The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 08, 1898, Image 5

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SATURDAY VERTEX SHOES km Urt they wfß m 3 U«**. TW? 4*4 Mil fchtilkl rani 3*vn» k) 4m toqfiiak>»» amjm*rs tmsts JiOO tus pul Vertes Sfatt <*> trouf imh too- th«r «n (Kc bm (ul/n Ufj^. . tIII-22xiS3*R^ OpticiaS OR. HENRY J. CODIN. Oltow. N«M< MMI Ml*•—sw. W IM treat dm— ><• WiMiw IM*I n«UOAICf> M W 3PAPf» TW 4N*4v H— lb- U PtsArtrhad X Jmh*—i Tto «My *#*ty p»—» Ml to (—» to di# ntoiM #« JMtoto Ml— . to Tito MgKitrt ti (»m to Iwwti •* tt tortrt torti • to i*4 4 1 h* *•«. to ItorMttr to wiihH mrt »<•* torn* • utoto *g—g* - •M* It Mil, i«4fr •**# rt Ori. •* If you >w rtty *>>4 M* to*nto to llto tttoto I* • «, *A friend mead to • friemd —deed.' nad lk» artoto* to mm>wtpal‘tm wHh -oaal fare* aa N 4m* (« t*d>«»du*t# (to tto laai it. yam— lirtoN to* Wan to hard lingg. U»»: irar* am •" s—ms gr«*m»d «ur city far (w# tototolha and hj 4rhe ttgUaher nt tor ntoertl* tomato J aha *A« topt wlthugt tor «*» iia Oar atotoMto •» that iim* stowed aa afar*nan-m of ih* *4f*rt* <>t thus* la * hear hand* Ih* aatfaua of Ihr Hlr aa* ptwad. and now that *» ba— tto (*»«r Kara. <*»• prratUrt should hr all in* m«er ramrfi. N« man ran 4* hi* •lair alia a amine heart and a ready hand note.* ha. krd up byt public trail I m*al.. to» don i hamper them la thrlr *«r*rta *#** Owm all th* a—***-, you ran a hr* aa* to found ah* la an tore lift la duty and .—nee a* to* fall «.i gpprertotr thto ara»t««rat pubth opinion will n«*t hr Ito making It *•. a arm that II *lll b* a M*a»urr for him to taro hto authority over to some - aar -tar more worthy." THE POSTAL COfIPANY. It Hm Bern Putting on Many Ks« Oftksa. tl I* Immiinl from IV Iwtl postal nffirn that IV company ha# put on • tart# numbar of new offices of lata, among them the following: Arkadelphta. Ark j Austin Tag. ; Bastrop, Tea : Beaumont. T>s ; Hal loa, Tea-! Bonham. Tex.: Claiendon, Ark . Clarksville. Tea : Orowley, 1#» : fiatlaa. Ter.: IVnlaon. Tn.: Fort Worth. Taa.: tlalvaatun. Taa.: Helm*, Ark . High Island, Tea.: Iltllaleao, Tex . Honey Orove. Tea.; Hope, Ark.: Hot Spring*. Ark.; Houston. Taa. ; Jeanerette. La.; Jennings. Lai.; Kyle. Taa.: Lafayette, ha. ; Lai Orange, Te*.; lake Charles. La.: Lillie Hock. Ark.; McKinley, Tea.! Morgan City. La.l New Braunfels. Tea.; New Iberia, La.; Orange, Tea.; Paris Tea : Pattons, Tea.; Prrla, Ark.: Pine Bluff, Ark.; Plano. Tea.; Port Bolivar, Tex.; Pres rott. Aril.; Hollover. Tbs.; Ban Anto nio. Te* : Han Marcos. Tea.; Hherman, Tex ; Smtthvtlle, Tex.; Taylor. Te*.; Temple. Tea.: Texarkana, Ark.; Wa co, Texas : Wsxahgchls, Tex.; West. Tex.; Winnie, Te*. New Dutch snd Kippered Herrttigs at Lamktn & Co.'s. IS IT WORTH ANYTHING TO YOU fcquare, honest dealing*, prompt service, »trict at tention to your order* and an earnstt desire to aatlaty you, do matter at ■what coat. Add to thl* our very large and complete etock of Watcbe*. Diamond*, tine and medium grades Jewelry, Sterling Silver wear, Rich Cut Class, en ables us to offer yon in ducement worthy of your atleutlun. Win. Mprt & Cii„ Jewelers. nxreafAi»«kNf u»t niomi. A AUhtodfrt idiariaiatotoi aa* that A**d«tof< I—a far llto —to— *d Ihr > «w»r*h tad g—Army Tto *—rtatbrt* and omasa ***** pa—tortor #—d aad ih* haaa* 1 «*■*# aa—ad— t* n* arm aa -iir‘‘t (to fiaatoanaiia wa— mi»4 an— tor ral natasm—t Th* *e«gtnm •aa a* MM*« totatoa (—«wa* -Mr* * A. to«*t*. Man—— » ((• Ahrtag T.» lem ■« Mr* M A, ton aaa •m<>*t (am*. Mm Satan **•—• as—Hr r I'otou %>'4*a a— Mtaa ta a.« l*»<i«*r. ltf<Mlto> M<aa Roth h—h * TWm to»atod rear—. |.*a—l and toaaa Mra. Pawn M Wa»**t»h. V*ai tom* Mtoa thuey V—toss. tMMaw*—OrMMto to— I met ptoto. and «•—(-M—. Ito«a and Mr M—aa V«4«» (—.ltalian -Mtoa Mar—m Weigla. Nett* «f Nr—h (MM* Thto ton »>—» —rpnaad ihr p—- pi* mar* than >*a ram ana*'nr Th* majarllr ihoddh* a— Maauial yoanp tody m*M apprar «* Ihr na*». and all a— aai< bin* aiiratt—fy. * *>*■" a**ar <m» raa* ihr hrd; an ihd( aaa ih* (toll < Ma—h Auruaia Whrar i*l yo* aaal la h* *rnh aa rial praplr. at*ay» *»*« Uad - * *•—*- try I'amttoa Ml— tomaM* Rtoh—a unfonunairlr •«*» hrr hrarrl—. and *r hot* It a 111 hr Mind H war highly prurd. a* It »a* h— malltor a E*rry ttorann had a drlldhlful ilmr BOSTON QETS ANOTMBR. I’tnladrlyhla tola* Ta* from the heart ora. At Hroohlyn— n h b Konhlya ........ .. .# ..S toot—i •• •• .. •• •• If I Matirrir*—Damn and «*allb Willi* and Hrr*rn At »*« Torh— Mra Torh *• #d •• ** •• •• Italllmnrr t * I Haitrrto* drymour and Warner ; M«p* and i'ierh*. At rhllr l*l|dna— I*hilailrlphta ~ . » H - Weahingcn •••••■* *• * Itoi irrtra—Uunohur and McKarland. Uahrr, Kilim and TarrvU. Mrrond CSama— Philadrtphta .. .. .. .. * * ® Waablnci.m .. .. .. .. I l Hatter!**— Plait and Muiphy. Klllrn and Mcaiuira. At Ht. tfoola— St .haul* .. .. mm 00 00 #*#**•• 7 1 j Cleveland * 4 Baitrrlra—ldaupln and Bti*dm; Bate* and to hr*. h toN-ond i lame— HI. Inula .. .. .. •• •• #•#•#.2 4 2 Cleveland < * J Balter)**—Hughey and Huedtn; Cup l>y and tobreck. LEAGUE STANDING. Won. Lost. P. C. to Stun 9 4J ■*** Baltimore »3 4t •* BS Cincinnati 90 &7 .*l2 Cleveland .. .. .. ..7* *2 857 Chicago .. . *1 ® 888 Philadelphia .. .. ...-7 1 *9 819 New York .. 72 "• - 80 ' 1 Pittsburg 70 72 .4*3 Louisville *5 <* -’ BS Brooklyn fd 87 '2*2 Waahlngton 0* 98 ■*” St. Louie » '0« - 2 « 9 Philippine Newa Dull. [By Associated Pres* to The Herald.] San Francisco, Oct. B.—The trans port Valencia left Manila a few days after the departure of the China. She report* that nothing of Importance had happened in the Philippine* up to the time of her sailing. The hot and dry weathpr was coming on and some of the army doctors were apprehensive lest the health of the troops In Manila may not tie so good as during the pre vious rainy months. Several cases of malarial and typhoid fever had devel oped and the sickness was attributed to the bad water supply. The volunteer troops stationed In the Philippines are anxious to return home now that the war Is over. Has a Dozen Wive*. (Uy Associated Press to The Herald.) Milwaukee. Wis., Oct. 8. —The M'l wutikee police have discovered an al leged polygamist, who, they say, has from a dozen to twenty wives. His name Is Frederick William Dossing, but he haß many aliases. OR. THURMAN'S WIU CONTEST ru *(*• Mi *»* Si to dPto |*MMMha> Alto#**. «**> krt tip* ad t«* j aadPf (A (Mi retort* to Mr—d haMto mm tto* (MM ad «»* wm th , f t» yt—**w» in ito •M**'to —ton j a— todto l.atortto Tto I*ad (MT. am to* Mr* Mto.M Thto r*t!it ‘ tto watoMh hi to Ttor> Tto *•*«• Ml *to IMMto, M mrtMA •to « *m# vntl'-* (hart* > a hatlto* th* tHR *MrA 41 M 0444A* *• Mtohto ton—a #w to tto to——a ♦* "t-ManTuM** M tor 40044 Ih* h*M tlTTto*mrtTrtM M4to*»r 11 ap*'" | d — *r Ht-*-* a (—(» Oh—l h* •r—* N Atod thto to • «to«M to niiiwi -Ti to to* ciiAntip*4 a* «*» fttai mi th* mrnmr* mm it* A*»to •a* MM to Mr* ttoMi* ■<( tor «wMt to*Akkto. Tto lira M., U t^nMr>■■■* *A* cnatfto Mtoa *» (to Orth—n w die trht *f (to Mrtth Ortfto anto— aad (to k—Mi "i *to TMto« *to rtpai ana* tto (•!• rM* l MHham mtarntaf Mr thhmrt told to* th* »ilt had htoto «!»•• to »»• to Mr ThmrmM (*4 dto*« to tort to tar* w to* rtto «»h (to tr*» (MM to artd (tat (01 hhootaiA* to tto •til «a* h*ft fito* Mra Therm** a) tto Ami— * tohrtrt. H* rrtd that to •a*—at y—H* ftwr to to* Me* lltoapr Hr thpitorti had |i«*a Mr* Cad— •mH) llto • Martih *M (tot am to# mmrtaw to to— to* ft *** to *M to (•*(*< tor a to— Hr ahm «a- tot •IM ta farattar* Kept (I I* Mar Mmthtot Mr Cadrrmmnd amid (to* Mr ••* kept tto —MI la •Ha hok M# ate** •Mh N and— tor plltov at atoht and ditrlad tto day wb«m rto left h—me »h* irimld lair M arlth tor either to tor hemam —la tor morhlAd Th* •Hat*. —ld that to had h#»— trdd Mr* Tto— of (ha dlha which tof baatoad mad* to M— t’adr-ramod n* ring the trial tb—a all! to a great .mount of teadmnrty latrodmad he«r lag on tto agatty ln—ally of Or TUtarnuin It hi llhety the trtol will to*l all of nrtl weah Thermo—) la the rare are Meaar*. N J and T A Hamtmmd aid Judge J. T Head Mon for Mr* lode- wood and Mraar* Klag and Anderann and Judg* Maratoll J. Clarhe for Mr* Thurman to ga and Fccrratk Man. Dr Tharama. »to tea* a met) known gad gttite wealthy dll—a of Atlaat*. died la J**«. lMd The A—tor wa* noted tor hi* ercenlrfdll— He arar deeply latereated la the mbjeel of fly ing machine*, and la aald «o hat# rpenl much time la Irylna lo get up one which rod id to auc'cesafally opera ted. Th# will or— which lb# fight I# now being made war aigned on Octo ber 8. 1*92. Prior to that lime llr Thurman gare half of hi* eatate to hi* wife and each of them made wllli. leaving all ibelr properly to the tech nological school The leal will, which la a very Inlereallng document la In full aa fol low*: A Hecular Will. "Stale of Ueorgla. Pulton County, la the Name of Ood. Amen. "I. r. D. Thurman, of the atate and county aforesaid, renouncing all other will* made by me, do make and de clare thla as my laat will and te«ia- Woman’s Mysterious Ills. Explanation of their nature by Dr, Hartman, who tells host) to cure them, deed female troubles puzzle all iS knowledge of the subject Th# whole question Is shrouded in ff \\\ \ \ '/I Dr. Hartman's book for women, J \ V* \ \ 4 called "Health and Beauty,” treats ■ \ 1 V \ these matters with delicacy, and at ’ the same time with clearness. Write to tha Pe-m-na Medicine Company, Colnmbus, <)., for it: it is mailed free. It is a practical printed talk to women. Dr. Hartman defines women’s diseases as catarrh and tells how l’e-ru-na cures them. Mrs. C. C. Naeve, 380 Morrison Bt., Portland, Ore., writes as follows: Pe-ru-na Medicine Co., Columbus, O. , Desk Sirs:—" I began to take Pe-ru-na when 1 lived in Columbus, 0.. in 1887, and have used it and the Man-a-lin ever since whenever I needed medicine. J have never found an equal to Pe-ru-na for regulating the menses, and before 1 began to take it 1 was never regular and always bud more or less pain. I hud tried many different medicines before I saw Pe-ru-na hut without success.” There is nothing mysterious about the action of Pe-ru-na. It is not a "cure-all,” hut it cures catarrh wherever located, and there may hr catarrh in auv organ of the body, as all are lined with mucous membrane. Mrs. M. <Melt I, r,U4 Walnut St., Columbia, i’u., says: " l have been troubled with catarrh and a soreness in my bowels for several years. I tried everything that was recommended. X tried Pe-ru-na and am happy to say that X am now entirely well," Hr. Hartman's advice may be bad without charge by any woman who will write for it. His bool* on Chronic Catarrh is also mailed free. It explains the danger of local treatment.. All druggists sell Fc-ru-na. TBK AUOUBTA HKHALD. RoYal Bdkimj Powder Manla Ifun jxteg OMAfn <* lAfiAf. StlcßUArdU the food efiimt Alum. (AAIAh TkMf Aawrtm rmt gaamap wammaMA u M» ******* Are. 'Mm— ***** mm I •*»« rtf Milb a w«l g»**mg M— AM I gear !••*» i rt M— Mg— rt M— A—* a ***4 atoaw Aa— *!—•#? tto* ww atonal Ma— ad f»* aaitt to A —Unto •!»—aihrtg) MrtMw ti** ami (mag an*— to t*a— h—. | »<—Wbrt a Will ta a— atart. #•*** a« to artd tMUiad< **4 arttoad to tod«(4tortla «rt «*— itod urn# 1 M— torn irytod to ton« t*.a>gM to and gnu. aa I art *»*•—* to »i «Mie aii tom •Myar M* tow A—4* frwrt •* A— hwa ■a a*4 A* MThMetoit w**— amt to war tom— pto— «a Ms—« torn Mr—i rmew— rt Mh Brti A*h AMtodAk and t tuah •to— totoA-wrto abawg mm haadud Wild toamwto. After my darth aba rga wen* a will gi< lag aa gag rt and awe tort— Art— a* sto —ay llto, | ha— a i—to who »*w# a Hto *4 grief a'.wart trthmamMe am an— «f atlrtima rt a demc aanrt. pr—tow* and aa;* dawgto— and I am aaktom* to r» Me— h— aa tor a* ami to It bartot he* I—4 MMI *h—« •nl to am —aha txtttr rt toy «bIN» Mm th* •aat rt Ntom ggmfnri* *Tto—Aa— tto fotlowtag b> my laA •■b . "Hem I. f gl** i—to mv aMe afl that I aw* fn— at U— iia— of my death. Awing tor aalam! life Itrte "Hem l I *l slier m* wife’* death who each m my hr—here and rtei era A* art I* <aae* #l—> **> as my hr—l—r* abuera *r* *—>j he dead. tto ir laafgl rhitdr—i rol'artl—ly mill to —Hilled to IV *3*a • Item S. I *l»* » ! l rt the rrgs n Aer unto my rtmaia Mr* Plo—a A Cad—wood, and if *be rhocld *«. I<e lltlag her «hl’dreti will V t * ttl—i to II I aril) no) (a- h< "* th rh I*' v • (ha t die Id* It. a* Its* le« #*»-* wit • Imre ahd ittr aad so •Ir —w oalv 10 thrtr gMtttor'r, will do wba It —wper "There 1* no heed of an «*••»»**- 4» thla will, aa the par Ha ai ta!—rat ta 1 •gaily fl* thing* —ben mr "rife add I tc—t in a future etaie «? e*i«»#n< > I ha— n« doubt that -h* wCI tb «' a I do about It, and thru all will l.e well. “A'gned a-aled. f-nl.ll- b" l ua>l l»* dared ia gr pi—race by P. Ih Th*-- taan a* hi* las; '*lll sad trata rani, and in hi* picaepre and in the jt > ant*, of each of na we aaVcr be S • aame *« wis'mm thla Ihe «th de»* of October I*»2. "P. D. Thurman IL.M ) "Wltneases: •*P. !. Mrnatt. / • B P Ahbolt, Jr., "J. W. Ilrlilges." Cause of the Sicknesa. Springfield, 0., Oct, B.—Maj. Oen. Warren Kcifer. Plrat dtvlalon. Sevig.h army corpa. I* home today on a gavea dnya' furlough. He expect* to have it extended to fifteen, as be then will ac company the Seventh corps to Cuba. He says much of the sickness of troops 1* caused by having too much to eat and too lltlle lo do. \WfcHtsU! I*AIM *AKUIUU»t Ad# h*» tm AUitttfc Ua4 4mmmm tortWM- irt i Mg— Ufw-tuli Of AilArilM lUhftJ oa Okt (# (My AtMMfAt t*»«R( Am mmtnuigfl PfAkk lAtofrtl ♦ Mart Ul Adi YkkWkl Putt Rftoly Miwu Vkmn Tto ♦—» Art) rtrtto PIAITICO. Tto haw MaM Ma—h. MTU earn art • AartM ahsrt a art—** mm way* Am ywa a a—a «• a*ia nan«i»n ss—to f—At IdWortMT. Just Arrived Beautiful line of China Mailing, solid Mahogany Bedroom Suits, Lovely Line of Walnul Suits, fines! line of Exiension Tables in lire city from $3.56 TP SSO OAK SUITS IN GRIiAT VAftIETY. FLEHING&BOILES 904 Bro-isl StrcMt. CATARRH A LOCAL | D'stase A Climatic Affc'.ion NeMst list s las rmiadv w ehanve | <>t < hmatr wil! *tir« N. tie! a aril knoai. Blast Ia Ely’! cream Ba.a - ; COLD‘N HEAD • lef at ones Oprna #lO, c.•*»*• iiw haea I'aaaagra. Allays liiltaiumxliuii. Hsala and rrou-itsthr M< nil ran*. Restore* the y*use* of Taste and hinall. No Coca inn, No Mer cury, No Injurious drug. Full atssSOc; Trial •iza 10c at tiruggista or by mail. fcl.Y BROTHERS, 66 Warren HU. New York ThE Georgia Solar Gas Compao; SOLE OWNERS. For tbe right to Mannfactnrs and Sell the INTERNA TIONAL HOLAII GAS MACHINE IN THE STATES OF GEORGIR BHD SOUTH CRROLINB County rights for sale. Write st once for full particulars concerning the Machine and Light. Tbe public Is invited to sea the light and machine which will ba on exhi bition the balance of this week at 744 Broad Street, MASONIC BUILDING DRUGS CHEMICALS PARR’S PHARMACY 512 BROAD STREET. TOILET ARTICLES STATIONERY ■ Hotel Ste. Claire, Rates $2.50 to $3.50 WM. P. BtiYLR, Proprietor. nsast iinwop taw is UK ra eiiiHßi OMkP RTrtrtto, brti m* a*mpC**»m H ******** Mrton -hit*, ww Nimm MH k ftkkMlM mhnib. r AAA AAR to Met AM mm ».JTi &4MfMhrttoMi ARkklk' iißßkjfckP awl Am |>* - a*g |t. - frt kM* «-*M Afgdrtg Pto AAA Artlto MU.AWVMHM*. rut aAto tokiwi mm Tto An*— mm** M» MhArtam «**%* rtA TyaaAg a<to agrta —M magn Artato fmrtr-t —»—a#f*Mtortrt <torttoA-*A rtw—w —».* awa mm mm M. (mw4— dg <4 mm rtsayaag Agrta*aa Mi AwA A krtMtof •*» Whian frtim- sto—» M- A- to* rt—a- aw—aa. Art *M a • *rrtß|dgrt I t-amdfUH . ’ ♦ : f*rttok*rtM|y MwhA-da rt Tto# to— mm* fto Aa Tto. «dk to* totoage a* •■*!** In—'hi ramh (tort* *M(r—to waart At K mm m tort- —*• m* m^JJ - tort.“-tort Agrta. Srtl MM-V.A to*‘lC Za.Jh ‘gl a* art) toftor.a —o*•—————— aa mm aa ma >•* •lAt WathMA NMaetrt grtwrt ah**— .«•#•*# —— ft AltowA MMeia. **g—# Mah *-•( *•*———— llrt RAtort Ito A-w *MP»* •• *• •# •*•*• •• to# •• •• •* top •» •• tokl.Atok• • |4« («**•** sard aoamr* an *Aa Mart rtrt»a —4 aa *> l jjJ J. B. HITE i CO. Milt DuaMß! THA Atoto »ma mm. Mit i ymu am MtuAO mm. VHM4IM.I *aii ami •*N(l> WICK Th# la»t but on# of our *#mi-#nnual Ch«li#nM Saiw» will b« trowntd with «n array of iMfrcaina tuch a* any *tor# may ba proud of. 8om« Sp^c*#* vaUMvaarw th# rtonuit* of our own #ffort* car#fuUy planad for the* occasion many top#ka aso. Otlcrs. wa nr*, frank to conf**s. ar* rathar aoctdwntaf, merely attributable to our ability to take quick advantage of tha * nehpwcted u rns the markat; taka al timwt. AH in nil it is a wonderful coHection of choic* Shot# that will be hold at our new sicr# this wa#*t for Fifteen dlfferant styies in Lew and High Slimh ond *lfiiu dlfferant iiy'fis <4 Man a. 1 hase ara rpniiin* oaryains purenasad uy our Mr. C ou #y whifa in tea E<(St. Pfenis to.' Han**© A Son. Stacy Adams « LX)„ Edwin C. Burl anti Z*eg er Broi. hMn . • *?f j® $-?* 411. ITS >^sTi^b«a^chbs J jiff f*Pf«T If you want two things, the higher! #Atl*faiH«n »»d a mvlng o# roogey. Jrnit make yourself «*<« of <>ur 'usituneta. w * ‘«o lurolsb ndar* with liicyelaa, 100. and tha her t In tha market st lhat. The rrwat IS p— era: rrdueUM was a quarter hit. but here - * a pro—•«» «f home runs: Columbia#, modal 40., and your laat . timer to gat this popular mods! si any price. W* have ihrr r kh«»|i wort (only) model W, Itodlf**'* h?i lo tot fie.CD. Om ItodfttoD* Hartford at *45 00 un i ladle* Vedvttr at 135 Ou. ladies Jill at IS*, and far luiys and men there Is nothing on the market to compare with the K—dal special at (35 0* arid the Jack at AM.BA; aacond hand Cieveland*. Kaml.lcre, Crescents. Btearna. Victor*. Kldredgc and ftacyvlaa, hum (IS 00 op, *H Al condition, and we let them go at any old price—they did not coat tu any thing. were given to us by people who wanted to ride th# BTANDAJUI WHEEL. OF THE WORLD, and only Bold m August* at DEVENEY, HOOD & CO Bicycle Department. rPMMM * pi''."" f B L| N Ds u ' Mill Work • • I IT- - 1. X ''£ FbTR'Y QF^rPiPT.ION YELLOW PINE LIMBER jySWfBKr ZsCT ,\V.AX2,c,sA'/fi• Vt'l'*, r A Mi Kl'Vft'f Vs. -• 1 Mii* SSfK .' i , THf-ury ••'JI Mt b T t If 1*: M'-" r Fil l LiN£:N CTt'cK ANLH i'-Hlf m:n[ c ASS 'RED iMflNßwvt Is. pbV > r .VVTAi:cf;.' , tort , '' l -;';ON npFucATV o Perkins ManUfactUNiwg goiuGusfft 6a. CO-OPERATIVE GOAL SUPPLY COMPANY Have transferred their business nml coal yard to MESSRS. DONALD FKAHEK ami T. T. GUMMING, under lease, who will hereafter conduct the business In nil its brunches. PURITY, EXCELLENCE OF QUALITY end FULL WEIGHT and MEASURE will be the leading ehaiactfristlcs of their management. Their Htoek of Hard and Soft Coal anil Oak and Pine Wood Is not surpassed any where. Trial orders ate Invited. ‘ FRAOER & CUMMINGJLessees BELL TELEPHONE 120. STROWGER TELEPHONE 358- OTTORRR • A A4MAPI fig IMHU rtMi iu*cv rtf E, »“2r PtCTCLI f i ■prlxr , .