The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 10, 1898, Image 3

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MONDAY CUT OFF HIS HEAD WITH |A RAZOR. ffiftr Mil* M tW» too* N#gg* i m<« • Im« m ••■»*'»» to •» >»■ ww tWn Mi # ttddto $• • *** I *~r «# Mm 9 »■ ant M» (*•«s to cask - ox IhtooksKd sxxKtokg ikpro toito# tokto *•» «M IWtoXO «*•* WHMIMMk |K #o*4o# #k#4. Mi MV* •• t IMMKKM It 1 irktoffs * 1# '■Mur t»>to**d Ik * d*» Mrik jfi r mnmm*4» ••***• ** ft>4 II i IKHKIMtI II nr»iiTriir*% •*«•»MM W»*<lHnm III MtMM K#m IK il*i % SNto Ml j kwaHM, Mli WwMhtown# i*M*M*l •**•> I M| %*♦s■#% • *l| • Wsi! i •£#*■•*** ? $ j Util? ***•»!? •M • f*4 lilt IMNK fmm M» l«wtf : •s•** ftft Ha »<r»tol» ***& Corn* to th« Inn R*«t«u* rnnt at 717 Broad Str*#t and irat ona of Chas Shaf f told* Dinnam. 1 Hit WCATHI W. |« to Agate toM C—» Day* An to Htto. i*uf*i"g*i tor ilitftf-tot howr* nliM S p m. Orfahor It* !*•» W **h IniKm tomrarl* —* Oar * iwrfti m 4 ImiK rsiaftM -■» fhxrtty rkrody to ni«ht »»<t Tnwlay a«K *lww«* <*? Ik* roMl, anriMaai •I*4* tac—artaa ta tor*'*. r——«*t tor Aac—*a aa4 vteloltjr Partly rhrodg *u*iKtr —aAt as 4 Tuesday 4 Tk* rttjr at * tkto anrtla| *m* It I fm a toll of U M ta past St kaara. A storm of mnatorrabl* WtnD is rrotra! tkto tonmtac tk* apprr Mimtaaippl rat toy. ntttfc a 4«yr«—i— located o«*t k—r Ptnrl4a. wklto tk* hlirk—< yrt—mrr I* conftoed to tk* up p*r Attaatto tout**. Tk* following heavy ratafall ar* rfmonM Ik. Paul, j7l lark** attiroded t»y a thu#d«r atuna; Oklahoma. 134. Tk* hint**! a lad actorUy at Marqutot* la tk* past 24 knur* *u 33 mil** from tk* aouth ***t. 34 mil— at Port Bait* from Ik* aortk—at; 3 mil— at Bismarck ftum kottkant. Generally rt—r aktoa prevxll over ihr couth tkto rooming New Maple Syrup, tin—t quality. In kulk and ran* at Idimkin A Co. *. T HEPHZItJAH. \\ hat to Now Oolng oa la That Pretty Vtllag*. Special to The Herald. Hi pbzibab. Ga.. Ort. JO —Mr* Alice Wiggiu* la vtotilng Mra. Jno. B. Fry er oo Fryer avenue. Mr. Walter Joknatoo. of De Bruce; Miw Clara B— go. of G rare wood, and Mr. W. C. Turoer, of Augusta, are In the village. Mi— Joate Turner returned yeater day from a pleasant visit among friends at Girard. Prof. R. Addison lamdsdell, of the High school, was yestedray unani mously called to the pastorate of Ml. Zion Baptist rharrh at Blythe, to serve the ensuing year The many friends of the young minister hope be will ac cept. Rev. F. D Cantrell preached In the M. E. church yesterday. Two jo'ned one by certificate and one by profes sion. The music wss good. The la dle* of the Baptist church will park a box for a mission In Oklahoma next Friday. The Ellis Restaurant has moved first door above Dyer building. WINNSBORO. The News at This Pretty Little Caro lina Point. Special to The Herld. Wmnsboro, S. C., Oct. 10. —Bratton, the youngest son of Mr. G. H. McMas ler died Thursday morning of typhoid fever and was buried on Friday morn ing at the A. R. P. graveyard. He was fourteen years old and a very popular boy. Cards have been received here an nouncing the marriage of Miss Sallie Klmber, of Ridgeway, to pr. Hoover, to take place on the 19th Inst. Miss Annie Aiken, of this place, will act as maid of honor. The Southern railway la going to build a new passenger depot here which will cost about |ISOO or S2OOO. Rev. Roy Alston and daughter. Miss Charlotte, have gone to Washington to attend the general convention of thru, Episcopal church. The •‘merry-go-round” is here, to the delight of the small boys and negroes. Rev. C. E. McDonald is quite un well at his home in the city. Mr. J. J. Obear has moved his etor.c of drugs Into Dr. Buchanan's new store on Congress street _ t««e r*»t Mito M**k* *s**•« #»*** AffiAf #*#•> ■* * XWO BTORBB ~T M IMV A FXiL.NC or .Kcuarxv WH*NO*AL.Na»T mc« ffS VfS'E; * *s'.* IvcESt M-., M.ftTych .-wM"lc*fthaß-S*.««**** Mw..«Tk. b..«. .-a- .. fi#4r4Nk a W# htf» HiuAlf «M«» A (»to tortiftto mawi»!*» aan h Aft a* *•» fnw w«—*» ■ - ■■■ • ■■ ' ' ■^i $3.00 A< ««*»*.* • to* *to* —w> —to •* ••$ ******* *** ** G*** **• •#* BMiMMft Ml IMMI 4MIMI $4M$ $# #*f As IMPM fMMPff’ M'WtlH fli <ttt ilWM** $1.76 ****** | m*m w* mm mm f*m ** A 9** I *sw<* •$ **** - - si*4 *#* liilMW WirT. iHM mm* *t* m***** M*<s smi *^•♦**»* ; mm* SI.OO HIHn i y H*4 ******* o*m* mm* Ui# f ***** | i*r»rn*%*m* n«M mm***,, *m ***** ******* %*» ***** m %** ***** Don't tall to *ec w.rulowTTtor* ar. many beautiful Tan and Black Kid Shoro tor Cent, and L..<!,e. d,.played there. M.nyofthe.well toe* RICE OCOIM3VOR SHOE COMPANY TWO 834 Broad Street, Name Across Sidewalk TW ® STORES 722 Broad Street, Opposite Monument STORES ... IN ASOCIAL WAY iPI Tk* RkVmlbi. Weary it m 4 of sun. Cnuaitag what tow- bad +•** > < Mw» **l Ihrt Hi vmtn: N«uchi ritowm f *C 101 lof | | Altbnutfti i €s*» m* towt *’ I Rut iirh btojrund «'oft*p*r* k Thr ***** that !• h#f thtfo Wh* MM •« lo»#» Mifit; fWyonil #»rtl» » pftHfy Her ftlii. H**r liium|d» twW In I ilia. Hhr dtn** hr* Ne* ? * MART K ftTICKNBT. In Rrptember Lippincott *. Daughter, of Confederacy Convention Thto fourth annuai wiiwitMi nt IH# (l4»Grflt IRvMM **f th# Pttttl* - ti*ry of lb** will tie In Rumc thl* week, beginning Wedne*dhy The following program, sut.jert to rhaoge. i* furnished by M rs. J. A. Itnunsavllle. the president of the Geor gia Division. Wednesday. October, is. 1# a. m.—lnvocation. Music Atldr<-«a of welcome by Mr*. Henry A. Hrollh, president Rome ehspter. Response by Mr*. Julia Iverson l**tton. Atlanta. Re p.jr» of credential committee Reading of minute* by recording *eeretary. Re port* of division officer* and auditing J rootmlttee. Chapter report* tllmlted to thr*»f* minuted). 3 00 p. m. —Memorial nenrlee In honor of Varnia Annie Jefferson Davis. Pray er. Music, vocal. ' Winnie Davl*. the I*aughter of the Confederacy. Her Birth and Childhood." by Mrs. J. It. Boston: “Home Life," tiy Miss Florence Fouche; "Life in the North." by Miss A. C. Renning; “Memorable Visit* to Geor gia." by Mr*. C. H J. Plane; "How and Why the Veterans Loved Her.” Reminiscence*, Resolution*. Music, vo cal. BenedictU>a. Thursday. Octoher, ij. 9:30 a. m —Report of work of P. D. C- for I*9*. by Mrs. J. Jefferson Thom as. treasurer P. D. C. Committee re ports and action thereon. 3:o<i p. m. Committee reports and action thereon. Unfinished business. Evening Session. 8:00 p. m.—Overture by Profess r #. J. Fostln and orchestra. Fraternal greeting*. Music. Introduction of ora tor, by Hon. Seaborn Wright. Address, •'Confederation of patriotic Orders "f All Nations,” by General C. A. Kvana. Music, vocal. Friday. October 14. 9:30 a. in.—Special committee report* and action thereon. Sew business Hnd action thereon. Informal conference. Appointment of committees. Adjourn ment. All delegate* are requested to present credentials between 9:30 and 10 o clock a. m. October 12 in credential room. Masonic temple. Entertainments. Wednesday, October 13. 1 p. m.. mu sicale. tendered by President and Mis. T. J. Simmons, Shorter college. Friday. Or to tier 14, 3 p. m. drive to! points of interest. Delegates will as- j snmble in Armstrong parlors arid thence drive to the Confederate mon ument, Myrtle Hill cemetery and oth- j er picturesque points. Friday. October 14, 3 p. m.. farewell ( muslcale, tendered by Professor and Mrs. P. J. Fostin, Conservatory of Music. Committee to Report. The committees to report at the con vention are as follows: Executive Committee—Mrs. J. A. Rounsaville, Rome; Miss Anna C. Hen ning, Columbus; Mrs. John K. Ottey, Atanta; Mrs. Cornelius Terhune, Rome; Mrs. Calder B. Willingham, Macon; Mrs. M. M. Madden. Bruns wick; Mrs. Dora C. Lanier, Atlanta; Miss Mildred Rutherford, Athens. Auditing Committee Miss Mary Hamilton, Athens, chairman. THK AUOU6TA HKRALD RICE 4 O'CONNOR SHOE COMPANY'S mi Urn**** Ml** $ M. VIiML < «Hy>«V4 ItW Hun BUfcii || liaf* *«*#!* f *nri nl. m o'~r HTT W $ |*e m W««M fuMil, Mr* $ I m »tnH! SMM4 .. UtlM Mm* !'*•#■•] *\*mmiU** i*» lii»w>ieiltto Mi I* Kunnl 1 |, 4 m lliMHil i M<iftok nt«t i iMiai iMU j Li lira J. t *M«t«Wk. s•%'»» [itali ppr«»itoi 4 mmt******'**l Hi*, j [<t M, n«rlu AlNiik) I 4l«lr|rl MlWi rtraf* rnwg*—*«aW*l dtotWrl Mr. J.«— fIA tllto. Mill * rtHMt I MINIMI I I etfttrfc*, Mfl r. 9* (*Y«tfaf4. ! Ltll#; toranall I MrM. W. AsMi. fitiNireil# [ . .afig | »jp|l|f|||l 4t«it% t MW |. ninth «ti»trht Mm H f* tninlnn. tlninr-. a llle truth t. M»*, f&» Kmfw Mvr, AtlMtintn. rle-vruth «..n*r<'«*)>*»*l 4i»trt« t. Mm. I*- M. I'lafitntii. QnltoMin« fimglltlTi t« Formutotc l*tan* f— (•rgantoatton of tTtlldrm of iVwW**- | * y, auxiliary to Ivaught*—--Mr*, ik.rtn ttlcc. Atlanta: Mia* Huai* <tor f.ltne, Athena. Mr*. Am-l't*»n Crttim* Macon, Mr*. Metki—U Wolff. Atlanta. Mr*, b. Vauxkan Nlxob. Attoßt*. Mia* llunnt* t/ivr, Atlanta. Committee on Hannn for Georgia is - vtotodl. r V.-r Mr*. Ida ICvana Kv*. lAugu.ta Mr* E. O. Mcfatm. Atlanta. I Mr* t. H It*lri«-« Kavannah. C.rmmlltc* on Grave# us Confederate Roldiera Iturterl In the North- Mr*. Hohert Bmory I*arke. Macon: Mr*. Ida iKvana Eve. Auguata; Mr*. Helen j I’lvne. Allan’* I To thvaent tTalma of Georgia Room ' White llnuee of the Confederacy at I Kk-hmo—l Mr# R<4rert Krrmry Park. A riper la I committee nt veteran* and fraughlcr# of the C«»nfcderar-y wa# *P lMilnird at the convention. In Auguata to Inveatlgate and report upon the mer- I It* of a entitled " The Four [Year#' Struggle,” written by a gifted I Daughter of the Confederacy and pre : aentr-d h> manuacript form for conaid* ! rration of the D, of C. le-fore pxMin jtlon. Thl* committee conalata of Capt. J, nice ttinlth, Auguata; Mr. Marlon j Stovall. Auguata; Mrs. J. A. Gam mon. Rome; Mra. b. K. Rirgnra. ltarneaville; Mr*. Jeffereon Thomaa, of Atlanta. A committee wit tic appointed during the convention to recommend action to be taken by the Daughtera of the Con federacy for the eatabllahmcnt of a permanent memorial to Winnie Davie. Also a committee on preaentatlon of badge of honor to veterans of the Con federacy. Needlework Guild. The first meeting for this season of the Needlework Guild will be held Wed nesday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. W. H. Warren. University Extension. The University Extension dub will have its first lttemry meeting for the now season this afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Tubman. Stoughton-Radcllffe. The engagement is announced of Mias Carrlebelle Kadcllffe to Mr. Oscar Wtuughtnn, the marriage to occur In November. Mrs. J. Miller Walker has returned from New York. Mrs. Herbert Rountree is visiting fiievtds in Macon. Mrs. W. H. Warren Is visiting friends in Atlanta. The Misses Burdell have moved to Augusta from Bath. Rev. and Mrs. Chauncey Williams have returned from Virginia. Mrs. Adolph Lety is the guest of Mrs. Anna Heard on the Hill. Misses Henrietta and Margaret Rob ertson are spending this week In Ma con. Miss Belle McAlpin, of Savannah, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. T. I. Hick man. Mr. and Mrs. John David Wright and family have moved to Augusta from Mlllen . Miss H. M. Robertson and Miss Mar garet W. Robertson left this morning for Macon, and will guests of their un cle, Judge A. D. Miller. SI.QO > £<to# hn -f tjj **m~ t**m *s*'—»> s*•** <** in* Mi«a ******* it#* **m *m MM * ****** m mm* ***s *0 ** ***s ****** ****** **** ***** m**&4 ** ——l ***** $1 **■ *mm #*«-•. mw* p>*». #* ****** ****** $ 2.25 min m**4 m* Aa t *m*4 9M* N* ilNifmi ****** VM $M N %o**% * **** ***s #*#•s*#•s s** $$ MM* slmnn» sMm***i **o ***** tm M*m ***■•*• fHuHraw «f Utah Nil I tk* ****** *4 fce* —at**. Mra ll—k A*- I Ml**** IN tC*l* Nsl» **+ I tii* «*•*!• *4 cMt mm**. Mm I Ms jiftdl Mm $M m»tf tpft Atot«r4** ] IMf Nto*t Y*rs., t**m ****** til* iit ] •«o Hit Mhhm**- Mna Mat** till* IMA Nmi Ml** OtooftNi ■MmVft tin* r f*r M*- «*n. *►!»*• «*ttl ** t*m ***** «f hmr mam, Mt« *^**m. Ml** (ml SVtH» «M Mm* Ami* Pk tl*r!*«*f t * lit rhAttv;ln|(| »t|»l**N|l I Anemia *t tIM» M* * rimlfit M*«* I,**? YVnifti'f «hn t* fra «rs || 1 matot«*f h xito to Mi* JnfemM'rti. It# ] «| Itito CaniivAl. ttoft lor t hi* w»«»i t»lni ! fk-fov* porrHaetng a prat .*l n, gun. rail oa me 1 can —ve you tangey. I**- t* J. it, haul. Pawakrukev iarkwt LAID TO REST. leather Clara Cotliw Burred \ ealerday ia* TkUCHy TcarbfT Clam CotUa. colored, cm# lof Ike lß*tructi«ra of tk* F.m Ward '•ckool. w— very nicely kurted. Tkr I I err muni ea were held at the Trinity C. M K. church, and were c< nducted ky lira. W. J. While and C. T. Walker. I Prof. L B. Kvana, tk* superintendent |uf the arhoola. togetber with n large Iconcourse of people were preaent. | The principal* of the public school* A. R. Johnson. H. I* Jkalk ler, P. H, Craig, I. Blocker, L. K. White. M. J. Hryacoll— acted aa pall ! hearer*. Thr roost lieautlful floral de j signs were presented by teacher* and [ pupils of the Find. Ward school and al jao hy teacher* of the Miutge Street school, and also floral donation* from [other friend* made a very beautiful ' grave. Today the pupils of the First Ward school, room by room, are allowed to go over and view the grave. The deceased wa* a very faithful teaeher and a large number of pupils, teachers and friends mourn her loas. A free assortment df finest California fruita received at Lamkin A Co.’a. THE PRIHARY IN THE PIRST. The Arrangement* Therefor Have Not Yet Been Completed. The primary in the First ward, w hile It has been agreed upon, has not been arranged. That is. the rule* gov erning the primary have not been made up anil agreed to. There seems to tie the greatest pleas ure, especially in the First, that there Is to be a primary. As a matter of fact, at no time has there been any doubt about such arrangements. Mr. Brown wanted such expression from the white voters and Mr. Martin was announced subject to a white primary. There were voters In the wari' who objected to a primary. However, the sentiment then and the desires of the candidates overwhelmed them. BROKE HER LEO. Carrie Terry Sustains Painful Acci dent While Bicycling. Carrie Terry, a colored girl about 19 years of age, sustained a paftiful ac cident yesterday afternoon, the result of ft bicycle accident. Carrie, with a couple of friends, was enjoying a bicycle ride. When pass ing out Marbury street her bicycle col lided In some way with those of her companions find sne was thrown vio lently to the ground, falling with full weight, on her left leg, causing It to snap in two just above the ankle. Two gentlemen driving part al the time and seeing the accident placed the girl in their buggy and carried her to the Lamar hospital, where the injured member was treated. Carrie is today resting easily, hut It will he some time before she can again mount a wheel. CABTOHI A. Bean the Kind You Have Always Bought COI. TILLMAN IN TOWN. PvtvwHied toUwtoiltoM Oatog I* Mb Ikkan*. C\»lmNiMj> ACw OvC 1$ •* Thm* qipfa 4»n »*pmt*\* Hi ilmp ritN 1 ijiiTH •r«»«lim )ut>f4lf fW ttliiMt I* *iMf aato < t*4 snsm $A ! I al $1 ilk* wiklNiMi of kt* ftiixk. k* prownrod kto pfcrto• j 4 imm Hr Ij*(** v*p Ml# *ssriirm*Nmi i**9 h m 10 infttiff s'.* tttMfltof* fit** c * 4*fi u» IM (VfMM* Mr* Thk* r ****** ***» r#*4tlf |!**i«l M Cmi. AiMim, i«m9 (*v>| TlUkumi ft* ***** In nwm || mi tit (Wunlt* IV m qmtopt *4 IV. Imvtoi rt*4i ** W* -«r: I have Ike k—M I* Male that |j t*n| Jaa H. Tlliwaa kaa fever and I should he a I Vowed ta an to tk* rtty. wker* ke <an g*4 aatvtnx and aourt.k I meat" , ! Uol AUtoa'a eadnreeroeat was a* follows; "Rewpeetfaliy t—nrned Perwl* sloa is granted to IA. Col Jar H Tttt man to ekange kl* quarter* oa areoaat I of •tekne— as rep—ted. to a tooro in n I hotel or hoarding houae the name of htMrt and numt<er of room to he repor ted to these headquarter* with exten sion of limit* to dining room land water eloaetx of hotel. This | permission I* granted for four I days ** Col. Tillman very properly ka* nw ! thing 10 —y In regard to the rumor* that he will inatltutr court martial j proceeding* against the other officer*. He say* that he Is receiving testimo nials of sympathy from friends oyer the state. We Have the cheapest and best special order Restaurant in town. Come and be convinced. INN RESTAURANT. 7 I 7 Broad Street. WANTED HLR CuW. Emma Davis Appealed to the Uw Today. Some time slnre. Emma Davia, color id, hnti not the ways and means to care for her cow. She therefore made a proposition to Caroline Jones, rolor |cd,stating that Caroline could have the use of the cow If she would feed it. Caroline entered into the agreement, hilt mum became dissatisfied and pro reeded to swap the cow for another , one. Emma wanted her cow a few - days wince and low and behold II had [disappeared end Caroline refused to ■ give up the one she had. | Emma put the case In the hands of Mr. Henry Hammond and in a Jury [trial before Judge Muse today the cow | was given to Emma and Caroline had to pay all the costs of the case. CASTOniA. B»sr. tfas A Tl» Kind You Haw Always Bough! “■.r TO JOIN REGIMENT., Privates Terrell and Nelson Dismissed From Hospital. Warned Terrell and Anthony Nel son, privates of the Tenth regiment, who have been laid up for several weeks with fever at the Lamar hos pital weie today discharged and wilt leave this afternoon or tomorrow for Lexington, l<y„ where they will join their regiment at Camp Hamilton. The other soldiers who entered the hospital at the time of the Tenth's breaking camp here are still 111 and it will probably be weeks before they are sufficiently recovered to be dismissed. We have moved to the Ellis Restaurant stand at 7I 7 Broad street. Will be glad to serve all, old and new customers. INN RESTAURANT. Elected Director. Mr. A. M. Daly, formerly of Augusta, but now of New York, was- a director of the C. L. A. Since he left here some months ago Lis position has been va cant. Mr. J. A. Burke has? been elected to fill his unexplred time. $2.96 Mm tut tn * Tin Am taut *$ ****o r’%M» ***** *m* •-**»*- ***** ***** **** «■»#s* INI fi ■*s f» s*, *m *** iMi *$ fMt m** »»*» #4 $1.26 W* tm** * ***m ft* IMP Wt*t* §»iiiiii •mi «*ss# Mm *mm- **** *** t : - *-:*mm* #» #H fMIMMi, f**9 ***** I s%f • ***• SI.OO to*, yin* mfr a» atom* to"» — ffinyw* NtoNh to*»4 law to— to 4< *■* .. tmm mo** 4* |l to swMt of siit m— olito't— Ml stws tom. | SHOES THAT ARE KNOWN I y Known from Maine lo California as the BEST that material and good jßjGpv workmanship can pro- I H k duce. A 3 FOR STYLE Everything that is sty- KSJj lish. art Kt ic and coni- K|^n : lortahle. comhincd with the best of workman- %jp .ship u.ll he lound m Hanan & Sons Shoes. CASHIN. GOULEY & VAUGHAN, 808 Broad Street. AGENTS FOR Yl AN AN * SON. l egal Notice. BTATE DF GEORGIA. : RICHMOND COUNTY. I To the Superior Court of Said County; The petition of 11. P. Shewmake and W. J. Shea make, of said state and 1 ounty and Claude Hhewmake. of said , state and FuHon county, r -sportfully 1 shows: | J. That for themselves, their a*»ocl ale*. successors and assigns, they de sire* to be Incorporated ui ter the name and style of The Augusta I-oan and Trust Company for a period of twenty year*, with the privilege of renewal nt the end of that time, with power by that name to make contract*, buy. sell, lease or rent real estate and per sons i property, to Iwrow and lend money, to subscribe for. purchase, re ceive and hold the stock «nd obliga tion* of any corporation chartered un der the law* of this or any other state or territory of the United State*, to have the power to buy It* own slock, to act as guardians and trustees, admin istrator* and executors of estates, to represent as agents life, accident, fire and all other kinds of Insurance and surety r<>mi*aiiles, to lend money on note, draft, bond or otherwise, and to take fur security of such loan* or obli gation!* mortgage*, security deeds, deed* of trust or otherwise, also to bor row’ money on note, draft, or otherwise, land by vote of the director* to secure such debt, obligation or bond by mort gage, seeurlty deed, deed of trust, or otherwise, to make by-laws, rule* and regulations for the government of the corporation and the conduct of its busi ness, also defining, limiting and re stricting the terms on which the stock in the company shall be transferred, and to have and to use all other powers usually conferred upon private corim rations in this slute. 2. The particular place of business to be In Augusta, Richmond County, Geor gia. The capital stock of said company to 1m- five thousand ($5 (K)0) dollars, of which twenty per cent is actually paid In, with the privilege of lncieasing the capital stock from time to time by aj majority vote of the stockholder* to any sum not to exceed thirty-five thou sand ($35,000) dollars. The shares to be one hundred ($100) dollars each, and each share to lie entitled to one vote. 3. The object of the company being' pecuniary gain, and the particular bu siness to be buying, selling, renting: and leasing real and personal property.) lending money on real and personal] property, acting as guardian and trus-j tee, administrator and executor of es tates, acting as agents for insurance and surety companies of all kinds. 4. The company shall have the right to establish agepcies In any county ofj this state, arid to appoint agents Ini any other state or territory of the tTnl-| ted States. ft. Petitioners pray that there shall he| 4io personal liability upoti any stock holder except to the amount of their unpaid subscriptions. And your petittloners will ever pray,’ Pic., ' JOS. S. REYNOLDS, Petitioners’ AHomey. STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. 1, George B. Fournelle, Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court in and for said county, do heieby certify that the above and foregoing petition of the Au gusta Loan and Trust Company i* a aero*** 10 iffiF »•*► totoffi ikto M 1 true copy of the nrtgliMU, filed In tliti cfflrc thl* third day of October, I**«. Wltneaa my official atgnatore and *eaf of Mid court thla third day of October, ltd*. UKO. R. IMI-KNKL.UG. Deputy Clerk. Piled In tbl* office tbla third day of October, I*** 0190. n. pnrrt.vnuA I*eputy Clerk. THE NEW Broad Street Barber Shop I For in Ku*v Hbivi and m K’tit Haircut go to No. 716 Broad Btr*at, ground floor. F. C. dos Passos. Tba HoUry Kator Strop for flat# FOB IBM FENCING CALL on AUGUSTA FENCE CO., 310 lOtb btreel, Augusts. Ga. * of Town Work Boticiled VA THE THIRD QEORQIA. May He an Attraction 'at Macon Carnival. Macon. Ga., Oct. 10. —A telegram was received last nigbt by President Waxelbaura from Congressman Bart lett Haying that the government would let tlie Third Georgia come here dur ing the carnival If the Carnival Asso ciation would pay the, expense of trans portation. President Waxeltmum immediately conferred with Chairman Talhott ol the finance committee, and they deci ded that if the regiment could he brought here rheaply. they would pay Ihe expense of the transportation. They are negotiating with the rail roads oh to the rates, and It will he known this afternoon what will be done. Everybody Is anxious to see the Third Georgia and It would be a great attraction during the carnival, and If once brought here the government might order it to be camped here un til the brigade to which It belongs goes to Augusta. SHOT IN THE KNEE. Dick Carr, Maddened With Jealousy, Shot a Woman. Mr. Dick Carr shot Lou Duncan, a woman of the l»lf -world, who resides on Marbnry street, last night. The wonpao was shot in the knee and was taken to the city hospital, where the bullet waa extracted. Jealousy was the cause of the shoot ing. Carr had not been apprehended ■ by the police up to noon. He has two cases against him at superior court, It was learned today. i