The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 15, 1898, Image 8

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. ftATVUDAV THE HIGHEST STANDARD IN MEN S APPAREL (• shown in ouf liock of Suit* And Ov©f ro*tt--Thn tcionce And skill rtfltctid in every d#lAil of thow |ifM§ntf must n«c*ft«AHly to you m ihi Tie Very Besi ClotliDg Tial Can fie Made Suits S7.SO SIO SIS. S2o.S2Sn=7=n Overcoats S7.SO up to 535.00 I "" 1 HIS d£VRtANO ISP#AtS SE ..a (V,.a»*Hw<l^l*«)* m r*>*4#t*« if»>i ivikNlfNi PrUM-te** «i Of**** rw estate* k*«* MM m«clk totVO* : b# \ MM fmmi Ml Ok* «M<t as Ml* H*k»« MM* test. attkwaglk Ik* gk*lk»4«w* mi >■»'■ M. th*l tbe aw ot M* Qei »>»»# * IM St MaTM* <H» k**«* ttf hMWMIMk • MW tb* •» l*f*** MM. H»t t**» —iMVVr teita Ms. ,mA ITT- t* klg *Vt#*» S*»ir* •*«* m A* rMuiom w »fc# ugM «< n*w M*i FkttM ss4 dri*#* Nrl Mom* Mi Id <uM| rsrrisg* U> rnMii Mi mu until tk* »**t MWto* *4 >*• gnrt •»«■<• To <b# rote#** ra*n Mr* n««*S»ol la • •art of (VUrw **tat, »««l<J«*s or Mini Hi Iwiii f»etn ffk# go#* to s<k- IMtr ••to** Wltk ko lIUMIk *r eMlktltv** MH«( Ik* pr»f#»wir« wive* and *tl* la (Mr front mar florai- Umm a ctdleftan tasrtfMl • of hoaor M krr *tda. ta wkteh rw I** la th# subject of aucH <*»■#• at tbe •Jab (Mat elf Hi at dinner Mra Clevelsted ttaoa oat of doors at Pilarrton to a trap Iwhlad a tsadegi tna *H# dri trr* orrr #v#gy Jar ##v road witkla tw*tr«y ail!#* and tb# nnwlff geogl# raa* out la front of (Hr farm bouse* to ar her pa**, ft hr la a pmaita*at patrvae** of rtillegs •porta Mid arnnt alii) braaary aud nihbllnk aha la a familiar llgur# oa ihr nolvrraity (till llaha. Vtrfor* th* odvrut of Hi* Uleretaodv Prlaecton anrtrty eglgUd Mt hot houar*. and It* moot rlolrat form of atMotlc* *•» the t#,v fight. Mra. devrlaad aam* *u •mured aad pl»?e»l (rnal*. The on trnlal damr* rvtol rtftlfrH tashhia ahtr mo nt elrtrt* ntid played trtint*. 100 Mr* fTgycland la personally or quaint, 4 »4p moa* of (hr upper rlae*- mi In the Mi ratal ty "1 met MMCjanlkai oo ihe front rampiut this mntoint" said a young Junior “anti e»l?*d njr by name. Hay hut aha* a p#sch!" Thl* I* thr experience and opinion of n majority of thr autdrnt body. Mr* Cleveland will atop aometif! #e to talk with an undarcraduatr arquaititanrr on the qiiadratialr. Then *om» unfeeling scoundrel will lift hi* vole* mid cry, •‘Tea*” and aoineone rlac calla. “Head* out!" The unfortunato aiUdeßt'a Iritmda atand atound at a respectful distance and grin, and the student grows red In the fare ami wlshe# he ware In the tomb of hU ancestors or In aonio euuallr remote spin Through tt all Mra. Cleveland wear* a took of serious Innocence tlul la perplexing. lt» hi* rrlatloaa with the students Mr, Cleveland. listi, W friendly. When ever an athletic Victory or sufficient Importance a bcnflre over the historic enunon the atudent* Indulge In a "horse" parade during which they boldly luvadfc tb» Cleveland estate, teample the flower-lwd* and demand a apeeth. Mr. Cleveland is ludulgent In this regard, and when he appear* <>u the veranda In his spacious hath robe the students forget to be »w*d by his griwtiiese aud give vent la "triples and "locomotives" and otlur fantastic ch*»r* with "Orovers" at ih* end. A student visited Mr. Cleveland to fwure an Interview for-a newspaper. Mr, Cleveland obligingly answered the questions nakad. Then he bethought himself of the student'# probable In experience In Journalistic matters. "I will write the Interview myself." said be. "I don't want you to make an ass of me" The great, man wrote pain fuly for half an hour, at the end of whlrh time ho handed the manuscript to the student to read. The young man was® able to decipher the former President's peculiar ohtrogrnphy. Af ter tangling himself tip vtnpardonably In the first three line# the student ad mitted his defect. Mr, Cleveland laugh ed good naturedly and dictated tbe In ervtew. When It was finished the student gathered the uselss pages which Mr. Cleveland had written. "Why?" asked Mr. Cleveland. But the student blushed rosy ml and an swered never a word. These same imgcs. tied with orange and black, oc cupy a place of honor In a college room between a beautiful fan marked "Exhibit A" and a gaudily adorned Hophomore Club hat of long ago. ■ . - : Everybody Is going tat the minstrels tonight. CIVIL WAR OV I Hera hi a flraat How A he* A l«f Ah* enlist*, utpwtat Cafcia thipafrh ta If, T, tss I Bom* Or l& - A 4k*potrh ta tM | itailaa Mldtara * MactMla aaya that Ha* * ta# mas* impa* taut of to* Ahrsatataa rhiat*. haa a#taa4 #\ I tktowa lata petaaa an aa* ' >ag who wa* ssrnt m Hat hp U «*s . tana tatf* as Kiaa JAattsßah Tk* ton*r la pcmskcwa ta s***ch ***• *** K** Msncswl* wha J*l tsiif appealed |to ta* Italtaaa la Krttraa i* ****** h m agahsat tk* king kit* appeal wa* ra ifttaai. It** Mangaarta and Ra* M'chaei ar* ik# uaty n»(d< * or cfclafs ta Abysw nia who tah*ratted (halt titbsk All tk* [other* roaa from the rank* Manga** is is thr most powerfqi and lat*ll#ei ial of th# Has. and the ItalUta* held hta ' prowesa la much rwtpect wh#a thr* j w*ra at war with Ah) *inta la time of peso the Rat «u at th# bead of the ctvtl administration tn thatr r*» •ptctlva province* Ras Msagascta had a pfkm dl»#r#ac# with lb# king ' during the war with Italy, and at that , um# he had the firm friend-hip and I suppott id Qoea Taltu, who. though It 11* *aid she ta much dsvoted to the i king, has a mind of hep own. and has : it# hiettated to tllfftu with him at I < tires <*B matters of Mate policy. The king was very dealrotta during ibe war Ito make hi* victor* doubly sore by [ .umrminlnk the d r rvt*hes to his aid. j Afire th# great Italian reverse at I ,vdiwi. King Menetok <*#nt this m#« sage to tbe Khalifa: "I have b. aH*n the ttsllanv at Adowa, It la bow your I turn to beat them at Kassaia " Kas -1 ratg la th# town on the western edge |of the Italian roioay Krttrea which had tieen captured frtim th# dervlshea. The Khalifa was known to tw anxious to n'tsbir* th# pl;c«, and King Menelek ;r;ed to eg* hi 1 on In time to serve hie os i purpose*. There eras, how- 1 ever, a strong party In Abysainia. led hy lias Mangascla. and supported by the self willed queen, which »*e k ut terly opposed to any understanding or denilngs with the dervlshea. The king did not change his sentiments, tint the queen had her way on this or- 1 easion. A little while after the Adowa bat- ' th* the Italians decisively defeated the dervishes before Kassaia. and. much to the disgust of the king, Ka* Mnngascia sent his congratulations tq, Haldlsscra and hia brave soldier* for) their victories over the dervlshea. NOi Information has yet come to hand with 1 regard to the present trouble between: (he powerful ras and the more power-! ful king. Mangoseta and Queen Tal-' til, it'oreover. are no longer friends. ! and the ras la not persona grata at the Aby>sinian court. Though Ra* Man gascla could undoubtedly bring into the field, even again#' the king, a considerable army, he ttould have lit- j th* prospect of calling the country hi* side and humiliating his sovereign hv decisive di f*ot. Menelek has car ried much further than any of his pre decessors the process of making Abys sinia nn orderly, though of course only ; a seml-elvilUed. state. Tn the fc*v! years he ha* been on the throne, he | has tamed or conciliated every trllie I within hi# dominion. King Theodore was continually at war with the fierce Ras, but all of them came to aekwol edge the sovereignty of Menelek. It will be Interesting to note the course: of the new Internal trouble confront ing hiing. Nunnalyy's tine candies In one and two pound boxes, fresh twice a week at Alexander Drug Store. Labor Trouble tty Associated Press to The Herald. Pittsburg. Pa.. Oct. 15.—The win dow glass plants throughout the United I States foiled to start the season s oper !at lons lust night Tbe fires were block- I ed. and may, be extinguished. Fifteen (thousand workers who have been iook i ing forward to the general resumption | on Oot. 15 will he forced to remain iule. ! There is a strike for the advance of wages for the cutters and firiteners, but ! really the trouble Is the result of the (fight between the Knights of Labor and ■ the American Federation of Labor. The manufacturers say the fires will be kept blocked for a reasonable time. The Prescription business at Alexan der Drug Store is larger than ever. [They sell the best. I Fun golore—Minstrels tonight. *•' ARRESTED IN I SWAMP lOHMIItR Vi* lk< Mwfßt'i |f«t dMk [ an#* a tatty tam*ta» *wd snotta*'* ttaa. I amt Hama* I #* tint *■** * «Hai Ha M* I a*m# Ha k sik *«'—•»* (Hay gaswawiiwl Iwvor tiw>* *M HawtaW tH#»* m** m a, I I art am yont'* Hwoa* TH*r ***at m ( , M ikw **4 m »Het* bm •*•* BWt , (•( (Ha Hamas awtHee wa* Na mad# | I far a sa amg Boot Hg vwtH «m •***"* j Ittvoa Hot Btkaa Htm M# *«»*rt** **A [ ■•*• ik* marsH. Hsrt «Ha l if a *”* |.• •!*## Him I%av Hod * fws*H 'turn lot H, Hat gal (Hat* ••* M* ••*' w«m«h< HacH la Ua> an? aad la Haw ta I |J*M- y**siS tissstg# Wa***- k*mm*#t* to* | jasglM »rtmM 5 ACCIOCVT. Towag Jaaiea MakHavka Hra*» Ms Hac* Vk hiU ,#*>o| ta« a m* **>•*• k Ilk* «a tH# Mill yaatevday altievamm, >°*»* } SaWt** liVMMFf'lil. IP* wmm jmm vs Me* WilMom MwtHevla »•* attH a *e*"t* sad potafßl * “*• ■* l I TH* tad cm htM a Haas*' fcetasgtßg Ita aim as *Ha A. *d#my yaytla, vko usually rsk* HI» to aH«I ask « *kt rwmißg •• fall n**k *»•• (Ha imk la rtxNM of tfc* Hwmasaevttl# Academy Wb*-o iHa gai# aaa r#»ctt#d iHe Hofaa niUmty *a#rvrd and #at#r#d THIS mPMi of iH# kurw Heiag totally aa- , c%p* ted Hy Ma ftdev Ha wa* uapr#- i pared for It and aa* throws violently lo lb* gwiuad Aa aooa as yalik* at#dl#al aftea iloa wa* giv*a Him aad It wa* fouad •hat (He tsrg* hone of His rtgHt l*a j wa* Hroheti Jaat aHov# tHe kw## TH* break la a Mam break aad ant atratgHt or row tkc boa* and Will oe '#***rl 1# taka W*gec to fcaß togethw, Dr. Thomas Wright set tbe injured mem her ttbla morning ask #ac*a#d It Id plaster of pari* The little f#llnw Stood tbe ordeal msnfolly, b«» It will b# several week* before be car. again be about. J Wilson * Cleveland tanight ' REALTY TRANSFERS. Papers filed la Clerk’* Office During tbe Day. The follow lag malty iranafers a era rrcorded in the clerk's office today. Oeorgia iUllroad Idnd and Oclodlaa- | Utm company to A. Wbittl- | m«»re. twenly-one acres <»f land on Hi# Milledgtvllle road: consideration. 113 k. Patrick Armstrong to Daisy Peck Blodgett, property on northwest cor- Itier Of Reynolds sad McCarlan ativete: ‘tonslderallon. 11.-WO. Patrick Armstrong to J. T. Bothwelt, , fonr lota on Mct'artaa aireel; conald- , , erolton. 12.100. 1 wibelle Walker tn naplist Socl**r. | !of Augusta. Oa., property on south side of Walker street; consideration. JMt.Pk MATTINEK WAS CALLED OFF. j Minstrels Paraded at 3 O’clock This Afternoon. I On account of the lateness of the ar rival of the South Carolina and Oeor- | gia train, on hoard of which the Olevelaml-Wtlaon Minstrel uggre ! gallon, the matinee .which was to havo heen Riven st 3 o'clwk wn* called off. ’ The show will be given tonight as scheduled. The minstrels paraded at 3 p. nt.. making a very creditable display. REV. N. O- JACKS. He Is Suffering From Catharal Appendicitis. The very gratifying intelligence has been received that the condition of Rev. N. tt. Jacks is slightly Improved today. Mr. Jacks >s suffering from ca theal appendicitis. It is sincerely hoped hy Mr. Jacks’ hosts of frieuds thHt an operation will not bo neces sary and that ho will soon be restored to his wonted good health. DIDN’T FI.AQ STREET. Case Docketed Against the C. & W. C. Road. A case has been docketed against the Charelston and Western Carolina railway for not flagging Ferry street, a short thoroughfare west of Fif teenth street. The case comes before ihe recorder Monday morning. Fun—Singing—Minstrels tonight. SENT TO MILLEIs. Remains rs Mr. Mark Lovett Sent Homo For Burial. The remains of Mr. Mark Lovett, the young farmer of Screven county, who died yesterday morning at the hospi tal from the effect# of a gunshot wound received a week ago. were sent last night to Millem und will be inter red near his home today. TH® JiTJOTJ&TjL mZSUfcsUX AUOUW a LVCtfEUM, !«* 1 f*f wm !r|mnv4 us fib# %, 4MWNI HaaoMH ’ mSIS^ST*' b*#w #mlmJm< 4 Mil •»*# k**»i'ri: jlHIa m>waia« hi tHe ( <vkM t#MM#ry | TH#y wft) mat tHeru aa’H jpermlmbm i j (• oauis.4 from the Hew Tort HuaUH l •othari-.lea for tketr sHipmeat to Ike t al wl R ate* I The body was take* to th# ■ »m#*#ry ( . la a aumptwMts fuaei*! ear at I o ctork rapt Hart aad Dr L*ae ***** *b# «aly I mem bar* of the rommtsabm who av j ■ t#od#d the bod# to the reme'ery, as It jta strictly farflMui list other* tbaa | j tbe member* of th# atedkeal ataff *t# j iFftd iy|i r#i Tfcf rnH«n U|«u of His **»t io the Tmrba hotel, at Vedado the twwdquaiier* of the tmeric*a Cam mbtston. to eiprif” svaipatby to oar aommlsebmer* They atao seat a magnificent wreath of Rower* t* he rt*po#ited oa ska cask*, containing the body. i.r#*t minstrel show tonight. y LAND OF TORTURE. ' Hong Up By the Thumb*. W hipped aad Mwt Hm Francisco. Cal., Oct. IS. —The steamer City of Panama baa arrived ' from do nth Americaa porta, brtngiag nt>wa cl uxecuttoo* and shocking cru- | ■ Uica perpetrated up o polh cal prla i uner* la dalvador. Krfrrring to the execution of pris j oner* Ki Clarioa, one of tho nea's * puitera brought '*> the Panama, says j chat at Amenta, a email city of tb« ! republic, I-at Veaea da Imlio, a promi 'nawt eitlxcn. jsas shot, while Don As i gel Vasques and In n Itelfln llarrioa ' died In prison as the result of cruelties «.# the part of Geo Aravaio. j' In the police station Don Vimanslo | Hitlaur and Don J#*na Valtles were j triced up by tne ihumb* and Cola. Don i : Aervando and Don Vlrglllo N'slcricio J : c-rr shot. These offlt-’r* bad distlti- i i subdual themselves in the army under j the regime of the president. ! Continuing, the article l« LI Clarion i asserts that twenty ladle# have been i expelled from Salvador, among whom I 1 i* the wife of Don Macario Martinez, j ! ope of the most prominent citizen* of (Salvador City. Furthermore, under the ! dlrect'.otr of eGn. Villlega*. five persons j were shot in San Pedro, while at San i Miguel manv were executed by Gencr ! »l VlHcvancio. Jt apoears also that tho editor of F,l lattljo, a Journal of Salvador. Incur red the displeasure of the government owing to the publication of several ar ticles ip his journal In defense of cer tain students. For Ills offense he was publicly whipped, a# was also the Judge who rendered a decision in favor of the student ’. Ts you want a waxed floor or paint* for any purpose call at Alexander Drug Store. No Here Negroes. D.v Associated Press to The Herald. Vlrden, 111., Oct. 15.—Attorney Wro- Patton. of the Chicago-Vlr irn Coal j company, is authority for the state ment that no further attempt will be made to land Alabama negroes at the coal mines, whose coming resulted in the loss of so many lives. There is under consideration, accord ing to Attorney Patton, an attempt to fix the responsibility for the tragedy upon the governor of Illinois. lawyers declare that tt is tho intention of the coal company to press the matter, and it will be tor the grand Jury ot Ma coupin county to say whether Governor Tanner shall answer in court. Cleaning at the Court house. "The courthou? iR undergoing its fall cleaning. Fresh office mattings are being laid, windovys cleaned and heat ing apparatus arranged for cold vvea j ther. New York Futures. New York, Get. 15.—Futures opened steady at the advance. Nov. 5.25; Dee. 5.50: Jan. 5.35: Feb. 5.39; March 5.44: April 5.48; May 5.53; June 5.55; July 5.58: Aug. 5.61. ' N ■Wilson & Cleveland tonight, n-fjlf NO FROST THIS MORNING jmb«*«i wmmmw*** •Her* a# l ** "’**H#rw Fit** w**v UMa-l ur#*fcf*»« Dam t*a>af TH# lads** ••#* oot Ml (Hot* «teaks **4 wtMwr 4ra**w •shl *o*r y iw all tk# •*** ***• with tkori b*a4* «* tkrtr »««k#t* ••] • prwrwettea seals#' tk# •!** "• i TH* dry fooda *a4 t otbtag d*a.#ra wot* bntwd stwltea TH* ««r«MMa «t a wfat*r aotur* that they bad ta atoek ( •Hey p:*<*4 m #«MMUaft Ml frvmt of! (Mr stovoa aad they t*»d rail# lav THe aoaay *l4# of tk# street was ik*| and all la all tk* alga* of «lat«* were' sen oa **ery hand W«4L It I* time, bar awrfc This la th* Ittb ot (Mater. r*aa«ag- j bar, teaatt to • Frtead I I >und la you, *uy friend, tk* frieod I' weight A a*n:*l spirit and a whol**ow>* mind: Not with the •*#'» *aper*titloa blind. ) But freest of the free ta word and' thought! And from your roaverae 1 Hava some time* caught A sudden Inepiiaibw <ind*stg»#d. That vanishing. Ilk# a rure-flower, be hind Leave* ten* (tew odor ofrih* fragrance, brought And vet beyond all tbl* that 1 have said. This cte*e fraternity ot thought are Uaa That hind me cioeer day by day to thee! j A ceaaeletw oil whence friendship'* lamn t* fed: Our shirts and collar* are the **m« In aiae, Likewise our waistcoat* and our trou sers be! -J U. TAYLOR. M IXMiite Champeaug, saya Tba Ix>ndon Chrunicl*. is the latent travel-, #r who has had a glimpse of the abode j of the ill-fated Dreyfus. In the flrat I half of last month. M De Champeaux and bla brother look passage on boatd a coasting ateamcr from Surinam to Cayenne. With some difficulty, they persuaded the skipper to run the nar row channel between Devil's Island and tbe neighboring lalet on which the governor and the aettlement re sides. Scarcely had the vessel s bow been turned in that direction before a boom was heard from the watch tower that command’s the prisoner's piace of \ exile, and shots began to splash In the | water all around them. The course' was speedily changed, hut they passed 1 near enough to see distinctly the war ders, rifle In hand, skulking In tho bushes along the shore to prevent a landing. "The war la over. Isn't tt?" inquired the rigorous and aggressive partisan. “It may be considered so.” replied his friend. "I lmvo lieen very quiet concerning my political views, have T not?” "Yes. I had hoped you had modified cone of your opinions." “No, air! When the war began T announced that my sympathies were enlisted with the administration; and now that tho war is at «n end Uiereby notify all concerned that I have been mustered out." The Household Ammonia sold at Al exander Drug Stare is the most popu lar In the city. TOO LATE VOR CLASSIFICATION Instalment Notice. Office of Augusta Real Estate and Im provement Company, Augukta, Ga., Oct. 15. IS9S. THE REGULAR MONTHLY INSTAL MENT of this company is due and payable at this office on MONDAY'. Octoberl’. W. B. YOUNG, President. W. C. Jones, Secretary, WANTED—POSITION AS ENGIN EER or fireman on portable or sta tionary or locomotive engine by a prac tical man. Will go anywhere. Address Engine, care Herald, Augusta Ga. Oct 16 WANTED A RELIABLE MAN with bicycle to put up sigtk In the country. Address Judgment, liit'V office. Oct 16 ■ \ WHY. I Mlt MM I* talk Vans* kiffitaf ifctexjglem, aftet fnwfgl mm4m ttetehirtg ****§• Hof* JoD•gd Ha It Ate*# *kt taM aKt* ski 4|m ss# Otetl ytm *# Igf ma Id rttet I ym litc mail uwM «a 4 trffeiiMl Mtaifg. I oHtf jm 4 itatek Ik itaf tartitk, taMM tefcteh )*• 1 ate itxgfc# tel#*ltem* i Kov* »h# tgtrtt sAd tk n» mmhtmty mi the Mtewt kwttfcfowi mate I nwM frt *te)k*hgf* -Ai rvadt* !• m*Ju my trttth md **tnfk tO) tnr I mokt my ptitm t»t htj|h tflwi|h tte *trrmi mt in you th# riMiHi vote «u|,M tat K*»< I fntitif my p sf« km ffWMifh ta parmri tvfA• body to twy ha to mi 544 Iht N»t k* kb rneory * Ufh |Mir«ha*a. ( HAS f OtXJth. ttoMfor ix* i\uqiisa'wrafi(T^ i£!£Z n 4 • k.«s.;taGS*3 • IUOAV’I *1 ARM 15. Al'CHtriTA I't >rT*»* ftftf k *>f(T (Nafif ~#• •• **•••**• *•**.».* T*tm— •#** ~ •* •* •* ...... «i*i**n ii WiN.ii gn4ing OH, f|, fflMi. *iml owr um .* •• ~ »• •• ,« •,5«97 *»#**.» T Ufiwia y »*•••*•••*• iiNB W#4a#aday .. .. W« Tliiiita lii •* •# •• ** (OFS I —- rnday ! - »** Total .. .. mn rite • A LEA IflXSlß* nUfMRffTI. gal#* Kpln n»r# Ibiiw-st .. tna mi hw Taut .. .. HD :l>l QROBg RECEIPTS l»T Itel N#t receipt* today .. .. MOf tTOt Through cation tod*y #• •• *— flroM reeotpt* today .. Ml? IM. STOCK AND RECEIPTS. IMT DM Stock tn Augusta today . Mfl WR Kwdyti alacv fl#pt. I . llMt t?t?* ~ o»ttv»n~u-rrr>:u Augu.’o. Ga.. Oct. tt.—Today*# mar kvU responded lo tk# #*riy namora of heavy froat* ta the extrem# *outh#ra portiog of th# cotton hrit. but rouid not stand th* heavy realising sates whk A,fatten*d tho bettor price*, and We uae our best efforts to make ymir purchase* entirely aatiafactory here. MAHONEY & ARHSTRONG, COAL and WOOD STROWOER a»i. BELL 179 b. Office and Yard No. 1 Macartan Street values receded to shout last Ssturday s figure#, the close being even lower of that of a week ago. W do not ace how prices can ulti mately remain at these values. The only comparison is with flftv flve years ngo, when the country whs. undergoing the effects of panic, while today we not only are In the midst ot prosperity, but We predict that the en suing year# will find u* on the pinna cle of the moat prosperous period this country has ever enjoyed. Cheap prices, together with easy fin ancial conditions will make heavy con sumption of textiles, and we cannot look at the prevailing price for cotton as anything but an unusually good op portunity for Investment. PAINE, MURPHY & CO. NEW YORK COTTON. (By Special Wire* of Patne, Murphy & Cot.) Open. Close. January *•** 34 Rs r j?® February ~.. •• -• •- &••!? 38 5.35 -» Maroh 5.41 42 5.40 41 April ’« <7 5.43 46 Xla} . 5.50 51 5.49 50 June.!" 5.54 55 5.53 54 July ~ ......*■ 5.57 58 5.57 58 August 5.60 62 5.60 61 October 5.22 23 5.22 23 ..ovember 5.25 24 6.23 24 December 5.28 29 5.28 Tone Steady LIVERPOOL COTTON. (By Special Wires of Paine, Murphy & Co.) January and February 2.63 2.63 February - and March .. 3.00 3.00 March and April 3.01 3.01 April and May 3.02 3.01 May and June 3.02 3.02 June and July ~ ~ ~ 3.03 3.03 July and Aug 3.04 3.04 Aug. and Sept 3.04 05 3.04 05 Sept, and Oct 3.01 3.01 Oct. and Nov 3.01 3.01 I Nov. and Dec. .. .. ~ 2.63 2.63 j Dec. and Jan. .. .. .. 2.63 2.63 OCTQWI. ia I ]N« «lttaNi«Nß **•••*••*. W* l««M m****** ,7.r**'\* # !. Vm* mm *#*«*-»**** OM* A #«H* Q*», Or(u I* -TM «r*»t| iiu rtfl |» «* «MO mi , m cm t 9 Mint |Mt hmbml iM Th# *n cf in vilf n too ti afiT tirr t tan ft 1N "> *** IM 4r*«fht t« OrfMt ’ tnc th# ftriir> mm It if»4n*m •« MtlfMit# thf • rf«M •* j uMiiait far ifttTi! t**t* that wtwa tk# Amsrricaa termer* r**l lift ?t»if that U** Mn *n\r% **+ my** *} U **4™?*. t n 4 of th« «im! ovtari.Mlirr f i North«4Mt»rii nwirl' t* *** j »t#Mdy ind Th# ff<*rthw#H •• <mn* m I tteur bu#m#« and th# wheat rip-rta for tk# post two we»— kav# h##* #ti*r , tn >O9 I However, for tk* gr**#B>- w # ar# m- Irllned 10 tklnk that the farmer* win i persist la tb*4r nmbtog of wb#*t t« marltct. and we rather aatleipwt# lower price* early next week. In corn, thre ba* heen undoobtdY g.wd buying th# P*»' •***• ,B °"' T I pot only the artmttteuiy short crop #*- I port* but on the ex«-#ltent export de mand. and w« fsvoi the lon* *lde of this ret set oa all breaks la *plte of yellow fever provision* sr* i firm *nd higher. *nd good f^ *nd ■ the c#**attea of now ca»r# of the t*- : ver *lB, w# think, cause better pri paine. uvkpwc a co. CHICAGO PROVIfUONS. (By Special Wires of Paine. Murphf A C».) XV HEAT— Ooea. Clo^e. December « I May CORN- October "T? .v2* * ' OATS- .'! !! " !! -'ul oK?: 7 i v. Detemher < *• • * 1 October.. J-*S I Decmiber .. ; January 5 ,u0 i SIDES— , | October December 4 January 4 "‘ 4 “ STOCK I/ETTE R. Augusta, Oa., Oct. 15. —This week shows an uneven close as compared wiih last Saturday. The Granger stocks are about the same, while Sugar in f?> per share high | er. with Tobacco $7 lower and other Industrials ranging from one to three | dollars lower. London was a seller again today, and th:* tone of our market was distinctly unfavorable to higher prices. The Bullish sentiment of Thursday seemed to have almost entirely disap peared. One exception to the general tendency was Southern preferred,whlcq on expectation of a dividend in Jan uary of I*4 per c.nt was supported by the Morgan Interests and showed a good advance for the day. The Northwest broke on somewhat unfavorable earnings and an attack by a financial paper on its relative value as compared with the other Gran gers. Ruber has been unfavorably affected by the contemplated issue of nearly eight millions dollars worth of more stock, to tahe up the liabilities of ths Boston Rubber company. We advise purchases of good securi ties. PAINE MURPHY & CO. NEW YORK STOCKS. (By Special Wires of Paine, Murphy & Co.) Open. Close, Sugar 118% 118% Tobacco MS- 113 B. R. T *>4*4 64*4 C. B. Q HI 114 Missouri Pacific « 32 32 Louisville and Nashville . 54% 54% Manhattan Union Pacific 33 3214