The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 15, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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SATURDAY 4 TNI AUGUSTA HERALD ftwft OZZZmm* • J MMVBBHI .***:»■! - .««* », *« i# t 09‘-9 *m •- Upturn, Aafttoam ♦*• Bplgfg >pl|M Pl>t<« * **•**» ft pQg|fc«W* ft •*•» ftl •***• **• *•* c^|^> HBpNMK -%■■ n# m iuil) MIMI uftto* SS» MB • *»***•«* CM p Etta** ***** **•* •«*»••** a^ •»* trnrn * _ mm* 11 |hr~r—-t m Bill mu IHR MI HAU* Id ftftftft*ft"''ft* tk*M ft**# - * ** • ipii »* _ . „ , ■ r» p»«»—•* ~*‘ •*• ix*“» ****** . 4 •< i*m # * Hr*# ft****' Ift »«• A* •*• •***• ***** **"* HWmb*. _ _ Id sum I Tlirr *1 **• Cl ■!> •** tm CMftMft-*1 Ift* sf*2* II fttow t'ft* C** *» •*• *•**' * l * ppp «*4 riM ft»—»i Ma**< ftßpp-t '*■■'+ fH AMMK«A* ANN! Vi* Hr#>lt 9m 4hi»> 4M *99009 ** **■# MMAHANAv *OOO * • ftwn l* ft****** •*• M ** *** to 00¥W0tt9909> IPfti.. «tn'ftliiftft *• *•*•**•'• to»* •(Mr, tl Tt* HetftM —* *••** «*' rr ~ M ****** 9** *** Iftgry |« !• iftf ipuft to (xxtftf* pato p*» •#** *> mi* par**. i EACH OAISEES mww -kyrwaafiVjdhjS i: tiß+ft B « 718 r»w~n >ri» m i«i II8:I7|IS is XO 1 *! az M 27 28AB Angus'. '• council, t<H«l and wl*e, Ha* thought It b*M to advertUie To litre (bt work on street and park To pak a* name tfce lowest mark; But when it comes to printers Ink The toeirMl‘l published I don t think I Th* plum tm shakes. and thua the winter Mad* nice rod warm for the City Bvlnter. SNOBBtRV A writer on Tha New York Journal print* the following In a went issue of that paper: “I ear that young William Fahnea tork Is to be married, and alao that Col. George 11. McClellan* name la mentioned In the coining fight for con greailottal honora. Apropoa all thla. I heard a eery fuuny *tory a few year* ago. when Col. McClellan wax nerving a novitiate to journalism. He hail been doing political work during a hot campaign It was the day after the election and he wax aligned to go down the bay and meet Mr. Harry Fatim stock. the father of the prospec tive bridegroom. who lx a wellknown banker, and to get an Interview with him about some financial compllca tlonx with Germany. He wax met on the ship by young Fahnestock, who told him with great dignity that the family, pero el fils, never spoke to re porters. and then the young man took pleasure In pointing the colonel out to the Fahnestock party and friends ax ‘one of those dreadful reporters, you know.' This all the wav coming up the hay on the ship. Of course the colo nel kept his dignity. But the amus ing part of H wuh that heie was a man ,-tpe son of a most distinguished wor rier. belonging to the best set In New York, a member of the I'ulon club, ar.!l .: gentleman, every inch sub mit irs in silence to a snubbing by a very young man, whose family, al though wealthy and worthy, had no C3ore chance at that time of getting into Col. McClellan's set than the bib lical camel hHd of going through the eye of the needle. The moral Is; Be civil to the reporter and the newspaper man, or In fact any man who is work in* for a living, as you never know who he may turn out to be, and It is not money alone which even here in New York commands social consldera- ftfeA #«MM I4A« ♦jwnjp't # ■ *Ms ft* |# 99 ft)l : «AM iiNMkNiR* AN AAMM «* ■>’»%*.* m* i I# A AHRwt 00 09009 tURTt A4Rm* tt # j •***M 1 # Ml *RjRNIAMRi PN«AI 09*909 j ! ' « m*t* Hft lri* • <A* ftMNR ARAIAIANi ft*R ■ • f|» «• tftSSHSfIM AR*I»IW(I* **s It ift rftAfeft* #4 A mOM*O * AtWi i Pftf ••#'' Oft Ift* fttftft* ft! * tftft Iktftto «m S AAtl |II IAvAAv PRAft •*•# *#AMI tAMHiiA I* •AN*NI Hr Ml wRUARwA «M |Rl«t - Ml tR* WO9OO twoooff IBS BBtftBBBB Ml m ftttt : AaMAA. AARRAMMI <H OUmMHL INI Hr Wfß* 1 |Art At KSIMRARNI - InA** 1 IHMAni in »AmR tftNAfl M IA ANN NN N i - RtTfMHT'r NN ANAR. NN IM (NMNfRI IN* 1 ini * mtf t> if Am cRvAMANHf *N* c**®* 1 MRI ||« AnnAM it* NRSANtcNI MR Ml lINRtVR (ft* miwii ft Uftif In Ik* I**-. ft»f «i •ft.* Of tftft.. ft ft** fttlftftft •nittftr ***** hft»« ftM»»»ft Imt tiMMi tft* rvtftttt rtftft «ft tftrtr ft** ; (n ftiaitt It |* ftftl «mrth Mr Vftli* ••> Ift- j •fttn* ft bat thft Imitltw ftt tftl* fft pftl.Ur «mml4 haft* ftwftr had tb»i b**« prtarntnf ftltk Mirft ft* oppnnuftttr ; and .upftlth I'kt fftOftfraa asd pnpfttattoft ft* tftU ftfttto* ftt Tfta lav* for Ik* ponutha <ft trad* ; •htrb oar (athara woftM ha** aftofttaft I ft.Httd ftata baaa a«rft aa to ftt** Mrary>!* ftftvafttftftft tft oar Oftft p*o pi* Tfta Phiikpplaxa tfta Camlia**, ih* lad roue, tfta Haoalian lataada. t'abft •aft Porto Rlra <»tf*« .trlMli. oppor tuatOaa for tfta fta**loptftaftt of ttaar narkaU for tha proftarta of tba fftl mt plate tba rottoa and Iron of itM aonth, th* «b««t of tft* w«*t, and for Ilia anploymaftt of a *aat A martian •hipping, obirh oor f«tlt*r* would not hav* htollalad to motiopolli* Wa naaft th* lurdf vigor and th* cl**r ronrfptlon of national duty which !■ luaplrvd hj> a great navy and a m*r rhaot martna equal to *mry romnier dal need Than (ball ft* a*o further addition* to tha mill* not only of Augusta, Imt of th* aoutb, and the whole broad country. EXPANSION. Judge Urarirnp. who occupies the •am* poalllun In Houthero Illinois that ! Judge Kmury Speer dam to Kaslern 1 lleoigta. laud the two are both ardent eipanaioatatal, In Introducing Chaun ,ey Pcpew n! the Hamilton Club of Chicago, the other day. spoke a* fol lows "Tha present hour la the hour for gathering strength at home and abroad the hour that has brought to us the firat sensation of our na tional maturity. The orbit of rcputdl tanlsm long slnee set away from the misty ivgioii of timidity ami distrust; its course lias towards a higher and clearer faith In tha rapacity of a self governing people to do great and noble deeds.” Judge Groaacup contrasted Jefferson with Hamilton, to the disadvantage of the former; hut II must be remember ed that In the end Jefferson accepted the principle of annexation as a law of uatural progress outside of the constt imlon. Miss Lotla Hums, famed as the "Mother of Klondike," having been the first white woman to Mve at Dawson, took her bicycle with, ner on her last trip to that place. She had no sooner landed til Dawson than scores of mi ners were bidding for It. The offers wenl up until they reached *7OO, when a young man named McWilliams be came the owner of the first wheel in that section. The present Indian troubles In Min nesota appears to be based, ns many others have been, on violation of the agreements made by the United States. Most recent troubles have come from Invasion by whites of land which had been set apart for Indians. The public funeral of Mr. Gladstone was not extraordinarily expensive. Some of the newspapers gave the cost as *35.000, but competent authority states that the actual cost was about ‘ *IO.OOO. The untouched negatiV'S <’' suuls | VIWAU* THROBS6RVBR Abort TOWN AARHNR (Kr# a a#t- nnrirl W Ann Ai *R» *m- A-MMt. pi | Mb**' AMMRAMMi MA * w i| -tit *HR ifRMp » MmmAMMI ANiIMfN.. mnMIAA r—flAA <f»A a "rMANtANT "canßa; WilltAl ftgfct tUI UplAl ***»•* AAIAAR** ittfiitig It wit A Ml «mwm|«wMnni TAfciM m*‘k rn •HI. ClflQf All *M tiloAfl! AaiaAl mi Id im lAn 4 CAtUAC CNR "rNAWiINN ; UHtIAA «A it o*4 ttficH. Want to* Aft hi and ftoartag toth: Thinking ft* am not Ift Hmwf, Wondering wh*ft fft* WfH ft* «**•*• It wa* ftotwwmry to vtatt th# doctor tart ft«*k, through footlaftly n*Hog n* refer** to • Aft Ngftt and pet it to ha* Inc a »n**r baudagod up. I rlumally •ltempled tft* rolNnft of n rtgamttt*. Tftta afartesl tft* doctor, ft ho mlft: “Tft* talk on* linn of oUotln* aat uratlng tft* gyatem of atnokera la mort |y rot Kkottno ia a deadly potooo ■ in* drop of it will make a gond-alaed maattff turn up lito torn. If tnjected snbrotanangly. and It would take pre r.oua little of It to kill • man Tft* truth to that very little- to shaorbrd. even by tft* most << in Armed amnfter* Sow and thru you rend of men who dton from esemniva tobacco using and am found on nutopay to be literally reeking with oleoUtt*. All rubhlaft! Nothing of th* kind ever happened Again. lt‘* a favorite experiment to blow amok* through • handkerchief ard th* ataln that la produced la pop ularly supposed to be made by uteo- Gn*. It la really oil of tobacco, which la n home of quit* n differegjt eolor. No. th* chief harm don* by smoking Is the stimulus which It givea to th* heart. This la partlchlarty tm* of cigarette smoking, where "Inhaling" Is nearly always practiced. , Each lime the smoke 1a inhaled tt acts as s slight spur to the heart and nredlca* to Mo ther* Is sure to be a reaction. If tjie smoker ts In good general health he will probably nrver feci It. but If he Is not. there will be piwloda of profound depression and. not knowing the cause, he ia apt to try to brace up on a drink, which makes matter* Just that much worse. If he has organic heart trouble —a valvular weakness. I mean—lt's quite poaaible that he will tumble over some day and put his an gel plumage on. Those are the cold facts about atuoktng—none other are geuttlne." , We were discussing practical Christ ianity at the Club, and more especially the New York anti-profanity law «ht« the following was told about Mr. Bourgeon, the eminent English divine; He once passed a stone mason, who, after each stroke of the hammer, cursed and swore. Mr. Spurgeon laid his hand on hie shoulder and, looking kindly at hint, said: "You are an adept at swearing. Can you also pray?" With another oath. he|rpl!ed: "Not very likely." Holding up five shillings. Mr. Spurgeon said if he would promise never to pray he would give him that. "That Is easily earned," sold thenian. With a fresh oath, and put It In his pohket. When Spurgeon left, the man began to feel n little queer. When he went home his wife asked him what ailed him. and he told her. "U is Judas' monoy!” said the man, and, on o sudden Impulse, he threw It Into the fire. The wife found It. and took It out, and discovered who had given It to him. The man took it beck to Spurgeon, who conversed long with him, warning him, and at length was the means of saving him. He be come an attached member of his flock. The only two animals whose brains are heavier than that of man at* the Hal*. *u4 «yb.'UU' . s TBX Jk.XrCftTTBTJk HERALD 9MR rrifuft# «#* ktfcfttft «■# mMAaR f %*» 9 r*% Aft ««#R #ARA annn» a» t#HNt &■***&■*&A A RHR-RN*'* I fW A>*jin>iNi A*AN»n 09 HRDIn Ar*R® I TR* INN «f Ita TiNilTfTi ANN Aa AA 99* *¥%* timi wfufif >M Rhh«« *9 fl»f Hr*. OAaiRA a* »Aa rAatßa at Aaa*-A#ft*a N'*da ** * ANMHft* •• AtNNMMMR ** Nnt# ****** > Th* Mvf fiAmt fa A'a«kA|<M iw ! t n y r a DA *nr#f Ifea Hfilffc® as j lAa mrmr. ArrhMahar HkiprUf as X*w fHlwiM. S fen* Iwrh t» Cult# hr lAa I’ A*. j.ftA* M rnrtifa. Mr fartr * diivs tar .4 G»* ftowi. ItorlinftlM **d ; iguMw-y r*llr»»d. Is -lew*. nnr-balf »f tb* enltr* -bMiltna* tft | th* New York Work Km* hafta* ye«**v day wet* l« Tobacco sad Nogar. •Sn rantntsnx la elscabos. fttv# Sew York plenty «f new » *«*,«.• to ! ih* cry of th* New York Journal. ... _ „ _ i Tb* feature «f »b* t>*»at<t*nl a w*»«- *rn apwch** to th* '-nttc* *tw*ai * of alt ref*rent * to monetary roa*td* Madrid to depressed over r*porta IMt th* Cut>an and Horto lUraa .tehts wIU not be tes-ognlard by the United Stat**. Thirty pteees of captured Spanish cannon are to b* distributed a» park ornaments among fifteen American cities. Tb* Darts Oaulnto reports th* Ameri can and Spanish Pes«* Commission to tn- at serious odds regarding tb* con struction of the protocol. Portland. Oregon, ts collecting a fund to purchase a sword for Osptotn t’tarke —commander of the noble ship named for the great Pacific slope state. Although the raptaln of the Oregon had sealed’ orders from Washington, tt is said that both th* Oregon and the lowa will stop at Rto Janeiro to partic ipate In the festivities attendant upon the celebration of the anniversary of the foundation of the BraiUtan repub lic. HIGH LIGHTS. We don't need so many thorns to protect so few roses. There Is no law against love—one might think so, however. The grimness of fate ts medicinal— If It does not carry «» off. To graft Christianity Into business Is the height of religious art. There are Indelicacies In Shakespeare, but a hairline will delete them. We are travelers In time, not resid ents: foreigners, not natives. Delay |s a. fine poisonous honey some of u» have several hives of IP. Money, humanly speaking. Is the rqot of all good, the love of it is the root of all evil. We are different but not unequal— our items vary, we add up about Ihe same. s Coarseness, without vulgarity. Is wholesome; we thrive best on w.ho!e grain. ” Why beat about the bush? Speak of money, you hit man: talk of anything else, you lose your bird. Speaking of mor&t backbone, too many of us hear a striking reaemh lanee to boneless codfish, whenever the wmMRt r*w****t % |w> Nrt| N‘r>' KM t iiitwA AArA# 09**0i 1 tiMRNf | AAA •* A® 990 •#•* tARI 99*00 3 i aA® rmra i«« rmam *9 •arr anrr ana j j *•*§ *l% •»* a* «#; •* tt* ***«*» j ffet J ft R-ftya. AARND 00 *%. i I Tftft Tafts# to *m »W • tot. flissi ga I ft, in, ftsas raftoSl MftttfeaasftV tft gftftto I toftked m* tsto «a th* xatof. I totol ' Whew I hunt tag Adsm-aftd fifty I. | s n . w kll t .|rn and arse-rn a* ha Ity hub! tft th* ripened matoHMd and I I ha*w hla •> f*agth and < unmaft. ha ha hftew mlev tftat rrsftt At dawn tft tft. rtwwfiad gust-fiaM aad plftftdefed ahtt. I aleftt. f> fiwas his at nay ptaygcwatl -down frant hi* a*tMHg«*<i tfttr— Oat aa tft* aftkml ridges ran Adam-aad | Jus tJtNr. Gmgntag, gvanltog and roaring fc*avy Two l >n« marches to horthwarfi sad 1 was at hto beelsi | "Two full msrehea t* n wet hoard, at th* fall of the secaad aight. 11 fame on satn* enemy, Adsat-gad. sit weary from hto Bight, j There was a charge It* th* maaftet— pricked and primed waa th*. pan— | My finger crooked «n «h* trigger—atheft he reared up tths a man. I Horrible, hairy, human, with P»*» like hands In prayer Making hto auppiU-ation ns» Adam-sad th* bear! 1 look'd at ihe ewaylng shoulder*, at th« paunch's swag and awing j And my heart was touched with pity for th* monstrous, pleading thing. t Touched with pity and wonflyr, I did not fire then * • • I hate looked no mors on woman—l have walked no more with men. Nearer he tott*red and nearer, with paws like hand* that pray— prom brow to Jaw •*>* ateel-ahod paw. It ripped my face away! Sudden, silent and savnge, searing as flame the blow — Faralesa I fell lie for# hia feet fifty summers ago. I heard him grunt and c huckle—l heard him pad* to hi* den. He left me Mind to the darkling yeara and the tittle mercy of men. "Now ye go down In the morning with guns of tft* newer style. That load (I have sett) tn the middle and range (I have felt) a mile. Luck to the white man's rill*, that shoots *o fast and true. Buh—pay. and I lift my bandage and show what the bear can do!” I (Flesh like sag In the furnace, knobbed and withered and gray— Mntun, the old blind beggsr. he gives good worth for his pay). "Rouse him at noon In the bushes, fol low and proas him hard— Not for his raging and roarings flinch ye from Adatu-xfid. "But (pay and I put back the bandage) this Is the time to fear. When he stands up like a tired man. tottering near and near; When lie stands up as pleading, In montsrou*. man-brute guise. When he Veils the hate and cunning of awish nves. “When'he "shows as*'seeking quarter." with paws like hands tn prayer. That is the lime of peril—the time of tho Truce of the Bear!" Eyeless, noiseless and llpless, asking a dole at the door. Matun. the old blind beggar, he tells It o’er and o'er; Fumbling and feeling the rifles, warm ing his hands at the flame. Hearing our careless white men talk of the morrow’s game; Over and over tho story, ending an lie began: “There is no truce with Adam-zatl. the bear that looks like a man! ’ —RUDYARD KIPLING. The taw tn Missouri which fixes a death penalty on train robbers seems to tie treated out there as a capital MS. THIS IS IT rS* - "* 29Q ; •»*»• I .ftkii* ML por EARLY FALL STIFFS IND ALPINES. ALL SHADCft $3.00 Just Arrived. DORRS TiiJorinf, Hats, Furtmhtnfv \ Waxed Floors / \ Wa ton th* b**t prapaiafi C m We* ,std brft*k*a fcf datag at. V C I a.i di»r«tU*ns / F«v*r Weather / / Tftktoa afki aad mar*- W t ingvfftW Nuak-Cw. s t hin sM ( T ) »v»r <«» fttP ptaient Iftya J C aftfi torrsaa* spptoiie. gtk boitto. C > our Btiie Line'.te Cslemc > # Tbto itotigtifal sag rafresblag £ f I'otofifta I* tha feteoh to tft* f 1 etoy. Baa aa hr flat ItorfMaa* 1 | and Todsi an Lifts C ( Trusses S f If yon sra rur’atod call on as. ) S A rußifortabic fit guaranteed, \ ( Don't Trifle ( j Heva your |«at(ipt n«i filled f % wb*rs you sr* c*»litl*B« of eat- X \ tii g tb* b*»t drug* sod ih# beat / J service We buy and salt Pur* \ / Drugs only. i \ Alexander Dm Chop? ) X NM BROAD BT. J E. H. LAND, DRUGGIST AND CHEAIIST BCCCKSrOR TO LUND l SMITH. 522 NINTH STREET Would respectfully call tha attention of lb* public to hia complets hue of Brnp. Medicines. Chsmieals, &c.. Always kept In stock. Having a complete < line of ell Pharmaceuticals, be (« at all time* till any Prescription presented. Store open from 7 A. it. to 11 P. M. Give him a call. ZP^TIROHSTIZIE ‘•The Barber Shop of the South.” HICKEY’S is the Place Five Barbers, all first-class artists. 212 and 21 4 Bth Street j I Doesn't Need • Te slon. Montgomery Advertiser. An exchange suggests that Pencsyl-1 vanla would save money by granting Quay a liberal pension and retiring ; him. Hut why almvld be coatpro- OCTOBER IB Th# Impart • d rJOtoUk* find rtftftp Hr** emtiMi tlw Ufi Alto Aom«n HjfidniN ppd Lily UvAfUfi fit'll tH« Ricwml UwnCffikt. Comp wibi« • ••onmtnt It comptptp* 1 L. A.Gardellc Dppipr Ip thp Flnptt DRUGS AND MEDICINES Tie Aspsta Herald pinnt BrUkttst nl lie 80l Siiifij’f Fiiitei a Tta item m rn* \r n xtwd THE NEV 9 or THE WORLD WHILE IT 19 NEWS. IS TO 11 UOI'KH AHEAD OR OTItEK GEORC.U AND • bOLTH CAROLINA rAr EBS. ' <*-1 TfUl till CONYINCE TW PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7lh St, AmstA. r »*- e;vEB tn tcbts «n defrets <* sigh) snud. the p***ae atoms aad Waft* HANTS (tom Leases cat into jroar fin** whik jam walk FREE OF CKARUE, oKUUi tot I-r- COAL and WOOD PROM THE North Augusta Coal A Supply Co Quantity and Quality Guaranteed. F- W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bail ’Phone aid Stronger J* The Whitely Exerciser. I A practical, simple and e!lici ent Home Exerciser, ones p<daily adapted for ladies and children, bu at th<- tame time can be profitably used by the strongest nlhlete. PRICES: 75c., *I.OO, *1.60. BICYCLES CL EVE. I.AhDS, M 0 up; VIK- Ih'CH, *36 up; GEN DRONS, *LB up: THOM AS, 560 up. t»tl and see them. Every one guar anteed. Richards & Shaver Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMIfcfIION MERCHANTS. 803 Reynolgs st=TelepHone i Invfete LY-iieci Wires I/ix<*ct to r»ew York Cbicsgo and JSew Orltani* Orders executed over our wires foft Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro* visions for cash or on margins. I»c«l securities bought and sold. Referencs® —National Exchange Bnok of oi MeicaixUU . - ***** V > ivfSj I UU/ yst • L I \» \ /Bv i 1 \ ■ J mJ