The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 11, 1898, Image 3

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TUIIOAY (EVER TREATED I WITH PRATER fl'MiM INw* AffiM II TH» IM IlnMVft * Atman* #*., •# 11-' ■* r*h« *«*>** I «L •*» «l •» i 4 # MM». t# 111 { ImHiiMl •**•*» I tnM*A»« ttH Lmd*o *••* ***** | MR. Ml Ml • **# MMWM* **• j MM'M Mm hi*h»d. *b* IM* ft; §«• MMt tMr ftMftMft MM ftl *H I** 1 * •mm mm* star CMrwwMft ® ***** h**m> * M*» m*Ami •** T-urr -]g Ift ft ftIMIM ftf hr**f IM* ft* i ftftNftfttftft ftft* *• ••** ft*# **4 ftftl# *l* # 4 ****** ftft4 *•*»% ftft* in«nh»d 411 t«* Mftl | ftl— tftftM ftft* * tftttlft Mil ft H-ft t'ftHftMftft Iftft*— ftft* g»: t t iMft Tftftft* M* t Mftftl **r* ftft . •Mi |» ftftlMf ti v»* ftaftM v* • lwr»«l aw* M ft* ' |M4 ro«*d « pftfft**ftft »» ft* * , »*** *<« •Ml* ft* «*M <M **■*. I ft*** ft fftpft- ! riftft ftft ft** •• ftft** Ift* fftftftm m |g nt» fA , -.sißiir -fta ** ft** taft gfvtpg ft** **» ■ 4 Mr AM l» Malftirr m trj **4 «**» tftiMl ftMJi ftftrft Mat *ft fftrMlMft ftMM# ft*ftl*tV *ftft ] ftft tftft WBfft Nft. ft* MM *ft**4*l*’f fta«>»ft>- - ftft fttWfttftft**. I** «r **» ■ti.| ftf tha* kMft Ift trootlhg ft tn- H m til Mi jin ’ Ift *#*d am*****- tt nfp4 BBtfkiMt #®B* Vkß im»t kß*#* 9k# fir * lii iMff I 818 •** |#F l! #t#af'#4l I# Bf lk#t ipisf#»B# f#Bßt# lOMNi j tfcr»« U*k on tk# 4NMIN9 k*#BtfcM j * a iky flrtisvMr** t% r mlm+4 l*lß<§Bßy -tiirf mtr iiinr folk* *%o tut to 40. limt fgtert ft|K# or# tl»%# I 490 Ilk# f k.§# I# '«»Bl#BHl Wilk lIKMt ' Vho A) tMVt Miftv IB Ms taith mlt npHtl tot w lli **|f tarn #aai tk# Ms **l #t* to Mr* | Mini* for *l# «ii ?•* M W# kß«# Ih#i chrtft laq Hr »#uftat# j #ftn*< ftft %ft* j| J y ft- Hf * ffl Jf 99 if# BB<l I “**40109 w# k#U##* (bat #f»* will I#* faatqfvd Com® to the Inn Re*t«u* rant at 717 Broad Street and get one of Chef Shef field's Dinners. CHAttQES NOT PROVEN. nr. C. J. Rmmi. Charged ft W Srß iag l tquor IM*ml*»*4. Mr Ctirl* J. Rooney ■*** before jodlt iiaxtar tliMB oior&tftf. rbirfol m It arMln* IlfßCir oo »••( Stii'lty. There w** only oft ottUft la ill* a.*#. Mr Wltltra Brown, n young AM Hood Mid Ibat Brown had whit* man. ( onsr to bim »od reported Rooney on its* above charge At court Brown did not aeetn to re 10 cm her about tbe metier. He proved * poor rrttneM (or tbe city. He did ~ nt mb)t being drunk Sunday, but he nod be had drank from a bottle be hud procured on Saturday night ami bad not bought liquor, that be remem laiea. from Mr. Rooney on Sunday. He vii not certain that he bad ever gone to Rooney * on that day. * Were you ao drunk that you could rot remember having done any auch thing?" naked Judge Baiter. ‘•Well, yea,” slowly replied the wit ness. Mr. Rooney made hla atatement. Bay ing ‘hat Brown bad come to hi* place on Bunday and requeued that he be eold liquor, which he (Rooney) had refuted to do. The case against Mr. Rooney fell fiat. From what can tie Judged by what occurred, R »eems Mr Bro«vn bad be come angry with Rooney becatise he had refused to eell him liquor and had ao reported the case. New Maple Syrup, fineist quality. In bulk and rana at Luimkln * Co.’*. TOOK POCKET BOOKS. Two Juvenile Thieve* Brought to Police Station. T. S. Toole and “Babe" Toole, twro email colored characters, last after noon did the stealing net. Thpy pro cured a pocketbook from a Mr*. Kil liogswonh, and attar taking the money out tore up the pocketbook. They also took up with a similar arti cle belonging to a Mr. Bresnahan. The money was recovered and the two ju venile thieves brought to police sta tion. They are tco small to punish, so will be dismissed. They are related to a man named Toole, who robbed Mr. J. B. White’s store about a year ago. We Have the cheapest and best special order Restaurant in town. Come and be convinced. , INN RESTAURANT, 7 1 7 Broad Street. Counsel appointed to dei’end an Irish man challenged several of of the Jury, v ho, his client said, had a prejudice against him. Are there any more Jurymen who have a prejudice against you?” whis pered the barrister. ••No, sir, the Jury's awl roight,; but Oi want you to cbalengc the Judge. I’ve been convicted under him several time already, and loikeiy he’s begin nin’ to have a prejudice against me.’ a\ i isi £ll i | i Ia? rv ! vj I 8 I Best anil Newest Production on Sale at the Lowest Trice Store. ___ 100 Rolls Ceorßla made superior Carpets at 30c yd. These Roods look as well and will last longer than any Eastern Carpet at SI yard. 10c per foot for the Rugs, same quality. nnv.nt.AmlM Mill t | .. pn.l tor *I.OO. SO ».n..SE* ISLAND SHIRTING toll. 1000 p*lr L«. Curtolnft tore* Wft. *1 Just 80 Ih. b... lor ,<m. dim. <* UolWr .. P. D. HORK AN & COMPANY’S INASOCIALWAY l I vP m! \v-,' I ,"tar> l**«r Mi NMm«> l l|«. •O Mir; dNr. O Mary tvmi at ><w little fairy W- Majr. luMr. do a»« «-nraful Mart— I lay my fortanaa and »» Maart. “If y<»a will W wy own. own »«*. A dr*»m of raw will W )«w lif t. And all thai •*** and gold r * n O Mary, itoar. I ll d« for yon." • • • “I amrn yonr Hoart. I acorn * our yoM. I harr a lamkrin bravo and bold, tla* of a hallloablp'a hravo crow, My aailor awaotbaart triad and Inir, ‘Hr haa no fold, but strong and Iral, Hr frwrlrarly guards hla country's wral And aa Mr lovra hla country so. Hr'U lovr hla own, own wlfr. I know." M rilßLt’tf lIAWHON. In Sew Yolk Sun, . oar.f The Episcopal Convention. Many of our prominent Bishops have for aornr yrara part Iwen determined u|ion rrvlainc the church canon In re gard to marriage and divorce At the convention of the Protestant Kplwopal church—attended by aevrral Augustan* thla week —which opened In Waahlng- Inn no Octolrer 3. thla apodal question will hr an absorbing on*. The acandala and notoriety which have grown cut of existing rondlllt-iUi of affalra have rendered the necessity for some action Imperative. The Ho man Catholic church la never agitated by thla question, as It considers mar riage a sacrament, and therefore its annulment by a decree of divorce an Impossibility, In this country and England, howev er. the ms rriagi-Nif the Innocent party In a divorce haa lieen sanctioned by the Episcopal church, though not univer sally approved, but in neither country ate the marriage laws of the church and state altog“ther In acord. In En gland. moreover, where rhurch and state are united, clergymen are often confronted by problems which do not exlsi among u*. There allegiance la owed to two authorities, ns It w ore, and marriages are permitted by the one which the other does not sanction. The state /night permit a clergy mu n'a per forniing a marriage ceremony, for In stance, which the church would not ap prove, and yet the English church is part of the state. It Is interesting to see that at the convention an effort Is also being made to Insert among the canons other new provisions in regard to marriage. Clan destine marriages ore discussed,and the duties inoumbent upon th» church In admonishing the people from time to time against them. Nothing could be wiser. Quite apart from its relation to the church, the question of clandestine marriages Is one of enormous Import ance in Its relation to society and in dividual .They are always to be dis countenanced. The consequences are not easily measured by those who enter thoughtlessly Into them. The young are apt to Imagine that their unions are the concern of no one but themselves. “I am net marrying the whole town!” some thoughtless person exclaims, who has been offended by an undue inter est In his affairs. "It’s nobody’s busi ness but my own!” And yet a marria;;e Is the business of many others besides the contracting parties. The whole so cial fabric is built upon the recogniz ed union of man and woman, and for the protection of those family tics which grow out of it. Those who marry clandestinely sin, therefore, against the very conditions which were established for their pro tection, and the higher the ascent in the social scale the greater the risk of this secrecy business. Indeed, one excellent test of one’s po sition in life lies in one's ability to make a secret marriage without comment or consequence. So nearly do these marriage ques tions concern us all, that the interest in the discussion held at the conven- *rf*ir J 9 T7QT7PTA i, r*ot €f Alltf Ik# V#»** VBNB •try Rmmi CJcfftk Mr T ft* ants Iff* 1 Ar4iv# K If (•»# Ml## l#Hi W. Clarl or III* fc#Bi»»if#l ttk »rn*| to la# BwtnvMl Ik# l#*#l bonoturfi In tf»# ®r W#®4 Ammu tk# Mlw nk*« hair «Bk#B to M4m* IB til# law (*’ w inn non- nr# w»«rr *4mirr4 fh#n M»*® Matalr (Tiafrr, Miw Miimn Rl«luif«l* Ml## M#rc»i« • HoWrt#or. «•#! M»«» !*»•- • si# giolt. It I# (« I# r»*r#UH (Ml #» f#m of It# m#mh#fi* poriraM* wrf# U«*ud. Md fiT fki# mmmkw* ##»• and not iuneil In »Ilu#ir#ilnj| Ik# BVtl* Dr. Itopkiftft In St. LonU. Mi## J**##*«* Hopkim #Hr» haa l#*#n th** of Ml## Ida A|>pl>r. I#ft l##t | and Ituth Hopkina,. aixi h* r hn*lk**r. ! Mr. Hi Hr# f|c*f»kln#. THt*y l##v# Car* | tartvill® today for tlirlr futur«- fcoiM, In Hi I>iill#. wh#r# I»r Ilopklna haa faftm b htnni*. r**tdy (urnl#h#o »<*r di# family. It I# with #lnc*rr rr*r**« that H- pkin# int»*rr#tlnir family »#•• them loav# thl# city.—*Atlanta Journal. Ml## H«>|>kin# ap«*nt laat winter In Au*u*ta. th»* «u *#t of her hndlnr. Mr. Thoraaa HouJOM. »nd It la #llh r#rr#t her friend* beta b*-ar of her leaving Society Women In Buslneat. Mr#. Frederick K. Paraona la anolkaf well known New York woman who ha* r.*ve into bu*lne*n. (the ha* l*k*n up shopping by rommliwlon on a Urge scale, and ha* ** patroie****** Mr*. J. Pjerpom Morgan. M*» Jarne* J. «sood uln ami Pr. John H. White, of Ihe Berkeley school Air*. Parson* is also a decorator of quaint and artistic hou*e«. Ml*. J. Pierpont Morgan la alw-ay* much knrere*te»T In the effort* of gen tlewomen forced to earn their living, find it I* she who Introduced to New Yoik Ml»» Oreen. the photographer, who took many of the gnoup* »t the Bradley-Martin bal|. Official Notice to Ladies (Tentorial Association. All presidents of the 1-adles’ Memori al associations throughout the state are cordially invited to attend the conven tion of the daughter* of the Confeder acy which convenes In Borne, Wednes day, October 1-th. JOPRPHINB NOBLE SMITH. President Ladies’ Memorial Association and Daughter* of th" Confederacy. State paper* please copy. Wingfield-Boone. Mr. and Mrs. G. Perlno Boone have issued Invitation* to the marriage of their daughter. Amle. and Mr. Samuel Barnett Wingfield, Jr., Thursday after noon. October twentieth, at si* o'clock, at their residence, Gainesville, Ga. Mis* Boone Is charming remembered in Augusta by many friends won here during a visit several years ago. Hr. and Mrs. Barbot Entertain. The Cross Country Hiding Club will ' enjoy one of its delightful meets to night. and will be entertained by Dr. and Mr*. Victor Barbot. Birthday Party. Master Lawton Evans celebrated his slkth birthday with ,a charming chil dren’s party. Miss Bertie Anderson is visiting rela tives in Savannah. Miss Belle Walker has returned from a visit to friends in Waynesboro. Miss Annie Sehweigert is the guest of Miss May Belle Glenn ill Macon. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Berckmans, of Augusta, are In Savannah, the guests of Dr. J. C. LeHardy, where they will spend a week. Mr. Berckmans, who Is president of the Georgia Horticultural Society, was married on September 24 in New York to Mrs. Purdy. , BLANKETS--North Carolina and Tennessee made for 26 per cent less than Eastern makes. DRESS GOODS—AII the Newest weaves and colorings of Domes tic and foreign novelties and trimmings. Tk arm! Wla fa ikLIIST lOKT too n* C. H. HOWARD. JR’S f«r »nlB» B#4 ifSBM *■•*##* i #•#! Sa»4 Ik# k##i bwwmMbmhbl is tk* •aaatDtf WiU« I f*At«tffQK'k b«BI #!• ; iyiMIATN* P*+twm~ «M T#W I ur.mxt pmtmm— *M T*aw *‘a ftftftfxt‘ll ifiyiAi.fiw***** Tk# Ida###' Fa%anmi* ' rstw## # rvß«NHr#B#« Lvtgei#'# VWm Wbi##. . I Mak* •# »W*k* fes *** k#vt Bl C M HotfAßh JR 4 Ml**** Henrtettn R™* ! kw tn Macow Mim BeuTftl Mrs tel. »f giiwtee * the*. Mr R A Rt«*l Hi order t" <*n )•»» the ndt#nt*n» Mre. S. L. WH- I Miae Monet* Ofteen. of * Ip , left thl* morning tor after spending * few d*y« In the rlly »Hh her roueln. Mr. J W*lt#r l>«r Him ilateen will remsln In Mirw « few ! month* before returning to her home lln Rumptrf. A rharming hnuse party U r«mpo*ed of Misers Laura Hsnkln.nn *nd Mo.oil. ItoiniuMW. of Beec-h Inland, and Ml** Hthtd Whatley, of Aiken, ft. C.. at the home of Mr and Mr*. K W. Coltln. lon lower ttreene alreet. The altarctlve | hostess Is Mias Isabelle Coffin 1 tt-yenr filled gold watche* In ladle** land gents’ sues with Elgin or Wal tham movement from 17 00 to (12 U. Guarantees with each watch at Iftwla [j. fichaut’a, Hellabl* Pawnbroker on JtckiuD atr##t. UNION SI;RVICIiS. Of the fHethodlat Home Mission Socletle* of Augusta. The MethodiM Home Mission Soci eties of Augusta aro mats lag at St. 'John’s church 'every afternoon this | week. In their annual week of prayer. I The service* were conducted yester day afternoon hy the ladies of Ihe SI. James society. Three important subjects to the organization were dU ctinted: "Parsonages." "Ixian Funda." and ‘’Members.” and they proved to be very Interesting as well as pioflta ble. This afternoon the Wood lawn soci ety will have charge, the subjects be ing The l/indon School, and The Chi nese and Japanese. Tomorrow, the president of the board of city missions will lead Ihe service. The subject will be City Missions. Thursday after noon Asbury society will have charge, discussing "Supplies" and “Proportion ate and Systematic Giving." Friday morning at eleven o'clock, St. John's society will lead, discussing "Liter ature." Every woman interested in the home mission work Is urged to attend these services every afternoon at 4 o'clock, at St. John’s church, except Friday, when the hour will be eleven in tbe morning. The Sphinx Is a woman with ft great head—and sha never said anything, either. Pineapple. Edam and English Dairy Cheese fresh at Lamkin & Co.’s. • Our Evergreen Lawn i Grass Seed 1 The best and moat popular Lawn Grass Heed sold in the youth. To 1 make a fine green sward sow now —This will beauti y yonr ceme tery lot* and front yards. We i carry a fine tine of LAWN MO WERS—If you will need one give 1 us a call. We are headquarters for Heed 1 Rye, Heed Wheat, Heed Oats, Seed i Barley, Onion Hele and Garden Seeds. 1 Alexander Seed Co. 632 Broad Street. * Bell Telephone 2075. | MOM OHOVITOH H. (*#•%#%•# ik Mm 11* #4t' -A tftskMl Mat *****> fiiftiloil HA. Ort II -IKlnt Ms B#t# k# ( (IBP# «•( M#V *Bl • BP### W i"(I# M'll s# rrtdai W* are driighted In know Ml##' ladtpl# Kiti ilit M'ltii HtoJf bb4 M»## IlnuM# *s<#Bt Kt»«l#» B««k D!#ad» iB A«**»»#(* Ml#* Idllljr Hill. <pf Ailbblb. • *«w# up to K»ffl# » S*+* ob Fvkla> U* • thi®vv id Ik# «*lßi*r auk k#r bubi. Mr# Job. Hill Mm Jordan r#lufß#«l k» k#r fioca# Hi ||r|,h4l*#h <u> Hi* ilH#% afHTMOk Ml## Hyldlla Fr#4#r»<k. of Ao**mia. !• Ik# gß##l of My «b<l Mf*. iwifph , |*t*llUpß Bt H(W i««#pb Mi»# H#ll# Rpipwr. o«# of Klok##*« j til#’#! (harm)na jrvotßß !•<!(#•. •* Hm* l Inn k#r M#l#r. Mr* W J. Hwttli# at HMBBJBId# Ml## ppkk> Rlulb on# Of AtigUfitl** bright maidens, who ha* been on a visit In Ruthvllie. returned home < n Saturday aict»mpanted by her friend. Miss Idells Ganler Mr l>ee Gftes esme home front ramp this week on a thirty days fur lough. We are always glad to welcome our soldier boys bark. Mrs MtKinnle. of kugusla. has re turned to her home In Grovetown for the winter, after a pleaaant visit to her alater, Mr*. Wray, at Wravswt od, Mr Will F. Muse, (really to the re gret of hia many frlenda, returned to camp on Thursday last. Mra. Annie Greene, one of Grnve lown'a old favoritea. left us on Satur day. accompanied hy her pretty little I daughter, for Augusta. Prof, and Mra. Ben Jordan return to ' their pretty new home on Monday. Miss Carrie Heggie, Miss Ella Smith | and Mliw Mary Willie Heggie spent jThtirsdfty with friends in Belair, j Mr. Stewart Phlnlzy and family moved down to their home in Augus ta on Thursday and Villa Marlon Is now deserted, too. leaving only Ihe pines to whisper and murmur over the echcea of glad voices and bright face* of the children. The whole village will rules them and we ahull be delighted to welcome them back with ttie other spring will bring to us. We regret to learn that Mr. San ford’s bright little son. Getty, fell from a fence on Thursday, breaking bis arm badly. Sunnysidc's fair little bride-elect gave a charming dining to her girl friends on Thursday evening. The dining-room was beautifully decorated with bamboo and golden-rod, but the daintiest of all were the double par lors, decorated with rosea alone, for there Suonyside’s fair little hostess re ceived the rose-bud gardefi of girls, which adorned it most of all. among whom she shone fairest of all for (he last time amid the friend* or her child hood, among whom were our pretty brown-eyed friend Mies Carrie Lee Clifford. Mirs Smlthe. Miss Ella Smith. Miss Carrie Heggie. Mlsh Mary Willie Heggie, Mrs. Ida R. Blount and Miss Holt. Miss Luc-ic was assisted in re ceiving her guests by her fair cousin, Miss Lillian Russell, whose delightful singing also charmed all assembled t) enjoy Sunnysides well known hospital ity. One of our soldier boys brings us a touching story of the death of Lieut. Ord, of the Sixth infantry. He was among the first to reach the top of the hill at San Juan, waving his sword and shouting: "Come on, lioyH- come on!" Just then he turned and saw hia friend Bradford about to ( shoot a Spaniard crouching behind a palm. I hinklng from his cramped position that he was wounded, a wave of pity rushed over his brave heart as he cried out to his friend: “Stop, Bradford; don’t shoot that poor fellow! Don’t you see that lie is wounded? Stop, Brad! Brad ford dropped his weapon and was aboirt to go to hie aid, when ihe Span- Hoieery and Glovee-10 cents for Southern made School Hose, double knee and heel.faat black, value 25c. Men*e. Women’s and Childrens Bizcs $1 FOR THE BEST KID CLOVE in AMERICA. I tard* abe 4*4 b**ft tkaafttik* ttl»*4 , !ft It Bbß bbJ #ki®t i«* 9k# k#af 1» Ik# «*• Bk# k*i »!#»*#< 9m kl* ****- A# s tkcM v«#MMI kaNkt f#D k*# •#•* •%»« ' tlnf-J kin ••#%* ertMs eee Uko*B j 1 #*##? keen #*4 #a-#rt i g -*4#. (Wt f*w#e «k#n bb (k# ~ i®«ii'k® cmniii m»BBiMWNI OBJ Wl#flßllt I i#r# k*n •• el###* (tkk k®»u#i# A iHBIMKet kltftl piHf l<#ok pie## I i m tm, m Mill * «K«i#(ißc #f Mr •«*«» Mr* K##«#. t»f Bmbrii Mr* Marl*#?, »f Tiepi j j yi M Oreri# M(## K*u# tlrar?# I j oTkrr* xk#y r*po(i e m*#i | #6iYi*itif !•■*# »» (Ikw# «rkr» trw#*# ! .« •.| ciß# Bi**#l kJM # W# ■ **■ "B# wt*#® i at H»e Pnlwe es V«u»b and thrown, a* .» r iq u| riiMi id kl*# md I gold *h«rf with .U..U.NW and crowned ! with th* awn’# tadln***. and leave na : ~n the wins* of Ih* wind only a* Rve I ifrogHi ob# k® war Ik# |oiw*a «!•»# **• . 9k# »llß##t l*l f * A An# •##nrfft»#Bf f.f Sn#«t riflf>rn*i i [ fruit® r###4v#d Bf Umkin A Co ’#. A SMOOTINO. But H Waa Purely At*t4entnl and Nobody Was Hurt The report at a p’atol In a bar out j near the union depot last afternoon at 6 o’clork atari led the resident* In that vicinity and caused Officer Kelly to go |io#t Aa#*# to tk# #<*#ii# Oi Ih# shoot* j log Fortunately nobody was hart Mr. O. E. M.-c’arthi*n had been examining a ptatoi when the weapon fired, ‘ift [ bullet mtaard several other parties hy i a few feet and Imbedded Itself in the wall. A eolored boy who was engaged In J hrti'hlng off Mr. McCnrthren> rlothe* :„t Hi# ((me was badly Beared and dropped tbe dusting brush. A ease of I violating the eighteenth section uhootltig firearm* In the elty limits) 'was made against Mr. McCnrthren He appeared before the recorder today, anil the Judge after hearing the evl -1 donee derided that It had l»een purely accidental and the defendant was uis mtsse. OASTOHIA. hath KiluPN WiftJlajjß BOOSM rr A BREACH OF ETIQUETTE. Why Priscilla Smith Ordered Menett Shepherd From Her House Menett Shepherd went lo see Priscil la Smith Inst night. She told him to put on his coal, which he had remov ed. Hr refused. She tolrl him lo leave the house. He staid where he r>'ns. She went out and procured a cop. Menett was arrested. LI .rwlao Piisciila. At. recorder’s court, the case was dis missed. ' Henry Butler gave another boy tour morning papers lo sell, he said. The other hoy could not. dispose of them whicli made Butler mad. Butler then and there violated the eighteenth by throwing rocks at the other hoy. Fine of (3.00. Only steel lined and burglar proof safes used. Money loaned on anything of value at a low rate of interest. Wa terbury alarm clocks. 76 cents. Lewis J. Schaul. Reliable Pawnbroker. ALWAYSFIND AN AXE. The Above Instrument Is a Popular Weapon With Negro Woman. When negro women get enraged with each other, they always manage to do so where there is an axe han dy. At least it seems so from the num ber of cases that come before the re corder in which negro women fight - and evidence that there was an axe in the case is most always brought out. Sara Childs. Emily Glover and Sally BroV'ii were at court this morning. They had indulged in a brawl and an axe had been used. Emily had wielded the weapon. Sally had caught the blow. Sara, (5. Emily. sls. Sally dismtssea.v THE WRkTHfi*. .tgaaft* Feed*, ted Fare T*atfßi sad liautraa, to ftnotfe (Carolina and Groagm *•* Ht«v«i tnnifflit !■»* tn n**g. *4nn *«# tn ••** funtamt Wednaadny. t*rw« wroth tn ncN'hfta*! ntnds nn th* * -*a*t lawn! trtr*a*t fn t sgim*a and vtetn tty tmon*t» tonight and R eda**- Th* at*ft* at ( thl* moaning on* Ks (eat a tail of It (ftft tn pn*l It htftir* The alarm •**!*'<•* ov*r th* upg** Mt«*t**lppt ISD*P ha, ahlt<*d t« »PP*« Mtahtgnn nhtl* th* d*aw**»tnft th toner Ktawlda ha* o>r><«t alovlv n«*rtb ««r4 «#4 I# »#• iB *k# #IHB- H f of irf Ab Br#B of httfk |>»#** am* nua rove** th* Rocky vto.mtatn i#Bic>n In ificiiis <t*s j t < <(4j(#f > f##B* ih*r ovnr ihe counti* neat at th* Ml*- almtppl rtr*t and north of T*lM; but much arartn*r < haute- *»* not*d o**r the tuner ah** ikmire eaatanid to tho Atlantic coa« Rrfoftlr.llt. Ark., le.etved a rainfall of til Inch** and Palrvtln* teport* a ibundervo-m tn ‘ tha pn*t 12 boor* The fnlloartnh iraxtmiMft valorttl** ire reported: I N’t roll 49 Bill## fiom «oulk<##Bi; Vtch.'brirg. 2* attle* from north; Buffalo. Zt mil** ban anuthoent; It’levrland 4! mil** from south. Scat- I. r*d rain* at* falling over th* south E tkl# morn IB#. Franck fv«#. Mti»hi»om# »n 4 #Br- I dim*# i *» **•» •* IdßWklß A Wien Vour Hair I* Thin on Top. T b*rc arc some awful rorronra. ';hai cut you to the qutrh, And th*: seldom vsntur* alogly But oth*r» follow thick: Y* 1 wwet nnothcr aorrow Car make your gourage drop. I.lkc he cru*l one of finding Yottr Hair la Thin On Top! You can wear a dingy collar. Or coat that lan’t whole. And know they almply rover A brave, determined aoul; But a thought to make you falter la the one you cannot stop. You’re getting old and seedy— Your Heir la Thin On Top! You say It may be wisdom. And tell your grinning friends. How over study elwaya A look of ripeness lends; And yet In tearful secret You scoup the flimsy prop. And ruefully admit It, Your Hair Is Thin On Top! You brush In vain to bide It, And buy the latest dye, And every sort of tonic With patient hand you try; But still the faithful mirror. When an anxious face you mop, Repents, there’s go denying Your Hair Is Thin On Top! Ah, me! no other sorrow. In anguish’s bitter train, Is so Inclined to mock you With hopes and fancies vain, As is the one of finding A thing you cannot stop; This growth of years upon you When Hair Ts Thin On Top! OASTORTA. Bear* the Tl > 6 KififlVaP Have Alwag Wt B nr CL'AfMtAc