The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 12, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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WffDNEBOAY 4 THE AUGUSTI HERALD •mmmm MMP , MM * MM „.«a »• zi'zStz: ■.; r: : 5 ns: .a. - ■— MMM •'-* t%* «*« **» C E^Sat nmAU* t««N» f, - -- Olim | «MM HU l <N■»»»■» *u* mu flWt uitrrrr **■•» wm< *•#-««*• «*• m wm j two tws wriuii* Mi googia fit ss►*• •** P U*»J*n—M AI ** *iiUM i IhU •M •< toMMI• U*«»*i4 t>) * tunn<« -** u* <'•'"•"• I* ****** •* w*Nr«i« 0M tw H«**>4 m •mm fw U m* raorawd* wt« mu'** • hn> a* i»iwn« »*• ui ♦* tu. to advswtwcrv {Miwliwn MHriAH m h* «*■»- rtTJo*V TIU rt*r #*d lU «**•# trty M (HAmUA toy ** j **,***‘ w#*h toy auk paper.) Mawdard « M Attoa Of (tea iiamw *if w»» Matt* Hr, Wttl pa« H tk» uark*t. toh«(0»«h. > Iha brat m*4 tb# rhrapaM t* Rf- Hand MrMUtr A Oo'» Nr* pUwU"t War Alta* <4 Hu WorM. TbU pshllraiku raaatat* of rlitaap Iwrg* «up» with marginal atatiHk*. •f ait part* <H thr world raararaH la •hr •at *«k Apata I* tb * ••••*«■* •f ll* f*artrri Thr Herald baa arraac «rf with tb* paMlabori lot » *P*»‘*l Eptta A cop* •111 hr nulled la aor addrem for thirty-five raata. ttolrty r»»t* wtth- M i pmiasr Thr atlaa I* aot for aat* at thr *:ora* Map* of tbr «*or»d. north Aauiiia Korop* Spain, (ha Wi-at Indira Cuba. Havana, tbr Pliil* trplar* Mr., am pltra oa a *ral* larg* ou #gb to hr valuable for ready rafrr- Tbt* atlaa la •uilrely urw and I* Juat out It raanot br hmtphi at any rtor#. Thi Mrsaid ha* arranged «ltb ihr pub )|*bari for a la*a* edlllo# o*ll and #*., it. or *md M ranta to Thr Harald off in if foo waat aar Every pat it otu? American ta lot#r»*t#d In ilia praprri.* of tba peer* negotiation* Tb# Standard War Atla* which Thr Hrrnid la offering to It* rrndara for 30 rant* *1)1 nnawar all qurtttoa* relating to tbr pawtraphy »f Cuba, tb* I'hlltp plna Inland* and In fart erary country that it likely to ba Involved In tha peace art (lament Call at Tbr Harald office or arnd (blrtp rent* for a copy. THE EPITOME OF EVENTS. ttrvrni>'*n rountie* In MlastMippt an* now plague atrlcken. ffUl —( work In to be made of the In diana In the northwiest. Th. Rrlllnli iroopa In Kgypt nre threatened with an epidemic. It la decided that nlot machine tel ephone** until In Chicago are Illegal. Th. net tier* are aakln* for protection from the Indiana In the northwest. The Vlacaya ha* been nhandoneil and the Marta TVreaa *alla for Norfolk thla week. Dr. PeCosta 1* atlll dlacuaaln* the de cline of Christianity In the United State*. The Episcopal convention at Waah ineton I* to discussjthe question of di vorce thla week. General Lawton left SantiSßo yester day for the United State* on a three month* leave of absence. The German presa declare* that there v tll he no aenaatlonal dl»c!o*ure* In Prince Bismarck's Metnolra. The New York republican political managers ate bavin* a hard lime In restraining Hooaevelt’a impetuosity. The present Knlxhta Templar con clave in Pittsburg lild* fair to ecllpac anything In the history of the older. The Junior Pennsylvania senator has coins to Quay'a rescue, aayln* that the at lack ha* been timed for political rea son*. No sto. kholder* appeared at a called Ttie-unr of the Hlectrulyte Marine Salt* chrhjdn.v. mid the clerk adjourned Hie same to November sth. Philadelphia puts In a strong claim to he known a* a city; of churches by the fact that cornerstones for three netv churches w ere laid on Sunday. General Shaffer has been talking 1n Michigan. He says Santiago could have keen taken in two hours, hut it ovould have cost two- thousand lives. fl« ta« MMtffMl ?%* HMNMMI * * ***** * #f ##l Hi**** I * *4u out 4# hMOMt MH dh* I fftMSt S#B#s## *# St S W#®#*# Isi s%» #rnmn *•* ** Wwsnt Pwmm I Mill Si IS SMS# • •*# #■#§ «** * : «SSM#S ##wK|Si|SSii I sSsr 4MP mssmm si® ••*»> { #mms t#ti issit |t-#sN«»sit«# sf mbs Si### Si #*###*» si igiSii'i]>ii'» *• •» ; sni psNMtS |Sts#sii* sPNpMMBw tm s* si tS» «sssmp«S «'*si»ss Sm« si its# Iml sitiiSl SspMSl tiIMMSS sS* I SMsn#i MShMMW# is# ®NSP#it •• tSit I #Mt fsss# 4#S#si IS *«# «#M#S sf I%*» kmm**mk is S» I P#hs SSltssi# l i#i* ssshnMl t# I S#Sf S|S#t#iStSi M# sS#f sstsi • Strr sswsif null# «#*•# ti#w#* r j i» UNf f'#nnSft tSi ns# St* S# MSBSr S> M'S** • ” T i s«#si II SI StsSs'liw* • is* *s p S ! nhtlpud to ououi UMB* hM mmttm HU tMbila of Hu fat* prwlPH* bod MMb* I HQiaoai tbarruv *at thr u> «uui*i ’ tftao at Mu** -rUrta* l Pi ary taOuaUM pnU-> ta tbr tnu> j >«u of Hu AourtHP aobtbttam at tto jw« h» Tbo HunH pupu *•«» I buuutod *u fruaMi, i**oH H> ' Pnrb a*4 Ma aaaartaAU ud utrt *f■ f Us u t»»aO OmMo ta Ouba thr t'Uird * at at** aaattoo oo* of tto O»aM pMHbt* Op* of tt* amt thtaraoiia« f»atm** | as HU rtpaoHM ufft br Hu ****** of I th«nrni»tlnbPl aaopuam •hob «ltt b* ! haM Harioff tba pr««u« of tbr fbtr. 1 Thru boir buu Ot'iMbH Mu Mn 'in liiii-io to Mtaua; lU»*Ua 1, **U i <ottoo and laorbMNi; outuo 1 ba* ' ana. dawrhHt* art*. Ittrrotoro. dra j outtr art. btomy. anboroMw. aae |HoO A, outh*out »nl artauraa IOOU [ —sum (sksSsss*. mmtmmm. g*»4* ! apt, a*rti«o A. pbya*«rf and MUtUtM j toHhatrtaot: urttoo t. ontnml a*!****• toautopj. übumtoyty. botanp. noool jopy. anMouy. pbyMoMy. nntbropol aytyl: aarttoo t ouOtcol and pbattna | mHtrol ulroraa; aarttoo I. npptt*d l OM-rbaotr* Mail nod tonritiih* roplo* .•rtnc omm of irotuport; arrttoo A. ! aprtraMornl orUurrn Incronouy n«rl roll nr* tlilmltwt*. oprtmitnrnl Indtu irtra. bertkuliar*. aylilmllarr. bunt las. Bum* I: aarUeo ». pollHrnl rroo ohty, ugtatattu. «uHMIra; arrtloo Id aortal arlmrra I aortal rroaouy by giro*. tMlituctl: urllon 11. rdlonl rat 100 and gaoorapbirht arUne* !«*«»•- i rapbv. phyalcal gavnttaphy. ryplora | UohM aacUon II udualry and tou 1 ourra In gnural Tbaaa confarrnru. j arfnrh will ba held under tba phtron i agr of tb* furl govrmmrnt. One of (be o»«ut atrlngrnt rulaa j which ba* barn laid down by tba ***«• j utlva oPcrra of tba aiblblUon In ra aard to Ibaae <ohgrra*wa proild* tbal under oo rlmiowlanroa uhauier util ibe dlocualmt of rellßtoui or polltieal »ul»)e<ta be pertnlUad. NEW KAKXXIA. Tba Harald haa racenlly had o«oa ■ion lo dlacuu the qiteallon of terri torial «ipou*lMi, more eapeclaily a* regarda the retention of the Phlllp i pinea, and tt dealrea to draw attention to one point of »aat Importance to the South. »l«: the puaalbla opening of new market* for our cotton. Notwithstanding the fact that thr new area devoted to cotton thla year la between 2 and 3 per cent lea# than 1 ,n the year previon*. there l» an a*. *ured crop for the aeaaon of over 11.- 000,000 bale*. In addition, the aplunera uow have on band « larger atock than they have had at tbia time In any pre vious year. The crop abroad, at the shine time, haa ranged from fair to excellent. lA*t year In similar condi tions thr growers had to be content with an average price of 6 1-5 cent* a pound. Last week middling cotton on the New York market touched s\. In thee* circumstances It la but nat ural that Ihc South should tutu with eager Interest to the possible owning of new markets abroad. With the Am erican supply exceeding the demand and the foreign market difficult of ac cess. the annexation of the Philip pine will not only afford a new mar ket actually utnler the control as the American government, but It will pro vide the entering wedge for Introduc ing the trade Into China. In the lat ter country, for Instance, the native cotton is sold at from $8 to $10.65 per 133 1-3 pounds, while American cotton, as soou as its superiority is generally recognited. could be sold. It la claim ed. at from 62 rents to $1.24 more than this rate for the same quality, notwith standing the unfavorable trade condi tions now existing. WAR EXPANSES. From the article on the expense of the war In McClure’s Magazine for Oc tober, from the pen of Hou. Frank A. Vauderiip. assistant secretary of the treasury. The Herald reproduces the following interesting figure.-: Of the $50,000,000 put at the disposition of the president lu March. $20,973,274 was as signed to the navy department; $19.- 811,617 to the war department: $35,000 to the treasury depaitincnt; and $53.- 860 to the Mate department. In a f ##» #### wi# •*###* i* •*#■#b m •Mi t#*# ##* Mmb* *l#s ii '# %4 ftp f ## t# BP# * SMMM-3d| i# f dN4tf-'-4 i ' f#tt * 411 i * t Im% § M#f#Si MHR# *#*■«-* #N ##► p» «M#» fHi •fi P&" : X jrTTff «l • «## Jr §*t MW irfM t>i#» §1 ##.## «MNTt> Mi#'Ml *##* #*Mp» MA# b» tb* gai*irtHgHH at If MO * 0a» «*4 • (Mar «oo*at*<*d ttw **• H I‘lMf ’ I gMit I# * §mm li i Ml# *#4 Mi •«## fti lA# «# I hmmwi« fi .## t* f** AM# I# ## H#Mi ll A- ? Ai 'ft iMNNIfA# A#®' •at mat I da • •* a*tM *• Apart rat t«*»*i ood «bbb la aii itr - rW aad ib~fl, «oa* It .cab, OSO Ka.fc or tb* ft** Hgrtb kta •qoodrtH goa**H lb* ftrtbd •»* Nebd| A|wk f i*i {1 * f (f**- tt**r*y| JfAi.AM'’ g . ig.oMiiot fHNft fe IIMHANMnI ® 1 ® mi Maoii* star H rort tt* o*»*ra*»**: •*••**• «• Sail ray Csrvsra’* Htos kadnra Aaatta go. TW aoM*ff ktiftaa ***** “ IdOOMHWt llakMUO to tt* atlaOM* *" Morb Osalbaa* barbae, cart S3U a*. ■ Barry t lose a Ibst b oonad ta* •#*■ artrtMot* la at a gtaat *»p*aa* Ad- I mtral Osowy'o «tl bill lor lb* «a«nin oT April •** ••• •T 2 Tb* *«p**dl- j taraa tot tb# ar»y ft** Nartb I to j B*ptaoil»*t tt •*** IllUllttl. tobd lot tba navy ttd.Hi.PTA, Tbt* ta aa *•- , erabaa over thr Mtprwdttar** for \ ■am* saoeth* l**t yror of lltt «*1 Mrt Tb* total war #*p*»a*v at* *#tio»*t*d j at |ttl tMb.tttt Tba dally **p*bd»- j tar** lo lb* oM* *f lb* **t on* t •bool tt*o ••*. They ara m»« about 1230 «oo • day. or tao millto* dollar* s otuntb. t * a rtvoodutt ocirrcs , PmyrMor Brasllb of the Oils** House In Nto York t* entitUvl to a j vote at thanks and con »l d* rat ton from tha daraocy loving portioa of tb* in babitaAts of tb# borough of Maobat | utn. Mr ttraalle abooa hi* common nett** ! by bla latest proounctamsoto regard ing pugilist*, thetr baagara-00, and | tbr rag-tag and boh-talla who "crook [ tha pregnant binge* at thr kurr wharr | thrift may follow fawning.” Mr. Roh Fltistinmnn* Champion of tha World, mlnu*. however hi* hlg dog, *trolled Into tha Hilary liounr caf# iaat weak, sat him down and ordered mo k tunic soup. Aftar n hurrlad eonsultatlon with tha office, tba "champarn” wn* Inform ed that ha could not hr served lu that hoetelrlr. Upon Inquiring thr causa of this or der, II was stated that the decant pa trons of the plac# had become tired of the brawl#, olwtraperousness and dally wrangling of tha plug-ugllea, and had registered their remonstrances with the proprietor. In consequence and In future tha custom of prize fighter* Is not desired at the Glisey House. The Herald doffs It* cap to Mr. Bres lin. In Hemorlum. • There Is no death. What seems so Is transition." Thomas J Boyd of Allen’s. Ga, en tered Into that life elyslan whose por tals we call death. In valu we ask. jVhyT Why this son. father, brother, husband, who could so Illy be spared, should be taken hence In the flower of his manhood. Only a few short days ago. happy, beloved, a tangible reality —today, only a memory, hut an inspi ration to better thinking, nobler liv ing Thomas Boyd was a man true to his friends, true to his family and to his highest impulse*. Time, the assuager of all grief, may soothe the sorrow ot Ills friends: but his little ones will need him so—with a need that will grow as the years go by. Green he the turf above thee. Friend of our happier days; None knew thee but to love Hire. None name thee but to praise. —D H. D. £ Hen's, Ga, Oct. 10. 1898. It Is not proper to throw new shoes at an old bride. DO YOU WANT SUNDAY’S HERALD? DROP A POSTAL TO THE HERALD OFFICE “ITS SOMETHING NEW AND SOMETHING GOOD.” TB H 3 WTJOXTBTJV OTHALD TMt! CMi*Lk\ I M TOWN. -rm rnmm umilMK* •* *-* I am# MN##M® 9aa® mjA'Ah *aM* ii*§ ®® a ■ MBwaa imm. tl# Mm# «#!*» i K amM aoMtUi# a tmrp rmnaMA Ju*« why tb* Mg Mark bug* ahawtd *b«(W a (it hirßf. fat i m tt n ***** * • mtrtcty M vkko zobdy ba* offered a aattafbrtory etpianarlua. There la a car kata atomple of tbia tm> deary la tha light rtgb' under lb* b(»> tal plata* Tbia lamp la almost doth en«d a 4 time# by a perfect < loud of bttga. They dew rail upon tt from *<»•«* where out of apace aad their ug ly aad ungainly corps## atrvw the pavement Ilk* aatuma leaven Meanwhile the other light* out In tbs middle of Broad street »r# almost fra* from tbs winged invader* Oct*. 1 •tonally, at rare Intervals, oq# will flutter against tha globs, but It haa i l*a*n observed that tha shatter vlaltora fly off Immediately when they survlva i 'be rolliaon and make for the other lamp. The same Strangs dlarrtmlna- Hon la noticeable elsewhere In the city, but not quits to such a d* gree as i around ibe Arlington, A visitor from Centra! Africa who was In Augusta recsutly attracted a good deal of attention by his dexterous u*e of n flint and aieel rigar lighter. The apparatus was peculiar. It rtm siatad of a length of thick woolen cord | coiled In n tiger'* hollow tooth and two •mall itsel roller* fastened In a reft angular metal frame. In obtaining a light the owner of the device held the frayed end of the cord against a scrap of flint In the left hand and struek the edge of the atone a smart blow with one of the roller*. A spark or two flew out and In a moment the woolen fabric was a glowing coal. It was ex tinguished by merely thrusting 11 into the hollow tooth. “It's easy when you know how.” ho said, "but the trick la really very difficult to acquire. Th« blow must be struck at one certain an gle or It la Ineffectual. In Central Am erica the appnrtatu* Is Invaluable. One Is not only apt to run out of matches, but the profuse perspiration of the body often renders them useless. With thla little Under kit. which costs next to nothing anil lasts forever, there Is no trouble getting Are whenever It Is wanted.” ——.-• • John Spivey, the Harrisburg bo.v who was on the flagship New York during the Santiago engagement ami who waa recently Ip Augusta for a short time on a furlough, told an inter esting story, with a sentimental side. The Obeaerver. however, gets •It at seootul band. He said that during the chase after the Colort the watchers oil the Oregon and the Brooklyn saw the Spanish flag on the Colon hauled down. This was taken to mean that the ship had surrendered. But the Co ton did not slacken speed and the two American armor-dads kept up their racing clip. For fifteen minutes the Colon sailed along without any colors at the masthead, end then another Spanish flag went up and the fighting waa renewed. After the surrender of the Colon sonic of the American offi cers asked officers of the Colon why they had hauled down their flag when they didn’t intend to surrender. The explanation was characteristic. The Spanish officers said that the flag had been presented to the Colon by the In dies of Cadiz, and the officers had ta ken a vcv never to surrender tt to an enetuy. So when they saw that they were caught they hau’.yd down the ling and. burned it. Then they hoisted an other flag that had no,*sueh sentiments attached. , «—— Ten thousand French troops from the provinces have been ordered to Paris. htth. OMMEttA. tt f pm ifTHf *i'##AW# # §•###### 4® W MMAMMMM *#•’ |N# Ai® MM* A#M aMpA AAANI w m *•4 m~ tt* *4aiAnna§m *M##a# # ** 'XhZZ* «tw*tw,w «f gv**t j % •til* ft IMMV l • MAAff t4M»» | |««tt 111 tlM* **At*AM#r#l As ## tt##A. I ®* | tt® r#Mi m—t~ **«*m An# t! •‘AAAIIF tihAMf -Mlltttfc® Wasbtagtww Irvttg * rso*«^ AM jr» #Ma Imaa *Ma alma##Haa A’'"'**’ •“tt tttt*, f>Aif vtH** JMaawt ♦ *huh wiffly #’#4 \h*' MttAt ®M* Ibfirliy, «N •»» W < ’*a yA## irttAM# Mi #t*tifM p *t aAkp A W*f "TMh **<*• < APiv«fl Wtt# A AiltlWf At H######® I #* ** I/i# fllMni’t ** Nw. Jt, I*.®. I t*it (# fiftl ttffM* Mr. Clrrtrllltt WtMtlAft'A Irvtn#. fIMA AftAT Mi W (UtA Dial MflAllt, * ll* IKKflflAl itifttA IrvlA# la MiAAAtimlftff. | vul*ttr th«wh tffjr lUßorff. ! . # Wft*hin*? «n Inrin# w*ata iprl|filHA* | M aa# wot® rttA»#A maa* ** N<»w I® nM that a cAravtlft* that #of* grwim pQAMMIM# wMtcN ara CAIi!AIAH'A to m*k* avan Mm MMarwoo# ***** ** h#r ttMottiif Wat# >«• -Alliarar mar hava ! taf! In plrkla ta ka wrung upon an Bmtird * in*alarii> *‘ about tba jraaf | Ho further *ar« of Mr. Irving, though loot as anyway •|u*ltty*«o «r w*»«ajn:in* for hi* finding: Hr wg* bt tH*a*n four j >«ar>. at fh-vlll*. adrtd and (Jrmada. ; While at th* latter plavr he waa lodg'd in th* Alhaml*rm; h* give# a dephgabt# I description of th* Ignorance and back ward *tat# of the Bpanlmrd*. When he returned to France he wu* utterly un informed of what had twm pawing la Europe while he waa In H| atn. an I h# •aya that he now e«»n*tanUy hoar* event* alluded to of which he know# nothing. ’’ The Irish poet, Tom Moore, waa pre»- ! ent on thl* memorable oecaslwn, and dome of the *torle» with which Irving wa* entertained on thla memorable oc casion are noted. Moor# told a story of an Irishman who saw from the pit a friend of his acting Othello, and he called out. "Har ry, Ijirry. Larry, there's the least taste In life of your linen hanging out.” whereupon the memorialist ruminates: 'How dangernoa It I* to be a story teller. however agreeable the manner or amusing the budget, for Moore told today a story which he told here lant week. However, they all laughed just the same." Than this last no better proof could j be required that Irving's alleged bad manners really were met witi\ In good society, for the ability to laugh correct ly, In the right place, without giving one's self away over a story told twice In one week by the same person, at the same table, must reach the very acme of the training good breeding requires. With satisfaction we recall another and loving portrayal of "one who had an almost feminine delicacy of man ners," and still another: "To a true poet-heart add the fun of Dick Steele, Throw in all of Addison minus the chill. With the whole of that partnership's stock and goodwill: Mix well. and. while stirring, hum o'er as a spell The tine old English Gentleman; alm mer It well: Sweeten Just to your own private lik ing: then strain, That only the finest and clearest re main: Let it stand out of doors till a soul It receives From the warm lazy sun loitering down through green leaves; And you will And a choice nature, not wholly deserving A name either English or Yankee —just Irving.” —Boston Transclrpt. On the last trip or the Canard steam ship Ltieania from Liverpool lo New York ten youngsters were aboard, each one lilour and unaccompanied by pa rents or guardian, and with only tags around their necks or pinned to tneu clothes, giving thetr place of destina tion and other pertinent facts. Befero purchasing a. pistol or gun, call on me. 1 can save you money. Lew is J. Sc haul. Pawnbroker on Jackson THIS IS IT JBBr** * § (KpHr i tttta lo**# -iat y FOR EARLY FALL STIFFS IND ALPINES ALL SHAOES $3.00 Just Arrlvsd. DORRS TtiJarinf, Hats. Funmhmf*. •BBBHT mShUI 4 \ DO TOD KNOW t \ tb# deflnttMO of ton Ptwn’ V # With as mmm onafwl atfaabna # C ta >toa —nsilast dauti. r>«*« hay- I J tag and right giaaag—»#aL J / Hnw N I# tbalaor pnea* fi r / V drag t#edr'«s aod our char**# t # fur oanfaily madaup prwwip- J r tioat art eery law. Vend oa four \ \ I'fcrlfMno* la AS. \ \ Tj7 On' v ) French Furniture Polish / J it will improve your a#w f J ffarnMuf# and »ak# th* old I \ ton* HZ* a*w. tt ovota bottlw I \ Our Vanilla and ( ( Lemon Extracts / I Cannot b# m*d* better. Pop- t # \ ular in tmadreda at bom** her#. \ / Hold t» any quanin r r r Splendid Toilet Soaps \ % And plenty to choo** from. ) C Our & end 10 cant Snap* at# par- f 1 lieu tarty good. C S Household Ammonia f \ Every on# my* our* to b**L t / Large boUlm 10 reuta. < Aleiander Drm Ctupm s S XO BROAD ST. \ EAGLE BAKING POWDER Saves you money. Makes high grade Bread. If you value your stomach don’t put a 10 cents a pound Baking Powder in it. If you value your pocket don’t buy a 50 cents a pound Powder. Eagle is 25 cents a pound. 25 cents Is the correct price for a good Powder. Tbe Howard & Wiiiel Drag Company make it. Have that Winter Suit Cleaned or Dyed. It will be ready for use when cold weather arrives. Hulse's Steam Dye ami Cleaning Works, 314 Jackson Street. Both Telephones. Wichita. Kbp, is counting its but terflies by th© million. "Although there were countless billions o- them,” says the veracious Wichita correspondent, ' there was no sound save a gentle and scarcely perceptible purr.” ocronwn ia tt*-Tht finest import id double and sin gle Hyacinth Bulbs Also ROHM Hyacinths and Lily Bulbs and ihc finest Lawn Crass Come while ASSORT MENT IS COMPLETE. LA.Gardelle DttAtor In th« F»n#*t DRUGS AND MEDICINES Tie Anpsta Herald urjnt BrffktHt aid ft* Bat Hifipaptr FriluN ii Tits Satin. {jUfCKEST TKI.F.GR iPn KlWij THE NEWS or THR WORLD WHILE IT IS NEWS. , 12 TO !« Hom* AHEAD OP OTHER GEORGIA AND bOITH CAROLINA PAPERS. cm”! TR!HL WILL COKYIHCE W *MU#t* *•***-. PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7th St., AbrosU. Ga SfVES FREE ETt TESTS fiw all defcrt* <■ tight, grtad* th* |»ro#«r #1«.... aad Wait. totn> (beta Ixatm rut mto your fee whtU yav w*>L FREE OF CHARGE, UKUFK lOI'H COAL and WOOD FKOM THE North Augusta Coal & Supply Co (juantltv and Quality Guaraalerd. F. W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Ball Fbon* ZUH (stronger 3tfi Hie Whltely Exerciser.' ! A practical, slmplsand sffici ent Home Exerciser, oneipecially adapted for ladies and children, bu at the same time can bo profitably used by the strongest athlete. PRICES: 75c., SI.OO, $1.50. BICYCLES - CLEVE LANDS, $-40 up; VIK INGS, $35 up; GKN DKONB, $lB up: THOM AS, S6O up. o*ll and see them. Every one guar anteed. Richards & shaver Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 803 Reynolds SL—Telephone J'rivßte L»e»R«i Wirw Diiwtto York Chicago and New Orleans* Orders executed over our wtree for Cotton, Stocka, iondl, Grain and Pro. visions for cash or cm margins. Ix>cal securities bought end sold. Referencac —National Exchange Bank of August*, or Mercantile Agencies.^^^-.w*.***.*^