The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 11, 1898, Image 5

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TUtftOAV Being Wholesale Dealers In *0 tomb d iUu,** H§*« •*«**•«»**# d JS ** «•# «*a <4j*i*iMftfti •> b*ytwf Art- 1 tmm ltd taut*, lurthtt ttfuam* * not mmtan f**» mdtt mm* wV • n 4*»4 mu lor t* to *1 Our Dixie S*4f ttrt far UAQ. wbon odwr» in uktac U.OO W tht mow ffiii Foncy prk*» 4on*» r' u* you *w MMiMiktl you should get ftfth out HMthudi *nd prices. § C, EW[ Pr C QpticiaH DR. HENRY J. CODIN. tO|i i, |**rtas<» e*»d AgtseMiii'ifß. M InU, o«ai door t>> tNaatef* M te> MACON S MOSPfTAL. I. M R«l Ml the iMMtM M tIM Mgcwa Wedhet Aoritty > Mama. Urn. Oct, M - Dr. A. B Ml*. fcl«. ag* cf Mara* • heat httoaa (•by#* *ItM. tatsSda to *Mko • two M to «Mkw • physician »No la «ot • member of lb# Mo>«>» Medical Sortctf ran get • pat "•< Mia tie rlt* koapttal. Jtereral 4a> * ago Me MMMt tat * Idlaat. mc know* a* a pay gatlrat. that hi <m* who «•« t>tdy anti ctiltel to gay (he i*(tlar rat** (or beta* I* tfer hgapltal. bat aa h* fa sot a mam t», ~* tba Mart>* Medletd Rortety. Iks MlMflta i* kharge refuaad to acre*! Iwr litlti aa hia itotnl for wfipal that Or ll.nklr was t»ot • member of tbr Marti* Medical duriely. Ilr Hlnkla. •bo la • reputable pbyatrlas t f tbr rity. prartir'.nt medicine muter • lb mar aad a pittnlr of oar of tbc It iditie medical rolUgr* I* lbe rotta trr. tbra appealed to tbr bmrf of di reeli>ra, bat they atao turned him dnw for tbr aamr rraaoa as the pbyaktaa In charge bad refused him. Now Dr. Hlakle baa employed a law yrr aad will attrmpt to rrijot* tbr rlty from paying the hospital tbr |J*ot annual approprtatioa oo tbr wound that the laailtutlt-n la run la ibe later art of tbr Macon Medical Society and aot for tbr public at targe. A Narrow Escape. Thankful word# written by Mr#. Ada 10 Hart, of Croton. *. b.; "Waa taken with a bad cold which arttled on my tuna*: couch net in nod Anally termin ated In Consumption four Doctor a gave me up, aaylng I rould live but n short time. I gave myself ud to my Aavlor, determined if I could not atay with my friends on earth, 1 would meet tny absent one# above My husbanl waa advised to get Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. J gave It a trial, took In all right bot tle*. It has cured me. and thank Ood. I sm saved and now a well and healthy woman." Trial bottlea 10c at Howard & Wlllet's Drug Htore. Regular alse 6flo and *I.OO. Guaranteed or price re funded. The Last Ditch —Her husband was Superb In hla anger. “Not a word,” he exclaimed, Impe riously, when she tried to speak. “I she ply won't have it, you may name all the children. If you will, hut I shell ae lect the wall paper, and consult no body. either, unless It be papa or Un cle John. So there'.” It wll! be observed that while the new woman la herself a fleeted phan tom, no to speak, the Joke of which she is thp motif does not readily perish from the earth.—Detroit Journal. 1 IS IT WORTH | ANYTHING TO YOU fc'qusrs, honest dealings, prompt service, stdet at tention to your orders snd sn earnest desire to satisfy you, no matter at •vbat cost. Add to this our very large and complete stock of Watches. Diamonds, line and medium grades Jewelry, Sterling Silver wear, Rich Out Class, en ables us to offer you in duccments worthy of I your attention. | Wt Scliieiierl A C»., Jewelers. Ht*STON KCEH WIKWNO. . |m t a*«t • m'mi riMt tft* • •tar*. I HAtkiMSI iMAJIMO §4i||ft| 9*o* I ft-SJETt ... t T * 'ibhaMuialki !!«• I n nij, .. .... .. „ ... »4 4 I I'hH*'!*-*! *»*• •• t* 4* •• •* *• » At ummm - .. • » * I CSMWiiWft®** *• *• •• «►* •• •• •** 9 * | I At m*f«tH*r*— cu *rl*nd 7.7.7777* • I • I Frtwi Ami orifu li. I n«h. Wot. p c.i _ *1 U Alt j ( inr Clßtill.* *••*•• w * |4*tlft«-tMlo .• •• •• ••••** to •*** .mi l .. .. •• •• *1 90 .M 2 IllilttdriiAlt U <9 .I2t W*w Tor fc • • .. •• •• It W I i*tn»i,unr •• •• “1 j 71 .IM | Louisville .. .. ....«■ . •* I Itrneklyn .. .. .... 41 u .STt j WithiAfim *• •• •• M .«• Ist. tO ls» .** | Ihst.rts. Limbi. ftsrr#l Oußa—Plttidl,! I Harrlacln* A Rlrhartsoa Brand n»» ptatula. 12. M: Hsrrtnglan A Rk hardana hand pistols, $2 04. Aratrlna dmjbtr actio* pl**ol. It N Guitar Man dolin and Pan J-i Strinita, 2 for S rent*, at L,. J. Be haul. K* I labia pawnbroker. ALOER 15 LENIENT. Me Favors Reducing captain Carter * Senlenia The Army and Navy Journal says of the i a*e aaalnat Captain O. M. Carter: "Action la expected to be taken In the war department abortly In the case of Captain Carter, C. IC.. ciurtmartlaled i at Savannah laat winter upon chsrgra of Irregularity In the administration of river and harbor work In that die-1 trtet Htiong Influencea hav* been brought to bear upon the President by! friends of Cuptsln Carter to reduce the i sentence, snd It is understood thst Sec retary Alger believes that leniency should be shown. Not an inkling has been given as to the extent of the pun ishment the President will Impoae.” For eome time there have been statements abroad that the aentenee of Captain Carter would be somewhat re duced by the President when he came to pass upon the case Anally. If It Is so that General Alger Is In favor of len iency that the severe recommendations of the court will hardly be acted upon favorably by the chief executive. Just what the recommendations of the court were the public ho* never been Inform ed. The accounts from Washington have varied so much that all that could be learned of them was that the sen tence suggested was a severe one, hav ing attached to It a king term of Im prisonment and a fine of considerable sire. We have moved to the Ellis - Restaurant stand at 71 7 Broad street. Will be glad to serve all, old and new customers. INN RESTAURANT. "Son of a gun!” hissed Homebody. •'Mauser?’’ asked Another, In Inno cent Jest. "Of a ma, sir!” exclaimed the un conscious Imbecile, with an affectaiiou of kindness. Nor Is the law to be blamed, since the law deal* altogther adequately with the subject of Justifiable homi cide. B uckfen’s Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE In the world for ruts, Brulecft, Soros, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Coma, and all Skin Eruptions and posiilvely cures files, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded, Price 25 cents per box FOR SALE BY HOWARD & WILLET. TUB ADOTIHTA IIB:HALD. BEAUTIFUL NAPLES; LOVELY AND INTERESTING R| ft jng Amphitheatre Like From the Very Verge of the tte*. Enjoying the Conti and tkptonni the Betf**The People Forlorn and Poverty awl Hliterecy R*i*n- -Ths» lm»ffiiiWaCaftwan-'M«n ufacturt of Maacaroni. I* * H Is*t****o W 940000 At # luma •A*ei •* WWNk Ml Me vug I pt*it #o4 tPPUNMI g£MMPI VMMPMpm Igpgl *g*| Do*## to#* t Wheel 90 ertw aa VAOW» |Mfaft##* M# mm 90 $0049 WMIb 9440 to*# ***** tool Inf faat-4f , *lF 9**>9** s*94 **• It** %*§Ntfllft Tw matt* *# Mu •*»•*** att, e*- eiaae. |g Im*# la tte 4MM#I •fo#* l ## v * t *0 a t**» ###*#• 9*m* H •** <MFhe gMw I tgMMM WWkMBF-. 9m #*WN|W S W| M»f iw# Mi iwmwwmi 99* m 9m pmmt tat MMWIMV MMMM fth*f Vie eiHF** rr 9** I <be ttfwm A . tAp omm tew hi# I faieNer ise Me* e 4 gg| t lye fIiWNWt aaf pNea, Mvet mm* mtmm •fPWIwtWW* [etwraMl, «N Hlptw fWW 990** ‘M* 1 lleerkee nh IMltwi tfct IftiW i re* ? InagiV gbweaWIWMW• e 9 iW• A4NI •M* • ftteervl the cte”hrt>eu nt tAw wmmm- I *mrns glhi tier iMNMi 0990*0991 a«k4 €OO 9999 fStMIMp IWIWt'plW'HeW #t pbft 9t tlti 099909 m | *OO9 FfagiPtl MWI lAwM 00’* ll • •"**! tIIMWIW 90*9*9. tNtt 99*99 MM 1 rVNg ■ Me.lM fltf I*4 Vitl the peaiU* f* Httet Mltftifviil vttHAtfl city IS tttt « Mr. ft .Mtaft. i tel wi pgggeic am tgw we were ; toss <1 e j(ft a • iTtOJirT lif ftAHi \bmf It la gawarmilf nwwNNkM Hit w» |«brrt of tr»tP.* rma mwipara *• I**' feet hut a< fnnii»iH« an*l la mil fir* i rtf Naptoa. The rhtf iI«M»W akW*e, 'the isilHbi hill* a»«l fertile f!»r*. | the MrtftlMl ferae nf the gals the • urrminrltng owmatein* irounn •nl« ft towering lord p*mssount o*«r all and • ompMlag IM mchan'in# arm* front sMlrirr point ctMU*mptatsd. stands the Incompntnbl* Vsaurlua «U thrw strengthen tM tourist's rimyirt.on that ksrs nator* has laid bar* all her charms. Kvcr-changing alwaya pirturcstjur slaws praami thcniasi»«• to lbs un«a tlatod rye of IM lovur of t«auty; thrgf tempt him to linger to enjoy that do light which only an appreciailve and responsive naiure can Interpret. Its attractiveness t* due not only to the site, hut also to its bracing climate, es pecially delightful in autumn and win ter. and on account of the sea quite tolerable In summer, and the place la very popular and many of the richer Europeans flock here as ■ re sort. 7,., Beautiful Drives. Thr environs afford many beautiful drives and excursions, but none excel the on# along the Quay. Here are found parks most artletlcally plotted; large res embankments: commodious promenades; while the Island of Caplt In the gulf affords the finish of the view from thla point. Ball boat* idly flitting before the breexe, the restless protnenaders, and the Naples carts loaded with returning workmen, form a fit scene for the dying of an Italian day. Just aa the sun. grown weary, sinks to real, and the soothing evenlug shades mantle the whole In a modest flush, the bay appears to best advan tage. lixqulslte Naples. But as with Venice, so with Naples —all Is not pleasant and beautiful, and Indeed It Is well,for by contrasts do we enjoy the good and deplore the bad. Throughout all Italy the depression and forlornness of the people Is Intru sively evident; It Is readily seen Ui»l the nation's glory Is In the past, and that It is now feebly tottering In the weakness of a spent energy. The peo ple generally Impressed me as being despondent, dejected and oppressed. There is ample opportunity If they would hut bestir themselves, but they seem to lack energy, to be easily sat isfied, and to bo cultivating lazi ness. ]t Is the disposition and practice of an Italian to work Just enough to pre vent starvation, and this taken In con nection with the taxes cause an Im poverished condition of the people. At no place in Italy are found more ex treme cases of wretchedness than in Naples. Poverty and Illiteracy Poverty and illiteracy are really shocking hete., Horde® of beggars haunted us from the moment we arriv ed until we left. Children would fol low our carriages, turn somersaults and handsprings almost under the horses’ feet, and then wail for “just one sou.” Beggary is reduced to a sci ence and as much tact and skill is ex pended In perfecting Ibe system as would be required to gain a livelihood by Home honorable method. The beg gars almost climb into the carriage in their eagerness to extract something from visitors. All sorts of fraudulent lAnwßMww •** tatatata RF-winn* •**! s.> : } .4 *• ft *>«s #»tfk *0 999* m *m* * *9 9 I IMMMAmMRP* HmMA %tt*t9m9t9 «RfNNW* fet*; i MIMAMI ttfMi 0 9*9)49*9 ImmA. *f!Ml ll* ■ ;**(9 tm90990* fcM MfeM lA*fl I* «»j iti*9o 9999 MMB 0909 *MN II *9999999 1 i g.qj|"tkhMwNMM Tw* mim*9 iin*. \o*9o iHMtMI 900009*09 9*90*9 *0 o*o- . iANFTL €*o99*9 999 *€9009*9 9000* - j 1009 m 0 000*0 99 *99*o 00990000. ; i A**# 0m 99*9 to *f*t k * am*90099 om** I*9 4*0*9000*9 «**« I*# *99*90 ' \**o*9 ] Wto A MH%# li I mli 9m m otom ***** pm mm *0 ift# nit. I IhWt I fi*tj| 99* 4*o S**| IflMMfltMN 1 Mih** •** (•Mi j|-fa* foMMMF nf pwf 1 *9O 09 M#4 09* *4 lA* *999 9*** 0 .1 I **if} r *• Hil MNMMI* ] 114# 9099*9 It' <9910' *'+ Sait * 09to*0*9 t* ImJ till (Am TMf? traa|)r| I n *f *f 9*99 ****** wNt 3*«w*fll iMn 1 1fv to •’Staff. («rt«<# (A* ***** 909*90 up TA# mil mm* fw Mfli# stw •* Nf *• ffa |>iH Ik# <iNmo it# fnrr*n »*ir IIM H VAik lata fan Ac4#l aa4 omm Skill fa •fHNM IMI tin#* iaa 1*99*999 J lapTfrilliili w|*»n (A# «ls 00004*0*9* 1 U#V Iff |o (ulka tttfa IN* MArl j {fa nniAFSASt 904 tOFkifr A»*t nf 00000 (thla •* oat »Uo#H tl Mlirr* oat j |ho«r muck yam «!*• Ill*«l tt to Impm |*lW# to imM At iltiffatlnt Til#; Ipntais nf Kriwk and Italian very -1 tie Italian and I*m Frenrh. wbkh make* li nil the more dlffFull to haw' aa undemanding with them They i I profees to speak French, hot H dl»- gtarw the French language to rlaaa 'any fuck conglomeration of tongue* Mj I fill Maccaront. An object of wry great interest to Ime along the different streets tad: ! roads and In ctmut connection with i beggars Is the msnufs< ture of ma< < s Iron I It is manufactured mostly os the; J outskirts of the city. Aa someone has j ieptly expressed it, (hey make mere j ronl by putting some dough around a| hole and letting 14 dry. Well, that It : I nliout all there Is to it. While the j macaroni Is yet hi a soft state it is hung in strings about Bee feet long upon framea to dry. The frames oov- ered wilh the siUcky, doughy stuff are placed all along the sidewalks and of j course all the dust and trash that rises from the street flap up against these strings and stick there. Macaroni seem* in be an indigenous product In Italy; everybody eat* It, and It Is eat en In nearly every dish. As the soft atrlngs hang nn the frames It Is an easy matter for chickens to come along and pick off the pending ends The older the chit ken the more practiced In the art It hi, and therefore the more graceful in lta execution. We a topped one (lay to watch e flock among which was a venerable old cock. We saw liltn turn bis bend half sideways as If sight ing a planet through a telescope, then he carefully opened wldP his beak end sprang upward; a stick of macaroni being .yet pasty glided smoothly down hie throat during his upward flight, and precisely at the Instant when the highest, point was reached lie closed his beek sharply, clipping off a good four Inch piece of nourishment:. We watchnd the old gentleman repeat this several times and I think he did not miss his aim once during the entire performance. The others of the floek imitated him, but being leas dexterous were not so successful. The Aquarium. Naples possesses one of the best, aquariums It. has been our good for tune to visit. Here are specimens of the complete flora and fauna of the Mediterranean and eome are truly strange ones. Fish of the most pecu liar forms anti gaudy colors, plants that resemble scarcely at all what constitutes the popular Idea of a plant, shells of every Varied form and hue, auimals that defy description, are all found conveniently and beautifully ar* ranged. We watched for some time the writhing contortions and horrible forms of the octopl as they writhed their arm like projections through the water and held to the glass front by their suckers. Nearby was the com partment containing some electric fish. We had great furiosity to test the power of these fish in giving shocks; calling a guard to one sido and slipping a Hra Into his hand, we acquainted him with our aspirations to take some shocks. He smiled, and shook his head: hut as soon as the crowd had dwindled away he fished tip a somewhat circular animal with a long «lim tail and gave It to me to RoVal llakiot) PtmtkT Mdftki iraw fh*f OMffl d Ufbf, Safeguards the food Against alum. —w» —*** - *99. "9* IMi f%*o 4m o*o9o 99 awtry Mm I am«* a 00% 9**4 pmmmmtof t foil IA *o9** A * li* *t> %4w *p* €o*o 9 o*9* 1 10* huhAMi AM- s€*oo99o 00to 00 990499■ I*M AmM 91*99* ♦Mid i filtaftyt R»f Ml* f##f * 4 Ityg ' f rlc - lw 4 Ml fwA* 9*9 **9* + I AMNAi 90*90 9A* Artil 900 A Wi|lJ o*o 1 * mm% 0 Til# ||*n|. lAfciAA lAAOIAPf #wh im* Nf»|f>n MiAf rnprnto* 0 jtt>M I ,-Jf ||u AMM -- *’ .* Ok* «V t f rer | » * ffe.c e *.O nos of <A* Ait Ami i *l9 A«AW f i* * 9990 909% **l 11«4» | f 99 900999049 If AA 9**o% 0909 TA# Corf* *O9 mum 9999 9**m% t*t#»#ai*4 am 4 f +mm**4 9 AIrAIAA fA* A*j>»l*a *9**9 I Any one who has ever Mwn to S spies I Tv, onowo g, t naae cert* » - 1 -ixr-e iiwxn Ml for the tor* that these I ergr per sower* le*b that the Italian j««*ia aw provided on a kmc ladder I tike arrangement. It la not nnnsnnl jto see twelve or fooiiwn workmen riding m one ear*, drawn hy a dtmlnn 'tlre horse The* hang their Mas. dtP j ner pnlte and rant# 40« r% between the • baft* and from behind, while the pony tuck* hie h'ed end goes In a peculiar , , .« . jicsk his rainy - _. .j. ,t>. affsie The bridle and vn riona parts of the harness are ornn 'mented with feather* and gaudy rtb- Ism* while there to always a lame, gaily painted tin ornament that tame 'tepidly an the home tents. The Italian !ferries his love for the artistic even In i to the most prosaic affairs of crery day life. The daety. Jocund driver stands jla the cart with a long-lashed whip, snd every time he lashes the pony. ■ which Is quite frequently, he glrss I rent lo a long drawn "Ah. nh!" much similar to uur expression of mjoy- Inu-nt. In response the pony kicks and iFaru forward with new rigor Often you mar see one of these ponies In a 1 team with a donkey on one side and an joxen on the other. Naturally we mads ' many snap shots during the trip, but I value none more I hen the pictures of these ridiculous little carta and ponies. Altogether Naples Is a most beauti ful and Interesting place to visit and ! nil who go there tong to return. In the ronl In net Inn of this article I shall I give my Impressions of Vesuvius and Pompeii. We have moved to the Ellis Restaurant stand at 717 Broad street. Will be ({lad to serve all. old and new customers. INN RESTAURANT. NEW ’PHONES. Augusta Telephone and Electric Com pany. 476 Augusta Hlectrle Supply Co. M2—Augusta Southern Kail road, President’s office. 707 —ye. jt. Krendle, Meat market. 476—W. H. Brigham, Wholesale gro cer- 1172—George Cochko*. 332—0. A. Cunningham, Jr., Resi dence. 807—E. O. r>ou#hty, Cotton factor. 262—K. W. image. 768—W. R. Olasebrook, Residence. 661—Mis® Sa.lle Harris. 676 —O. W. Hall. 791—John F. Holmes A Co. 522—W. C. Junes. 286—W. M. Jackson. 487 —J. U. ackson, Residence. 371—Dr. A. J. Kilpatrick. 770—S. l.csser, Residence'. 424—1>. J. looney. 281—Mahoney A Armstrong. 286—North Augusta Band Co. 686 — W. P. Padgett, Saloon. 67*—1,. F. Padgett, Furnituro. 687 Bchuetsen Plats. 378 Jj. C. Steinbeck & Co. . 291—Tutt A. Boylston. 873—W. R. Walton. Farm. 381—Whltlker McGowan. SULLIVAN BETTER. He Is Now Sitting Up But His Legs Are Paralyzed. Savannah, G.a, Oct. li. Mr. Mart Sullivan Is now recovering from the two pistol shot wounds Inflicted by Mr. John Ij. Archer. Yesterduy he was able to sit up In a chair. He has not yet re covered, however, from the paralysis of Ills legs. Mr. Frank L,. Demerse has been ap pointed soliciting agent of the Mer chants arid Miners' Transportation company, with office In Savannah. Mr. Demerse lias only recently returned from the war with the Second Georgia regiment . In the ordinary's court yesterday Mr. Walter Woledgo made answer to the rule nisi requiring him to make a show ing of the distribution of the funds of the late Mr. W. J, Dodd. He has a bal ance of J3fl« on hand and the only out standing debt Is due Paul Jones for 1240 for liquors. Right is Migfht! g tutita nq %op| 0* t*m *OOOO4 0499 §4 **4o4* If !§ *fo* 0040000 «n#4ft. ***** o**oo *0 00$ 9*04 A *9ooo*o so 04 9%/0m 0% 9*% **9 9* ft* * *** W49~ tom A***«tfo* SOOO 0 4000 $0 990 (fo#« AAi I m t-j* Urn llrf4t*fe *"• 9 1 *»§*♦**• fNMA ll to 0»-9*0h& *0 000*44$ ml € *"4 lift* -iTtM ► >»#,»,#% jf-nn— i nun ftaMrns ftamx k«««t ftwft% **<*■<• •sfTTa tw* a si *xaa»a sff e-wft44Mh ft 4 *w*kM* MMAM 4NMI MNMa H lWr .- f , (Vnse* «M f •*« t».—wsqto; NMk Fkfts ami ft*nnw*«f » Hmsi tom set ntes sawv ft* s *' *tme***A 4MB 00* saMsft xt f Irlnthird •) 4*ftM M *** hast AM 44R* ft* 4>>Hw taifSrtk ft S. | 4rf*l •**« A *AI * s 5.000 BOYS > to •** <•• levs of asm |kn IMMft. (ftftftl <ft* ft** s»4 Bs IhHft aft #M s*oooo9 fol i#fol>l. AA' %0f *9*4%' Jf •Mm tad ll # titr* |B* tfftP* t *» Ml. iMtdftft sin* twf ft! toft (ftmft ft |n.'t*n*«|k tftl *ssqft9 ******9 ' <»» **>• f * », i> h* DM m*4 4> to imm ft* Hao * wwrtft qsftNf. >■• **4 • a#*i»d «f ll * wn avftrt* •*• . XXki pat *•• * ft*** 4w* • ftNp** art •«* Bto* * ftftftft <N*l wtaft 900 SOO M IftMhP 9*o ** ** *o*o •* *m Hn |-g* r*oo K.qirt 0 *o9* 04* f* foAR 4*099. 90 m soo+ %%9 990 $0 90 « l fm #«« • Ni« ******* to 99*99’ Ci **9m% W* sm* smto* *0 0*909 mm** I iioifctfa ili’Ttr ###t J. B. f BITE & CO, CloliiDS Department | ;y ' If y..« want iww Hoags Ike btgbsat •atiafarltar and a saving «f money, fast make yotsnwtf ««a# of «w mavoMt. *'• «** f«'»*•* riders wit* he yrtea, too. and Ibe beet t* the nsrt*t *1 'bat The rerent g per real r—luMbta waa a g**rte r bit. bat here'# a prana ah** «t batne rang: C«> umbtag, medal A M gg. and per law* chao-e to get this pttptMar model at any prlta. Wg have three ebap tan featy) model #€, ledtrr*. We Will let go g* g*o tg. One IngtgW Hartford at It* • aad ladle* Vedette at l»*. ladies' JtU at I* aad far boys aad am there is r> ihmi »a the atarbet la ra*m*r« with Iba KetdM •pertal at It* as and the Jack at Ul-W. set >md baad tlctytonda, HambiafO. Oreeatt, glseraa. Virion*. kSdredg* aad Ha< ytJre. from *U M up. all Al c mdiiion and we M tb*m gn at aa* old p»t*--«h#y did aot aaet ns asvye thing were give* in u» *■* p*-»t4a who wnoted to rtde the ITANUARO WIIRKI. or THK WOIUJJ. aad naly sold in Augusta at DEVENEY, HOOD & CO Bicycle Department 0 ooBS fe;« BuN ° s or EVERY DESCRIPTION ' YELLOW PINE LUMBER fctK/Sft rHC&*W Muttti Ifttp rtt’jt (Alts’ IM* Itqvt *tt.l •(> !1 Sit ii:&A»HIATTO*. THfUtOWCH in EVUtf lft«vtvtlC “Issi FULL LIRE INSTOCK AflD PROMPT hi A. ’ jRE E > ■HjjfljjjflPv 3f> rftiCtS. * fit* J JCUC6. ftr . vFf u affv *f > Perkins ManufactOring GaAugusta Ga Coal, Wood and Cedar Posts Blackjack Wood Sawed . . . • SJ-S0 per Cord Good Dry Fine 51/99 Good Dry Pine, long, . • • 52.7? per Cord Special prices on three Cords or more. Best grade Jellico and Hard Coal, including the celebrated Indian Mountain, at lowest prices- R. H. SIKES, 904 Marbury Street. Stronger Tbona 74G «» ~ ~ " ** T fjl 'fhoae SUI. NOTICE! On and after this date Subscribers to the Augusta Exchange of the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company will be given Free connection to the following places! BATH. S. C., EDGEFIELD. S. C., GRANITEVILLE, S. C., JOHNSTON, S. C., Sontta Bell Telephone & Telegrapli Co., W. H. ADKINS, Manager. JOHNSTON TELEPHONE CO., W. A. Giles, President. HAWKS AND GRASSHOPPERS. During the past two weeks sports men in the vicinity of Clayton, New Mexico, have been enjoying a novel re creation. About a month ago grass hoppers made l heir appearance in the vegas, and soon became so thick as to threaten the utter destruction, of the grass. A few weeks ago. however, hawks of the common chicken hawk variety began coming in great flocks, and. In a short time literally covered OCTOftf*tl jy —ft-n *pK}CL6S LANGLEY MILLS, S. C., TRENTON, S. C., VAUCLUSE, S. C., WARRENVILLE, S. C. the country, living solely on grass hoppers, as a result of which the lat ter soon disappeared. Then the hawks became a nuisance, and turned their destructive talents to chickens, Uiiuil, etc. Huwks were so numerous that the poorest marksman could kill several dozen In a few hours. After thousands of the hawks had been kill ed, they abandoned the country as suddenly as they appeared to destroy grasshopper*. , _ .