The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 12, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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WEDNESDAY 6 COAL COAL COAL Hmu fMI f AMI If* **• W»lf ti •** A«h JtWcn •k* &mm i#« mb Iff •«€» Nu« ”* CITY ICE COMPANY. A4W At A HUM V« S#P9»s*«* S#top 9504 SMS****** BM** j m #»■*■» »«*— H n w pm** •<••«•••* ■» *» • *m *• ** P***p MMM*I toFM* w ** r»..» jmpw Awn* ««*•** •** ** ■Em* m ... ... ... »-» * *;**“: ncm #ht» «m»; wtt- ? » S»* 9~ 9*to* *••* »* •- -A"** f|»***#» #«** *•*»« m * f m*mm CfeM-SS* *** fc*M >.* ■•* A. W% MM fi Wtmtw** ** *** * 1 iM *)oP** $ • B*4*4 4 |jM»m«p* Mi P***P* 4, *« •« <m {yMßMltt, !_• jtl »* *• ** *' e oimm§. ■. tMfc tMMMftMi - m M *••• • tars* •'*•**»* • '«••<* -»»«.***** • Hmm »»'»»—» «i*4« h ». ** n#**** «* ##.«.#* ..<* *- * £**• * *». ti**# UV( ftWCA MAAAITT •»••*» •***» ••*•*• ***>*.m •• j* '* ■Httf* ******** P* *#*< * m Hfl*-** 4mhMP* fr* 3 ** “• '* ***• J mmwmMl N mhm m—P* **• c%«*i* <wni» •»*•• «♦»•• •4 - ‘ % * Mm -•* twMMV iMMsMNB 4*> 4**_^_ * ** ** m ** -- - »- ** Ma, i■■ i t*** > i >r>i ■ Mini -«* -Mi -Ming %*****> »# «-•-» ** m ** ** ** *** jMPAHg || I I *%»** ?•'-** M M Mm«« It 4**4* tiM •%#** 4 *. •* *»* A HE |1 |# fir* Hong i •*. i • - (Nffc*4% !•* te*** O ©_. M .ti, litti tlwAgfc wjif- E E« i* t#*** • M M **** i) 11 fi H r»«*T momme jn »*«"*» ••ini |hi Eiitifti '•* | C'W.;***' AAA •whim ... » •*• Of..' ■•*•>•. *M A A «fc***»* . • **• IMA* ■■ - - «£<2*.j r J | J Or.fxl . ii'. 11 M M M ..... I i Mm A AHm Hit •■ * *'* Mm A. IN A Nr* A P .... I I * WCAL All.A fVrtlwtti '*** T*t ** ***•>■ * m * CMMl*'!'. M »«• *» »*»'■'*■ A*» *»• " t>L r A< MI»M* Mtoo-lhar :<mn» N«m4» ... ...*•«• >» VtOUN. jr ra l i.f til# Nntni, M .. .. * I■’ rrw. «# «N ts—». >■* N» ** •• ‘ •J J on#», * J ? Atpift* *•** ;*! Jo.. P. Kin* 14 A R AIHHH .. * »-• Jon. P K4o# «4 A A oNolin* .. #* * Lnnadam ■ ■*? Jfltn P Klr«. »-ll»rfc • •• * *** ion P KIM. ** WW* K C lnoi<4 -i A i.-*A ** •• •• * **• j r .,. P Km#. M Mmfc A* Island .. ar .. * * ’ jt»«. P Kjo« H l»rh .. * »*« pllNtl. At.mrmon «'•«« •• •• * H iPnM. *!»•* * s '* Cbarter V#fc ***** *Wm# MUM . I 1-1 XVaahK,#t<S«W*i (Mow I * Allati » ((•fel l -• .. ■ •* '•* *• •• * ’■* C mr»*> • M par* #M • • • * Ceatea Pp«at rott>m, |»f PA... - « Amaritan iod*i» AtA •• »• * I*l ptatrr mil A mar ian }«i|lt« Wtta* «»« •• •• * MRMUoMi Waafca *4**4 .. .. 4 Allan'* .-ordinal* it*M 4 Allan'* MIORM *4*«4 .. .. .. .. 4 India Idtra .. .. .4 •• •■ >• •• •• 4 1-4 Itadla blur M*«t .. .. .. •• 4 Kiinslanfa *4**4 .. - 4 Martha \Va*bm#ton Mr*. .. .. * *-« Oarnm'a radtanl* *4»*4 .1 .. 4 Charter Oak* M«» .. .. •• •• * *•* TU^KB. Amonkea# A C A .. .. W I** Amu»l<na# A , A AmoskwK w* * *■* liaclprot ity 7 PI.AITr HOMKPPUKf City Mill* .. ~ j-.ji w * ••••• * Pour yard, a* nd W Lodi ahlrUnaa MxS* .. » )* 4 Lodi drv*a »lfr** ««*4O .1 .. .. .. 3 l-» 81 Olnlr dra*. ntfla* »« 4 .4 O•• 4 Oraan aolld* .. .. *• •• •• >• •••• * *' 4 Muni* Wa»htn#t'i« fanpl** .. .. * *-« MiM-ellanauua bi»#,!«. light. weight .. j. r*r> It Mm '*■* llartta * yorda plgln .. ... .. •• 8 1-* Thorndike B .. •» •• •• » •* •• * 3 " 4 llepulr* .. *. •• •* ■• ■•' •• •*,,•• 7 i '' Amoßkeag 1 •• »• •• •• •• •• * Pelham, 31 bal 110 bo* IS P. 0. T.. 30 ball* to box 16 E. G. P.i 30 bull* to lb K 1-2 , Mub< ogee B s 1-2 .’7 inch 4 1-2 yd. plan*, best make -4 Simpßon »llk ftnleh foulards «4x »4. 4 * 4 P*.lflc mouiainif* 64x64 4 1-2 China silks 64x64 4 1-4 Jtockport B I'* Slati‘l 64x64 3 1-2 Concord, Mx6l) 3 1-4 Rome t>6x6o •• 3 1-4 Ldwardß .. 8 t-2 Keystutte 3 I*2 Fifth Avenue 8 l* 4 KEARSKYS. Heavy Columbia, heavy Kearney 8 1-4 Kincaid and other* » 1-4 LIME. CEMENT AND PLASTER. Lime , 7l, “ 81 Fcsendaie cement *l-45 Portland cement 33.76 to 3 25 Louisville cement In paper sacks ..11.00 riaster la 31. .6 HARDWARE. \Vrll buckets, per do* 33.00 Painted buckets, per doa *' !® * H B B c edar palls, per dox .. .. 31.75 3 H B B ccdltr palls, per do* .. .. 32.00 Tubs painted, per nest 31.75 Hope, Manila, per pound 9 1-2 Rope, Sisal, per pound 7c Rope, cotton, per pound .. .. lOcallc Nalls, wire.. .. •• •• •• *l- 78 base Nalls, cut *V, 46 «. b , a ?® Shovels, Ames, per do* .. .. 311*311-0) Shovel*, diamond, per do* .. .. 3..00 Stavels, riveted back, per do*. .. 34. is Plow blade* 2 I_2 ' ja *« Hatne*, red top, per do* i- -5 THI iiiT CißAOgfk OP ' OO A L At tnt if t*% | fig Twtia ♦*•*s ms mm, pm Pm ** * Cl H fßSSSimm mievcmi •» ccm ilt•t:i«# mm# #** IE i»« . |if \Pm4 **mm pm m *« m m ****** CM At* h* * I pm* Pm H IttTJWSUBWi"; mmm pm* B *,WM IBlfJt | mHtma* mmmm and mmMM IwWIUO |*P Pp S* $m Pf f h*p* p pmmwmi *• in «# **»•-«««• « *»■ #«••# immpm • * * « ito •• •« •« •«» I l*4Ti fHi *« »* 4# in Hi *•* | CW*«h*<tTw. ' IM 111 ’ P<mw*t* * * UHi .« ## »# ## |t# | t « Awt *♦-* • *fk #« •• •# #* #4 ft* ••• i *«»*•*• f * tM »« *• •• •« iW m« 4 |<f« ftJT »« #. fi# M, ( Pm, %9m , ts ... R. C. A lUmi 01. «• tm .. . .. . iu ;U#3irtft# N H P Hkg Cm i #• tm . .. #a .. .. .. Ili Cttmtofl*. OiftanNii A At | «im»i«, lif It. I m I#! fCIMHMtt# ColumblA A Aft ! mmmm IP T‘t. Iff# „ .. „ Iff i* n ft »*•. »«f n jfj, H R HiHß Cn C«aiti(* 1 Hgtuf h«*m Hiilmr I'** t**«S *# if »• c>nfr»l of Ommpim lit con**! naff. I’t, INI ••*. M N C at <l. ttf f»*f tA P 9 ft Oantral of Ooor#t* Nattxray, ;# l>,er in. •>«, l*4f II 14 r. of <1 lat preflii l*4t .. .. • « n. h * r . i»t m r*. ms .. its to; Ihmttt tlenrgm and PIo, 3d f» !**• IM ... South Georgia and Florida Ore*a atramablp Co., tat I'l 34 5 a. ItM I*4 FACTORY RONDS*. Enterprise Wig. Co., tot t'a. 19*3 I*3 •Ihlry Mfggro. I*t «*. IM* IM iHlbley Mf#. Cc., Ist S o. 4*03 . IM tlo. It H. * R. Co. alfH-k I*7 30A Southwestern It. R. Block .. M IM I August* and KarhinnuH stock '-4 100 GRAIN AND PROVISION#. | oat*, white, aaeked 3S I <>*t*. mixed, sacked .. ...... 34 [Corn, white, aaeked M i Corn, mixed .. 41 I Meal, bolted, per bushel 47'* i F'our, cuntmon I.SO | Pbrnr, fancy extra S.7S Fleur, second patent 4.00 Flour, standard patent 4.35 Flour, fancy patent 4.75 Wheal bran 100-lb aaeka *0 Fin* feed. 100-lh sack* 90 i Hay—«ativr. per ton 13.00 1 Hay—Timothy, per ton IS.on [ H*J —choice, per lon 14.00 llarnr choice sugar cur,d .. .. lOallM, Smoked rib aides t [Dry sail rib* * ' Lard, pure leaf. In llerres b\ ] Larfl. kettle, rendered in tierce*. S t-4 Sugar, granulated Mi CONTHSIS IN TATTNALL. Democrats Think They Can Hake a C'ean Sweep. Ro'dsvllle On. Oct. It. D J. I Padgett, the democratic eandldaio In [the l*»e election for clerk of the attpe i rlor court of Tattuatl county, tele liitnphlKl Gov. Atkinson vesterduy to i hold tt|> the commlaalon of Clerk-ltloct |j. p Collins, as his election would be | rortesletl Mr. Collins was the only man eleo- I tcil on the populist ticket tn Tattnall, and It seems that the democrats wanl to make It unanimous. Several of the leiitlltiK populists, when Interview ed. say that If Mr. Padgett contests the election of Mr. Collins that the popu i lists will rontest the entire county | ticket and seem to think that their | chances are good for landing at least [three of their men Hon Thos K. Watson Is In attend ance at court and should the contest open he will doubtless be emploj'od to look after the Interests of the popu lists. The Sure l.aOrippe Cure. There Is no use suffering from this dreadful malady. If you will oatly get the right remedy. You are having pain all through your body, your liver Is out of order, have no appetite, no life or ambition, have a bad cold, in fact are completely used up. Electric Bit ters Is the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure relief. They act directly on your Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, tone up the whole system and make you feel like a new helng. They ate guaranteed to cure or price refund ed. For sale at Howard & WUlet’s Drug Store, only 60 cents pet bottle, TH 1C ADOBTA H.821-LA.L-D HERAIiD PRIZE LETTERS f—M fUA SOUTH RESORTS. Ili tm t|* int, fl 4 f* tl* 3tt •M #f r« lk> M. Wmmm *» >■—«*» «*• M#h* a# G*•**#*• Ml *BI MM* • kt» 4M m mm»* <tmmm mmmmm * N *» |mb» m • ****** MM r#x#tly ****** #M#MM twtMl Wtet »*#»(... lag# gag g#ag «g#m» li 19* lag# j#M#gt 'a! tnakf **4m aaM* g4* agwr- %* wrg *,* * «#4 *M hwaka hwini'M Moth #r«*M Mil *r» rims »to» •*« M# M#MWM 4M*I # 4M*MMM 4# ***tt paaaltß# MaxßSMtf lAM*4» (MbM-M**. #w##y-w*rlito m 4 i»—* KMM-Mim • *-h #*M MMff MM -Mx*M# *M •Krah Msfela# «m* lowtlAiHg# wgit <sf gawwtv *!■■*4 Ihta «##»#. toa* K«- ga**ww# ga#t3w«** I9g* H* *iwt|*erh cgnfea # rlahknaa* sad g ha*#* ##ac- IM IMV4I9M ••*M«#9»« tto wera A* piphi ftki M 4MMI tl mP Pmmmm t«* |Hk t lit pitliftM. !| i fc «Mfi iii ift nf~ rtmp*** Ppfr* it m Vf#«MAA-ltl* MTm# m pmtmri fi *? Timm Ul* Tmw Pit! li *• Mb#* pirn*. Mi nmpP fmtppkP *f*' oil? *44* to Hi R#*^«fmo# mnafi hUltlfo iluw 4«oi to I Imp mmf wmtmm #4 tjAi CMhhr##4 ■ li* tojiiiti* fol fff f'lllf ft 'i i • tiO iMfOift mt ti# Mi, Ilf ftiHit riiilr bfHfO C r«n4 oM mlia vfrfliil Huo oitß r'lufftr mil fftltAfeMf* tiff# asm! tfcw* Htdff ill# ttmm, ft* tefftf Ms «#4 of brillii* Hottri m mtn* li r a!|v irraiffd m 4 4«4#a*4 t»y Ms Ufreßomo*. 9 TA# 4iirlMf RivHloi* If* llgßt«4 it ilgtit ii i#4H4 «R# tliol# prt li. bf fbrtrtf Ifß^i* To® |Mi ilbf? I *. • rb»*l# liiirtoirflfi #i#w?. ff' frchrmni tostto and a good land of mutlr «tMT #**lit make lIM* #• »4*«! ptar# la apegd •• afueatxM nr e,eg- Chlldrea brig# their laache* and spend the day Thu* they hav# the freedom and eaJoyMent of coantry Ilf* to brlghtea (heir yonn# live*. What visitor that ha* a drive down our Green* street will ever foraet It? Augustan* arc Justly proud of Iht* grand street, with Ita four rows of aa- i perb old trees. Ita magniflcetu home* many of them palatial some In the quaint, old colonial style, with huge column* supporting the roofs of the long galleries-others tn the uptodaj* arcMtwtnre of Mdny all with grant ga-dens, beautiful well hept lawn*, brilliant flower* and many ho: houses, filled with choicest flowers fgiwer Broadway I* a reproduction of Greene street. Augusta'* stre-ts are all brilliantly lit up by electricity, turning the darkest night Into day. The business street* are all pared with asphalt »o smooths and ’erel that they are a imrfeet Joy to the hc-att* of the whetrlmen, and roller skating youth*. "May Park,” in the southern part of the city, sit named after ex-Mayor “Bob” May, one of Augusta's beat be loved eltigen*. This park was develoiied under ht» ad ministration. It Is noted for it* beau tiful large trees, lakes, flower*, hil locks, rustic house* and pavilion*. Just across from May Puck Ilea “the city of the dead.” the most beautiful spot in Augusta, whose broad avenues arge lined with magnificent magnoliu trees. The choicest flower* and ahntbs the south can produce can be seen here. It Is a vast flower garden witfi gleaming white statues ami shafts arising amidst Its setting of green shrubbeiy and brilliant flower*. Many statues and tombs are works of art by the most renown sculptors of fair Italy. North Augusta Heights Is Just across the broad Savannah river, situated among the high red hills of South Ca rolina. The beautiful long-sweeping speed way oati he seen even from Augusta. The air has a touch of the mountains about It, and a drive umong these hills Is very Invigorating and healthful. The Sand Hills, whose fame is known far and wide, as a health resort, is northwes! of Augusta, and Is connected by trolley cars. The United States arsenal ia situated here and has the reputation of being one ot the health iest posts tn the service. Some of the handsomest homes in the south are to be found here, where rich families have congregated and built pulatlal like mansions, with wide groves and lawna surrounding every home. One of the finest equipped hotels in the south is located here. The Bon Air hotel, and bon-air it is Indeed —for the air ia good, pure and sweet—tall pines abound, the air is laden with theit fragrant. health-giving odors. The purest of water and the grand scenery are inspiring enough to replenish a wostod existence. Monte Sano. another retreat, some three miles from Augusta also; con- GooD IUCK BAKING POWDER* 15 THE BEST. of AH In L•afro mar POR*f. RfiAl ItSTATi FOR DENT ) h wttmr* tHßJifti oi urr*n | RR«»4b PtnmMT —— , ftfNr* Ril PmrnP #twt 14 fmmmrn *• »• •* m M Mi fKif ii** l *#* 4 tmmm *. *• #» If 4 I tfi pm* Mf«4. v i tmrn* • .. .. » 4 li* tptmatm mmmm 4 ******** *#**•»»■ tai T*tomt* •r n ri-mmu *, t* ** ,M* m* m r*mrn* m MPf. 4 tmrn* .. «R 4 )Tf i iijla if i A «•»•«# 4 ******* •« #* I* M (lif** • imm »« *• •* M *4 U *!* • in m* -• t* •* It 44 lUmm m Hi* 4 ram* ****** * * i m PrnmPmtP* k#**t*m*. ’tfi RohrMfß 4tr##« .. H M Iff «###■»( i Mf#t| #. .a as .. .* 4IS I | lit VHmf .« « *« *• « *• •* * 2 i 4 M* *•** * •• h *• *• •** ? 2 iui n*®«* * •* * ™ T9tH#rfi<44* •»«#* .# *• •• •• • •• |S4 irt«# •* *•«* * JJ Mr I# m 4 •<"«* JJ2 tit «*mmi 4 **WH •• t* •• •• •• •* •* m MS Hr # 4 * Him *. m f «•# tor**! .. , to Hr ad *.* m * ?|| Rllll •lr#Mt •• a# »• •* *• •* J* ” I ill Mild *• *• *md *• •* *••**• “ W I p |r * m s fltilfitilf Rf Anri. *#tfl#l tm i The above Hat wlti b« <haa#«d from Amy to 4lV> John. W. Dickey Heal 1 stale Agowt. To Rent Ptorv aed Rastdanes at 13*3 and jjgl Bread *tnwt. On* a 4 th# haat aland* in lb* city foe a good Urooary S,or., or to Kd. suV«s*. Tbo He"-* ba* *tl (h) swd room*, a y.ird. and t» »«eg wnv.ntonl. Apply or Premises or at 808 Broad St. FOR SALE gmt-l hav* fnrsale very ds*lr»Me build ing ot local rd In tbs centro of on. of the haud»ome*t block* in the city. Will sell ,eme very rh*si>. Just the place for a h*nd*< me rnddeiue lor your family. Good title*. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O HARA, NO. IJJ7 GREENE STREET. FOR IRON FESCING AUGUSTA FgNCE CO., 810 10th street, Ajixiiats, U*. ggß_out of Town Walk ttolicited-^S neciwl by the trolley line: a high hil ly, sandy, Invigorating regiop, with a rich growth of onr Immortal pines. [ Here a great many business men have j built pretty homes and go to and frqju I Augusta by the car line. As this is i comparatively a new place, no old, ug | ly, nnsighly buildings mar the beauty - of the place. Aiigusta’s milling district is always of interest to strangers. Here on the banks of her canal, one ot the finest water powers In the United States are located many fine, large cotton mills. flour mills, etc. Augusta rightly claims the titfe of “the Low ell of thd South.” A visit to her cot ton mills, flour mills, broom factories, candy factories, founde.ries. ice facto ries. mattress and furniture factories, cannot fail to be instructive, and of interest to our visitors. ~ —X. Y. Z. A woman realizes tilt she is grow ing old when you tela jjer how young she is lookiug. CAtal 104 lupitia Btiwng Co i KXHU4T MfcfcM BELLE O S' OEORGI A ii Ajm m k £M wm ( (iWfMM HULIi #4-- -- .. •## Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. —-cm nnu— AUGUSTA BEER. rx^TPtoisrxzE “The Barber Shop of the South." HICKEY’S is the Place Flv« Barber*, all first-class artists. 212 and 214 Bth Strset. PORTNER’S horiSWAU and VIENNA CABINET BRANDS OF Export Beers ARE THE BEST ASK FOR THEM. B. R. MITCHELL ALEX MrPOSALD Su|>». ot Con. Sec- & Geu. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Melntoeh Sire**. ElectricHupplic; -peaking Tub*a. eie.. etc. R. pair. *o xlt t ectricxl appxrxtux Electric Light W-ring x apecixlty. Bell'Plioa* 1(102. - - btrowgxr *76. — ______ M gSsS>* [a Ana rrrt LOW PRIORS Large a«o.-k. Alao VIP* VALVES an. I FITTINGS. KN- MsK.S. BOII.KKS. WILLS and lIF.VAIKS. Lombard Iron Works & Supply Co,, NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE UBK Land's Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWARD to WILLETT DRUG CO. REMOVED TO 71! BROADWAY- E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps. Seals, Stencils, Daters. Pads, Badges,&c 711 Broadway. Augusta, Ga. Strowger Phone ‘-62, E.J.ERBELDING PLUMBER, STEAM, GAS AND HOT WATER FITTER. NO. 341 BROAD STREET BOTH PHONES- ********* Chtrltoion t W Carolina #*..«•* » #*#>♦*»*»• »•'■'*♦ MM 4#mm m #»«— *«m •*• mm • - I *pgjm- ******** > * Wmpppppppppp***#* - 4 * P*ppppjPP)*9m*m**tt*a*im* mHpPmami******? 1 . i * p*p*m* sth (-a a «•» •*•#*» T Mpßßf 2- f * ppmmkpm *•*•** *** i* mm pmm m * 1 ********: * ItowWia . ' ♦ * [ At ; Im4 uMMMp POT 4 s#*m . I P&*M***m •#*• I Jm iHBHp ♦*■**•• , tpJjpm* **** *#* I 4 wpfl*P> *•** •**• »**• ■■! ] B/P**** ***• \ «ji jjSS&m *********** 4 Miw **m#~ \ I M If I *# MM * - !#*»•*♦ I fmpm fp* MmPmm **##•» ****** *■ m*m I * **** !'l**mm* I o w9*tP*P** **ma******* I VMHHfI wHMIj * fiSSGkm**** •*»« *■» ! *<* m* t I .*#••*.jH4Hm» tj*m 9 S!pSX****** *d». l iMil I * * .- . . ..*#*•' • Ppm | [ sci WSSKKB*mZ*T*+***> Uw*** $ * #g#.g««i*t ##v*»| 9 mm ~tnwMsm.- imp** K*m. *Mi4fl«M*«***»* 44 «t] MPpt* PPm*' fiMßfllh,..*.* „#*##J M|«i. t**mm i I * mET.**MM.oog*«iiM» [ "IliiMlH 9*Uh •« a* *■#**.., iii • * v .i.*'T 4fc i«l* »ew •*»* ImM* *►*•«* mm I a#MS(P9rW #• 4 .toe** ft* tm •*> ***** Ll 3,1. * ba* wmwk w *■ a www 1 Hind w* mt #****» igga,C *■• l.fO (•■■ #■ ,#- *, t-‘t- - - •)<» *.#•>,.*# he W.» ge* ewy »»* *»••-• ntonwvn to **•» * . i*i to. w9.e. e. •**. whdtoto to,J cKAMI «**• fen »#*. I to »<• tto *iMn»> * 4A 1 to i)Mhfc***x i«Ml* ■** »«■» a ng—a. ton.. BLUE RIDOE RAILROAD. M C toKATfIK. nwwjmr. i ßo*4toMMd. Wewttoew X }--##, Ihto’d# dMI#K flto *wl Ctotoe Cta«w * Cto<» Oee* Mn‘d g Mix'd pry pty. ; ItotM, W* ■ to* ti We 4 £ Mw II 3*wh AM m l lAfVtvn Uewf* lAM 1* xv Ito Andersen ,g 3FI I M It M IP f ... Itonvev „.,jl I 1141 * |* F I M M .... Awtwn e.,g IJaU.g I 11* I :a»i ... itotoiM ■* i Mi* ** * Mi 3 g#H Ohrwv Cteto* f 4 *PI» M | 9 « t«1l AA-*n'e <Y«f| ts P=» 4 »* *• 1 9 3h> 1 to;*... '3KKACA .. *’ 4:3? U-2P 9 111 f| I 4 *3 » «4| a: . toreart Beta* .# 9 **' * 954 A*!- Wgihelto ...Pi 4.1" AM m j Man** Amtom FM. jtowu Net _ >*»M * n*#ulPV PlAtteg. F Tie# Station All regular train* freer Anderdon te ! toaihaßn hav* rtdPt 1* lr*ch d*»v train, of «h* **ma tlaan moving «* fP | ~tp girerttoa. u r Ivon #t hav nr Idd Igu lied by tram erdeva. Will dlea atop at follow tod dtA'lmd *# *ah* nw ov tot otf paeaengvr, I‘hta ney's. Jamea Bud Handy Ppunon No It connect* wills Pwutbera tall ; way Na. 13 nt Andaraon. Naa I and • roneeet with X-utbet > railway Non, 13 and 3T nt tonsia. J. It, ANOEHSoN, Suptr'ntvndent. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. SHCRTEdT AND QCICIOWT ROUTB TO TH* KAPT AND NORTH. __ ! t tepwij Lv..Augu*ln. Gg..Ar 1 T.tidfW I i.Ptpm! I-v Aiken Ar I 1 19am *:|7mn|tlA Denmark.... Ar 1 9:l7pm 4 frtphvl Lv... Orangh'g ...Ar | I 4<tom % Mpinl Lv..Sumter. R. C...Ar ) 4 39am 9 Jspm Lv....Flura«ce.. ..Ar j 9:35am 10:31pn.| Lv.. F*y*tl*vllla...»v I l.Hpm J 3tamj Ar.Fetcr*burg.Va.Lv | 9 12pm 4 00. m Ar... .Richmond ...Lv | 9.12 pm ; 7 *lamj Ar..W'*Bhington..Lv i I Mpm 9 «s»m| Ar.. Baltimore. ...I.v | 3:35pm ll'Mem 1 Ar.. Philadelphia. Lv jl3:#9pm I.OJpmi Ar New York....Lv | 9 3Com BELLE OX* 08080I A Pullman palace buffet eleepir.g car* from Macon and Auguxta (o New York without change. K. A. BRAND. Oen. Asst., 723 Broad St., Angunta, On. T M EMERSON. Traffic Manager, H. M EMERSON. Oeß. Paoe Agt. Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2n,1. I*9*. I Lv. Augusta . .. 9:30 a. m. 1 5:21 p. m. . Lv. Sanderxvltle . 1:19 p. rn ! 9:09 p. m. i Ar. Tennllle .. 1:M p.m.l 9:21 p m. Ar. Macon 3:45 p m.j 8:55 a. m. Ar. Dublin 4:20 p m.| Lv. Dublin TP:OP *. m. Lv. Macon .. ~ 11:88 p. m.|11.55 a. m. Lv Tennllle. . . 6:15 a m.| 3:10 p. m Lv. Rxnderxvllle. 5:25 a. m.| 3:21 p. m. Ar. Augusta . .. 9:00 a. m. 7:10 p. m. Eastern Time. Close connection made at Tennnil’e with Central R. R. for Macon, and wl h Wrightavllle and Tennille R. R. for Dublin and Hawkinsville. C. W. JACKSON. Gen. Fgt. Pass. Agt. James V. Jackson, Joseph H. Sands. Receivers, 111 TO IM In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on lO years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. AlexaMer&Jolmson Agents Scottish Americin Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St ocrottt* 4# |* gt| X()A t’ M l ** *4*4* ?..*to S. C A G. RAIIWAT CO m #fr| »4>#»%i4#'4— 1 > **44 pm*pp»ti a Pm* Pp** 4f#»# I*l ii# * r - p* pffpptpppmmm (# $ ************* * * > |p# am 1 i ***m *• ******* .I- ***** mrpt nt # wm******* *• «iKit* >##.» I• • mmm—4 4 mm* 0* • %m*’*a* H#**> *§ Pt*ftp** ***M*p4P Id* P* <4*4l 4# mm |* map*&■■*.*&**mm M § ****** ****** I * €*m*m ■ MHf* p* tmm**P;j> *mm* ** Pwpp#***' I Ppp* pip PP MJliHot l *!tHMl tflMi 4 ***** PrnmmPm t• 0 .j-iiritt ****** M 0 t%*m ,. . * iHm 04 |,»«* „ f J*o•** __%* % 9-#M« i M| infill H A fb#» 14v %14 I * 4*4 *>op>o I# «MK #hs#M %0* Pm* (l*^****** TJfcfO'T♦ Ta*oJ*%mm 0$ a f®r JM *o*o M 1 4#B »d» #4 |M| It Lmmm % I spm t# f 4 94m# 09 papm'p ***** 4- t ll pm sis pm*** .tijpmi At %** XatPlMp*?:** *m*** . s Mrnm IM* M#stt«p4#>* #f I *m*mP*** *** *** %r i vmmrn#** •*** **% 9**m**m ** S*st*#*:**** 4 14 # •#»• am#'■'*## ***** o*gm** mm m %****** mm* ***** 4® ******** m*pl m*Wmk . j. t* mImT la nt#* I #llll* )q M •»*#*». TPMto MwnppM, p, # 9tq*e-a. oea if A -e'ton 'a * SOUTHERN RAILWAY. * <JIY * mmmm 9*** mmmm * *mm* it m —*mwm WPmmn *m % 4*4 - ' ~ * X* m Pm 0* * m*k * Rrpii#ips4u I t*#Mf SMtoMf k to*>cto Pto- ~~ {ia; JSi i, 1 I .tppj «MP £e Udl'Mi—h. ..rrltotox I* 8? T fcSs?® ::lefi IS * J **•■ W*| A* < etxrnSto Aefh. i*: ;Sfc .-r ::::■ 5R 581 A* irnT-r—i- j to me u ••*» 1* <l, toaibam . . ...... jlf tod* A* XaeVxto I ■ ** - " ' Itoavttia ■ . , I HBy ! top IT lib-bntoad ~~ { « toa> « «9» is; - hTfr.,x • -•-* * Hell, I toll,. L B» TwLHKP , Wr *u"ii* Ftotxdx'Bdlx *»p ! >*• * net•uaeAa 9 top **• L* Wtoht".e. to to 1 to toy U l*e LTdwhtoag ■. . 1* tat imtto U ItoaatUe | 9to e « lip L*~»«#Mk" • ... .. ... 9 top! *7. “T Ar (Haaaehete ... ! *toe Lv iltwubn IP* 7»J FhaytoMP.. 9 die at to# * Ibx-h Wit W toe ll Ay * (Mder .... to Me II *» * P Uanshore 11 *1 e 11 toe Ar CWIYUe Mead (x* tl Wax, I *7x Cr. OetamtnxCa dept. , 1 14p| Id* * JohatoMto. 9Up *iba * Treaiaa I » top 4«x * GranitevtUa 1 Stop) Tto a Ar Augaeto. 4 top BBn a t*. AtoKim. T Stl * top V Mperiannnrg j II toaj * tip L» Out Voe H4'AG Ry ..i I top T tox A* Cher Me hn j * *)pl II toe Lv Col hie. FCAP By j It »> U 47 e “ nevnnnah <«pi »«• A* JeehaonvtUe * topi •*» TfMflXn CSX KPKVH’P Excellent dxtly peweafae torvlee he»we«» Monde and New Y ork andiP-h e-K.n«,eaend S*wthw*eiera Lltai'ed Solid YxattbtUed trxtn with rlimn* ears eed fire, too euachca n.-rth of I herlolle FuUiaen drawing ro.«n deeping car. bet * Txmpe JxekmatrtUe SavenneA. Waohlngton and Sew »»k Patlmeo moeptxg Car* between Chariot to and Rtehraond Pullman drawing-room aleepine -ara be tween Uraeaabora and Norfolk. Owe* coxnaw lion xl Noffotk lor OLD POINT COMroHr, xrrtrlns there In lima for breakfxat. Solid train. With Parlor care, hatweeu Chxrlaxtan and A»havUM. Noe. A and to—C 8. Foot Mat] Through Pntlnan drawing room buffet deeping care be twaan Jerkxantolle end New Y-wk and Pull pu deeuutv rare between Au(tieta and Char lotto. Pullman drepm* car. betwera Jack {oavtila and Columbia, en rout# dally belwean nckaoncilla xud Cincinnati, via Aahenlie HANK S HANNON, J M.CI’T.P. Third V P * Sen Mgr T M . Wn.hiaglnn M A. TT'KK. 8 H HAKDWU'If G.F. A. O. P. A.. Atlnntp, GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (99th Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 84, 1891 Pullman Sleeper# between Macon ml New York. Through Pullman Steepen between An« guntn nod St. Loul*. Lv Augusta ..| 7.05nml 3;2opm|lo:sopia Ar Atlanta ...m:36pmj *:2opm| s:ooam Ar Macon ....|ll:l9nr*ii I 916 x“» Ar Athens ....|l2:lspm| 7;3opm! Ar Gninewme|*3:4spm| I - Ar Whit# Pl'xn oopml ! Ar MlU'ga'l* .110 lOaml I «:30xm Ar Wash’ton ..ilo:l9am| 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves Auruata dally except Sunday at 5:15 p. m., and ar rives nt Millcdgeville at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augusta s:l* n. ta, 7:45 a. m.. 1:20 p. tn . end 8:25 p. m« A. G. JACKSON, G. P. A. JOE W. WHITE. T. P. A- CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect, March 6. 1898. Eastern Time Leave Augusta, Southern Ry.. 3:30 p.m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 a m. Leave Chester. C. & N. W. Ry 7:45 a m. Arrive Lenoir, C. & N. W. Ry 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir. Stage 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park, Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage .. 7:30 p.m. G. W. HARPER, C. F. President, G. P. A.