The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 12, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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WITOMEBOAY 2 NO WAR PRICES Uilim ©*•****•*" .... JSI - »* Hft» oreo* .» *• *• Oo«nto . » ... 'PR ♦» ** lirieiiMLMliMlM . . . • '*. Bmirntwot G*«»*«* •» 00 CMH. I »#«*# m • f»w 4ftjr« t® (wy *®wf»® an*. I eft® taw® *m* SMI to ftO ftftf «•*** ft® »" oMftfto###o 1-rargcst ’ t | <rf kof OlftfrmfMlft *® Au<u.U LEWIS J. SCHAUL. jbSSLbr. Uniter the ArtWkftto® HoUt HAVE YOU THE RIOMT : skraftft l ®* ** A**? *«■# *%44M0 #W #4 pip®*® * # «* • ftftiwMMai ■#•§•• *i |,i « N * 4* p IflSlMtfl l fcl «ft#N» #OO oft tuftftlftllt 0 • I* #4o* fa.go PER WEEK? * *#o f 0» (pft®4 fft»»»*fioo INn* tUft *•■ l#it>iin (MS 9® tMtlii THE EVERETT 1W «M* Ihraara mwmrmm**** tm mm* |fgpti4#<o f'tftftft Aft** I ftUff l»iM* t* ****** fl rrr-n * MEFAIJUIta *KI» TCl®* **T Aft Tim Tbomas & Barton. (W. tl R4IIRKT Rr*«t»*».l TH RJHSAt»W*Y. gl'ftrfTi «M --AN() AIIAIN BO’TON WON, Til. I %tmtm A l*osnt Towards NMft MM fMlMfaf | fti wrMkir* - h.'h. r !*.,«*** M »* » Plis.adrlphl# * * * Ball# Gr*-« Irtl Ort», riANd HH," Hi yAffalftil AI \\ M># til tail «*t« » W..h **<«« ".. * t ftl . fa> '« *« ft * HiU®f*®® uni Kart oil. la#wl» ' •*<! T«oo®r. Ai Htjsmwit - hiiMMot. .. w * • • . .. » » • ! |liiUft«ftut «ud | in and WftiftftT I4* < fIL Mtt«l UftWft— £ 1 « 1 N** fork .. .. .. .. « *# *J I tkoil t®r Ire *KlI®. in ll*ftt»»ii***o, * I,ey l*e> t #t»4 WaritsfT. IftAOtlS MTANDING « Ho.i(HI .. ..MM ft »ft! .. *4 w .ft 3 OH’lnsntl .1 .. .. .. ** *• Ghbaxo ft ft -ft 7 ! Oavriand M .... 71 A Ffciladeti’hl* 75 ?• .M? New Turk 74 7* .t® 7 Pittsburg 71 71 .ft 3 j UuMrlll. .< .... <7 7* .4*2 Brooklyn M ft .*7* Washington .. .... M » .33* gt. Logit „ ft 1W .JM To Cure a CoM In One Day Tsk* 1-axatlve Rromo Quinine Tablet.. All druggists refund the money If It fella to cure. !Rr The genuine hea L. 8. Q. on each tablet. X SANDERSVILLE. Personal Mention Erom Our Nelgh horint rrlendi. SpeMeVfn The fli-ralil. •aaderavtll... <la.. Oet IS.-»Wtaa Ma ry Ulltuore ban returned from Macun, and It much Improvetl In h.^illh. Private tllrtui Ijiwaun of the eeeond la ependinic his furlough with his ala* ter. Mrs C. M. Tyson. Miaa Campbell of Bgrne.vllle la the eurat of Mia. M. Pringle Huntley at Glenvilla. • Ml»a Addle Thomas, of Durango, Me*.. Is visiting her slater, Mrs. P. It. MrCatly. * , Mltw Florence Collen left yesterday and Mias Hsdye Tarbutton leaves to day for Macon, where they will visit friends during the carnival. Mr. Chas. E. Choate, architect and builder, has located In SanderaviUe. with an office In the new Holt build ing. ttandersvllle Is to be congratulated upon securing him as a cltlsen. 20-yesr filled gold watches In ladles* and eenta* sixes with Elgin or Wal tham movement from f 7.00 to }ll.f>o. Guarantees wtth each watch at Hcwls j. Sthaul’s, Rcllablu Pawnbroker on Jackson street. NECKWEAR. F. G. Turpin Company has received the latest thing in Neckwear, Ascots, Chal tilly, 4-in-hands and Tecks ' 818 BROADWAY 818 ft Hire WHftAm MM ■ ftftft AM Taut ftaau* ft fta Aftftl ft.** fi» «ikp im*» *4 ?%» ft. IkNlllMMMtl #4 4rm» (MRM4 VMN4 •IP*'*® : ***m §& •*w* i **#i**ip P* i i in tnei *ft4 •■**• I full l |i.»oi fell fll Hftwf* *ft*' ! *‘ • j •#* *••• ,fc * 4«* IfftMA «**f •*•*"**«*• •*■**** A t'*"** ■ Y%» M** * fc»« ikNW*# fIMI.NMI 4| w$ (P*ft*ft j 4tpMM |#p* 44V4R14*444 *» *w4j ftirm r4iiw4MM>tfti» iMiif »n 4 #%*t ***-• **• f MiOiKft • 4»«fi iiHC ill til® MMMNntf’ '4 4w fgwif* fMW iPiipiiiiii > ts «n tin •* I 8| iftft |« «|Hi|fl| H#«i m». H AM'W*** Winm4* j ewftwTftl fftiMir *®HNN*#® ®®4 lIMM I • tirirr nil -nnti ®ft fwiNailf I N® l®*t t*NR **!•*•“ *i*w® *4* *••* : I lit l*®lt4ln# IWW44 iMHMI t®** l # • !••**•*# I t<# (PW f®l4 # ®M§ - I in <•» **** jM> **ft I fa n i«|m« tM (I® ftfttftf"? *wft ] <ir®> |»#® tie few ®<fefefg»4 v# i« tl®* pr®#t Ar# *H*r i wif i®n n®iiMl i* ®t*n4 •HTI ht«k At# «l®f r«M *• I MmvNl #m*ii JA®* W**l Ml *®ilA I ft® III® ®*4»®»Mi Mfe4 m4k*4® «*•* *i «*>•* j cm® *M»* fertfer k** ®* * 4HP* , ** s 1 Itftftl JlfinHlA® <l*l HMl4® Mft«l I iffil. llMlt *»a4# lit *W|WT ff**?* I ttMi M fe« *4 Ntw II •»**» emm 4HAI*® t* Wf ®Ml®f *•***' "* Irf in ttftjr M*w th* <®4k'4Nf ph*H *»® U. fast na thus *et wether mn» ft ltd* sa • h*«" 'ft* •*** Mueat Lteettona and If there la •>« candidal. 1 who la • ttltnc to *we *— *o—• the rtitaens about an honcet election - I thete at* nthsra plenty other*. O' us naass a r«d. hooest «e» and I all Stick toarther. young snd old. snd start Man TWs ran he done this fall t in the election for reran. Ilmen, and let IUS sea that tt Is d-rae let', hsv, mot I lugs In aurh ward aad come together I and »uee and forever settle this qaes ! non for Augusts Whan the moetlnu* \ arc called f<w the purpose of deciding I this vital quest ton. let ua all atland. I eey voter, every last voter In the tsard , ar district, and lal * do something. I This la not written In behalf of any * randWtale nor faction, but In behalf of i nit who want honest elect loss and can - . .1 Ida tea who will not accept office unless I they are honestly elected I, for one, am ashamed of my part In and protest sgalnal Ihe old plan FIIANKUN K OBRWAUr. Look Mere I Is anything the mailer with you hair? !Do you fear baldness * Then let me i treat your hair In time If already bald I let me restore It, foe l*ve done so on I scalps bald for long years, fonts to see ma at (ft 1-7 Broad atteet. MR*. SMITH. THE ATLANTA WAY. What An Augustan Says of ths Primary Election There. Mr. Lee Jordan. 50 Trinity avenur, Atlanta, writing to The Herald busi ness manager to renew his subscription, —•'as I want the home new* and The Herald print* It"—says: "1 hope you people will do like they did here -hsve a decent, elean. .shite man's eleetlon. The plan these Atlanta people have Is Just beautiful In eisn trast with Augusta’s—no negroes at all, no one yeiling or carrying a handful of ticket* and budges—no one to ask you to vote this way or that way. "All you do Is to walk In, pick up your tb k. t, go In * elo*et Just laige enough for a nuin to go Ui. with a cur tain to full and conceal the body, make the ticket to suit yourself and then drop It in the box. and there you are. "It made me feel badly to think how our fair city held an election and call ed It honest, when such an honest, clean system Is at their hand and they won't use It. “They say the negro doesn*t want to vote, so don't buy him and make him. "Woodward made a line race. Ills ri val was a hot talker, and there were those who were sure his speeches would win him the race. But Woodward sat In his office, sowed wood and sold no thing." A Narrow Hscape. Thankful words written hy Mr# Ada E. Hart, of Groton. S. D.: "Was taken with a. bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set In and Anally termin ated in Consumption. Four Doctors gave me up. saying 1 could live but a short time. 1 gave myself un to ray Savior, determined If 1 could nut slay with my friend* on earth, I would meet my absent ones above My husband was alivised to get Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds 1 gave It a trial, took In all eight bot tles. It lias cured me, and thank Ood. 1 am saved and now a well and healthy woman." Trial bottles 10c at Howard A WiHet's Drug Store. Regular siac r.n<- and J 1 00. Guaranteed or price re funded. THK -A UOT76T-/V HITRAi-D 111 is nrs~ ! MOTIVE POWER y#*M A? Ift ’ f Aft |Mf tk>4®>® Hmm IMfcf l*lli l<4 p* ft* »-***. "f'feb** f« -.MW®'* * H*4o9k* | I*o** |« ift csMwt 00®4 fife* •••0% I® ‘" -4f I - ftft'-iftMf ffty’iA44 A * l ’fe®®* 4®®®Bp*®oft fg-Tiigar 1 m A M 1 H f%* ***' r,2£ •It. Vrwliil*i I *ti|>* IftttiHMn WKM# J iofto*. CMmAPA 94 l/»«k ***4 j lirfe* i|Mil mi®# of Ihr rouftiry | yfwivklft »m *B* for m®<r rmrm t NVw Tortimi h®r# ta®t»t«*4 o» ®^»®* ;Cof»4re«*c4 Air A® Power.* Not mevety with th® rrofMilotnn of litrv«t nn will th® rottiiwtiy ti*vft to < a abort atop from Ihe street car. and com primed air delivery wagon# ami meat* throughout th* tows, oace they j have been generally adopted. Would make a very pretty conpulatbm. tA'lih th* romrummatlon of Ihe pres eni plana of the Trai lion . ompaay. the : undergtouod eiw* trie* will otoapy the , trunk line#—the up and down cars—and . the compre**ed air equipment will be. adapted for the I*s mile* approximate ly now operated by ihe use of horses, f It Is anticipator! that the Metropolitan Traction ooaapany. In thu* equipping: their line*. wIH not have a horse on the atteet by Juuugty 1, IMM- Another point of Interest In this con- | nectlon I* that for both compressed ale apd electricity there willl be required ' x WINE OF CARDUU WOMEN WHO WoßK.^ra. St. Louis, Mo., Aug. tl Though onlv 19 year* old. I suf fered from pains and female trouble* two years. Last spring I got so had I had to quit work, llud to support mvself, and could not afford a nigh priced doctor. I got one bottle of Wine of Cardut and that made me feel better. Ha\ e now used several bottles and am well. My mother used the Wine for f hange of Life, and was greatly relieved. miss MA*G*m waisg. W wSom*' Many SIH» and women fmd if necessary to earn their own living in various Kinds of employment Their work is often so hard and confining that the health breaks down. Their delicate constitutions are unfitted for tiresome tasks. Weakness nearly always makes its appearance in the peculiarly delicate womanly organs. Constant standing on the feet and coming and going at the beck of a superintendent or foreman, induces falling of the womb, leucorrhoea. headache, and backache. The pay of women workers is often so notoriously small that when sickness comes they have no money to engage skillful — physicians. To them Wine ladies' aovisoßT oep*mment. i| 0 f CmcM is truly a blessing. For ffidrle® tn caa«» reqnirlng tpft- L . ... . 1 dal direction*. ■ddr«fi«.giYtp*"ynap- It CU ITS them Ol their Ills at 1 torn*. LudUt' AdiUvry v TfeftCkftMftftftOft-fe#®** 1 ® 1 ®* 4 -*’ l a small cost, and they can i Ohatunoofft, T®®n. ... U. —wwwwv act as their own physicians. No doctor can do as much for "ftmaie troubles" as Wine ufJCardui. Druggists Sell Large Bottles for SI.OO. ■ d > WINE: OF CARDUIX graft A*tlftft> ft rat ft** Painkiller. 4 tft- 'jo tiff 1. if ®fe ftNNMfi \ femftiftftft IhpihtMMV #®®ol 4s* o ® 9feft (H«tt PftMftftk HM*t fttft uraywlMtiMi •ftftttra M trawl Wt Asm* ftraftara : fHIfeNMlHfe 04 40®® ft * ftMft® |MW# ftM|l MNhiMMk Pkrara* ft A ft® AftfeMhhl 4h9hßf 1 iMf ft I n® T JTftl tTRft 00 flfe® fra»ft'*#fk tfe*# ®ftfe ; Air Car* In operation. Mh® Hty With oft* rhftrftr ttf •(* 191 llr® Th® »lr f.«r th® Mi iRNUh th® flow «f th® rftr. Tu rhfttft® ! »Ihw® fl«o!tft ««»t wthf® thfto tMtßlmrtfi U *'o«mhi»®4. Th® rum ar® ftit**>)ttt®tjr iMiftkHH. ®t 00 ftf •IftfMnf with u* j I <*f MnpfNWid «tr lift • nvrfiv® t®>® ®r ntui tir®n brought «t®*ut It !• clftlm®4 th.»t th®f® will h® ft rlnft® ft|*roftlm«tTott ift th® mt*ld trftnftit «nill®nlufn. I f%h th® strut tlth® felnr® lt« hMniriftN I iti®’C*i»noT«’®®l<>ti«l lliiury lu WftHhtfMt* too wii® op®ft«*4 to th® t»ul»lU in th®. ®Y®«iluo iftf*t 9«iur4ft)‘ (%»mpl**t® »m* | < tmt fttt«*n4®4 th** ®M|N*rlm®fit, for thofft ! wika* 1,500 Yin)tor®, th of whom uvuaUh) thrm®®lv« ® of th® plivUffffe of uami th# ' rrftdins room. A.jh.At I I r\&mt Mar iir THE OEM DISTURBED. kaAgyf* lltrftffai M Mil Mira Jtgftf Yaftfwn t a** A#ofe ed 0 th mmmi **oool 9**wm * ■ •o%ft t 00®* ft#* pft BUT * >«•►#' '*•**€# 4I#OOMHNMi 1 Ih® lft«f*tt|oM® jlflNihMFa #OO 8 Htc«o4 Mtfmp now Itvftft «r*»r*l oit*®® out 1 frtaai Ts urmi— Thih ofhft®. tih® thn4 , of Mr® Hikftff, M 4 th® lift ihrwwtfe M 0 00tli th® n*4t Wtift tfefehnl Th® lop of th® n4H ; vm brofcftft ' *«p®Q a ntl 0 fttffop# ®o«*rf • ft® M®4® to \ tab* a bogy from a genre | Mrs Medio, k tu tuirlwd os Aagaat i [ jg, HAS. krai her grave la aaar that 1 ■ agere Mr* Mania la burled. Tb# rob bers reached is to the coffin gad Is St- ! t»mptleg to lift what they evMently j ,opposed wouid he a newly Interred i body from It. polled os arm of Mra. j Mrdlnrk out of It. Again aeelsg that they had made a 1 mistake, and either sickened hy their j ghouttsh work or tl.'ed from ihelr ta-, hoes. Iliey left the (emetery. The grsv-w were lift opes with the | I dirt alongside. The coffin* were open l and the arts of Mrs. MedToek raised < above her hi ad when Ike work of the 1 night was discovered on bunds) morn ing. , -a - aii ;:>cHmw*i. At soon aa the discovery was made all Noreroas was Is a slats of eictte i ment. The news reached the husband of Mrs Mania, the lady burled the 1 • day before, and he Imtuedialdy rame | to town prepared to remain. He went | jout to Mount Carmel and every night for nearly three weeks he camped hy the tide of his wife’s grave. It Is supposed that the men who did the work were sent lo the cemetery for Ihe body of Mrs. Martin, and were told that her grave wa* on one aide of the place. Rverylhlng points to thia a* being the correct theory. The grave of Mrs Medlo-k Is near that of Mr* Mar tin, while lhat of Mrs. Maloney Is some dlatanre from It. The people of Noreroaa *ay that they have no clue to the guilty onue. but there are ahrewd men at work on the case. Carl Mill*, the young policeman who was murdered on Whitehall street month* ago. I* burled at Mount Car mel. It wa* reported that bis body bad been stolen, and that It was done fur revenge, hi* murderers following him even after death. This, however, is not true, and the grave bus not been disturbed. The fa ther of the murdered youth Is here and today made an examination of the grave, which proved conclusively that bta aon’s remains are et rest. We Have moved to the Ellis Restaurant stand at 71 7 Broad street. Will be glad to serve all, old and new customers. INN RESTAURANT. Death of Mrs. A. P. Lambeth. Waynesboro, Oa.. Oct. 10. Mrs. Amos P I-ambelh, a popular lady of Waynesboro, while returning home from church Sunday afternoon, fell from a stroke of paralysis, and was carried to her home, where she died at 5 o’clock this morning, was about 55 years of age end leaves a husband and son and a host of friends through out Burke county. Her remains will be burled in Waynesboro cemetery. CASTORIA. B»»m th. Ttl6 Kind You Have Always Boufiht *-.r AUOUITA LYCtUM, an jtoiiftT liiirrtftA I 0 % ft 0)®4%0 % *i ft gft ft #b § -*• ft| ft ft* * •<ra4» ' 000ftftk" • Igft ft#®®o #0 WMk 40M® ftp! * 0001 ft ft aft*# |i#|. ft % ft'ft t'" 01 #1 Hoc ftffift 0 fegftft ft *-tft oft 00M0 000# ft *#l SITUATION WANTCO |trw*>w. H*t Ms* rraev street. Utl U ” FOR SALE ~~ dII:AM CggAU AT M lACKMM tt Dig lAIJD-tra-ArltK FARM, UKg | puls t«ra illy Mmtta, a kwrgatn Ap ply W. C. Juke*. Ns. tat Jackauk •». jOst 1 K«*H lAIJMKUK MANN, f YfUHR ler^A^^rr, | hare®®#. Alftif 5tP Wftlkia® ftifetl* FUR IAUM*ADTO VICTOR RIOT* ru9-f®rf® t NsduioA. r«#i list ClMtfi fr*® cash •( Thi*ma® A Baftoft l. I « N’t 10 ~ TO RENT TO RENT—ONE WKU. FI’K.HIHHED r>wm. wrtlki hwtfc. Ac* and k«k«. Ap ply io *s* Onrai *n**i. Otl II 'FUK KENT —BTUHK MS AND HAUc f WAT KT Uicad Apply Cwiumatiigl 11111 l Oet 1 TO RENT-ATORE NO. D 4 BROAD Street, next bdow Davenport A Phi*. lay, running through In Kills atreet. Price |1 .AM. Alexander A Johnson, tag Broad #tr#et. Oct l TO RENT—COMMODIOUS BTORB. I No. HI Broad atreet—lTS per month. |W. S. Gardner, 115 Eighth street. Get 1 FUR RENT-A NEW HOI’SE; Mil Gwinnett atreet. live doors west nf Woodlawn avenue, eight rooms and bath, posaeasloti given at once. Apply to Clarence E. Clark, 53* Broad atreet. Or! » If TO RENT — FRONT ROOM FUR NISH RD or unfurnished. !15 Camp bell atreet. Oct 17 FOR RENT—STORK NO. 52* BROAD street at 170 per month. Thad*. Oak man, No. *ll Broad atreet. Oct 1* * "Lost and found. LOST. OLD HTTI.K, round breastpin, wtth pearl In center, chain attached. Reward for it return to Herald office. Oct 1* MISCELLANEOUS SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING only 55.00 per month at Osborne’# Business college. Monday. Wednesday and Friday, at night. Come or cal! at 'once. Great demand for stenographers. June 17 ts 100 BASKETS CONCORD AND DEL AWARE grape*. Just received at Gl ovanl's, 004 Broad street. Nov 1 DANCING SCHOOL —MISS ELIZA BETH WHITE, recently of New York. Library Hall. Children's class Tuesdays and Fridays 3:30 p. m. Ladles and gentlemen same days. 8:00 p. m. Nov 10 MILLINERY OPENING AT THE LA PIES’ Baauar, 920 Broad, Wednesday and Thursday. October 13. 10—11—13 —13 Oct PIANO LESSONS. MRS. IDA STONE WATSON, 743 REYNOLDS STREET. The Bell Tower Drug Store, CORNER GREENE AND JACKSON STREETS. MTTader new management. A full line of i-resb Drugs, Toilet Articles, Brushes , Etc We make a specialty of Physicians' Prescriptions. ij; PATTERSON & WADE , OCTOlir* 13 I- ft %'ftft|§ar <">ft* *'■ i4i oft*o tk#4ooo4l j f star »*sft#ft*Bte«k ftNMMNi fe# *#o# ®#ooo ##Mft 0a i 4ft * 'OO ’IOOOO4 400* ***** WOiMHOOOOM^ I vm, •mmmmm - m,mi ' : special Notice#; o#ooo fe «*#Mffi# ft 000 ftkrakk# f ft* ft#ftfto 1 Per C! (500,000 7 Per D f f■ f ’ -. 5 * - In* * 0.0 I# ft | W A fef I l Asra®* 0 |ft >t. t-wA 0 # 00fe ftraftftt ffft® ffth.*'* feoftt ftoo#foft®t'|dofe kftftft I in— mui—ii "irr - - in mu i—rank—>•*» tihliifti V«tk#. 4f ■**##%•»«. 109 *#!•»! 0 ft|f®t. It 0t0» Itn <4 Uft4 A imltfc JA4 r AIIITIV Refserii»g m i hnv* r*rk( I hsrshy gtk* ftnKtrra (hftt 1 WIN ®®ottoo® 10® | Aran# t»ia#oo®#o ftl 10® **4*l •* ®r**i oft hmn4 A Vm# h »«*4 mmurv (hr p*toi» la 10® o®M*t • >rlft#ft. up t>-4*»® orti ® ®toft®, 01*4 f « *pra * ts u < l|f m*k if® 0 | ftivrafi to® M 4 orm R M UND. Mm Uoo#t low Prktft. ! tl Dr, sa Skirts, at •• •• «• •• •* 7V» 111 I’nlaandered Mhirts. at M* p k sod, rahlrts or I’rawer*, hi .. .. 3*c II.» A 8 w.wd I nderwhlrt*. at .. i | tl 50 UswtweiU* ’,llkl H A Kin# Strad. of Wowlwn far kulta and F. G. MERTINS. | Tailor and Geqts’ Furnish,r. oppoalt* Plant®* • n '** “ • Monevto Loan REAL ESTATE. —ATFLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. THF. NEW Broari Street Barber Shop For an Kasv Shave and a Neat Haircut go to No. 715 Bro»d Street, ground floor. F. C. dos Passos. Tba Rotary Raror Strop for Sals. " "7 Gilder’s Pills ,j§t*T ’•T*' No Southern made Pill is so popular as Gilder’s. — sj It was born in the South. It was raised in the South. It has always been made in the South. It has cured more South ern Liver troubles than any other Southern Pill. Southerners should use it. Let Northern Pills cure Northern people. The Howard & fillet Drm Cl. MAKE THEM.