The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 10, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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AUSTRALIAN PLAN PRAISED tfcii Mpruttn ***«i in* if In SdlttAfa, §£f H u SI *411% fPNNHWUMPjf Ht ***■ pjH:«*mm**'** *# *<;**#**# >iion—*♦» MMlttt.t in H%mm ipUp***BNHl#* i#|pwWi ms I!m> iiOMiMNMk fit t%* s^nn m# iurftiiig m «fgp ## I * ♦ It «••■ •aw*** HI MRP IfHI'HW w««h» at ll» •ririSSS#* rif |-|Nt AflMMlfcMi nn lIWHP «#** Mp* t»s fasts •** SNttjMiMS taf tflp p**m I# •%* imuiiii IN It ht ’ % okhA HpmtHtw# v lid flit * Hi Hit* imm tiW flNtf HI tlMßftf rs KM j Stiff*** trite# MM f iiHri» ti»i HflriM **■• ItewtitHifi id *'•.## IMMitNIVfMNf *l‘ ##H»itttei«H rif ttk* »■—!>»♦* e* #*# Id fW |ffff I I* « ffl 0 Pt# fit te<4*7f ■ «**% Tfo* tMHi iplMlr HI Hf ««** #d KM pfimiriri »•# Hi HifHiitetwwi *%#i fife f|* <|wf*' teIIHMM fit ll** todSt**,!;** IlMri * %»«§*#4 W *<Mft Mte> If fgftitefc* r*. tepMlt HMf *riMut* : dip Hi tt* fligrftnfl id ft*# jrirllf Ml Mh» » At* •*** ft*g tfrii twi s#fSlii%#| •MfIMMI AOMNM| MNI f&flg rw*-«**» Ittftf IwjUl ] <NMI ftpt**** Hi WMto | **4 W <k> *eW **•*•*■ «* IS* | inll) *144 ><•!*« Hud, Ml *«<►*» IH| ■ ID hi MV MM *»*. *ha •»• tew it Ui ayii nmt *« Mu* aM mm Re •**4 EMIiW “I •«* graMSe# M A* aagreaaM as •rath* hI Up* a*w mhih* ayeiraw dmd I* tw ip* l Mi I At th* »H«HI mh «k*H t mm ii *m Ik* »r» (•HI •«>* Mil UM *** fc •u* k and t heard ihMm bur Mrt*«n*> «••«•*• •D.M tiM fba Wntotß I4M MM h*W* • tetftgt* Hit**!** rftltrMl •I think aadra Oiia ptaa the »<*•*» (Mi M |W*»*d MHrtkHtlA M tM( M M iu «M I fcM»H the H*MM« H ii* Hi eawd Hard (bIW IM ""ft la mm hoar Thle »••«><* ha regarded *« l*p<( tMH| ad** IP* id P*aa • I fc*,, n«M*«l atmttar favorable mpnti* tr*m oaamHtr.mew. mmt'rt aal dnuM Truai rtrrj »»rl la ifc* aH> -I roafM* that aMa 1M HrapcatuaH «a adopt iha »pM*ai »•* «m mm*' < to hm Httnl w*»h» h»fo**th» prtMaty hr rapt. Btaflwrt. a aho ara« tM ort* IHitnr at ttm pl«a an far aa AUa*i» ta •Hartraart. I h».i tatMlalnaa ah.M.l Ilia pnnlfiMtltr r* H. IM had artdaHtlr (Inn tha taattar a *r*at Ml #* thought Tha ral«a gmacalng th« •iMra mrrr prapaml hr him >u** aa adopt ad by lH* ftuaaiittaa aal aftar I had *rao thaw a#«l rarafally roaaMar rd iham ana* Ham bafora tha a •'too of tha waamiHra la adopting thata I> Mitißad Mat •• '««hl to try tha ripaiwnl 1 am aary aorr bow that not oaly othar mamhrra of tha romaifttaa. hat «h« pMMr gaoerallr. wilt appraaUt* tha arlitm of Capt BmtharUai la amtaaatlog a ayataa. of aotliur artitfh wot only Inaoraa a fair aipr> *al«a at tha ballot hoi, hot elan tardara tha art of »o'mg » plaaaora r mi'irrd with what It uauatly haa barn. ' n*l»la, Doubla Harral Oua.-Piatola, lUrrtagtna A Rl'hardaou Itraad Bcw platol.. »S »•: Hariingtoß * Rt> haidaan Hi mit hand putola. »M. Amarlra** dmibla artlua platol, tl M- Guitar, Man dolin and Banjo Strtnia. Z for i ranta, at L. i. Sr haul, Railabta Pawßliroker. NO CAUSE FXJIt ALARM. N Y. Sun. Ii 1 Hon. Grovar Cloteland naa-l not ha alarmed. Thera la not gatm to be an other Man of Deatiny at bln heela. *■*—* ,|rn ' * "* sfc *"''" l ' r ~-“ iK ' THE TRANB-MISSIBSIPPI EXPOSITION AT OMAHA— SCENE AT THE INDIAN CONGRESS. From HARPER’S WEEKLY. After a Drawing bt W. A. Rogers. Reproduced from Harper' t Weekly. Gy Perauawon. Copyright, 1888, by Harper & Brothers. , Lxptrt.s tUfflcJ <—i tfwrii He »H pmrp—t IMa ttei Miri« mmt* *i*TW*M* H—— *^ RING PIH STUO. EARRINGS mmvmm m aft in mmm ■each=~ Carrinji Art 12 Per Pair SPECIAL CAUTION J «■. u • itte a tmmmmi **• jm**** M y ay*%jht |m ruMi ilian—nl- «e ♦** Iwtete* • «•’' »?t ».am mam Ha»*#*• ■«**• mi* • iMt aa** tmc* »*d * aah**<( t* vhh fc.« ai waiiaat waw* MAIL ORDERS. ttjfcZ *u tMaa aad atahawya** maaL MMBh <* '•".auia • att*.»■•. <w* ftm. l»*aaa U IV. Ida. loaiwl! • V»» ,v .****?- - ‘ ■*■' * -^^tggtgqCoahh • taaia cti.aiurp M»*iM» ’to «» m*'mad t f*aa« Smi*» sr*™ 4 * b ra‘i. , ir Sr*' Maa*y premattr <awM a «~** ar. amt aa n*»a«ut •hr*Beware of Imitators."** .(dram Mall Ordan «a HARK 105 DIAHONDCO., . CDISON BUHOING. t 43 .nc 44 80-mo Srattr, Nrw You. Hrettan tht. pat l **. A 1 ripple IMlemma. She a looking rather dole fa I, She'* talking very blue. She la no longer aoulful— What can the poor girl do? Tha door bcll'a Muldrn riiuiug Her oervea do aadly rend; Unto the atair rail rllnglaa She • iindent bow "twill end. Breaune ahe'a tender-hearted The war'i to blame, you naa ■ She wan. when they'd departed, Engaged to .oldiere three. And now thin raekleaa pllghter Doth reallae. nlack! E»eh death-defying lighter ' 1 la aafely huntllng bark. —Cleveland Plain Dealer. THU TV TTOT7BT A. HTKTI A.TJ3 INDIAN JIM OF DOOLY COUNT! ||*« lit hd fW|" «li CIMiAM piffteMim hMMaaa »m.i »Ma o*B*.h»*, *d I ha** (%% Un# Ii » % 9mm iwM* Mh* lh«a« dhal Ml >»* i**gOHt aw e*d aaaw w» tha upma gs »aaaaw |Maww Hi fMa aaaMao «m had tam« hmaaw hat Mddlt ** * yaa*a a* t* dkhd Ihh find *ii giataf add Maawt Aa that., tut im dad as feta Math Hwt ***m at saaad and M*Mf that wasawma tta* f*aß*aa a*4 ti*e HhM as Hdaewtia. IM w*a aaa as fhwdp ewaatp * «a»» aa* •*« 1 tmaa. am* tha «i*wf as Ma todum h< : •«a **p**«a*wa »• a Huttita* **aa lH ahary mm MM Ay Iwdga T A H«w*» i white. wAa t* htmaatf waa as lhaida'a j ahlaat had pat (fkOMw* M* tw* a Aaf a*A**H lAa «dya Hh4*h %• iMwttAM Mar* *WMt> > AM tA * •»'* ha w«a aAwat turn IS a* late* “Ma Mta* aadMad mw* wAara I aaA !»*• ih lAa aaaiaaA pm «as 'A* "*a't M l»* taud i«4«a ' Maamtwhi** WwM taaa OahA Head am «<Aw awtl as W«W Mam* white ha iha ana what* Cmatm* A iwmb utaatad wa* a fatal amaad awd ruin* at ad At fMd UraHH? CMHw* AH hiada as wild latMM* daaa tar-1 h*w* ate masaad tha wwwta at will ft waa a wui rwawtra »• aaary mw at lAa ward TAr ptaa Mrama Aad Mwrvetp Aaaw laarhad e».**d h*** a»d theta where a MUIa fatal had Aaaa TAa people war* rwMpaHad to Mr aa tAatr Iwdtvldwal tmmmnm hat lAa pant art haa as <Aatr llvwa aad prasarty Theta am aa ragtalar trM* <4 la dtawa Matas » Ihm naMAw, Aat mmm lag ttlbaa flea "ratty paid ibatr re apnia to lAa aWtlrt* aad hop ‘hem ■ «aataa«iy la a atm l* as drtwd All| ihroHgh the fall aad »later of IMA-Jd the ladlaa* eaaw t*«m the CAerwAew •allow aad waademd through tha eowairy. hllllag aaaw whkh ihey parhad oa iheir poaiea aad carried loin “Not aatlaftrd with the freed«aa us the wood*, where Ihey obtained atorw ihaa ihey a«dd*d to eat. with aeatrely any tier!loo they f.aally ha gan to atewl atorh and rattle from the whiten. The war departmeat waa ap pealed to, hat the wild, of Georgia wire a loag way from the real of gov- > eminent and while the eetller* ware waiting for relief from <hla aourre. the depredations did not let up but rather tarnwsed •'Finally the government leaned • pror iaaaatlon allowing ettlaena to pro teet their property by force of arme. The new* of thin authority to kill lha Indiana If nmaaaary waa balled with dallght, and lha Purdy aattlarw de tortnlned to uae their new right to rid the country of the peattferoua red man. James Brown. M*< k Wade and Hit hard Story one morning mounted , their borana and began to aearrh fc>r the mischief makers. They kept a sharp lookout, aa they knew the In* , dtans w< re a My amt, and would not b* . caught wlthoat great caution. They knew, too. that an eirhauge of ahold with the cruel red men would be g bazardoua uudfrUking. But they word wllllug to rfak Immediate danger ra ther than contend with the ev«r-ln < regains recltleaiuea* of the Cherokee outlaw*. "Cautloualy ihey rode through the settlement until they aurpriaed an In dian In the act of carrying away one of my father"* hog* They were men of ateady nerve and determined wilt. Con*pkuo}M Clcgancc %%<••% M-dhi • fia paaiwiMM as amap *a**Aaai (A«a A*m ( ; InPM tumn “ -I'fh* tt mmaam fawM nawiai AMaAw AMO* aad friiiad an »p»p W wdMMu mtmtm • MdA* * lt ril>^ ,T *** * aad (ifaidaf *M# • TA* **• MM* «M *«* *« (pjawwdM «***» •H**4W>a **d *MHk- ad wdnaMaa df ■«'«• MdMM _WM dw*« mw pw* pha thaw Aaaw w*wag»* awt»aw«Ad nMm «u*«*d # hmmha* «Aat Mw* A»*w **aMMMw*d R* •**•• * •** **"* ** """wmrnmam mm mmm*mm omm <MwtM» *■>» saaauWwaP* dhmaawaaaaadlp Stud »BNm r 'M** NuM* R* lll M** .TTw»a. - -ut* wiiawM* wwa ma* sMdMAS rawd»< 3www« f iTr - VMM hW’ aa tHWdaa aaaw am mMamw* aa * t —* f.yp p -][i -nitr-irt aad fßmas. m tmm —mt Aad *a* (•**• I. C. Levy’s Son & Co., TAILOR-FrT CLOTHIERS. AUGUSTA. . . * OiOROIA NOTICE! and after this date Subscribers to the Augusta Exchange of the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company will be given Free connection to the following places: BATH. S. C.. EDGEFIELD. S. C.. CRANITEVILLE. S. C., JOHNSTON, a C.. Soothero Sell Telepbone & Telegraph Co„ W. H. ADKINS. Manager. JOHNSTON TELEPHONE CO., W. A., President. TVr dM ant Mann*, km »*»'***' iß*u oM nisi and *W*l gwa* to «ka*r •Moulder* and Brad The ladlaa* baav waa atrurfe hr the diarharae fram imwwa * ga* *nd he Ml to ik« gn»«a< d«ad “TIM men look lha ladlaa"* gaw i .bawl aad na cn* aad left him lylag where h* fail aa a aaralng to kla ■**»- radra The body waa fmiad aad bur <wi bp lb* ladlaa* tha« night. Tha three men did not wnate time. Fear ing n maanarre. they rode through the *ett!>mral aad rala'ad what had hap pened. "By the neat morning about thirty men bad gathered together and ll »»» derided to bunt Indian* and run them away from the community. Tbl* wa* eaeiar raid than done The Indian* could not be found and II wa* believ ed by many that they had gone back to the Und of the Cherokee*. Hut the tarrible tragedy which occurred ut home while the men were away look, log for the Indiana, opened iheir eye* to the fact that p>*»r Lo lielong* to the moat revengeful and cruel race In Ihe world. “As thle lime my father employed an old man by Ibt Name of Whitney Jearb *chool Tl*e echool house waa hWut a quarter of a mile from where we lived. My brothers and elder*, myaelf and tuy cou*iq* were the only attendant* of the school. No one wa* left to protect our two fainiliee ex cept this old man. a cripple and help less. About lJ o'clock of the ateoad LANGLEY MILLS. S.C. TRENTON. 8. C.. VAUCLUBE. S. C*. WARRENVILLE. S. C. ,l«r ifivt Ikr departaru of the •MfCh* j m party. «MnW cklMm were go log timr for iliMff, th»y b< «r>l Ik* of ik* oM ligrtol kekrttd thorn. Cuar her*’ Cnwt# fcor*’ - Ik** though! - ibey haati) kin M|, aad kU older bro j ik** and g KMWia *itt hack to *** what **» fb* malt <t Aa I hog got • tueer In |k* arkool boner however. <h*y plainly brad lb* old naan trfiif. i " 'Take rar*' Takr ear*!* •Tk* kray* *t<»>d Mill and thetr heart* fru«* wlthm them aa they aat» I three Indian* rapidly approach the old : mao and ibiot ktm down. Tk* In' - diaa* Ikea akot two dog* irhlrb Mere ) ib« faithful r ixu pan lona of Ik* old | man and hi* friend* to the !**! Ke*r log that thetr death dealing work bad nm tieea well enough done or getlng upon an Impulse of cruelly, they *t*b ; tie*) tbe teacher eeyen time* In the throat and led! him. A* anon aa the I children retained what they had *een |the two families fled from their homes and hid iu n swamp a wile and a half La way. | "We were greatly relieved when about aiinaet the party of Indian hunt , *r* returned. The body of tbe teach er w>« burled (be next day and the luien continued tbelr ***rrh for the In jdiasia, but without auereaa. The In dian* were trailed aome distance north —but were never wen afterward*. Af tar that the country began lo be aet tled up and condition* grew better, and from that time on until now the county has grown and prospered In peace.” PROGRIISSOF THE FIOMT. The Republican Politicians After ths f’oatofflc* Here. •'Washington, Oct. 3 (Special.)— Charges have been filed at the post office department against Postmaster Stallings, of Augusta. He la charged with mismanagement of bis office and with Infract ona of the laws governing Its conduct, but It is Impossible to as certain the specification*, nor will the department officials tell who inspires the charges. It la the presumption here, however, that they come as the outcome of a fight that has been made on Stallings bv the negro Republicans of Augusta, who allege tnat tho post master made all sortß of promises to ge the office and that he has not kept any of them. There were promis es that he would give places to the colored brother. “The leader of this opposition to Mr. Stallings is A. W. Wimberly, who ex pected to be assistant, postmaster. A few days ago the couuty Republican committee of Richmond fired Stallings from membership on that body, charg ing broken promises and Incidentally that Stallings had refused to vote for a resolution of endorsement of the Mc- Kinley administration. It Is this ele ment that is behind tbe charges. Reg ister Lyons, who was chiefly instru mental in securing the appointment of Stallings, has gone to Augusta to straighten things out.” —Atlanta Con stitution. * CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the j /P- ~ Signature of JHE HERALD STANDABB WAR jJTLAS lilt popular because N Is *ust what tht Rreet newApeper-reeding public wants. Ths Isos are large and clsar. and fully double the slxe of any others publuhod. They mrm beauti fully printed in five colors on heavy map peps r IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WAR GEOGRAPHY you will find the Atlas an indispensable eld. II will help you to observe the daily changes In the situat&n, end enable you to keep pace with history. You Need An ATLAS! v Oct the Latest and Best- v Contents of The Herald Standard War Atlas Cubs - - • 14x21 Inches The World - - - 21 x2B inches West Indie* - - 14x21 inches North America - - 21x28 inches South America *7*"* - - 14x21 Inchee Philippine Island***" 1 -* - 11x14 inches Hawaiian Islands - - 11x14 Inches Europe - 21x26 Inches Spain and Portugal - - 14x21 inches Asia - - 14x21 Inches .Showlag aaw 1 ran.-Sibrrtgn Railroad. Africa - 14x21 inches Oceania and Caroline Islands 21 x2B Inches China - - - 14x21 Inches Harbor Charts, showing Mstanzas, Santiago de Cuba, Havana, Cienfuegos. Manila and San Juan; also Cardenas and Santa Clara Bays, and Island of Porto Rico. Do not confound this Atlas with the cheap smaller Atlases now on the market. It Is just out, and entirely new. . . The Maps are clear and distinct, and twice the size of any others published. Rand-McNally Maps are Standard of the World. You can be sure that you are getting the best when you buy The Herald Standard War Atlas. Remember the Hain Point The Herald Standard War Atlas cannot be purchased at any store in Augusta. HOW TO GET IT—City subscribers may call at our office, or may order the Atlas through your regular carrier. Out-of-town subscribers may obtain a copy by remitting 35 cents to the Atlas Department. Address Augusta Herald, Augusta, Ga. PRICE 30 cents—PßlCE 30 cents w - ■ m f-;?' Wtk-' * 4 jf q V========!=====ff / \ / \ famous / \ / \ 9 CbshicrtL ‘ f 'Y \ ShoWT I / yPoesibla \ I / \only to a \ 1 / \hardH»ft«r\ V \ Centre Ball\ A \ Very fine \ |l \ Right.Twi»f\ J^^====rf ==:^t A MEW BOOK ON BILLIARDS •v JOHN A. THATCHER Cunlilon Carom Chnmplon of Oni» , »J>- 'HS, vrlnnßr of fit Louie Randlcup 17, eh<> longeat tournament on record, anil tbo only pl»y«i who Schaefer, tel<*«u»u, and Ivca lu tlm aainu to urn ament. OF INTEREST TO EVERY BILLIARD PLAYER PARTIAL CONTCNTI. 100 OIAORAMB OP S-OUSHION SHOTS. SCHAEFER 8 STRAIGHT RAIL NURSE. EVERY STYLE OP BALK LINE GAME. ALL NURBINQ POSITIONS. FRENCH OORNfeR GAME. STORY OF OWAMPIONBHIP GAMES AND < INTERNATIONAL OONTE3TB LIST OF CHAMPIONB OF AMERICA AND < TOURNAMENT RCOORDB. ETO. The author give# many valuable aiiKirnttloni to uovlcea which serve to < render clear the inethoda employed by the world’* experts. It will allow you HOW TO PLAY , Clath, rs cento. < Flexible Leather. SI.OO. IlUpifll Bter, S»a«*Uiebe». ' Sect, urepalo. to **y eddreae on i re. ttlpt of prlca. Anuta Evtsiai Herald < 7