The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 13, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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THURSDAY 6 COAL-COAL-COAL AMi *W *A« »* M Mr* »*» THB »i*T <2#Ao*# OF fl*ur fVera OO A I • B#fe' * n ® ** u * *y 00^000- — *' w "an ICE COMPANY. AtlMlt* lAlthl H Ik##*#* feftit flgftt #hn# I ## fcfe### BhN#"*4 •ft IMI *• •vrm mu »»f *• ** ** 9m *• •* yimn innnlrt him*### ** «* ** ***** Ppnwn Ji>nrir| ImtTirT #* «*••$• *#*• *** BSp ... B * «« •* Ml ««ti fim•Hf*** *,« j itii‘ — i»nk nmt* •* *• t'lji -mm -* » <%. ** * §•.;•►**** ri“n- **• •***• * •• i ** #•* •* p#4 nli #* ** #'■ ■ IN###**# *®N **»* ® *** tai# -♦* f -##%• ***** • I**#* * * %*m m»* •#*■■ # •♦« .. -♦* ** rmnr- M» •» *•»* 2 !*#*•# •'*•» *""#■ P *#■ -* ,** *♦*» iHffft**# «* *» i* ** Ht«R Silii iMmU ••«««** *« ***** 0000t0mtk, fiNt *» « « !•'*« *, *,,*►#•**•»* #* j» - t>»i« #* »» *t ** ** **L• m m m mvp pmrf ****** M«««i Mi*. Hi*****'# *2 PiAfy #•* •*#**## M*r * ** *# 1 l*»»*t*l WMI t* •*<#• *#«*•* ton#**# •#*»•s* ##*»• r»wmmmA I# #•*#• •*** *• '* C%*i**# • #*»*#* #•«•• • .»*•« **•►"* %t Mu fc »«•*#• tmmmmm »• ##• llaifA «+•«» #w*«# •«* m ’* *i«c imm M w ,« „ «• .* •» * * • i *m | # I*4 In #4* *»** #* ■#* •» * fi * tut M» «**.| jl* pm M * inMi, tM Map, u 4 . ►— M II iiim 4##lft tmP* l * * #• r *** • M «*. MM Ml ■>*<» *» ll* 1 t»*"T CO>i6f *►•«•»*»• aranttrrtn* I I lilfi'il . O' . - mliu. <ll fc fc *>*tl»l •• * s "* On*. * .... «*'! JMin r lOn« M* » ArtMlm * *•< joK« r Km ii im» * r .. .. * 11 • i arc of. wit oMMW f*> y<A li |fcl v p~> *•< * Cvt M ><N •* M^*-*. RLKACHINfIM IHwHIUIfW.MIfA • •• *• •* - Ntukiam. sis i<« iMm. N IwM. >• •• < )•< fcruil nf |i( tnnm. ? I tlfcclM# M ' < CaiwM. M Mmlm . •• * •’* raHu) <•« * ** 4 ' AtptMa Hm. »•< >* *-* f,tdt ref tha •' •'* two. r. Kina 1-t H W ahirimt .. * M Jl»n P Kin# ♦< A A *baalln« < *•» t«nadal» ■• Jim. P KW.«. *a-i»..h Oaur.ia .. < »•» Ja- P. H •!> »> K C aaa lalaol TV . . 7f*S - .. *» * Jon I* K*n«, * 0.. A K« -• - Mpi*l w ? ♦ • i* * * • * ll imo V fclaf *1 UKh Muparior .. * »-< • 1 * Amrrt'.n »hlriiii»» •» •• * I** S-;r-:MMtS'-'W : i S srraiasiW-: - ■,, Amrrlrin ImllM') bluna M«K „ ~ S l-l Hlairr Olla (»oli<»* •<»*< * AAiertt-an Indl.o blua* *!*•< .. .. 4 Jni.rnatlonal Masha WxM .. .. 4 Ali.n'a rarilloala «4*M * Alton*a lAtooaa *<»*< ,•• «• •! •• J India blua . .. * t' l India bluo 4ii<i •> •• •• l Kiina'aKt'a «4*« ■ .. •• * Martha Watbbiftoa M*t» J »•< Carner'i radlanta M4**l 4 Cbartar Oaka. S»aMa •• * I-* TICKS. * * * Amnakoaa AC A J* j Amoakoa* A .. .. J* Amoakoas: y. .. •• , **• Raciprotltjt .. .. •••• *** PI.AID HOMESPIfK*. City Mllla .. •• •• * r.iur yard. «'..«! » Inoh ~ .... .. 4 S-4 Lodi ahlMli.*A*|«»'f iflKOll*- ■ • Lodi droaa atylea Mawt 3 1-4 1 Martha Wa«W«|t.n * *l* Mlacoilanooti* Wanda, uAkf a-alghl « »-!*'* laaettn « yard* plain * **• Thorndlku B •«' * J') Herculoa> ' f •• «• *" 4 Amorkoag * Pelham. 31 bal Ito box IS V. Q. r.. *0 bail* to box 14 j K. O. P-. 20 bail* to Il». 1.. .. ~ 17 1-2 Muaoogw B .. ••,'• •• * l '* at li «b 4 1-2 yd. plMlifa. beat make .. * »*« Bimpaon atlk flnl»h foulards 6tx *** Pailtk- mnurnlnKß titxl>4 ~ .. .. 4 1-S Thlna silks U4x«4 4 1-4 Slater «4x84 31-2 Concord. SSx6O 3 1-4 Rome 66x40 3 1-4 Edwards 3 I*3 Keystone .. .. 3 1-2 Fifth Avenue 3 1-4 KEARSBVS. Heavy Columbia, heavy Kearsey 3 1-4 Kincaid and othcra 9 14 1,1 ME, CEMENT AND PLASTER. Lime 70aS5 Rosendale cement |1 45 Portland cement $2.75 to 3.25 ‘ Louisville cement In paper sacks ..SI.OO piaster kt sl.<* HARDWARE. Well buckets, per dot .. .. $3.00 Painted buckets, per do* sl.lO ; II B B cedar palls, per dox .. .. $1.75 3 H B B cedar palls, per do* .. .. $2.00 Tubs paint d. per nest $1.75 ’ Rope. Manila, per pound 9 1-3 Rope. Sisal, per pound 7c Rope, cotton, per pound „ ~ lOratlc Nalls, wire •• tl>>* has* Nalls, eut .. ~ .. , $1.4.> base Shovels. Amea, per dox .. .. sllasll.6o Shovels, diamond per do* .. .. $7.00 Shovels, riveted baek, per do*. .. $4.75 Flew blades 1 *' 3 ha »« Hgmes, red tep, per do* $2.25 : flurnurt **4 teeg -<mo pa* AM m A W fit T irau M Mi gas 4M m mm tk • Hm.,4 M» f* •». mm - I* < a*4 MHMMI IMP lit m'M M *' i$ l ■m~m afcoM gap »•« » M » M M.M a*MM> »4» M 4 M» M « Klip t *Sg4WHi*NVfc MSH* SHY ill 9* *® **• T p-Ik# ; MNB (HKf 4MSI : fwNf fli $8 | 9»* tr~m f* MM «S fl# fHpi |t« j*, pH f 0f i 'mm v» **** . f . # j| 9mf i|g _ , ~ S» •«** *** Pm , «•»»•. Hl* A*« **fetf**« Wm I |«m pm* . a. * m !&*• f.Afnihn mm 4 *•* Pm ** «« IS jA %M 4 ■«« § |Hfcf 4*o m m J IS ASfc#« •*** f fM# 0a iOiSl »*-f fitiMM ssf «* . Is UtiiSiMa |4»« I* n |to | I Ms, tiA Slm» M aiml HMto-«» twfwmP ■ mm ««m (tm mm , f *«•••*«« , m *,• 8 |*i • Nto , „ „ M M w , SSai*li CVtoPsAMto* 4 I tSYM . , ~ ,141 111 ntl ItouHM AftotWlt* fa )*» *, a. «, *« ll# # »P A ittfti «m i«s» lt Mt m, A«p«**•*• ft l«l s „ „ „ is Ml Aw«r««« I ts». Ml „ tSI !!>•«•(• I'M I Iff «* „,, „ „ |«9 M( AIHSIIM r« I #44 as a ge «H AO«A*«k i*M |«S m w pi M *• |Sto Mt A'lMMt* f«t MS i e «• M p* M tit ... A* #M|A 4 IT#. Ml ,« ,« 9# M M hp At"«r*« f> y«r m •« •* .« lit im S«viiAAAS S ft. its# ~ „ til »« # | ItofttHt I* tM til # a. | |*r* ISff H •• IS4 . IU *m r«, ISIS a. a. H „ |«t ... | T r**f» aHa. a* * •«. I ituiMt e l a. IPPP *$ ... ! * • —.4jfmAmA. AD fmHTMI (icwHa H R A Mi OP r. imp iu Oaorgla HR.* Mfcg Op. ra int HP Cbartolla. * A. 1 gva'a. Ist I*. IMP .... .. IPt CtMftatM •■••lamhla * AM gus-a 14 ra. IMP It! Aurusta An 11 K It (Cl . ... M C. >r n Hanking Ca. Collat eral Trust I*4. IMJ •• ..M M a. ulbarn Railway ta. IPP4 . .. PI M Central of (tanrgia Hallway, Ist consol nnfl. sa. IP4A .... M M C of (I Is! praf Jki .. .. .. N 4M tv* (c.l nf Oaorgta It all war. 14 ptef tnmmea, 1*45 M 14 C. if 4) Ist praf In I»4S .. .. t * <» p A r . Ist m. »'a, IM* . IM IPT tt iuth tlenrgla and Florida. M ra. IMP IM ft'iuth Oeorgta and Florida Id T a. IBM IPf Ova* gteamehlp Ca.. lal k‘s Id 7 a D« I*4 FACTOHT HONDA Enterprise Mfg Ca., Ist «a. lpaa 103 ... Mfg. Co., Ist r., IPPJ IM Hlbley Mfg. Co.. Ist « a. DPI . Inp (la. H. H. * H C.i stock .. IP7 ICO H»ufhwe»tern It. R>Ht >rk .. M IM Augusta and Aavannah stork M IM CHAIN AND PROVISIONS. osta, white, sacked $1 lists, mixed, sacked .. 3< Corn, white, sacked .. .a ~ ~ .. .. M | Corn, mixed .. .. .. 41 Meal, bolted, per bushel .. ~ ..47*g 1 Clour, common .. .. I H l Flour, fancy extra 1.71 Flour, second patent 4.00 Flour, standard patent 4.25 (Flour, fancy patent 4.75 Wheat bran. 100-lb aaeks *0 Pine feed, 100-lb sacks M Hay—native, tier ton 12.00 Hay—Timothy, per ton 15.00 Hay—choice, per lon 14.00 Hams choice sugar cund .. .. lOallH Hmoked rib aides •• •* 9 Dry asll tlbs .. .. « Laid, ptne leaf. In Heroes 5% Lard, kettle, rendered IU tierces. * 1-4 Sugar, granulated Hi SAN FRANCISCO. Thai Clly Seems to Re In Favor For v the Next Convention. By Associated Pr ■«* to The Herald. Washington, D. C. .Oct. 12. The House of Bishops of the Episcopal Council today voted to hold the con vention In 1901 at Bun Friinrieco. in the House of Deputies an effort was made to concur In this action, but, ou objection to Immediate consideration, the resolution of the Bishops went to the calendar. The Sure LaQrlppe Cure. There Is no use suffering from this dreadful malady, If you wilt only get the right remedy. You aie having pain all through your body, your liver Is out of order, have no appetite, no life or ambition, have a bad cold. In fact arc completely used up. Electric Bit ters Is the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure i-elief. They act directly on your l.iver, Stomach and Kidneys, tone up the whole system and make you feel like a new being. They arc guaranteed to cure or price refund ed. For sale at Howard & Wtllet'a Drug Store, only 60 cents per bottle. Dewey’s Cousin does on the Stage. Mias Ida K. Dewey, a cousin of Ad miral Dewey, and daughter of the Rev. Edward F. Dewey, of Walton, N. Y., has been engaged by Charles Fletcher to play character roles In h!» • Dr. Jekyli and Mr. Hyde" company. Miss Dewey lives at No. 167 Montague street, 'Brooklj-n. She says that she i does not dealre to make capital out of ! the admiral's fame, but must support herself. New Maple Syrup, finest quality, in bulk and tans at Lamkin & Co.’a. TH X AOU HTA HBRAXU THE SPOOK FLEET STOUT. It Urtifit n#t t#ti t#£ TtiMpu i §!fe tMtoMi M Hutu#m tM H*i omm M >B#* toy# iMM#* 1 *- vtp *4 ?%-* tJMI -fc* tiMMIViPI m 9rn A As -A# #*•►# ammmamam M#* mmmm 'IP# mm »*»* m *** rnmm** ♦ *»p>i | #4W# Ivma fPiiAK 0m im #» AfctmtM $m a *"**a - m#Nii mm tAAMtofli tit# •##■••# wm tot# A **«***#■*» * iton IsMtoi 4 H W PS## Ttiirlitl mi ill# ##*••«««•» urn#.## • io« fmtyim&i: mm* A #m •#»■#« m .-•mm m tip mpm #t * mum 0 %,*«, 0% ar» #|pm i mm# mmm *##4> m m#t #4## Pmmtrnpm MpmAifiMt >4iii4»iA * ism# *m*m Am *■#*## m mm# mi #94fcmn# I * Kimf |*|pfH P«Aiam#«Mto# m-m# it## i #|m mpmil tmmf to# (w## #*#m t»m* Immpimmm m!##•%.»•!## Wp** Mto, »»mn#M' m# life# #mmmi m 4*m [ *m tm ttm#4i m P* mm** * •* *%# •HMMfmirim Pwt *4# mmm *iw** tto# [ 11$ iTamms i>.# r tHim ms a * mm*l «41 %* mmt i Mli «i mm it# «mm«Ai M It«m mm* f*m4st*nf-1 <$ mm ito# *N»*«-t**#t 9tto# Lm#i #toH *§ UNN mm»***mm* m I * to# ipittr* tomm mm t#»« tmwvmi tom#' lip# mttomi# mfvtk# ##•# mmmtP 4#*# #.« tm I*4# IMP# 44 m#4 9m «m# mitoppp * hthm* mtn m mmP t# to##*# t** < lw » [AftmMmwmt imMiMiniii #4 impmirt *4* I f|wm># f#t Ptomnmr mimitoi fl###* mmti* * ( ftmm Tmmtm Pm 4toMHim# ( * 4#m#t # j i##4i ammih ttomm Imp ttoMt 90 •’ itommtAtotol totoM# m#4 fmm#4mrn tom m* t #fht #iidM# *# *>-«# MhN* ms ito# mm#4rn# | Jkmm 9mm ito# ####••# **t i 4» rmititi* | ttnm ttomt 4l#m#»ml • mm# j tom I*4mm4 ftmm'tto##4mm4i # *mmm^, • m j »««•! tpprmm «4#mf. towtoittNl »#*« ** #Jk j •”#•4 Itotomlto## mis# •#• ###m immA# mto#m ■ ito# *m# MMtoMtoNl 4m tom •#** j iatew a*, at laaoi. sk *• a«#* *•' Afaaats* w »»**•#. 14 M *ww»*wd*4 Mr j ttodo## mil# to*# toiMt mttto tm# fm#4* tm ito# «•# ttomt Id4#m* m**m*m*#■*“ i #• <*# m mmmmiMmm #m •mvw#*i**. ~** ww ~ t fcaaMh. ! Ftshw a ragarf H*M Mlsslli" <« *"*J jnavy defrastspMWf hf Ural Bw‘ k« ns a 1 ] and frasn other MSflMlisa wfcl« h a • New Y»«k i Misiapsaiawl aerwnsd.. it iH*sn that the Real* • raasistawdar; •as luaHHed M mak .na the report h», did. INtr4li«raa«rw tt was lea reed that! another <i4Hcer, wider and aaore etperi J en.ed lhaa LkM A«Hherland. ref.W» ' ed hat Mg seen Ihe ann*» •*rlrri'Stt •quadmn This oHh-es la tYwwntander J n Rat-n of the autiharv rmlser Itea-1 mtttt# mrd tto# imfu#mmtto*m to# fmr#i*n* , ed ts CMNakdorr Waisoa. cnMma»d»j in* <he •'.rib#a MnrhadlM aqwadrwn., tallied eaaatly wllh that dl*M» H] Ijeui. Aoulberland CVosman.ler Kai 'H, went even furl her than the Ragle’s j commander In wyillng that he had been chased by the four myeterkms vessels. ' The reasons that Unit. Aoutherlsnd bad for tottering that he bad etgblrd »j spsnieh squadron nr* given In hla re-1 poll. He any. I bal at » p m.. June 7. a J while light was seen bearing north-) northwest. The Rnalr headed for It. l«n at the same lime the tight disappeared After running for some lime without seeing anything the chase was aban doned. At »:45 a light waa seen hearing north by *’l half rest. Again the be gle elartwl i» chase and made the gi vate night signal, displaying It for two minutes, dotuig which lime the light disappeared and the vessel's hull could he made out. No answer was made tq this signal give or ten minutes later the Eagle repealed the nl«ht stgnnl and received no refily. Finally the ehogg displayed a white light and was Imme diately answered by the display of three! other white lights at about equal die* lances astern and to the westward. The Eagle, In the meantime having ap» pmached at (ull speed, could mnko out four veaaela, two large ones. The Eagle at earned wdthln a distance of a mile of three veaeets for over half an hour. During th< Interval the veaaela could beplat nly made out in the moon light. The fact that the night signals were not answered nd the presence of white stern lights all went to prove the ves sels probably to he enemies. The Ea gle then turned to the westward and hastened to Key West. Shortly after j one of the vessels was reported in chase i —but this could not be seen from the deck. Shortly after her arrival at Key j West the Resolute reported having been j chased by four vessels a short time as- | ter the occurrence related above. Na va! officers SHV that the failure of the strangers to answer the private night 'signals Indicated that they were not | United Btatca warships, and they fail ure to notice any signals was stlffl- ; clent reason to believe that they were enemies. It has been shown to the na-, vy department that every officer and man of the sixty odd of the Engle's complement saw exactly what Lieut, j Southerland reported, a remarkable co incidence of opinion, as sailors ar«"*na torlous for the habitual Inclination to dispute views of commanding off)cqrs of Ihe vessels on wheh they sail. The mystery of the four suspicious j warships remulns a mystery to this i day The navy department 1* convinced that those seen by Lieut. Southerland and Commander Eaton were not Span ish vessels, although a few officers are Inclined to hel'eve that the squadron seen was composed of the cruiser Al fonso XIII.. the torpedo-boat-destroyer Terror and one of the little Spanish gunboats that had escaped frqm Cuba. The vessels named were all at San Juan. Porto Rico, during the war. The view most generallj- held at the navy department Is that the Eagle and the Resolute saw the United Slates cruiser New Orleans, a foreign hullt ship, and three other American vessels, which were on their way to Santiago at the time But the New Orleans and her consort did not see either the Resolute or Eagle, and both vessels were In plain sight of the strangers on a bright moonlight night and displayed the pri vate signals of the American naval service.—Sun. OASTOHIA. Be»w th« t* lß KM You Have always Bought "T" GooD mcK BAKING POWDER, 15 THE BEST. of AH lo Lfciv*»>- irttf Pi w»f. »ni r*tim FOR RENT j ft %r i« mm n«*« ~*flai <** vrrsft; toMfe* *a t a wrt Mlurr. I m MM4 #4tfcH I# mmm* •**..» m\ ’ ;il Ifut mtmm. f 9w*rn% M ** s. MM] MM qrrttot * *mrnmm «« «. M to ||J# t | frr>> « r —mr ~ a ft «J# THtoift i r itti >• .« a .C&to #•! || r 11, ; | tvrntmm aas•* •• Ito !• ft iriifnf !• totiltoiA# Itototott#M. !lM IfcasMCfc m*~* im «n*#4»th a#tael t (An Rang* . « • « l:::: ;;::r • 1 :::: Ml ■ m Rrys> Hlr ....MW Sri"«d g*y*gd„ #<• lie Brwtd street .. -MM «SI Retread strna* ..**«• (jtt Reread MM** 7. « •• •• ..**M «rr fir ed street • # « «r» Rn-ad street ** ■ j id# Hr •«! #tr##t •• •• •• •• •• • 44# d I 701 Hill, .treat “ # I tto Etna street. - M Ran of deals ably Sllnated Rmnd street gtore. rayeetnlty adapted for dreenmahldg emaN*ahme*t. Tbe above I let «tU bn cbaagvd from day to day. M John. W. Dickey Real I si dir Agent. To Rent Mora gtid Residence at IM3aad 13*7 .treat. One Of be bast elaoda * th* city for a good llrpcary Hi ore, or in tori, any business. The Hones ba> six <«b good rooms, a good yard, and is *»ry runeroleot. Apply or Premises or at 808 Broad St. FOR SALE _______>____ — $ gtR-l have for sals eery deslrnble build ingsiot localrd In the centra of one of tba bandrumeat blocks in the city. Will tell j him very cheap. Just lha place for a l handsome rr.klem« for } our family. Uood lilies. , CALL ON MRS. JERRY O*tIARA, NO. ij*7 OREENE STREET. ELY’S CRE AM BALM It it positive core. Apply into the nostrils. It i« quickly absorbed. 5» rente at Praegtots nr hv mail; wimples 10i-. hy m«U. KhY BROTHERS. M Warren SI., New York City. DRUGS lIUEMOLS PIER'S PBABIACY 512 BROAD STREET. TOILET ARTICLES STATIONERY Motor wagons for delivering mails are the latest thing in England, and are proving so successful that the ex periment is to be continued on a large scale, both in Loudon and in the pro vincial towns. j CALL fOto August*Brining Co* IXKJUT tlftfcft BEX.LE OB' GEORGIA 1 tote* Our Orauftht Beer Has None Superior. | AUGUSTA BEER. rPLAwTHOJSTIZEJ -The Barber Shop of Ihe South.*’ HICKEY’S is the Place Fiv« Barbers, all first-class artists. 212 and 214 Bth Street. ? PORTNER’S < ? MOPBWAU and ; / VIENNA CABINET / f BRANDSOF f j Export \ ? Beers ] ? ARE THE BEST < S ASK FUR Til KM. / a rT MITCHELL ALEX MCDONALD Supt. of l on. bee- A Ueu. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mclntnsb Street. Electric Suppllet—-(making Tub*#, etc., ale. Repair* lo all Klectncal apparatus. Ki, trie Light Wiring* upwialty. Rail Thona 1002. - - btrowger 87rt. ygOOOCEO. KOILERptED^IYETP^ And Vary LOW PRuTs l*rg- iw-.k fcipa* VALYF.N anti FITTING**. KN filNF.s. KOII KKV MllXß#t.d KBPAIIIM. Lombard Iron Works dc Supply Oo. f A VGVBTA. GA. NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE USE Land's Headache Capsules Made Duly By HOWARD * WILLETT DRUG CO. REMOVED TO Til BROADWAY- E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps. Seals, Stencils, Daters, Pads, Badges,&c 711 Broad whv. Augusta, Ga. Btrow*cr Pbone -02. E. J. ERBELDING PLUMBER, STEAM, GAS AND HOT WATER FITTER. NO. 541 BROAD STREET BOTH PHONES- Chirtivton 1W Carolina iiA t 'tmni m wmm *«* Nto to*^ [ II o*o*o* IMm YLmßmm! 1 1 4figSteZ. w . 4 tSi mi *MHM* fcHtetoaea ***** Itofcl* ’J I *i>pMMMdte w.—*—» *#%• RdMM * TSSm one li" m#tofc«T. wmaseaeaQatoß# ■. ; • eya«saa*toM .. ,|$ üba * (nag—k.... . 4*M|M» j *M*M4Mto.,. afSSS' I *oMißgsgdf...... , ni.-i kjrtan j |t fcfWM sew t -djgg 4M wSSk s». - «.aaw I* Fata re..— * MMML ... I $• Arm*, . m.. .> ■ |.» *. —• *| MH* Aa BfSfjSt ...... O.M* » * MMUnn.... .... j.. ..m*. Ute ♦¥«■<>*■* .. sa...i —tfcdten AfcM ’Kauw.... *•#«• 1*• * JbM fctei.... .nrereMM TJmM I ‘mnmA...... .. .. L* n Mto#l *Cfcoi*|teMf«....... j... ».. ijy* T • w » ", „{w...T| ate** * fjjtoie Mtosn *fc*M*b(lw.........Ufcn »•»** yin nr r I ioa**- Mted * fririte!T,............ w.... miM §t dagisa*.-... j.»». »• , h#d | I dbf M 't*t* Rags * nt**»n * ahen «to* j snsi«#** at t sibnoii* •.«* tm ad t"»g* a* fc fc Ire __ • has n tgirtt *. M fc«t»*MO*d fc Ml yadwto to 4, I. t. **« I A« fcHMffc afc gsariaaseny *fM fcjMfce I 40440, vlMfcte ea*.. s 4. ren %*, J rfcAKe,4M* ha fc. fc. 11, AKHRfc HnitoMtoto 4# f. 18. ÜBHbS Itnfc Han eyas g a* earn ten BLOC RIDQE RAILROAD. M e. HUaTOK. fcd.n Fasllirate Wiaibi'S * F'ent lull First Rs* t Cleon (Toa* X *mrf Cl**a <Ta«g fc'4 g* ty trig. - Itillto. DtV tHg. Mott $»•• g lUU HoJ^ AM fN.I 1 Arrive tto*«* fc* 14* i* n **• a., a.onus* ..of * *fc« • $3 l« | fc ft ... Daeva* ~..f ***»»« ta r $ *• M 5..... Aatwa ..f $ tall M 1 * la 5 I*ll hatirag ..*( I WI U *tv i Ml 4 ORssry rraa'i f 4 fcll 5$ » . iaa 1* or too*g h4»•II *• * * I 15 Ml . IfcStACA .. * 4 2*,« J» »«•( n jf's |g| i ;j; W**tl felon -R IMf IMI H... WaitoaO* .-»g| LI 7 ! am pn ! |Uatt An*y* fm TM. fco.ll Ned / IteAA NoA Id 1C Ire Ire B OB’ O- B OHGIA I • Regular IWatto*. fc fcog dtaitoa. I j ail regular train* froan Aadavae* to . ! Valhalla have right 4# *»»«* irelax as Urn earn* noa* moving in oy* piwita direction, unlen# olhernia* ayrnD* ißed by train »rdtra. Wit! also yt«y at followbig ataiimn 'ta tab* *«W of y*oo*n4D'r»' Pbln- j ner’a. Jama* aud Sandy Hprlnga- No, U ggtoßfgW will* luiiikwi rail way Mo. 13 at Aadvrwn. ] Nos I and ( .-"«»*< t wltb fcntbart 1 railway Moa. II and >7 at M*ca. J. R. ANDCKSON. Suy*r»ni«nd*et. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. SHORTEST AND QUICKEST BOUTS TU Tlifc EAST AND NORTH. j VTbyin Lv"..Augu*la. Oa. Ar I 7 «»m j I Mpm L* Aiken Ar !:!»**, j 4 lT|.m Lv..^Denmark....Ar i f:t7pni I Mpmi Lv....Orangb'g —Ar | 4 4«ara ( Mpmi Lv..Suml*r. *. C...Ar i 4:2*am l 3pm LV....Florence....Ar I 3:2*am l*:Upn., Lv.. Fayrttavllle.. .Ar I Il4pm ! 3:2lair' Ar.Patcraburg.Vn.Lv | I:l3pm I 4:00am! gr Mlrbmond... Lv 1 *:l2pm l 7:4lamj Ar..Wa*blngion..Lv | J ««pm j (:01am: At... .Baltimore. ...I.r I 2:25pm ll:Xsam| Ar .PhHadelphl*.. Lv |l7:o»pm ; 2:o3pm| Ar New Tork....L* I 3:ltam Pullman palace buffet aleeplr.g car* 'from Macon and Auguatn to New Tork without change. | It, A. BRAND. Own. Asst., 723 Broad St.. Aaguela. Oa. j T. M. EMFRSON. Traffic Miwia*»r, H. M EMERSON. G«n. Paaa Agt. Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd. t«V. Lv. Auguata . .. *3O a. tr..: 521 p. m. Lv. SnndcievlUe . HI P- m.| 9 09 p. m. Ar. Tennllle .. .> 130 p.m.l »:21 p m. Ar. Macon 3:45 p m.| 3:55 o. m. Ar. Dublin $-20 P m.| Lv. Dublin 'lO: 0 ** *• m Lv. Macon .. .. 11 38 p. m.111:53 a. m. Lv Tennllle. . . 5:15 a. m.| 3:10 p. ra Lv. Banderavtlle. 5:25 a. m.| 1:21 p. in. Ar. Augusta . .. 900 a. m.| 7:10 p. m. Knxtrrn Time. Cloee connection niadre at Tennnd'e with Central It. ft. for Macon, and wl h WrlghtavlHe and Tennllle It. R. for Dublin and HawkUtovllle. C. W. JACKSON. Gen. Kgt. Pass. Asst. James IT. Jackson. Joseph H. Sands. Receivers. MONEY TO LOAN In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on lO years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Alexanfler&JobßSon A gems Scottish American ' Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St OCTOMH IS h*itJiu*l' **t«lMd»i»Mfc S. t A C. RAllfcAl CO ••• s*d»*teM nans if* MfcfhftA Jan* MM. *OM tel Meagggto Ttokb goes |-|.lbl ** «a* tto M ! A* fc. -m. >4 togaa A. a«*o*to ,t.aaaM ■ite‘»aifc fcfca Wat l. I i'i» I. i'imv. 7 toyen [A# (sl»a t*n4 togM is « esSa* 4ten A* «**#»»• a 440 • »♦ A<*m>e tregfc jl ,m to# >*> Hl4|44toftoW lto«ii I* sT|te. 4 ** te tofcin f♦ « §B* ■' * ■&*#» k . a* I U KtoMptoto# totoHtotofc I*4* ««a omm * 4^*4# I4# <toiiniiito A«#todfc 4* MWWI to mi to-# moiioMtwi (I toPf > #*toi* # , #"» 4#4 * 1 * # ***** to I# PtPm*** * 4 ANi 'a. gMMM.. **!»,«» »**MM MfcM I jural M gbit M'ltk ISA 4'ltAH *u ' 1 4 rn gt * •**•* <n 4*4 4*n*a Ns* lute : (• j 'imin » »» • La Ka* T«aOr»*n i#« Atom. ~ .«►>«•o* L* MoMi nan A fcn Ar ft.' nsrs. a | tea t s * • a » A itonr As Antoan'd ***** la bntoas A. ,4 ten Aa V«S*pfctJtei AvAMaoi IMmI :At fc* Vagfc llfc A t ttototo : Arete i smaasanara si CttelHtoM *te Hte i Ta»A resMsm atoa ***k rn /eaten.Vtoto t an. a* satotoe Aan* AagMOt* njM A* t-wstet* ritod toted Mate *t> tento *4 *m an-* ArtoMx , J. B • A Alto, LA fMfctMOfc •teeaMMtegnk oiMfc HaMMA f. A.•teteSfc’te. A# ■ Anottetotte SOUTHERN SAIL WAV. * snnsuis gatosna Irina ri. i iinaaa ton fcfciMsn jo|d.«M» •nS44 annas irinet. tnaMt I* rmm Pl'tnra. ... fj*•*> * J*P ■T x-v?r., .!•• <*v> tt toy A, Srseaton _ , ' j ♦-»j « toa i: %£2> M *"' K to*-Ui : ill t . pitoTl; fmrnm rr; ; iSa S 3: * Obatoe* ...... I filH ! !!• * an*.. - I ifjij is* A* StoMidto ■ iia3Eri3S Ar rtienn k.ri *MM *» to* It” rrraaiwnra .... I# Sr Ar A- r»~ts . ... 1 ’to* ! *«~l«ensttto - .. 1 11 Mpj >»A As Atibn is* ’ * **. «»n v jr^fcfcfc...! ISa ■{ *y * RSIX <ito> <B* —-initi x■ ■ ■ I Ha. gy Is *g inallg Until. La Xrs York PW A A i « top Hltot * flu lads labia. I « top (ton * ftolttninsa . . e top in. fc Weak mo Ha. Ay | to top II lie fc Awbaerad ~ . ■ " Print U Plan fc DaastU. I k Sta 1 ~* toy fc Krelfofk j * tofi” Ar (IraanrhoTO ... J *to a . fc tfreaatooro ?to a 7 Ely ■ t bar lotto *»a! to toy * kwk Rul to to. II toy * Ibaatat to ska ll toy * Vtonabart . .... Utt a 12 *a Ar OuITS. Ataad'cto 14 4*ai l*« fc.CMwitoaUß. Ary'k I toy 4 ton " J.Aoat<te (top 4to n “ Trento* *c*>p e»e * OraaitovlUa (toy Tar a Ar At..' I «Up stoa L* AabartUy 1 . . aia IMy v gyartaooarg { 11 46a{ • toy L*. OolKa. AC *<4 By ™." •top) tto* Ar Oiariratreo I * topi II to» fc Oel*kta. P<*AP Ry . .. II 55 * : 1* 47 a " No von on h | 447 p. tto* Ar Jo.-km nrUla. _ 9 Myl * to* M ixfixo f Ait •KKVIt m Kj'.llrat dally pa—'•»«*. aarric* tntwaon nurida sod Naw York _ Area Hloadto-ri MhuifloB aod AtoMAtoteto* Unctcd Solid VaatibiOed Irriio with .hnmg ear. oad fire* elaaa coach,* north of lAerlotto. Pullman drawingro.aneleapiagcar.botw<-on Tan. ca. Jackson villa. Savanna*. Waahingtoa aati ?Jew *rerk Pu. man e.c-ping Car# bvtwaan trinrkrtt# •nd Hl* h:n >a«l Pullman dm wing-room .leaping -ar. hn twovu I.racnslior* and Norfolk tflorec c .nnaw ttoo al N-.rfolk for OLD POINT COMFORT, arriving there in lima for hreakfaat Ho! 1.1 train, with Parlor .am. bet wren Chnrleeton and Asheville Koe. id and to-B. H. Pa.t Mall. Through drew lag room Duffel ajeepiag ear. be tween Jncknonrillo and New York nml Pull man .leaping cam between August. ar. J Char lotte. Pullman sleeping '-ar. between Jack- Imrille and Columbia, en route daily between nckaonvlll# nud Cincinnati, via Asheville. RANKS HANNON. J M.Ct.LP. Third VH. A (ten Mgr T M . Washington W A. TURK. 8 H HARDWK if. tt. P. A- Waahingtoa tt. P. A.. Attoafc GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (Mth aderidlao Time.) Bchedule Effective April 24, I*9*. f Pullman Sleeper# between Macon and New Tork. Through Pullman Slecpom between A*, guat* and St. Louis- Lv Augusta ?:obam| *:2opm|l«.3flpia Ar Atlanta ...|l2:3spin| ».20pmi k OOni* Ar Macon ....|U:l6orn| | * 45am Ar Athens |li:lsprr.| 7:3opm Ar Galne#vlUe|*3.4spm| I - Ar White PI a,*l:oopm| I - Ar Mlll'ge le .|10:10am| | 4:3oam Ar Wareh'ton ..|lo:lo*xn| 7:lopm| •cayune train leaves August* dally except Sunday at 5.T5 p. m., and ar rives at Mllledgevftle ot 8:10 p. m. Train* arrive at Augusta 111* *• "fc 7:45 a. m.. 1:20 p. m.. and *:2R p. m. A. O. JACKSON. G. P. A. JOE W. WHITE. T. P. A- CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect, March « IS9$. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta, Southern Ry.. 9 30 p m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 a m. ! Leave Chester, C. & N. W. Ry 7:45 a m. Arrive Lenoir. C. & N. W. Ry 1:16 P.m. Leave Lenoir, Stage 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park, Stage .. .- ”:0C p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage ■■ 7:30 p.m. G. w. HARPER, C. F. HARPER, President. G- A -