The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 15, 1898, Image 5

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•ATUHOAV fUSTFO# SATURDAY Wi wto alter 300 UM Cmm <*>** VW SM* "to* M Jwifin. tor flja Tkffw SNi VM ffbftit «# •*# # U.Oftitw motor f*— t*»K Wt hto ft, to ca« «1 itom to i Hurry tor »I.SO * # # # WILL ALSO SELL tto ctojpmt toi ol t®*# School Shod ever offered. W«ttJ* our torUr to toon* d now > > > /.(sslfu. litLijmffc JfSst' e uhMi •»'« , DR. HENRY J. CODIN. EyMight 9p<kCial»*t. is* ksnadk*., K*« w rmiw Mi—i. i Ok AToiflC AL CONTEST M««m Stale U«*to » ■ On»r m Ike i<Hk la Atlanta. Tfce etaie orafwrk-at rwaiaM ta which an Ike leading cottage* nf Ike Male will M represented will ke held ta Al laau oa the X*fc l*f ~4 October. Tka epnarh** will ke deliver** at Ik* Co lumbia Tkeatre Merter. wklrh ka* rweaily *pt«o* tala prominence aa a relief# or oral or*, will ke repraaeatrd bf Mr J. r. Momrtrf Tk# griae la Ike coatael I* a gold mrdnl o«c»ed by Hon. Joke Temple Oraea* of Atlan ta Mr Moarrtef la al preerai kaejr *Hk kta spearh. kla probable tkat all of Ike wadeata will attetMl lh# content la a fcody and ckeer Ikalr repreeeauiKe oa to striory Tke date of tk* defcai* wltfc the Pnl varsity of Georgia ka» aot ynl been derided upon but It will probably b# held aorar ilm* la January. None of the prrllmloarie* hare be® mart# and H la Ml yr| known wkai the subject will be. NEW ’PHONES. Augusta Telephone and Electric Com* paay. <7s—Augusta Electric Hupply Co. MS—Augusta tkiuthern Rattroad, President’s ottlcr. T*7—F. H. Rrendlr. M#at market. <;*— W. H. Hrigham. Wholesale gro cer. ITS—Georg* ©whkos. 133—Q. A. Cunningham. Jr., Resi dent* 107—1,. G. I roughly. Cotton factor. MS— K. W. Dodge Ma—W R. Glaarbrook. Residence. » Ml-Ml## Marti# Harris. 578—G. W. Hall. 7H—John F. Holme* A Co. , ia-W. C. Jon**. SM—W. M. Jackson. 41'—J. U. ackaon. Residence. *7l—Dr. A. J. Kilpatrick. ST*—ft. leaser. Residence. 42*—D. J. Looney. 381— Mahoney A Armstrong. 3*B—North Augusta Land Co. • 8*8 —tv. P. Padgett. Saloon. 87S—L. F. Padgett. Fumlturft. ’ s*7— Bchuetawi Plata. 373— L. C. Htelnbeck Sc Co. •91—Tutt A Boyleton *73_W. R. Walton. Farm. 3*l— Whltlker McGowan. ■ . OASTOHIA.- Bears tbs »IM YW Hit* iMlff g*B»t Pineapple. Krtain and English Dairy Cheese fresh at Larnkln & Co.’s. IF YOU PAY MORE than we charge yoo for Jewelry or Silverware you piy too much, for money onnut buy better qualities than »e offer you. If y»u pay Uss than we charge you are snre to get less in qnality—Satisfaction, NEW OOODS DAILY. We Schweijert & Co., Jewelers. PLEA FOR : THE PRIMARY. Mt rii't Qpi Lettff $• tto fvkUe. i«« ik« mams Mm l%* *m Ik* VtM( MM > HppmKHU’l , s(9 rmf-t «id twin—todr IMI #%#* I «a id tew itowr **f «• M Tima ! % ,»a w# Ite toftrAW *jf ihf «%f*l **l ! vm totoltoid Imowto *« eon- Urto*ii4 #*» tew into I too pit* «*t Hilht! («ivmi*ihiii TV t*uM*t «dte d voiw 1 «wo 1 ifnlid milk tte —mo l»4Ul»*r* [*— no if »> mu. h rtottte wan u« th f>r —So Thrw tecta and rlr rtimfMafWf* to hk'li aro hurled In |M i itoinda of the fioiftili* and art naruAira* |dk*tt«r|r —tecta tobteh •huuld emm** #v- IVry h«»rw’*t «hlU> and ««»4**c**i| rmi'U. who aro guiltv. t«i trrjr oat fur the rocka land moaattlna to tell tedi thorn and l»tdo tholr facoa frotti *u« b do|d«rrablo ! i*t« turta ddlnraltd ui*>»» the «anvaa of [tbolr inr—tlra. N«> bonoat man ran aajr, c*»no* tonfl> I * ualjr. (bat bo la bK In favor of tbo !mi*. l»tt<»n ut not*** mclh**d to prohibit * 1 repot limn »f llx** (wot undeniable facta and the pmstltuUnn of !»«*. Ignorant j humanity ia the ay*a of a clvllis-d mas -1 launlty. I if ■ ftw colored dtlacin' must Insv j itahly suffer If a» adupt the primary, 1 vm* arc powert*-*# to remedy the mat ■ j ter. but they will nut suffer to the aame j extent aa the vaat majority of the * bole 'people would who are the unavoidable j vlcttma of the male of the colored vote. In my opinion. It would he better for I them that they would not participate In or have any minx to do with the nomination of the candidates; la-cause II le not. In reality, a conatltutlonal franehtae. and I* nothin* mom than a privilege given them by the party that hold* the primary add ahould not he ao loudly uaaerted. If II la to tie exercised aa a purchasable commodity and not aa a privilege to be enjoyed. Of all disposition# which lead to prog* pcrlly. religion and morality are Indls pcnaable aupporta. Isn’t it our moral duty aa cltlaena to avoid political retro gression, whleh haa been evidenced In our paar acta then why not do every thing legitimate and poaalble to bring about a cruaade of reformation In pol itics? la It a good thing to have a primary election? I aay yea. Will It del>ar the colored eltlxen from exercising his con stitutional franchise? I aay no. Article XV, clause J, of the constitu tion reads: •The right of the eltlxen* of the Uni ted States to vote ahull not he denied or abridged by the United States or auy state on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude." A primary election Is nothing more than a nomination by the members of a certain party of a candidate for of fice, to be elected, according to law— that Is, on general etectlon day, when every voter has a right to cast his bal lot for him. and. as you see. Is not a constitutional right to be exercised in a primary, because the constitution does not give the colored man a right to vote in a primary election. It Is al ways the most Intelligent eltlxen who Is sent as a delegate to a convention for the purpose of assisting In the nomina tion of a candidate for office; and Isn't It reasonable and consistent with Jus tice to all men, that the most trust worthy men should nominate a candi date to he voted for by all the people at the coming election; there Is no In justice in this, in my conception of a primary. The colored man has never been sent as a democratic delegate to any convention for the specific purpose of nominating a candidate for office, and why should such a few white cit izens demand such an extraordinary privilege, when nlne-tentlis of them have proved religiously, morally and educationally incapacitated to cast an intelligent vote; they permit themselves to be dragged around with the nose by unprincipled white men, who are no better than the poor colored man. JLTJOYjeT** HEIiALT. THE NEW MILLER HIU Vm\ |§ tl Hfill Rest to t ftfcrf 10. blnares* A**aa Mat I* Fsagsnre Nee *£tototoflfto#flto*to bto wt %—Mte lb to#*# te* flto* itoflto—*—• — at . W. to UXKM mm ri Mm m«»hm « y. A C *• IsSHTtee MUISMI yto* l tote too ton MPtetelte •* 1 •to* l '"* tt%# wmrtwm H (to tr, II <*• A. te* m n— AH—to—to •« I totofltoflte* ttiot. W« flk Tto*too*> mt IMUte <iite I m 0%-to, tote #4Ai*<ini tto# teotol !**. Tte p 0toto» Wtte if H ***** ItoM-ito teFtolttor#, Uto—oil totoi PlPitoP I to 4 ** r*t»4rr —loftol t—l —toorte—o. *to4 Hi— Ntotote—t'b •••to* ##*•# «HI too to## *4 *• • itote All toM to*ioto4 tote too »oil to 1 »k| hf ••* _ [ tekP’to* tol totoitol |»*trs i *o* ftor 9•» I fNW'tol t tototo • |’» ■>' 'ttoto " J wYtol* I— or»4 1 too ttotey tt *m toll rmmpmimnm * »»«» t„« fp .,ii y iximitetoKl «M tote ™ *7* 9 -in i <Mil nil iltitHTr »f J*»r 1 |lr« Vter tern toilto (Y»Rcl*ltiKf. FYt»m toMl Hi* Ite bto»«t«A<o «>f pMtetoot h> I *oto—. it M%r tea rtf-* tMt *« r*m*4y toto H I* toltotojro **—* i»4 «»r««ter «nr»«l «*» rtlmlMit Ite natural —**. •»«* *••***• • •nill tt>r C*it>ii* i *|ii r i r iltit of nut hnult’il, Ili n fy. fU it tol* tevkfi ami o intoYa •*» m n Tte naturtol ran— of tte WTWIHHto In "ur rlty polttkw t* the sale »>f vote*, and my casrceptlon of tlx* remedy Is to eliminate the col.rrrd voter from the primary elect ton-NOT KROM HIR COMRYTtHOKAL RlriHT TO HE KXRHIIMCD IN THE tIKNF.It AI ELECTION. In ether word*, there are; several men In the Held aspiring for j <*ltW, let them all submit their cause to a white primary, and the one who re ceives the largest number of vote*, let him l« the candidate at the whole peo ple both colored and white. Thete utlt he only one candidate In the Arid for election, and he will not need the nur- i chasuble vote, either white or colored: : therefore, we will havo a elenn and honest election, and the Inevitable re sult would Ite good men In nfltec. good luwv wnd them executed, and a govern ment by the people. Now, a few of the colored taxpayers may aay. "•« d'd not have any choice In nominating the candidate who I* to represent our Interest." Hut you have your conatltutlonal right to vote fur him In the general election. There are more widow* in this city who arc tax payers. they did not have any voice In the nomination, or to- vote. Cltlacns, let’* have a primary election! Respectfully. ALEX. H. ULM. Consider the Lilies. Tht trying troubles of women result from catarrh.-Mrs. Colonel Hamilton and others recommend - _ m mm m inn health in women i* a / M 9kS Im |yj H rare tiling M IS IC3W at d ffl j*B H alonothosawhotoil null '.Tl'rilr Bnll v H spin that buffer from diseases of women cotne to rich and poor and catarrh v|* f Ws r i. is their cause. The influence of catarrh on the home Off lives of our women can hardly be appreciated until ... »-a the real nature of catarrh ia understood. Dr. Hartman explains this to women in his book ' called “ Health and Beauty,” which the >;> -'.WIM Pe-ru-na Medicine Co., Columbus, 0., will Agj * \ mail to any woman on application. | Mrs. Arthur L. Hamilton, wife of Colonel jM fr»*v I Hamilton of the Seventeenth Kegdment Ohio . \s* “ P 2 ! National Guard, and whose residence is U* at 309 West First Ave., Columbus, 0., j /oV n. writes the following about Pe-ru-na, Dr. , ijir • > Hartman’s aclentitte remedy for catarrh: mmaUL “I ren *>ear testimony ns to the JHIfW meriU of your remedy Pe-ru-na. I have been taking tlie same for some time, and am enjoying better health now than i have for some years. 1 attribute the change to I’e-rti-na, 'iwMttjWitSsHßßfeePßßiV'' and recommend Pe-ru-na to every H jUtoWr woman, believing it to be especially Mrs. Hamilton^picture is printed here, and her statements about Pe-ru-na find echo in the hearts of women the coun try throug i. “It gives me much pleasure,” writes Mrs. J. A. llashor of Knoxville, Tenn., “to recommend to the public such a valuable remedy as 1 e-ru nu. “Mv health was completely broken down, and had been for almost ayear. I could not rest day or night, but suffered constantly uutolc} misery. Tried rem edv after remedy, but found no relief until Pe-ru-na was recommended to mo bt a I have taken one and a half bottles and am to-day well and hearty. Jahall always praise Pe-ru-na, for I feel it saved my lilt- Belle Guncalis, No. 208 Seventeenth Ave„ Cedar Rapids lowa, writes to Dr flartmin : “ Your medicine cured me of chrome cstarfli affecting the head noreTna throat, which I was afflicted with for five or six years, growing worseaTrthe time, until I began taking your Pe-ru-na. Independent of curmg my oatarrh, Pe-ru-na has wonderfully improved my general he* Ith. LEAGUE SEASON CLOSES TODAY tom Ite to fttoMM Mi totu toito Mftttoi 11 MM, Half lea thMawt Me*sit % tifseds i tel tMHßtoto I*t . IMte tetete ** fl II SI smm* HMte 1 it 1 to toft ftißi| te%*to« totoltototo 0 fltotote iMRte j f^|ltote*l|itote s itote«to *'•<l futoto fllvteit ; H—o| •• •• •«»elß* If •*** •’ HbiitiUtei tt •• • ete f s r- Itote* .j e • %•« '.•• H nnttoArlKte •• • f* *• I*l—l VwMi • • **a-fb .. |%l|pl»tot(| «• • • • • lj—itorifv »§ •« •• .tel . Iknutolfli «• •* tl «tel I Wtototoltoßt—l •• • *1 I*** 1 te* l—ite I fine* UUY Ite* tto# Ift ‘4l*l * j Ik— • HMap *MI CHMHN ••• 1 rutifito n—if Wii—i llteterila **>• DIITHRL NT IN CAROLINA. Thus. 1 swner l latr Out That Things Are Otherwise In (leorgta. Thomas Enwncr colored, hailing from Kouth CnTßltna, violated eecilon 2g ,|| * rode. Inst afternoon Me jumped off n moving train and rsme vury near ylrlNlnr against a party standing near. He was reported and appeared at rarorder a court this mom* lag. At range law yon bare In Oeorgta. " satd be He aald he raukl Jump off trains nil | day In South Carolina and not tie vio lating nay taw. "Well, we work things different on tbl# aide of the river." said Judga Baxter. *’l will fine you $1 5d.” "Well, don’t the laws differ,” re marked Thomas after he had paid his flue. Fun—Ringing Minstrels tonight. Ulass Smashers When you meet with this nccld nt, firing ua the plecea. We can dupllcat** i any eyeglass or spectacle glass, no mai ler where you b,night them or who lit-j ted them to you. also If the glasses you are wearing do not give you p*-i --fed satisfaction have your eyes exam-j and property Ailed by Ur. Henry | J. Uodin. the eyesight specialist. The Evergreen Lawn Orass Heed sold by the Alexander H.ed Co., Broad sirret, Is consldred to Is* the liest sold poutb. If you wish a pretty lawn, try their seed. Lust, laxlness, cowardice, cruelty or greed. If not the sovereign grand, can any of then, lake the chair In his ab sence and the difference not be notic ed. RoYal Bdkinq Powder MUtk ItuA futo Ctetolill 0I the food against alum. tlna hut sag fauadhsa «M» tha gossan* mmmmrn min a— m m* (mml day, spcciat Notice*. Ntgwßar hwtuu S swwet* M* «ML g MM. mi tof«jtt!t jk fli Mtitotlli % A rgrrjA^togi jl4 % %|* 1. 19 1 | till iffitok. 0§ %*0 rTtototeto* if to— E. • Ita *£*•%. W II Mala. C*wwty aasf fktmal Tas. iM • toto 1# (Mtek tototo. AM toMtlteß Mkßtotoi fteP II -'■tofu ty 1 tol • • fai,. t |to 01 riuniim 11 tetuum. Ttoß fVtoltoHte#* kte’lNlNMNl (%n— b 7 PrCl $500,100 I Per Cl fWICAHTAUfTH WYIX tAIAI* HAl«f A MUXIo}* |ni|*LAM HI ttotetyp Hi A—to*to. dto» T»t— Y fto# tEtot. ftetetedV tfttertoWMHNto —• ttete tottei—y tot I#* I* J, Ite . tor Ml r. U Hoi mm Rtetrri ai# Ronm. t iiftitmr ARNorj*m to my pa. Ttt«»X* •M tte —Wlr IM* I M— i tto in 4my wwwrHl twy titecto ruml fvtol* j —tor«> tto Mo. Mi Ofttoto HtwH, Imr* | tort df (Yiift). Otefto tedtt ftowilik TtloMAf r» rotaKMAK. M l> (U'RTYAtd NOTICI tm.VLtf RTANUKT HAf MOVRH Hlf* wilted toM rtternrd to 13 HraM dAttoft, itetf te Wit* tor f»tetoßr<| to mm# hi* frt< mta and |*#;rtm*. ftelt ‘f»*» #»• Mo. 39. Tto.Ttnas.Htot. Svk I lire floods - Uv ffricaa. tl Dma Khtrta. at .. .. ~ .. .. .. Tte tl Unlaundered Rhirts, at .. .. .. Me Mr Suspenders, at *• • .. .. Ac JBc got ka. at ~ •• », ,» .. •• •• 19c Me Undershirts or Drawers, at .. .. Me Tic Extra Fine Quality, at Me All Wont Undershirts, at .. Me t> M Umbrellas t-ilkt It N Fine Htoi-k »f V’ooten for Aults and Trousers. r, O MEHTINB. Tailor and Oents’ Furnisher, opposite Flanteia Hotel. j Monev to L.oan «/ REAL ESTATE. APTLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. DRUGS “ CHEMICALS PAEB’S PBABBACY 512 BROAD STREET. TOILFT ARTICLES STATIONERY Toy 9880®**“*’ KI.V’S CUFAM BAT.Vt in a positive cure. Apply Into the nontrlls. II is quickly slwirljed. 60 centa at Drasgiita or bjr muil; »ample« 10c. by mail. ELY BKOTIIKRB, 6« Wnfrcn St., New York City. Eyes Corrected and Protected. Ur. G. ft. Burdoln, of Philadelphia, Optical College, has located at 711 Broad street. EYES TESTED FREE. Latest styles, moderate prices. Satis faction guaranteed. Office hours S a. m. to 12 m.; 1 p. m. to 6 p m. Great minstrel show tonight. Right is Might! find fc tr#irHrir tol to rn—irrj tod-Yt mw*m Itoirni])l»i*"i m : *> *Nte >toto» tj * #%,<(» I#** in§ it*# «i«* -•»%* t —te# to# iDjl# ll te A— MtePteteHP te « •—*o ******* •«•—« #. •«% pddMdto into* #tetei mteiff toto—*— rm«— —r tmm to* mm* M %mrnm»m toteHtoto te m tegM? %to —to teto— tottoH rnm to tir (tod —»**««** mm to »tto* ted to— toM il_“i dm .1. * ttotoitoif*—J-'i» M to*« tto*'»*t « Ptoito te toi tto —fw| His *H—M fl— te* ‘fi-ttte tk «■ - iirifi t \ id ~ tor' imr —a ||ftn—f- §— tototofl— .. »Mgto (Mb Mi •‘t i»-if it —m— —te ——to—b ’1 t— «o—# to— r*«* ——te—kite te#*# P—to Mri—• irli-alDlito tol toteto —to fftoto te— M *•# to- *— —to Hf M get tn*# t aa* <4 mm dare' ***** ***** «•* **•» •** ** ***• «# **• g—Hfl— i fIM tote—. flkw* *te—A Iteto# r— |l te in— §?#•*«—• I te It* Mteto —f toto —to —tote totewtote* toi «to— to— #*#•#—♦■* •tet— fl— te te toite te tte#* # it» Tte*## * totoftfl*. —nifl—Y, •#— to ll —*tft* #fl tel —• totott «—• _ tetef f«f te#* te— te# # te—# # ; * totote tn « • inf mn «m te— * ihf# tte# *— p##‘# # —«t ito- dto#d iMte tell l— —t# fl—te* Hi' 1 — te flte»t# «"!■—•• te# —• —* %m ——• |l— CT—te— iflWMi #— PtelOl l«l# I— It tetoitofl f»W J. 8 WHITE 8 CO.. Cloiliil DepirHil Will You Get Left? There it but one looked-for condition this fall in regard to business and that is a most healthy one. and those who are preparing for It are the people who will reap the harvest and all *he others will get left. We have gathered from all the renowned centers immense quan tities of desirable up-to-date goods running mostly to novelties in Chine, Pottery and Glassware. They are yours to own at right prices if you buy them. BUGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE 809 BROAD STREET. ■ " Our Coal Promoles Health, Wealth and good Chee r It burns through and through and kaves neither slate nor cinder and but very little ash. OUR JELLICO AND CROSS MOUNTAIN Household Coals are unequalled for ckanliness, heating and lasting qualities and money is saved daily by their use. E£Z> Nut and stcam Coals of best Grades and at Lowest Prices. Telephones- { FRASER & CUMMINO, Leasees, BcH > *** f reo > CO-OreSATIVE COAL SUPPLY CO., io«i Jachao* St. all if —MI • It you want two things, the highest tatlsfactlon and a saving of money. Just make yourself one of our customers. We can furnish riders with bicycles, too, and the best In the market at that. The recent 25 per cent reduction was a quarter hit, but here’s a proees sioll of Jrumc runs. Columbia*, modal 40, 150.00, and your last chance to get this popular mqdel ye'tS price- We have three shop worn tonly) model 4*5. ladles’, we will k f gp at ISO 00. One ladles Hartford at 146.00 end ladles’ Vedette at *35.00. J«1 *t »30- »bd for boys and men there Is nothing on the market to cpmpars with the Keidel special at 1:5.00 and the Jack at *:». 00; second hand Cleveland*. Rambler*. Crescents, rttcarna, Victors, Kldredgc and Itacydcs, from *12.00 up. all A 1 condition, and we let them go nt uny uld price—they did not cost u up thing, were given to us by people who wanted Ui fid" .'ite STANDARD WHEEL OF THE WORLD, und only sold In A4igu*ttt St DEVENEY, HOOD & CO Bicycle Department. Our Boys’ Suits Have caught the town. Good reason. We planned to capture general popularity with them. Just the fabrics wise mothers would ohoose —cheviots, cassimeres, homes puns, worsteds, tweeds, tricots, coverts and Venetian cloths in all the pretty color mixes. The styles, the decorations and the prices are to the liking of the masses. Sorts for playtime ; sorts for dress pa rade. Splendid double-breasted, vestee, sailor, brownie and reefer Suits-$2.50 up to the highest notch of daintiness. I. C. Levy’s Son & Co. octoat# is -n .e_ , - B«t5 LS jUtIDRIES/nk