The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 13, 1898, Image 5

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TMU*BO#V McKinley and dixie. « (to**** d #*m ihi ito*-* Kt Uim. t** 4 f**4 * Km . iikJ in SMV Hh* Hi #** fwi Af*«nf* to ##*** wKm Hd you mum •oot« lu ttej iKit i you bwv aw 4 auf IX** tu»W* a w# ■lhhm you ta t+*fy PRICE s2«t Thty arc fvcwtfd b*y—it«(Wr-* ,v4 eofer« You iool pay ter i #*ul malwr'. T"*" you Wy the Dt*l*. Sm ihao *1 «ir I ff**-. %%f.l DR. HENRY J. CODIN. (Wt*. Him m»* •ntoom*’**. *• B> t g»<l «*•) door to plulfff l« *<H "■— 1 " How OntiK uw» Ml l»T*r* »**••« |Urt Wemli—t. imk «f the (••4. g)raat~Vf Afi4i.«•**. •rite* '* ‘ fmloena kat*f**tl«l •««•( u» Ksch. V»4 Kdln at «Mi M on» ah# • t » ni «wi is Iko siott USB* •» <wl "• Pstn * Island. whore W*rf« "*• '* y>fjl P *>Qf rf* OAir «blr the NHb*rhMMjto staom.htp Aodsloota wa« anchored off ttovli * Island os April nm, after a c.att »<> Car— f *k<a ** hailed from shot* At the same nma S small boai pat of manned by soldier* Tfcry ram* alongside lawk ih* captain <h* loan of a <<«h wblto 'hr Andalusia aai aaltiaa for freight Th* rook of lit littla garrtoon had brokan his arm tk*T aatd amt oar rook was to track on* of their men. at* that k* mi* hi ha ah I* to attend to IS* kitchen until another «aa Beat by th* «»»- ■under Tba captain sent me to tb* Island and arhll# busy la th* mil# kltcb*t> Instructing a told I* r la th* i»y*t»rl*» „r broiling lamb < hop* and rooklna pork I had plenty of opportunity to question Cast. Dreyfus' guards Th* men who at first aocmrd dlalncllnrd lo apaak. became quit* U*jua< lon* after aw hits. "Ha la not ao 1U treated a* those id the world seem lo think. He is not confined He ran go nnywher* on the Island. Of course, two tn*n art* al-i ways at his heel*. He get* up be (wrea tlx and seven In the morning, and hit flrat breakfast consist* of a cup of chocolate If the weather ti good he goes for a walk soon after ward and wlnda up his promenade hr a hath." "But are you not afraid that he might swim away or commit suicide?" I a«ked “Not at all; for a rope la fastened so both bis wrists, and the end* of the rope are In th# bands of the guard After the bath he lake* hla second breakfast— hotter, bread, ham or eggs, and a bottle of beer. Then be goes In for study. He reads and writes tor several hours." What kind of books has he got ? The soldiers looked at each other. After awhile one of them said: "He <s ouSy allowed to read technical works. But he can write whatever he pleases. He Is now writing an account pf bis life." Must ho show you what he gsritea?'* "No; we 6nly read the letters he ile pires to have forwarded. These are emit to the commander in Ca yenne.” “What does he do besides reading pud writing?" "Two weeks ago we received per mission from the commander io play ► IF ► YOU ► PAY : | MORE b than we charge you for t ' Jawelry or Silverware you p piy too much, for money L cannot buy better <juelltie» , f than we offer you. If you b pay I'M than we charge ( yon era snjv to get less in P quality—Satiefaction. 1 L NBWGOODS P DAILY. ► fu. Schveitert & C 0.,; |i Jewelers. < ,* f 4* fi ll Ik III# ##4 «* ## 1 : M***#4i *# {Mtewii* #i#ft I 4fi*r ####* #* fc# •**#•! MbM *m4 <— #i#*®f 1 e rlcM* tel !»• MM M Mw UWWW («•*►■*” >« y, * 1 1;oocn) %m ||y |k libM i««*i . 11l «p#«Cli#r 111 l*iKl *»4 Ite# Mte# 1 (I wf MHry U mA I® te# Milo® ' ll Ik# AllirtN® l« * mate# ** ‘ N<> Owl W. t iktah li# to tot —lnr ikf ihm tiK funii'h him | tolracr# .’* "Ms| I iN>r «»bk ripn •'* I b, “ r \ The Mlwn did Ml »m*k. 1 fißCrtthl m s (nliarro pMck end r ll*f 1 , w on tk# table. I hop# be |M tohol II l*ft (nr him Ah I hit about In return to m? ship 11 ah-# a man folloouto by two aoldletra approm bias from th# at rand Drejrfn#' I H# sestnvd to have beard of my prep roc# and m#a»ur#d nr with QueaCloa 1 tag looks. Ilia llpa moved, but be did not apeak. He to a middle aiaed . man cadaverous and of a yellow ton ! 111 «.xton Hia eyes are deep la Ibelr . sockets: he walka with a aioop and , bla forehead to furrowed. M- to : crowin« old rapidly no doubt. Drvytu* uhlaperrd wllb bla guard, and when [the lallar nodded araent ha walked tip Ito me and ahook my hand. "Bring ; ray good wlahea to tbe wide world ’ Ihe aald In a voice quivering with etno | lion. Then he waited klowly toward bla hui, where he remalnrd at,mil lug at tbe door, waving hi* band aa my boat I daubed Into tbe billow* Half an I hour later we were on our way I home. I Only Heel lined and burglar proof Ipa fee used Money loaned on anything inf value at a low rate of Intereat. Wa- I terbury alarm clock*. 7* cent*. Lewla J. Hchaul. Reliable Pawnbroker. Tbe Wedding king. The wedding ring l« made of gold of tbe pureat quality, signifying liow no ble and enduring la our affection! Next, in form, the ring I* round, a aymbol of the eternity. Implying that our regard aball be without end. Why U thl* golden circlet worn on tbe third finger of the left hand? Because among the ancients It waa thought there waa a vein In that finger that came directly from the heart, custom has survived the ages and come down to ua from remote antiq uity. But there are other reasons why it should be worn on this finger. Because being a finger least used it may he least subject to be worn out, and because its distinct purpose is that It Is to he the visible, lasting token of a solemn covenant which must never be forgotten. It has been suggested,; also, that the form, being round and j without end. Imports that mutual love I shall flow from one to the other, as I in a circle, and that continually and forever. Sometimes wedding rings were of general pattern, and occa sionally betrothal rings were broken in two, one-half of which was retain ed by each party, so that on the mar riage day the pieceo may be joined. According to the Rev. M. Charles Wheatley, Commentator on the Book of Common Prayer, the reason why a ring was selected as a pledge In pref erence to any other thing was be cause among the ancients rings were used as seals. With them ail valuable' goods were sealed, and all important documents were signed: thus the de livery of a ring became the sign of highest trust and closest Consequently it was but natural that a ling should lie selected to sytnbollse the admission to a wife to her hus band's counsels and signified that henceforth she shared his honor and estate. Why does a girl seldom attempt to extinguish the, spark of love? tt¥K JL’oo'oirrjA KHmjULT*. THE WOMEN OF GEORGIA. ! Tkl Cifff Ik# (M* • tike lift* j Iflito*. they Tlkqi 1 tot thmfltowa flktotocl Iwm in sll# n#nA **** «*.<*« -.Tto.AU**. MfIMPM An##!®® I *#* ®*i •*#! j #### ###B### ## *#* *#*'™ * , (MMpkHM *—■<- r** tm !s•**• i»p totoHM •*«** [•*» g»n—i litotti •#«* 9mm** m I - «>##ro* T%* hmt Mto— off *•*»- l#M •MM 111 M H MMHIAkIIMI #*f aim i if •fcwl o#B*gu [l# A (pM®. ® te#* ■ IA gneMHiti 4mt*» iheir tod k I |w*lM iml IMP?## tlk §#*»* #)»,* a#4 |tf if# «M#4 m 4 mi r»pc##»ii#d tm jite# t»d tern M»«f cm* tm A# intffitfd tef tli# tmmm # nt 4e. a# mmm #a4. “Wlmimm It# (Mimoil rommtmt. #o j gifu romat#«t if ||f at Q#uf * | via and rertalnly aa the mothers of 1 1 A# |#Q|klf; tk#r#lor#, -W# tte# vmdmrHtnH oftrrn of tte# I t}#orfli Wiisuia Huffraic Aww ' and the »ffb era of tbe Atlanta Equal # guff:age Aworlation. all of whom are rttltem of Oeorgla and twenty-oo# year* of age. reepectfully pray your honorable body to amend the Stale Constitution vo as to exempt tbe prop I erty of womru of Georgia from taxa tion during au.h lime as the right of suffrage la denied them.** HI’NTINQ Hliß HUSBAND. I.adv Seen at Depot Ansloualy In- 1 qulrlng For a One-I. egged Man. Thore was a lady at the union depot this morning anxiously inquiring if anyone had seen her husband and hnd i ho left on any of the trains. Hhe dc lacrlbed her husband aa ‘a gentleman . wearing a woudr n leg. She said he . had iefi home to buy her a pair of i shoes yesterday morning and she had not seen him since. Several persona who bad been at the depot all the morning aald they had Heen a gentle man aa she described at the depot yes terday. He had spent some time out th-rre, but they could not say whether he had left on any of the trains. The lady did not give her name. Before purchasing a pistol or gun. call on me. I can save you money. Lew is J. Schaul, Pawnbroker on Jackson A POEM W*s Written By a Boy Only Seven Years Old. The following piece was composed by a pupil seven years of age in the Third grade at the Cenlral grammar school. Tbe picture of a boy driving a goat that waa attached to a box wagon was given film to write a story about. Tbe day previous the pupils had been discussing Longfellow and the teacher read an lntereseting account of his childhood to the class; also bis first poem, “Mr. Finney's Turnip.” Receiv ing his inspiration from this and de sirous of displaying his poetical talent, he wrote his story in rhyme. • A PICTURE LESSON. Tbe little boy is driving His little billy goat; He has on bis cap And hiß very best coat. He has a box wagon. And the wheels are painted re<J. He harnesses his billy goat With the help of his brother Fred. He manages bis billy gout With two litlle lines, And rills bis box wagon Very full of fat pin. 9. John 3. Nixon. The proverb "Love tby neighbor as thyself” has been changed to “Love thy neighbor's daughter better.” —Ex < hang*. j _ nu? v. —■ RoVal Baltim) Powder MmA tern pun (mm d UfUr. Safeguard*, the food Against alum. - 1 - f~»: - (ADBIKTYiif iiHHftilA. flawy kspw. >sw»t. itwvy tores flato* m vtoM AM### ItlM tirt II hMKfiif #1 ; I (.’HM'ftli IB tP## AH*«f s&t MM : i * *to» % iIM #%•#? tl Ik## tfAJ ##> | I MNNFiMteNI #NA#pla #® «*ra*A ImMAA i : H«MmmmHwa« WlmkH#* Y#mnM* HMI i «r Hl'ii#®A<# la###• •##■ OtMf ! . H*'(#|liyilt# *#M IM l O' r 11# I## 1... ttintMT. O##* : «k#i A#y~ * #lt#n I#* , MteMwfy ##4 ■ yAh||flf#A 9»i#ll##, mil K®k# * ####llM|. ! , lilwltlftri IfijligT r“~ i ##4 H*Mt*ff | * TftotM I #. ’Si*'# a##? I *** t# 4f»#l*i*A It# It## AfK ts $ fa l ** ♦*J f 9 firql *- L t ‘ *• j.#t K!#rfrtimt te*»# 1 ktoNF# #44#4 I# ‘l** •##’( I## ffWic 1 I fcfn %■?!#*# *■*t |*fk#i#* 1 *f : *‘f ll#- tsrV, ? #f I Aft# *>«•«' ##4 K#A*ter «*f U« ' *of rtf krwf Ms#c4 M--I##r# ##4l In iMitioa to tl? |fb*r»l (il»r#tp «f s m Hu# % «*s tocih## *h« ti in KgAi#»i Ay 1 #| #n4 A#|4 ###9l 4#f #tl4 ##• I enlag. there are well storkeA I t|*r •nit#t)t*l Htirtf »*f TA# ltd m#rity #oH#tl## lit? t** !Am n# Atw Ilf#: #ytry #tii4f#i of tte # l r#tv»mtty I# io A# # •###» ibrr. T##ly# iff <4Frf#l sos #sr«tl#«K# tu oratory #**4 4#A#t#. Mini i#(irpr*Mili |k### A### #m4# t« th? t»uildin#*. lufv* ruoputi ko4 laA»fi *oHo, Helm*# HuM # |#rg# iu4 fummodiotii tAr## j «htory balltfiaf. Imip hi#® fMM§#l#d, 'a®4 |»ri»vitlr* AdditiiMk#! ®w»#aa»4®« * i i(H)s (Air MudrfttA TA# 4oriaMory Aa# hero refitted and equipped with elec tric lights, rloerta, hot end cold baths; good board may be had ft>r ll# • month. A new farm has been pur chased for the use of tbe School of Ag rlmltnre For tire past two year* »be at tend ance, ha* barn more than 3##. Tbe health of Atbro# I* proverbial; owing to the new system* of sewerage •nd water, the danger of fever has been eliminat'd. Thr standard of morality In the *t«- 'dent body to high. Fnder the dispen sary system no barroom* are permit ted In Clarke county. There Is m flour lablng Y. M. C. A. in the University. Bible rlaasea in the several churches of the city are conducted by four pro t feasors of the University. By means of wholeattme regulations, a healthy tone to given to college ath letics, which are at all limes under the j strict supervision as the faculty. The University he* served the slate fauilhfully for nearly one hundred years. It has always stood for the highest and best In Chnstlan living and educations. Its alumni number more than 2,700, and they have Ailed honorably and acceptably and success -1 fully the highest positions In church and civil life in this end other slates. CARD FROn MR. SHIPP At the Keport That nr. Elliott Had Endorsed Mr. Msttlson. To the Editor of The Herald—Sir: Will you allow me space In your val uable columns to make a correction of an unjnit statement made against Mr H. E. Elliott. The report has been cir culated that he told me he endorsed and would vote for Mr. W. A. Mattl- son. This is an untrue statement and I hope when my name I* uoed in the future they will yeport me correetly. Respectfully. JNO. H. BHIPF. This report In regard to Mr. Elliott and Mr. Mattlson >vas heard before the Tuesday night meetings. In the Mattlson meeting Tuesday night, Mr. Charles A. Picqoet said: "Didn't Elliott endorse Mattlson?” (Cries of “Yes! yes!") Inquiry has shown that this report and this reference In Mr. Picquet's speech were based on a statement credited to Mr. John A. Shipp. Mr. Shipp'* carrj silences the report. Cotfld Save. A Corqell professor of physiology Is advertising for the brains of Intel lectual men of high order, deliverable after the death of their owners. He might save time and money by con tracting for those of yellow journal writers. They would be sure to be anatomical curiosities .and prove the possibilities of cerebral eeeenti ieltes. INo Diiestion About It "No matter where!” exclaimed the imperialist, "American industry will ( V er 'ollow tbe American flag." "That's right!" yelled Ihe conserva tive, who bail lisljytjed from the out skirts of ihe crowd. "If American capital is taken to) the Philippines it will go up in the air.!’ _ , i VAN WICK Will WIN. ' RgtoMNflH ## A fewgtrt f# b«’j Mfl. Vtot IMkaMw tow* toy OtoN.fl iEEr*" 3S V## * *>* •• mm •« #• •« •• «• *•«! ®® ** . i, ,* •• m# ** ** «*#***t Aft® | f ft# Mirrt>4#t •r» lA# f##N*lf dm f |'M m«*•-#-## UU» ##?#>## mm •#**; Vito WfT® •• •« •• St •« •••*.. • **} I tm iftuti #f iini#i##"iT f#i» j , |f#f.lN*##Af »* .* •« •• •• •• •* •• f* A«#to‘ I on IM## A##*##. fKlte'fN *ft+f tte* j ! fmn#t r#l#fUl #**fA #l*4 |i—i ■mu® «# tA#j •is gturva #4 inon **| nH cits )< • *1 |>tli< * ir#j MM. #ll #?«4## 4 mrtrnt < m*nHm. S || dksftm of btt#in*#*#to #U4 ®»tiff#idM j} # tqnfMtot |lk* ##i?Mk#l# tIMKI III# rHp m Into !■« , # I## •## #lll lifinf JUf tlr# v#n W|rh |# lA# rtf? limit unit • fAuruMt# at HA? • A##?# ,h #« tl* u|i *<* t*" f#l m MftCM## t*##*n‘ *t ov**r* by any tussling, fair or frail ; (lovern«r Ftewer la his famous flghi with Faeaett la ISPt.left ihr wow (Inml er New York limits with oalf ».«■ votes ahead of his opponent M'hen these figures tame uni (he repnMhans wbnnped HI glee, hut Mr Pin-SC. as ll ! turned mil taler In the evening, twal ; Mr Fsssel I la Ihe whole stale 4J.M7. | Ami H must ha remembered that (hie tight was on pure!* pvtv lines There ’ was (hen no canal si-swdal smelling In 'high Heaven. Ihe ltovvapr>n army was a small thing compared to Md'ullagh'a crjed of falsely acenulred thugs; there • was a*' question of a Frina (Ml bill, and there waa no attempt to appoint ’a hit us high-salaried commissioners to i increase ihe tax rate. my 111. leaving all iheae new and Impor |ianl laaues aside an dretumlng to the ' purely parly figures of that year. It become# a simple question In propor tion to figure that If Flower left New j York city With 71.06*0 plurality and treat I Fasaet( out In tbe state by In a j total of 1.100.*00 voles, Van Wyck leay- I tug the metropolis with NO,*** plurality should heat Hooaevalt. In a state vote of l ton, ooo t.y M ono pluratlly. Add to this the votes thst the Inde pesdent ronilngom will earn against the candidate supporting canal steals, exorbitant taxation, the rights of search and invasion snd the sanctity of the home by srmsd toughs, and th.- sup ! presslon of honeat comment by the press, and Justice Van Wyck will sim ply float Into the gubernatorial chair. Allied For Protect lon. An association ha* been formed at Binghatntpon, N. Y., which Is known .aa ihe Advertisers' Association, 'he I prime object '> r which 1* the protec i tloti of merchant* and other adver tisers from useless expend!, urea of money for advertising purposes. It Is directed especially against program advertising, which has grUwu to large proportions In that city. Any aort of pretext has been aumdent to cauae programs to bt published, and merchants huve been wheedled, cajoled, teased or threatened Into paying for space they did not need and which could not In the nuture of the case be profitable to them. The members of the Illnghampton as sociation have agreed to spend all the money appropriated for advertising in newspaper space, and pledge thom gclvea that under no circumstance* will they spend any money in program ad vertising. Will Stay Longer. Mr. Phil North has again applied for permission to remain longer In Ma con at the Jubilee. He left only wish ing to stay one day, but says sitice he has been seeing the sights with the boys and Macon has given a $150,000 pyrotechnic display for his benefit lie feels ho should stay longer. Permis sion was granted and a new week will come before bis genial face is again seen behind the treasurer's counter. Mr. John M. Welgle is ably tilling hi* place. Through the Country. Col. W. J. Bryan has returned to Jacksonville, Fla. Meridian, Miss., board of health has passed an order quarantining against the wot Id. J. M. Coles, n prominent haberdasher of Jacksonville, Fla., came near being lynched by soldiers for firing upon one of tbelr comrades. False Report. "I was very sorry lo learn iltsi you bad failed. Smith," said Ills next-doot neighbor. • |t was a slander, sir. I did not fall. II was my plans which fulled, sir. lied they succeeded I could have paid every dollar I owed and had a hand some fortune left.” . _ Right is Might! mm m ri gx. irft m # ttrH m -rrn t#**m**m m Is#-' #»#mim#«« #« #a#* pm mm W K#® ««# m Hw# •*#. v 5.000 Bo\'S s a# ##4 n## ««•*» i m H% ***** m *m *** \*t*> «* T%®##® M##ti ***** *m* *®i «"«»f m* ** ** ** ** * *"** #|i **** ***** m ***** **** rmm m St Mf# l#» §St ft ##4 |4 *** : a n|T n f*#** • ip-ff p** *®te* fw m* fk.- m* 91A «## thi -#• - Ihlm m m tA-f#° rtrnmrn 19* m* #MMMI *# «#f* #®#f# I Am* <*lt it# lIMMI ##•# 'UU I®® IT A#*Hfc#4 ®T *K»P t#:#®-. J B f BITE & CO. Clotbiig Deparimoai All KINDS OF MME V and n THE VERY BEST OH EVERYTHING IM SEASON g—we—»4f —- /V\ohrmann’s Restaurant Of'bN U.NTL 2 A M < )«W LI NT IL 2 A. M. ‘ Jjr 5SjyS-«AtfCHES J *o* Expiry If yaw want two thins*, the hlah**t sattofscllon *nd a saving of money. Just make yuurwdf one of our customers. We con furnl.h riders with bicycles, too, and th# beat in the markrt at that ■ The mvxi 2& per cent red union was a quarter hit, but her*'* a pcuee****>n at h<*m* runs: Columbia*, model 44. p*i go, and your lasi rhsme to get th** popular model at any price W* Hava three shop worn conlyl model 44, Indie*", w# will let goal SS* M. On* ladies* Hartford at 444 OS and ladlea" Vedette at IS* «. ladlea* Jill al ***. and for boy* and men there is nothing on the market lo compare with tb# Kc'det special a« and th# Jack at ttl.M. aeeond hand Ctovelßad*. lUmule**. Cros- enta, Stearns. Victor#. Kldredge and Barreto*, from *ll« up. all At condition, and we tot them go at any old Ptlc*-Mh*y 444 oo* thine. «r»r< given lo un fcy pWfto who wanted •« ™* lht! ™>UAIUI WHLtL OF TMJS WORLD, end only told in AugugU el DEVENEY, HOOD & CO Bicycle Department. ; * t tap! hrF ’ ' pioors.Sashjind.Blin ds Ml/ -- Mill Work b YELLOW PUNE LUMBER fXCfgqy'ANOSkW MillkomHYt(WlTlHktf|l AI ‘L. |g!i iMl'g 'oKGANI’f AT.ION llicfff is.lvtn> DCRAPTMt.NI ) |l#.g)#g p ULI LINE IN STOCK ANO PROMF Ii SHIBM-t NT'S ASSURED; ’ ' s -*r3* PHICCS. CATALOGUE' vdiipo APPORTION 3~ Perkins MANuracTORiNG-GQAususfA.GA.. sssx^MMHHMMtolliiltotoiaißEHHi At the Door. | Oh, what care I for wealth or fame. They vanish as a dream, When night Is drawn through gates pf Dawn On Slumber's ebbing stream. Let others sing of Death and War, Or Sorrow's tragic lore; But Love has come und calls me home To meet him at the door. Oh. what care I to weave my Kate Oh Life's mysterious loom, its warp and woof front peace aloof— The glitter and the gloom. Let others sing of Death and War, Or sorrow's tragic lore; But Love has come und calls mo home To meet him at the door. Oh, what care I for clashing creed, Or hostile school* of art, If I may wear through smile and tear The ermine of the heart. J,et others sing of Death and War. Or sorrow's (raglc lore; But Icove has come and calls me home To meet him at the door. Oh, what care [ for homeless winds, With rain und darkness blent. If through the bligbl on me may lighl The shy dove of content. Let others sing of Death and War, Of sorrow's tragic lore; But Love has come and calls me home To meet him at the door. Some engagements end happily others end in maniago. _ „ r»CTO#I# IB f* 1 _ ***-» Uicycies afvr SuiiDF,- R. H. LAND, DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST BUCCKSEOR TO UND 1 SMITH, 522 NINTH STREET Would respectfully call the attention of the public to his complete line us Drnis, Medicines. Cbemicais. &c.. Always kept in stock. Having a complete line of all pharmaceutical*, he can at ail times till any Prescription presented. Store open from 7A.M. to lll*. M. Give him a call. Under the oak trees gold and brown Watching the bright leaves flutter down, Crunching the crisp leaves beneath our feet, Walked we together; life waß sweet. Golden the hazy autumn air. Golden the light shone everywhere, And the great gold stin In the west hung low, Like you und me, dear, unwilling to I know not If 'twas the golden weath er Ow-thr joy of being thus together That gave that sweet day a charm apart; But ’(ls gone, and I walk alone, rweet UiJk , _ . r — s