The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 11, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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TUESDAY 6 COAL-COAL-COAL «rt«ai jt»Ai n WAliftrt Pi Aod Adh ieTfttt TMfc Ntlf OWAOi« OF Wht* o—w J»mco CX)AL '* 5 AoO »a '*> **# *»»«* Nwl At rm WWW Hw ‘ r% **~CITY ICE COMPANY. AUDI AV A *VADM f* oMto***** fNif t 9MM# #*"9****** toktoft .. «ft fttotoM Ifttotok IftftFftoft fHHMNHHP' »*■'%*>»*# #ft# ftft ftp* | pMHMI fttoftto## Iftfttfti «# ** - piw* rtw **mmb •#*••»* **•*•* F»tMM# 4*l* t9rrt**fFNf W»«j4**'<** ] Mart •***•*■* tin* MB* *OOOO4 ****■•, Mrert i* ro 31 pssst vwp**riiS«M. * ; P jKua|Mhmhl ftftft toftftfttoftlft , , to Mn* •#* ■ ftftftfti fpftfttotoft fttotoft m m mm • • ***ll flggft ftfttotototoft *» s4?** #J& i Cftfcirnfc. fix w #,« * w •• *• •• J kSl^?sl ftofeNftft ••toft#’# •»**** ftgj* .. .« « M 4 -Ml J MM4 »»■ IMW bblm *l.** **• Kroro I |.» kwwA* Ml *44— . •* * Kafow Id ImA. Ml *rt*da ro~ M-ttt j WOOOW A* * A H, Hre 4 ■■«* asrtH, • • ■ M #*• • I Bm4M4 ••» Mrtß # ® ' M* , p.W. IBs#■ boa*. «**■». A•- M **•»-. i |l «, vail bwrt •«*. Mn * MY OOOM. Mn *m»*ma •* Wat** rtsaailwsin »•« akin Msg .. .. •• ..It'*' OMnUU. *ll * * hhretrtd Z * I* j totofta *• .. •• **«• ** v* • *.« 4 * * OfaaWvnn* 44 D H M ...... • * * j j*na F. Kbtfl MS* *Mnw»g .. * *■« Mai F. if mg D HmA r C .. .. I I I j •root. BILK parnaadl. M Ma '• wo< i" «' i » PMKain. M yds. la apaat, r*» «aa..« jjjUi-DIWO#. | "* Wi»nAH WrtM as **a laaaa. M Nwhsa .. .. • »•* Km as MMav. I **M * ** •\+ j OaMi. ■*-* M*i .. ~ - * *i Ctlwi, 4*4 ***#•*•••*•••••••»* 4*4 j Auteui ftaft#. 4*4 • * •• m •« *• •• 44 t - ltik as «*• Wart .. •* *** | JM. F. Kla> MKK shlrtia# .. »11 j Jaa. F. King 44 A A *ha»Ur.g .. I »•» 1 rntfr*- 44.. W j Jaa. P. KM, H-tacß o#or*ta .. .. I »•*, Jaa. r. tuna. « «**» * C .. . 1 Jao. f. *'■*. M •*! *« ••• lilAo4 • vv 4* ** *1 •• •• 44 * •’* | J M . r.tuamn »«-*• •«-«-* •• » »*«; JWIKTB- Am'rlran alrtrtlafa. MaM.. .. .. * *•* i Karri mark aklrtia**. «>«*<■. .. .. * *-* Cfearlar OaaA 4ana alylaa Waft .. i t-» j OlMaprt .. •••• *. Allan ■ (h*f •• « •» •• *• •• * *"* I ■iibi r 44 aaaralaa .. .. ....... Caalaa «*« M»taa, m 4» « j Atnarteaa InfUw Maa* **kt« .. •• » *•* Slatar Olla lonlld) Mail I Ajaarlmn lodHra bla« 4**4 .. .. « la»arna«loi*4> 4k*l **<*< .. .. * Altan a eartlaa* t4*«4 « Allan's UMoaaa *«**4 India W«» •• •• 4 w India blur MIM 4 KtiiurWti * ii«*i *• ”"•••*•• •• 4 Martba Wa.hmatnn Ma« » l-l (iarnrr s radiant* *4*M .. .. .. « Charier Oaka lb« I >-*; TICK*. Hampohlr* .. 4 | Amoakaaa A C A .. 1® !-• j Amookea* C * •** ; JUctproi tty / .» •• 4 *’• ( PLAID HOIIKBPUK4. CUT Mill * *-* Kour yird, food Ift Iholi »# a# •• •• d I*4 , Letfl ihlrtlnKS MkUp •• •• * W ! Lodi drraa itylaa I4*M .. .. .. .. S l-< Bt Clair drsaa alylaa ~ y, .. 4 Oman aolldo * 44 Martha Waablnylni* fatmlea >. .. 1 J-4 Mlwrllaneoua brand*, Ilf hi - , wclfbt .. .1' •• .«■.'•••• It l*tai« 5-1 loaetla * yard* plata .. •» » ». .. * 1-* Thomdlk* B .. >. •• • *-4 Harrulra -. .. •» •• 1 *"* .. •« •• * Crescent " Pal bam. St bal 110 box IS r U. F., 30 balla to box 16 K a. P-. so balls to lb 17 1-S llunrogre B 1 5-t n inch 4 1-3 yd. plaldx, best make -4 SlmpHon allk flnish foulards 64x Farlflc mouynlngs 64x61 4 1-2 China alike #4x6l .... 1 1-4 Middle ford S Rockport .. ... •• 6 1-t dialer 41x64 3 1-2 Concord, 56x40 .. . S 1-1 Rome 44x40 S 1-4 Kdwards .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• 3 1-3 Keystone .. .. •• 3 1-2 Fifth Avenue .. 3 1-1 KKARBBTS. Heavy Columbia, heavy Kearaey 8 1-1 Kincaid and others 9 1-4 LINK, CEMKNT AND PLASTER. Ltmo JOaRS Rerendale cement • • i» aa •• •# •• *1.15 j Portland cement 32.75 to 3.25 Louisville cement in raper sacks ..31.00 Plaster la bbl» .. 31.7 S HARDWARE. Well buckets, per dot *3.00 Painted buckets, per dox *l.lO t H B B cedar paila, per doz .. .. *1.75 t u B B cedar palls, per dox .. .. 32.00 Tubs painted, per neat *1.75 Rope, Manila, per pound .. .. ... 9 1-2 Sisal, per pound 7o Rope, cotton, per pound .. .. lOoallc Nails, wire.. .. *1.75 base Nalls, cut .. .. 51-4® base Shovels. Ames, per dos ~ .. *lla* Shovels, diamond, per dox .. .. *7.00 Shovels, riveted back, per dox. .. 34.75 Plow blades * 1-2 base Hemes, red top, per dox 32.25 |* 4*NM pet k*r* -.****» •* VPD ] Male *4Mwa see a*# ■I, I 11 ,1 ** ** J Mas *h*« *. ip* omm , 4b» !K 9*sA *** th •* , a* V'eaiVt kwethk psf Ae# ~ ****** *. *• ** i Ak* *Vk*k**a ». i aa* a** . ». • ** *»«. •*«* ***iMf m» *a*»’»r IMD |>**V»a M H. MA • Aka, t, t «*i m m NH F, 3KKFMPW kM AaVed A——*a Fa MB » „ Ik* Aa* e*t* 9 a ttIB ********** w» *** I Aa#*aes f* tva „ m „ „ t« ... A soars l tra MB „ H .. m ... I a »«*«•• * a lay* ~ .... ~ kb ...I ! AliaMa 4Nt DM4 ~ Iti ... I a* teat* Fa NIB ~ 3Mt at *»is 4 i n ns M ~ .. „ mb Hi :A*i*.a«a * a .**- • *•*••*•• I® ... I *>i|*Mk 4 a t«* .. .. .. ll* C'*hM»«*a* I »ra tan .. .. *O4 ... •ate* 4 l-ra 3tM ........ la* ... I M*. <a> ra mi,. .« .«.. .. *. i*t ... ■rvimM* r*-r» .. .. .. *• ... Oarwaiaa fa 3MB .. M .... It ... *—at*a4*4, hAII.ROAD BOND* Oaargta MR* 049 C*. tt im ~ .. .. .. ...... tu ... Omegta R- R A Pk« C* Fa l«t> IM *.• Cbartatla. CalMMt A Aa •uata IM Fa IMB .... .. IF3 ... fkarMta CVdanMa A Aa yruHa. 14 ra itto .. ttr ... Ausuaia Be R. R.. Fa MM . ... I* C. R. W Raakiii Os. CM lat eral Trust Fa IM7 .. ..IB M Boathera Hallway la IM4 ..,.•* M Central «f Oreegia Railway, Ist eeaset aunt Fa IM* .... M M C. as 11. lat p**9 M» B 4* (Mitral as Iterate Railway, 14 |wf ItMSM, 1444 „ .. „ || |9 C. nf ft. Ist pref la , I*4* ~ • « O. B. A F . IM a. Fa IM4 IM I*7 Mouth Oeoryta and Florida, 34 TA IM* IM Mouth OrwM and Florida td ra in* im Oman Bteamahly Co., lot Fo M ra IM* IM *.. FACTORT ROND*. Enterprise Mfg. Co., lat Fa I*o* IM u. Blbley Mfg. Co., let Fa I*o2 . IM Mlbley Mfg. Ca. I*t Fa 11*3 .100 Ua. H. R. A R. Co stork .. I*7 SDO Routharslrra R. R. Blork .. M IM Augusts and Ravannah stork . ** IM OKA IN AND rnOVIBIONB. Oats, whtts, sacked .. 39 Dels, mixed, sacked Corn, white, sacked s» Corn, mixed .. .. .. 4* Meal, bolted, per butbel 471* Flour, common .. .. 1.50 Flour, fancy extra .. .. .. .. .. 1.7* Flour, second patent .. 4.00 Flour, standard patent .. .. .. .. 4.35 Flour, fancy patent .. 4.71 Wheat bran. 100-lb sacks M Fine feed. 100-lb sacks *0 Hay—native, per ton 12.00 Hay—Timothy, per ton 11.04 lfsy—choice, per ton •• ~ .. 11.00 Hams—choice sugar cured .. .. 10atm Mraoked rib sides .... »• •• „ •• •• * Dry salt Mbs I Lard, pure leaf. In tterres 6% Lard, kettle, rendrred In tierces. 4 1-4 Hugar, granulated 5% MYSTEkIOUS Disappearance of a Man Near l:llen ton, S. C. FSlonton, 8. C., Oct. 10.—Report has reached this piece that Mr W. O. Davis of the Greenland neighborhood has mysteriously dlsepesred. It seems that be left hia residence to go to hts store, some distance away, and, not returning, search was made. Ilia store was found open, but he could not he found. The report Is doubted, but the truth Is not known. The Sure LaOrippe Cure. There Is no use suffering from this dreadiul malady, If you will only get thu right remedy. You ore having pain all through your body, your liver la out of order, have no appetite, no life or ambition, have a bad cold, tn -fact are completely used up. Electric Rit tcra 1s the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure relief. They act directly on your Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, ton# up the whole system and make you feel like « new being. The/ are guaranteed to cure or price refund ed. For sale at Howard & Wlllet's Drug Store, only 50 cents per bottle. THE PARIS STRIKE. Things Are Very riuch Quieter There Doday. Ports, Oct 10. —The situation here Is much calmer. Only one band of strikers required disposal today. But as a matter of precaution the military pickets are further increased. Several meetings of working men took place during the day at the Bourse Du Travail and resolutions fa voring the continuance of the strike were passed. _ t**,*^**^ THE -A. OX7 BT A HEHALD ‘*ll*l Of 4 PFANI w*9 nil *4*X tlx tm ********* mm tt*** muff- INI 9ft* Ml# ft* to DOftftifttM* ft** 9ft# §*#*# *9 Hi** to* l jtwVwMiiM l*W Mm M»«M»itw« MB nf BMUBB I 449k* *4 r*> «M to OftoMl I tk. kbcmb'# k ,% Re. ft aprwfß n *-* *M *** f th-rTri | tp M* 9''*. fe WSW L W# lIH «MM*» ftto* «*• in v■■ ■ I wal li-y4k |m 4B T*fi. M W*9Al*«tM TM R*4 Cmm wm g*4tm« r**4* l* few* IM *4ar* ag I o#nw4 k* Ml* *••»•* IM Mrfe an 4vm *«V**4 I '*» | Tamp*. J vm tMf* wMk IM Mala* was Mow* *5 I wsvt 4WF to Hasawa la )nt* IM Red rr am “RpUs a*#s after as# from IM Ilk*# I left Garris They followed me from Ma ramp t« New York ta Waaßla** ton, is Tamp* M Mavaaa TMy a»»- et last me TMy Raav I vaa wll* the Cahna* “1 landed Ik Havana: three houra later I waa arreeled TMy toM me to ihe rlty yrteoe They atol* all my moaey. all my property They pat me Ik a rail aad gar ame bad food Mr frteada did Ml kaow I waa arrerted. They thought I waa dead. I tart track of IM days aad got aFh. Thieves »es» pot ta the aatne celt with me TM rata trere awful. I •»• •°' 4 the war May I Aa o«cer earn* aad told toe and aatd I sras to be mured to the rahaaa* » Sam; said fee, 'will you salute the Kpanteh flag** " So,' ! told him. T will aol Hero goes tbrae cheers tor tbs Start atvd Stripes.’ He drew bU sword and struck me si the head, t fell unron srtaua Tb»o I was Iskea to the Cab anas aad put la ralaboose 4* with thieves. TM food they gave me was not Bt for pig* One day during ths blockade, wMm we bad only dry broad, t complained and the man to charge knocked me down. Then the doctor came and said I was dying, to they sent me to Ran Ambroelon hospital across the bay. At Han Ambroslo them waa a bed to sleep In; that * nil; the food was no better and there was not enough of It. After the armistice «•» declared they treated me better, but t was so weak I didn’t care whether I lived or died One day I ufrotr a let ter to the American commissioners and n man In the hospital sent It to Gen. Butler. God bless him! The gen eral sent Capt. Page and the captain gave me some money, but they stole It at tM hospltsl. Well, I don’t know. Gen. Butler got me out and paid my wsy to New York. The Spanish dogs tried to make me sign a paper saying I didn’t blame them or the government, but I flung the paper In thetr faces. "I do not know for what I was ar rceted. Th»y never told me. lam go ing to try to go to Washington to ask the President to help me. I have no money, no friends. I may die, but I am going to try to live to get re venge.” Hohenstine Improved as the voyage progressed, and when the ship got In yesterday morning he was able to move about with the assistance of his cane. He was sent to the Rod Cross hospital, where ho will be cared for until he Is fully recovered or his friends and sympathisers send him to hia home. Dr. Congosto, of the Spanish govern ment at Cuba, who was a passenger on the Washington, said Hohenstine was arrested a few days after the blowing up of the Maine for donouclng the Spanish government In the at reels of Havana. * CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of (Juaf/^GUCAtM A Brilliant Escape.—Mrs. Blrdy Hardup—And now’ that we are married, my darling, how come you to pick me out over all the other pretty girls? Mr. Jack Hardup (absently—Well, darling, you know’ you had the dough uh-uh-uh (cough)—hem—dominion over my heart from the ftrst time I saw you, dear.—Judge. ■, > {3OOD IUCK BAKING POWDER# ISTHC BEST. MlffNM* Of AH In iRg PotkPf. Ml’ At ItSTATH FOR RENT I j ii w*mr#Mot'*ftft an t*rm' ! M *»"M to*w*L to nmm »• *♦ *• to to] ) 9N tlffXW #*FBDN. t MN** m a to to: I tak iiiiitM MM i| IT* IBM 9 ftKMflMi * * *. Is. ft* j I £?ft*f*w J|f i*pr * f*sMfMi #* .* ... ft to • IftaMlltM flml> 11~1l *• .. I* to] U w Hill 9 i i'w wm * 1* •« •• to to Hamsmbo id !l» atc-vt H « . . ««a HI a*r»i» k *t»a»4 .. • ■) I *| Law ttanga .. ...... ~ » IB I TM Roa ld* •• ••***. •rORMB- » ,544 ttrcrtd rtiw*#.. *. ,143 ttr-aid street ........ .. .. *• M j |*3J Broad Street T *• »*Mj •I Broad street .* f » ( * !t2» Broad rtreet L - «* *4j ‘CT Broad Ptffft .a *4 ** 4* *• a. to It | i HI ftnuift 1* •• •* ** to J [PM Broad rtreet 4. •• -IB* *B 741 Ellis street .. - » *•! 49* «ils street, I* 4* | p»rt as dsatcahly situated Broad Street rtece. sarectally Adapted for di»"*aw»akiag rsuMktiiuit. The atarvs Met wiU ha chaagvd tram day to dap, John. W. Dickey Real Edit Age at- To Rent ft* :?nr Mar# and BsdMaae# *t 1346 so 4 f*(7 Broad *tf»rt. One *1 tM hart •lends m tbs city lot a good Grocery More, or In fart. *py businre*. Th# Mous* has six All rood roams, 4 good yard, and M *ei» con**ol#al- Apply or Premises or at 808 Broad St. FOR SALE £9F~I have for sal* vary desirable build ing lot located tn th* centra of on* of lb* handsomest blorks In th# city. Will sell ram# very ch#»p. Ju#t th# pine# for a hasdsom# rrsldcnc# for your family. Good tltiaa. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA, NO. tj*7 GREENE STREET. FOR RENT. NO. 819 ELLIS STREET. BUILDING three stories high, containing elevator, etc. Especially desirable for wholesale business. Price *50.90 per month. JOHN W. DICKEY, Real Estate Agent. The Cetriia Solar Gas Company SOLE OWNERS. For the right to Manufacture and Sell th* INTERNATIONAL SOLAR GAS SIACHINE IN THE STATES OF GEORGIA AND SOUTH CAROLINA County rights for sale. Writ* at once for full particulars concerning ths Machine and Light. The public is invited to see the light and machine which will b« on exhi bition the balance of this week at 744 Broad Street, MASONIC BUILDING .■ y - Elsewhere, getting a child to sleep. “Bye, baby, bye,” they sing. 'Tis said, “Emerson, count one hundred slowly," ■ The Boston mother* croons, CALL ton Augusta Slewing Co * Ix port nitn y / ff 1 BBLLB OB’ GEORGIA Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. —.call rot— AUOUSTA BEER. | I——ll m—— ■■Ml ■■■mi Willi' .Itnummmmmmmmm-mmmmmmmmm* 3PATRONIZB -The Barber Shop of the South.” HICKEY’S Is the Place Five Barbers, all first-class artists. 212 and 21 4 Bth Street. > PORTNER’S < C HOFBRAU and ) / VIENNA CABINET / / BRANDSOF f i Export \ ? Beers J ? ARE THE BEST C S A(*K roa THKM. / B. r‘ MITCHELL. AIKXMcOONALD ] Supt. oi Coo. 8«e- 4 Uou. Mgr. Augusta Electric A Construction Company 212 Mrlnto*h Btr**t. Electric 8 mu'liei—-peeking Tub**, *lO.. *tc. R-ieir* to *ll Ri*ctrlc*l *pp*raiui- Electric Unlit Wiring* specialty. 801 l 'Plum* MM2. - - - ft.-owger B~*V An* T*r T LOW PRK-KS Large •«£*■ pipr. TALVRM and FITTI N4*H. IN UINF.H. ROII.FRB. M11.1.K and HKPAIKS. Lombard Iron Works & Supply Co.j AUGUSTA, GA. NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE E —-* Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWARD a WILLETT DRUG CO. REMOVED TO 711 BROADWAY- E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils, Daters, Pads, Badges,&c „ 711 Broadway. August*, G*. Strowger Phone £62. E. J. ERBELDING PLUMBER, STEAM, GAS AND HOT WATER FITTER. NO, 541 BROAD STREET BOTH PHONES k«ujMi4b MHHMMJHi | Charleston IW Carolina ##st9to# ft I ■ll i#niii #i ftp** ### “to *ftft f ft# j I * toSTH to,' i_ i 9to|ftft totoftft I I * fftpitMMMftto' 9. m- i ft-toftto ** "to ! I *fiKto mm•wm* j I * UpwittoM: - ! toto, U' mm I * ftftSvtoito«-* v MtotoN.»<B -. •-1 I 19 * m MM*I sift## j " -—ii -n a a - ... t A k I " fMftptoltoWnP Mt*d* a-s * "M” w ■ I * jhito jfttojiftfts- m »««•* jMPjto' I * to«toM9ito’ & - bmmmmm 54hpNM9 9 to#ft 1 I ... I m «##*■» #•## »rt I JMBPto***>*»»* I [OO HHp wtmmn ** Baa **••«« | * fin. .*** IftMMwrom I * PylpßMin ****..aJnb -*« »<»| j »nißßrtni.•***♦ .*#***>l ! 1 U a sis • w>- mm *....|w#*e#*« 1 MMI. rtf Jnpm »M.w »*..*.!*-« r—' sdta j * fartß . IS.ass. I M9«rt | •ymmmm w ,; Mhm Mndß] * flrtmsrtrt **.* sa.*rna> ’ rtssn j *-|artMß..,, ;i»drtHs i irtjrtl *rtHßfsMß.ro.*. wm> *..* I sHrt 1 *<%d* 1. .■ »..» • ta|rt* j TV'(WM «- w, I * <M*» . “ M*tata«B..rt.. « i !•" V Fkrt HBkMssroro. ,ro*.i 3 **•■» WB I vßswartiM.. . . ........ uasea, adMMB j rttfHWr ...T..... ’ t«s* BrtMß * tigifa* ,i.. . . ■■ i H|jßH| ! || dawns** fdka B* 94M8 MM d*w***a 4HSM*44a» j •mwm *• ( ad.»w* part* M ad *#HB j | aa a. d. U flsaa mwwsrt'raa « M M < ■ yartd* «a • 4. t rod 4 d » a* •«»% [ arts P*rt4*aatrt*B rtrtb **»<h>4B hw w»_r j j raaat ssMsta *a *a*. adMrta «.J Itlfobw 9a* *44. g. H BdgTlt. BsHsrtlai Art 1. H BM kfOM** 1 rort* llaasdar BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD. M C MUITIB rtasaavar k.rTt »*4 twW* l I ’*rt Sav'd d , add., BaFd Pro* flasv M T. i Oaaa Ctasv a *4*» d f i lay t><*. m Btattost. BBy I 9». ; Nall Nad ~ Natl J»*4 AM FM | ld*ft«a Ua*s FB ! i ’MSI BF Bt.« Aadsraaa Uk I'l*** id W I* I B 7! ... Uvavvt ... f I 41,11 ** K•* t 7* ta .... Avtaa —..f * Mil *1 j * ta i tatr .. r** <«••*• ..M i bu ® I • 9* : I «*M i**rwr CrsVi f 4 4* ; ll M ; * 43: titrt IF Adda’s UrtrtFt fl ** *• » » 1 All! .. t*f NAC A ...4) 4 »U 3* •m| | i j* m ! t ss| M. YTswri Tedart •I* »W Htl.. Faßsß* ...If 3 I*l AM rid I Mars ArrtvfPM m )No 13 Nad No U Nad . I B. Nairolav BfaHaa. V Flag Blallon i All re**tar tratw# fraaa 4*4#rwi ta Wathalla kava right t# track »v#v [ irate* at IM am i taaa ma. tag la «rt- Ipro.t* direct to*, aalsaa otbaswiaa are- j tiled by traia <*rd»ra. WIU alao atop at fidlowtad atattaaa It* tak# aa or lat off paamngrrs Pfcta- . leay's. Isan* dad Baaay Bantaga. | No 13 reaasr'a wtU* Mtkrra fall’ iway Na. 33 at Aadaraos. Noa I and 4 ceeat' t wttb Mlktu j railway Nna. 13 sod 37 at Broiar*, t. it. ANDBKdON. dupvr a vndent. mtNTIC COIST LINE. ; SHORTEST AND QUICMBT ROUTrt ! TU TUB EAST AND NORTH. ! 2 jupm Lv.. Augu-ta. Oa A r ! 7.14 am | I ta a,, L> Alkvn Ar ; 7 l»am l ltfhn, Lv t»cnn»ark....Ar i 4:l7pm | 4 Supra I Lv.. Orangb'g.... Ar | l:«*am 4 94pw! Lv..Bumt«r. *. C...Ar j 4:2*»ra I i-Kpanj Lv....Florenca,...Ar ) » 25am 10:33pt»{ Lr...Fay#ttcvtlla...Ar I Lltpm I S:2tamj Ar.lNrtcrabnrg.Va.Lv | t:l2pm 4:99am' Ar....Rlcfcmond ...Lv I 4:l2pm I 7 Ilam| Ar..Washington..Lv i 1 14pm » 93*m| Ar... .Baltimore....!.» I 3:»pm II ’Sami Ar .Philadelphia..Lv |l3:*»pm I 2:o3pm, Ar....N#w York....Lv | » 20am Pullman palac# buffet sleepk.g car* from Macon and Auguata to New York without change R. A. BRAND. Oen. Agt., 723 Bread Pt.. Auguata. Oa T. M- EMERSON. Trafllo Mrmsger, M M EMERSON. Gen. Paa*. Agt. Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. ind, trtl. Lv. Augusta . .. 9 39 a. ro. 821 »>• m. Lv. Bttnders»llle . 1 19 p. m l »:®9 p. m,: Ar Tennllle .. .. I:3* p.m | 9:21 p m. Ar. Macon * «8 P m.| 3:55 a. ra.; Ar. Dublin 4:20 p m.| Lv. Dublin ’l# "0 *. m j Lv. Macon .. .. 11:3* p. m.!«:55 a. ra.; Lv Tonnllle. . . 5:16 a. m | 3:10 p. ra. Lv. Sanderavllle. 17:25 a. ra.! 3 21 p. m. Ar. Auguata . .. 9:00 a. m., 7:10 p. m. Eastern Time. Close connection made at TennnTe w ith Central H. It. for Macon, and wi h Wrightnvllle and Tennllle B. It. fur Dublin and Hawkittavllle. C. W. JACKSON. Gen. Fgt. Pass. Agt. James U. Jackson, Joseph 11. Sands. Receivers. BIT TO LIM > In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. AlexanfleriJolinson Agents Scottish American Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St BELL E O F GEORGIA ocroMit 11 $. t t C. MlllftM CC »♦***»*#<"• »art* BHrtBFIIB Mm* Mrt* MMB Hrt tssaartaa haa ** #rtto itotoft ft *w# ttoft* I 9 9#’ v " a to A ftftNß ** I %0f "MB I ft* ft#toMtoMto|ft#* I* liiftHMift.^fttoto ; 0 * 4 #•» «Bs4rt k 4t#H 0* 0 ■» - ■ 4 am j ftgi fttoft' il* ftftfttoto X § * *ft iOO *■ * wtßtoto I ft# mm 9 9 tftftMMtofttotoi I ft# *#•» #| ft<i#9fMto, 's*. to#to i . » i I *•» ll# • oßtfo9 ft# • ftftftMftW# ft-toftrtftft , ft# « •mreton# .A#*## 9# ft4ft9| <to ftt ftftji ft*%fttotoft*»*fto»* **oos ft o*os/* o*o4oos 11« a ftitoto I# iitoi I i iirt j^fttoto ft* %• | ft#i# •• # fii lift ftto-» lifti \ T9u'#ik#»> j—pt to toto #m# 9 «to ;f+ 0 so*oo ftliftito I * TrtsftJlftftoi | ft# ft ftto >., >to toto i* to toft ««ft9 ft toft ft# B»»#totoft- ft ft Iftto ft 9 ItoMHMtol ft I toft ft# gain ft ftfttoto ft# Wtoftto ft. t tl#to | ft# totoftjHk-Utoto>ft#fttoaft alltofti I ft# ft#* t *ftl fti # nfti'toto * ft ftplrttotoMM to Cltottogftft totoft ft #9l 9«h# rttoftfttoft. #9to fttoft toWNft—ft tol ; jiii-i itto rto- 00 toMtoto fttotos fttoptoto ( mto *#w> «a»Mipftft toto# totoM ft*toft •*> iwtoii totopft totofttorito . - mbti LdßUiriHn# Ma#9* t*aMrt* IbhN rtavdjßß F, #. a**#- w M«* Ad* * *wro*ro *m * SOUTHERN RAILWAT. ™ »i9to toto ftto** 1 ftototo 1 ■^ |, u v - a •s**ii* 1 aad. ; ,**. kart* ~~~ j J 5: II ml lzzsz - ins; 4rtt P ■SaFwmdTdtrtßß. .. At ftst'smkrt _ [.*s* z fcaajr" . 1 he \lii Hi i : Trew-rt - - itfl Htt * . .. I Jln 15f ts tofTE ! 2*| I s f **• f: 1;:::: ***£ : f.a . *• i>Si«toi-4 .esc { * ft##to#to#to j L* Iftoftto I * JV f 1 A* BroVsrt ..-L • * • ' | * Pwrt | I* Npl I rtp A* Bwhacwd ■ . : * **' **» VFaktpv , I IS* •> Sf BktVMwroP* A It- . .. ' • '*** I • N k • I 4# • • mvt-v j»«*, 1 ... . %•. »t«Wro aa Hail# taut#. Li Kfv Tarli ##99 ft 19# WiJtoft -.&* \tl\ iT.I U wm m. da By. . m rtp ll i>« Ls. M»s»ro»9 . . UMwt Ualw> : U iw<tM . . I trtw aup 1 Lv X, rfwik I •rt p ' Ar Ofna ikiro j 4 r*a . Lv i.roruknrs I 794 a 7 9*p cirorfotta .............I trta w*p * Brok Hui I N»• II *» • fM« ........ 1M Ma tl *S P • W '*a#W» tl at a I* Ma A, Ot Ms hiawd'r s* tt Stan 197 a H.Ciilsisl* tsm’t ... I >l* pi 9US a ! “ Jokaatoa* j > Mi> 9rt a * Treawa . ... | *rtp| 4»a I * <«>**.>r>iU# ikp! T* a Ar Aagwst* ._ 1 MJ>) 9 49a Lfr. irtavtlg ( T*>a 4 «4p v. Apartaaowrg .. II 9Sa| 4 Up is*Ußy .... ..I »S6i> 7 PBa * Charlrotco 4 aDp! II «P* L» tW Va. F.C..AP ky ... II «» * It 97 a ** Navauwah ....... .1 4 lip 4 98a Ar Jarksonvtlfo. *• p ♦Ua iLKKFIjfrt CAR -9 KVIt i Birolfor.t duly pwusaaav aarvtro twtwwm •forida red Bas York No* » aad aatungtoa aod W#a«hwrot*ro» Llnntod Hebd Vswubatat train with dining ear* aad 4r*t eias* roro-hro north of Charlotte. Pnllinan drawing r».m sitwpmg ear. bet wee* I Tainan Jeeksnarille. narannaa. Washlngum Sftd N*« 9 ark | Pullman bleeping Cars legween Chnrfotta : and Ki-t,mond . | Pullmwn drawing room .leept"f roe* hv ! tween itreen*K,r* end Norfolk Clror connww lion at Vortolk for OLD FOIST COMFORT, artlvvug there ui thus tar hrenkfa»t. i B»Ud train, with Parlor ears, between 1 Charleston aad A.nevtll#. 1 h.» ■ and a-O b r*et Mail Throngh I Fnllman dtwwiaa room tmffet *ler|,ta# cwrs ba i tween Jack* ■ rill* aad N*w Yrok and Full men eleeoln. rm betwsan august* and Ihw l lotla. PuUteuu sleeping ror* between Jack !,nrUl* and Oolumbia, ea route dally between aekananU# and Cin.-lnnatl. vie Ashswille HANKS rtANNOS J M.Cri.F. TWrd VF. A lire Mgr T M . Wedilagton rt A.TVKK. A H HARDWICK I (4, F, A., waahtagtoo U- F. A, Atlnairo GEORGIA - • RAILROAD. (teth Meridian Tim#.) Gchedul# Effective April 24. 1834. Pullman Sleepers bwtweeo lfacoa and N»w York. Through Pullman Sleeper* between Au gusta and St. Lout*. Lv Augusta 7:os*ra| 3:2opm|l»:3opra Ax Atlanta ...|l2:3spm| B:2opm| s;ot)aj* Ar Macon ....|ll:l6atnj I 4:lsam Ar Athena .... !l2:lspm| 7:sopm! • Ar Galne#vlUe|*3: 15ptn| j - Ar White Pl’ajM OOpml I - Ar MiH'gal* .[10:10am! 4:3oam Ar Wash'ton ..|lo:Xoarn| 7:lopm| - Picayune train leaves Augusta daily except Sunday at 5:15 p. m., and ar rives at Millcdgevllle at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augusta 0:18 a. A. 7-15 a. m., 1:20 p. m.. and 8:28 p. tn. A. G. JACKSON, Q. P. A. JOE W. WHITE. T. P. A- CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect, March 8, 1898. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta, Southern Ry.. 9:20 p.m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 a.m. Leave Chester, C. & N. W. Ry 7:45 a m. Arrive Lenoir, C. & N. W. Ry 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir. Stage 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park, Stag 6 .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage .. 7:30 p.m. G. W. HARPER, C. F. HARPER, President. G. P. A.