The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 15, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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SATURDAY 2 HAVE YOU TIIE kIOIIT mSt sj. S o PER WEEK? »%* Mi «••*•—* •*«**» mmm# mmm mm *m ***** i** m* mm I—w Ure a* «WM»< —R ft ***** |« MW MM «• MM ••» the everett fc*r*m«MT "tin ti wiiw i»t ASTWim Tbemas & BartoD, i* M tMjUUrT IMM» I ■ M —IQ4PWAT, «I”H | W» »*■ HIM* IWM MM MW —ft* ft M#M to* ♦*•*—*•«— Ik MMM to* to. Raare (MU KM. ®» »»ft* Mto» I *«*.. ft * Mt*»— —are—*. Km toi MM aay. Um l mwtoi **4 Rale****# to |«m r*MMM to • aft •lm H | «rs to* MMUM of ito Kort "' Om* *1 Crawford im to* p*—* at I *to*tok4 , »• Walhd— • a»r»aalr ?m rntrmmm la tot*kt*« to* i*> fWitr-ton MM< la to M i MM* Tb» March—ire dtrrlor* h*>k a* Ma m a n*#r»*t CktralMl an .<f aadr—ain# lto tratw** »*• *#— ftftMlMrw by ito Rrr tto pollto aa a tot* m*m*b*» ’ tht-ewcy and tor t>rwren m*a«ru>**l* ha— tora mmIN la (mmm«* fkh*moaa)*a*hoJ*. • villa** hi Ito Ahrtr'r* of fepritrek S'.brela. Ma* br*B <*t •. pnla'ed Irmpmsrltv fourl—a hue tr*i! tsf Ito Inhabitant# bavin* : t*'n aaat In Jail (or rafuala* lo re ralr :to hhthway. • } ran»l b* I law la rlf* In Ito Ruaalaa ' pmiinr* of K »**«i an* o*on«t b* put & ren » -online 10 Ito M»l*m*'Ol of Ito H«h»p of Kaaaa at Ito Raiaian . e March ruagrms il K!*w A* a ml* oo’y perapa# rußreia* (Yota Incurabi* *J»< naa* are «tM MB Prurel*'* Jcelmiev of Slavic Invasion )»• ter Polish pn.*l«c<*» !■ shown by ID* at at ear# passed on a carpenter * nymed Out*h for writ In* bit name In lk| Polish furm Guci A rourt of In ocruli* derided that tho art *»« ll legel and condemned him to a line of 1W mark* nearly Ho, or a month'* imprisonment No aorb bantf* h*a been shown by lb* French *tithorltl«* In Judging lb* VIII* d* B*lul Nasatre disaster a* was employed to «rhlt*«raah Ihr lor* of lot Bourgogne Judgment hat Just hrrn rendered at T.'Orlrot acquitting Capt. Jagucvieau of all responsibility. but blaming th* chief engineer for negtl *••<«, and imposing on him a One of IIS fronra. Prince Ferdinand, of Roamevito. who .ha* been hunting In the Carpathian*, cspre«s'’d a deelre to bill a hear and soon after hud Ihe lurk to start up two one of which hr shot. On eiamhi ‘ Ing th* rare*** Ik found a hoi* through th* no*p a* though th* ani mal had worn a ring, and Inquiry brought out th* confession that Amt mann of the dis'rlot had bought the lean from a showman In order to sraiify the Prince’* wieb. In a village near Frauenhurg, Ger many, there has been a rurlous suo >t<Maion In office slue* the beginning of the century. The arhoolmi»*t#r there, ns is common In Germany, la at ihe earn* time oiganlat and sexton of the rlllcge church. For four genera tions up to 1895 the office had been hr Id by the «on-10-1»w of the previous holder. Then b married at ranger wan appointed, but he lost his wife and. has Just married the widowed daughter of ’ his predecessor, thus carrying olit th* vi’lage tradition In the fifth genora tlou. A fine assortment of finest California fruits received at Lamkln & Co.'s. NECKWEAR. F. C. Turpin Company has received th© latest thing In Neckwear, Ascots, Chat tiuyj4-in-hands and Tecks 818 BROADWAY 818 to AYtoltoJMMrtt MMhM I* »to*k* am A—o mm toMiiMto —*»ftl m Ito* iwiMtA Kto aaa* « MM t*a 1A M— tm r pure— m«* dam* to— *—-*•* *a w«i m at ttotoaM a *A«*«% UrM-H-aTto. wwftr toVrtttV Am* «MM «• A— man Ma*t* to— « Imm* mm toMMM-IM—h CM rrU. Ito i M toaa* Ito ft, f to-*# Ml ft* A IM—ftMi and mm A* Mia K.iiMAa*'! «r MMM. MW MM p—to 4» to MMto. Ttot— V. fto MM—t ftoto AM* m ******* mmrnmm *» *to into* if tor* tom**** Itoi W A SWAtM* I* MM toMto to— *M MMto* towaaa Mm* *4- PurA Tto m— la • gawatol A mm* l|[tn-- mm* AM MM4 toarMtoMM at •Ma M—Mltol M**w mm •—ato «to '"toft A O •%»»**—4 -*.**—».« M*a aad Mto to— «m Wmmmm* -1 r-j aH>b * totofttoM Mm V ft fta»M. i ha* 9*m b*m to aM ton * A KtoaM to It** <taa*«r* ft»a» a** ******* to» WaaM • Tto flat#** nito »a* "wawial |«m»««Mm> OartaM to Ito atotoira to a **!»*» I«M* natoii* a*4 Ma* »Ma«*lM« lamalt — Mhaa ****** ItoM*. to CWMMart a»* «*•«*• ito KtoMla to (to J I laMto Or **« Mm J«*M* fkMR aa*iMM TMamtof »*«*»** 1* Ma** to Nn a*A Vi B NNM ! to#.. Carl fM—tac. •*• M— *—* Ma— Maytaa —U— a— «*• —a—a hirpn* ftp ft# OMh*»rt h— a*—, ft tto ■*#—•* I—a tto l*a*r told. whnm to Ma* a— *# Mto i—< I—a a— aad aßatoUt# - MRtt It to o*4 Ml a— Um M 4 land*—eft ft **n. pa— attar aa4 an aarey Haw la tto laM Um yaar* Ito t*ato to—Wipr M— Manek— at our Raiaa. aad Way*—bo—. la an*—at **4 pMa baa glv— up Ure cbiMtowa Mar yotmb. IMa— mto llatod Ito p*M wUb tto pr—t Oa# Mr oaa •*— a— paaahur a » ito Ml ol Parail— Apala ito —II raare Ruaday. TM* pmitoleM apirli d to— Carotin* Lata bdh return— to Orel who M Sto attended dlrlne aani— «>» Rnadar roornin* and on tor rwtara hoam* am* atrleheo wHM pa—lynl*. from ahleh ah* k***r Hied Oa Tu—day ato mmm laid to remt ta a b*d ol lre.«n—t Bow er* mad* to ftvla* hand* Mr* laai tmib waa a faithful aotil la avary tto lall nt Ilf* ato •** falibhtl a «*ntl*. lovlna wife, a lentto awKtor ana a loyal friend tor. Amo. I* ImmbetM. her hind kind and —to Mr Bu«eoe Lambeth, aorvlv# bar. VISITING FRIENDS. A Farmer Dodges Hard From lb* Street Cars. Tb* afreet car hell ran* faat and loud. A visitor from th* country ye* terday nmrntug bounded out of the way Just a* th# car paused only to find himself on th* other track and another car close upon him. Again he Jumped nearly running Into n passing dr*y and Ju*t dodging a dim on horseback. Af ter a aerie* of spurt* and Jump* and aftetr several escapee from being run down he reached the sidewalk pant ing. The rest of the dey he would welt until the street we* clear before venturing ecroe* eny portion of Ik When Me Sold HD Cotton. He had Juet antd hi* hale of cotton. A hat for Mandy. hi* good spouse, had been secured. Uttl* odd* and evnto for each of his numerous household were In hi* wagon. Old Betsy, tb* mule, who had helped him so well lu making the crop, could not be forgot ten, so he decided to give her the first set of shoes she had ever worn. Accordingly a blacksmith shop was beaded for and a set of first claaa shoes ordered. Now old Betsy had gone for ronny n day without shoe* and did not like tin looks of that red hot mrtnl. so P»*i tlvely refuaed to allow the smith to shoe her. Rope* and other apparatus for subduing unruly animals were brought and a fight begun. Old Betsy kicked a* she never hud before and the result seemed to be doubtful. At lost, however, the wile* of man conquered and Betsy was shoed. The owner no«v swear* that Be*.*y "ain't nigh as good a rattle, 'cause she a girt on city shoe* and she think* she s got to get on city way*.’’ He Came to Town. Yesterday several mill operatives stood talking to o farmer. The farmer had Just, moved hi* worldly goods to the city and had come to remain. "It’s this way, boys," the stranger was say ing to his new companions, "I’ve work ed and strived to make a living oo the farm. I have always been able to come through Just a little ahead, hut wLh cotton like it Is I had to quit. Somehow my wife and myself began to talk it over and we decided to try It here." "Yes. we know you had a bard time and so have we. It's better to know Just how much you are going to get than to have a big debt hanging over you and not know whether- you can pay out or not. f am through farm ing, and if mill work won't do l intend to try something else." THB HgRA X^l3 HUM* GUIDES. <S» to a ***a3E3 Ktoftoa, to tto £ : : g m ■ y.t "*% Saito «|a Mato to *•# to# totoM I to** to mm# «M* »*W Mtoto a* to*#** ato to #mm AM|«* ci;Ar icrs»x: jitsS? stvsisw ISSrulftSiHw ■;r ."..ttr--.' •• w ( |*aaw Ml a.i*rt. K V y**»****** »•» *. ba to»MM* «H*M wry |to** ato a«»*i - _ * la *a**4 ka* A* sis mi^ M« aSSb. to ***Mto laaa* ato to km '«***£ «*aa#S*Mtoi **awto »*!**• to— ■tofia atoa ftw Mto K»* ato to** **a» < o , *»* | «ato ft ***** *pa Ma** to* to »M V ***to Ito 2rurr^-*V = ?J^; Mto atow la to M*tof HMwaato SS: ato toy Mai a M*> nu of «uii«» *a|o»**wt to toa* M rawwT^^Uto* II.AmI PtoKji Mm **to*l **«A to aaW* la lb laaaaii «# ***** pa** ° tMjeeaaj TTmmZSj, tototoL 1 m* >*■** ato y *?**? *** ptratl* lakr.B* «* tkai *>tor*ta«. E.?a.#sSiS= •iSssasgEse to. toto ca . 1*7% ’“i ES r^isrvS!^ SSTI wtoto *m to-tort *M •*>"* vmrnm maw I toiA**' ato .»!.* (to toaMfe to aa* a# M» a«* I **» •** ***** *a* ito a—, kto to. m7mwtm*U ,-»~.w. l aw-» wttoa Erl o Sm«w**» «l ca . MV*. "1 Mat irmtawrai to*. V?** V ss/txsSHs. L^rts pwakt raaal rmaal To aa* rtator to lb** P*P«». 0* (As |* arm Health OtiM* took. Ito “People a CiKnao. Sana* Mtoleal Advtot," a book *1 1.000 paar* with 7* UlaaOMioa*, eoaar tea evafflbMMe that relate, to braltb and dlaeaar. Il u written on a common aanae plan, in common aenac lanctuf*. A>* com mon arna* people The “ Commoa Sanaa Medical Adviaat " is bound In paper and la doth Bach book euoUin* the **mr num ber of pace, and the aame matter and llloa tratioea The cloth i» .tronrer handnoamr but alao heavier, an that It coat* more lot poaUat Send u onr eeat (tamp* for tba cloth edition, or *1 *umpa tor Ure liahter wripht paper covered book Addreaa, World'a Uiapeoaate Medical AaaociaUua. 6b t Maia Sued. BuOalo. N. Y. Tht* le Just one of the many men who have moved to the city, and the name atory 1* heard over and over again. CABTOniA. Bttri tht Hind Yoa Kin Alciw Bought slaTn by sailor fiends. La Bourgogne’s Passengers’ Throats Cuts by Frenchmen. Th* British steamship Cromartyshire, which was run into by the French liner La Bourgogne bn the Grand Hanks of Newfoundland, on July 4 last.which dis aster resulted In the toss of over 400 lives, arrived here yesterday. The Cro martyshire left Dunkirk on June 8 for Philadelphia, with a eargo of ohnlk, and was towed into Halifax, N. H.. on July «, after the memorable collision, with her bow crushed In and her forerigging torn uway. ft cost *40.000 to properly repair tho Cromartyshire. This Is from the Philadelphia Record. Cupt. Henderson stated yesterday thut the published reports of the disas ter were by no means exaggerated. One port of the story, however, hud not been told. -That was,” said he, "that in the life boat scramble many of the passenger* who attempted to get In with the crew had their throats cut by tho French sailors, whom 1 denounce its miserable cowards. Their sheath-knives were r>-d with bloood when they came on the Cromartyshire lit one of l.a Bour gogne's lifeboats, which boat I have yet on hoard of nay vessel. -The fsot that so many of the drown ed persons wore life-jackets is suffi cient. t» convince any person that they had made preparation to leave th* Bourgogne, and knew that she Was rea d» to founder To Cure;a Chid in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money ts It fails to - tire. 25?. The g. ttulne has L. B. Q. on each tablet. w«nm or ♦ • rfiAr *rn*ommm t*mm Om m Mm #«mw*M #w**to <4 tPmm Kto Atoat t<m% T»«M*aai »to «*to» «*<IMM p»a*'«A Kto Ito***. ••tom >■**«''»« to* 9. (•»• * fMM* mm* »»*■*** mi atototo ** I* Kto kaaaa a ptoMMii 'MI Kto jknaiton** Ato* MM *4hM II *MM Mb MtoMM MM tm** to.*— Aha Ikahaf.ata m -■« M—m, A a™ V ml* V^ftK A—* toll— • to** toM— to to It •aw* * ***** —*»» —to * a*— ato kaatototo mm# <— ft* itoitoi wafi—. toil am* tow— l M* «*— «M* •Ma* (Mnaitto iMapwto a— to— IMM Il mm jwm Kto MH ft* l— ft* Ma | Mia Imi tkw —to* mmm Umm Tba mm* Map 1 a»l aa *—*—« *—ato ll la aMA. to IlM— mm pfMK ft* Ad# rw» «w»>* p—sato a*a *a**e-i «a «•—< all— a—*a A K*M *4 *M—i Wk* KM* a to— *4 pm#MM— MM Kto IMM— a* taw p<—* l» a— Maaito* **— p* Mto Mat«• TM*f JT— ba IM* *M*4aTb4 *»lit*M* <4l • ala **• «» il* to—a at «**M tjfcMi tba mmm ***** at *M* p*—*l ta im* to# ato** to aMM* at— MtoMf. a— Mto Mtaa# f— re tart— at «Ma aM ItoaM TM# m*m mm mmw*m*mmmm •Aua to tba tto— *»• atato TM* a—to— to.i ito Maarttoa tb* <*!»•>• at iMa —Mia* —«H <— aato* abwM ta 4*v • Ma— Ktoa pa#vb ito a. Pa aam fnran*. Mavw <M# aato —*a*4 from IM* toad* a— to— aato* Mar* Mr* >» Ul Mf* TM*»aai*ii'al ito IM—Ma— atatoa Um# to— toft— a**— la toamb r***. ll • A*# a#a rati— ptatoto ~ ta Ala ***** (r<*whw*w and (mate ! l p. aa M Itoa—la “ p—4-pw—- —4 «rnma4 aala" a*4 ••—wto—" Tto *—4— l tram tto Mat* <4 Ommtto m* !• ***** tor mommwrm Turn tk* "tore jlMtfi, mrentag that they *>UI grab ;**ytktM or iwfltllM, s*4 the •«. 1 pee— to*. "«f* you ed* g<«>b»» .grabber," jto *—4 i* drrtoi"# aad ft*a. Tk* M—m of tk* faetlt ewlttvata t|— *»t <* tar** t—Gtie*. tkey are I'out of H. and tt fore— part of <k*tr - reach fare. Tkey •**»» real!** consid erable fm— It* sal* Tk# times take* ; taignm moat t—e tht# toueb-prtaed fund *re *t w*4*Hegs end fuacrel freeta. ***** tally tk* latter. A ratiow ntdo* to Alabama and i other cot to* atataa It aot to kae* tk* t fine ml rervtre* aatll ete Bern Ih* or a 'year after tk# bwrtal; the* tkey ka»# a great to#*t. ts aanirntog ta*eda h*v# lawn I*l4 aside tkey are put oa agala tor the fiaal serrfee#. ehtrk take place to some roastry neighborhood, often mile* away from tk# graveyard. Th* feat I r Hl** take tk* form of a camp meeting picnic A preacher D selected, who will "preach drrea—4 la heaven ” 1 It to coma Id* red Inconsiderate of th# family end a damper tat the sum ral pirate to "preach him" la aay oth er place. 80. whatever the life of the negro be* been. If hto or her last word* have bee* "good talk.'* tbey are "preached to heaven." The feasts coo*l*4 of fried chicken, cake. Ire cream and peanut* ad libi tum. Baaketo and hag* of th* beloved ; nui* are carried to the fen at end all have plenty, and more to carry home. In Alabama the funeral Nativity of th* husband of an old cook waa post poned for two year#: then all prepara tions were made for a grand feast. Bushel* of "goobera" were laid aelde | for the great occasion, but Aunt Tulip ! refilled to go—even the "goobera" | could not tempt her—eaylng: “I ain't gwlne to no alch filin'*. kase dey done ' watted too long to 'preach him.’ Ole man to itald an' burled an’ forgot about an’ now dey wanter brnng him up again, an' my mournin' to all wore out waitin'. I ain't gwlne, I-tell* yer.” And she did not go. ■ I RESISTING OFFICERS. Policeman Hill and Colvert Arrest stubborn Offenders Nelson Redfleld looked ns If he might have been wounded In the bat tle of Santiago. Judging by hto gory appearance. He had a very woe be gone look and hto garments were splattered with blood. He had resisted an officer. That was the cause of the appearance he presented. Last night he had "tanked up.” Near the corner of Broad and Cummins street he Acted in a very dis orderly manner. Officer Hill proceeded to arrorm him and Nelson proceeded very unwisely to resist. The officer was forced to use hto club on Nelson's cranium. This did not seem to quiet the disorderly man. so he got hold of one of Officer HUl’a fingers and bit hard. Today Mr. Hill to wearing his left hand in a sling. The officer and the drunken man struggled on the sidewalk. Several others rushed up. Nelson, who Is o very powerful man. was forced to capitulate and, bleeding severely, he rode to the barracks. He shed tears at court today and begged the reconier to be easy on htm. He seemed to have l|een pretty severely punished, so Baxter only fined him , Eugene Dent colored, had resisted Officer Colvert when that officer at tempted to afresi him last night, hav - ing been requested, to do so by Dent a wife, who said he tjad been abusing her badly, Oflicer Colvert did not have so ! exciting a time as Officer Hilt had. but the Judge levied 9 fine of sls on i Dent. 1 i. TMi niltft ftOAlt SpMk ft—a•■.«*» ft* ft. ft ft a— to M tat* •*—a t—wa t»«Km MM to —MM ** ***** ukmm K»» am— *4 Kto ><#*«*— **— toato O*M a— Mm* to—# —l* to** to— **— aw pwMn**a ftaani ft* f— aa— Man a to—a toa— m «——a at a—A ft* **toatok— a—to a— A MM a* » pm*, aiaiito a toft mm* •to atob Kt*w»Ahto«dtoM tom—* TMa—toap «*#**«*»• TMa toe— Mat tm ft •—*«-*## ■«—a ** ft# aa •w* »aft 9 toil at ft*— **—»». ft* aw— at tto mm mmm •m mmm* to >*— *— •an #*— *»n* —***%• a**—A KM to— to—m ato— ft* i***A •#* ft* *— ftM 4a— ft# Ml Ito pat* at ft* •44 ramftaM K ft—A awft • IK w •**— #a—a A ****** pi.i4*n4 M—4*» MM p— toaaii. tto- a—Pft ato to* taar* waft JN Ml— ito I* amm pad fta tea*k ft* to* a ftftt w a—aft to— to—a at «Ma rail* a— toat aM aM ft—a, a Ait* Mkm— a— ft— ft taw Mr 4*— to— at ran Mi tto are*** aMMA will aa *mt toft*—l ft M— ito tow** *4 tto to— are# *•*— to* **—***—» rka am., laa— 4 4ft ft* ftM as U— at— **h* if ft— awr* •<**» —ft to a—moth pie*— at Oaft— ft# arrema tto Hack a— area* to « •»*# *a#n— tore ao*k *aa A* *a—fta aa Tto tok—r—M pM— *Mft tto UM* fa—4 Mi a aMMift* a—**, to— l «K tbaa* Ma— • to— !»««»>—■ torn partafttmbwM Rea—r to toaitaa *—r# aar— —Ma—itorraiap— wt—ftt are lire a artt»at -pm—Mia aiatai'B* Tto Mar— aWare Ito tratA Mitt aboaa a—a* tto Ma— AM— N— mwwi* aad 4aa4 taaift »i*** la# *»*«— a «*< Ito tftw aa4 **<■« Ito momn» at tto im «a— pat* Tto p>—*» tai tto lalaai aa# at im* tort a— ttitow ta a— ito —a4 la up a—fa* MM—, aad Me Ha— to <M*c all to r— ta ptwa— tto— North CareMw*'* livperteiK# Mato I* RretHev North Camtte* to goto* through • tore«o of experience that to cm* tag lit whit# penple of the elate dearly.j hot tt goes without ret In* th*t whe* ' the while people of the *4*l* get into natrol age!* the? wifi ro* their partv, orgaptxa'ta* to Ihe beet ioterret* of the at ate. end the remainder nf the ! world will he allowed to artUe the free | •liver notation an far a* tt relstre to run ni us th* a*alr» of their owa toatn. Th# Hamilton elm# at Harlem, which tor flv# generation* have b#*«, aa adornment to that part of N«w| York, are to he eat down ami a flat building put up la their place by • re- 1 rent purchaser of Ihe property oo which they aland. Hamilton brought (ha ailpa of the** elms from Mount Vernon and it I* therefore argued * »*t to chop them down to almnot like chopping tree* down from the grnv# of Washington. A Htrlltan tribunal b** Ju*t rentenc ed a noted forger to Imprisonment for I** year*. Th# calpril had pa—ed himself off as an advocate and In the gulee committed sixty-three different rate of eertou# fraud, having even sto len for a abort Urn* the real of the chancellor of th* conrt. Thl* seal he used to give effect to hto fraudulent document*. WANT ADS.” FREE ADVERTISING —THE HER ALD offer* the uae of the "Want Ad" columns to those out of employment who are seeking work. A little «d. *t*t- j Ing your case simply and plainly, tell ing what you can do and what you will do It for. may find you profitable employment. It ha* done »o for m*ny other*. We wish our reader* to feel that they are not Imposing on us by mak ing use of our free advertising offer. The Herald believes in keeping labor snd employer# informed of their mu tual “want#,’' SITUATION WANTED WANTED—POSITION AS COLLEC TOR, drummer or bookkeeper. Will furnish borne and buggy. No. 1 refer ence. Business, care Herald. Oct 15 IF ANYBODY WANTS A 0000 house servant or nurse, epply to Rus sell street, 428. Oct 15 WANTED—POSITION AS BOOK KEEPER or assistant bookkeeper by man of experenlee. Apply T, care Her ald. Oct 13 SITUATION WANTED AS PORTER, butler or driver by colored boy. Good reference. 514 Jackson. Oct 13 WANTED—POSITION AS BARTEND ER. Best reference given. Address Bartender, care Auguste. Herald, Au gusta, Ga. Oct 15 WANTED—A GOOD SITUATION OF some kind: brain or hand work. Am also a good collector. Address K . R. J., 848 Ellis street. Augusta, Ga. sOct 13 WANTED—SITUATION AS COOK. nurse or bouse work. Call 944 Second avenue. Oct 16 HELP WANTED WANTED AN EXPERIENCED butler. Apply 522 Greene street, Oct 15 SAVED SOLDIERS! Who Used Paint's Celery Compound Old Not Sutler From Fenr . .rest JJ Tb* an*4tore she 414 th* toe t g■ -*4, *«* tbw* who hepl W*4t There w*re ptoat f *d hv*v» «•»* abo ! | w#w |H 1 4# Mr# tM tl9n« ft*n#, ] fHrf <>wr*h Ni '■*** wf iMf j I health t ban the? 414 of Ihetr moaket. Malaria ami «4b*e fever* anna pf 1-4 oat there aum mink mat* awerrtmtiv tbs* the rear’* #hafp*hare»*rv owe art .4 met) arm a*«««t keepla* I well to a hantwreatife* w#y. Tb*v ttedl Ifatwe** celery conjeatad at the grot in- I dKaUooa of Inl**’lnal trnabtaa. weak- I nr**, or when tottgaed and M*M# to re vere. Tbey need Pain* • celery com ; i»nind to purify their bl<> rl nod tail i their health oa • firm h*«i* a* *••# •• I they made up tb*ir mind* M k*> In , the srrvtce. ftorpornl torch# tth thlnh* there «#» a great deal of needt**# *t«-kßere am«o« the volunteer* At Chlrkamauga many us hi* ro»'*«tnalea foilowrd hto rgnmpto and f'Wtttb-d tbrmorlvr* against dlaeare by Paine* celery compound, and not i a man of them hsd m* torts or fever of any sort or spent a day In th* hospi tal. CVrpor*! Itockwlth write#: uamp < tlympta. 16411. If. JB*4. Dear Air* When I r-r *o ninny of my poor«omredr* c,suing home I'wkfiif fit only for a hospital rot. I glvr thanks to Paine* celery compound‘for the fact that I went through my enlistment without any doctor's, medicine, sod am today even healthier than when I went to Dhkksmauga. 1 firmly believe that this good hrellh Is due to my using Paine’s celery compound last winter FOR SALE CREAM —CREAM AT J« JACKSON ST. CHEAP—rAPHR FOR WRAPPING purpooe*. 1A cents a hundred old «x --chnngrs. White paper 1 cent a pound. Nov 1 FOR SALE —lOA-ACRE FARM, ONE mile from rlly limits, a bargain. Ap ply W. C. Jones. No. U 4 Jackson bt. Oct 1 COLUMBIA WHEEL FOR SALE; AS good as new; on* light delivery wag on and harness. Shewmakes'. Oct 18 j for sale-paper for wrap ping purpose#. Cheapest in city. One cent a pound. Apply at Herald otltc*. Both white and news-paper. Nov t TO RENT TO RENT—ONE WELL FURNISHED room, with bath, fire and light. Ap ply to 439 Greene street. Oct 17 FOR RENT-STORE 805 AND HALL WAY 807 Broad. Apply Commercial Hotel. Oct 1 TO RENT—STORE NO. 714 BROAD street, next helow Davenport & Phln isy, running through to Ellis afreet. Price 81.330. Alexander & Johnson, 705 Broad street. Oct 1 TO RENT—COMMODIOUS STORE. No. 921 Broad street—B7s per month. W. S. Gardner, 115 Eighth street. Oct 1 t)ESIK A BLR COTTAGES TO KENT— On high dry ground of 8, 4 and 5 rooms at 8«. 88 and 810 per month. Geo. A. Ballte. 1413 Cooper street. Oct 13 TO RENT— FRONT ROOM. FUR NISHED or unfurnished. 213 Camp bell street. Out 17 FOR RENT—STORE NO. 326 BROAD street at 820 prr month. Thads. Oak man. N«. 811 Broad street. Oct 18 ROOMS TO RENT AT 141 BROAD street. Oct 15 FOR RENT—LARGE FRONT ROOM, furnished. Apply 1031 P.cj'hojd-i stt •• i. Oct to .raOft—r OCTOBER 15 ,aad wring ahkeh mad* say M*t par# I **4 u«f %f# tot ro 'lt# to t**m • th*! J k**p mm wHi Vm tn»l| j omPiMNLJtIg JAMK* fl Hl9*K* ITH # I Cm. II Flnpt Vt VninilNfr IpfiWrr. Am i • mty t*f Wmr £*«■! • l#» M 9 f|Mt ibr imm r*m !• m mi eummtn. Tint! may (Ml i tru* f«*r tmm i» h Uwi m mi*k 9**• i—m >tt4» t<» |MY« fel» tMgrvlt *A ]uA H« put tAM hl« ftffnr* t m*lg -rated rasre'e celery <-mpouad jbrtog* th# ret of rret th* M<k My j require* tit ■•ugh steep *r J m urt*h» j RM *t( - ! Just as the great la* yer Mudtre rerh ?<«* t f hi* case* till he knows tt «a **• I cry aid* aad in every p»*»(Wr aspw ( •o Frcfesrer ISdward K I'help*. M. D.. : LL. fk., of ttartmoalh CWN». the dire 1 cuverer of Fain**# <ftery compound, had studied th* oerv** in health and disease, when well nowrlahrsl and when undrr-m’urished. in men and women and children year* before he looked f*>c ihe remedy, Paine * celery wono*o*4l was the outcome of hi* entire prvfea siunai Mr. A filling aeemortol In • Ufa of hard Mvidy and close*--rv*llun - j* remedy tkM th*- wurkt would ®u* l”s* iuday *t any' price! Paine'* ■ elrry ruiril 1 imd calm*, and eitunttoe* nil tk» awwvr ttosue* and In dure* ttie body to takv un *ultd ileab- II purlfle* the ht.ssl. a* to no rlearly sh»wa by the rapid clearing si Ihe sklu |of ail evident -» of bad hunc-r* wtthln. It I* an Infallible relief fur aalt rheunig ecsewa aad all blood tllwaw*. LOST AND FOUND. HTHATED —COW, MILKING. RED on all part* of body, long horns, slit In each ear Information to Jone* Hike*, No. 2 engine house. B*pl 14 If FOUND LAST FALL CORNER EL BERT and Telfair, mother »-arl glove butlitner. Call on Herald for ad (tress and- describe lost article. Oct 1* ~ MISCELLANEOUS SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING ( only 85.00 per month at Osborne's Business college. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at night. Come or call at once. Great demand fur stenographers. June 11 If 100 BASKETS CONCORD AND DEL AWARE gropes. Just received at Gl ovanl's, 834 Broad street. , Nov 1 DANCING SCHOOL—M! MB ELIZA BETH WHITE, recently of New York. Llbrafy Hall. Children's class Tuesdays snd Fridays 3:4»> p. m. Indies and gentlemen same clays, 8:00 p. m. Nov 10 MILLINERY OPENING AT THE LA DIES' Bamar, 9J6 Broad. Wednesday snd Thursday, October 13. 10—11—12—13 Oct REMOVAL NOTICE—DR. W. E. SPEARS has removed his office to 220 Jackson street, second door from Elba Oct 13 WANTED—ONE ROLLER TOP DESK —must be In good condition and cheap. Address B. W., care Herald. Oct 13 WANTED—REGULAR BOARDERS ; good fare and neat beds, also one un furnished room to rent. Apply Mrs. A., J. Avera. corner Ellis and Washington, or 6t>3 Ellis street. Nov 10 MISS BELLE SMITH'S school at Iter parlors, northwest cor ner Kolloek and Telfair. Children Tues days and Fridays at 3:30; gentlemen ! Mondays and Thursday at S o'clock. Oct 20 . Men who are money makers advertise ■ tn newspaper. Newspapers are :ead by every hod; Ai: "then forms of advertis ers are, 1 1 tie best, but experimental.