The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 11, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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TUfftOAV 2 NO WAR PRICES **•*-*•«**•.*.•.■ •s.® ****** oSpi. g », . • • • 5? •* ** mm iMk WtmWm • * • • • «i«nc« of OiftM tfOU 00C*. I <#«*• in a f«« diiyi *o ***| %«%• ym *'■»**» to pm Mil «n •* !*****••* l**'®*** itA of Owmowat m Ampum*. LEWIS J. SCHAUL. j'uwmm Umtsr I hm Ar4n*Um Mat#* HAVE VOL' THE RIOHT w «fi* |«if #4OO 4M0404 MM* tNN*»#• o*4 * *9 4 904404* ***** 3 • 9MMi vmm •# i®*#*?#* •* •** '■ PER WEEK? **4 1 0* #wM 900***40 I*ooo •*# **■ I *9*44*4*l 400 %• Mm*?***# TMe EVERETT t%* (MilV Pl*#*® 000#40f#*4 t*** ••** Burnt rt *IHM» Aft** • ***** *— >** »• farm. MffAiinio *»# Temw »t : AfaTIHT* Thomas & Barton, lH II 9ARHKT > tit HlimiWftT. Al ; «»1 *▼* <»A WEKI. fTARRIEO VESTEROAV. ,rv. lilt- a* *m4Mw. m**<» Hi* limowi ttrtte Hcv# fftaraapsh. Ga , thel. ll.—T** toar- Mali of Ml. J. K #HMI. «t Oft., M* Mia* Will** M** . as M-oto-.n Mo . »Wefe Th« flan am ffMai annmmrial *u l*> cf ur M gavariaaft on ftalanUf *u lalxMl** jn»lrril»|r morning Mi • M*- imi jarfar as tlw brratssa h"ua* TV ftafftft mb* An* I* I** non-arrival a* lha I), n* am Iha nad. failed to rraidi the ddfyr ItolU |*Bdlfil*T Th* 1 aranwof mb* fti. *Ur far! ■ a-rued hf Rrv M AffpWbji al Bollrar, Mu . akm aillb bla wife. Be- 1 MftfftaN 111 atatrr M davaanah- Mr. Add Mr*. Bedell left taal afiannun fur their kaM la WooAMne. Thar* I* ft . hit of nißißßi r IB tha marriage Thr grtftß mb* unit dtvumd from bt*. former wife Mat oral. India Ararat, I to oblige Mr Bedell. after tb* storm. I a work ago. vent to At. Mary’*, the comity a*at of Uarmdrn county, to roßtrr.r court In order to (rant him a Baal decree of divorce, ao he would not be delayed or dlwiowkiltd In rdllni married. aeordUi* to the arranga- I mania ha had planned The Judge to' reach tha court went from Wayrioaa to Jaaup, then returned through Wry croaa to J*ck*onvllle. them e out on the Florida Caatral and IVtnnaular rail way to Woodbine, than tn a bark. 111 tulla* through tha country, which wan covered with water and atonn log* Ha marh«d At. Mary’a after that rough eg parlance Juat li minute# ahead of time. Mr. Bedell showed hla appreciation of the Judge'* kindnesa by presenting him with a handsome present Mr. Itedell la 4» years of age, and one of the wealthiest rice planter* In Georgia. He was one Of the few who laved hla rlre crop after the last atorm. The bride la only Jt year* of age and la strikingly bnndsome. The marriage was arranged to take place in ctavannah. as Mr. Be dell didn't care to take a long trip out to Missouri. The Journey was rut abort by the meeting here. Mr. Briloll met hla wife traveling through Mis souri several years ago. H. B. PLANT DAY. Birthday of the President to Be Cele brated. Oct. S’ will he observed by the em ployes of the riant railway and steam ship lines as ”H. B. Plant day." This will be the third time this until versa ry hns been celebrated. It Is Mr. Plant's birthday and the celebration of It by bis employes dates from the Plant day at the Atlanta exposition In 1805. At that time there were 3,000 or Mr. Plunt's employes on the ground, end they passed a resolution that the birthday of the President should be appropriately recognised each year by the planting of water oaks and other trees at nil the station grounds and about all section houses. The superintendent and divis ion supeilnlemlentH were made a per . manent board to see that the day was observed. NECKWEAR. F. G. Turpin Company has received the latest thing in Neckwear, Ascots, Chat tily, 4-in-hands and Tecks 818 BROADWAY 818 THE PRIMARY IN THE FIRST [tli tmtffSHit HmN Hflk*j U«l *icM the OvdhdMk*. ! |ft> (!•••( »» ■I —'l •*» h «eßhaa**.| I AMI flAafAl* o■* 9** BmMM §*9 9**m X [a** IMb hmmm o*** 9mm ********* I -«* 9*o of* ‘ ***4499*99 09 099**$$ •* 9m o*4* ! m oHw* t*h l IwAi*##* I f. 0 9**** WMI h M H** j ■VftMi 4 pnmmtf ***** I*o*4 mi tit final w**4 i* wmmr j I mtitlh* i |k# rmwffli Or *f* | | wM» »wi «t tiwi fw#j j W UMI 40m MN tm£k&9 | j N 4 •# | fIM ***** miWwwi w%fui mi imp «M»* IM * IM «f «*• bfir- * “ * •“** -fM»* Tb# andM Atll h# «•*•] fmw> it a at ta t p at ettv tmaa, lal awr* place asitsltf agreed apoa by ] tlww shall have a caps <* «*•*, ! agraawsaal. wbtab abatl *» «*#f j awilMrttf Mi tba nafwt of aatd #»«**. | I ttevaatb Kerb of tb* eawdtdate* I parttrfpattat In *Hd prlaanr *I«MI i j apesw ta b* Pound by twantt of aald I ale. ttoa | John I. Cohan and W H Nurab** 1 par tor T O Brown Tlarln H Howard and W It Dun har for A. M Mart a "Augusts Ga.. Oct. Id. 1»»* Look flare I t* anything the matter with you hair? rv, you fvwr baldaeas* Then let as* treat yaar hair ta titwa. If alrewdy bald let me restore It. foe I've dona *n on scalp* bald for h»ag yaar*. Com# to jee* m* at KB t-t Broad *tr*#t MBA SMITH. RETtEMBER THE MAINE. Tbrwa Sight* With a urand; Matinca Tbaraday. R.mrmler tha Maltw, by IJncoln J [ Carter, will be given tt Aral presenta- I ts>n la this city at the Urand. Wednea i day. Tba scenic poaslbllttle*. It la sald.hav* lari fuly Improved, ami the name of I hincoln J. Carter *eam* ta assure this. It contains trophal *cenee of flaets j of vessels engaged In Italtla In the dla | lance and dltrlneea a monster ataga ! ship, for the moving of which special I arrangements had to be made In addt | Hon to the regular scenes of the play. Mr. Carter has supplied handsome spec tacles of a patriotic nature and dis solving light pictures. Rials irate preparations have been made, and the produetbm. It la promis ed. wll surpass all the other Carter plays. The company I# said to he the best that Lincoln J. Carter ever sent on the road, end If the press Is any criterion they will be greeted by a large ainll en«-e. for they have made our sister cities acknowledge their merit. The price* are In reach of all. Night prices are tS, IS and SO cents. Matinee —children under Bv# free; school chil dren IS; adults 25. Saturday Matinee and Night. The Cleveland-Wllson minstrels are being billed like a circus. When It came Pi organise for this season both Wil son and Cleveland knew that the other was to bo on the road and according ly each organised the best company of his career. Each ordered the showiest and best printing to lie h«d In unheard of quantities. Then came the union of forces. They saw that the other managers who had had companies In partnership were dividing forces and weakening themselves, so they came to the vary sensible conclusion that there would be strength and money In « combina tion. It took some shrewd diplomacy to get the rivals together, hut the thing was done arul the two companies are on the road together, giving double per formances, after a double street parade, with separate bunds. Organization has not destroyed individuality, for each show remains as organised. The show Is advertised by paper for three companies. nillinery Opening. Latest styles Indies' hats snd raps, new block tea tilery, cheap. Winter net velvet*, kid gloves, fascinators, plush capes, children * cloaks, hair goods, lowest prices, at Broad Street. MBSB L. M ZACHRKY. "lie's Inherited a fortune, but he'll soon rim through It.” “Yes?”' "Yes; hehadn’t bad ihe property a week before he paid bis taxes.” IHBJ AUOUBI A HiUHAUJ FITZ LEE M 1 SAVANNAH H* ig tmmu r« m , flf gift (Af|Nk. 4-4MMH||MMhj4M| 40 fOMi A . «Mfr*a*» 00m mm*** 00m0 44* Mm4l m44N#NI 0$ 40440400 1 f 0i 00 rn 00m 1044 * i t*» mm*** ft 44i ***** 9m-m*o*oom *o** 9**9ooo* 490* ■ [ **4 9* *w* mm***m*4 ® < [flats as AtiMtb raw wkia* aft* *aa : I who* tftwy wtT h* i*ft»a tw Hmn I I *tt wa* I fi •>»ark w**w n*w I-** i awl *l* nflkam f*«Bf*e4 l« tb* f»a *» j p*=ssissrfts: regarding tb* etMW«M *»d morumml ofHt* «arm TW yaaeaft! WB* awttaaa j Ito get tw lit* rang to go over bla wll! tad twl.gritm* awd to answer bt* nor- j r*apoßder>-« wkirk ha* ragWly wrrog- j julatad and tb adtaar# bv aatd tbat ka [bad oaly a *la*t» to be latewiewbd j I |ot gn tm# mi of iiit I tftittftbS* rtkm*4, mm*r* l *up I mm* fun fm* f**ot* ih* Mft| 99*UUmW’ m&**l*4 111 port*? flartfly bad tba w> rd# h#a» tyokr* twfor* Oaa Lea made tb* rapid Bra an - "I know nothing aaw “ "Wall, gen-ral. lit ash you tt you ilslled Atuada'i# range, where tba troop* wilt ha toratad while here V "Tt*. I warn over tba ground* this morning and waa vary wall pleased with tb# location " When will lb* regiment* rommenr* nrr’tMig from Jar hwiavilla?" "You may aUta that tbay wilt com Bianca arriving a**l Thuraday mom lag and firm tbat day on they will coma in at tb* rg'v of two regiment* a day.” Than they will come a regiment » day apiece uv*r tb* Plant ayatam and th- Torida feuirnl and Peninsular?” "By what roalr tbfy will come that I don't know yet The railroad bids for transportation but yon c*n posi tively state that two regiment* will ar rive each day from Thuraday on until alt (ha onrpa la here ” '•General win you remain In Sav annah now until your departure for Cuba or will you return to Jackepn vllle*" "I'll ha here two or three day* until the troop* commence arriving and then l will go down to Jacksonville to hurry the remaining ragimeot* on ” "How long will the eorpa remain In Savannah V "That question I cannot positively answer; we will Just have to wait her* until the coming of the transport*, which matter haa not been definitely decided upon." "What I* (hr order of Ihe movement of the regiment* from Jacksonville to Savannah?" "The regiments will move In the fol lowing order; Ninth Illinois. Second South Carolina, Fourth Illinois. First Texas. Second Louisiana. Third Ne braska. One Hundred and Slxty-flrat Indiana. Second TlHnola. First North Carolina. Forty-ninth lowa. Fourth Virginia and Sixth Missouri. The sig nal corps Is to prrpare Itself to move at once and to report to the quarter master the date at which It will be ready to go. The sick nfc to be left at Jacksonville.” About this time the minute was up and the general hurriedly went to the hotel clerk, called for his mail and hied himself to his room. The general is looking wall and Is greatly im proved by tits two weeks’ leave of ab sence from his corps, which furlough he enjoyed np North. In New York he was given » grand ovation, especially at the theatre when he was recognized In a private box and waa favored by the lending actress with a handsome bouquet of flowers which she had Just received over the footlights. After that the curtain was raised and the troupe with Ihe au dience unlied in singing the “Star Spangled Banner.” Mayor Meldrlm was seen at hi* of fice upon Ills return from his visit tee Avondale range with Gen. Lee and hiV slait. The mayor said Gen. Lee pressed himself as well satisfied wittj the location for the camps and tlmh everything will lie arranged by thA.- city for the accommodation of tht corps, and that, it is hoped that every- Ad AlfQl 'PlnistaeoL MW »ti— d «*• «.«■—» mgr l * *■*"*» |fWy #■■• mi l *a ib» wiß#*b« M bwdM f *4*o*94 0* o*oo*4 400014 I mro m»mm *m* **'■**■+*■• tmmmut 4MOMMNt **• 0k ?*•* <R%f» *9* f|* fftggMMA 009 mm 4 *4mm 0* Im *9*m m£T*ZZJrZm* m- ywwMM*. as* 1 Mil gTf tt mp 4 ffgltr ♦ .;*.*■-*■* IftMl? *■»» bf 0b *eM §+m**m*m |om ************ 9**o* I o*o *9 9*o* V 0 0* 0090******* j m&mmr* 4**9mP* o*** *99omm* * ******* [ fbKtatßt* -<i 9** o***o*4 W lib* IMM# ( tig flj. gjia g . t-4* - ■ *«! lit* 1 00m'- 1 -**■& m*9 Urn aa>J lOWNRI om* ******** I TIHO 9*ooo*99*rf *"00000**** 100 i fpon**o*m 4MhI o*4*oo *9 ***o*o 00 | ilk* laps- **om** 0 00* **oo po*4 0000 I |m h** mO9 **o4. *OO 0. *o*o I *o* 4kft «dt«y a**4 *• 4-op»4 OMkO OO ****** tt |im(o» *o9*m rnmttm** - 1*00«*• ****** L **9*mofo99 fl o* *m*o*m IMO 90000* l tto-mpmm 0 00 fc**t Üb«* 0 ***** **9 **** I »vfT tita 00m iadß? moo*m*mK 4*ol Mftttf uw* «010000* 09 0000$ 04*9 hf 041000 000 9**o4 09* 90*0 mmm* \mn**mhm*m* mm »oWtl mpm tlMr w4m 1 4*g««f«t4 Wt **9*4oo*o two 0 firm I ko| B||j 0001 *'oo *m *4*ok,*’ *4** l I3t •rftMttftlt *ll. h* 9N*O kmam «t»«* 04 M» -nut r«|r»t OTf iff rt I# 0m o*4 I heater he* at Mlmae <*nw **d peri-A. 104000 0V 4<MNMI*t ff H ofcb 0 0t«l0 • 00000 >JV « U o*9 o*o9 00 rnmmnhm* 0 I wnm* It «00* •% 49* MV *• (M rlgM tmweAUteAy by. tbe " l.ottew M*|l !■ el Pftarwveey 1 *" aawilirtfbl t*ww aw# •llr retie* fNMIM> . It clarite* *Bd eastekM tbe Maadstwaww the ktetfk Meet Ut rid the < Ik mat In* m r 1 n i»m Mi- patge* the »t*r* ri Ihe ■ctnMkNW as 4 BMaddy iwpanuet wWrb tvßdet th* shfa aairh durin *wd aa- Mghlly. mahee eeevy wm at«ari* Itlaate with vieacfly »~l U*s TV# unawKsi Mnw*lh making qaah I tie* of'the ' Oulte* Medicßl HMcweevy ere easily teperwr Is the lempeesty ■«•■* I | a . „f oMdt rittacta It Is far preferable Is Bearer*** eMhUeBSL M teas Ml aM th* I ativtHa of flabby far . bet eltaiiaatee inert errlesa tirrw Rosi the •rUrw, sul Mg the flesh It* a*d whofawsase, MM bringing th* wergW to the aotmal Meaderd of perfect health Mn M» rnkt bo* Morriwow*. h*c Blum C» Obto. ersn . ■ fay fat; •*• a *•»« mem es gnagw. •* red eg<*. mwt mrrm* I coounenred wang Or rieere'. oeMkn ****•«» I Mr—erg ahMlfhe gt es Agril. I alto —fd PrtleW Ito )«»» neertg craeg oh** I VTUU to go*, la prito W* to twelve d«va n , ft, nr ell t>rP4»rre* owdeine* te ,•«■ taorv than their ««**ta in grdd. in m# g* reuir iter* m Uilil np V» them JJSrr fat* jr-4 tedl ao taw I her yrepie cstoc to aah what T dot" There fa no better home ronnaelcr and gtilde to lb* proper cat* of the health of all tbe family than that grand hook, 'Tha prapl<p'« Cunnion Scrnwr Mrairtl Auvtwr. bgti/v Pierce M D <tfbfa thousand page iflaalrated volume i* (hr outgrowth of hit thuty year'* experience *» chief coaaaltintg pht-irian to the Invalid*’ Hotel and Surgi cal Institute. 0/ HutUlO. N Y Apa pet houail ropy will be «e»t abaolutcly flee to* the Biere cost of audtng. twenty Oja (311 onecent atampa Addrraa. Woetd’. I»U penaarv Medieal Awociation. of Uuflalo. If a heavet cliMb hound copy tt preferred, send ten stamps ertia—Jl in all. thing will prove satisfactory. Superintendent Lofton of the water works eald that the rlty water maiee would be extended M once from tha intersect lea of Bolton street and Wa ters road to Avondale range, a distance covering nearly two miles, to furnish the troops with all the fresh and pure water needed at the eampa. The pipes have already been ordered by tele graph and Mr. Bolton has gone to Chattanooga to nee that there la no de lay In the transportation of the pipe*. The water mains wijf be laid just un der the surface of the earth, which will do awoy with the necessity of ex cavation. It will take only a day or two to lay the pipes after they afe received. Mr. Ijtfton says If the corps arrives before the pipes are laid to Avondale range Che water will be supplied at the camp ing ground from the city In tanka. Gen. Lee had a number of visitors to call upon him at the hotel today. ’He is one of the most popular officers in the services. — f* To Cure a Cold In One Oay Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. p. Q. on each tablet. SHE CHANGED HER TUNE. Said He Struck Her Last Night and Said He Didn’t Today. She had gone for an officer, and had him arrested, lie had struck her. she said, lie did not deny the charge, hut went along submissively to the station. At court today, htt again admitted . that he had struck the woman and stuck to the statement. To the court's surprise the woman denied that she had been struck, regardless of the statement the night before. He was lined *3.50, }l!s name Is Jim Samuels. She bears the title of Mattie McCoy. Both orb persons of color. Pineapple. Edam ant! English Dairy -Cheese fresh at Lamkfn & Co. St ORDERS WANT T WHITE LABOR UMiif. if tfci Hmm. t*M* a* | 0900*9* % 001 000 1N0P044 40 *4 4*m : t atwsaww • rbarwa «4 fi 00*4*9 944 **oo4o s4vw**o Hi _ m?*m- 110 * o* j ! & irbgdh m*om>i 4*9 0 $9*9990 94*9 | \9*9 ofwr*mm It Hv T**m4 •* **** j m ( jf'l rtm**o:* 0 OEOA i 1000000 1 ~MU «<llt *f 090*9 *O9 ***** *A [ 400000****' 40 H®V 40*** 0001 01000 WOOJ 1 400*4*0* 90 000* 90 904000404900 4*4 t*9 i JH *900990 909 li 10 4> *4o*99* **; M *mmW» «* # ***t*V LfltftpY' *f * 00 <* % *OO : tw9**o4 rißp mm *4ooo*r*4 if *m *m*om *9' { r iMOi OHOHI r*-# & * o®o*No H9MH ! \%40 1 10 0iiii01004 *O9 H4H|> iHllinHj i m*o o*4**m*o tOMOI 90* 9004 90WW0I 19mm j 0* 9*04*9 *0 09 9000 *m%s*m* o*4*' j4O to* 0100* 0 10 •IHOO 940 Vi* ** P*** Um* *o*9 9*49 4 t|» 04040 90 o*ot*"* \*9 mltfWo4 lfoAto Tom *9*4*090 m [ «nf MMMMNMH fbH«MP9f« ¥ tt 40 tw* tet «•-..? k • ■» I ajrMiifirirni t* MOV **o9*9 0041 01 10 00* 140010011000 004 *94990*09* 99490 » throw tewsriboat «»rt hw» [f,,. wvooo 1 IfJH* [np* * »*f get Kafato lb* I aaw*. I Ilf 00001 4vdofo4 4# OMUOMOI 10 000 lOV 000 4*h9to4*9 Q 0 k* '(.M0 1 <l# FV 00 t 0 100 Lmiili |o bm4 lio 14# »IHt tm*mm *0 their flrrwrt and rail lb*tw bneher* I J|w said ha araaicd t* at* tbe day wb*a white mew wilt m copy tha boa «w th* left hand aid* of #y*ry aw*ta*. sad ha [hoped tb* engtaaen wOl ao-otgara*# | aitb tbe fin at*** aad other orseaiaa turns la arcucaptuhtmg tbla 004* Hv said he bad ao parpoae ta raiamg tb* Iqotottow other than tb*« the## piar-a oa tb# eaglae* aad <m the iraiaa be long to arhlta mew aad that by poi'ey at some few mads mao'* worthy iltl nns aad workmen are kept oat of pl». re* which the* should bar* ll# »*id tbe unto tday COWS# wkea tbe < otored map est hot only ns tbe left aide la tbe flremaa * place, bat be may rw ptare lb# eoglaeer oa the right aide, t’alsaa tbe eng!Beers united with tba firemen and other organise!tons It putting white men ta tbcaa piece* i bay might regret tb* indiflcrewca la tba future And he aatd It may be th# time wll! come when dusky Individual* will wear swallow tail coata sad punch tickets. Morris*) Take* It Up. At night Mr Morrissey referred to! this question and hs declared that thete should ne white men la the pla ces of the trainbands employed by some of the roads. He said II I* the greatest problem before the railroad men of the south and that he would pledge his organisation to use its best efforts in abolishing the system of some roads In keeping white men out of these responsible places and putting negroes in then* because they may save them a few dollars in salary each month. Negroes work cheaper than whit# men and I* said this may account for the custom of employing them by some managers. He declared that the traveling public is Intereeted In title question and that when It is once brought to the attention of the public there is no question where the people will stand. • He said It Is to the interest of every citiien that good, reliable men lie em ployed to alt In the fireman's box; that it is for the protection of every traveler that cautious and sober white men man every train which runs car rying its human burden and valuable freight: that white men should be In charge of every train; and that white trainbands only should be found on the passenger and freight trains of this country. s The labor In the train service Is too responsible for employmen of negroes in the work. Mr. Morrissey said tho negro should not be put iu these places to the exclusion of white men who aro anxious for them. This subject came up unexpectedly and It was perhaps the feature of the union meeting. It will bear fruit and the agitation of the question, now that it is under way by movement of the grand chiefs, will continue, and the railroad men of the south will mako every effort to obtain tbe co-operation of the railroad managers of the south In replacing the colored firemen and trainbands with white men. ••BIG DICK” AND “LITTLE JOE” The Crappers and Two Fined Fifteen Dollars. Six orapshonters were arrested Inst night, and told to come to court to day. 1 Ben Miller and Charles dibsnn turn ed up: the rest did not. Ben was much worried. He had lost in the game. He had his troubles add ed to when thejtnige fined him *l6. Charles Graham was fined a like amount. The other crappers will be caught to day. . . a. AUCfUbIA I tUht. .Ml ftUMLtt 04«TTftt. ***%} M D * Ifaagskh- -ofr fvrg iofta w* *h* Nik |gwtSgb*c*ft ee i g\ t ftft t w fa mtrnmf sglio mmrm WANT ADS. fl?1H 00| 0 fOOO 9*ooo OPMT 010 0 0K S- 9& i .<Z**~** | t fang -fa m*m (o*4 f sis n iii i M||g mum % p Wfadfa# SITUATION WANTEO Llll ■ ■ I—1.11—« ■■Mi. Ml I —I III I ■ Hl*. »■! !■ W 0 4tTW44 oN«o^f'i? I '*o 00 *°*|wosoMK I'» ; 0| otWoo| 9*4*01 94 111 p**4*4oo* ] I 1100 stpsH ok*9**4o 90 *s(o*9., ***** $4*009 * 0' A « A St fT *¥9**ol 00 909*T" j I nn m 409000-. f*9m***9m 9m s**% 0 9 J4I4U > 1900111 10 09 09* **‘4ol lUftlt 00M0 «a| r»oP»ib o|oo* 019 Tw* ] I 9* ttlf00«mI o*oo*9* X- T* i [ WAjmtt*p—A *nr*rnm AfaNt'iutß «g tonrae gWI Maaaßß Hetkr MBS TVt, ■ fair e*rest, Ckrt H ffAFIYSi BY A WHITE Ul»f - A : pnsgtiaii tw fantriy ** tab-’ r arS at 1 H M*e by ewr* at rhDdre* Address fa. { iH oar* Herald tm U HELP WANTED I i was a is mi ianlassaiiiitei ■ » »'■■■ ■ «»■-'*" ■■■minw I [\V AXTTi> - ICX PICK I >;,Vi‘ibli X t *HOIL faettiad *y«B*n wttn ted ofatraf*. Apply ts F. M. Bun. ltd OrassM 'street. Oat U | FOR SALE Cltt AM —r'BBAM AT M JACKPOM *T. FUR gAUb-ISh-ACtUI FARM. ON* aula from city limit a. a bargain Ap ply W. C. Japan. No. Ut Jatkaoa Ut. Oet t PUR PA UR CTIRAF -r*.VK I.IGHT ar rtna vsgaa. saw. al W. O. Bohler* OeCH TO RENT TO HtST-ONH R'lXI, Ft’RNHM*KI> room, with hath, flee and light. Ap ply to tit Urreoa street. (Act 17 FOR JUSNT STORK IDS AND HALIe | WAY » Broad Apply Commercial Hotel. CM 1 TO RENT —PTORE NO. Tit BKOAD I street, next below Davenport A Phtn- I igy, running through to Eilia atraet. (Price tt.SM Aleaaader A Jahuaoa, ?M | Broad street. C»u 1 TO RENT -TOM MODIOUS BTORE. No. K 1 Broad street -ITS per month. W. 8. Uardner. IIS Eighth street. Oct t FOR BENT-A NEW HOPBE: MU Gwinnett street, five door* west es Woodlewn avenue, eight room* and bath, poaseartion given at once. Apply to Clarence E. Clark, MS Broad street. Oct 1 ts TO RENT- FRONT ROOM. FUR NISHED or unfurnished. Jls Camp ticll street. Oct 17 lost and founds DOST. FRIDAY, OI.D STYLE, round hrenatpln. with pfMri In center, chain attached. Reward for tt return to Herald office. Oct 13 MISCELLANEOUS SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING only 76.00 per inonib at Oehorue'a 'Business college. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at night. Corns or call at once. Great demand for stenographers. June 17 ts 109 BASKETS CONCORD AND DEL AWARE grapes. Just received at Gl ovani’s, s3l Broud street. Nov 1 DANCING SCHOOL—MI &3 BELLE Smith’s school wIU be in session for children Tuesday? and Fridays at 3:30 o'clock. Adults Monday# and Thurs flays at 8:00 at her parlors, 428 Kollock street, northwest corner Telfair, begin ning October 11. WANTED—PART OF HOUSE, WITH stable on premises. Address E. F. M., P- O. Box 214, City. Sun Mon Tues 3t NOTICE—AUGUSTA. GA., OCT. 1. IS9B. I have this day bought the In terest of Press Job noon in 545 Broad street. Lizzie Moure. Oet II DANCING SCHOOL—MISS BELLE Smith's school opens tomorrow (Tues day) «t .1:30 at her parlors, northwest corner Kollock and Telfair. Oet 10 WANTED—REGULAR BOARDERS : good fare and neat beds, also one un furnished room to rent. Apply Mrs. A. J. Avera. corner Ellis and Washington, or 603 EUis street* , wx Nov. Ift OCTOBER II 9* 44* *990990'** 09*0*0 *mSOM 44 00990 90*99 0944*4 *99 094*09*9*0 90 o*9 90-t mm* p**m*-**» '*o *09000*9 *9O 49 000000004 *** K 9 » ibi 00®' ■ ifainiM—iw« i m*m*m*p******mws-,s*mam* , *ot*9o9f 1 4 9009*9*00 90 Tw»m 9*49 * I—T fa * -ytfy Jt - . mm **4*4 1} 900 k ofa OMO Igh »« .***oo*94 0b faiPM''4 00 4*o »*4 000 4*®#' | Special Notices - 4to4p, 9p4apoof mm* 010*90 1 00 4*90 fHII o*9*o 94t*0$Tff 9M I* m*-s*iMo* [ 4Nt# 9i 9*4* *o* 44 *mA%4** *194*4 m* •jtgirmr *tm »opffr-f ks ■■'■*.wj 00 OM4NI I— -1101- orn*m*m *O4M» 04 ••99% [ Ifas-'big-faw 490*090 10000 49004 m 9 0 40* * * 49409 4 -1 s t.r 4 %09 Tt9*»49i 009mm*4 C.'00014 ?NO 1500.600 INCi •00000 l ToTtfo%jF9f*i Wftyfc [149A4 441 JT A MIU i t !*m 000104 90 A 99*4 * <9# f 804 MI V 10W0I *s•o**49 mi 904 T I 000011 f'®o% 104 .00 Hf-. 0* 4 04(99* [ gggtetegh' hi'*—mb wiinij tiinisw* v.,. .^mmmmmmmmmrnmwm Ylt •t 4A * 0k C* JP’’%9 0 9 It 01 !||to A.i ag OFO fl fal telY || aa . \ o|* 00 | 0 Hat ffawfah—Lfg* Fvfawsk i ,** omm , o*. 0§ r t* * ~.#.«*»# ••• [ |or j *9 IJt 001090* 09 *• b* 9* : '«* MEotro W*mm v > •*«*»•* 94? |ftA AM Wtm4 r»l»ffktft4 #« ••• i M •» • ■■ Fin* ten** at fafowlsw tm faftStft *** j TV'totoV*. F It MBRYINB. ; Tattor *»4 fSeat#' Furwtab*». ****"#«# Motel. milinery Opening MRS. M. RICE S and WetJceiday, 11 i 12 gr BISOAP RTRKKT. t IriTAIR? Money to Loan REAL ESTATE. *rr ly to Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. CAHP4JS - Their Regular Maying on Last Evening. Taut evening. Camp 435. TT. C. V„ had their regular meeting. 8.-#tdes the regular routine buelnea# of th* ramti there ware several little matt era of Interest that came liefore the veterans. The resignation of Captain Frank Ford waa dlscuaaed, and Captain Ford waa finally persuaded to withdraw hi* resignation. He will serve until the an nual meeting tot January- The cause of hla resignation was that he has ao much business In the lauik he did not feel he waa giving the treasurer's place tha time It deserved. A resolution waa unanimously pass ed. protesting againat anyone hclng tho Daughter of the Confederacy since tho death Of Mias Davla and declaring that th* veterans are determined that no one shall wear the mantle of the de ceased daughter. Every camp throughout the South that baa met since the death of Miss Davis has adopted these reoelutions and Ihe title died with her. We Ihave the cheapest and best special order Restaurant in town. Come and be convinced. INN RESTAURANT, 7 I 7 Broad Street. j CASE NOT MADE OUT. But Evidence Pointed to Officer Britt Having Used Violence. In the case of Dora Johnson, charg ed with violating No. 18 at court today, evidence brought seemed to point to Police Officer Britt having used unnec essary violence towards the defendant when arresting her. According to Policeman Britt's story; he had arrested the woman because a certain party had said that she had a bundle of clothes of his, which ho wanted to get beck. Tbe >voman said that she had been given ihe giridß to keep for another party. Where she had violated the I?th could not lie made out. so the judge dismiss ed the ease. The woman said that Officer Britt clubbed her severely. CAST OHIA. Bwrs th# to'TlM Kind Ym Havs llways Dtsfjtf V*