The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 10, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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MONDAY 6 COAL-COAL-COAL WtMt *Mi Irt t%» m*l ttro **• H#4l iitffißin THI ftt*lT CftADK* Of UK— C#m J#«o» | CX ) A 1. Afilhiit ><• lot and Nwl lil*Mt ***€oo j **"~ITY ICE COMPANY. ALOt M* *t4lKt tft rw»».*w> a—» «nmi «— *-« #■**•; «•» ft# t aft* mrrrtt* h*>t MMMIt « • *•»*••*' t*m* tmwr~i ft*’*** »*, . »» MW* **«•, #<***»i. * ■«•* *•»*.*# ft— ft* da*** »* « ft * *•* AM# nn*.***ai*f MMNMN# ••*•*<**. )'«*ft h » •• •* MWMHft fftftftft*. ftftW*» »• .. t|>»» •* .ahha*. •** «**•« • m * # ***»^* f rw„n ■r ? wjjrT. * * *•« EEm Em* . .t r .*.*• *9 * 9psots pm uml tt ft** 4 * ttfttft fwdKtwwi pawn# i •# *•*» •* ttfttt IMMM «* •# .*£»•** ** H»ll ** :KftMWi •> «* •• *P« *»* W»*l **•*•#• M•*** *2 88*4. w •*•*»#• aa** "■* »••• * citwoft* •*•*»#• MM* .•••« * •*•” ** fthkftft Mtft* •*•**•* ft* ftft’ ll* M •• •• " *■->** *• ##" ? *•«»<■* B*aro «»»»—* iftWft *• sum ft »'■— i» .» ** *• **•> • * Mftoftft M I I lm*d*> ft*** •• •* * MftMki a tftftft* M .«•. *•“ **• yrnoftWANS M. a. i** h ’** »■*—> * a.. t** ft * . i jhftffjt i«w> IwMMf* O H h pm* o*so . n *. *ft»««* ft*— ■**■». a a. »• • a. a, ***■ ** * it* ***»*••* t»*«T (K*»li* ftr*** and Eft* *f* * I 'tftHWftH' %R ft ftWHII . I M (IniniMlUr *H I B ••*•*'*»* .. * ** fMt» .. .. 1,*.. , « OrsaH.tio* M M H n .• ■■ •• * **• M* **. ft*— Mi* ftftlrU— .. * M J«M* B*. HUM. R ld*k BC " *> * hFVOL tIUC e-nrtiWfl ft* * a *h *ft*a i»r drt• ■# CmikmH. M «<*• t* fftftol. ft** *•■.'** iftlAft'MlWM. HtMrBHMM Wahdd .. .. .... a »• ft WMMAft ftyull nf Hm kkim ft tnr*»*ft .. .. • l‘t fruit of ita I*.**. ?•» UK.** .. .. * I “ft r.M, 14 | H * * * 1 Aiftltw R*ft*. M .. *• '•* Prui» of ii»* wa a i-i jaa r Kint :-» ft ft thlrtlM .. t *-« tmo I*, ft*— «-« A A »k*#tu»* .. « *■* * *•« |M P ft*—, aim h ll»..r»1* .... * ■*• i»a r. -at—, a *»*»** b o •*• lolond .f •• .. •• •• ’■ * *** Jfto. V K*M. » **» ** 1.1.nd .K *». >• * J *■; 4bo. p. ftlß* M weft •—«*«» .. » »-« PHIftTS*. Arnrlf** «fclr* !»*•. ***** * •** Mrrrlmarft •ftMf*r*jW < —, “ f w.«h*o«*a ou» • . aiimi * • •• •• •• •• •• * *•* Siir.i«o«'• M —rralftft •• * Cmim H|i«ft* ft«ai*. pa Wft <* Anwiicftß Ip4IS» W*a* ***** •• •• 1 »*• m.t*r OIR (a*M» «»« - •• ••* A morn on Indlpo •♦«** .. .. « ImornotUiOAl «•«** •*«« * Allon'o cordfnoU ***** •• .. •• •• * AU.n'o loit«>BO» M*M « Indio Wuo * '•* Jndlo bluf W*M .. * .CUnAi—i’* ***** •• •• * t Morlho WMkftft** M*a * *-« Oornot'o rodlonio ««*•* .. .. .. * Charter Onka, M»M * *"< TICKS. Hompohlre .. •• * *'* 'Amo.keat A C A J* *'* Amooheoc A ... Anio»krHK C.. •• .«; *»./; •• * J'* RecipriHtty • •• ' »** PLAIP IIOMKSPUftS. Clly Mill" - * *'* Koui yard, «oo«l II Im-h * «■* Xioili aMrttn— *AW*Ka ** •• ! J'i RoUl dri'.a W*M .. .. .. I ftt. Clair diaaa >'• *• 4 Oi'ean aolldn .. * s ‘* Maithai \Va«hin*»im f“ n ' L •• •• * *'* .ilofi'llanroua hfli**. liSltt weight .. .. .. •••• •••• I* I*l*'* •"* laaetta « yarda plain .C .. k. .. •• * I-* Thoindika B «• •• •• * *'* Harculna .. .. »• •! *4 "*« “•• ‘ *”* * *•* Pelham. S 2 bal Ito bo* 15 y. a. fSO balla to li«x 1* E. U. P.. »* bftil* to lb 17 1-1 Muaoogee * 1-1 •27 Inch * 1-2 y<l- Plaid*, beat make it ill RliniiHun silk ttnlßh foulard* 64x H. 4 S-4 PaciOc mournlnaa »tx»* 4 1-2 China ailka litxM * 1-* Middle ford 5 -* biatot 2 1-2 Concord. Rome 8 1-4 * 1-2 Keyatone .. .. .. 3 1-2 Fifth Avenue s l ** REARS* EV'S. Heavy Columbia, heuvy Kearaey 8 1-4 Kincaid and others 9 1-4 LIME, CEMENT AND PILASTER. Lime 70a85 Roaendale cement 11.46 Portland cement 82.75 to 8 85 Louiaville cement In paper aucks . 31 00 /-luster ki bbls 51.75 HARDWARE. Well buckets, per do* 83.00 Painted buckets, per do* 11.10 ’ H B B cedar palls, per do* .. .. 51.75 2 H B B cedar palls, per do* .. .. 52.00 Tubs painted, per nest 31 75 Rope. Manila,, per pound 9 1-3 Rope, Sisal, per pound 7c Rope, cotton, per pound .. .. lOcallo Nalls, wire 81.75 base Nails, cut *'-*6 Shovels, Antes, per do* .. .. 311*511.50 Shovels, diamond, per doa .. .. 37.00 Shovels, riveted Uack, ( p*r doa. .. 34.75 flow blades base Haines, red top, per doa 32.25 l K#*«* WM# MMA pw 4M§ n m 0 P ffjjiUplWl. ttaNM <NMHpP9 (|Wi «# *»•«• id Id s tomtom t*M* ip. „ , m m#•i dd I Mini mmm.. mm* id - *# •#»«— • N I •**-«» •4if'«w# pm Mn# m m*m jd-® ; I »»'W* sm* : tNN§ •#- mmo Ml [ - aunmiMmm wM».. pm Hi «• *m- MP f»f MmM p## ! Ml fldwit A >»»■#— iif in—i jm tpmm + . P inmm id mm* 9fw | pm §pmp , 4 ** Mm* : Inf im f*#*f Ml ft*.*.#*.,*# ft m M* t «#Mft MMt #I .. „ MM RM M |Mm MN ** I pm #* •# w* dd i | AMM MMlwMwma Ha A pcßi pat *• H fA t# ImmMHmk . Hi* t f—# 4NH #• *. Ml inti ihmi ts tr-iy, |pf Mii« ••# mm • lWm »Ht ganitiNl pm Id >, P { |**« |t fi t M t IHI t d MT ATH p [ * Ifrfat P'ww )K# iMMI tft*Hdf riaifUiHr «i Hf JftHM W, jdMtdMMft ftaa a—»4 ' *** i ’** , om 9iimi «« »###*■«— •Hi —ft | **#•■#♦*• ii f* mi —#•— IP ft*#] ilhmtpm ilft Mi •««« —— M ««• I llf *, MPP — ## ** fit | ~ thwart Ik (’aarMHK# # t-pti , t , ill IP rtr? ik»hm. mmmm iHpiiid «* #*••-•« tp #•• , A*tt**i t* lip «• #•#• *«•# IP —• I a • • pp , •« M „ ip ] ! A •#%#«• f If* IMP MMt# |p ## * 1 iA##Vr«## f‘A Pfl ~ , (rt M M IP ## * I -a i -•#' •Cm PM •*•«••*« IP ••• ] . AfitMT rm PP M, — M — * m IP ••« I lAtftMMMI it PP .. MMM M |p «•• I itAp «i fm Pti M ,« M •* IP ••• I MMHmmh t*m. tpl » #•••*• •• Pt •«* | llfttiitll Mm IMP «• *• •« til •• • 1 i»*a«Ml Mm PP •« •* •* *• 111 m* ] Iftwvaa# im Pit ** •* •• *• .* IP *•• I IMm VIP •• .« *• ** M ««• I <rvf«i«titt» i t>rt pt? •• ** pi ••• I Mum l HTm PP ** .. .* •« IP ••• i [ |«* *m Mm Pvt »• •« •• •• •• •• Hi *•• I j HviwfuPa ,•*»** «• p ••• | j tTmrlaati* ra BMft .. .. .. .. ft ... j *—oeaftaft RAII,W*»AD IKlNfft Ororgta K R, ft Ms Oa |«•|M.l .. .. ...... lit ...I .«<• rgta 15, M. ft Mt Cft tm. ion . .. .. .. .. .. lift ... jClMirPttm CnlpMa 41 An* I fu#i« pi Mm HP *«•« •• PI ••• (iMttoiif <\rfuivip A Am* ! fIHH* id rm Pit .* ft* •• *• Ilf *a a A«fu#!| Hu. H II . Mrn IP! • a*. P| C* H It- fMMiiln# C». CfUtt* Nil Trw«i Mm IP* P M MamtlMWfi »> Mm IPI . MT P , Cetilfftl »f o##fp Rail**?. IP rtiMnl Maori. Mm tP .«#• P P C. of (I. lat pref M Bft 44 iOaitral of Uaorftta Mattway. 84 pt»f l*eomea. IMA ..... It 14 ] C. of O lat prof In IMS .... 5 I la. Ift r.. lot m. sa. l»4l .IM MT | Mouth floor*to and Florida. id r* i**» Mi ... Mouth Georgia and Florida. ; id r* lip* to* ... I Ocean Mtcomaftlp Ce., tat S‘s ( Mr* im .. im r ACTOR T BOV DM. Entarprlsa Mfg. rt , lat fa | 1903 IM ... Piblcy Mfg Co.. Ist fa. IM3 . IM ifiblry Mfg. Co., lat fa. IMI . IM tta. 11. MAR. Co. Block .. IFT 2M Kouthwestarn R. R Muck .. tft IM Auguata and Savannah stork M IM DRAIN AND PHOVIMIONS. fiats, while, aarkad .. 81 Uata mlxad, sacked .. 14 j Coro, w hite, aarkad .. .. .. .. .. .. 56 1 Corn, mlsed .. .« .. 41 I Meal, boltad. par buahel 47H i Flour, common .. .. ~ .. .. .. 8.50 , Flour, fancy extra 5.75 Flour, second patent .. 4.00 i Flour, standard patent .. .. .. .. 4.25 {Flour, fancy patent .. 4.75 Wheat bran. 100-lb sacks .. s. .. M i Fine feed, 100-lb sacks .. .. .. .. 90 1 Hay—native, per ton 11.00 Hay -Timothy, per ton 13 00 Hay—choice, per ton .. „ •• 14.00 Hams—choice sugar cured ~ lOallH I Smoked rib aide* ,« 6 (Dry *»lt rib* 4 i l*rd. pure la"*. In tleree* 665 {lard, kettle, rendered In tierces * 1-4 : Sugar, granulated .. ..655 An amusing story Is told of Fanny j Kemble, whose favorite summer resort { wus Lenox, Mass. The first season she visited the ! ch inning New England town she em ployed a self-respecting villager who ; had a comfortable turnout, to drive her j about. He, feeling It to be his duty to make the drive as entertaining a* pos- I stbte, began to call her attention to the > lu.suiy of the scenery—which *he wisb ed to enjoy undisturbed -and to tell j her w ho lived In certain houses as they passed along, until finally Mrs. Kcm i tile. lielng unable to stand It any hmg ! er, said In the high tragedy manner, j somewhat peculiar to her 1 "1 have engaged you to drive for me. Blr, not to talk.” The driver ceased talking, pursed up hi* lips, and In ail subsequent drives : Ids only remarks were such a* he found necessary to address to his hQfscs. At the end of the season he handed in Ills bill for summer services. Humming her eye down Its awkward columns she paused at an Item that she did not un derstand. •What Is this, sir? I cannot compre hend It." With equal gravity he replied “Bass. 35. I don’t often take it, but when I do 1 charge.” She paid the bill without comment, and continued to employ the same dri ver during the many summers she pass ed there. Only steel lined and burglar proof safes used. Money loaned on anything of value at a low rate of Interest. Wa '.erbury alarm clocks, 75 cents. Lewis J. Schaul. Reliable Pawnbroker. NOT A BIT AFRAID. N. Y. Press. Emperor William repeats his con viction that Dreyfus is innocent. Ev idently he is not afraid of French courtmarUals. , . , THE A OTJBT.A. HERALD fn im HI HPHHMfeHI *m HHMNA ?mm mma* i m # <N»ii Himhmpv !H |» iiHHMH MMA MH®M hi HMH mm AH Hi-1— >’»* —I ♦ nAHHff*’ |H 99P §990 990§9»m H H 1 " mrif HH *IH o#* HplHihNe**h# # hh*n l#» MHMMHMfcMHI I ptmmrnm* Hi mm 999 m- A iwf m *■•*# •*# I #«#• «■ H#ii4ißlN|Mi A MMMV mV h« »HinPlfcW'# JNHI ## # 9099999 iIMHHKM.tAA y «#«#»''P • j 99999 HMHP 9pm* mm ii ipHHHMHP vnjf ipm •M |H I*# *• »HmH HtHH mm MMO HI lip*Am* mm -t wpf mpnmtmm m hmhh Ip| ftgp HimH *#i |n ijAHNwA m iH* omm ■ Wm*4P f#'pwMj»H 9909 m mp HI 99m : piuf tiir-- Mftfttiwi HHif HH't Ml #"*wii iMNH 99 Hi f *-% *>** . * 90m t-mpim** 99 Alhrnmnl *JM|4 §990 mmpm H# ft## ft»*#A HH (MHHHHMNHI *•* 90P 90090990999 90 9 pmm9pm Hi IHiH-AiA (CMMk 99*00 9090 i AA* 90000 MM §900*90 *0 phmooo*99o9o *091900090900 900 90*9*0 *lmpl MM |i# >#—l 9000 900*00 99*000 9000 | jpnkinrfAififHi M 9 ppppm 900*9999 9*o* ■* ? pmm* p wo99p *OO Hhk Hi in 90000 i 900- P *MM HtHTirt MHHMHi 90 09000" I «t## 00009900 9090? H M HMM • m 00*09 990 > 009 00991 Wk Hnit i pm*** InM Ml HM MHlftf* 90 o*o9ooo**** Iff H Mi 90900 99m0 9 p*9*9 90 VMM*** ] f**moio9 Ii HAH^Mi mOPM» 0P N {Hi I9mi »|||<fiHHl 90 900 99990 m jp Hf IM* 1%900 IM Ii fMfliiif 90 999901 *OOOI ***9 ,9990 9090^*099*01Wf $00*90*99 o*o 9990** \ pm9*m 90 90099 090 i *m>mmpo Mi 100 1 0p990009pp 00 10* 90* 9099 *90090 Hi * I AA M Mim iH*^ TIM M»4MHI ••• IMWI *90090 0* 00*9 9m HhH Hit 99909* 0*9090 090 §99*9000 j Hl*«t 9099990 Mm* '*• 090 f*9 H# »• j * tfti|r«t«4 It* inn TM 900*0* 90 *M - , -■- - ftug Iftigwft I*ft ; pOHf 09* 9s**** 9m *■* l ■«*** |llp I Ip# -900 $m 0*90*9 k*oo 9m 9990*9 ■ , to IhH Mat wiilHHi| HI i *999* H ***** *' tMHV IH9 IMH Hi HMH olm*i *9*9 90* I rirtr IMB9 Ml MnH •Mr» *•%• | At * mm99*9 0t Mrl 90*W Hi prmmi {pmmm *Hi Mok^W-H ■#»• «t- I .. ill >ft f <ll Inil iM 90 1* IV Ml 1 W j tiff 0 0099 99 Mwi f99*. «Mi j Mm* IHi 09*09 Hi tM *tiM Hum . I MiKMi Hi tH* vofkt 0t sm*o* Ik* - j * mm. tIHM HoHor#4 Nii, M** tit ii Ipi wptwM jrtM Hill Hi iHwlii Id I profiii Mifdrt fttlitffllM to Imh IJ Lou aav I radii IHMHiii i tmii «• j (Hal lift wHJdrt !• TM IHkllf Aiiw* ; tpfkf of TM RmMf INIMIi tH# Hi* ftf o*f* Of initvi |M VMl't. tfcH 909 mm* Mi Hli ihoH H ii 4 irgii 10J mi U, Hr It ll prrfrrUr fltlHlM.] •H. Than y-w*r th*a»a I* deapniwd nf tt» ’Hianal, Its eftarm swept away In fa I |gf of p-nny a llner who might |*a well ha whHlitM a* writing versa. Where you thought to suggest g lyre, [yuo find It 4 lap (graft hr • Jftßft- I harp Another type of eon varan t lona !ivt I* j he or she who get* In where n guest of ftlsttnrllon la present flue*** of distinct lon like lo pursue their owni sweet will the same a* other people. ] They heerttiy fttdlke being taken for n eort of human a lot machine where you drop la n question and alt In wide eyed curiosity lo hear It talk. There are pleasant meihoda of ascertaining the roaveraational views of famoua men end women without being olwrq ulou* or vulgarly Inquisitive. The* only feel at ease, only enjoy the eve ning or the hour, according aa the* settle anally and unroaiplruously into the general dirpoaltlon of the party. I remember being at an Informal en tertainment really given In honor of an eminent roan of telten. but out of conatderai lon for hta reluctance to be coneldered a special guest. It was un derstood to be for all alike; It ran very smoothly on that line for awhile, the guest of honor apparently pleased that the occasion did not appear spe cial lo him and that he didn't feel con strained to *ay anything which he did not choose to say. But presently this ease was broken up by the Introduc tion of a feminine adorer of celebri ties. How she did lake on over him. lit erally taking him from the party and plying him with questions intended to tie flattering, but which were really annoying. He said afterward, that he would have been utterly broken down had he been required to answer, only she asked them so fast and so Irrele vantly that he was relieved of that ne cessity and became rather amu«ed at her fund of verbal interrogation points. ”1 wonder,” he said. "It Is not bet ter understood, the selfish purposes and pleasure* of writers: they like on social occasions to learn, not to teach." Those who do not write like to talk, and It is well that they should. One would almost as lief not live ns he dumb; only the golden rule eminently applies to the art of conversation, If It were only actually applied. That man or woman deserves to he called the best conversationalist who. In ad dition to saying good things well, bears In nilnd that others desire to be be heard no less than to hear.—-Nash ville Banner. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Snlt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 26 cents per box. FOR SALE BY HOWARD & WILLET. YEARNING FOR AN OPPORTUNITY Denver Republican. Ex-Senator Ingalls is said to be re pairing his "irrldeecent dream" speech, and is waiting for an invita tion to deliver it at the czar’s disarma meu congress. Good iuck BAKING POWDER, 15 Tft E BEST. H'vVkm* of All to Lo*v*k lo# Po«r#r, |f#As fIftTATH FOR RENT |J H WtCfTVT* Wot**#* <H9 t Prf» M9t«»AS» Pt UNIT - mmmmmm m * * fm ftfftMMl pin oft, 90 o*o*oo •**••« mI.Mf | im m+m i, i i-i rmt M «# m [ 111 wmm 099*m, ? mm • .* m I ! 90$ *1? nr dr MfWt, V ***ooo ** mm HI HI iSM T»i |fii 11 ft t ii 'iTNif ~**** *« * S3O ** : SM9 o*o*oo oto*"~t m $ s9*oo* .* *■ *i 9H | #a ft.-dur# i A 1k Mt $ • fill fit* i s*o*s9o a* ** »» It W it - nan mi Iftsi. <r-i ms , *. .. „ I yi Dfnt Mi iftrvt ft HuSliii. C ftFjr t* *OO9 m Mwiiis m***% «* •* .« ft. •# tt 12f |*9» fttrftd .* ft. • tt I |JI« Riftfi MMNM•* •• Htt * ftmm KaaM * m •• »»•* • 9 ! i %m* n»mmu 11 Z Z ... •• ' 7*9 li*.f#v i 4» MfWt *. ttk# as m v-,' it,’** asrvwv., •• •* *• VU Broad atfwat ...... .. .. .. 40 (ft *ll fgrnaft street .. .. .. » - - *• tn Bread .treat » «• «» R..*d at read «« «TI Broad street ** ,4» Herald Street ~.. .. .... Bft » >gW Br at street "*M u Flila »treat U.** I* Kllla street. .. .. .. * nf MfiHMf lltMtfti flfnfti street more. eai<-c»ally adapted fee dri ■#mulling NillWMibfiMH. Tb* shove list will ha changed from day t* day. John. W. Dickey Real l.etalc Agent. T o Rent Flora nod Raaidanca at 136 hand 1317 Broad .treat. One e( the bmt .tanda in the city for a good Grocery Flora, or In fact, any hu.inrwr Tbs House ha* six (<t) good room., a good yard, and is »*IT con wo lent Apply or Premises or at 808 Broad St. FOR SALE g*r- 1 haw for tala vary dmirabl* build ing lot located in tha centra of ona of the bandromeet block, in tha city. Will sell isme very ebrsp. Just the place for a bandaoma mßrint for your family. Good titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA. NO. 1327 OREENE STREET. FOR RENT. NO. 849 ELLIS STREET BIULDINO three atorlea high, containing elevator, etc. Especially desirable for wholesale business. Price I»<£V> per month. JOHN W. DICKEY, Real Estate Agent, EAGLE BAKING POWDER Saves you money. Makes high grade Bread. If you value your stomach don’t put a 10 cents a pound Baking Powder in it. If you value your pocket don’t buy a 50 cents a pound Powder. Eagle is 25 cents a pound. 25 cents is the correct price for a good Powder. TUe Howard & Wiilet Drag Company make it. The reception to the Episcopal cler gy at the White Heuse was not post poned on account of the news of the murder of Mrs. McKinley's brother. CALL ron Augt'ti* Irtwmg Co« j IPtPOftT t§t,K9* ; M ft* i~.-4 ft' EfeS ***** BELLE O IT QEOBOIA Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. »CftU. rnfU-> AUGUSTA BEER, >JN l/>bl -The Barber Shop of the South." HICKEY'S is the Place Fiv# Barbers, all first-class artists. 212 and 214 Bth Street. [pORTNBR^sI C MOFBRAU and S / VIENNA CABINET / / BRANDSOF / i Export \ J Beers! ? ARE THE BEST l S AHK FOB THEM. / B. B. MITCHELL, ALEX Mr DON A LI) Su pt. of Con. Sm. * Oau. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mclntosh Street. Electric Snppliw—-peaking Tub*, ete.. ale. Repair* to all S'ertrical apparatus. Electric Light Wirings »pecialty. Ball’Phone 1002. - - - btrowger 076. > F~,.oouca> YET Anrt .err LOW PRICES, large .lock, Alwi pipi;, VALVES Kiri FITTIN44S. CN UINES. BOILERS. M ll.l.Kand REPAIRS. Lombard Iron Works A Supply Go., NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE USE Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWARD * WILLETT DRUG CO. REMOVED TO 711 BROADWAY- E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils, Daters, Pads, Badges,&c 711 Broadway. Augusta, Ga. Strowger Phone -6_’. E.J. ERBELDING PLUMBER. STEAM, GAS AND HOT WATER FITTER. NO. 541 BROAD STREET BOTH PHONES Vk*tMM4At* IftNMUi Chvlmoo 1 1 CanMin* • *aft«*a ft #.*••***• «•••• ftfip »- maapma m *om «w» *fc *dß j • - •CSS'ChSb^"^ •fi fir r~l »S« aftmm * win M*«**ft ; I * »• *®l AAjptt # - **■■»••• [ * - .-**m*»w *4 * VMM lIHMM* *mm mmm! | • MHWWM 1 As At—tt 9MII k# f ' ft 9900* *#• 2# wßSS***>■****§***•- ## mJmm***t »— * wmmm-. Ifflttttftft###**# ! * KtMiSiMtt #»#rrrt-rt-»*. ! 9*00900 - »-«•#««• ! * Wsj/*9oomiM’ mmiiigwi * 4PM»#_ L ;JgSg j 1 i * $9090*9 . * * , ,«M#«*4 . ],#«•«###] |i»tt>M i 14tt iMi ftftftftft# h*«m **•»• •• ' *09900 | * MUm.**** *•■**•.i*#ft*g#* *; Mjpj?; * IMnCMV —t '. i#>i ft MM# * o*i'9o * hirVr,.,, m ft« $900009 - ***** * Ysoo ■HMNIIq .*a , . ft#« *-• - I I PO9OO *O/000 \ * CpßHpMtt# » * • * * *##•» **'■ !##•• ••Mi ■ .... grg dm ##♦« f I H "fySGStiM-****•#**■ j^HTrTft-i mm \ •~ftl'isftpg| T II * *-* 1 ~fi *5 Bwgm in i i.ftMm MftMftj “mwiiußg........ iMHh. *4M* fipaMm* ..... IBp >*■ i * |Hfiir,nn...w we’ *hft**m ' m AfMWhw.. M.. - ...w W. » Ilftßßft *' fthfI—’’* 1 —’’* ■ - I- .. 6-Bftdhj t #t | m ftp# m ##f m*9 0 • ft## *m* .a* 1 uw*s tU»lftawe >a* MM 0* fw*6 : a* ft ft. U. i**Msswnfti m • ••• *■>• m tft I gam* a* ft, ft. L at# (ft ft MUftsast**** ftfth ftsm*ft**ft ftW'Wwf ft a. a*y WftaWftfta* B*eti m W Fft** . ta**ft arftapSkMft ISM.. Mftft »,/ tlulb a. fts* ftp. ft. •. ftO’-fB Mithi Lft f, tt Lk KMOA t«Bh* maSMftar (turn •* BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD. II- C MUTTIII 1/o*9* ?m ‘ fanft —j WimiH "fti | oil pm 9 0 K , VWH CMh# t Tm## CMi « B>. dji **'» • My Mr. 2 PfttM*. » »*»• Ilf# ft 4 s R# It 3ft#ft * M AM m.l Iftftfttß* l*ft*e ’HO '*# IF 33 |«* ft.„ Asdaraa* «f I IFtl <ft IF W l.lft fj.... Dawwar ..•■■ I *B*ll *1 It or 1 10 M 1...,. AnlWft ....ft I own 21 I»SO I tO,BO .. Fa*4ia’«ft ..Of IP L « o. w I 00' tft chut crwHF# rt*tt> *8 | » k ftp to ftdum'a CtwftFg (j 111 tt M 080 I•» . tftNACA ..ft 42» Ii * f |S( ; i * Bft I 111 PR. WasMl Vntm .ft 5 OF. |». Ft albaUa .. ft 5 IT) AM Fit.l (Lsnw ArnvwPM FM. 55*0 #*» B*ftl R*» ft. Baftwtsr RMtto*. F Ftw* »»««•. Alt rwgumr trains foam Andavwnn to Wslkatta have right to track «v«f ira<*a «* the awma Ham saovtng In »*ft poalta dlracUOft. unlawi ot hat wise *k- I fled hr Irwin ordafg. Will also nto* *1 frdtewmg atattnsm •to twha oa* ov let off pMarmrr* Fhln ; nay’s. Jam** ond Randy ftp* mga No 13 rooaorta with ftowlham rail way No It at Anderson ! Noa 8 and 0 coanrrt with ftowtMavx railway N>* U xad *7 at Rosa** j. H, ANDBRftON. ftupar'aavndont. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. SHORTCUT AND QI’JCKEHT ROUTC To tm* east and north. _ t.lOpml Lv..Angaata. Oa. Ar | 7:ooam I asymi Lv Aihan Ar I 7 Dam 4:l7pmj Lv... .Denmark....Ar r 0.17 pm 4 SOpiii Lv Orangb'g....Ar I I:4oam 4 04ymj Lv..Sumter, R. C...Ar I 4 Sam OiMpni, Lv.. ..Florenca Ar | 8 36am lOrUpmj Lv. . Fay.ttavlll. . Ar j I 14pm 3:2lam! Ar.Petersburg.Va.Lv ! 0.12 pm 4 MM ml Ar.... Richmond ...Lv I 0 17pm 7.41 am; Ar..Washing!on .Lv ! 2 «4pm t.osamj Ar... Baltlmota. ...Lv | 2,75 pm 1126 am! Ar.. Philadelphia..Lv iU.ttpm 2:o3pm! Ar... New Tork....L» t »:80om Pullman palace buffet sleepir.g cars from Macon and Auguata to New Tork without .-bangs. R. A. BRAND. Oen. Agt., 723 Broad 8!.. Aoguata. Oa. T M. EMERSON. Traffic Manager, H, M. EMERSON. Gen. Pas*. Agt. Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd. I*9*. Lv. Augusta . .. F 20 a. m.: 5 21 p. tn. Lv. Handeisvllle . 119 p. m.| »:0» p. m. Ar. Tennlile .. .. P m.| 9:21 p m. Ar. Macon 3 *5 P «»•! 2 65 a. m. Ar. Dublin 4:20 p m.| Lv. Dublin Td:o# a. m. Lv. Macon .. .. 11:3* p. m.|U:65 * ra. Lv Tcnnille. . . 6:15 a. m.{ 8:10 p. m Lv. Sandersvllle. 6:25 a. m. 3.21 p. m. Ar. Augueta . •• 9:00 a. m. 7:10 p. m. Eastern Time. Close rennectlon made at Tennn‘l e with Central R. R. for Macon, arid wl h WrigbtavlU* and Tennlile R. R. for Dublin and Hawkin.vllle, C. W. JACKSON. Gen. Fgt. Pass. Agt. Janie. It Jackson, Joseph H. Sand*. Receiver*. MET TO LOAN. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Aiexander&JobDSon Agents Scottish American Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St BELLg O F GhBOBO’! A 6ctofttßto S. C ft 6 MIUMI CO *o9oooolo* **** fHFIft 09059 MM 909 P HHI 99*09000 9*oo 9mm Mi H 990 9sppp (,# 9*or*oo 9, pH#* I# IMm T **9oo * * « 9*o **# H 00m 0 *§'***o .. 1* **9o§ I fH#t li# Ih#« I 4jWpH 0m 1 .**♦# ♦*- »##* i * * **™-9*9m 9 **9oo : 41* osot-9» tus 9*o*p*9 #*- **p9s W m*Hso «♦ #-• i- 9 o**os imp*** *99*9*o U 'WSm&Zn pjiwaT 2 * fttsS #fti> A# o*9oooo C pHM ffltttt IMMtt »jMMtt : of* * o*oo9o o*o*9o ft# ft 9*p" ■* * 4MM HliiMltlM* 11*0** 09*90* 09900$ 1 (• 0 i*~*m 0 ***** $9 0 •. > ft i*sm ft* 009* ,* i -o*m ft# o*mmm 099 mm S ... MMB -■ . ---• i fHiTH ftp# P>4 1W #l4l s*o-90 omm flMPftMft • ##f ## ftt MMO 09*0 9**s yt*99k 1 (PT* 9 90000 "* ♦ £#• Tft * <#>4 09 000009*** X99090--W0 9s99oh9s9sM- 9/000 lit o*oo*o**%.. ft 1 999* U t****m i»*ft ft iHfti A# p»> Anhr> 4 ~090990 ft* ft #ft## A. * MAftft 0$ H Mft jMft vMPM ■os omsP >109900 0$ o*m If *409 900* 09 090*400. ■ * m*m **'«ftMMft«Mtt 99 9%4545*9000 9490 09*0 om* »•' >»#p.i<## *mm # I ii»>ftMiiiii *m t—tmmoom rkh. «• as*«ws dswa >*** o*9* «ft# 909 *s4o 9*09 *9o*4 *9*9o 09 s*so4o l.tthXßißh lift ftji ooo9m s*o9*9o 110999990 I Mitt# U**o9f $0 f* EfIMiMI»H>IH 0P # 9$ 9 " m 0o **o * SOUTHERN RAILWAY." "'aaw'a*’*"' »aa«.va Wm. *»■"■«»■ *» •dMßtft## 9900 s*so99 09*0*9 Am<n>ti % | T _ ;1 , 9 mm**. C /wkaVt’BPß. j4s* rt tj At SgSt ■ Efflr 1 * b** : ill ::iw.’ A* I * m n **# T I ::: ••* h«* tm tf**#* l «* • - #*3 *s: - i trr' 1f m• iksK : : r.: :’ li“s j|S ft f Hi m*'4*v<**t 5 w " mm t- m ... ;»5 SJJ* At M»afhß .-I T * * ' - .. |»**»i * *» At kli-ksi-wd . ... * *** **> Ar t*M> i#»aa | •*£• ,JSf : ®..-jflK‘is: • Kirtlj* j ! u«»; I ...—. *«- gi'kw •# BM| llwMy. Lt HrvltMYkk «a I UIAM i” PFuladw:! Ms . ... 4 «*y{ * tea w-Wrafkaky--- USE! »?s: Lv kwhiaaad It Fat BMa Lv Iwartua ..... | * t»a 4 I4p Lv kotfhih | •*. ... ... At ! *«*»». ..... Lv (kWiAnn ISi I tt* • fo-kUiu MB. II «*F • tfoaatar MU. II ffp • WhadM It 41. UMs ft gpllirSkwd « * |U 4Sn*. IM a r colan.lHaUa Asp *. | I llr 4*a “ JotuMHnaa I *Up |in a * Trralua .1 > *;- l»a “ Oraa.ttwtUa I 3 99j>f 7a* a Ar Auganta 4 Up; IPt Lv Ank.villa - n '6p Lv ahsarmuoarg It 49. •Up Lv CoiVui. *C ~ ~ (® t> 7« a Ar (Wlaatua { Lv Car feta TC*P Ky . .'II U . 12 47 a “ e.vaaaah I 441. 6<► a Ar JiK-Sauanlla * Bp 1 > 16a * IKK Pi KG CAR <rnili| RsivlMoi .tally paanragar tarvka hatwrwa Vlaruta and Kaw tork Noa s; and 29—Wsehtnctoa ardßnMkwaatsaa Liao lot Solid VaatihuTad tram antK dintag can aad first a ana cva. hr. north of (Narlotta Pullman draartag room Gasping ear. hsr wrea Tan.iv JaHmoanlla. havaaaah. Waaamgioa aad Stv ’.I Pullman 9.rapiag Cara betwssn Char lona •rul Hi- hiuond piilunan drawtag room •loapinr -aro h» taasa GrooaaN ro sod Norfolk l-ow .'niir. thm at Norfolk for OLD POINT (XIM*ORT. arriving there In Bat for breakfatt. hollii trull with Parlor ears, hstween Chsi IriUti and AvbsviUr. N.a 9ft and SA-U. 8. F».t Mail. Throngh fttsllinan Hr#win# room buffet hireling c#r# b#* Ivrsau JivliKnvilla aad Ktw Y'>r. and Pull man alesping enrs balwron Anglian, ard Cntr loftA Pullman Uanang ear. trMsrssn Jark aucvflls and Columbia, rn roots dally lolaesa J. -keoßvlUs aad Cmeinnatl. via Aehsvills. FRANK ft GANNON, **. CILP. Third VP i Gan. Mgr T M.»a«htngU>n W A TI'RK. R. H HABDWIi If. _ii P A Washington G P A . AtlnntA GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (10th hfaitdlnn Tima.) Schedule Effactlve April 14. 181*. Pullman Slaapars batw.g* Macon anl Now Tork. Through Tullman Slew para bataaen Au. gusia and SI. Louis. Lv Augusta ..( 7:06aml 8:20pm|10:S0pto Ar Atlanta ... 12:35pm! #:2opm| 6:ooaj* AT Macao ..,.|11:15em! I 6:45am Ar Athens ....|le:lspmi 7'2opm| - Ar GainervlUe|*3.4spm| I - Ar White PI si*l:oopm| I Ar Mill'ga la .|10:10am! | 4:3oam Ar WA«h’ton ..|10:10ami 7:iopm| Picayune train leaves Augusta dally except Sunday at 5:15 p m.. and *r* riven at MlHedgevllle at 8:10 p. m- Train* arrive at Auguata 5:16 a. ra_ 7:45 a. m.. 1:20 p. m . and 8:25 p. n»- A. G. JACKSON, G. P. A. JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A- CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule tn Effect. March 6, 1898. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusre, Southern Ry.. 9:30 p m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 a m. Leave Chester, C. & N. W. P.y 7:45 a.m. Arrive C. & N. W. Ry 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir, Stage 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park, Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage ■■ 7:30 p.m. <F. W. HARPER, C. F. HARPER, President. G- P- A -