The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 10, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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MONDAY 2 NO WAR PRICES Ljml**' Stiver Otimift w*wt#w» • • • • If OO ♦♦ •* • &#, -I »..• • • 52 •* ** iwy«tti«UmlpwpH • • . • II OO•Wf*- I rtftv**** (•« Air* *# *H*y fftftltoft, !«•« Mvtvmj 3 Mofto !****••**• Ur**»« iiutk of DmrrxywN w* *«•«•*• - LEWIS J. SCHAUU JBwSm Undtr tN AiWiiUm Not *4 HAVE YOU THE RIOHT ill I* ft* «M* MM* fttlllrtll •*» %■*•*•* «M ptoNftftft* ll ' * " ft fttotoWltolft #-.#%» '•# ■ **#* #■ * pwl !**•»■ »** •* ft**** l •* *** f M $i 50 PLK WEEK? Vmi w»n«»a*«My «ee*« •* gmwit • —**'. ••4 Irt rt*d rtewrtu# ft*— *•* •** 90*0wmmi #*W Ip ftftft#* ? Nl T«mk #m lH»f Hi im» »n the EVERETT Trt MOT WOW gUOtohtart frt «► Pouted IMP*. Atw • Mtn mohrti 4w •**•'« ft*—- ikpairiku »rd tvnino it UTim Tinas & Barion, ««r H HA HKBT Ream**# * t)t HHIUHWA) A 1 til >t». »»A AN not N WITH HIS HONOR n» IMotoM or*«*j !"*• ftby** (MCWOmhI) . kid b**o ftcfc Two <tsr« » bed; Took too drinks Whkb turned mr he»d-“ Tin •*• «*a »<•»>«* ikat aba kxl dropped lain thyme «bcu •»>«• *•*• her rtwqpn to* apr'it'ini before tli* recorder this g,, utn* M« •» Nancy Fritter, *fco ? •d a bit tb# tow oM for i bit « f »plrtt Ttk# (ivc tM dlioilMirft Joe Talbert He hod Ike eighteenth— ' |2 50 Savannah Wood*. Vlolled No. Ik— H. John Breee He had broke# the elaetlr action- ■ 12. W Hubert BUcdierJ. lit struck a man three time* oa the Head • 2,50. John llepry ('no.min*. He had shown no r. *pert for gray kalra and atrueh an ant'd uiau oti the bend. $3 50 Win Jackson. , Jno. Samuel. They had "rolled de bones ‘—sls or thirty daya, Oecrgi' Vann. He had a( larked Jack Hoberaon. Jark mlßht have been hurt, but he acred bimaeK by pulling a pocket whiskey flask on Oeorge. *vho thought It wan a weapon, George, S2O or forty 4aya. Bob I axel ter. ,j Durnk—2 50. Ellen Butler, She hail whipped her rhlld so se rioualy that the neighbor* had her ar rested 2:50. Bill Moaely. He had engaged In a row In a bar toom —ten daya io Jail. Jenny Brown. She became enraged with another toman and procuring an axe pro neded to chop the ikmr of the other roman* home with the above inefrit. oent. Thirty day* In jail for Jinny. J, H. Chapman Ho had a ilomeatlc difficulty—ss. DIAMOND JUBILEE CARNIVAL. Macon, Oa . The Central of Georgia railway will *•11 excursion ticket* Augusta to Ma rtin. Ga., on Oct. U. 12 and 13. with Inal limit Oct. to, 18M8. at rate of $3.70 Kir the round trip. And will also sell ixeuralon ticket* on Oct. 10. 11, 12 and 13. with final limit to Oct. I*. 1898, at oeie fare sot round trip. For Informa tion regarding schedules, etc., apply to M. C. Jones. C. T. A.. W. A. Glhhes. 0 T. A., or J. W. Nall. Commercial Vgent NECKWEAR. F. C. Turpin Company has received the latest thing in Neckwear, Ascots, Chal tilly,4-in-hands and Tecks 818 BROADWAY 818 cm. w« 111 ***** A INUHIoO 4a MMb to Hk* VIIMWM •> ■ f'oo9o9o*m. H f - Up* 111 ** ftoftoftlltoNft : toft ftpNMVI A ItotoNl 009900$ 999990990 ftft# pi II ItoMt I Pi IM* p»pN|t*rtl# •iipiptl*# If ft* ftfttoVMMp 1 •H* • ft*®*** l * tat Pf to*# *•s■#### gftf'ttf## Ml H* «#*# «* CMiPMHMP *•# Pl y «| ftoto#ft <%fpMpp. t%l •» !*•» I gj'tPPl ft* 4’MAMMi pi Mm som*o9s 'P' j : **#•»* till# It pail ft fPiIPMIPi PfPM I I tin in 11 •* « mfif Up *» mm ft |p» Ip # ItMtMt *# Mto *ft##ft to#* M M • ifttuptm. | L fftplfft ftfrt MMIPiP f£MlMjj§ Mi' IPM MvPfP ft# • i HIMM «M 99 MM** pmmm *• 90909900 m ton*#® ## mp 1 Mif# #f tMI fttftl# M# #•**«*•*» 1 im#M»nirr to# tipi# ***• ##■#••# MM , rialt Pt PwpNMi an Pt ftPiMPPM •« pp «#mP#p*« PPP pMPM**« Ip M fuf pr pprt# pf tip dpi# t* P#* Mfvtm# pp fP«p#Pi «P«« CM! Ipp*# •PPM rnUPP Ml p« ftp HP M* P«P , ptltM pp pP#(Mi PP MP I***.! I Spptmtf. M Pp# P#p l #4 IP* Mpwo WPPI #fP#t tPM PMMPM PtM feppp Pip iplpfp pppPpPl MMtPPI M> tfPftPtP H M *P#I IP# pd|* ' tMPMPP PIP pPi pftpPPftPt PMP tP# k t §ifk i^ppl f# pi Ip# €st#p|tP# itPiiPPPi IftppiL prPMP IMMIPIM p|B Mppppp# PiiPMttP# tPoPtP P# vdPfP ; o«nr ## iMPppIP P# fptpfp I#® jppf# fu*m pp# TP# piPPPIPM IP IP# pMiIPMI IdAl ## full op* "W*. tbo pm* *of booth rorolina f*M booorod oboo sou o*r* •««<»*"«• <otoo*l o*4 ortho*4 to fauo four •*!- I lost oflwwu st wbtcb tlsHt bit I** m*s noM boo* orroOMtH'ho4 thto onrk Voo boo# ol«b tb* oM ttl tbol 'grost ltd »rroo|»lhkol *ot4l*r. Moot. r«l Tkoiosoi— soh It oso of tbo boat r*gtswsU IS lb* ootolro N*<* that lb* orbit* wlsc*4 osgot of P**" - knrtri or*r oor b*lo»o4 rttwHti 004 SMtro groosilo oo*s Is Csbo. too skwi argobity bo* rot to rotors w oor mg Hal rtljr as 4 to ooor b«al»**» I ratalhoia wllh lha goopl* of lb* atol* ai Jorb* " in "—" T ~ MK. AUOUSTINE HILL PmmJ Away I ealaeday at laic of Hope Mr. Augtfatin* 8 Hill, a well known I Augustas. passed away yesterday at' i the home.of bit daughter. Mr*. M. L, Browne, at lala of Hope, ucar Sattau-* ' nab, altar aa tlinaaa of only * tew daya Mr HIM waa a former realdent of Augusta, having lived here the greater part of hla life of nearly eighty years and waa at tine time prominently en gaged In the cotton business. Store hla retirement from busings* and the breaking up of bin home here he has lived with hla different children, and waa with Mrs. Brown when stricken with the Illness wbleh ended hla life. Mr, Hill was the father of Mr. K. A. Hill. Mr. John Hill and Mr. Freeman Hill, of this rlty, and of Mrs. M I* Brown and Mr*. Foreman of Savannah He was also the grandfather of Mr*. J. H. Estlll, of Savannah The remains were brought to Augus ta and the funeral *ervlres held at * o'elocfc thin morning from the cemetery < hapel. NEARING THE END. The National l.eagns Season Closes Saturday. The National League sen son wilt close next Saturday. Boston teems to have a etneh on the pennant. Baltimore come* next In line. Sunday game* resulted follow*: At Chicago— n. H. E. Chicago 5 0 St. Louis - t 10 5 Butterle*—Taylor and Chance: Tay lor and Clement*. Second Game— Chicago 2 * 1 St. leiul* 0 I 2 Butterle*—Phyle and Nichols; Sud hoff and Sugden. At Louisville— Louisville s & 2 Pittsburg .. - 9 - Hat tenet* Magee and Kittredge; Leever and Bowerman. At Cincinnati— Cincinnati' 12 is S Cleveland 5 <i G Batteries Broltengteln and I’clta: Young and Schteck Cincinnati * t 2 Cleveland G X K Batteries Hawley and Wood: Bate* and HcUrcck. Won, l.o*t. I*, c. Boston 9:> t:> '»s Baltimore .....93 43 t;:,G Cincinnati .. .. .. ..91 51 •«!» Chicago $5 g i 3G( Cleveland 73 GO ..<ls Philadelphia 4 GS I New York ..."I ;'_* "'G 2 PttlHburg 'll 73 Louisville Gti 7S .leS Brooklyn 7.1 87 .3.9 Washington 60 ; 'Y • :1 *’* St. Louis .. .. .. ..19 W 9 **6s XHU -A tJOTJBTA TZWVIJ^JLJD THE VOTE IN GEORGIA fpium <mu Mt 11 Pwb tftffi MUST fab* t* fwathas. 4*4 tNMHso Ho«b4 Ik i % ##-* s.*/& jfftMf. 1 'irlf pilit IttP 'i* ** % . ttplHp %'#•*' ptfPP Mp <Ms PlPt# tP"P#t Ip IP# fMptP •### «f A «!#»»• flßbr «404 <•! m IP AiPMi Npflt MM## fp» pMT f%«*Wp--1 f Ifftlrir fPpll ||4f* fTWtipt | iprifftf | f*m ] MdP IMPPM# «M u p## 4A *P# •mppll## Ppt# fwpN#t#4 * OmPN## Tw pNippP### «-PM#P#<# ip P# y • rprtlmi iPp* - «»#p* 9 t«pf pp ilka ,gfij. mp ,tPP#MMNPMIPP IP# f#lp9P#« <«P# pPppiM# .###€#### PP# PPI t#«p*ftp f#f#pt «4 It PM Ip Pt tPvwM PPP#r |P» »#• j Up ppt# iP# AiPPMr#t# # pi#jpm t. ph 1 1 IP# •PpMtPpl# MMHMtmt PP iPtPPIpp #pt | ;tb* mho to a 4nai.r»ai* gr-te.i l*b«oo tb* .Irnriis boa boos b*W to : P PmlPltPt <sf%w# tP## IP# PP# •»'«>•“»* P#tmrtM p Ifm# P##M»P ***** M<*mn +*m» iprfp## IP# fiPHrtr*ri‘ - i P«pnb# MMiPItMi M pp—f» tm t p4Hi| plP## Op TPp«# j M| |P# rwpftpr'ppr p— Mn#4 ##t* j . ii#Pflf fW IP# P##|Ml## #i Pw#f PWflfkP IPr rwr—4# Pi IP# PPp'llpp TPt# ptti «m* iptuhr# ppdPwr 'iPtrHpp P*# r»pt#jmptp- * ttp# ppp t-mmtf Oifm'i »«##*' ! 4mpj put #PN# t IP# n#PI «4 IP# ##ppN*- ' I ftpl ## tP# #t#f# #i#HlftPP, Hollo* ooMSljr gsv* lb* »tit» lMt*t < Ho troalast atihttlM rtwtaM* ttw btft .him In* Ift OtOtb-rfi asrl Kt- , tr*rt r»ti*>t *1 brir nao}«*tit*o Irwt* < *MSir. * lib IIS Ibrsr sasatallms -4 ■ \ »«M*t* arngla. bao* IV*owl tVltdUr a aiajMtti of surf* than two tbuoaaml ottljr Ml v«t*o w*ro roat again*! htrn in tb* *bo<* raaalr j tfMISMk Ways*. T»lt*f*rr<>. Hl«r4. ! brr*«*n a»4 «tb*o rntmlm w*r» ro itwaot bf ib* 4ow»ormt* tht* y*or Tb* 1 po|MiU*ta bat* not ao**4 half ih*it omnik* and Hi Mao of th* nanttni • hit b gso* M> Mason a majority tb* dimoinir eln I#* a ir|>r*aminttt* or aotn* lounty oflrtr. Tb* *tr. ttun »»• a grrat 4*f*at for tb* s*<i|ii- • party ft 414 not mat tnoro than ts 000 *«»tra all tnbl. Including the n*gm** nhllr tb* democratic party potted llf.OW rote* (Haring frauda *r» reported from aum* of tb* rounti#* wbt< b lb* p>fu- Hat* did t arry la Juhnpftn immty It ta aald that p<ptiMtd < |atid In tb* country prorlnct* and |b*M wont Into liioti and ootod again. <pt I# reported that! there will I* a OSIMI In the le#l*l*- ture over the *e#t of the pupullat from Jnbnann rnuittp. aft" a«< a majority on th* far* «d the return*. ruaitai proved to •*■ « bmimening fur the fualoiilata. In the eleventh dtairlct. In which the ftntlnn »a* planned and where lha attempt, wa* mad* to carry It Into effect, the domoriat* made line gain*. Colonel Candler’a majority in the eleventh dietrlct wa» t.tVVt and- the I rlerenth wa# th* banner dlatrlct of. the atate. The popultat* are returning to the 1 democratic party. Tht* account a In * 1 large meaaure for the light vote w hich . Mr. Hogan and hi* tlchet polled. In 1 the tenth dlatrlct th# popullata have loot j heavily. The party will no! have more ( than fifteen lepreacntatlve* In the hour# If that many. Below le the vote for both Candida tee —the aggregate vote and the elate tlefc. ef* majority. Coffee county I* tmilttcd from the Hat for the reaeon that tho vote* have never been propeily conault doted: H •S « t COITNTIESS. .•* W 4 3 iI 1 § t 5 2 5 ps « * Appling IUM I «0« 852 I 18 Haker !IM 118 21 I Baldwin 11812 I ltMl *«1 | 440 Hank* 1578 1 793 755 | 8 Bartow 1896 I 1283 433 | S3O Berrien !1214 | 990 224 788 Bibb | 430 ! 418 12 | 408 Bryan .. .. ....I 548 i 683 15 | 518; Bulloch 12748 | 1602 1144 | 458 j Burke | 782 75* 24 | 734 Hull* |493| 421| 72 | 349; Calhoun | 3*6 | 278! 87 | 191' Camden i 560 | 320 | 230 | 90 Campbell .. .. .. 1200 I 774 | 426 | 34* Carroll 2898 i 1625 | 873 I 832 Catoosa 805 | 681 | 124 j 557 Charlton 351 | 330 | 21 ( 309 Chatham |2o*9 | 2082 | 7 | 2075 Chattahoochee ».i 773 j 443 I 330 \ 113 Chattooga j 1756 I 1520 | 238 I 1284 Cherokee 12227 | 1318 | 909 409 Clarke .. .. ....| 983 j 760 i 223 537 Clay | 974 | 647 | 327 320 Clayton |1497 | 949 I 548 401 Clinch I 791 | 431 | 310 171 <\d,h '.. 12103 | 1538 j 565 973 Coffee |.... | .... I Columbia jll6k | 502 667 18., I'oluUltl I 523 | 312 211 : ltd Coweta '1173 | 1053 , 120 | 933 Crawford .. .. «.j 288 | 265 ; 23 | 243 liade > 565 449 | 116 , 339 ; 1 law ! 676 I 461 : 215 2:6 Hi. atlir ,‘2009 1425 j 584 , 811 DeKalß ! 170 S . 1255 . 453 , SO2 Pudge |lo*6 I 986 ; 99 1 387 Pooly 733, ; 582 | 151 j 4,.1 Piiujthcrty .1 229 226 ; 3 I 223 Pouglaa ■. .» ....11336 i 763 1 594 | 18$ tiitv uy| T^u * fIw.tJMWfUa.WMNM tkMn* I Ibi i at A* Phhb INs>9 of hr esHedi art*- #.** gsßonaaf ***bif , m* krt roiw*wA.p» ibw* ****»#•% ■j fbhb : bsrt* gut iWb #ss n*«a a, —• **• ' surai i*iit#j hoffh# yhb*wrt—i rt *N»W ■ gawa Naso ho* bws *ae« brtb'rt Haw tsas Pwvhse • frt Mcnuriog ‘ P* , | eirTCrf*. May . Wi*«*w ** f 4 NtJPlpNpi (### PP###-* |ifc*.4MP#ltlb#'« HW pH esfNrthf ••«•*• wf #* »•(►•» t •*•<* plshdMwadMbk PS4B% fepawbjptnhgrtti■ * «*»•**#• ; SSHSSE?t=r t|M*eaWa«hr« tjii IM—l' 1 bM bo PaMrt tfkew* ooo* trttrt rtwow.: fcg'h.felM «»«*»• «mm* Itmrtiso, u alhrf *c~ - -*T rtftar rvsbb*s>« Taps j babla csysort slm aa« n*«»ai»MM • Mart a*4 mm ewna* Maw NMMV ggi-fr— aseaaf »r Iffb Sbd 1 SWald tll,ji rfji mr~~ *W- P# '#il owt*#*4 —I Ms% A—m# P4Mt. iNMIPaMfP Oka . B f. srtigge | " | bartt SUM «* MM bMbh •* bhbf om tow*, snsirtf hrt b* bsw* ■*« ' i*g« mo 4 «*«* «4Mi «h bsd sch *Vfb* eerot Haasewh 4M at* «** fwad I . soewtr thwagbl I wmM Ms. 1 wgo h»i I sp(M»nbt»e* OHfb #l'4ar«f «ho hawk I gssbl Wrt Ml b*d b*H poN •• aha* sa be* IMh«| a for —## • I , lady *nsw tw see mm aart lukd aas *f #• ‘ 1 him l‘ nb# bad AeeiMrt fawn tsklsw l.y4M « risbbslbi* MMhg. hart h# j start a** Miry H I drt So. hart bad khtiTT sstf baßf * b«**kt brtnos * Mb*, Sbk* Malt Ml abate. Aflrt labiopi . the** tost 44— • I asm# A* •> > w<w* - - I Wm**9 •• M*. .... N— •» J fil : «#•! DM* ~ , * m m n ** ~ IM«nclmw#» .* so *. #l# l>l IM - ST? HNwvf •« •««, 'flti 19# , MN MMA . f „ . fti# fit?# * ft## ' HI ss •y'tMM# Ml i IRA *«• rw##9«i „ M „ , -:«M tft : f#4 IK | f’yikiiiiiiii o. t If J till !?*• !?« ;ifft— ~«.««• un lit# li iIM j < U##r«Mr < f| mm mm *. I#M f ll# I ### f lif, [tm** mm mm mm .. IPP »!#•*? «» I •#* J hNi •• a.M *. up f mi i ta* •it##—' .« .a s.'tsP? im i m* i **# a—i t?si ; tmi M l#|#P#«*P#<lf -• be l PP * #*l f HI * *1 iflpill #• SO OSes •< -S##* f t## f HI f PN i Hdflib #l M mm mm *l«# HI ! Ml *# j llxrt. . .... .... 414 ; *4l I 4*l *M ; (Jgit ... tow I I*4. . to* { Irtj I llewrd 7M * m : 111 1 **t Usaa* .. .. .. ..•«*• *U* ' *»* t I*| j M*—l*4*4l .. .. .. 174 ‘ r*» ; 4 IS|, Irwin mm . fba* - m » *M» Jarbsas .. .. .... o*l I «l j »» foapor .. » ... ■*w i B** l M | *7*i Jeffrr»n ...... 14*. M* *4* j Jnhiw e .. .. .. 171? j til ' *K '* I Jnn** .. *l7 m i l» ' IT#* I sores. . .. j Irt. 1141 , sl*| lUs ! i«t it. ' » • IU iMlwrtv I «*. JM ] 1» ? It | Uwerto ' M»'l I*7 I M»t M*j tUM I 7m Irt 1 Mil Idimphtn .. .. ..I Mil Wl ! IT. | Ml Marun 41* Ml *4 ■ »l Madlwm 15*4 11** *7*l 74. Mi Ihilfli TK ; SM ' 4*l *4* M- latlswh.. - ...’ 2*7 ! 7*4 1 .1 | 17* M-rtw ethfr .. .. *M* It'd j 74# *rs Miller ....... tof irt | »l* t It* .. .. »...IUW t 7*5 «74l 301 MIS toll 127* I IM<* S 21* i *4*’ Msinrue nan i «1* ! **7l 6rt kl.nle mery I*l4 , lt» I 47S j M 4 Mura an .. .. .. I*7l I 1W« « *7s* *H M,‘.?r*y '1174 f 7«d I 4*4 ( *M M.lkcige# I WI , m I 15 ; ttl; JMrttun rittO » Ml I*3 i 711 ,»M**e MU ««« 513 | M Oglelharpe .. •• . 3341 I 2237 1 114 i fill] I’ahJdlng -29M.4 low I 47* i Ml] s'lfhdite .. .. 55* 7 449 , Ito ( 341 Plirc. I *4* ; 385 I 2*3 | 123 Pike IMti | 5M3 | s*l | 445 ; IVilk 1*22 ( 12*4 | S*e | M* Pulaekl ‘IW4 948 1 7«| *7l Pulnam IWS > 2M • & I 2*5 t Ijultman .. .. 472 I 34* l 7* 1 2*9 ttabun .. .. ....I 72* j 8«9 | 5* | *lO Randolph .. ..... 7*l ! 71. 1 31 1 716 Richmond H»2 | HIT ( 176 | 942 Rochdale 11818 I *4l I *77 I 2*4 Hchlev ! *B4 ! 40. ! 265 I 154 | Screven I*6*3 | 1941 ) 1242 | 99 Hpaldlng 464 | 424 ' 15 1 424 Hie wart > *B3 ! 573 ! 90 4*l Humter .. .. ....j SM> j 572 ! 11* | 55* Tailed j 452 | 397 1 65 | 342 Talisferro ,! 9t,2 | 484 j 41* I 6* Tattnall 2707 | 1459 ! 1248 | 211 Taylor ! 4*B i 208 «78 | 70 Telfair '1314 t 1271 43 1 122* Terrell | 644* 1 455 93 | .I*2 Tnw na 56* | 449 | 119 | *»0 Tiviup .. .. |1*324 15*1 ! 91 1 7*68 Twlgga .< 1.774 j 881 93 ] 582 Collin ; 977 : 654 I 323 1 331 tWm ! 972 ; *9B ! 282 408 Walker 11055 ; 887 | 1«« | 719 Walton 2463 ! 1610 | 843 1 767 Wnre I 704 I 594 | 110 | 484 I 749« J 324 | 415 | 81 WaßhingtOß .. . '3083 I 1756 j 1296 I 490 Wayne .. .. ....j *O9 471 338 j 133 Wcbeter 571 508 63 | 445 White 2182 396 206 ! SHI Whitfield 1410 I 1245 1047 I 198 Wilcox Il»65 | 12*5 90 | 1175 Wllkee ‘1312 | 034 378 | 556 Wilkinson 1121° I 735 475 I 2«0 Worth .. .. .....17*0 | 1262 527 } 748 Total vote. 164,087. Candler’e net majority, 67923. , i —Constitution. The Sure LaOrlppe Cure. There Is no use suffering from this dreadful malady. If you will only get the right remedy. You are having pain all through your body, your liver la out of order, have n.o appetite, no life or ambition, have a bad cold, In fact are completely used up. Kleetrte Hit lers Is the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure relief. They net directly mi your Idver, Slomnch and Kidneys, tune up llie.whole system and malic you fed like a, new being. They are guaranteed to ciuy or price refund eil lor sale at Howanl & WHlefs Inug i Store, only 5u cents per bottle. Smith & Wesson pistols from 25 to |S.SO. Several good jblcycles for sale very cheap. Good watches from 21.25 to $60.00 at Lewis .1, Schaul, Reliable Pawnbroker, under tit* Arlington. WARNING TO DISPENSERS. |MBiN#§t II #NCUI II #• (MmM lIM. I fWawrtNl 1 I* th* 2. * Qki .iim #i (—— Tim '■ 1 fi# #fH #WWiTH| #t—# #>#*>€ •#•*# i (n# ' <•**•« ’•— •*#+*s ******** j .»»### w»#mwi m m»mtm «i s*mm j rimt •-* *m 9m #nnlw# tH* Hi#»| j 0 #M • mmn 9mf MM# i Lm i M* f* 99m* f%# ***** r* 1 \ lmft999m f# »mp ♦ fMffi# i### ###*##*♦ sip '•awartw rt (Twm*m whm I—rt «w 4 **• l *!•'• fil# #••# IM—'* —M 9w* i tm* ***o 9mm tm •##*»•« Hn# rMmtf j I i—mni **• 9mmm mmm**'^* ) In l#fll ins, #>### i.#w# 11. A #54 $ Iwaad. (Mart Me i M MrlhaotM Mto j i |MM g* cb«*MM brtklhd In Ha Oto j * mag la tn lb. !•"•*• rt IM •. wto»b Has tog bod a «*• •#« Hrt* rtwrt h ! Ikrflaw ng I7W M *O4 •Irtkag ta ; avert M9WI bay •** lb* Wkwitt #»• ] lav •** aehl la Mr MrtbMkM CrtrtbMh. 1 C. Mop ML lIM |j M tkwtlrt. C|w**«r 1 C (war Air -I sal lailtwU* by lb* : btwrt rt tmmiml h* wvm. paw in rrtvr - j #o#a la pewr ato r*ag# oa Rihpfhiwf a* | < Tift# Mi—4 •##.>#l# v##!? ##«#r li! ia apart a* (rtihlp rtww* tbl# wwiw» brt (rtf ton*, ibath ta ba pbia auk ' vaa art *oy t brt ib#v (oobo* ol)aw Mj Iwnbav abort age Tb a*4 tb* kraal j jaf h wlfb b (Mtbfrt . hrrga rt duly .o O boalhaa* Hh» **4 Ikrft W rt rea ao JM h abarlog. to aacwt, wrt«rt by RfW or fobbavy, ao. kw aaa Iwff Ibot art guard art!** aevthla* rt tb* RAM th (b* hurt* tm forhaarh*. # win ertt* ha ba a vlrlw* rt lb. hurt* Vary raaportfutsy yoorr | iguard I J M’IMJiY HAffKMMCN , L » irrea Lwuw rtwh >at> « II f 'l* Jan# Irt aw Wit Mohtb Ih artnor W J. Hill fowwl blw abort nr behind R 53 4I Which MWOtMII Irt «W --pr.aec port K aaaw. that bUrtly warning glvrt blw prrttrt blw grth llog art to mm»mbtr lIM Inspector H A. Kdwarde sgaia found him abori or behind RW M which hhtowht *M port. Wa rt owl knew what bar Irt j Mmwiy'a prvrtt# oh *rt#a aboftaga. hova been part in lb. rrthiy or a« The tnapartor* who ertrkaA up Me* ' rtaniel repwrlrt that I hay rt not be ll*** blw i»t*bctl«wl, but l#comp#tcnl car* lea* nt mdlfferetn ah U> conrtcl rt rha dlapewanry la a boalrtaa-Hk# man ner W# do not rharge him wllh dsa ibocerty bwl he has nor coodwcled lha VpaWeaa a* It ahould be rtwc and Irt . lenird got tired rt <l. | He la not the Brat on* to be dis eharanl. and will perhaps no* ba tbe tost It la my laiaollon to sea to It that .very dispenser ahnll rt bl* whole dnty, and If he Bill* to Bo ao K mat tgra not who be ta. I shall art for hi# removal and Judging by Irt board * action In auatalnlng me In ordering We. Me nanlal'a removal I believe they will back tn# In tht*. I would nol give this statement were It not for tbe ar itlele rt the correspondent from Chew ier to the Shale a few days ago I want tbe people of Cheater to know that Mr. McDaniel was warned and •>egged to keep his dispensary b'lslnes# straight, but It seems he profited not l,y It and he must take the conse quence*. » To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Rrmtio Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It tolls to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. Shoes That Are Known. t T nder this head. Messrs. Cashln. Qouley A Vaughan call attention to a special line of Men's shoec for which they are the exylusive agents for this city. There Is no line of shoes made for men that Is so widely known as is the Hanan shoe. It Is a strictly high grade shoe. The manufacturers are leaders—not Imitators —ln styles. The name of Hanan A Sons on a shoe Is a guarantee of Its being the very latest In style, made from the best of material, and by the highest class of workmen. The best evidence that the people of Augusta ean have of the excellent qualities of these shoes Is the fact that Caßhin, Gouley & Vaughan are the agents in this city. In addi tion to this great line they have now tn stock a most complete line of men's, women's and children's shoes. In ail prices. They invite an Inspection of their stock. Look Here t Is anything the matter with you hair? Do you fear baldness? Then let me treat your hair to time. If already bald let me restore it. for I've done so on sculps halil for long years. Come to see me at 825 1-2 Broad street. MRd. SMITH. 20-year filled gold watches in ladles' and gents' sizes with Elgin or Wal tham movement from 27.00 to 212 50. Guarantees with each watch at Lewis J. Schaul's, Reliable Pawnbroker on Jackson street. AUaUiTA IKkUM. 0A —ftXiT ijrrtiutv I - *wm*- n* w*m \ WANT ABij #tyt* +omm *#**- —n» <*# t#if ’ ftt'A# A# 90m mmmmmm ##—# **> %*#• M* ft # •m* m *tf* AftNM-###’# ft# fPft# ft—W j !mm mm *4 #— 9mm * #ft*w#t»»i>ftii# «4N# i vm* mmmmm «n #■».*»#### «#—# | ##M| ■###—#«## 909*099m§ 09 *OOO9 9900 } * ft— '■%*##♦# *“ SITUATION WANTEO i I NTlUft j#— —ft n—f IN 1# fttwftft f#ft—l —l 9oo Vi ——ft* ■ j ClftN# —V# 9M*O rto*m n» :«*#-«* #ft»Kftftft 9m rnmmt oAo»aa» #*■»*»♦ ewe* tteawrt Rift I# j WANT—ft 4 I'll—Y'liTfi *O9 [ ftrt'ftMrt ft# ft4M#» ftb ‘ ft# 9m ft-## ‘ [l •# ft# **% A m*9 Wtm* rnmmmmk j tpft ft ft ft 909% *A YM -A 99 ■ I pllt #•*•## •#§— nw #» 099 9** # i .tA i s FK|* 1# | Y*! ** N ft* If *»i ftft A ||» Ifta-ft* *wf rtt*fwm ■ * A |ft j •#«A «#f#— f m ta W A WTH fit AH Ift ft ‘HJMt jA— I# —>y •«*#•* ftlrft II HILP WANTiD“ I ——-————— , tr*NTMh-nnnikNntii mi'ibam Jrttkrt WwNaaw wtlb rt»B nt»uO e i \lo*9 09 9t* M. P#fti> ftflft— | 'ftff'ftftf • (At 11 FOR SALE (HR* M-CT to* H AT M JACBAON AT. I PON liUb rtintß rARM ONR | wilt# flrtn rtf #»% a kwrgata Ap ply W. 0. J. oag J»a. 124 Jwcrtua Pt. Oat I TO RENT TOR HKNT trPOR* Mi AMD MALL WAV (VT Hi at Apt- » 1* minari tal (total Ug( I TO RINT-fTt'RK SO. TM BROAD •treat w**f hatow ttovewpart A Pblw ler rwutlsi ikewtk 4a Kill* atraoi. Price DM Alexander A JohMop. MR Broad *t(W*4. OH I To BEMT OiMMnpl' »UP PT« >RK Wa Ml Broad straat—(72 par month. W 9. Gwrdnrr, IM Eighth atraet. Ort t PoP REST-A NET HOl’ig; till awlnnatt Mreet, flee dunes went of Wnodtgwn avenue, eight moena art hath. p- **i —u»n given at once. Apply to CTareetee K. Clark. *22 Brood atraat. Oct 1 (2 LOST AND FOUND. U*HT OR KTRAYKL*- A Pt’O DOO. Answer* to name rt "FVank ." n*der will he rewarded by returning Santa ta l**a Mlia atraat. Oct 18 MISCELLANEOUS SHORTHAND AND TTPeWRITINQ only M M par month at Oeborne * Huaioraa colleg*. Monday. Wednesday and Friday, at night. Cum* or call at cnee. Great demand for stenographer*. June 17 ts 190 BASKETS CONCORD AND DBto AWARE grape*. Juet received at Ul ovani’s, *34 Broad etreet. Nov I DANCING SCHOOL—MISS HBtJ.K Smith's school will be In aeaalon for children Tueßdxyß and Friday# at 2:30 o'clock. Adult* Monday* and Thura days at *.BO at her parlor*. 428 Kollock etreet. northwest corner Telfair, begin ning October It. PIANO LESSONS. MRS. IDA STONE WATSON, 742 REYNOLDS STREET. WANTED—REGULAR BOARDERS : good tor* and neat beds, also une un furnished room to rent. Apply corner Kills and Washington, or 603 Ellis street. Oct * WANTED—PART OF HOUSE. WITH stable on premises. Address E. F, M . P. O. Box 214, City. Sun Mon Tues 3t NOTICE—AUGUSTA. OA., OCT. 1. 1898. I have this day bought the In terest of Press Jolinaon In 545 Broad street. Lizzie Moore. Oct IX DANCING BCHOOto—MISS BELLE Smith’s school opens tomorrow (Tues day) at 3:30 at her t*ar!or», northwest corner Kollock and Telfair, Oct 10 FALL OPENING —MISS MOLLIB Murray will have her Fall opening on tomorrow, Tuesday, and Wednesday, at 746 Broad street, under the Arlington. All the latest styles and novelties In millinery will be exhibited. Oct 11 MILLINERY OPENING AT THE LA PIES' Bazaar, 926 Broad, Wednesday and Thursday. October 13. 10—11—12-13 Oct The Bell Tower Drug Store, COHNIfK GKhbNE ANL) JACKSON STREETS AMP-Under new management A full line of Fresh Drugs, Toilet Articles, Brushes Etc. We make a specialty of Physicians' Prescriptions. Bell Telephone 2225 PATTERSON & WADE OCTOBER ID [ffti## i|i .%-s9os& s ftpiftyi* <* m 9 % 90009 I mm9oo9s ‘*4 00 10 it m*H 00% 90901!! I ft### 90000900 * • *o* f*- 9t*os *999 9$ 99 99 - I Sftrt#ft#R®ftft‘72*rtKftiftft#'^«ftft^ft@Sßfft#Srtft##(Wftft* l «rtftßft| spc\ial No! Ice#. 9904 00* I rn %<B[#l. 1 0m 09 0909009 #|rt iHH mm- 9%m fo99m 90 ft#** # ftftwft <#»#*«# oimom**mo§ ## -# (#-## Irt ** %ft ft#l(Nfft MR # 0m ~# #>■<### 09 m H $0990M9 000*9 9909 o*o*9o - Hmal Nmu art ftgrtMrt **> A ggww s fit* «w* * taws. Tit* ARM**At *»*•*■«».. «ur tni | 09 99m Hrt<#ftS 99m* 9m -. 990* 0909 *•-# J|ftp>iwM#|fwfti 000 9*o i irt*# «# tftMift 099** t#« f* I** -rt> m**% 00 9*oooooo* *o*o9oo 99*0k 09. 0-09 o*> * <* n % y’tftfjiji'ftj W * 09i SOOOO, 00*990005-. Mart. Aawrty art kihiaal to*. iM hmi 0*00*999. OBftWVT Aif Ift (•*'l4* w*s, I fom mmm 0m 9*o 000 mm mm# tfc# I 00mm 00* 000m*99*f fft »—#'(> 4 ft# 9*oo* I pt»imiH|f 9995'0090 09900 09 9**m I 900*0* M— ft fMB 9 # 90 9m 9 0 90, &UW9MB i 90 *m *% fit Cmm%m 990090000 Cmm9o. i *»#*#4##t# 009*9*09% IrtAR d* IRfftiil f MMCTUrn ) **# li# %--mfw4**o9* om*%99*mtf j## | fltltai (Vr# 990. I** C*, If •»! 9m I MA *# Bl##** !!•«* mm ft|o9ft**f, I rm*T*9o99o9 |(m #t i #*l twriu I tot #M#'» •AlwtoH UtoW . mh« tWiTOftit. **■ * “*»**• 1 Per Cl $500,000 IPtrCl muriGj* r a rtr* tjwT* tarux LOAN MALT A MILLION Lxd.tAM rt real - * Ml Aug—4*. <l* Tvrwia f jpea rawt RW fwrfhat tafwwaika ao* [turt oitawway at law. P i. hunt van, Irt . ae Mr P. « Purwaa. iggr TMC PARTNERAMIr RXIPTING t’Jf. ||RR th* aawte rt Land A *Ut>nh, druggHHa 122 Mlnih at'Vaa4. la dta *«ly*4l by mat owl agreement TW e»- Wtnv Partner R. H tart will cartel gtl Arbis and pay all HwbUMMw. H H LAND. JAR r AMITH. Movng anM my Weyeat in (he drug hwatnrw* tn my purtoar. It H laM, I ash for htm a nwfiSMam rt (an It hr rut potr»aag* hrr*tr,f<K» given tba Him rt Land A Smith JAS. P. SMITH Referring 4n sluvr carta, t krfrky give notice that I Will mallsttf the Snag huamauw Wl (he eht wand nf Land 4k Smith, and aaaur* the pubiM that I will matnialw in th* future oa In lb* pwat a Sral-clnaa, up-tn-dote drug store, und n 1 apart full y nek f*-r % r-mtlnuame of t%# liberal patr<ma«« giten th* "bl firm. R. H LAND. SPOTIAL NOTICE. | HEREBY ANNOUNCE TO MT PA TRONS and tb* public that I havn this day moved my "She and m*4- denoe i« Na. sft Ureena atraat. tour ner of CentrvJ. uffHe hours remain wnchanged. THOMAS D. COLEMAN. M. D. Fine Oowdi -l-ow Prices. ft Drrse Shirts, at .. .. .. .. .. .. “to It Unlaundercd Shirt*, at •• •• •• IA toe touftptnd* r#» to ww #i #w •« •• ww * “ 2ha Sucks, at I#r 50c Undetvhirt* or Drawer*, at .. .. 2L TSc Extra Fine Quality at 58, gl ft All Wool Und« rahlrta, at .. W -- |2.M Umbrella# (allkl .. .. .. •• *1 25 Fine Slock of Woolen for Sulla and Truuaer*. r. a. MEKTINS. Tailor and Gent* Fumiaher, opposite Planters Hotel. Hillinery Opening AT MRS. M. RICE’S Way and Wednesday, 11 & 12 (32 BROAD STREET, riHTAIBP. Monev to Loan .ON REAL ESTATE. APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. Millinery Opening Hrs. Emma Heyers WILL HAVE HER FALL AND WINTER OPENING Tuesday and Wednesday. Oct. 11 A 12. 725 BROAD STREET. Spain has been peremptorily ordered to hurry the evacuation of Cuba. Span ish troops must be away from tho Island not later than December Ist.