The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 13, 1898, Image 1

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• k iptka,* • «MQI K. »i* Ais in mg 1 *» kMkiwA IkWfMI > .*• *# (tqpMßh m AtUtfTA SAHJKNI ftASK. VERDENS RIOT Ten Were killed and Twenty Were Wounded. Thousand* o( 5hol» Were Tired In the Battle Royal. all gi itrr NOW. MtnwHim t itMt Dn> M htkra »MNi m M t w»* «* IW rwowr to p»k»f Ml S«jr» latama |r« Pi**» lb |«ii| «if »*«< ttk !*•»» | aad w tie* A» 1 •« g nwlf tis Ik# si* I#***4 «f th* ®tpr »•**«• M> I—l< A * f« nad !•###! tim n mn'iEi, but vitk He Ii n | >|||. nsgipf IP. |in d| ill .. wauafted maa MniinlM k#f>. WNmim* biMkmowyd. Hart mii t 0 t/ff Stay had* m 4 aahpotpai d • MMlvr of the i nmyas) ■ ttiirn it ortttr.arn fI to A iwultHi vrhrther it) tltjuw trill I:«* offfw*) tk* atorhad* x•' r* tkrt tlr) ntw I mot tk* Mrrhtk to Al - ti Ad tk* inquiry Tv* AAiUac iud. erf tk* Qilfattgr hpttary *r* on tk* I'ubllr *}uir. tAd Kin* r *p( - t lafan t rymrn At eaeh rt mwt Ia tk* district At* r bout tk# otl) evldeae* ot yesterday* tic Pit* of tk* Victim*. At tk* O Kdll koto*, a rtory *B4 a ka!f rotti|*. #i«.ad t»# k!**k roveiad rofttaa On ***k !# a atmpl* plat* *n A rail'd with tk* word*. "A* R*»t " t ndrr tk* lid* ar* t’.t* r. malts« of five rs Ik* virt’ma *f ydatentay'a halt.* At tk* ttorkad* of tk* CklcapoVtrd Coal romped. Ot*arnved Them. Cupt./ihailra A fVrvler. <ommand Ing Co 0. don* of Vetrraa*. Ellin, 111. la In tltarg* o( Ik# aloekade bn!lt by the Chrvgo and Vlrden Coal company. With part of hi* m'tt hr entered ik* aiookad* today and di«*rm#d tk* Tklet detective* from St. t-rul*. and tk* local deputies employed by tk* operator*. Tk# men within tbe stocked# offered ■ n objections to Fervi#r‘# command to lay down arm#. What lie s*>a. Central "Manager Uktrt, of the mine#. said: "The trouble yesterday was not of our making. The miners simply surrounded the stockade. Ou the east aide and the south side tb*re must have letu at leaat I.OtlO miner*. They were In an orchard and higher than we. ard opened fire. Oonablrrlng the fact that >v* had only one man kit.- *d end #l* slightly wounded l consider It a miracle. Thousand# of Shots. ■Thousands of shots were fired. The rtrikfrs began the firing when the train hear ing the miners arrived. In b shert time their shots were directed *t the train: after It pulled out the striker# turned or. us. We returned tb - shots. 1 never supposed such a thing would result when we brought the negroes here." Would Not Answer. Mr. I.ukens was naked: "Do yon ex port other negroes when the soldiers leave?” “I do not Id disposed to answer that j quest Ion." "All the ate lies about us having port holes and shooting out of a tower are Absolutely false," concluded Mr. Lu kens*. He is Frightened. Mr. I.ukens today asked Capt. For vicr’s permliion to go up town to have a consultation with Adjutant General Reese. Termislon was accorded and ten militiamen were detailed to es cort him. I.ukens knew the bitter feeling the miners had for him and at the last minutes decided it would not be wise for him to attempt the trip. Instead he sent a request for Reese to visit him at the stockade. The following Is a full and correc ted lisl of the casualties: Dead—Edward Walsh, Frank Biiyen, Albert Smith, Thomas Kitterly, Er nest Kautner, A. H. Brannaman, Ed. Green, Will Harmon. Joseph Baslon, ali miners: D. H. Keiley, detective, Chicago; Thos. Preston, deputy, Chi cago. Wounded—Anse Attttel, Gustave Wierep. Ed Upton, Thomas Jennings. Joseph Haines, Joseph Punk, Joseph Himp, Johu Swan. Joseph Rieckcr, Albert Smith, all miners; Bart. Tiger, engineer, Chicago & Alston railroad; SUNDAY S HERALD WILL BE FULL OF OOOD fHINQS FOR THE HEADING PUBLIC- DO VOU WANT ONP irk c#m# 4 «m fltfj VH Jif • mmrn SE A T atßi*H# ®BB#® | traOß tt'lSut jiiiTP'r SFl' '%MB SMt-wr- # 9 ♦ A • IB#. ■ wmm BBS msb fro###### ##* ]##B«a !#*»>*# SMRSi Bf Bf MMf"* l®#® OP vik* ft m m*”’ R |l#Rißßßiß® *m ###»** f rMi It##®? • H*mSiMns* B | |* G## ORBi# i M ».| R | fe £« m*r*W9W&f'9 RSt It It file CMICIf Alfa M 45 l-EKAi IAM 5 HV Mil' IK< Hit Tk* 1 f*A»> v «w#»H« Ml IMM !**»•*• v lIM \mm st I w 4 , la* *ir) Tv— t# Tk* H«i*'4 I hi*H On II A I 'M l #* Si. IPMSMNBiSiBtS cotftPMi IB# r f§|r Itspi of CBtot Amtmxf ss«t si! Sit Bust!? ftM rBSPtt TSIt tirtfivy rctHttilj IlM* fl | y*rt**r b oprfalkiSr Miiißi IB# rhirf t REV MR M IMIRI IS KICKED CIT OF Tlie NAVV Tk*. 1 lading' of lb* courtmarltal Ta4* PiMk To4a>. |Hv AiMM Ittfst IVs • So TB* I J WaMiMUMi. D. C On. 11 •- TBf laav? d 'ptri jMti today mad# pMbtt* vh* findiDfi aod MQlttri at ISr otarttal Is IS# ft#* of nMytili M« In* t#r# rharg#d wits aumdakwi* roi»dU'*t trodlßf to tS* d#»ln»rtif# of IS# good morals and prejudHal to tb* good or d*r ard discipline and of conduct »»n --liecomlag an uCh-er of the navy. Tbe spertflratlua* ar* found |»ro»*4. and I tbe accused la aeaienced to dlsmlsaal froo* the Untied States naval ntvlos. FIRE IN riACON ; Itlti DAMAOE DONE m« Buildings that tkcre Burned Early This Turning. [By Associated Pres* lo The Herald ) Macon. Ua.. Oct. IX—Tbe J Candy and Cracker factor'- of the Wtnn-Johnsoa company ( was destroyed by fire this I morning laws one hun dred nud twenty-five thousand dollars GONE UNDER. J. M. C D. Stott A Co., of Pittsburg, flake an Assignment. j [By Associated Pres* to The Heiaid.l Pittsburg. Pa.. Oct. IX J. Mil). I Scott A Co., wholesale r.hoc dealers, ! n;ade a voluntary ars gmient (relay. , l.iatlfltles. $200,000. Assets not learn ed. THE PARIS STRIKE. One Portion of It Has I alien Through Altogether. (By Associated Prers to The Herald.) Paris. Oct. 13.—The number of men returning to work great!'/ Inerea.ed this morning and the meetings of the strikers were poorly attended. In fact the strike of the laborers employ ed by the building trades is considered ended. SPANISH CABINET It Held an Important Meeting This Horning. By Assiirlaled Press to The Herald. Madrid. Spain, Oct. 13.—The cabinet, at Its meeting today, discussed ques tions bearing upon the return <>.‘ the ’Spanish troops In the West Indies, and particularly the evacuation of Cuba. The ministers were v<-ry reticent In re gard decision? to be arrived nt. The council decided to elease the Cu ban prisoners eonfin d in the Biscaya orisons arid permit them to return to Cuba. HOTIEWARD BOUND Presidential Party Returning From Omaha. By Associated Press to The Herald. Omaha, Neb., Oct. 13. —The Presi dential train left for Bt. Louis over the Burlington road at 10 o'clock this morning. It will make a few stops and will arrive at St. Louis Friday morn ing. The northwestern party, that of General Miles, left for Chicago. It in cluded the diplomatic representatives, and the army officers, Gen. Greely and ladies. Till] AUGUSTA HERALD. SHOT | DOWN Prominent Citi/cn* ot Statesboro Meets Death. | r irvd Upon and killed by TwoNcfm I-aw 11 rcakers. HUNTING THUH. tM* imwai Deotae* n*»* tMev «rg |l#Wf Ci#R INMIMMBaY Jartfci »i*. Ike Mea Are take* fMet.wa• msMj Onslli SgMaSed «»*rt*d M» Tk* Herald BMM#*ißm#W fab,,.. CnH II *** Hat. • W ' r ttmmrnMhm i»4 4 I Kiiißly • jstaagis teiTT f tMatriaMH B#f# wlill# ■ 1 •** BtfWß B BPRIa BtMBRI * \Wmmm m*m !bt#t «il# rwwwf# mt- 1 \**m Btr W#yn **4 mm Riw^witf# I ail #4 But ItrlMt fir. kewardy Dead Mr IL#tMNN4p 4*Rl about t* wVlwrß | I Itvatißai will 4# TB# *B#rtß ia>l | ! * ittaew# •rowtHui *b# • mta l # fa* | j ta# TB# fiiwwiiity la inalb 1 rarwgrß aflui if tß#y ar# caught a I>rtJi j *‘ u Wta *' f irv V rslerday. j xm bn‘.ldte* >vcopied by Tk* ku [a pnwvktl paprf Be##, tad a dar#jllß|l ciwned It J f Oil*, was destroyed Mg I fir* early yenlevday ntoni.l They , were partially covered by mewraaea. HIGH HAND RUI.E IN DUTCH WEST INDIES V a*his W Nh W ar Coev*«paad«als Pul How n as Privalacrs. . |H- Assoetated Prana lo Tk* Herald 1 Wasblagtna. D. C. Oct. IX— Tbe treasury department has be*a advised that the goveranr gfnf*ral of 4he W##t lodim ban Issued a pro. lamallo# that •II Amrrlcaa yachts having war corrrainindents ua Isuanl will be treaied as privateers. NO DUEIr 1 FOR THESE -ATLANTA bankers Was Said They Were About to rieet on the “Field of Monah.” Thf) Had a MretinK This Moriing at the Kimliall, lint Thej Kished and Madfi I |i and Mad* a Slatrniciit In Papers. Special to The Herald. . Atlanta. Ga., Oct. 13.—A pros pective duel between Bankers Joseph T.Orme and Frank Haw kins, which has agitated the so cial and rinanclal circle# of this city for the past 24 hours, will not occur. A board of honor,con sisting of four gentlemen, two representing each of the princi pals In the quarrel, after a five hours' session this morning, ar ranged a meeting between Orme and Hawkins. The meeting took place at the Kimball House at 12:30 o'clock. Both apologized and shook hands. A statement was then given to the papers, saying simply that the difference between Messrs.Orme and Haw kins “had been satisfactorily % adjusted.” They were about to fight a trout politics. At fR »l A 04 I H|; %h At N AW UV I M AklMI V IHINK law M*fd* VMM » WWMI «W ItMww «VMa m *nw fm M» n»i4«i) dvt : {My lir 3*—* r«*m Ml tV ss■*• #$ I flfawMMMM* t> f" (M Uns MW* >MMt aasi n#>* W all M> (■ j Bußß# e - TBIB ** IB# ###u## rn*m rnrnmm B |b»Bir» TB# •H 4#PMTVBNP#* uttHUl# Ml# CB# mj !• #RI IM mm «M 4 b# *t#i uum IB# Upuli mi f#### I* rutHßul b# tßt T»*t#4 Mh#u UMMil#. ##4 lß#t IB# Mi Irn .. ■ r T# ri | fta# fifilff mm*. 9 BlMßiiiMni *tti B# c< l|| giaA . I-F# m#l Btfußltity iM M*|u##f» Hi (B#u# r###* mmm B# »##iu»>B Bf (B# fOkwiF ■* ail Bltfb r##* iMUftiil •EV*it % i eeunm rln> high \ anther Owl rag r Ha* Cwwawd 4*g*f Among thy s*Mhr>. |H» tmrttiMl IVea* in Tk- Herald. | ! GiiaH'Si Ry .• ht is - The trial of | ; Private AH in Kl' *• wtm killed Pi*- vale Nygtaa. tavimi Men T nk Ann-i |M|, Hu# Bmu |HMri#mp.l lilt | , idN AURf « op* mttfuft* l»«<l *urrr4 u»» ImUf-B f..ltn« I But ti-BiRT «n NM. JMrff a tit MrOMIuM •*! (hr tßlr# K«*it- L lit m* rutuhl uflft robin tub! I# m ' party of the taelPh K-s Tark anld .ea 'and an mialreated lhal be may be In- j i lured t r Ilf# Tbl* raneed Idlter In jdlanalk-n aaslnel tin- New Tork f *l meni »n the |>aii «f fb* Kenlucky eey | imeni and It •*» domed unnis* ta rlak an oyi break by proceeding with it** trial of Km. ben SAXTON’S VVILI - w th« Murdered Man Left Hla of Property . fly Aaroctated Pr*-*M» i« The tleiald. Ganlon, 0.. o*l. 13 —The nlll of lleo. D Asxion has h**n found The docu ment beqnealha all his ratal* lo Mrs. j M Harher. til* alaler of Ihe do- J ceased. After her death, the calnte will be divided rimong Ihe live children <»f the b..ri.n. l«ry. The value of the prop- ( ,ity Is not known, bwt a personal friend r.f tb* deceased esllmutm It will foot up niw.wd. REUBEN H. LOYD GRAND MASTER. Ha Was Elected to That High Honor In Pittsburg Today By Assoc In I c'i Plea* to Til* Herald Pittabuig, !•*.. Oct. 13.- Reu ben H. Lloyd, of Han Francisco, was t'slay elected grund master of the Grand Kneampment of ihe Knights Templar. SAN FRANCISCO WINS. It la the Next Meeting Plata of the Episcopalians |By Associated Press to Th* Heiaid.l Washing on. Oct. 13. San Francis co hits been decided upon as th* place for, the next meeting of the Kpiscopal triennial conclavA PILCHHR-TARVER. flarriage of a Well Known Couple at Blythe on kbtH Inst. Invitations are out to the marriage of Mr. Thomas W. Pilcher lo Miss Lu lu Thomas Tarver, at Hopeful church, Blythe, Ga., on the 26tb inst. Miss Tarver Is the daughter of Mrs. V. S. Tarver, of the above place. Mr. Pilcher is a >vell known young man of this city, connected with the Armour Pack ing company agency here. The couple will he at home to (heir friends after November Ist at 1515 Gwinnett street. Many friends will exteud congratulations. AtCamp Wheeler. [Be Associated Press to The Herald.] Huntsville, Ala., Oct. 13.—A1l troops under orders to proceed to Camp Wheeler are now here. Seven com panles and headquarters of the Fif teenth infantry, 424 men, Co!, Edward Coie, have arrived from Deming and Wingate. Special Matinee On Saturday afternoon a special mat inee has been arranged for the Cleve land & Wilson mimstrelH. This is to accommodate th*. ladies' and children who desire to go mat only in (he after noon . The regular performance will lie giv en in the evening. Miss Clinton McMillan came down from Harlem this /afternoon. SPIDER SUICIDE Hem Cora Smith look Her (Ha h Lite in i PriMHi Cell. .She Gathered Spider* and Then Ate Her Col lev. lion. A SURE POISON. TK* New MriM at iMf • Hwfnaflaa Adaftad by a W ■■*■ M Prtsaa la* Her father'# Mwedri A HwrrtMe Mwry I rmm Ini I IBe N#* T«fß INm I I |*• Hu<ur». Or 411 4#t9k, ! «B« u III# artlrtit f# IBe I mdf’itg'f mi B#t Ittßrf. lM)l#tl B#f##4f * iimtrtßijr By ##*»#* ll## ##Ntav«i RB# i iu4 mrnrnm B>r ###i# lo B#4 • j war t«i l#B# B#» »H mn) •r#*#® #4l# I Aay the *a«d*r» rtwwliaa oa the aalla | ike (uiaoa yard s aerareed la k#r , ikal i k*V wow Id aerre I gbr gaibrtrd Spider* dav by dav ua -1111 ak* kad a lara# anaihev lied up la (a kaadkarrbtrf |jm Tuewday ah* Janie • teller lo AHaraey Oeaeral | R*n<*T brgglaa for rteaxaey for her tanker kaa HrwHb wbo was la tk# -am prlao* la Awaainaa wlik ker jatrviat a Ilf* araiear* Air Ike aaas* j carrier Oa ftoadav nlckl idle ate lb# Dpulra aad yratrrday moral a* as* ■ round dea Ila ker cell The kandk*r |chief wltk ike r-ma.B'u* spiders ta* found by ker side Her toiler In Ike ' attorney gracral rrpeaia her roafea alon made arorr tkaa three years agn Ikal ah*, and ant her mother, gave her .father the polar n (hat hilled him Mlrhad Sallk Ihe father, was a proeprruua railway engineer Recalls* br remonstrated wHh hla wife and daughter about the Ilf* they led Ihey made several aftempta in kill him. | Ilia wife was rcjarlrfrd nf hi* murder aad sent lo Ih* peoltrotlary fur Ilf*. Shortly afterward lb# daughter r >a (cased that ahr and oof the another killed her father, and this arnt her to the penitentiary for Ilf*. The mother obtained a new trial, and was again .convicted a few month* ago. SOhDIER KIIIIIED -BY SOLDIERS Deserter From 1 bird Ga. Shot to Death by Squad of Men. The . v i|uail Sent Out I infer Lieul. Frank ( urn to Take (lie Deserter Get in a FielK. Hie Ke serler I.osinir Ills Life. Special to The Herald. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 18. A * special to tiic Atlanta Journal from Griffin says: H. Dickson, of Luella, Ga., a deserter front the Third Georgia regiment,/ was shot and killed last night near Jeokinsburg while resist ing arrest. A squad of four soldiers, under Lieut. Frank Curry, found Dickson and two brothers in a house In Henry county, armed with Winches ter rifles. A fight ensued and Dickson >vas shot dead. He was a married man and eyiltai ed July 30th at Griffin, Ga. Not Dead. Dixon. It seems from a later tele gram to Tbe Herald, was not killed, but is shot so badly that he will die. Nothing worries some people as much as having nothing to worry about. SRI I c>s t Ada 4 YtUUI thi if DAI. uvt «ji iM (MR H Aft IMH If 1 Uk. t *4, A t NORM . thaw Kto IA 4 «Hi lake Taw—l (hail**.*— nt hslw Rfsw ? IBiroro###* 1 # iß### #• TB# sßt#Blß I tM IB =■» tß# «#•## •# ro##*##® m IB# BF#t lßyo«<#iH Y mi Br ms BF ##B#b®##B- Tß# t IBN Hi**#* ««#b®M#k*m# B#t# Mlßitw# «Bt ®##®l>B , laabaki tkw tka I«im ditit #t##vf# t# B### t«*m J#H #RMHRPRMM<#I #f tU## • hr 04 <4 IV Ito^tok mmmmmi i# ißlt «•# tß#f •*#•#«•* tß# #####—»## RfwtH B# (NN##B## #B ## B#* f#t# lB«< 4##, if mM. «B#f •feel® (re#NNM®R fnaaeißl ' TB* Leit#® tRiMBN#* •km bar pramieally rumplafed IB# ®N#ii mi IB# »i#Hiini. ill IB# )«HM cmmmimmmm Be# held It* lam aaailna. i»4 ad hiufOfd wltßoel dl|i TB# I'alted Male* troop* will be glared la Aaa Juan aad Ihe hug hoburd at boos. Ort IX "BROOKK. kfaj Ora' Tbia diafwtrk ta very grati fy tag to th# War Department olhrlato aa M rads all raai#*- ii< n regarding the psawrlot of Pur'o Rico. The details of the agreement* reached by the <ommiMlonrra are nol re ceived. but II la suppoaed the instruction of the adnilnuira tion to the fommlaainn have been carried out. NO LET UP IN FEVER The Weather Cool. But No Sign* of I roat Today. By Associated Pi ** lo The Herald. Jackson. Mlea.. Oil. 13.—Nut with standing the cool weather the fever eq uation present* no change for the bet ter. The Ihnmometer last nlshi went as low us 4« degree*, hut If there wit* float It was too light to lie noticeable. Already Ihe list of new cases for Jackson has begun t" glow, six having been snnoueed t Hie morning, 3 white and 3 colored. A more hopeful feeling. Iwtw c\ er, pre vails. and ll I# hellevid the col wea ther will soon put an rnd lo a further spread. Xu iirtvly llif(H , t**d liH'Ulllifft In ln ,! a tale arc reported to Ihe state boiud. Repotts from infei'tetl .points show » number of new case, rnd show no rign of abatement—*K>- pt In those i>lu ,ck w here material is exhausted. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Delegate* Arriving For the Conven tion at Chattanooga. rlisllnnooga. Oct. 13. I ' ! " | gates to the several conventions of the Christian chinch which will be held In Chattanooga during the next few days hiiVH been arriving In large mini- , hers today, and there are now Severn! hundred here. The indications ate , that the attendance will reach 3.000. , The annual meeting of the Clniallan , Woman’s Board of Missions begins this evening. OF NINTH CAVALRY Some of the Sharpshooters Are in the City Today. Among the many negro soldiers who have been passing through the city In the lasi day’or so, Hergt. J. 11. John son, of the ninth cavalry, deserves spe cial mention. Sergeant Johnson was one Of the sharpshooters of the battle i of San Juan and was promoted for ( bravery »n the field He is here In charge of a squad of twelve men on special business, which Is said l" be | the arrest of deserters. At the Commercial. The following guests are registered at the Commercial Hotel: J. K. Berry and J. B. Stone, Macon, Ga.; 1). V. Cameron, Miss Cameron, and H. L. , Grant, New York; H. M Cassell, El tenton, S. C.; Sam Morris and John Hays, Baltimore; G. W. Toother. Nor folk, and A. H. Gray, Richmond, Va., and G. W. Borg, Elletiton, S. C *4 tf> '4 ■' *3 . " *4 fmrn * mmm ••a PUANTffI# Loam and HAVING* Bank. ww#» # *««*s• ••«* FAIR DEAL wmm the While He# Licit the Cdiun* c Ilmen. Him It NNorku in Ihe state of S«»uth Carolina AND ELSEWHERE. Ike re h to hard AgafmW Fir bee Ml Ik* IMIk Ward I Hke« a Owed Maw Par UHkX Mat* ft. C., On ix IMML Ta ik* KAkar as Tk* ttonalft—Mr' I awllr* ta y war paper «f ■. .rerday d|i»i«« •«$ WitNhii h»b B##4#M. "I® Mba# Mfrfß® Ni a>nt B#> ««#b®Ml I I ala# MMtr# IB# «ln fault# of tß# I F.M vftid alto BtPlfcilr® ®l *o<#B#t j t<m tß# #tr#ro# of lß#4f rt#4l®tl# Nat Mr 1 •«# trltlac tlte to rrttlri# to a#* trot N »t#®i> I# ■# i But Roro# of «) frtftda of IB# Ftflß • •lit Bo%# ttli#® f*#»# of tß#ft ###### |» B* t tß#f If? ta Boor! ®u#B tl» vlltf #rtM#r?* Aa for IB# c#f>il#ro#B #Bo ®r# mok* it® «h# rtff. tß#? •## Bill ibovt r» [pnacfc Mr KltkMf I kara know a fur | years aad I Bui asy tfcal I never met | a mote prrfert gcniiemaa thaa ke la. Mr Mattlaop. wklle I do aoi know ktm |as Ido Mr Kllloit % I have an doubt .but ikal he I* Mr RllloW* equal Then why all ibl* wrangling about a primary? I have aeen It triad ore* here la ftonrh Carolina aad I mn»( aae It I* one of ihe flneat milollom to ao elec!ton I ever wltwcaaed Hut r >me on* said that it would die* francblae too many voter*. I aak the -itnplr queeibm Wh.sw fault la *1 that they cannot tot* in a’ primary? Yen will have to gnawer. Tbelr own But rtill another will nay. But that WIH kreek aa out of the aegro rot*. Hui. bretber liatea lo rraaop. Would ! II boi have l»e* n better for in if th* ■ <>*gro bad s»v« ruled In our niunlri* pnl election** Turn ttir pair of his tory ha* k amt r* id and ponder if well and ara if I am not right In wh»l I say. * I notify mimeone calia the white prl* I luarjr a political humbug, and quoted Washington on equal righto to all. But. my frit*da. If the Immortal George could wake up and are the rottenness in an \ngiieta election he would advts cite a hundred white prlmarlea. Whr, I have seen. after an election negroea get out in crowd* and divide ita** apolta that were given ibem for repenting their voiea. And ycu have ■ **n It and then yen oppose a while primary? I must nay It l» » atrange thing 10 me. Now. let c* lake op that bugbear — *h- circular in which Mr. Elliott la quoted u« having voted for tliia »*reef lax. He that an it may. Mr. Elliott on ly dlil what you and I would done, nr-met)’, vollne a* hie conscience d ebited. I believe ' • It la r ght to pay a street lav Oth.*r cities do It. why net Augusta? Mr. Elliott wna not bought over to v fer the tax or your circular would have said ho You iidit him to council to moke lawn for the advancement of Augusta, and If that .vaa net advancing the city, tell ua whet i». Now. genelemen. come to the front end be men and slick to the irlmnry. Ifop'lt i» the best way out and If you can beat Mr. Elliott In the election you can heat him in the primary- so meet him as he asks you in a white primary. In eoitohialon: 1 will say if you douhl the primary being a success, come over j the river and watch us and you will catch the cur anil you will find that it 1 is nol such a had dose after all. JNO. S. HEMRICK. POPULISTS CARRY 29THJISTRICT A Special Says That Their Total Majority is 82. The Chairman of the Democratic Com mittee Concedes the Fact. Special to The Herald. Washington. Ga.. Oct. 13.—Mr. R. 0. Barksdale, the chairman of tfie Demo cratic executive committee of Wilkes (ouuly, concedes the fact that, the Pop ulisls carried the election for senator from the Twenty-ninth district by a majority votes. MJss Salll? Fannie Allfr|end, of SpaT ta, is ihe guest of Miss Sadie Brown.