The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 17, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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MONDAV 2 3)IAPC^I> ft* •*«* «•►** •»«*>'■** te •»*■** | EVERETT PIANO ! «*•*•* **"*•*»* »» ■*• *•***» t ft* 4MV4rtOM* A*** SO** *• ** REMINDED The EVERETT PIANO b the Only Piano Mitk That is Guaranteed Unlimited Time ffif»*» so** iwmi—f •*# •• »*#**» #»#i**4** of Ik* mmwm I {Star*** •*■» *** •••ft •** Ik**r TWMM* m ■««>!• I'*»TlV* j ffiTHMa •» t*# PY*» KKT AIR Wnt* ***** TV IfIHO BY | AHTIKT* Thomas & Barioo, tit ffisß>Al»» At. APOUf*. O*. A BUSY OAV. flack W«rfc Wtt IkMt* mi IN Ctutl \ ttltili) Ymoklii • N*»> day »llk <k* •orket* Ml Ik* «*o*l. Tk* •• t ** w*» #*•«■•<* mu aod thra* targe ***** wm Ntli M twt *ll 4*l* Tt«* lirt MRw »r»» »aiM<4 *( tfc* pi** l* tni at il* Rlbl*r ailll, »sM*f* it* •#», f to** »WN Ik* Mill *«4 •«* Nwp MMilif rorki *»4 »wb*» ON* «t** I* Ik* rfc*»o*l At tlarkrr • laud brae** »*f* |>S*<*t t**4ar*#» Ik* too «U of plllif *Mt «Mr ,mis Mppvi• r>l l>p l*p*r« of mud Tk* •*** to* path iidu r iftsttk l !o*n |M-ir »•* *l*o worked o*oll Tk* painting (an* ftni*b*d lk*i* •art <s* ik* Hawk*'* Ottlf bridge w 4 tk* loot |ii| **nt to *ork tbi* morn* ■ fMt> tk* Kloottk*. Mr, A C. Tkano, Marysville Te\ .. h#» fount » more valuable <U** than tout h**» *»4? In tin* JttcndOo For yVara he suffered untold *•>•)» front r-ewauroptton. au "Oipanled |*y. and «st* #l*#**tutHjr «U«*|l tar I*r Kin** Sr w PNmmT t,.r Con»;imi tom. Cough* and Cold*. tin tfri laic* that *ol<l ta of 111 Ur value to ry«np#ri»> n with ihl* uuuvelnu* rare; would have It, even If II tort * hun- Uml Jollane a Itntllr. Aal hin*. Hton t hittr and all throat und lung affection* are poattlvaly cured by Dr. King’* New f jWarorrty for Onnaumptlon Trial Ihil tlra JOr. at Howard A Wlll*4‘a drug store Regular alar Ml rent* atttl $1 on. Guaranteed to cur* or prir* rrfttntlrd. lost mis pocket. Charley Oreer Could Not Prove tlla Innocence at Court. Charley Greer |iulled a plsttrl on hla wife Saturday night. She had him re ported and at the court of the recorder today be appeared. ’ Judge ." raid Charley, ”1 am a crip ple, ar' I asks murey. I never had no |*istoi root ratetl like dot officer ray. Out platol wui at irkin' out of the pot kef of my cot; ace here, judge—" Charley aiarted to show the |K>eket. but M did not ahow up. It war not In tha coat that Charley had on. He wax much nonplussed by not flndltiß It. The leatimony that he had hi* pla tol roncettlad war dead against the de fendant. ao Charley is now booked to appear at the city court, to anawer to a charge of tarrying concealed wesp ous. CASTOniA. p wrT th# Kind You Haw Khjag Bought • NUHEROUS BUROL.ARS. Seventeen Will Appear Before Next Court. The arrest of Columbus Parting for burglary Is only one more feather add ed to the caps of the detectives. At Itust court there were twenty-one pris onem for burglary. The arrest last night makes seventeen that will come op before next court Very few wrong doers hhve escaped their clutches und these had best lie low. Moved first door above Dyer building. Ellis Res taurant. NECKWEAR. F. C. Turpin Company has received the iatest thing in Neckwear, Ascots, Chal tilly,4-in-hands and Tecks 818 BROADWAY 818 APPEAL TO PRESIDENTS | ‘(tort iM 0»f ttMmiUite If IB IfNWif*." •paw M •#** If% *!• Mi f%i Hwnii ** I H fMHI pmm t§HM fmV ffißpUMß* **■*■* im <%i f* y T I it-iiß* 4W>* * « hHB *** MHffi im laMikaTatka* a t*m IRMipDPMi Kmi * I PRi- I **• I ji<||ffirte jfcßt# t**m ß* MMN» •Mil |li# |Mi I i)«f« m ***** •* iißi 9 m* ■ f««<«c «••*■•***• ** * jM I | fMrb !• fNNI Ml MNMMRPMM 9 j fßr#i M* tM# »»• if mv* M»r *M» I •«**•*• mMI li|P * I &tst#n *%#• •*• • r**l 90 llnmhb 0* • (s»oi Nl ipm «i CNmM i|i» <mtr p**m4*m*9 Mi«# *#*< Mr «Mi • i I i» MR tMM Mi I IMMNMI «#»i I lim iMMifi mmM fMm j mm# ti iNMR I mv • 9 Mi IM# mi*S | 4**#*» m #4iMM M#im##M Mi i#4 I MMI •• tgMMilMrv ■ I lMf| ItMim Im «Mt*# Ml* Mm IM# •!• of 1 MmMbM# Mm fM# Mill# of IM# fi • jlMf# «f *MM rtlr - fM# W»w I MOCMitMtioVl IMmI itH fViMM M#v# il*MMf* L# li*iv ••• «o «4#m4 Mi* j Itf»t IM# I»» » ii 4 It- Im«# MM*i Ms# fM# mill if# •miff m#M mm 4 Mmom iMi Mooivv# of #M HTMofMMf f«MMlMtttm tom MomHl# m mMii I Mr. 9 M> oof %m »9 otm* (m inMM#*l ! iim#*- •** iMoo# vitm if# w%&ot iMom lom If tM# M# mm Im 14* *M# l fM I# I Mr I Mi# MH*fr MOM* I f #*f tO <Mi tC.fMM.Oii Ilf fH»t»tlf|f lftf It • |M#f# tMin ill IM# romp#!im# mill# Im liMr •rarifl oifM ITMfff# lo mm oMorv Mv In to# T om • rw*p— rtl>t#M f #«•# MMlotlv, t j tfrir# fioitiHi f Nt nr rartMnl #l* r#M«m 9 Mi## trl#4 to «#< mtoHMin* j f** nlnfiil'i f Mil# If ml »iMTIy «MV t#cy iimplr inf Mov# mi fo»ii»«| (Mr tttk mM#x» t ImMM ••▼# m Millvr. I vmf thr dfl t t tottlf lM#tif iff* f fWßffliwl to Miff • doclTif # Mill ot • ft** n#ril Min ooblß ifftßVVr w vllM 3 Ilf#* I invf f non* lit oMtiaUiM. I oo# Miy IrMDdrvi t» (nor rlotM##. 1 m tMcm IoH Mont rduroMofiot odvontoff## M#* 1 1 ottt# «h#ii youii I must pul tbrm Im 1 (io mill. Aid nr hr 11 I r#od In Ih# im p#ro I hot tnv vaftti and lh#lr wigrt irr to M# ret down and wti#n I do not or# Ml »la!#in#«!l Ihit tM# Mmcbm on<l olßr#m nr# to I# rut In ••*#*- th#n I know m hat mo lira ononMiita If I do not b#rom# on#. Genlletnen I*l me again say that I am humble, that I am aubmlaalve, that I am writing In aorruw and that I am bowed down in reaper). If Ike men were lo call a meeting tonight to talk a strike I would not go. If a atrike were to on ur I would be a "scab," a* they rail them They tell roe that one mill president gels s7,nee a year; that aome of them get IS.ime. other* 13,000 and so on. The auperlatendenlsget Idganlariee. the txiHsea good wages, the treasurer*, clerks and ao on btg wage*, compared with the wages of the operative*. In your paper you do not aay that the** salaries are to be cut. I may lie wrong, hut l am told where 1.000 op- j motive* draw »750,0im a year In wage*, ulllrer* and last sea draw $250,000. The president* theninelva* draw $35,000 In salaries. Help ii*. Don't pot the whole S7S.INK* or SIOO,OOO nit on us. Put some of It cm the officers and bosses. If I have made mistake* It Is be cause I am Ignorant-because I grew up In the factory without chnncoa of education. The city of Augusta—l mean the mayor and counell— ought to be Inter ested. Years ago they came to the as sistance of the street railway and gave It street rights because they thought the people wanted the enterprise. And 1 heard a gentleman say that what the city pay* the afreet railroad for electric! lighting aieme was a very large per cent on all the property of the company—gtreet ears, electric light plant* and all-thevalue of the proper ty which the per cent is made on being a sworn statement. I don't question that Justlre is done. Augusta wanted the street car* and wanted the company to stay here and run. Can’t Augusta do something for the mllia—take off their taxation, so they can pay wages to the operative*, so the 20.000 people dependent, ou the- op eratives can get money to spend in the stores? The gentleman tells ine they eun’t stop the taxation of the mills In law. But they can assess them at nominal figures. I know I splash about. —pawing in the uir. But 1 want the smart men to help us to avoid having all this cut fall on the operatives. I say again that If 1 have made mis takes It is because I grew up unedu cated or have been told wrongly. I believe my heart Is In the right place. I beg you. Mr. Editor, to rorrect my mistakes In grammar and spelling. Don’t let me appear ridiculous. Don't print my name. OPERATIVE SYMPATHIZER, p 3 —You must stop my Herald af ter the first of the month I know this seems ungrateful after my asking you to fix tliis writing up and print it. But there ia no right In salting under false colors. Ten cents a week Isn’t much, you may comment, but It is to me. even now. and it will be more to me when the rut comes. I love your pa THK AUGUSTA HEKALD [§•# #»4 it fM •muM mmwm 4M#m #mm m#MI •« *>'- *■**«►— »*• * ** ’ *►* I « #.. -* : m * smm •'#»* **mM* # L,* urftffiAt tk V *» t*r *frsl<t*« A * «*4* A m *A**MW$ • I Mm* 9tM3l)M> m *tn|# ##»* #%■■»•. #«-. »>«* * s|ms 14k# I f IM »** MMMiM.. tMkk #»*•! «**»- *M» i M*#f MM#M t# M#<t Ml <M# M#fM I i Mart* m»' * # ■#<' AiV mm# m*mp**-* Ml • 4**mm TM# mm- Lffi# 4000* t (000 ’#••»« *MM ! t » :0m t#NM All MP tmtlt mM Ml lA# > §>» * ffittlife tM# fYNvM#tt 4 MI T*V VAC* Y* ten • C*»M Mi <ka* Iky T*k* Ul*uw ffiawiwi* ffiwMrt** T**»<»•« j All f#iMMM lM# •MMMMf’ Wf II 1 Issi ttf ft# r Mf# * O#. Tm# M»MMIM# MftWl I#* ! R. #>M #m#M lit At. THE WEATHER. Kola r*«*«*4 By Clear lag W rather T«iwrro»i AiftMM#t#, o#orglM MoftAt. CM, IT, | IA»« Oorr IfrtlH tM l*All#M Rtftlfl (iotMBMTAt MtlllMlMf, (f)f|itOfti No. I UTS. |ror##Mt for Si Moon, totiii I p im. [Ort. IS, lit#. j W##hii»*»<*u for##o#t for Hooth ( Arolln# Halo foMtflrMl mm 4 T«ft#«l#jr I roftdrr TftMdiy. tMrPitMc aoMtli j wift4s Wftifcfnfioi for#r»#t for Ororgii' Kalb tonight, with colder weather la I.tte west perl Ion: i*t* followed by jr le*ripg and rolder brisk to high eo*t. shifting Tuesday to southwest wHtd* Ixxsl forarMt for August* and *t itnitjr Kntn tonight; rain, followed (l>y cleartng weather Tuesday and rotd- Tb* river at * a m wa* 7.$ feet. ■ fail of 1.1 feet la lb* past 24 hours. WKATIIER CONDITIONS. A atorm of unusual severity ia ren !lral tbta morntng over the eentral Min -1 slaafppl valley. attended by snow at ! Omaha and Kansas City, while min* [in the past 24 hone* were general 'throughout the Miaalaaippt valley and [all section* to the wreetward. An area of high preaaure Is advane ling from the Rocky tnuunta n region attended by a raid wave which has al ready spread over Texas. Heavy precipitation occurred as fol low*; Key West. 244 inebea; Port I Ends. 2.1*: Kansas City. 2.4 t The following wind velocities sr* | reported: Huron 3* miles from north | want; Omaha, 2* mile* from north |we«t: New Orleans. 34 miles from norlhweat; Port K»da. 36 miles from southwest; Oalveaton. 40 miles from | north west; Corpus Chriali. 40 miles Trom north; St. Ixutis. 26 miles from southwest; Kansas City. 26 miles from northwest. Thunderstorms were also prevalent at St. Louia. Mobile and Galveston. Trust Those Who Have Tried. I SCFFTCRiRD from catarrh of the worst kind and never hoped for cure, but Ely’s Cream Balm seems to do even that.—Oscar Ostroni, 45 Warren ave., Chicago. 111. I SUFFERED from catarrh; tt got so bad I could not work: I used Ely's Cream Balm and am entirely well.—A. C. Clarke, 341 Shawnut Ave., Boston, Muss. A 10c trlat slxe or the ROc site of Ely's Cream Balm will be mailed. Kept by druggists. Ely Brothers. 56 Warren St., N. X. riAYOR TO CHICAtIO. He Left the City Yesterday After, noon. Yesterday afternoon Mayor Walsh left the city for Chicago, where he goes to participate in the great peace jubilee. Many prominent men from all parts of the country will be present, includ'ng the President ami nearly all of the cabinet. The mayor has many friends in Chi cago whom he met when he was one of the World’s Fair commissioners. During his absence Councilman G ;, J. E. l.amback will act as mayor. THE MONDAY ARRAY. Offenders and How They Were Fined This Horning The tuslness at recorder'* court to day may he summed up as follows: Dice Throwing—Marcellus Gilbert, $5. Hit Ms wife—Tom Parks. sls. Plain drunk Joe Singleton, $7.50. Plain e,iunk-■-Archie Griffin, $2.50. Vi riled No. IS John Barnes, $2.50. Violated Nu. IK—Willie MrOh*. $a Cut a -..mail boy with » knlfe-Me Ktuuie Vincent. $2.50. Pineapple. Edam and English Dairy Cheese fresh at Eamkin & Co.'s. PICKINCjOUT QUARTERS I*. (4 IntvM IB iftt * * H i»d # Iffilffit inwßi Utk a* ti—aiii «*aatei» (aafoatataM id aa4 Aaa»» h***V» A# *M* ###• •##% ##•####•## * A# | MV#M(| 900 009 00000 M#P# MM- %0090’ -f )|<*t#d4 illitf 90 MM# 0000 m tl# tfniinr mps 00 ******* 9*oo mm 4000*00 IM# * 000 «N# MM* *oom* 900 t 0004940000 9m A •#!•* 990 M## 1 # *4OO ' 4 #ffiiß 9m ♦## ***’ 1 ###(# ## 5 * PW* 90 9m (94*044000 m 9044m*0* J JOO9 M *M* 90*90009 090 MMM o*4 *M* 1440 **********t 40 fM» OW4OO o*9* Ti 04*9fm 0 rmmp m *of okom*m I*oo9 909 mm* o 4mtmp+ TM* Mum! M *M# t#fm MMiiMM 0t *M# I H4Mk9« ***** UM# fIM M* tM# #M4 *0 tM# HmMiMb#*tlls# (IM# 9i-0 090 90***- t#«' r " ■ >MMMi#t#4 Tl# A#«#•#! 1*04*090090* | #•!#»#t* Mm MmIMOMN* flMfMt 4#fpwt» mm 4 Mab* »m»ll«t twAldlag* awayjfreato r<Mt*Me ratio* Oat. Howard Mated that th* depart meat wa* delighted atth th* td«a of f'reriag th* Tarknett apriagg water aa ti< am* exeepttonally par*. M* *t*- I*4. he«*e«rr that ***rr portfrl* of (9# ftftlrr *i«Nl •*• iliilHM *490 Ilk#*) I 6t(#f#4 Til# «m 4o&«* at ( ittip Mm** | • h#T# Hi# ftmtf r f*4o* fttim •fM# deep tad mould also be done here Ti# tii|#rt c*f til# ift Md b#r*u## j bftftM*' ti# ifttom wilt ftfoWWf i | Mti| io Cub* iftd H I# i»#*####f y Id |tf j ti#ei to iMittif#. 9C**r #tm# ti# South #•» d* (rrtnir.'«l ofHM Col. Howard 9m* txd*n fttudrlfiK 00 ti# ftmt»J#**t Ht is# r#v#r im to Aftftfttift brfor#. hot ! i#t*ix»#ftt prrfrrtly fwmlltw# villi th# »«f- ] fotindinn H im try from wtuu i# tii<l i aod rtftd. After ti# »oofrr#s«#. Col. Dyes too* ! dtiid'#ftf th# o®m ftrt>vnd Ti# differ rot ftttw w#rr #i#inin#ff #ii<f trtry spot (hot ti# department m*y «##d j *rr# ftlstt#d. Mas. PittiiMo ••# #oo#nN#d ond all |,moi*(< Interested lo th# proper!J d# pin'd w#r# ###o. Col. Howard wa# •tatfoiscd In AtSon to Ht quit# a whit#, leovlog th#r# fur j ('ami* Al#ad# Ha roniu her# to mak# oU arranar- | m#oto for th# nuppHaa for th# troop** ; that will t»4* #tatloo#d ot Augunta and i other flv# camp# ha th# dirliloo. | TH# ramp h#r# ffll require about | l. cord# of wood mootbly. food for i !.2tto Onlmal#. atraw for th# ip#n'# h#d». lumbar for th# floora and many | other thing# beside# th# provision* for j th# men. If Augusta'# bu»tn### men i gtvr the beat bid*, all o? these will hr ptirrhaaed here. Thu* besides the Ire memloiM amount of money turned loose by th" men the quartermsster will apetul much. The Colonel will complete his work here as soon a* possible and return to Ills rump. »s he will have to prepare to move ten thousand men to Phila delphia to take part in the Jubilee in that city. After this l» over he will return to Augusta to get everything in readiness for the coming of the inf n. Upon every turn the Colonel was be eleged by contractors, reporters, real ectate ageuts and men In every line ot trade. Those who can profit by the coming of the troops are looking out with all eyes for any plum that may tall. The Colonel says that Gen. Young will probably reach the city tomorrow morning uud the definite site of the camp willl be selected at once. TUESDAY'S MENU. .Suitable Bill of Fare Suggested to the Puzzled Housewife. BREAKFAST. Peaches. Oatflake. Sugar and Cream. Fresh Pork Sausages. Cernmeal Muffins. Milk, Cocoa or Coffee. LUC H EON. Tomato Omelette Mock Pate de Foie Gras. Nut Wafers. Cocoa. DINNER. Tomato Bouillon. Roast Beef, Brown Gravy. Corn Pudding. Lima Beans. French Pickle. Pear Pudding. Coffee. Chorus Choir. All members of the chorus choir of the First Presbyterian church are re quested to meet prdhimly at 8:15 p. m. tonight, at tlie Telfair building. Mr. Henry ChlhourKTennuflt arrived in the city yesterday, and is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Tennant. Mr. Tennapt marries Miss Susie Lee Wingfield tip the 19th. HffiMML [ MM## 000090 IP##*# MMM #«••#•#*• #* [ I 40-> • *« it t*;*pm >*h MM# ppi.T-iHttflwj j t «§*• ft MM# wmmmm I ' ' n *4 Ajbp Mftt ftfYitifttr f*f KM# 94H0*m infirm** MM4 ■MMMMmMM w#«nm| %f iNWA •" o**§ Mf# MVWMI *# * *# * 40494900 M Mf#M:MMMMt 0900*- AI'OL'TA * mJO-HOO-A. fWaUag CaNaffi Ear IwaigM •* Arttag. M IkW tf»»— IM *4t n Ms. AukAHMbmm, mM# M> * M#t* * i . . . . - , || Htft't# *9 ft■**•-» \ A Mm# ftiMMMfi m#ft»t #T Mm#mi Cm**s »#•* ft i fruit# Ml I<#Mktn ACM *•* i "two men sick. Art t *tt oa thv Hands *4 • Negro Woman. At (M# M#m# at Nmiml# 4«l»mmom 940 \ W#tM#f #tr##t. t#«» mMM Imi# Ml r<4llr»« nrvt C940999* BMfAIMe N® #*fM of tiiMlMrMil, Both Ms tl»#«»# m#« Mmm# M##« #«ft * 5 In* Ml tM# ftflPM##t !■«§» mil## Mw# | tM# rttv, MMd #m<m# Im Trtilf #ft#f »4«mi TM* # mr*4 t# mimnml IM# with m M|fft hoy who Ilf** Mi th# iRQ J ’ Mt#r«Mjr M #r# «MO •«»«* ■ f n*»t mN# to CM## for t h ill It ho# not b##n ArkM wh#th#r to I *YAKIN<i FINE PUt OKt>S. •ll** T**)iie Hahn at Cooper Institute Now. Among mmv goulbem girl* studying muale and art In Saw York, there ia | it,,nr that ia tlaimvd with more prut 1 *: bv the i tty ,>f hri birth than la S4i*« Teaate Hahn, the etdeal daughter of Mr and Mr*. John t> Hahn, who la a mudpni #t f*<w»p#r In«tltuf#. Mi## Hahn l#ft AufUito In ltept#m»wr j and in the r-ompelltlw examination for admlasb n to Co,iper Inatltuta pamol ] tno»t sueivasfutly and entered October . 3 It aril! ha most gratifying to, her friend* here to learn that not only dbl ehe pas* the necessary examination, but that the requisite specimen »**rk done at the time by her ranked heri in the hlgheM rlaa* In the tn*utute. Ml*a Hahn »** a putill of Mr*. Bat tey and of the late Mr. Frank Simmon* j an ,l her work and mettv*! have ben Very highly praised by her new teach er*. She Is making fine progress and has already done **to exquisite I,lts, which will adorn the walls of the Coo per. Miss Hahn will study In crayon, pas tel and oil, and will make a specialty „r miniatures on Ivory, in the latter of which she has already achieved con siderable success, - at waycross. Attorney Leftwich and Hr*. Jordan and Children Go South. Brunswick. Leftwich of Atlanta —accompanied by Mrs. Jordan and their children passed through Waycross yesterday, bound South. They were aeon and pos itively reeognlaed by a prominent Geor gian. The passage of these people is of more than passing Interest In view of the Fulton county grand jury hiving just indicted them for living together illegally. It is evident from thetr trip through Waycross that no warrants were out for them, or If they were the officer in whose hands they were plac ed was not trying very hard to get them. As the Florida winter season has not yet opened Cuba has been suggested as their probable destination. JOSEPH HIGHTOWER. A Prominent Stock Man of Valdosta is Dead. Valdosta, Ga., Get. 17.—Mr. Joseph Hightower, one of the most prominent citizens here, died yesterday morning after an illness of ten. days of pneumo nia. Mr. Hightower was in the stock bu siness here and was well known all over this section and in other parts of lho state. He was « good citizen and leaves a wife and six children to la ment tils death. He was about forty six years ~f age, and possessed robust liculth until the Illness with which he was attacked ten days ago. Our sweetest morsel is sure to be a sin. _ AUGUtfTA LVc MUM, fUCMY'J *tANKt t ,4 •iw* i*J •tr#* i f b#lii'T A i'o \\ 11 *. •* &£2 29 ft ?? I •j V ft’ Il I** *■* l 1* **' *$ T * * pf, March mn4 Ag»ftt •• «• * t 4* - ftftd Oft* oa »• aa • ®*’ 4-#l Galveab Mobile 7**- 1 Eattmated total 4tNU2 TWO* CHICAGO PROVISION**. WHEAT— joeOMuhVr **u ! j May a. , w>* May “N OATS— October .. •• •• •• •• 31 » May ■ 3 '* *** P< ’ H . K ~ T « s oa January •• * ! UAHD— Prcumiitr •• * ®,‘ I January .. * '• HIDES— January .. *•"> NEW YORK HTtk'KH. \\j* C. B. K l 4 Luulsvllle and Nashville . .. . Manhattan "N People s ,0 “^ Union Pacific "• 9 St. Paul Southern Hallway, pfd .. Weotern I'nlon J 1 a • H ’ “ MR. GEORGE F. LAMBACK. The New Hayor That Is Presiding at Municipal Headquarters. Mr. George F. Lambaek. senior member of the city council from ward ] Is presiding as mayor. Mayor Walsa having gone to Chicago to attend the peace Jubilee. Mr. Lambaek presided today with grace and dignity, and passed upon matters coming up for executive notice with wisdom iend Justice. He is all right. THE NEW Broad Street Barber Shop For an Easv Shave and a Neat Haircut go to No. 715 Broad Street, ground floor. F. C. dos Passos. The Rotary Razor Strop for hale. The Bell Tower Drug Store, CORNER GREENE AND JACKSON STREETS. **“''nder new management A fall line ol FresU Drugs, Toilet Articles, Brushes Etc XVe make a specialty of Pnysiciaos Prescriptions. PATTERSON & WADE OCTOBER 17 WANT ADS. j 00 00 [9*ooo A904459404&f*4t9 sfMtM HlM* r 4y.jf * *49»* » tftnffi hp#» *,£ i |b» # *49*oo At* ae a** (mu ft * ftf v • s» ffiteft ##♦■*- SITUATION WANTED * WA*4T9%f9~*&tJ9o*F9* :% 99 AA 3Vt#itfT f «■**'* (Jkft $* Y# A4»T At * ft 9* *# f t*’ ■ 'Hi 1 AM M* * * SgJwN |* f 4 * *#• <l99ft #l' 04 ft*# FOR SALE HinatMUUH AT gJ4C*»'*MT. fmg i; a|A |* u |n »n Mfna rri v*t •*»• #aijm i# At*Hie fanii tmm •Miiffii El' i *MHft f'lfft Ha j* * ?.*•>'§» f* a $ •j g 0f t l" , Ji A i UNI J<* laa»h# Pi t Oil I * Ift 111 A WII9* IUU fY)ft fi % ffff 4 • '«l *l>K*rr.ftfc«. , ‘ J 9 MU i» ftl’ICH n*K WRAP. TO RENT ,Tu IHTVT —VTbkU NO. Tt< PkoAt* Knit Iti.NT -BTOHB IK AND HALL WAY NT Broad Apply Commercial To RENT -CUMMODIOU* STORK, i No trtt Ihmad atreet -$7» per month. net 1 FnR RENT—STORE Nil s ti BRf>AD ',r No ' all Broad street. Oct 1$ Knit RENT—LARGE FRONT ItOi >M. 1 furnish, d. Apply ttet Reynold* street. t)NE OH TWO NICE FRONT K<KUIS LOST AND FOUND. L..HT-ON L.AST WEDNESDAY week an Irish setter, answer# to I name of •J< «*." Reward will la- given . for h.r return to K. L. larnikln. »53 ! Itt ynold* atreet. Oct 1* I. HORN. VERY DARK i t.rown row. altm»<t Idaik. I.lta ial re ! ward fur her return tu LI6 Greene St. i Oct 16 MISCELLANEOUS ; 100 BASKETS CONCORD AND DEL AWARE grapes. Just received at <l4- ! muni's. 634 Uruad street. Nov 1 ! DANCING SCHO4MS-MISS ELIZA i BKTH WHITE, recently of New York. | IJbrary Hall. Children's class Tuesdays and Fridays 3:30 p. m. Ladles and j gentlemen same days, 8:00 p. m. | Nov 10 ' SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING j only $5.00 per month at Osborne's Business college. Monday. Wednesday and Friday, ot pight. Come or cal! at [once. Great demand for stenographer*. June 17 ts WANTED—REGULAR BOARDERS ; good fare and neat bt*ls. also one un | furnished room to rent. Apply Mrs. A. J. Avera, comer ElUs and Washington, or 603 Kilts atreet. Nov 10 MISS BELLE SMITHS DANCING school at her parlors, northwest cor ner Kollock and Telfair. Children Tues days and Fridays at 3:30; gentleintri Mondays and Thursday at 8 o'clock. Oct 20 PIANO LESSONS. MRS. ILA-STONE WATSON, 743 REYNOLDS STREET. I WANTED—A FIRST CLASS COOK : must have good reference. Apply 1303 i May avenue. Oct 19