The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 13, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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THURSDAY 2 NO WAR PRICES mw* arr» W4kh ". *3 s *••*** Cm#. _i t... ♦ • •» m *♦ !•/*• »i|« t‘r»i» Bmk4M • * • ' ,D H<T*ftf*Ti* CM**pm #f ■OO ****• I >•**• W • 9*m <>*)p* W Ny j M»v« M|U 1(6 to 80 *Br «•*»« an »** ttvtk of DMillSMlt f» A4**u«U LEWIS J. SCHAUL jeweLek Undo* %** Artnfttw Mold HAVE you THE RIGHT t. i %m •*«! Mi IOT W«i *** • .# • *♦* OT B*m**OT •* ##**» Ja. S o PER WEEK ? Tm *«* mm**+** ***** •» *m*& * ***** *<*• t** §*«*# WOT** l *# "*"* *** *•' ! P MHMiIMNMI b$ 4# 8®#88(8# h. EVERETT tv aady t*l*«*» q#*'a»»*-#4 *”* *** lh*vl HW*. ■ At* ~ • attar IMbkau to vo**** tvo**. fcbJ*Al*U*U AM* TUNING *»Y AfcTlAT* Tbomas & Barton. fW M il A KHKT §t*f*sV** - I TM HR*’AI»W AY. AI'UrVTA. OA. * LT. COL. WITHROW.” If* HM (Mm M Irowkla tm M«- tmMf (bar*Hif pop*** pe*a» *M folio*sM IparWM rrmo teßgram jb4r*lDai<<M. K$ Or« U Chargo* of A «•!; MdMlUioiil ul *» r«>u» Mlurr Hat, hp m p«i fptrt-d again** lJ*vl CM 0 VV It kri.o ut (V Trtll Ibowm H»- >i <*. oaboraMnißg an iMUtmt I* tb* raf.-at charge *ad IV ■*•«.«**.too* too! *A* kiMt il IrniktiiMM and lot r- Hig Ijt: „ gtx Col. Withrow w*a coo* A» ,g v aprolal guard house Ta tar b» vo* relouoed. Mu allowed M UVrUN of IV ramp. (Vouch h« rwnd co auMV IV guard lloa*. Il la thought V vlil b* uM by (V court martial now In oraaloft. M«*t of tha charge* vara hrmigbt bp McJ Fu qua. of th*,T*»Ui Imuumaa vho la aov ov trial bp coortmartlal for othar oavaati<-aal uFanae*. on* of which la boMtaal druokeuncau Col. Wllbrnv racaattp married a uroiulnrot Brook- Jptl *oci*ty lady Ul' yaat onlay afternoon Prlvr Oao Kwlefcarhocher. of tb# Tenth Immune*, •hot aid foully wounrted In a aaloon brawl Will Aadaaaoo. another negro aoldter from OreeovlH*. Mlaa. New Dutch and Klpjxtiml Herrint* at Larokln A Co.'a. A GOOD SHOW. That la the Vardlcl of All Who Saw ••If* mem her the Halite ” iJMt avealug a Urge audience greet to tb- Brat production of "Remember the Maine'' and the universal opinion aaa lhat a good *h<*» was Been. Ii fully comes up to the conspicu ous hill poster* dlsptnyod and no one baa a right lo complain of any feature in It. The harbor of Havana, blowing up Of the Maine Capt Slgsbee. (Jen late ant", many other feature* were excel lent That the American people have re numbered the Maine and In doiug *o have become united was »bo<vn hy the general applause lhat greeted the pic tur ot Lincoln. Tlie advert mod tropical scenes, bat tles ana bombardments were as realis tic as rould he mid every person pres ent felt as If they were upon the scene of (he great email iris that have gone dogn In history. A good show is appreciated and that (hla Is a good show will be told yon by every person present. Tonight there will be a big house. This afternoon * matinee will lie giica for the benefit of Ihoße who do not wish to go out at night. Children under five free and everyone else al cheap rates. NECKWEAR. F. G. Turpin Company has received the latest thing In Neckwear, Ascots, Chal tilly,4~in-handsand Tecks 818 BKOADVVAY 818 I HIGHWAYMAN ON I WHEEL lei es 1 1 frees J«et Vvwt Heli I p ee sgttMeft KseA t *>%•*• ■ ee* *<*e ee» eMMbce as a eRRsw * jßfc*«W*a.r • fRi f|L t m « ’MI tv •%« t# «ib •***• * SRf# M i £T£****£T~* *?! I TT' 1 ""•* II midi''Out !•»••#- flu *m W f JM4i# it f men 4Ft %#• fsef uttttti mum- | I t tHP % | «ts«. » Hr! »4 <»e «*•**» **9o - mst, hm I* Mu p 9m* ** •*'* VhMmi Its* l ** •** «’■*•*•§*♦ ewsr-vf Wf # i [ «e»t tt»f «%» wm*4. **4 j I *■ -.miwfi# m* (k tv t*H*fV v%* • V [.**»•# 4■} tMRW»*A*e* I *l# oj*sM*iN| # fV** "* m I tuML. v IMHI tvw an tNtlt#, tvWMiHMI • M they warbaV taws, am* ufw»< I* pi After oat cm wwM«Mr H*"* I that hr da alma t« gat to lava, bw* the Mys aay that they vtll mV •* vr» I«*Mt» HlftailMlilß H tMllHi ! Ti er aay they vm laid eye* **a .be I *w M-«' and wave an badlv fvtcbt leved bp the hntd Mg that IVr l» OR' I eh)* |*i ftvt tArf • iNtittl* srnpiN mm Lvvfc H*ftl t* i«|t)tlßf lM wMh rm» heti ? De jMI fear Ueldltev * Then Mm* tfwt y«vr Imtr in tint# If ifreadjr HaM i#t nit iwtlKfv it. f««r fV# 4u(tt *n *>k m-nlp* haH far Urn* mf< o*vt t« »•« ntt At 181 I*l mrmi. MH*. ftWTH. BROTHER OOON ROBBED. A Hold Thief .Aecmaf c flood Amount > eaterdey Vmlerdap afternoon .*oe of the b»>id eat robberlaa oeeurrad la tbla Htp that baa come to the notice of the detective# f**r atun# Haw. Alenit I o'cloeh. a tall white man. wearing blur overall*, and with a atep ladder on hla abottlder and tmda In hi* band, went t*> tit. Patrtch'a tMtttute. and Informed Brother Odon that he had been Bent by the gaa company to In aped the pipe*. The man given full nceeaa to the building, and tha colored porter aent to help him. The porter waa anon aent to the gaa office for aorop tool#, with a promlae of g eenta aa a reward. The hack cute waa then propped open, au that an raar eacape could lie made. Having Inform ed the rook that the fame* from the Baa ware very mfurlnua. and lhat ahe had heat nm coma up atalra. the man went aeemlncly to work. Brother Odon loohed *r him once and aaw him examintnc the plpea and burn ing the paa. Nothing more wca ae.-n of the man. About three o'clock the brother went upstairs and found all Ihe c«» J*’t» burnlnc. The door to hi* room, which wa* the only one locked, had been forc ed open with a hatchet and both locks broken. Hl* money box from Ihe private de*k \va» gone, and *35 In silver and two note* for $55 were missing. The box wa* found In the next room under the bed. Among the coin* stolen were several unite valuable ones, foreign and of old dale. Among them was an old colonial penny. No clue ho* been discovered, snd the j atep ladder left the description given by Brother (Won are all that the de tective* have. The police have been notlfted, and are doing oil In their power to detect Ihe thief. Brother Odon says he think* ihe man mad- way with the thing* Just In lime to catch the Southern train out of the city. Nothing hut the note* and money have been missed, and the brothers think lhat was all he ohtslned. A Narrow F.ocape. Thankful word* written by Mr* Ada IS. Hart, of Groton. S. D.t "Waa taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in and dually termin ated In Consumption. Four Doctors gave me up, saying I could live but a short time. 1 gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not atHy with my friends on earth. T would meet my absent ones above My husband wag advised to get Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave It a trial, took In all eight bot tle*. It has cured me. and thank God. 1 am stived and now a well ami healthy woman." Trial botlles 10. at Howard rtl Wlllet'* Drug Store Regular size :.0v and $1 uo. Guaranteed of price it funded. Pistols, Double Barrel Ouns—Pistol*. Harrington 4- Richardson Brand new pistols. $2.50; Harrington & Richardson second hand pistols, $3.00. American double action pistol. SI.OO. Guitar. Man dolin and Banjo Strings, 2 for 5 cent*, at L. J. Schaul, Reliable Pawnbroker. TH® -A TJG"CTBT.A BCBTRAJUD BATESBURG'S NEWS BUDGET | )fc»W PiRMMt Ns VsfclßC Mn« - KPRISk IA % cap bad Shag* ONhgf *aa« **~a» fisc* Ml> i >w* iictß R H* W*. H *> j |%* ti' * < v tMkifov Vs HM*' % [ H ( a* fIMM Mm Ml VMM MMMMV IV | I if'MM viMHMMi H(P miv *** IMIMfJf | W § fMMMMI 9VMMNM Vt VMVMV# MMM 1 \ Bmm 9i. imh mu* hm kmm I [mi v*m *mm 9* > Ml « IvMHmsM fthfri fIM Wmk ******* MM j Hf Mali V *.»♦!►»*' VM a|mM|i f«VM« ; IMV ftMMI VMM m MNMMI W Mviv IMmNI HV'WMhv Ml MMMMVv *IM > 1 #•» mm** iMv Ml A Mm* mNMMMvP 4* |tM*V *MM M» MMM*vM*i*lMM"i ** Hff * * am«9«w« tba HWf «**» •» «•«- Itv flifW |VnMII VM tin t- cs^pct f«r*Mp M mm vMn4t *** **** < * *MV %*M» 11 * f 'MMMVwM, i if* . r cits VW4 * Mvf ' V H>l|i v *m. '.,fN MPMf I It iv «#*V MMM mtm tln * IMVNVMV VMM A«vH*t V9V Witt Ms fMv ! |M» »»l» Mr* iM# 4«RFVX%t)4t teas IMV I iSnVMr (ImM Ift SB I* CHomMMI Ms | f*M* vMmmM mw mini m m*< «v«v* iMlnr* vM*m It y*l Mv MMMfVvtMfMV it I 1 csvr o*n Vnor* If •• wv MMMMMit*M (• W«t v MifM Uvtfl vlt tin »!•* tin 1 south show id rwaafa* bar so an- as tb* I tiswsOi* daclvad IbmfliCl Rpaty bddp hi tb*a cocsmuattp aWwstd «a • I courage Mr. Ulawloa la oawrp war gnw I albte awd aaoa bare tha mill ruaaaag. thug giving eaaptormawt to maay poor aad aeedf geraawa la war owa wßda(. Oar lava baa boaw aaddaaed bp lb* death as Mr. ggaua Ulead man • lotF iafaat daugbfat. RUaahrth. ohua nr rsipd last Thursday sight dh* waa Itttla over nine aaoalha old Tha ratwalaa war# carried to Bamberg, the former boas* es Mr*, ttaadaaaa. for laterßawt. Thar* baa twee coaaldrrable sirkaeM In thta tow a recently, Mr. i. P | Hartley, the popular and wall known traraltag aalaamaa for the Um. D. Witt Shoe company of Lynrbborg. Va , * Is now confined to hi* bed with fever,, H* la represented on tha road by Mr. { W. A. t'ooner during hla lllnea* There > are several other* on the tick list, hut their condition la not aertoo*. Rev A P Wllklna the pastor of the. Bate*burg Baptist rhurrh. ha* gone tl> Wlnnateiro. to aaslst In conducting aj aerte* of revival aarvke* now going tm In lhat town. Mr. Wllhin* Is oww rs, the moat and eloquent preach rr* In South Carolina and auric** al ways followf bis work wherever tru goea. He will return hum* Ihe Inttor* part of thJP week Mr J. B. Plunkett, n leading mcr-ij chant at North. 8. C.. wat In town yes terday visiting friend* and relative*, i He removed to North from this section nearly five year* ago. and ha* been cc- j lively engaged In the mercantile busi ness since that time. Mr W. L. Raw), one of the roost successful bnslncaa men of this to* - n, has retired from the sawmill business and has entered the mercantile busi ness In the building formerly occupied by the postofflee. The bus turn* will be conducted principally by his son. Mr. J. D. Rawl. Miss Josle V. Sharkey who has been conducting a xuccessfut millinery business in this town for over ol)e year, has moved to Urnnttevlile. where she has opened up another place of business. -it; Miss Mattie Crouch of Batesburg was the successful applicant for the Wln throp scholarship from Bn I tula county, and she is now enrolled among tbo students of (hat institution at Rock Hill. Several of our boys bave returned to college this fall. Mr. James Fox has gone to Richmond College. Virginia. Messrs. Legare L. Hariltn and Geo. C Bates go to Wolford College. Mr* Malcolm P. Harrlss is again enrolled at the South Carolina College. All these young men arc close students, and we predict for (hem another suc cessful year at their respective colle ges. The soldier boys are home again on a thirty days furlough before being mustered out some time in Novem ber. All of them speak in the high est terms of their commanding officers, and they have but few complaints to make against camp life. The follow • ing are the names of the young men who enlisted from this community: C as. T. Wiseman. C. B Smith. Clar ence Dye, D Wood Holstein, and Hospital Steward John Fox. All these young soldiers are deserving men and their conduct while tn the army has not only reflected credit upon themselves but upon their country as .~ J, t* -k **--*'• f.»*,altoi*—- Ttg lgtal UTI fl t LsvtM TiH fpm fsmvi m mm Wmm* * S^SmES V h|,—t UM ! esg—owusa «r Mu ww daaa a* »W>«ga ffjy, boaaaaaayba • invtVyv Ms vwii a *m • rnmmmtm m Ivt 1 m V**9 Wi MSfMt MS V fMn VmbM H ******. Mi » MiV »M ***** m MM Mi* M>»* m* ***** "*_**** Ml* *** ** fw Wff • pltißnS v'» •Blsft «f (M ttvl m* Ms ****** 99m ; mmmm mot m •*• un im— **4 ****** {Tfsvi MM • I »Tm r Mm Iks fiMif-M *9 mmm* m* M** P>nviv m» otMjm F’ Vlkr k Jf Uli * M*MißtMsM_ty4*»M fun* TV MlMrf'l 9m (M ****** •d j .••••in.* pfarttraTy Aos* awwy with tW taap f rkltdbt'th VPatwy w tea waned shirk CMfea* lb* awsalag as tb* child a dsMgW MMaad *f a drabs ao-t lbs twboal «oil 4 sbanog Mrs atrsoagh es the seethes grow* day lw day la health sad bawalf. Caatran H*w plato naicawal ad fact with the sow gut* a as *o snap warn#* who aaMrtpaaa a» icbrvbaad. wwaa eat, tag fvrtag. faatfwl. aaalawk helcgtag tWAAsaa talo fw* wn*kl wdlb tafwatcM acßaMgc awd reartag bra gafofal’v thioogh a *tebly childhood C«a aay waad* -1»>1 tm tb ptreea'a PavorWs fioolpw* Hl* Ikes* kata riw taw awn «f »h» wo as aahth kaowbdgawad Wanted Waa bath atdeaaf lb* AH Hr by bwadrrd* as Ihoaeaad* as wmaira • ' * Think tjod fm Hr Meres'* P* earn* hswtlpM " has law lh» baarUrlt cry of way a wow a* cautACsp by Ma airaaa Aon Ike reauU* of tgnorwara 1 and aegtert Tk re Iv p* long** aay tea asjw why wuwsra ahaUld rpdwre the wMht log a be b they have alomat rams V regard a* the heritage of their a*a Women who hove (ailed to tad hrtp hr their disorder* or who have ant fc*wod the " PaeoHwr Mr acripttoß ' to work aa qwtrklv a* they da tire ate iaettad to writ* to tb* Swim bias Mil Write without (tar and without hr. There la no charge (nr toch aawavNaliM All wanmtnlww are ahaotutrly held in iar n 1 oaMracr. an*the rate glvvp doe* wot invoice local "ttratmral*" aad "tv auinati-'its ' at which the natural modesty of eeery woman rceoß* a raaa -ire I Tn eeery readrr as Hoi paper arhe will arod a*Si. and sOflrr-M wS* rs» atarnps to fhWse real ■* aratnag only, in k v Mere* will scad taw great work os taoaH-b ratraeut si diwasr. - " The Comm-SI Sena* gsksl Advtart," ft to nuinlc wnttrs lo tw intelligible is an, rmtaato or Child., ft is raarnitaU) yiaclMal li » (tall of hrgtrnir him, wtakk i i (hr reader la lta« ualk or The ah si cut lo hctolik Over awes kandrrd piclate* llltotolislr Ike lept -to I hla jrreal snwh If you want ihe "Cratosu n Senar Medial Ad etarr " Ik paper cover* -et 1 jt cent* ki uampa lo coerr tnr coal of stalling only. (N send ti reals is stampa fer the same hook haodsomefy and ainaiglv bound in clatk. Addreas ihe World's Ihapetiaaiv Medial Aaaaculloa, «j Mara Street. BuOsio. N Y. Th# friend* of Mr P. Cortex Onltum will be pleased to learn that he la con valescing from an attack of fever con tracted while In the army at Rich mond. V*. He Is the youngest son of our worthy townsman. Mr. W. F. Cul lum. and a former student of Richmond College. Edwin Folk Strother. e*<| . hex gone to Edgefield for a few days on legal business He was absent nearly all of last week attending court at Lex ington. He has b*rn eminently suc cessful as a lawyermnd hit practice la Increasing. - -i Mr. J. William Mitchell of Batesburg has decided to entnr the fruit growing business on n grsnd scale. He will set out several thtiusand fruit trees this winter., To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. -sc. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. CHAMBERLAIN ON EXPANSION The British Statesman Thinks We Should Mold the Philippines. Tn an interview with Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, the British secretary of state for the colonies, who is notv In America, the English statesman Is quoted as saying he considers the Cat ted States, owing ta the recent war, to be i« the same position as Great Britain In Egypt, adding that the Uni ted States has the same Imperative dit ty to keep the Philippine islands. Mr. Chamberlttin is said lo have added: "The moment ifU* arrived for the United States to tor au exten sion of its territory, and la order to realize thts ideal will not refuse Great Britain's 8111-port. United Great Britain, (he United .‘States, and Cauuda will be iuvuineratjlV'’ pi Fro nr h IVhs. Mushroom* ami ear* dines cheap at Lamkin & Co.'s* THE VIOUTIM t UNAVOIDABLE fglbv njwi HaM t»p**l*» It* f W * i*4r I Uhl Himnm m** Mmmmmmi 4 mmm ■m* •Mot# 4m# Is #4aMM# 9**mmm Mi ijmr wmm* IMmMm# Mms msmr# . I ««ai tL* 1m i is mm* i> M irwi Is Um - * » ptmmm mm wj Lot _ at mm m*o 9** MJ** : t*m M* **4 It Ml *** !♦» j : j pMSMMaa* mi rpmmw *** i , MhM#MaiMNl m • mm mm# mmrm» m tatTf i i#-#n • VMpaa r j —I j i*mr*9 ypti rmM tMMf ffrm *%*i M» j ti#M *i CM* Mr«n* Cl mm * **rf fMM rwisTJsrts: *t ms I hr* cm CM* *Kr**c. otll*4, TM* bIiMMMK «Mmi cm* I mi #rt*»M4i mm j j Hnwmmbt* r«c unm. imtlM Ur* j - ** ———-•—; “ i |p- roar Cl led gold wot'he* Ml Wlw’ *mt| M*** MOT WmIM •* W#l» j itao.mevemvotfr.wo It « to 1118. .. - -ta md I .wld i iI dNptc *f f *n wrH “ •' | !I, g. h*ul A KrUaW* Pcwbbtobor •• Jms* * atftat A PeCI'UAR WHENOMENON A ttalowt Troc la Pwttlo* Forth a Saw Growth of L*av«*. Many cltlxo*. bare aotlced a p»et»l- I igg pArgittrs-*t) just h*rb of Judge Move's *>RNw o* RBia Tbave •tawda • large walnut Ircc It hi* bock retd This tree la the spring h«*f* Its usual number of I rare* and c«t toag ***** a t-oiit'M tiarvrat of walaulc were saihr ri d from R. Caterpillar* cltarked tha tree and »!rlpp*d It of every vestige of foliage. - Vow when the cool weather I* rooting on and nearly fll of the tree* nr* hSYlng their leave* tinted with the colors of autumn end each breath of I reexe rattle* down th* euU, Gil* tree is getting n new growth of leave* i They are the beautiful light green lhat walnut leaves always are and the branches are thickly lined with them. Wo have moved to the Ellis Restaurant stand at 71 7 Broad street. Will be glad to serve all, old and new customers. INN RESTAURANT. DEATH OF MR. TANKSLEY. Funeral This Afternocn From His Late Residence. ! Mr. OrltHn Tanksley died Inat night at hi* home. No. 15 Greene street, after an Hines* of two week*. Mr. Tanksley waa 70 years of *ge, and wa* a Carolinian, but had lived In Augusta* for forty years. He wa* by trade a carpenter, and for years was employed by the rlfy in building and keeping in repair the hrklge and Wharfs. Of late years he had been working at the city cemetery. In both capacities has has served faithfully and eflkdently. The funeral occurred at three o'clock this afternoon from hia late residence, Rev. J. H. Mnshliurn conducting the service*. Many friends were in attend ance, testifying their esteem for the deceased. CASTOniA. th* Kind You Han Aiwats Bought —— g CHANGES HADE. **(»'•* The Horses in the Fire Department to Be Hatched. The right hand horse of the truck has been placed in No. 3’s hospital for a rest. Another animal that hns been seven years in the Bervice has been put In his nlace. Changes will probably be made with horses at the different departments, and good matches made for this winter months. The department Is in need of several new horses, and these will either lie purchased or the ones on the rest list used to rest the ones In service. Augusta Lyceum. Tickets will be sold at the door to night and throughout the season. j Smith & Wesson pistols from $5 to JS.SO. Several good bicycles fur sate verv cheap. Good, watches from $1."5 110 fr.n.oo st Lewis J. Pchsul, Reliable Pawnbroker, under, the Arlington, jWANT ffi !|#pMr Ml l * IMiflMMiii» lotm I 4 s*£* *o*-»+ MM» m*m *4 «•» 4#* I # 9pm <*** »ni* t Hug m m#* m *h4 **%* * ’ SITUATION WANTIO 4 t »n t MMr M * a* * m m . I 4JMMPMM OT# • M*r*r* Ml •«■%.. MOTR# [MM* * pOTMOT Ml OT OTMnr «* OT «4p*4 It* fMfflpw MOT* tIOTOTMOTM »-0-*wrß’nu:H 4# l [ 4mr Us mm* MMroti# -* I COT li I 18411 MR MMPMm pmrM* IMmI **##**•■•► ■» I wlNpwT Mmn* Wf fl*■•'*■• i| MIMM# jw * MTMOT^'-A npr*rm fT* r'fJUiM COT I (HM #»OT| OT MNOT f lfi-Mi ###MR»*Mot - j *m-4*** •* MOT OT»i ii l« OH OTMOTOTM ilMi li MUot * IwtTWf l -# ««j p- m-mt I OT*# MR • rrt4 * »b>»»OT MRiM4 »*•*» i i rtirMß*"- MhOTM # lOTIMI* fCrf i# WAIttWOTA I-wOTTMcM «j#R 4MT j j HOT# If MiOTtMMI mmm Am** 1 I MTt* w A iTttl lit 4 Ct»ll "For sale (gUM-HUUM AT M JACSPOI* «T. <ltgtft--/AfKii roK WKAFI*tN-11 - bangta. TTbltto pap** I «<**t • p«*a J, Jf«» * yug CA 1.0- ISSAI-HK FARM. (!!*■ ! Mtotl, trmm rlty Mmito. • targwm Ay ! IlyW. C. J ob*C, No. AM Jis k Qua Cl. | lOet I yog SALK I’Afr.R Bm WRAP- : | I’l Nil I MTpWTX tTwwpeat •« *My. t«a* ,**l • pound Apply at llrrall olftev., j fV»| il W felt* **4 **'**’ P*sPtT o not i TO RENT ’ TU WRWT Dim WRU. FITRNIKHKn room, with hath. Hr* ang light Ap ply |a (H tir*o*o street. Dot IT rT»R ftr..VT PTriRN Mg AND IIALL WAT HI Broad Apply Commercial Hotel. Oct I TO BNNT-HTORIC NO. TM HKOAD atrvot. next below Davenport A Phln icy. running through to Ellla ot rot Price 11.3 M Al* xander A Jobaau*. TM Broad street. Oct t TO RENT--COM MODIOITg BTOHE. No. Ml Broad street—*7s per troatb. W 8. Gardner. 114 Klghth Street. Oct I FOR RENT - A NEW HOOVE: IStI Gwinnett afreet, flve door* weat of W<>, id lawn avenue, eight rooms and bath, pnaaooatoa given at ones Apply to Claroaco L. Clark. XU Broad atieet. Oct 1 ts T«’* RENT— FRONT ROOM. FUK NIBHED or unfurnished. St# Oornp hell aireet. Oct 17 FOR RENT —BTORE NO. i!t BROAD afreet at s3# per month. Thada. Onk man. No. *ll Brand street. Oct 1$; ROOMS TO RENT AT Ml BROAD street. Oct 15 FOR RENT—LARGE FRONT ROOM. furpished. Apply 1031 Reynolds street. Oct l« , “ LOST - AIMD FOUND. I UVBT. FRIDA T. OLD BTYLE, round breastpin, with pearl In center, chain attached. Reward fur It return to Herald olHco. Out 13 MISCELLANEOUS SHORTHAND AND TTPBWRITINO only $6.00 per month at Oeborne’a Business college. Monday. Wednesday and Friday, at night. Com* or call at uneb. Great demand for stenographers. June 17 ts 100 BASKETS CONCORD AND DEL AWARE grape*. Just received at Gl* ovani’s, 634 Broad street. Nov 1 DANCING SCHOOL—MISS ELIZA BETH WHITE, recently of New York. Library Hall. Children s class, Tuesdays and Fridays 3:30 p. m. Ladies and gentlemen same days, 8.00 p. m. Nov 10 MILLINERY OPENING AT THE LA DIES' Bazaar. 036 Broad, Wednesday and Thursday, October 13. 10-11—12—13 Oct i t i \ \ REMOVAL NOTICE-DR. W. IS. SPEARS lias removed his office to 220 Jackson street, second door from EIUs OCt 15 WANTED —REGULAR BOARDERS 1 good fare snd neat beds, also one un furnished room to rent. Apply Mrs. A. J. Avers, corner Ellis and Washington, or 603 Ellis street, _ Kov 1# __ OCTOBER IS L* A, & . .... t. St 14* 4§fit« *i4ho*m nnM44 ’#*#■' i-MSOTIi L,«wot. # iftTr-rt mm «(Nm# Special Notice*. ******* *m§ ******* tm*.. *m*m I fHH 01*1% (pw#*OTT# 441» iOTOTOTIi. CPH44M4B 4 |#n#|l*OT4 tb*% 00m* tOT UMOTotm# otot TPerCi tmcOO TPwCI OTBPW«4» f4rtt4U4ff wni Via* m*ur 4 ti»t4.4M *m OTMitif M* 4m#OT*iik. uni tfrmmm t OT* otOT POT IOTVMot iHulun p* mm i wot# *§***••# ot mm* i. 4. OTt#t#n» [OT , «* if* r Jn —__ I tfWftNM? 4lfOT9f* r OT*ti fw M f PA* fOT*** *#4 4OT otOTOT' 1 lb#• 9 Imiot blm 4ns r •*«'•» • (Bps * •"•* -■ ’ t Amm t# B#*« #l# iff**** iot**!, ****** mm #f c#OT» Am** 9*mm*m TMNOT44 18 POTyPOT#! *. W t* tWbOTOT Mil** 9#OT OT< WOT OTIN OTMf W*4#it»i* A fYI Vll' H i*o | < t*| ■} | I’s.. f#. C, #4489884 mrm tAU 9** rTi«'lCk t*fl II 88 ifAItUIT WA# B#* >l# *otK s** ****** W»fl *m**m ;n* *m. Tm ?*«*#•« f»8 »•*s■s 1 salt* km. t, F. B A. fl # TB* *»OILAE HOkTBLV JLrtaamsHMi of amml U*m *• /▼Vi. xt>i bo boM St Ml» >**■■ Mttak HaU-FRtUAY Mbit, l«tk last si*#' gh«r» * M J. 80l UEoPWomf V. B. *H. H GUVL baraaaoay. f ine Hoof* law Prfcg*. iBl t*f*M *t *4q 81 t |fyv 1 Mfftfl. «t .a .... 88i , lUr OTiOTm. at 8V» | fo<* fl w-feur. at •« .• .. •• t#e OT* l’«r<k**Mrlc <l* T>m**r9 at .. ... 84y Its Extra fAta Quaftn at .. .. Me ft SI All Wool t'Hdorahtria, M .. Ms ti i» 1 >i>brv,U* <*ilk> .. - .. .. fl 35 ' rtne liorf >4 Wtsshm for *wlta and T? au*4V#n F o. MEftTINS. Tkttor and Gent*' FMrniatar, oppoatto Planter* Hotel. Monev to Loan b/ REAL ESTATE. APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. rmmnr mnrir\ WHOLESALE o PAINT WAREHOUSE ® o °s o One-half car ol o Atlantic Lead ol ° There earn be no belter Lead 0 in America. OC ° One-half car ®) , ° Atlantic Linseed Oil 4 grail a callon. Better than 0 clieep Western Oils. C> One car ©, 0 Dry Mineral Paint O Outhouses, Boots, Fence*, O j Ac. Cheap aa dirt. 0 o oebres. colon Dry and In Oil ® 0 Pratt & Lambert’s c o Hard Oil and V'arnishes o ° Pure Ready 01 *° Mixed Paints 2 I The very beet made. I Plastico. 0 The best Wall Finish. 0 0 t-jrlf yon are in donbt about a painter we can al- 01 ways find you a good one, ana a reasonable one In prior THE HOWARD i , « WILLET DRUG COMPANY. 4 SLJLSLXSLSLSt juuljl) GRAND OPERA HOUSE Tonight, Thursday Matinee at 3. Thursday and Friday Nights LINCOLN J. CARTER’S j Ci rest Patriotic Presentation, “Remember the Maine” Night prices 2. jc., 35c., 55c. Siatinee prices—Children under 5 Free. All School Children toe- Adults -Sc. fIT-NO KESEItVBD SKATS,**