The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 16, 1898, Image 1

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16 Pages-StciiMll VOLUME I. NO. 6. EDITOR HENNING Not at Out* Wish Any Party I .coder. The Atlanta Journal Thought SO. THE POSITION Cf (to httoM n lao»<» I*m bdtl lll« (to UrOKMUC ildMU* Utk* to i HfrtM Kffddtdf. Mn»r W. 4 *• THto»* ha* wad oh** tkn Mtom» tom»M M tn my m tto ►•to'*' rd tto tW kwM Mri hi* •><!«*. H* *•>* • **< *h' ImMtl »HWt *••••* « •»*» *• to to* agitato. to mm. to •*••• bb throw mum* mi party »**•*» to l itir m 4 that tto artwto *tat*ri ** **tiy nhnt to to«»t nad tnrinnmad nothing ipto mnm» H* mm 'to Trttootn to* norm toon tto tototot organ to to* ftotf to «to« wbtto it to* toto* •l«h tto totototo* •arty k to* (to*to toon to*t ttotr foßt.ol. BBd that «Mto IMB* to«• • cwatromrwy »«** tot***** tto ektor- M i a I to* fatolto (wtHMtto* **d tto p r , tor**** tto Trthnn* toto to pakitri* mb* thing* ttot tto part* Itoilf n d*aHrd pabltatod H* ototM ttot to trttol kl* tori t-> Mto *v*CT»htn« rtonr in to* Mt «)M tk*t tototut*. tot ttot ts aaythtrg i* tot pl»l» to I* porforkr willing •*«» Will rhnrrfnlly niton* p« »* ***!•«• k. Tbr A l l**l* J normal lnri*t* ttot *«tl lor If raalng' p.*ltton to tto watirr ot tto PopuUtt* going hack Into tto pot ty, a* *tok poritlto mm rimon by two odkortal*. Oto o« on* tor **4 to* to tto «tor. to u cto*r m mud tto J*nr**l Intlmnl'd lafrrwd or alwird to lofrr, ttot ttor* «** *om* row on tot«*t« tto PopaltoM «nd tto Triton* Tfci* Mr H«n«.n* tout** , BEAVER DAM Importance of the Ca nal Emphasized. The Cutty fommlssloier Will, It Is Understood, Profert* Pat the Coanty Prisoners on the Wnrk-'Mny be Pushed. The Importance of the Beaver dam outlet rtul U now bclfag brought to the attention of the city and county, and it la possible that thla long pro jected enterprise will be taken up and HALLOWEEN IS UPON US, ENTERTAINMENT FOR THE OCCASION A clever writer once complained that the only difficulty In writing tor the magazine* was that Christmas sto ries had to be written In midsummer, and that no inspiration for a spring poem could be obtained from the bleak skies of the month of January, when It was necessary tc write It. There is a similar difficulty in regard to the newspaper and magazine suggestions for entertainment* to be given at cer tain seasons. It invariably happens that hints for a Valentine Party, for. Instance, sugri%t themselves to the writer’s mind on St. Valentine’s Day, and so they are wiltten too late to be of any use to anyone. The woman who entertains finds these helps very of any -ise to anyone. The woman who entertains finds these hints very helpful In their uniqueness, and She cuts out the column for future refer ence, hut loses it long before the fol-j lowing summer has passed. Now as ! we really want ttTese little suggestions for Hallowe’en parties to be of some slight Use we have determined to pub lish them two weeks beforehand. Appropriate Decorations. A Hallowe’en party is one that anybody can give, for It can be equally as charming, possibly more so. when it] is carried out in the strictest line of simplicity, as when hundreds of dol lars are spent. To begin with, Na ture furnishes, free of cha’ge. all of the decorations. Already the woods and fields are brilliant with the most effective flower for decorative use, the radiant goldenrod. The graceful sprays are very lovely In huge jardin ieres, or when fastened to the wall with a frieze effect. Indeed there is no end to the goldenrod’s possibilities in this line. * No less effective are the hardier ferns to be found in the swamps any where within baif an hour’s drive from the city. A clever Georgia girl -once made her rather plain parlors by planting these ferns in shallow Till! AUfiUSTA SUNDAY IIKIIAU). * MOW tm » 14KS JUtA Otw«|tto mrnmmmmmt MMtortrto* ; Ttot* to town- »to tori to tto Oto* itoftf «T kngwwn. oM t«** to Mo nil toTinwwo ssu i* WM»« tttoto *ot to **«*to* «» Oto 111 minrrl §an*n»» • o*i H»**to otr to oortoow •** ti*M to tto to toM tin* «t tto tto* tookntot k* «oto* *« to tto mm to* mato to <w» to »«*'*• to ntoktot* tton to* ttot of tto a _ _. m ..... a., —ttoMwoOl An* f a MMNi » w®u^pae ® *w to o* rrltoto • tooo*rr *m> ttot •kirk » ptmlrito I* Bootootto toof* «M*r:*it»*o4 Ik** MttktMl Oto*»» *M «» k to pmothl* to wood wok • (rimowki nto towftook * n*tf toot, to tto mil* tonorr nrtww tto friar. In tto yard at* tto iww jng mitto wwrtod to mnto>. to wkok »* k*»«*»< »k --totok to ttor toon tto *m*m fto too ho»*» tto fttoto* rtojr to htootot to »to ronttonow* o*** of in* **• tom Mtotir tto# M to ttol »* tto tnrninn wtorl oto tto pott-r» work to«i*« Wttk n tom tto*’ to nmw** tto wto*t, wktt* to ***«<»• tto (ini’, with hi* Mhto h**4jk Int# ur to to k* ikurrrr- Ttot* U now* tb»« nw* Irooroi to to towmto wktt* ttot r*t«w;» morin* wtwl Tto Jo** •n.t mm **4 ntorkw* n*4 pot* nr*, •ton totoo town tto wkwt. tot to kwh* to tto *on tor two tor* At »to «*.« of ttot tto** ttor *f* w**to4 to • tool ton Whirk *trw ttoto ttotr tint* •Ml MO tk-o tok*n in * ban* ku* wt h tto toktto- tto ptkeorn to ft* tokmi ito ttor* to a *r*nt wnrikown* niton *itk tan* or *ti «t«n noww-pot* and ktriltotrrr* *nd pJtrk-r*. howl*, baking Ototo*. «**4 «n 4 ***rr otbw ro*r*l*nbto nrttrto V. »t«o* war*, n't waiting to to »blpfo4 to *rrrr part rs two rtatr*. la *r*ry town of whirk ttor f»ad • torn** wtoi * llrongfct a ,*w**k frkr. Sorprto* to* towt raprrood tkai tto .A *u torn tom hrat folio Mtakr apaarr bronght mb 11.125 at a rrrrnt ■air. It waa aaprowd that aol lr** tbaa ftaai) wouM to rraliard from u. Tfc* roaaw'a gi«oa to ttot afi*r li waa rauloga-d two or ikrw ama!l hl»m lato* wrr* dtwottwi wrrr tbought to drtrart tram Ita ralaa. poabed to com plot inn. Those whose knowledge of such mat ter* is valuable have been giving the project n great deni of careful though' here of late and the need for the out let. both aa of service to the city and ns n beneflt to the lan«* along the line of the propcsed waterway, has mani fested Itself to them and they have furthered the enterprise by giving It ! endorsement and by pointing out ttn practicability and desirability. It la understood that the county au thorities wish to co-operate with the city to the fullest egent to secure the waterway, and it is understood that f'ounty Commissioner Eve haa signified > bis willing!)eae U*, endeavor to perfect with the city an arrangement by which the county can put on the work of dig ging the canal with the county con- j victa. It may be that tue county gang would, were the werk undertaken, be ] augmented by recorder's court prison- , boxes filled with sand, wh oh she placed about the wall so as to form an exquisite dado of living green. Autumn leaves are invaluable for Hal very lovely for an autumn card party, loween decorations, and they can he | treated in numberless ways. When I great boughs of these are brought i home from the forests, they give a I bright and festive air to the fairest room. Bunehes of wheat or gras-ses over pictures and in vases, ears of ri pened corn dispersed here und there, and strings of cranberries festooned ' around will make as consistent and | pretty an cff’cc as anyone could desire Floral decoration? are not everything. ' A great deal depends upon the light ing of a room. Electric lights or gas wotrld be entirely inappropriate foj such a supposed!;’ wierd and uncanny celebration as that of Halloween Eve, and so candles are far preferable, or, better still, jack-o’-lanterns. These latter arc made of pumpkins scooped out, with Inclusions for mohth, nose and eyes, the whole covered with very gay tissue paper and a lighted candle placed inside. A large open fire place with huge logs Is of course a very necessary adjunct. “Dancing in the Barn.” Drawing rooms are, in realily, not at all suited for a place In which to give a Halloween party. There should be chosen, If there is such a thing in the house, a large hall, or an un furnished attic. One happy hostess, who rejoiced in a big barn-like stable gave her October entertainment there. Hay piled about made luxurious divans and there was plenty of space for a' old time country dance. Because it is impossible for very fashionable peo ple to be thoroughly unconventional, this particular party ended with a fe*v figures of the german. The souvenirs were bonbon boxes shaped like apples, tiny silver witches on broom sticks, Dresden candlesticks and Bilver chestnut charm 3, A charm- AUGUSTA* GA.. SUNDAY MORNINQ. OCTOBER 16. 1898 THE RIGHTS OF THE NEWSPAPER EDITOR. »r**m Ito k"« moaot Itokw i Tto a* **»*»»« ko* too «». « ■ * ■ »-w—a toAdk tftirt r 4 Ha tiwdtmwaa ami pmnmaakoo mm mm Umh tto warfarin* litoiaam ikrik. Tri ta maar mmattato ttor* t* at*o* **4 k**«• ta tto imtofat pa(k# mi*4 aa t» a4| * *• *■ 11 a. tto a*4 tto a * wapapor, ft at tori tor prop* to aa ttootaaO ttot tto arwapwprr ta a kn*?nnw rittorpria* tito to*w kwwtktt to (to maaofariarr of tOiro. A man ragag** ta it far tto ao-t ataklag, or for rrpatatwo. Tto right to tto makarritor lof to* aa4 *ad» « M* *ab arripttma. Hr r**4 ao mor* aatorrtto for a paprr If to ka* wo aar for it. itoa to ha* to bay a rigar If to to no •tnokrr. Tto p*f—r ha* ao riatm apou hi* taipport and If to bllwo to la aot grtitnc tto worth of hi* monry hr owm M to hlm “ *rlf to atop It. go of thr advertlarr. Hr lr a tea. There la every rtaroa lo believe ihal the malter will he given early and r*rt>e*f consideration. PALL-ChANCE Ifkkmond and Burke I'nite In Coa jtunima log Happy Marriage. A pretty marriage ceremony »u» performed at noon Wednesday. 13rh but., at Itowtonvllte, Burke county, at thr home of the brides parent*. Mr and Mr*. R. 0. f'hante which unltrd In wedlock Mr Cha*. K. Paul, of Au gusta. and Mlaa Agne* A. Chance, of 'diwtunville. Mr. Paul waa formerly one of the typographical force cf Augusta, and at tatervala conne-ted urlth the Herald, but hi now an eflii’lcnt ond reliable employe of she engineering force of the Cemral railroad. The bride ta the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Chance, of Lawton- | ing Halloween innovation wes intro duced by another hostess requested ! the costumes of a century ago, and very picturesque anil becoming they were. It is always considered bad taste to I wear elaborate toilets to a Hallow e'u party, as the games played are a-d |to disarrange them, and simplicity, j is really more appropriate. jA The Cizmes Played. No Halloween party could be com plete without the strict observance of the time honored customs connected with tho date. Everybody knows ; about the bobbing for apples, tfe« dropping of molted lead through a gol den wedding ring, holding a lighted j candle before a mirror, and jumping over candles, to tea! the fate of man and maid; but there are always pleas ing variations. Since Consueio Vanderbilt —at a ! Halloween house party which Included In its numbers her future husband, the Duke of Marlborough threw over her shoulder an apple pealing which formed the lucky W, this peculiar fashion of testing one’s fate has been I very popular. Another favorite ; custom is that of roartlng chestnuts on I the open grate, for tho parring of couples for the evening’s dances, etc. A unique form of entertainment Is to jhave what is called the “Hidden Wed j ding Ring” In a peaked plat of flour, I each one to take off a layer with a 1 knife, the one that uncovers the picking It up with bis or her teeth® The weal or woe that consists in try ! ing to throw an apple through a i horseshoe suspended in a doorway at a convenient height. If successful, prosperity and happiness will be his or hers; if not, vice-versa. To Break the Ice. The heading of this suggestion need hardly be taken in the, literal meaning. llf it were it would surely be impos ! gible in this semi-tropical clime. By breaking the ice is meant the social reserve which generally freezes the spontaneous enjoymeEt out of the at mosphere when people are first gather ed together. The most staid of grown tor wtoo writ kriwp kttw to* **• rtarwa Ma m fto* ta tmorr aa *di>i<k*»a»»a* m> tortta* ra a* aw. a**wOian mi to ituato tt ta p«a>iakk» *m torn ar otorm iwm* kaatfwrtuowikat tan* fomon wkr to too* Id tori to* oapw oto* tor* wtoriktng rim than tb* ritow tor wtofk to ptww Tri mtotofOa** nod adrwtto* *«• arrioa priot* t* thtah that ttor haw prrwllw rtatma ap*a thr rdltor. Ttor aw hold ta arit tar to* laoriftna awttro* roawralag ttorawlw* or ttotr frtriida. **4 tor Ito r-gy-iMlita of aeon* whtrh atr mint at* *aatori thria m ttolr hariarm. la thi* lariaaw ttor *w bold. «»r**riw raarri «aa« *ad oftwatuar* tmprrti orni Thror torn wonkt ararrriy at tempt to totarfri* ia »«rh *»»*- por with thrlr btttrh-r grorrr or tailor, la ttolr draliaga • trtt all bawaw* houaw rrrrpA th* oew.twprr, thry iwogatw tto right of tto dralrr to roo- Ivltle an/f v» <»<to of Hnrkr * 5 mo m wtimable aad worthy young la dle*. -- The ceremony •»» leriormnl by R»v. W, U Wooten, of MUlen. and the „:,-t,«!i.rU were Mr. Cardel Parkrr. of Millen. Hl** Florence Cb*nce. of Ijiw tonville, and Mr. Carey W. Greiner, and Mlaa Jeaale Paul, of Augusta. ! After Ibc ceremony coagtatulallon* and an elegent repa»*. the bride and m avm returned to Augusta and will reside at 4.W Taylor street, h | The Herald join* with tbc number lew frtemla of the bride and groom in ring best wtabes for a long life of unalloyed happlne** and prosperity. To Writ*a Book. Geoige W Cable, who has Just end ed! a somewhat lengthy visit to Eng land. where be waa very cordially re ceived. promises to write a book of his impressions of England. Turn about U fair play. people some time like to act as though they children; and infinite pleas ure was recently afforded by a hostess who invited her gueata upon their entrance to a peanut hunt. This great Georgia produet waa hidden in every conceivable, chiefly inconceiva ble portions of the bouse thrown open to the guests. Each guest, was fur bished with a black aud yellow (the witch colors) al’.k bag. The one first filling this with peanuts was accorded an appropriate prize. Still another “breaking the ice" process was to have everyone engage in a general "hunt the slipper" contest. Any other old faphloned game may be Introduced with as equally good effect. An appropriate centre piece for the Halloween supper table is a Rmall Jack-o’-lantern heßped about with or anges. apples, grapes and nots. Charming name cards are preened Autumn leaves upon which the letter ing Is done In gilt. An old fashioned country supper is considered most appropriate. This may consist of, crackers and cheese apples, crullers ami cider. For those who desire a more conventional sup per, a good menu would be; Bouillon in cups. Lobster Newburg. Creamed oysters. Chicken croquettes. Sandwiches, /ellltd tongue. Boned turkey. Salad. Ices. Frappe. Cake. Bonbons. Coffee. Wine. Punch. Lemonade. As the midnight hour approaches, *no matter what has been the enter tainment for the evening, all the lights must be extinguished, and the guettn gathered around the open fire place, each one supplied with a fagot. These fagots are in turn thrown on the blaze; and as each one burns its owner must tell a story, a ghost story preferably. The more blood curdling these stories the .better, for the truly successful Halloween party is marked throughout by a pronounced diabolism —from the hand painted invitation or namented with red devils to the last shuddering midnight story with which the evening ends. „ ow»t to* ritotw «a tot *h*w wap. kk» mm to* wfcrarf to* I* a # m ,a. : _ »2 - *w v Owm knrtaown k Maa arrh tom aa IteOtowdi tm 11 wad to* amtodto mbAi fk’i w*»mtoto* torir* mm** to* •**. Hto don* tto* to tto dratari* as tmkrtdaaln •tor aw ***** ra t*w*t tt. bo i wtoka * aw * tk * h^ww. *-■ r wa* toTajp or adrnrrt** ta a pap*r ant ad * ttotr tarim OnmtUy k I* ana* ad ttotr lumiaaa* a* t» tto dttotAtow «f to Tto rmpoarihlltty togtn* and *ad* with fto *dttor. f v jLM&mjtf J j * , >k W A GRETNA GREEN THAT DISTANCES OLD HAHBURG- Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 15.—While Hie marriage laws of this state were framed (o protect the sanctity of the marriage relation, the matrimonial market at Jeffersonville has become so notorious in flagrant violations that It has excited the attention of oiher states besides Indiana, and in this state a very formidable movement has been Inaugurated looking to such ccr rection during the meeting of the next General Asembly as will curtail tho operations of this wholesale Gretna Green. The growing number of di vorces bos also aroused attention, and nil of the churches have united in an effort looking to such restrictions as will abate the one and curtail the oth er. The Anti-Divorce Movement, The anti-divorce movement, which also contemplates a reform of the Jef fersonville practices, was Inaugurated by the Yearly meeting of Friends, al though previously there bad been much discussion in all church circles. A committee, headed by S. E. Nichol son, of Kokomo; Eliza C. Armstrong, editor of the Friends’ Missionary Ad vocate; Dr. Robert E. Pretlow, of Thorntown; Milton Honson, ex-mem ber of the Legislature from Hamilton county, and Rev. Nathan H. Clark, of Westfield, was appointed to solicit the cooperation of other religious bodies of the state. This committee will do the major part'Vif its work by correspondence, and within a month it expects to have the cooperation of all the leading re ligious denominations of the state, af ter which o representative sub-cqm rolttee will be entrusted with the work of formulating materia! for action by the General Assembly. Some difficulty ts expected In harmonizing the dis senting views. Many believe that no divorce should Ire granted except for scriptural reasons. Others believe that DAVID J. HILL Ncia AiuiUtant Stale Secretary. An Authority on Inter national l-nvb. AN EDUCATOR. He HM« II Sflit ePibftP. H*U**4. •M Ho Her* la IN kt tor it* ton H«i I* Reura at Qtklil; t* fWHNe. Mew Tart Ort Ik—Tto geWit *p pal Mad Bka»»t»kl wren ary *f mat* I* l««M J Hilt of New Tor* one of the m«a« prnmiaeat edwrwtara *d Ihg raw*- try He i* aow at P«k*wgi*gea Hoi l**4 aad ha* brow raM*d by tocrw DAVID J. HILL. a cause for a second or any subsequent I divorce should be confined to the one scriptural basis; still others, that a ! person divorced should not marry again, while others believe that (his ueti >n should not be taken until after a second legal separation. Nor a few church people, however, are found who believe that when a mistake ms been made persons should he freed at once. I '- All of them, however, concur >n the opinion that an a opal ling number ol divorces are applied for in the state, j ver.vlng frr m 10 to to nt every term of court in each county. The principal cause stems to he a growing disrespect for the marriage relation and a lack of proper consideration of its Importance and sacredness prior to Its consumma tion. Time to Call a Halt. Whatever may be the divergent views as to divorce, however, ihere Is j almost a unit of expression In con- , demning the free and easy methods which prevail In assuming the roar- 1 rlage relation at Jeffersonville. Sev eral states, more particularly Ken tucky, find It a Gretna Green, and it is alleged that there is the roost shame less evasion of the law by comity of ficers, justices of the peace and minis- j ters of the Gospel, as well as by the persons deslrlDg marriage. Marriage is really the chief industry of the town. Principals go through the form of pro curing a license, but depend upon any vagabond who offers his services to make oath to the affidavit, and so it is that certain scalawags make a busi- , ness of procuring affidavits, and cheer- i fully perjure themselves for the small j fee attached. That the princloals ap plying for license are non-residents or minors Is a matter of small moment. So great a moral stench arises because of the looseness of prevailing meth ods that the local press of that city has sounded a warning, speaking of it as 16Pages-Sflctioßll 3 CENTS ACOPY. «*»» Mar oahto* bto» to *mm m w '**4 : ltmm M *„IW t a**tk»> «to*Wg« «.*.• m> HIM *» 4 *M« »f (took 4*ll I tty **4 •«*» twwtofv* ag to* eahfwt *f i gietoatkwi tow It* •* ta»*a*wit» >,%«*d to ikto itae and hi* »4dr*aw** | Mira twg at • htok «*d»* H* waa •ntoktot ad ia* ltia«gag»»r agirarwy rmto fa** !••• i» Jog*, llto* and j ••• got outs • Madia* *:t>tog a* ke*k« •mm hat ihrwgghwi ito wtod* twat* [of Jraw T«*h to aa* wed ktwwn M» baa had tottok »*p»r*e**« to I«*gil>» •awctkdpahig* and hea »-*a • apgpbry at4*l* *fto» to tto «nm*Mi tw*. age Ipr at to* skUHT. ato g.i ige* agd to**. Mm frtogd* patoi with *r.d» to to* work a* •# •mmm Hr will gwhaMy to tol* to tab* a* bl* work a* awraawt twcitoary at «a*n la y lew ***♦• if k* 4**l4»a to ««tM at **»* .awigkwrwa at tak t* Hi gw‘***>a* left «»»f< .4 aiikaM >**<gg a deg*» and taka* pud* i* •vwalMl M* II Itottoy. NMalihatakd ug ihi* fa**i. to to a t***t*» at (lira* •ad Cieack, Me graw* amre *r-wtoto in bte **tlgg more now approaeblgg Ikrv* ares* a*4 leg. Nra* gear lemdag bat to almnet gev*r me* la traietp. •ad to parMritlariy fond of ckltdrw. i a curse, which bangs like a contagion over the city. The Press Cries Out. the Jeffersonville News: "Tb» time has come when the free-for-all marriage husin“ss in Jeffersonville slwmld be stopped, innocent girls still in short dresses are married without hesitancy; to bloated, blear-eyed drunk a blackleg.- assfnst as they will stand up'before sonic one empowered to per forin the ceremony. There s an ordl narc against matrimonial runner* operethtf. but it bus become a dead letter and is winked at by the police, who dally and nightly see It carried or. Decency demands that this winking be stopped.” Even the Louisville, K>\, press has taken the alarm over the Iniquitous practice* prevailing In JefTcrsorvilic and they take occasion to say: "The lews of Indiana are strict relative to the issuance of the marriage license, but because of the many eloping cott i pies from Kentucky and the conveu -1 ience of the evasion of legal require ! ments. little respect or attention is i given to the statutes at Jeffersonville. Years ago it became the fashion for runaway couples to eros* the river here and be married on the Indiana border. This custom has grown until it puts aside all restraint, perjury is invited and misery is made to order." A ease which aroused widespread in dignation recently Involved prominent fatailles of St. Louis and Louisville. Within a few days both the husband and wife were anxious to free them selves from the marital dagredatlon In which they bad Involved themselves, the bridegroom claiming that he was led. into the affair while intoxicated. The Jeffersonville authorities try to excuse themselves by cla.ming that they saw no signs of intoxication oil the pert of the bridegroom, but they do not deny that they knew’ that he was a non-resident of the state, and therefore rightfully barred under the last