The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 13, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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THURSDAY 4 THE AUGUST* MERUO ■MMMM gt*« t#*» • • IKS * ■ ,* r g»t*ff4n> „ « * r «**» «*»» w ••• ~re,.«w «. *•*■•*• «H matin;itt* J^,r "'** ** rv * m » gfc^wroai JTTPt'gL I H*HAI t» t*TH»N|yA MMMh#*h#' #A*§4 MM4 aan-ipr *»>■ MMi •«♦■*»••* ff**- •MMI —W'S* ' fflrewgsv ■• voi wiu mmi mi mi.mai n - -. | j iltirni" * ■ tb* I"**#*# M - ** I Mfl M RwMff * to* a ***'■< t« More* *1 th# •»*«• M#**« “ 4 **** ftwWM At IM «•*•»»—*«* § At «** «*#•»# »"■*•»•* to i*** tre* rwr--*' **■*•* *• #•** s* mm A—m* MM* Vtotttt •»»<*#.** ink T%* *»•*•** «• (MW* «MMH» •»« «l«r**4S «MN a la*** tor »*»e*ito# tb* tort »• t*“ mm. TO AOV f *!»»?«*. t*<rrliH(< talm<l #d to IN (••*• panWt** ilrruttlM* la *«.»*»«»• Ifi • r«M). to ttw ttoraM s*d ot*## ,Hy pto*r* in Mlkarinl by a* la mI Ida |«m»unm aIM nartr »••■• Ihm la to Ik* amount to |>itl|l |to par w**b b» owe* papa*. J pTWSE£~--~ j 1..... ~~-£z. THI; BfHTOMU OF BVCMTIL Imm? hi hi flMftihi »t*MM , Tfe# Ov«#mm ii>4 l*'» I 4**t {mu littir hi inhi Urthr • 4***m H (Mut> m pttrr«fliMMr m«)r hr <• iltotnor*• t. J«mp4 «iiti ir«<h with Til# f*i!i«s*r lti«Si«R9 wvwiii* to *ur toad.- Or Parkkara! haa «nii>n a letter in |"":'J|aaa<£vru Ala- and Mil** hav* had a renewal at feaatilltlra p. Ha*****)! tojr* tkal an on* ahull re st irtaa hi* aprot lM*. Tk Mew ark haa tarn »ul<-r<d to Pan Juan a* Bchley* flagship The forty-w-venth Nia Tor It regi ment ha* sailed fur Pone* Tk* BSplscopal Riah-na at Woahtlg tna wrealUog aim dtvorc*. A trial mil* of overhead trolley slre»t *st line la tu be built In Loudon. Three more count!*# l(sv* lieen atlled tu lha Mlaal*alpt>l plague jUUrict. Th* Harman Imperial Rank ha# ad \anrrd It* discount rata tu I par rent. Lord SUtlsbury'v (Irm attitude In the French dlaputa la plroatn* all Rrrlamt. Standard Oil company affairs are tie me prohed liy the Ohio tupertor < met No trace of Andree haa been found by th* Herman Arctic expedition Just re turned. Ttaenty-four mttttnn dollara la naked fur the achoola of Ureater New York fur mm. Joekev Sloane conttnuea winning acres- the channel on the French race course*. _____ Either Dr. Maekav or Dr. Connell will be aelocted aucct-aaor to the lul? Dr. Julio Hall. Julian Hawthorne, tn the New York Journal, charge* that the war piobers are ahunntng the truth. The flrat derision of the fall term of the Hotted State* supreme court will be handed down Monday. The Fieneh labor strike 1* assuming alarming proportion*. The army 1* tn *ympathy with the people. The forty-fourth annual meeting of the International Typographical Union is In session ut Syracuse, N. Y. The aeo water gold swindler Jerne g»n wants to come home, and he writes that hi* money Is only a curae to him. John F. Carroll has become the working head and next to Hobs Croller the most Influential man in Tammany Hall. Cbaunccy Depew. In his address lie- | fore the Hamilton Club, declared thut j the democrats Hhil an Mink of hys- ! terla in I*l*. T’r liciman military attache in th* 1 ftuitdon says Kitchener’s uicti.s wm.-! )iad at i inidurinan. They certalni- w.-ie ■ bud fur th* dervishes. Uernard Shaw, critic, dramatist ind general literary man. unnoum Ills other accomplishments, lie is n 'fluent liar.” In the latter idle, how ever. he cannot he compared "l.r the ■\vichlt* man who **iw those ’’billions of feuttsrflita'' the other day. t cm •«m tv i—Mk>to ftk* Mimm tom atoAMl (seksto Rk«* «k|p i ups* »to u*a w • »**'*«**<* k*- toPS MtoC**« Ik Ska UMtoHMI abreStoa *to #w * s* &#.*■* Mbs a*e- »* •*• Sb® - mjtfrmmwt hmm# 4|w> * •»#* i*# TP' |Hr vpiMi ii mhmmi If m **m**rn* MNi it** «P# its fHwifTii tp fTMPp inn n !pp fHNNMMMi p* WpMWR' mmm : tfMM Hit *T.® iinfiN *tot IHHNi tun [ T T Mb# »Tn n in §*•* * lINfT Mi ni UT mrn «••>»* t SmhMb ff chmt in mtm * * mnM ifnv in mm # #t m 1 *nwpi • tn <in nf fi'iio nwNkn ® cn* Intmtf m ml cwm*' tt«m In «m# in m>*i m imM * I Mm* ml Mm |m«n** n MM’ nMnCi i mui tm Mm tm mm* fln Mm #4 inm tncnmnnn ni Mm fiiMm 1 # mm m in vn# motif ms (mmii*- Nto tk* atop rttotott to k ****** itotogfHi («t Ik**# TMMHm *|kitotof ‘ --I# #> mi Ct ■ Mnm ft iMtnmn fIM in nm ilm nf# # mmarnt Tim in mum ; mi cm * cn in* ; m nnt m Mflntn In ImnpMNl nm* #ttar pm# m n Mn nmf tint <n nP pftmn iTimmntt |up «lm ftmiMnnif «*f ptM# I mstito m ti* ’tf»nNnc mwC ir ntfrf IM r«9 it*? mtn <!•' tlm 1 rftj m cmintn'ltMl t# nn ilm 1 ' ml Mil an mnmiMmnitf n» nncmiM Tin* irv MMtttitv* tmmm tlm fftf «l Ampanln join mm »*wj 4( iMt i|nm H cmn Tim - imMitNi M ml tlm prmfnt «f ttn ini min Mm n*«mfmt< nf tmntliumi n-m 1 *#%♦# nni high mmmmmni* nn4 tlm «nwmmi ndcf»tf| «f Mm ttmnn nil n»«s tm A«*«aam MM •*« nnmt. 4k fflm tftt*t«»t nf tlm »tis • cMh «n 4 1 fair alw Rut a treat many to th* toty’s prsu- I rtH eaaptot** wtll be tbrttok awl to aas- StoacM aad 'be rtt) fan* materlstty i racura# akaa sit paraiaaieai laapruee mawts to* Ns out by astotrprt That Ibl* will he • herd ah Ip to tuaay * failbful eaapkiy* la uadenled Hut If Ike knife of eniMCby Huat ka applied •by uot apply ll all atop# Ik* Hue? If public arrrfc lb (toe departs*** #MM b* krt mi by coatfsrt. aby nut aatob er Itpe aad eapertolly to oba Is arklrb lhe laborlbS brae and the city** am ptoyr’S •HI HOI auffer TbaPt Is one rontrae atone to •bi*h the rtty can aate at leaat It.MS and that ta to tk* letUng out to th* publtr prlntlag Dot* roundt to Ita *e*i for aeoaotny [ and reform and Is Ita car* of th* peo- I pie's money car* to make that saving* If tbay d<». they hare the opportun ity. The Herald toll fflea bond la asy reoaonable aura to do the public print ing for the city of Angwta for year laaa than tb* preaent figure* If council inatota on paying tI.OSO a year for th* work. The Herald will then gtvr >SOO a year, out of tb* salary as a contribution to to diapeasad among tb* city’* poor. If council will place the f»t»Mle prim ing m the earn* basis of comprtltlve I,ids as other drp* r * m * nt work to the city. The Herald will agree to glye >I,OOO to any charity the ministers of th* ehy will aeleet. If reaponslht* and bonded bidder* will not effect a aavlng of at least >SOO a year or a total of >1.500 during the term of office, out of the arm that ts now set aside to do the publtr printing. A CONTRAST In The Herald* telrgraphlc news one day last week liter# waa found the following dlrpatch from Wllmlugnm: "The late Thomas F. Havard'a will waa admitted to probate today. The eatute is valued at >75.000.” In a vlgorou* onslaught upon Sen ator Quay, the Pittaburg Poet con cludes as follow*: "The late Senator Bayard* mtate la estimated at Wilmington to he worth about $76,000. Including what he Inherited. Mr. Bayard was in pub lic life alniort continuously for more lhanj thirty years. He might easily have been a rich man had he enter tained easy going Ideas as to the honor which a public man should cultivate. But he never had a plum tree to shake, and the name for probity which he left behind will be one of the choicest remcmbrhnees of his career. Probably Senator Quay made more money In Sugar Trust slock operations, when he was engaged in legislating on sugar duties, than Senator Bayard died pos sessed of as the fruits of an arduous und honorable public career. But tben there are recompenses. Senator Bay yard had something mouey cannot buy for the Pennsylvanlr. senator, HOW ABOUT IT.| If our friend The Constitution has not expanded all of Us ammunition In its recent encounter witu The Spriugliel Republican couceruiug the question of wage# uud wage earners, conditions tu the north, as compared with the same in tbe south and more especially as It applies to cotton mill operatives -*■ we commend Us consideration to tbe following, which The Herald finds in The Boston Transcript; _ .. 'M * #i #&•# «# mm mm mM***®#** | im M rnmmm -* iMMi Mi MM fpmm* ggy mNmmMMm nf Im m Mm m MmM mm <*#**««* mmrnmmm mi Mm jniurti if <4* MMm® Ms MwmiMi Ml mMmmpiMmMM mm MMPMmi Mm ••mm ommmm «m MMI #Mm» Mi 4 p**m* mipfmiMMm mm u bt.j (Mm •***§ It imm m timi. Mm Mill miM *• m«mm : mm m nmM rnMlinmi Ml (MM mmmmmm m IMMp** Mftp MMmuMI Mi# •• mmi »im ttww #ftm if ii iMm MmmM 4 MMmt t#m mi ___ . a... - at *mm I f Ays' k:-^ t|k* MHNI TVPNMf •• 1 ■ v« *t mi g a mk n,-j-wt ii t #t'fi-ii Hw #t Mum mmi Mm Mm* 4ml irnmim fmNMMiT im Tlm ilmm (4* jumMU-Mmi ms ilm mm mu* W# (ml m !•# mmmm** Past to tk* past, kto to today Ha» tk* Tlnwa« , »lpl kasrd tfcaaa tblaga TM MdS Mb IlfiWW tk* If amid b»IN «** to laafMnatot as pwwatan swd ka* fp*k#**dly <a*> aw to tkaaa enlwsatto Tka deaertk* to as* pan*low yakrrad to three ssawtba aga m a 1 ague national aspHktitto In apo* baa to now as a aettlad ptiartpl* to mail anal ptotey t*opatar tp*Ns •* f* ywr to agpaaalua ka* Haaw #ad4»my to Ik* rtoags* to s tidal era*# aad *a»*to forward eartytog ill toad * Tk# pablle sw# to piwtotnante and »fN- | •ae* Who opaslr Oppose eapauvi-ot (Bay b* rwwatad oa tb* Sagera Man romaptewow* to publtr pri feaakdisl and ( huamrs* life who favor etpaaaiito ar* N-gHto Tk* *Bll-exp**»l«ui igts so bolsy a frw ueeka ago. are Hba tb# straggler* to a fflwud wnay giarrh lag to allege# **4 without banner* Tk# expansionists a## s<»*in« rwernit* •vary day l« New York expanaiiw haa brought Depew. Choate !•> (#• lab) tin* with Ruoaevelt and Platt, and Republican*, independents and mugwump# have ' gone into th# campaign with (he , whooping enthusiasm to rough rW»r* oa a charge As it t* la the South, so It la tn th# East, la Boston at the meeting of th# Middle##* CM, on Saturndy night nil were expanstsonieta. In Ohio the ntternnres of Senator llanna on the Philippine question have been accepted a* If they war* planks in tb# party platform. Among th* Democrat* Grover Cleve land early declared agAlnat toe policy of annexation. To prevent a flank movement. Bryan look the same ground. But In the face to the rising tide of popular sentiment tn favor to expansion both these gentlemen hav* been as silent as tin proverbial clam. The people have ear* only for the speech of men like Dewey, Mrritt and Denhy. who hope the flag will remain forever where American valor ha* planted It. Their eye* are turned to MrKtnley at Washington, to Davta, Retd and Frye at Paris, to the Con gress that will meet In December. They are against the flag’* coming down In the Philippine* or in Cuba. New Disease. Minneapolis Journal. Chaplain Mclntyre testifies that he was in a state of nervous collapse when he Insulted a part of thg n*vy by his lecture. There is a new doctor's disease slowly developing astniul cltls. His Finger In the Pot. Chicago News. Il U said that at a state dinner In Honolulu Senutor Cullum ate pot IH>I with great relish. Senator Cullont has so often eaten at the pol counter tn this country that he felt right at home. Cleared T oo High. Washington Post. Chaplain Mclntyre says his brain was whirling when he delivered that lecture. The good tnan should reduce the gear of his brain. It may get him in trouble. (living Satisfaction. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Ambassador Cambon will be In great demand hereafter, as umpire, referee and peacemaker. He is one of the few. the exalted few, who can give sat isfaction to both sides. Before the Big Show. Denver Post. George Fred Williams say- the live liest thing be found ill the west was the free silver movement, and he was unt there before the allow opened in the big tent, too, To Be a tireat Race. N. Y. Mail and Express. Candidate Roosevelt rides a horse, while ksndidatß- Van Wyck rides a t tvbeel. it s going tu he a great racer' TB W -A T7OTTBTA ja&DEIJLXJD TMI! Of^RRN'RR AttOUT TOWN. ~tM~£;b j. lIMFV ass * • » Ml \f nit irmr 4. Wfti f«>f ! Jkfc* vm« Th# 4«#M mmm mm*4 in • tmrf in )«rt«l com "AM Ml »4m **r «o to . 1 Aftmt * • r*f»HHI IMt ioMt»>C(*r "Wall.” said the man *1 am glad H don l. I don t Him the sraenal * It happened ito M tk* orraskw to tb* last ascurstod I raaieaabat that waa run Isio Augusts, tb* wewther I fffuji topi'T wArm It ••• • iw*t 4Ay* I sad a tall young man, onn to tb* **• t tinklOlStkU* VMMrNI tmO A l* l, r'U *•’ I Hmnd Street aids water pUir- ll* looked aa ts he might ka«* a few hay • seed* i noraalad la hfal lusurlant lark. I hut sal down at on# of th* Itttl# tsh Isi ■ otre me mm* to that pink stuff. ! rap’a." pointing to n aherbart wbteh a - small boy at tb* next table was de- The attendant loaaad a lump of I aherbart Into s cup and handed t over | with a rouple to straw* impaled la thf> I top to the mass He may have stuck the straws there Inadvertently and be may not. At any rat* tb* strung** attached himself to them In evident good faith, snd then and there ensued a struggle that waa with eager eyes by the Observer. His cheeks sunk In snd his syea bulged out. He wrap ped his legs around the fratl table stands, snd he gripped ’>.* top with both hand* to hold on. but still th* aherbert refused to rise. The yoiwft man with the concealed hayseeds glsneed stealthily across to where a lady was leisurely assimilating a glass of vsnlla and a. She was using s straw, and tbs sight encouraged him to try again Once more he turned on hts full auction power, but It waa no go. ami he wav about to give up In de spair when the attendant, who was suspiciously red In the face, came to the rescue with a spoon. The stranger took It humbly. “I hate to.” he said, ■'but I reckon I must.” He ate the aherbert In silence and seemed troub led. “I’m mighty sheered there's something the matter with my longs." he said to the clerk, as he paid hla check. Some of the vaudeville patrons of Merrymakers week will remember the shapely Truly Shattuck. Truly was yotmger then than now, and has evidently learned something tn the art of advertising herself In the flight of time. Here Is her latest that the Observer has run across, a Irttyr from Truly's attorney to a Bowery music hall pro prietor: Sir: —If you do not at once remove from the front of your concert hall the lithographs of Miss Truly Shattuck, together with others that you are wrongfully possessed of, I shall at once begin legal proceedings against you.” t Oentle Hint. He—Your sweet face is my book bf life. I swear it. ghe—But your oatli is not valid ttrf tll you have kissed the book. EVERYBODY WHO IS ANYBODY READS SUNDAY’S HERALD. “THEY CANT SEE YOUR AD IF IT ISN’T IN IT.” TJMMMM iPIAj nAMMA A «**®**%&M»* H MM yfe« .«*.,<# *«.# 0 mimm «***iMMM M | €MM4' < 4‘***>ii Ml *§ WmM *■* 9 , Ml tmxm* «M 4 Mm (MjBiMMMMI- 44A mm i fHuDmm -• - • mmm . 4 * t**t m mm* mt MM# tmr f i - iHjirrtit mt iiw f*m ,m TIM “t# m-~m , papa tk* fkvtgto Tktw I* »ww»»*«Rr Ms i#4 *M# wmm* pmmtm* **mm * tiPMNKMMA. I tl Mt«f mai * * i mmrnmm mt Wim. Ml l t«M T#a «#M tmMii mt mwmmmrnkm iwt# m*mt M mmm tm* amM am 4 ****** at# j ffIMH It |MI m r#pMlf M» t#4* MMrtf %* iimAf IMr Ml pf'i»#M>t# a#4 i #4 tM# ##M xllM*( Wm* mm It* - mim mt til Mm tMfiM mmrn MMtli mt ka | arm*, tk* rtsvki av* tke->atg»d aywwad tk* stswk wk**» H*ary Orwffy. marly a to»ska ag«' toad* tkto toastsr ly antto wfcNfc ptarM kto Sam* to j tka paatkamn to ttotoortalMy. Tk* to ll* plat farm fawn which k* apwb* ta stHI la a ii*trart Thus* *ka wee* ptvaant vwi Iks* iwraatoa I*ll to* that ev*a at ilrpri to tk* aaithaeiaam to tk* (Hba-. server*d lb Ik* cold light to •ft*r yvar*. M waa us* to tk# grvataat nßMlau to *wr pnst-b*tt*M *ra Twenty -gv* t bunas ad p*opN laughed Mlk wept wader tb* apetl to kt* *!o --1 wttk t heir akoata and chare* Tito tortH effect!** faataa* to (kat ..perch wm when hr pictarwd aa tnrt- Mwt ta tk* lift* to aa Aaganta ns*a — tke iameatrd (‘apt. Tlmbertah* Oar , feeders recall tk* story to kow he toy Bounded oa th* bald to Qettysbarg - how the surgeon nat to tb* Bight and by the kickrito# tight to bis lantern examined bis wounds and said: “If •tie lives until morula* be will get i arett” bow th# wounded soldier 1 watched the weary, leaden hours pass 1 lag. star by star, away, until the big round atm cam* up over the hill* and ' the sunlight sifted down with hope and heeling. Into bis very soul, and the : surgeons rauie and he was restored to his bom# and loving friend*. It was a great picture, presented a* ' only Grady could preaent it and It Ito i gcr* yet to the memory 0 1 throe peo ! pie. though the suffering soMler ha* since paued into the Great Beyond, a victim at last to thou# very wounds. Two of the grrwtMt newapapers I# the country or# the Galveston and Dal le* New*—both owned by Col. Ileto. ! They are practically differewt edition* of the same paper, feurlea*. Independ ent and .full of new*. The editor of tb* Duties News Is Mr, Frank Dore mua. who once ornamented the Fourth Estate In Augustn. Mrs. Doremus. who, as all our readers know. U tha daughter of Mr. Chart#* Eats*, of Au gusta. haa Just returned, in company whb her bright and manly young son. Frank, from an extended visit to her former home. Mr. Doremus. who I* nt once n man of genius and of execu tive ability, claims to have the most brilliant staff of any editor In the South, ami as there i» no appeal be yond results I am convinced that he ts right. He'take* a lively interest In all Augusta people, and If he isn't gen uinely glad to see them when they rotae —well, then he ought to go on the stage. With on eye to Its practical value to ihe cotton men of Augusta, I have endeavored, by Inquiry and observa tion, to get an insight of the cotton sit uation In this great state, which raises more than a fifth of the South's fleecy staple. All day yesterday I rode through the famous "black lands” of Texas—the border counties of the North, which the Red River protects from the enrroaehments of the Indian Territory. It was cotton, cotton ev erywhere. suggesting the abundance of the celebrated Mr. Carter, who raised more oats on three acres than he could stack on ten. Where the crop has been picked at all it la absolutely clean, but tiro-thirds of the acreage looks «s though it had not been touched and peorgla fields give no idea of the pro fusion of open bolls hanging ou a "black land” field of cotton. What the top crop will be Is the factor which will largely determine whether this is to be a phenomenal year or not. and what that, crop will l«> no man ran tell, if the weather of the past few weeks continues, however. Augusta bulls if there are any. with U I doubt will have to take to the woods and some In ventive geulos will have to continue a means of converting tbe fleecy fibre Into an article of food. CHARLES .1. BAYNE. Pineapple. Edam and English Dairy Cheese fresh at Laaikin & Co.’s, THIS IS IT tad rtswf * - .. # 'W'* < FOR EARLY PALL STIFFS AND UPfNES. ALL SHADES $3.00 Jukt Arrived. DORRS TaUorinf, Hats, Furniahinfi. IpgHgL a f i v 4 \ DO TOD KNOW y V the Msttos to fctarygtre \ v r / I fig and right ■■**#*« »*L J / h-p -r «t * IBs* on» prteas far a \ drug satMlrts* s*d ear < harem C ! I far ears(uliy aaffsap #sv**ri|- J / uewa at* **ry i»w. asadasycar \ \ I’rssi npUuWs to til. \ \ T#t Out v > French Furniture Pcliih f } It will Improve jrsar new / J Knnuiura end make tbs old % \ took Ilk* asw. Jt rent* boitla, I ) Our Vamllff and C ( Lemon Extract! / f Cano<>( bs mads heller. Pop- 11 N U !*t i* blind rods of bomas bare. \ / Bold in any quantity. f } Splendid Toilet Soaps \ i Ami plmuy to choose koto. S C Onr 8 Slid 10 rent Soaps are par- f f uculsrly good. C S Household Amnlonia f \ Every one uys oon Is bast. ( / laggs bottlss 10 cents. < Aleiaider Drot Cupaiy < S me broad er. v Just Arrived Beautiful line of China Matting, solid Mahogany Bedroom Suits, Lovely Line of Walnut Suits, finest line ot Extension Tables in the city from $3.50 TO SSO OAK SUITS IN GREAT VARIETY. FLEHIIMBOILES 904 Broad Street. Taking Hi* Chances. lie —Why doesn't that English girl come on deck and lie wooed by the breezes, too? She —Her mother won’t let her. She heard the captain eay that this was a OCTOBER 13 Tfkff fMbtoat import • 0 4out>toi amJ •fflffto Hyff cinihs Aatolbk Alep #om»rt N yitinthi and Illy Swipe on# th« Fiopet Lawn Craw*. Come while eetortmeot it compieie. jfV veßkf L! A.Gardellc [ . Dealer in the Ftneet DRUGS AND MSDICINES Tbe Asgista Herald tonal. Br!(ltat nl lit Bui Bmtiptr FißiiM if ! . Tin Secrfn. -* IMt NFW^ THE KEWS or THE WORLD WHILE IT IS SEWS. 1J TO Ii lloritA AHEAD OP OTHER GEORGIA ATD SOI TH CAROLINA papers. eml TRIXL WILL COKYINCE TOC BANK PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7th St., August*, Ot. etvf s n«E m tests *n sktcw m •will, griM*, 11m pr«H r «!«■*« mmd WaIS RINT- U.,u> Imm cut into your <hrt»e whit, yc* wait. FREE OF CHARGE, ■ .-OKUtI VOt'll COAL and WOOD —— FKOM THE North An gusts Ccal A Supply Co tjuaaitiiy and Qoality tiuaraatecd. F. W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bail ’Tbono xltM btrowgw »j& The Whitely Exerciser. [ A practical, simple and ; sJßci snt Home Exerciser. ' ones P< dally adapted for snd children, bu •t the earns time can b« profitably used by th* strongest athlete. PRICKS: 75c., flaw, >1.50. BICYCLES - CLEVE- . LAMDS, S4O up; VIK INGS. >55 up; GEN DRONS, >lB up: THOM-1 AS, SSO up. < *ll end see' them. Every one guar anteed. Richards & Shaver Paine, Murphy & Co, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 803 Reynolds SMelejiione I Invite Lea*ed Wire* Eiieet to New York Chicago aud Ken Orleans. Orders executed over our wire, for Cotton. Stocks. Bolide, Grain and Pro. vUtons for cash or on margins. Local securities bought ond eold. Reference* —National Exchange Bank of AuguaUt or Mercwitiie Agenclea. \ \ T* » i \XW/ v. \gdi • A ray LA L _ /n\ / r al V I I f ■fm r I 9 ■; til I / I \ I A 'J \t, TTT j J Jr J ♦