The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 10, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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MONOAY 4 THE IUEUSTI HEMIO MMHMI $ mm !•*» * 5 »,« mMintß ■iWMt-w* WnUM •****«•* nw«hm _* • •At MWwwww >- * *SSi3S»i*»*t» n* SSX* * i r iDh < dLi >l3 fit *AI D iww. omX* •*“ «•*• *""** *•" )t»t<«t MMtoaw- #i *'«••»* *•- %(M. WILL FW> THU MWAU> It MMM-M MM* Ara#>S •»• (ti INi' ugaheA'" At tits tvegbsa# (fig**Z •*4 •< M*«g« M*»* •••A I* im* ti tb* »**«• **mm m* *j£ r 1 rtSrTntTt *i u» cw*a«* At tbs it t .«• c**r- *J (^^*** , ***' Vfcrtt** M ▼*“ M***t4 * »X*. V **g » lutfc •th eratf.V • s*»** tt ***«*«*# »b# M t* *•> mi! Eimowe or i:v enti ■W M*« tot bra* tHHHt*. Mat**** •*» #*tutm »«*** r*w» , Aawya— to *•** m W Me- IMM trots Cut »** marni t •■tin teat Hpb> . It h m*4tn*4 that Q»») • ptNlktl At It Aft otar IptN it fc<>fi»ftl IMI art will ttmmw lAt (*uMa AttH tW |H4mhmii t Saak ti poaitor* •ill laat ttuiat It W Atarai tbat Ultrt mey b* a #**>• •rai laAtta aye's* *g Th« ».rah labor etrtbe it araum ng •tanning proportion*. Tb* ran nt William Pm* la ■»- litfit bat btra AtaarraitA. H Tb* Cuban tMlm under tiny* of bwtn art turning brigand*. Mm Oearg* baa «tat*A a*v*rat limr* that *b* MMradrA la aboot St»ton. Tb* first treat allark ba» bran mad* an lb* Hatro million* la California. A New Tork tmodmaker ha* ISO.ana In plan* on Van Wnk at into at 1 to Work an thr yarht to defend the Amerltaa cup la to b# l<egun thla •rrk. Tb* demand to hear Unoaevelt on the •lump la rnormoua all over New York Plata. Tb* alt* ha* been aeleeted for the ramp of the American army near Ha vana. Quay aaya that "peraerutlon" will not prevent hla return to the United States Hen* to. Apnrlllo tailed for Paris Saturday. Hr will attempt to appear before the Commission. Twemy-nlne general* In the volun teei service were honorably dlat harp ed Saturday. The President haa ordered our troop* to take poreeiialon of Porto Rico on October Mth. The Cuban Junta proteata over the granting of so murh time to Spain In the peace dim-union*. Representative Hitt, who may be minister to England. sas« that great I* the future of Hawaii. For revenge a discharged servant girl polaoned a three years old New York baby with purl* green. An armed iruard has been placed over the pnpers, letter*. lurnkbooks, etc., to be used tn the Quay trial. A Jersey fattier placed a bottle of poison on the lueakfaat table and or dered hi* family to drink. It I# now stated that the Oregon and lowa are being held, awaiting news from the Pari* Peace Commission. Agonrillo declares gdmsotf highly sat isfied with the President's attitude re garding the future of the Philippines. Now that Corbett and McCoy won't fight McCoy and Maher are matcher! for a fight December sth for *IO,OOO. Advices Just received state that a i fire at Hankow, one of the Chinese treaty ports, has destroyed 10,000 hou ses. It Is stated that the pelagic sealing question has been settled by th- Inter national Commission isl session nt Que bec. A party of foreig ncapltaltsts liave Just finished n tour of the United States and u» a result a number of steel and Iron mills will be erected In Europe, principally for the purpose of turning nut structural iron work for use in Germany, France, Austria and Hun $m fMNMMNI ttottototot I** UN** 4N*I 4 4P*P MW***# (*•* ; 1 ##• |MM* Km* 1 * to to* *** to#Nto 1 , jNii.o mm * fam to'#*##*## * wmmom*s Yfl » rtr Mtogfto# oomofc* Ml to# ! ; if to* #*### Mitof to to* •*# f•* I §ooo* ■■*o toHM* ** A# *•* i to** totoii *■«»*<* Mintototo I wm i*> tto* tototototo p*to***to*i : a*>4 # ikv- <«». iMi mm> im»* *nmn| toil to** to* *toto* *t tototototo *#■ : 1 totowi «pto * fto* to IHto** to* | toi«M to to* to* totowtoto# tolto j to# I fto #* toftoto# to*» • : tototo j*u-*wiito>*M *♦*»•« mm* IfTTSSW-tv** mm ito «to to to to* 1 tmm*§ Mto N 99mm into to *nm to "' —ito% tototo totoMN *to to****** *to- . i tototof iHtotoMl to ito* «to*t #toM!#to i •to* to*** #to** Ito** mm% tp*to ***** j to*§ "toto to ito**! toto»-i <* stotoitoMl ito to** l * *to* *1 ito # **to ! «toN*» to *• Ito to ito* tototoi to : •tot to pmwmmft* WMI to*** ■** [ «to*tototo *f to*to*to * mm* j smm ito toM *f to*to* to#t*» *toi* [ ito m'wm to I nwrto*ttf j ** «totto tit** tto *mml mm* to** toftolto't** t • *«v*to* **># [ itotoiMM to tototofit. Mum tto * > *i** j >'•**!? •** mhmUmmm* «*4 to *toto . [ mm* to ***** i** »i * i** to * . ttotototol Ai*n* m* lam ••* to l** to* ; to MNNftlto* to Wto ***** I ftoi «*if tn* tito ito t*fi**r «ti ; ttoto* toto to •* »**t to pntolM* to: I i «m 4 to to. BBVBTI ortlid* #* Til rVfLUMftf t Tb* NwrkM Aaaa awt raroHaw of read>a« tiara (be g tat turns victory nt May lat a Magi* adverse ret tin am at Dewey He baa beaa beroe <teg fan aad lam gratae f at bla prmoiM depart are from Mira Hay. for hla d»r tag forcing at tb* Uorregtra pawmge and for hla afclll aad ladgowai ta the htMortr bal l* of the tmy Hm tkls la I mm toi Tli# *4 mi In! to# *it own hintwlf to I <uiif to to • to**# tollor u 4 I tor to tto fkwt. tot I* hi* I «U| tto toMtcd to* with lit# tot mt comn* With tto FUlptmm. t* lit# tort | and J*df**i! ii towlto* with tto tor' I #tj#M #4»if#l# ll* Ml tiIOWR fainmif to | Imp | dtjiOWt ltd * #t#t<*#!•#• M w*a His optnlnn. roaaagaeatly na that Lataorblug aad all Impoitanl quevtloa (the dlspostilon of the Philippine Archipelago should have now I weight While lb* members of the peace I I oatmtaatoo refuse to dlarloee the views of Admiral Dewey la regard to the question Ii has bees learned that I be handed General Merrill a romrau j niratton selling forth hla judgment on ihe subject, and that the latter sub mitted this to the commies ton with reports from Hie American military force* at Manila. Admiral Dewey concludes with n deciniatlon of hts judgment tn the matter, and It may be said he hopes the United Stales Com mission wilt press for the possession of nil the Philippines. All OMN IIVUTIOATIOIt II seems (hat some of the mem tiers of the War Investigating Committee favored secret sessions, while others were strongly opposed to any such star chum bet proceedings The Her ald believes that It can name one member of the commission, tbs Geor gia representative, who was on the lat ter side, and thus made possible with out filtering and from second hands without hearsay and hypothesis, the discussion of such testimony as ap pear* elsewhere In The Herald to day. There could be no public confidence in an Investigation which Is held be hind closed doors. There will always be suspicion In the case of such In vestigation that something has been suppressed or covered up or glossed over. The currying out of the proposal to exclude representatives of the press from the war department invest gallon would have destroyed to a Urge ex tent Its value. The commission is to be congratulated on having doyjted to permit the presence during the hearings of three stenographers as rep resentatives of the press as well as representatives of the press assoc.a tlons. This will give the public an opportu nity to satisfy Itself that the commis sion is probing to the bottom of the charges against the war depart ment. "is life worth living!’* was at one time a much-quoted question, to which the most popular answer was that "it depended upon the liver." Nowadays ti put>rly-p»td and hard-worked Kng lisli clergy ms u replies that "it depend.* . upon the living." For the first time in its history. Quebec recently cheered the Stars and ' Stripes, borne at the hem! of American \ soldiers In its streets t'ncle Sant and : Miss Canada are having a rapproche- I mi nt these days, hut a coolness gene ! rally springs up when the Bering sea I is alluded to. mm* *•**♦** toto toto4 | d#toi toMMPMf *«<Mto4t4g to* to**"— to to# #■#*'# toto*to*to to *•'» A'l* ■ [ ’to «#Cito# i»i *■## to ii# timmm ##4 khbhml jto# f#M* wmm **##### # * IMJMMI igl ItoUMNI t f l*p# J#pM# ## igfWl tltl A*Hg»H*at MMgiTVH i paw agrs#ga*at s.Nalag Awmag a* , rog'iaa it* gad truss asss-*"*" gr** v rare has tsasa awwsss*w vy i maa swasaM As ta,** tat»»*a**d a» a j ant tag h*ra gl * IMwm tmaagsA la fhM twaark at t»# 1 aa Ha was as Iha raarksl waa agsm. : sad hla firm waa rsady to mrat aay iha sigaira Aiwa wa lug* saaa to aa* | a rwfarttoa ta th* ***** *< «w»»«a its* i is «w*Mßswaaral* rail* with th* pru* I*l roll** H»»M- Tks report that th* Apaaisk pgbll* Assvrtraa page* roramlsskwsr* t* ap j doubt auhjart to modiftcaima Hl* no* probable that Hpalh akpwed '*»• t'aiiad Malm la **ad aa arm* aad I aavy to th* Pktltyplans aad to waste all of th* steal aad powder that was j raed la the capture of Manila merc y j for the poryoa* of taralas th# i»l*»d« over to Apaln or to {rarosli her to sell them oat to th* hlgbaot bidder the Spaniards think that l.'ncle Hast Is that sort of a bustanna man they hav* studied hi# raal rotate opera turn* to vary poor purpoae Indeed. Th* New Tork Jout os I and The , Sew Tork World will In all probnhll- I tty on November first Increase the tel j ling price of both Gtelr morning and | evening edition* front I to! rent* I Negotiation* with thla and In view are now prmHug National Adsvrlt ter. ACLXM CAMPAIOI. (Sinannuli Newt.) Hip Atlanta Conatltutlon oppoaed Mr. Woodward, the aucceaaful candi date for mayor of Atlanta. In tha courae of lt» comments on Mr. Wood ward's aurreaa It said: "In tha con tact against him nothing haa baan said by tha Oooalltutlon ranartlng upon hia rharactar aa a man or bis aarvloaa as a good cltlsrn. Thara haa been no paraonal arrlmony, no blttarnaaa. no mud slinging “ Was thara any ground on which Mr. Woodward could ha Justly attacked or anything In his public or private life that would hsve Justified. In any de grae whatever, a mud-slinglng cam paign against? If not, why does the Constitution rommend Itself for deal ing with him decently and fairly? We ask this question for two rea sons. The first is that understanding Mr. Woodward to be a good man and every way worthy of the honor which has been .conferred upon him, we do not see the pertinency of the Consti tution'* remarks, which we have quo ted. The other reason Is that we cnn not understand the w isdom of the pol icy of attempting to lower the esteem In which a political opponent Is held by saying and printing things about him which are not true, and which ere known to be untrue by those w ho orig inate and circulate them ln other words by carrying on a mud-slinglng campaign against him. The people are not deceived. A few are amused and pleased. No good comes from esmpaigns of that kind. On the contrary, much evil results from them. Kls a source of satisfaction to all who have a regard for clean polities that the mayoralty campaign In Atlanta, although a heat ed one. was kept on a high plane so far as the newspapers were concerned. There is no good reason why newspa pers should abuse and slander candl-. dates of the opposition, or permit themselves to he used for such o pur poflp. “All this nonsense about ‘the Daugh ter of the Confederacy' should he drop pedat. once. There was hut one dough ;er of the. President of the Confeder acy, born .n the White House of the Confederacy, and she is dead. Peace to her ashes and with them. let. the cruel memories of the Civil War be buried."—Town Topics. THB AXJGnJBT-A, sETEmj^XJD fill; OH.S|;kV Ik ahott town. •dan saw##**** why # %*wn pwgs •*•* Th* haaAny Herald spoh* of mm» i not pegt month, hut I won't a alt un j We remember the f 1 ram the boys had op In the Montgomery haltdtag when th* ; army doctors were her* namlnlag th* oautd b* soldiers la th* sprtag On# of the Observer * frieaga ta short 1 ta staturv guile short, aad had aom* nMrgtirtaga about gutting up to tb* standard, bat be pasted and yseirrday I wan I*ll mg shoot the tricks to Hi crass* nag's hetgkt that be had heard ta One of the surgnens said "The sin gular fart that people are shout half an Inch taller In the morning than they nr* tn th* afternoon has enabled many a fellow to allp Into the army, i Tim# and agsm when th* esamlaa ! Hops were being condoned ai a toler ably early hour, mm bat* been passed In my presence who were barely np to Ii hr regulation height In fart, they I were under It a shade sad the thick ness of a sheet of cardboard would have resulted In throwing them out. I am perfectly confident that If these same men had been remeasured just before lap* In tb* evening they would hav# fallen so far short that they ■voitlfi never by any possibility have lieen accepted I hate heard It said ihat g man can put nearly an Inch to hi* height by slaying lo bed Wr a couple of dava and meanwhile taking several hot baths, hot I have never seen the thing tried The gvrrage morning ami exenlng variation I have found by a good deal of experimenting on myself and others Ip bp a little lea* iban half an inch.” I was looking over the Arlington news stand last week, observing such worded placards At “How can we pay rent If you read and don’t buy" or "Hanjs off!” and other sim iles pleasing scntimeviU , to attract custom (!) when the October pile of the ten cent mnga sines was men Honed and a friend— with whose opinions on the subject the Oltesrver doesn't wholly agree—said " The ten-rent monthlies are on their last legs," and I’m glad of It. They have done harm enough as It Is. To begin with, they have rut Into the cir culation of the old standard magaslnes and forced them to greatly cheapen the quality of their matter. Then they have set th# wretched fashion of star ring some celebrity, who generally writes n miserable little sketch nnd gets so much of it that the rest of the articles nre necessarily mere tupenny ha'pence rubbish. To call them educa tors Is all nonsense. One of the old magazines waa wrrth six of them, and I'll be exceedingly glad to see them go to the wall—the quicker the better." We.havo lots of fun with the mis takes. sometimes very ludicrous, that the treacherous types make with orr written copy. I was reading ail ac count In a north Georgia paper of a po litical meeting, held one night last week and at a thrilling point In Judge Candler's speech, the shouts of a thousand Demoexats were supposed to have rent the air. The types made it, “the snouts of ft thousand Democrats rent the air.” READ THF: SUNDAY HERALD FOR NEWS "IT HAS MORE OF IT THAN ANY OTHER PAPER INAUGUSTA” ttotototo toto##*p«#toMfc* mi Tw-f r T r - r tßTrir~ mSS mo** w*«»| : A a-- - . ■ M ** - ra*gk #t*hhM' jt t i •■##•***#•» wOm >l* ■#• I | i#, -Mh* gp 1 ♦<»r# IwRNMT## Mfi#a*# -Om . *#f» to**N tß#r*k, wukto# Ito I • •if (nli Hi». m #»• #••%*•* Mtoft. it • r#i|ii#4 trnm tto 4*f»Uto r#r whir*' HI ill# Ai###to tofmt NMo ilwFto »#f fPMN) t ttc*t#4 ’ I t# Jn#l utof fiHttoik Tf**t j i#t i d ###i#m# ## tto tiM ftllitol |#ml#%ltt# 4#! Jltifcflw •#■! tto ail#’ | jsrhJTtVfr^:^- | Th* C"U»U'«'SJ •-* »f lb. MWrorarl #to. ICtAy Att4TV**4i (#l*l I ! til# <t#u#M«*r to Ito Uwotfx! M. C. i tt#MM't’. to W##fel*#lflti. Ito —totorti# * r Ti<v •mla'lk t# iioi( r )fT4 t*# [ ft#it*. KfcffiTtf tto caltvi# #n*l 41#* I [ u#rtt<«n irr rtvtto. It intto • <V«rfl»i |»rmi4 to hi# n#>- ! (Hr# ft#l# to Him! (tor In* ti«*t *** to 1 from hom# but what to find# hi# ru#»- | I patriot# - and t#4« ttom tn P«wlt!«fi# to !4.«»r and tna»t. If ttor# I# 4 pranlnonl ; rHUM »f Au#»#t# W##hl»#to|» Ath (f‘i»# nr #hmif whom them j i#t#rr#tlnif <to»r#l4*i# 414 Inqylft I fall to wall who It miM h#r# to#*-- } no all tto #r#4*l*##t rhtawi# t>t ih«»# ! l4«rm will kindly blu#h fKlfcmcnti j Th# 4##4ly #—r#*tt— 1# #4*B #hf «4 [ In thl# land, tvti U*Hfl y** h#v#n ( * nr#n • map to (to Infnird <tl#trl<*t In • . :n <inth. It would b# w#!t onrush to brlßf i Along your family trr# «nd * f#w extra ! I##Y«# t#k#n from your dUiry wtoti you iiaokle • )ourn#y. _ CHAHLB# J. HATNE. “ port *. Don't think that people are coming to you to buy juat because you hav* been In business for the past twenty years or more. One old tie don't make g railroad. Don't advcrtUe an article In June that la salable only in December, and them swear that advertising don't pay. Don't think that because you are making a living In your business with out advertising that you couldn't do any more. You remember what hap pened to the fellow who failed to In crease the talent that was given to him and how the sheriff called and look posseatdon.—Niles tMich ) Star. Would You? And would you have the curtain fall Between your Ilf* and mine— 'Twlxt you am! me. And so have darkness cover all The sun to never shine! For so 't would be. Would you have silence, like a wall. Forever block our ways— Hold us apart* Keep me from you, my life, my all— We who In other days Were heart to heart? i Shall all my longings be In vain— Shall all the prayers I've said Find no reply? Shall all my loving end In pttie, >nd all my hopes be dead? Then let me die. Yes. let me die, for what Is life— Let me have all it brings, And lacking you. It Is not worth the toil and strife— The smarts, the hurts, the stings. For joys so few. 'T were better that I pass away Into another land — A land more fair. And wait, with all the hope I may, The touch of your dear hand When we meet there. —Boston Evening Transcript. Those Pesky Affidavits. N. Y. Journal. No enemy of Mr. Roosevelt, but. Mr. Roosevelt himself, sworte to those pesky affidavits. Let us, brethren, keep this calming fact in mind as tho cxx’itcmcnt of the campaign grows. ITHIS IS IT totolfeMl to#4# •» t «4M toUtotf #M## * «to# FOR EARLY FALL STIFFS INO ALPINES. ALL SHADES $3.00 Just Arrtvsd. DORR’S Tailortnf, Hats. lum&hinfv 13L- \ DO TOD KNOW . \ tb* Mallua of fa,f prrol V a Wltk «w rasa** eetvfai altsatta* f | C te Lb* .ma lwi gstatl. ftgkt b«M # i 1 log and right ■***#**• sat | 1 /* II U that our pnera tar f I \ drag saadtlra aad so* ekargsa C # tor cars felly rasds up roarortp- 3 > r Hues ar* vary Ww. ksod us you t \ \ rrraertpMuaa to Cil. \ \ Tjy Our C j French Furniture Polish / J It will Improve your as* J 3 Furuttur* snd make tbs old % \ look like **w. 35 esnta bat Us, I ) Our Vnnilln snd C C Lemon Extracts / f Csnoot be msdt b*tt*r. Fop- I J Uisr in bundredt of homes here. \ / Sold in any quaoiity. r f Splendid Toilet Soaps \ / And plenty to cbogs* from, S V Our S snd 10 rant Soaps are par- f f ttcularly good. ( S Household Ammonia r \ Ever# ©no toy* ©un Is bert. r Q Lorfge bolt It# 10 cents. < Aleiaider Drm Cnpi < S me BROAD ST. V Qi djr’s Pills h *" No sou herrt made Pill is so popular as Gilder’s. It was born in the South. It was raised in the South. It has always been made in the South. It has cured more South ern Liver troubles than any other Southern Pill. Southerners should use it. Let Northern Pills cure Northern people. The flowarfl & Willet Dm Co. MAKE THEM. Have that Winter Suit Cleaned or Dyed. It will be ready for use when cold weather arrives. Hulse’s Steam Dye and Cleaning Works, 314 Jackson Street. Both Telephones. Sandoxv has turned himself Into an English limited liability company with H capital Of *125.000. Many jokes are being made about the strength of the company. OCTOBER 10 If mm to# itotoM to to*## to' w #**l . *f* •***# tfi •*•# !• #* •*•* Mro*R» I §## toPt totol # totototo #t toto*Mß*4toi *#4*4# 1444 ftot Mto to# to tokNto*# 4 I ftototo tome toto*#. to# A to toto# mom mm Ito tuintri totol ito ***** «» *«4 hto (totoH ll# itoto i Hu-- T —jt-r-j ** k, *. hgi'trr C‘toß# #iH| ' m*m •#>### 44141 * ***# tm* 00 4*#' LA.Gardcllc OMlfir In Ihfi Flntsl DRUG# AND MEDICINES The AugQsta Herald Lariat Eriiltat nl Ik B:st Kiiij3>r Prtlul’.l 11 iTlaSa!in TYI.F.GJt iFR JfEWjfi nit kewb or thr world WBILK IT IS N EWS. is to i« 11 or km ahead or other geort.ia ant bOl'Tlf CAROLINA papers. #1 ra-l Tim (111 CONVINCE TCif BANK. PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7th St . AirosU. o*. GIVES FREE EYI TESTS M all (Merit <* tight, fTindfi «h« proper |l«mm toil H AH IU!TP» thrM L«tmo cut into yrmr fre tr» whik vul FREE OF CHARuE, j££&Sl OIUH K fOl'R COAL and WOOD FROM THK North Augusta Coal & Supply Co yuanlity and QnaUty Uuaranleed. F- W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Ball ’ Phone MM btrowger ** The / Whltely Exerciser. ( Apractic*!, simple snd slid ent Home Exerciser, ones pteislly adapted for ladies and children, bu at the same time can bo profitably used by the sir on vest athlete. PRICES: 75c., (1.00, IE 50i BICYCLES - CL EVE- J LANDS, 540 ap; YIK-f IN'(IS, (35 up; GEN-1 DKONS, (IS up: THOM-1 AS, SSO up. t all and see them. Every one guar anteed. . Richards & shaver Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 803 Reynolds St 1 lived? Leased Wire* Lifecd to New York Chicago and New Orleuna. Orders executed over our wire* for Cotton, Stocks. Bonds, Grain and Pro. visions for cosh or on margins. Local , securities bought and sold. References -National Exchange Bank of Augusta, i er liercantlle Agenda*. j. \ V*J . XU/ i