Illegal—th» ticket la food un til uaril. Th# mer* announcement that Plonn It to ride a certain home tend* Ha price down with the English bookmaker*, tumailmn one-half or more. Seth Inw. ex-Mlniatw to Spain Woodford. Joseph Choate and KHhu Boot lifted up their yolcaa for Rnoee velt In the Aral meetlnf of the < am palfn th New Tork. Tht Nlcaraau* canal commlealmi will make Ha report t« the President next month. It l« xtated that the aonae of the document will be Ihat It la fens! We to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Occam* In Nicaragua at a eo*t of a lit tle more than one hundred million*. An envelope la on the European mar k.-i which I* closed without either gum or neallng wax. and It Is said that It will hold tighter than either, says the <?t, Paul Trade Joournal. When once It ha* been cloned, this new envelope can not be opened without tearing. The outer flap has a tongue, which on the Inside haa a plait or fold. The tongue is inserted tn a slot In the back flap, and, once In. the plait catches the edge of the Blot and cannot be drawn. The harder one pulls the more firmly does the plait hold. In addition to the greater safety of this envelope there I* no trouble with gum. Noth the new en velope ami ihe machine for making It have been patented In Rurop# and America. The low price of cotton In the smith meets h conditiongg'li Is about to add many people to the population of the cmMy who consider a garb of red very perfec tion of etyle and good taste. ttl orltofO ll>to<to MtoMt MMto IgMi# # m* '«* dap**# to *#» 9*<pt ■mm •!m*» fn in n§- fKgB up"* "« mm v|H9 IWNMMI MncMBA MmMI f gig # <&**■- S H mm • mm mmmm* ■ mmm ?mm*m** wurtg mmm# 'MRU MMMttN# 0m 9pP4l gNw4 »' I m&mm mmtm 4 *«i mwmi •» NMHMMb mi mmtm m* < mnmhhp hhwi mm 9n99'Mnimi mmmm &§**■» ■ •• mmtm wmnmi uni mmmm *m *• mm ggM iMMMi |MI4HM| lM*M* 'M* i AgßjggAMl MMIMVgfNIIMISRNMMMI m # fr *- * mm mmm m mm mmmmmm wt m* mtm mm mmmm m mtm mm »mm «# Um CPd MgMMMI MMHM Mrftak ggMMNWA §mrm*i *• mm mmm*** m mm gi INmhi wmflm wmms am ••••• mmmm4i *%■“• tin mmrn&irnmmmm wm* ooptopto met «M to totoo •*••*• a* aaaha uu nutMtotMtoM he tooMhwi M* aw ***** e»to» wetotg ho tow Mtto> 'to* «• fMMMMU o«ooaw Ml tftoh Ototoaw* T%* **p*et tonoa that *h.w. #tot ee» to* ****»»'•>*<»•*» ttoto aMO to Iha o*o*o <M4 <M* Ow* tototg to «to to****, otoretotoi hto Mto oo tom to* *o»o* o ••**• too twM ifwo mm «to a touMutoa tom to *to Ml plea I tor too reaaau that <to h*‘ato aoatoi >»»<** u aww* Wato» <a roonto* tom «Mto to*mi too m«o rmrtt hweu to to ftoortai o*o* ■ to (*«tou uoi tto oato a auto *o«M*» o »*»#» toto to*** to rttim* to pmmM* to* •«•*«• au *wto mm ptotota to- Uitot a »>uau» mm tto* totottoMOP* hr** pm* of tto ■■■fa Tto tmr**t- Wto AtoMto Koto MUM Otoi *■■# Hto • MMtooC wtoto* ■ too* oMaoTr a*M M ratoto to |t too a kaatot ao to tow wore «to* to tto tow ttotoul eto* ko grawtoo tot tto toaitoptMo to tto am auttM plm t tovrtta Ito *apart mmtrm that to mm pw*|- • <thr4 to tto atoto *MotoH the a*» ndk*, but a*t OhwM Mo MM>*alto**hto* orntoitoilawuiy. to uutur luleaflag ta re-.or* had aabad tolhlto* aad were •nhMi ttoreyurt before reaklag itotr MMMM- lb# r*#uft of lb# expert* lawtlge «.<>•.« »»i» (bM lb# Afrwwe HoHm AIM m fiwMr fb# mho# »» ib#* pt <wHwrd bf I rnltoe (NOW of Tim*. •bo. by rMWtlll • ub variety of plaat wllb • Aon «•* mml oo lite ao wouatMlljr llbatol arnowat of rrrtlUaar. bod atb of tb* - naibta* ttoo • nrr toll #ofloo Irf*. broorb## tbot ipread kM a lllll* »»,* from lb# atsv. i oatiaolng. bo foood tbot lb# head quarter# foe lb# African limbi#** rot lao x*f wee# k«ol#d am • Httall farm 'la • H-nmb#r» aUKr Tb# pioatee bod i a bam tb# aa#d daarrtbed aod bad ao«a ■ n la aotl impregnated »nb aalatol mooure. to wbieb bad b##o added lib- ; real quantltle* at pftoetdtatr of llai#. . la a word ib# aoll bad b#ea f#rtilla#d •lib a liberality that would b# impoa •lbl# to lb# planter aod hi tbla aoll tb# a#*d had been aown Of rottraa It grew under aorb favorable condition* Ito an tinoattal bright and tb# staple ‘ waa extremely Bn# Hail Afr can orl am bad nothing to do with tbla. It waa Amrrlran clear through 1 Tb# Department of Agriculture at Washington ha* l>##n <ommuntraf#d with and r#pll#« that It ha* b#on look ' lag Into tb# claim* of tb# adv#rtl*#r of tb# new cotton plant, and ban dlscov «r#d Ita identity with that of tb# Taxaa cotahlnatlou plant, furthermore, the two planta had h#en auhmltted to an eminent botaniat. who had made tb# moat careful examination* of both, and found them to b# similar In every respect. Tbe Herald pr#*enta three facta with tb# opinion that tbe famed botanical mafic# I ha* about nm It# course. ATTRACTING ATTENTION In nine ca*e* out of teu. when a man say* that advertising doegn't pay. he has arrived at that conclusion because he expected the newspaper to do It all. If he were to neglect hi* window anil store front a* he neglect* hi* advertis ing spate, he would ntll] have other complaints lo make about business In general. If the window* were never washed and the display of good* never chang ed, he would not expect many people to stop and loee themselve# In ersta cy and admiration. Yet he expects an ad that U never changed and which says nothing in particular to draw trade like a house afire, Space In a good paper co*t9 money (space in oth er than a good paper Is dear at any price) and when a man engages to pay good money he ought at lea*t to pay us much attention to It as he does to tils show window*.-Clinton (la.) Her ald. The Cork company say* that if every druggist in the United State# rejects one useless cork a day, the ; yearly total Is about #O,OOO gross. Mor a l : —vi»r corks, which arc all guaranteed. w t ML IJi ANO IT TOWS. Vi.ri%r.t i«ttg tiurg mm*-4 |g smmrnm a! # gig ' |m| jg iwiig «m |mi jAugg an I.igja ■ m w m Qmmm l mo4mm (t n 9049 ms rnmosoo9Km : 900099 904900 *9* pm* magto*®* a «#. fmi ««% 0999 toomtoo4oo* mm ' Sm aa*a*to *-•# mI *M» PHMMM4PP tUI Am • g't-toM* IgaRPPMi fNK AaMNMi. mBP • iMNPI 9N9i •• * •SiiitMi'P Ma tiin rara ar t Mi a i laarr mi apt Mat [ «nH 40mm 9999/90 ApPp9* 0009999 tlaaAt j ewrtfc • 1 ■■«*■ *ton «* a* * W*«IM >to to* aw* Nuowto to , *totf a Tito fill—Pi m 9990$ Mi *oosm. *!%*• is : KfiMi MHI Mato i ana# o#*mooo 90 0999 : li— r**«#«aii aMMMi mtmmm iMMi tip 1 090 99m • laaat* Ima an pm—w* i pi togto to M ore aai mo* a»art* 0 tod «w*. M *m* PM outotou la*ato*M aad «ao* tor haa** haMw**a W» u»re reawott* tosahi tto aoto ! part atti f***a» urtufi I oohM o Mvwad H*af ore*** i«**a»tol. Wh» to* ' * It*Pi tout* trap* otouH dttoreai ■w#*** Mu*toa ead Iti* aad ate* Mwwl ’ ito «w* to rtoowet “Tto** M rrn ttMlp «%~ear* oa*4 to , tngweta OMNI to ''OttMewplh I* retot* i Mhpr*rea efttwlM lutootor pretoa to Wto Mr* triad 0 store** twM*t OMh* i rear* *p» hod tto pMtoh wwoM tor* | aaa* to M, aad tto Mtodto etoaare •aMtad wre-tof prelude «* spa a*# ito tdto Apwwpaa to iMlaare I reran a* aM Mar* twM pear* aw* to tto tore i at m Mw to tto Ptaoh Itoreat aad red d 111 I rep to «i*fl Tto a*lMtat- M laadhwd 1 fwupt Pitt share a gi« | Thai • tot I tore to ito tows*.’ to aaldL ‘ Are raw «•*** aabad Htreuarrh 1 'Tre. rewp tor*' tto* waM.' «wM tto I totor*. to raw lag tto oi*d owap. Now task* are aata* •«•**.' * Mrel to tto tow* wploreai ha*o ar* glad to ore tar* tw aid Awgsoia 'aad owe or lw« hare dilated todiagi* la Ito Qtoarver share tto OMMM* to ttolr meat reap life If that had tore ordered to Cuba or had had ito napoMMitr to reelao retUa aarvtre la I the told. It would not to*# to*a *e bad: thewern* would have tora creiilo- Ml* akifltaa. hwl Ito uarhaaplag r.Miad to drill drill, trill mm aareiap Then we hepaa talk lag about thr gun* tto old Pprtaftolda. tto Krap-Jorpre aas. tto lid (Ins im*'M Meld pna whlrh haa juat been hroughi j out la h**rr. Tbe fmHuMa b#Hev* that tb lb*lr 1 a#w pise# tbey puaae** tb# moot dead ly aad *#rteat wop#* < *## Invested ' It hi at f.Si Itu be* calibre and dW ‘ • hargea tweuly shells « minute, Kerb ■ball raa be load-M with U 0 bullet* Many practical expertw. nt« have bee# mad# with tbe gan. whirh baa proved Ha ability lo destroy a rrgt«#nt nr a hotlery In on# minute Tb# barrel of ! the new sun la of nickel steel Th# l.r##rh Inch la cotMlanrted on lb# In terrupted #rr#w principle, but greatly modified by th# old form It eao h# closed qulrkty with on# motion. Tb# closing of tb# brrerh cock* a hammer Th* gunner at th# *am# lime hold* tb* lanyard alma and fir#* Tb# gun ' with It* mrrlag# #s#lgh* S,<k» pound*. 1 which la distributed al »h# rat# of fioo pounds to a bora# Thla make# It eaa- j lly movable. On# of the moat valuable feature* of Ih# gun la that the reeoll I* practically abolished This la what makes It possible to load and Are ao rapidly. Th# appltanc* for avoiding recoil Includes a cylinder filled with glycerine. An Iron rod driven Info the ground help* to bold the gun firmly. last night, after Broad atreet had been cleared of the soldier boys and tb# crowd*, a small negro boy came trundling an ordinary wafion wheel out Campbell atreet Into the asphalt. A* soon a* he struck the smooth surface, he mounted the single wheel by means of a quick spring and with a crude pedal contrivance attached to tbe bub balanced hinißelf over the rim. a good deni like tbe riders of the old fashitmed high bikes before the safe ty pattern came Into vogue He held one hand lightly a either side of the tire and maintained his equilibrium by a series of astonishing wriggle* as he pedaled over the asphalt, it was a feat to balancing that would have none no discredit to a Japanese Juggler but un luckily the dusky artist attempted to put on a few flourishes for the benefit of the onlooker*, opposite the Her ald alley, and the whee. gave a sudden sidelong lurch that precipitated him Into space Kor a fraction of a second, the air seemed to be full of black legs and arms, whirling wheel aod frantic .veils. Then tbe negro slowly disen tangled himself front Ills machine and looked a round- for his hat. He had struck on top of his head and was, consequently, unhurt. An’ Oklahoma girl advertised for n husband and got him. The advertise ment and wedding outfit cost, eleven dollars. Witlrin a year he died ami left her five thousand dollars life In surance. it pays to advertise. —Mtt- cWas IN. Y.) Star. rFHM ADOUBI^ HERAIiD PRIZE liETI^RS ■w —(I * SDIIEB RESORTS 4i* F*» Ito fe—, IllfCtPliM •to |<* I«i tto tMto—t 900 mm 9900099* pi 0099000* j HI, -n- tw *0099 0999090 «*• fh—Pto <o*o*9 909090 9*9 9 fo*o*-000 \ I *mm 999' in tip *t 99m «li. *9* 999999 . to*Mto torere* are mmmmm/rnm ■ jy-p t-'r fg nt 9000 1 —|H IM 9# j tore ,J, w : • Ifc- -t #4 |gtHVl|> -jgi : *#! 90 *mo" 09*9 ■**■•■&+*9999o | . * *# *»< —— »*•*' f ■** —tototh-* m IrertoMpt | —tol —pah— —top top# ■ * »-d— * tfft>d| ytpii.i g * #*» * * *w4- . I#- - T | w ggiv MtP p(to** 90S 0909099' ! •A . *- .. go# g| w A t|— •*• t|» - nt.-.MitnPf «• 9909* 0*00099 90* 90* m* tip m*o mt'"“ *0 *oo* 0 *0**9990 S 099900 9 9*o9* 9090 00 *990 4 M TV, <pe rn-m IM J'i .11T ~~ fi r** 4 1 a* tor h *iti fnre- -ir to ftoMtore r it s *re I M»m* om*4:-\* IP prere 0090*009 *oo**-'* 0000 00 90099 so*o 09 *P» l—to M— * 9*9 «t f%tollto—toMppp, 00**0S i gif- -tiigi a* to "•PC IPitr pkrren—tottreto %m*S ! !|to4l«« remito I—ire P—P* pfto PM— Arer *0 * ■ a ftini Ire Ptoto i ■ iiait mto ■ §*4 miAl— Ppto' towtoNN— re Al f# 1 » . to*rel «. h* *• 0*0999 00*009*900 T*» It# rere««totot4 ll- 9m*mmoM mno tore rti— Wi it#to ttj* IP to# 009 to# ry# (toto rtoprli. -PN# IP «J- —fP#NMP tptof MP——l*# iPtotf totolpptoP topto»*M— Me lniiiM'a* )■ *•*)*•* f*etw*»*c *fiage* ire* • Imre *t waaseelN* M the l4*iM The ana* Ml «*• «»< «e* *e utartog Vaitl I Hat M HMWtt the ■ a*oi*H' Mw* •* be haaaea H**4. Ito fret re re • t M f *loo+4 Hn4t A hM toPNit tore Imre —4 IP# ftoffP prtofc* I—4# lima! 1 (Hi'gle p**fc* ll aatta *■■) *eeh* ■ HIM* Milel* aaMI lh*M crystal -leek*. When high nek* throw Thi ugh deep# Wa* A dupli* ated g M*n glow '* When eominer Hng* *w4 never iM**'" while sealed *« (he arched poetic-* of the "kM" wrapt l« th* eenremiM*""" ihe grand and MwiHlhil In namre mv mind reverts In g araenn nm pel Men de I *rtlh Ihe dim put nnd I am over- j whelmed with a flood of plena*ni *#- cvdlv* tboui. There nga here, gl ihnl time, by far Ihe mnart hrillNnt aaaem blage of society folk* lhai H h»« ever been my flirtune to hehoM, nllhongh I h*ve made Ihe round .(f th# princi ple report* »f Dweldom, ln< Indtng The While," Aahevlll*. Itaratog* and New port It seem* a# If tn »uch cilice aa Augusta, Macon. Atlanta. Memphis, Montgomery ami New Oitean* there exist'd a aplrlted rivalry a* to whl-h eoiild send th* hemt oniingent of Ihelr elite nnd rnne*«iuenily the matrimon ial opportunities were exceptional. The assortment of beaux was all lhal could be wished for and Included everything fmm the dignified and Intellectual eli gible Intent on making good uee of hla time to the lllly-llvered dud# Ihat lisp ed and simpered a# ho posed In hi* white top* nnd gaudy hlaaer. And aa to th# ladle*, well, when th* "Dream of Fair Women" was presented I thought that If Tennyson could only luthold this rsdtant array combined he would have to admit that the re alisation was far superior to the vis ion. AMi'UIR the relebrltlM* present thero wer#Tx-3ecretsry Herlfirt snd hi* l»o dsughters. Senator John J, Ingail* wan hereT too, at that time. Ills coming had lw?o« noised sround, anil all wore on the tiptoe of expectancy to sec him. As he alighted from the train I shook hands with him and on entering the porMoo he was surrounded with a bevy of hesutie*. all apxtouA to b«' presen ted. "Oh, Senator tngalla." they cho rused in a breath, how, could you »ay such horrid thing* ahoyl the South? "I kn«w not what t uKi.” was his ready responce; "forgive me and I'll go In peace and sin no more. I promise you.” During hi* brief stay the "un descent dreamer." a* we termed him, ao gifted and genial, became quite the toast. There w** hut one event that occur red to mar the pleasure of the com pany and cast a blemish upon the fiilr picture, and that waq the Inexpres sibly sad death of Mary Toombs Har deman, of Washington, Ua. Accom panied by her cousin, Miss Palmer, ami Under the chaperonage of Mrs. Hardeman, her mother, the two young ladies made a pretty foil. Miss Harde man being a fair brunette with ex quisitely chiselled features,, while Miss Palmer wax n tall, handsome blonde with arburn hair and dalk-brown eves, t never witnessed simli devotion a* was l«\ Islied upon her, and when the stroke came the poor agonized mother was utterly hearthbrokrn and crush ed. In a few short months a merciful Providence put a speedy period to her suffering nnd summoned her to Join her soul's Idol. out to the westward of the Inn, on *9 9 090* 909 9990909 '—"tot o*** *s*‘9o9o9 m» *»» 'o* toltowrlit *» % tPM wApi 99999 m mog/MBof & sos 9*00999*90900 099099* 9 *l * tm*omrn m \ ||| $999904 $409949 9/00000040"* 0990 mm • Mail mrnmm *0 Up m*mm *-*« »«m— <—• .1 amp jw§ jAtNMHiip pw 0990 99 99* *99900 ■ otm retfWh totoP PPli *P«p PP» I $9099999 - - - ~ 999999999009999 9999905/ 90*909909000** • . r P** ...totop *. ***- H f* > tolfif V 4M* re--#-*t* mto# *> W-Pi —1 fg —to—Mp | ai liUli ppto 990f99 VH4PATImM| Mtogto ptod— —pm —' to— mmtopP"-f i e-* ■ - —*•* *4 pP- <M»to i App #«— P- toPt# top <*%gtoA "totoi todicv; todpg # re#* *■— fg lane I aou aw nreu> «*mm are rere wed Itop ' to— 09 099 90000*09 9**oo m 9*4500 *OO I—tore pi PtoMMpB total *900999 9** *s99o**m 90S ito|M| *»■—» ft—<* PtoPtotop% PP MM ( Afire to»|p»»M topi toßitoPtotoP M> ref— l % «#toPito»« to— gasp— m pa Pm— • tog—l HI : *g» • a -rerere ham- togwre hd»««re " A i pgwrehpaad ***** are re are* awo tor m Muggi <awppa »>*» to* a*w reth—m reip. ## ta tow** r*«w*k »are t i*g» fit •*«!«——» pP— —p 00*0000 pPtoptoP ill Pm # —re l ptoPba- N v T—• Irewtof pjfckh—M *-re re—top Vs d"M*n fgrefPtof t 9 Pi PP# • MiP A rei— 0 P«g<4 ip *pf» ref p Ttilpp «-4s# pf ff.'nato* j to# P 4k* toM ftoPto# I• »P» *4 i if A# p’i a> ' fp p—l# pi# j' # ttoSP P—to - j • *rto f rtoa—l I JPre*# *re ••■*## ■ Pre 900'**i itopi —WreP PtofPPtf ***** pVtofM j >— pPtoPtp Ipto fto .k* *-fp<—P to top lire# j refrefk p| •#•*«*# IP Ptoto #fN «Pftototo#» top* H .fctopf IP #P*MI topMTP to—4 «tore# ire—#*P Pre— tot pd—P to ArP ito *9******* ] tyrereh reffref f*% 1 *•* ■ «• J k» 1* a'—rre rg l tlarrretml i|g ft toil dp to ««—«—toto— Tpr«-pP I 9 *mS** fdtoftre p««f«4 tPto <—Plltototo to **f fret* 1 nmtiiirrr Itortr i—#*—#!# *h*Mgh in hill* amt vwAeva WHh .'.rUrd” «.«•»- 'he raaha ■* lha drewta* a»<» | <sfg. f-m%*o' Pf# •lUMtof* *9*ot9*S 09' 1 cry crag aad botched forth a ge* 1 atornt at death-deahag HMaNM. adtlre** aweewiap a»ar earti* 'edamae »nhj t lunging dr* The dead gad dftng la* •a heayw ahwa the Mae aad "Wagi-d | with Ihe roar of Mlth aree* heard th* groawa «t the wuwaded awd «h* ahoul < f it tore Twaa a scene of tervMc graadeur, aad IN owttwnw was watch ed by all the calkin* of the earth heeu IntereM hlowly aad o*M»«#l» the nfederate Wwee thinned and ohal tered. «'«re (Hashed baeh h* th* d*a perate auaaaHa as numbers end the young nation fPM—i IN dea'h o. und. I 1 -. mend that Iht* was rtv drs-Nlve halite of ihe war. f‘‘C hr-r foe Vh« Prat It me It wag de m>' fia 11 g ted that the reowrwe of the fXmfnbrtli*. n>»r alratedf. aor gene ml ship could cu rimimi* f»r th.- mat Mgeetoni* la re •oun ea of the federal government, for 1 cnee the simnsbotd «na Matured, flrarglg., tkr mala of Ut* houth. »»• an e*#y VonqueM by the open door A little chapter ftom the broad drtd of paining event* once happened to come under my observation nuitalned a little epis 'le that traneplred In the garden of Ihe goda One lovely eum mer evk a pair might bare been seen— tn fact, was seen to come frtwn the sun and Monty gaunter along beneath the friendly oak* toward Ihe garden He la a man whose distinguished ap pearance would command altcnttoe whereV'-r a**h: middle-aged. acareHy above medium height, hut whose pierc ing black eye* was in striking rontra*l with hla prematurely gray hair. He I* a lawyer by profession .arid hla legal attainment* have elevated him to the Ittdgeehip. besides which he Is weatthy and la regarded a* decidedly a good catch. Hia companion l* a tall tdunde. apparently Ju»l l*aat her teen*, beau tiful of form and feature, a maiden whose movement* are grace Itaelf and whose every lineament stamp* the cast of patrician Uncage. It was *n open ■roret that he la an ardent suttor for her hand and that he haa two rivals. f i barrtaleni alao and Horn the oam# ; .me a man of middle-age. who (riled a groat name in th» South Kid who ha* hlmaclf achieved aomr roputation: the other, a younK fellow wllh the whole world before him and nothing hrhlnd him. save a family tree and the determination to win aucrese. By thla time «ur couple hava threaded their way through the mute dlvlnllles •urmounted by the Uttle rustic stair, and are seated side by Hide on Da mon's rocky cranium. While gazing far out upon the vast expanse of green, stretching away to the opposite mountain range veiled In purple haxe, their vision wa» suddenly arrested by a lacalika film of fleece thnt formed a* they watched and hung pulsed in mld-atr at their feet. It gath ered rapidly and soon assumed the pro portion of a cloud with a dark, omi nous looking renter with silvered edges. Then there was a Hath of lightning, and the number waa Illuminated with rose colored (lame*., then followed a low. muttering sound of thunder and far down below they could see it raining, while up where the sat the sun shone brightly In clear sky of tendera»t blue Presently the great chasm tilled with seething nilst, which, mounting higher and higher, overlapped the (lifts and obscured the sun,and the grtuflns dark ness admonished the judge and his full companion to ee.-k shelter from the ap proaching storm under the friendly pro* tection of Sunset Hock. They had sea reply reached it before the ruin came down in driving sheets, the moun tain rills became raging torrents and the electrical display was incessant wnd sublime, while peat after peal of thun der rent the air and shook the earth. jTMIS IS IT jdikini mSSm * , tor EARLY FALL STIFFS AND ALPINES ALL toHAOEP $3.00 Jure! Arrived. DORRS Tailoring, Hat*, furnahinft. •'■'f { 1J . # t "K . \ Afi> "W w totof If ' 4 ' 00 YOU KNOW the feftatMß df reu*' With m meent aaarfwl alSaeriea b lha xissllexi IsHit, ngh4 * #y |M Ms MM haugrant Hear* 1| la that e*f ••>•** fir drag raedfMs amt ewr Agra fir sure* up tswlf tore# are esrr #•» aesd as year T#t Oar rrench Fantitur* Poiikh II elk tmprew your »** furatiuie and make the ■«l haa* Uk* *«*. kk urau kHlie. Oar VaailU aad Lemoo Frtract* Csnnot ke Bade better- Fop ni*r is loir,.!ret* of be>n*e here, sold iu any qogutUy. Splendid Toilet Soaps And plaiily b> rbuoae from. Oar t snd 10 oral (leaps an par ticularly good. Hoaiehold Ammonia Avery an* xey* our* I* beet, large bottle* 10 sent*. Aleiaiisr Drm Ctopasr 1W BKO AD ST. making obi f-ookout tremble on hla barn. The rbiod then lifted nnd the rain reased sa suddenly ns It began. The sun sent a shaft us light through a rift and the severing cloud dissolved Instantaneously Into floating flake* that, a# they chased each other surues th* valley, printing their -hanging forma In patch*a of light and shadow on the vivid green and producing rffacts similar to ksleldogcoplc creations. A glorious rainbow aet Itself tn the high arched and vaulted heaven* and span ned the upper valley In triumphant and magical splendor, the last rays of the setting nun tinged the rim of the Blue Ridge with molten gold, and the ashes of rosea sifted down to earth. Turning from the gorgeous apeetgrle, the judge’s eye* rested tenderly upon her wealth of auburn tresses now showing their Titian tints In the young twilight, and he bent over and whis pered something that brought the rosea to her cheek, and her great brown eyes dropped low beneath their silken fringe. The pretty ferns may have curled their feathery fronds to catch the answer. X can't say. But one thing certain, the over-cu rious dames at the Inn who displayed such anxiety to And out who her choice would be had to wait a couple of months. When It' was announced !r. a little town tn the hermuda belt of Georgia that the Judge waa the winner. They are living now in an elegant home on the swell street of a Southern city. Within a stone-throw on the same street are his two competitors, the mid dle-aged gentleman married a beautiful PHI,, from the enstern portion or Ihe Stale, White the y»l*ng fellow captured one of the greatest heiresses in the state, and, tvllhal. a most attractive, accomplished and beautiful young wo man. Pendenni*. Only Steel lined and burglar proof safes used. Money loaned on anything of value at a low rate of interest- IV»< terhury alarm clocks, 15 cqpts- Lewis J. gabauL Reliable Pawnbroker. OCTOBER 8 M pm re* re**a ** re * #•* «re«* in «re re re* *••* So9s9 *s99 '5999 990 SO9 0 s9o9s9so'S * f 9099 ***ss 0090* 090 0 tAtorep re* ] 999 $0 s99otm AAAMI SO9O 99b0*S I tof ***** Pi—to# 90999000. 90909 PJAMP#- • 9999 mm 0 msm «MNP 4*990 A ! 9999999599509 99999000 M#PA to*# I -0099990 09 9990 A9P *P*® PtoAP to*— tom** I 00099* 90 9000909- #PA— AAAI $99 99 SOO9 \ 9090 $09099 $999% s9osoo 99 999 9999 !mm 4 cl rewrerere* Ihmm *•**•* ‘ A—t 99m II $$ ss9 99m • ll P4AI |LA.Gardelle Oreretrer in lb« Flnrerei > DAUCto AND MtDICINI® Tie AHgnsta Herald lept Bfiiitnl !!i lit Ba JfTJjajif h&isi a nstaiki QHriKfiT Tll*KC«4fß totwaj IIIK KCVk OK THR VOILD WUILK IT It*. It TO II HOt'Kri AHKaD 0# UIKKB <iKOIU.U ANO SOLTI! rAK"LINA J f PAIKR.V to* - *4 to **■l mu. fill CONVINCE TW PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7th BL. ABTtoli. Ga. •iff* rmt tn rtsrs #* «n *•«** «§ Hgtu IBM- «k# grege* «>»■■«■ erat »»»• M'lv Um> Leeec* cut into ffmt firm# while yoe wed. FfctE OF CHARUE. UUUIB tom COAL and WOOD ——BRUM THE North AoguitA Coal A. Supply Co sad vtasUty t< osrsateed F. W SCOFIELD. PRESIDENT Ml fbonv UtM btrowger »* The Whltely i Exerciser. I A practical, simplsand slltei *ui Homs Exerciser, out) ptcisily adapted lor ladles and children, bu tt the tame time eau he profitably ' ted by tbs ttrongest athlete. PRH'EM: 7jc„ *i,oa *i.&a BICYCLES - CLEVE LANDS, HO up; VIK JNi.S, 155 up; OEN DKONB, #lB up; THOM AS, SSO up. tall aud sea them. Every one guar anteed. Richards & shaver Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMIHSION MERCHANTS. 803 Reynolds St- TelcDiione32few.^* Jiivsle bested V\ ires lilieri to hew Yerk t’bkego sud New Orleans; Orders executed over our wire* for Colton. Stocks, Bonds, Orsin and Pro. visions fur rash or on margins. Local securities bought end sold. Referencse —National Exchange Bank of August*, or Mervkntile Agenciee. . . (Ip