The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 17, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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MONDAY 4 THE IUGUST* HERALD |M>* iHmMWHMI * • ;* >##**•••*#»• **-»•« .**«*<- • * ;Mg| fteuftTll e **•**«*•* '«•• * ft* ft toftftWk , - * *•** f y,f mi hMMM>*(**** *• v* o #•*««*« «»..**• IMMMi *•» |. |>r Tr ~. Hjj i««nnrf r vftaaft*# • y liwni -- - * (tank u r»*% Ik**. *•» | niKAt t* ww* Itii oa»»w *#-. m» i »«**■»•* ; iiifn —■ - Mt **,.» treu HH| *>»♦*••• yyt WILL PINO tMli HUIALO W» jllMl* At ■*»•» *»•**• •** wy*y^ >f -«. .. iim iMto* -| a#**u • I*#* * fiaowd I* Mi ■*• Ik* W«w» M**** ** J M*i«( *+•>*■ _ _ to CMIM* -At **» Cfta»to***a ta Wwifi At tft* o»s«4 r ** l> * l ta Mr* f «*• CHr-A* •*» Bw *' ■* tot* a*# fftftft Aastooa *s•***• fftrtt** f*nn*a«l- ft*»4 Tb# **#ear4 ft* «... «m«M a«4 ea»tre*4# •** a few to Mftamaff '*• **«l to TO APVMVMMk W«t«l»4 to Ito «•*•* poratoa ctrrultotoa to ».|»U .to fttmy , to (tor Hereto *»j «4*wr .tl v •mo art aaftftaetfad kjr m to ato Ito Mrtsiwlfr •to ion»i»»f l*oa Utter i. to tft* aatoaal to «*»•«•«* toto per .to H> .toll Kiwr.J IRn DfflT.iEEb rims* j®®LQO Ita tatoAuL rf[3 4|5 g 7IS [riAjlT ia 10 idjll 22 VSFk IS 20 27ft0i28 Dvla *T,i~ ft.*BS»ce i ift»n—#i in HERALD SOUVENIRS. Anyone presenting at The Herald Office the Souvenir Coupon which Is printed below will receive a neat lit tle Souvenir Button Free. If you want one apply early. Mall orders will be filled when accompanied by stamps to pay postage- FREE DISTRIBUTION. SOUVENIR COUPONS! This Coupon, presented at The Herald Office, will be ex changed for a neat and hand •ome Herald Souvenir Button. The distribution i# limited and will last only a few days. 7 ALL The leaves are faltiug on Augusta Htceets. l.'p im the Hill uml down the river the music of falling leaves la heard and It is one that no composer has ever caught although so often at tempted. The reason is probably because Jhey give voice to a truer note of melan choly than the mechanism of music can make. Nature speaks In their rustle In o minor key of suggcatlveness, and so faintly whispers tt, but has such clear address to the heart, that its strange sympathies defy artificial expression. The sweet sadness of their harmonies have passed above the ulchemies of the Mendelssohns and the Schuberts and the sweet singers of ballads whtch have nearer masteries over human feelings. Jubl now, when the leaves fall before the warm winds of October they carry their requiems along the streets, and the persuasive mournful ness of autumn has Us sweetest note. Toll jtob tee park Tha fall season Is upon us and win ter ta close n< band. Therefore out-of* deer interests do not .figure much in tmblii calculations at this time, but by amt by simmer will come auU then it wi*' be different. Everyon* rvcognizes the availability of the present settling basins .as a site for a park if we can only get together and pull together for the urupose. : MTV fWfi mu At* ft* ••***«*» *»•*•«*«* ** •**• ft—*(to flMtoMH»i Hjito nt tlta •«' s JNnnv ? g*-tal * Imm -•• tan IMM #*•* MM *tp* | *»♦**<*•** UmP Pi JtaMtaMMM wfc 90* ■ taut* tog tohMtata Pi ita taPtotaiMM Pi *i I fMppIMNF ( I MMV IP (pggNta Vto tato mmm ***** *** * **g **«* *** I tat 990 k •>totaf»H*to gtogta** I PtagtaMi total totarttotog ta' I tita**ta MgU I ItatagtaM W 9999999 *•*§ l#M 99090$ gpW to# iPK ftota Ippftaw tatatof# tof I Pl' * ‘*l I tMftg ppjjl « *#•* 09 • !»*#♦*>•*' M 1 «#Mp p IMP fW «M** PPi* ' liii#i Mi • PPPHI •! tMPPPMi | t||t ||it tiff «# fl4l p tw iPpMMiPtiNk •* fpiplP ! —Pi lip CMP —PP—i «%p« Up i|m» aft***# f tip fc— 09 Ip— * pptiwfp |p— —it ftp—pttr* vt—m—t—t i— ■ pit: iHip;i< gp VHP i H’%t» —a nrtJt to W*t |pp—lf ■ «—tv# H tit) —gtaPiM# *P Ito t —til vptfvtto— fPttgt —f 09 Hi i to——, tl psis tpt Imp—ls ttui w* » ftp—f «p PitMl —Ms tl It ffi )—t ftoi t tfptofttKw toH vtpi Up I • kna —# IIP *■— tHWI —* P— vtot gn Up ft!<* f —at tfNMilt It t top • pf gg#*fpi tP t> ttg M I— t p 00" PH tap tov tto pp—tff— 4 trpptt Tip lIPtM taPtot— thrt tto Pill ; |pfta— till Pit Nt t fit—gif ? —HP til • f—lltiiNi ftp—' i wtilp tip iw Up •—• tMMI Up t% Igftp vto VwVli to Aigtptg 9 ftut tl •(!) tap top to —vt tip > f ,M*-to Mr pm—>t «f iHtof or |lt __. . _ | f'Wt |||# l •pTWHPMII Ip isnwiQ—to it ! . TIP —to of %»«»*«* M Ptlt •i tip pill |f«g«)Hiti w 4 Up oftft* I tiv— Ms to • tots »ii p—fpr i 9gj.t»ip»it of Upp* litof tftwifelii. Pot Up Up* to to mp. eOIOTIOIIt At DWELL. The HWMtraA'*( 1* The Ineito iln aid of ilia naUßfltM | of front I la 11 prr mi la tbe wages j of Ihr ogevettvee IB Augusta rollea i otlil* nadtr faiUtalarli pertinent a I few rratrki on tbe dlaruiuiaai non eg timing the New England pr«i r•card ing III* condition of the operative*, in lb# New England rollon mills wore ! eeprrtall? Ihe contrasting ol present condition* with tluw of tba paat ball raaiarf. Mau> tirapli and quotation* ara made from a book recently pnbliahed ibp Mrs. H H. Robinson entitled "!*»■ and Spindle," and the mills ot ! ixtsrcll bars bean especially aelerted ! for reference and rltatlon ibereln. We | find In ibe lasi chapter of the book. : speaking of the cotton milt of today. that the present girls do not go to I their work with the cheerfulness of the | old mill girl*. Bay* Mrs. Robinson: "Thera wa* a tired hopelessness about them that I am aure wa* not often seen among the early mill gtrfc. anti they bail an un der-fed. premature-old look. The hour* of labor are now less. It Is true, but the operatives sre obliged to do s far greater amount of work In a given time They lend to no many loonff sntl frames that they have no time to think. They are always on the Jump and so have no opportunity to improve ; themselves. They are too weary to read good book*, and too over-worked to digest what they have read. The aouls of many of these mill girl* seem ed starved. and looked from their hun gry eye* a* If searchiug for mental food. Why are they not fed! The mean* of education are uot wanting. Public libraries are provided, and they have more leisure to read than the mill girl of forty years ago. But they not seem to know how to improve It. The factory population of New Kng land i« made, up largely of American born children of foreign parentage two-thlrfds. It Is estimated. As a rule they are not under the strict control of the church of their parents, and they are too apt to adopt the vices anti follies, rather than the good habits, of our people.” Mrs. Robinson quotes examples of 12 persons living and sleeping in two rooms, and of 38 rooms owned by a wealthy gentleman and occupied by 97 men. women and children, and she asks how can young people be brought up virtuously under such conditions. She describes herself as one who has watched with sad interest the gradual decline of the cotton factory industry in New Eugland and the deterioration of its operatives. This pitiful picture of life among New Gngiands opera tives bears all the marks of truth. It ought to excite the sympathy of every lover of his fellows, What is of more importance, it ought to be a warning against any and all attempts to cure a local evil by extending it to the whole country. That section is la lior-ipyisloHon ridden. To that con dition are directly traceable the de terioration of the operatives and ibe lamentable decline ot the cotton indus try. For months there has beeu the effort to lav the blame for this upon the ab sence of restrictive legislation in the south, and the natural inference is . that, .litti to In, ifc.ihe •■ • Dt *e f ||p —f—' f#gi * 0* : Mflgg|t 9*.' i | g MM—tMH—i— Igpoflig to— 9M |PP t # in«M gt (to— *»••» **— to top toP— #, ' t to—t *•# - f iwpifttt miu ftoiri iff || f— to toi ».fgpii ' i— g I —i— Ttoifgrg Ip mw—— Up n# pi.l ta—i pftf to— IP tog w tot I too* ■i *ii w>i i tfiNppg to •—«g mm t—f | pmMPg n—«to g| *tp Oig-Pi 9/t UP TIP a'#4f tap| |—Hi —*> tl—i —PP II MP g«—f—g to U—l P———o •—* ■ fpttpglafii vuii —tg to —■ ;• 9 4——taptltg I Tim totgtat |p pi—lt tap to Up I «—itota— Ttatoto gto g —• t— ! tlta— « tip v— —t li Up mm Us I f|p H—4 li If— to «if (to ta—i j «|p t—toti— it •*!«• top IIP tog—* I •! if (taitiHf liM— U i—g gfiPf | jpfrHa fic. fpt iig—P— (it iiP —MMV IPM ta— —it i—• P*Ui is. tl 1 totgttt |p i# a * pgpfitato to ’air I *4flP9 «<r«A «*•* «—*** i •# ara MAa tk. arf**f as ilka *MMMai < !|aa - MiaAing > M *i far naar •»» lln aaaM Ik* #W. W# #.*»■* «»**#• s iM*r alia ifea afMalinra TWj ar* i a initial araaa as rwMaiaar* TA* k . talk (aid* H to lafcaa Ukal kkai j «rMb iba rv.tatoai of «f «***•- * i|**a ib# art II pr*ai4*ai# toia* atoa ta -1 »to«to aatartoa as oMrtato aa4 baara j aa4 that lb • r**lalna »wi» Ibaaa «• : ,ia!* «a a baala aMnalM« M lb* totSgftai ti MpfPHHt# toUNt Ti# rfidijti ||k j t itotr|>Hfrn~ of r—w. i aoaM aoi Iblab at a ravlatoa of np*r aU*«a' aava. aliboat nr*teioa atao of | o4TUtab aalartaa Wnboat laaalrf j ba.lac lt*a M<to la r**»id Ibarra ll raa b* *ial*4 Ibal lb* aUarkaa bar* ! bar* l«*a aralai to ap#rtul«Ml* ibaaa of roaipaiMlra villa. U aa ' nor* trialaa or mor* mpaaalra lal*a< in run mil* la Aafaaia ibaa rlaa a coAPoiAnon wrm a aool corpor »iioe». ao It to aM. b#la§ aoullraa. M to ■ pl*«#ai* lo »p*ab of a oimpaa*. oa*. lao. *•»*> b»». or bAd larc* latrrraia la Ancuala. wblrh to I an rxr*ptloa—lh* Noth Amrrlran Truat Co., of N*« York, formrrly Hi* Jarvla-Cunkl.n Co. burta« »o* *br. wbila lb# N#« York Soldi*ra‘ and Sailor*' Kamlll#*' PnHwU** Amorto tloa maa ronald#rlnA any* and mean* (o rrmlc a fund lo yrlte*# Ito lanjlllra of I hoar who had *on# *° **•# front. Prraldrat W. U Trrnholm and Vlr# | l > r*ald«vt SaSmurl M Jar*la. of ih«* tract company, drvlard an rmlnraily practical ech#m# to tbla #n«t Th#y raua#d K lo h# an«oiin##d (bat thry would r«#lv# direct aob#*cipllona IMK) and undar—for the war loan 3a for the benefit of aoldtor* and aatlora or their (amlUea. The term* were gen croua. only 3 per cent per annum being charged for the money neceaaary to aecure the bonda. The company fi nanced the actieme, which took up about 1.000 aubacrlpUona and paid ex penaca. Including the war rcicnue stamp. The profit to the aubacrlber* was about s3l on each $&00 bond, the entire allotment of $500,000 having been aold by the truat company with out ita having bought in a single bond The profits were distributed. The re cipient* were soldiers, sailors, men and wonton of all ages, and, In a few Instances, children. Hearty expres sion# of gratitude came from all. The subscr'ptlons In this case were sorutl nlxed by the New York Soldiers' and Sailors' Kamillas' Association and it Is not probable that In any case was the North American Trust company im posed upon. The Hmount reailxed for Its beneficiaries Is about $24,000. HIGH LIGHTS. M Sentimentality la the foolish elder sister of sentiment When the heart loses fresh net* it becomes reminescent. Our facte are earthly; by our fancies ive can touch heaven. Experience teaches man long after he thinks he lias taken u diploma. Early to bed and early lo rise makes even a genius tiresome to his fabi ly. The woman who Is down on gossip doesn't say so until she has heard it all. x The wise man knows he is a frac tion; the fool tries to be the whole thing. Women hope for the best and then go on and buy articles that are mark ed down. The drawback to noble ancestry is that It sets up in business a lot of bragging descendants. It is nu Inconsiderate husUand who needs a new overcoat the same winter that his wife needs a ne\V cloak. It would be a better world if wo men praised their husbands as hear tily as they do their favorite baking no. to,, 1 the auottsta -eHaLA-xx) THE OHSCHVtK ABOUT town I " fur#—git ftp i ijjiif #—to •to it lito t fifto *# Tig fpta * ——toto 11— •% m ta fta— tat — . ; —ti —ta —g' tto tata, #*— »to ' taMit «H—to to to— *9 • MM toft' totog if i MNAtoitotataii I*—to—ita*# , tat «to t— top 4tm*m M ta—iiH to*— 9/99999999 toi# ftof— g • w** - ..j Mfe* ?ktr * I* Aft -f • tot to 4 Iklfl toil 4 . t f f nii-iMf *ff to igt —i toto—t | «%#f it ta i ig—« 99 9*o H—iiimm. i ti—lto— 90 to— IlMitogi Italli |«l ——Us f **— —* | tifkirr •ji mto —H— 4toi gtolti4«'tol tTwtottaf total —Hto— itlgtatM U—gtat ! M—i totog. I Ita Mttota M*l?g i 9O M—tog tto* totorto—t f—. <g toito— 9 . tmpmirn* tai Uta Itoto «f • to—f l TltaMi to>— taig» Ngtot totog l Ita 9m* ftue nf (ft# arm Aw« el a Haul •(reel «twr* kw a lif»-«tae4 tern* at a while-bat I*4 pou4i* 4km wMb etwrk work m»«*a»i*m kUl* fry »bi#h tt «■#• tta K>*i nf mil* Ha •*« *p **4 4owu. ll ka i# a* aHtmtl** Ague* aa4 alway* #«ua#i* a <e*w4 gattteu* lA#iy *f n»# i>gnM, uftm pitag We •we* 4**r«mltM It I I.oaht, wtk#u • frl*#4. }*#( c*4urw*4 from M#w nlfk lobi at *»««ml Nmp*io«a e.iuwium ft f *ftnp wiu4«Ma* tb.i ft# b*4 *#m. On* tfniive figure mp*A by a f*fwl luy* bonae t# a UMebaahrel 4ntf (k*t ataada before a mirror drmoadf ft## batr ffte take* balrpta* owl of be# aoatk and a,>p#af* ta tod a braid A Wg crowd t* alwava la from at lb# wtadtw, Laotbw good mmrina ta a Util# aboefiMb##, balf-aolifift g boot Ho bammer* away aa nataral aa life, and wbat make* lb# area# peoaParty reaUatlc la a pip#, wbtrb k# amake* • bile working The pipe lo tftr gen ala# attirlw aod la kept gt<ng by a mlnaluK bflluwa la tb* brad Tbe figure la aurruimded by all ik| para pberwalla of n cobbler'* *bop aad make* • first-rlaaa attraction for a ■bo* atom. Aa automatoo tkm ha* ao apectal appll< at too to aay baataea* but ta aure to draw a crowd, la a aklrt fUncer Tb# doll ataada about three feet high and la baaollfolly proportion ed It la mourned la a large box. open m front and arranged tor a light effect around tb# #d«ea. When tb# clockwork la started tbc figure goes through all the Intricate movement* of a daace and Ha drapery la whirled tbla way and that exactly like the skirt* of a living woman. Tbla drapery effect ta managed In part by v»ry delicate wlrea, which arc Invirtble a few f#et away, and make tbe fabric aaauime a number of alrlklng forma aurh a* thoae of flowera and butlerfllea Tbe figure* are aomethlng quite new In window drenaing aud are altogether different from the dinner mannikin* that have beeu keen In the pant. They are mad* In thla country and are provided with •mall electric motor*, which furnish the nece**ary power. We were diacuaalng the ‘'nerve,” ''cheek,” and "gall" of different Indi vidual* and friend* In Auguata. Some men are equally as reticent In disposi tion and character aa In *pe#cb, ami the following wae told (an absolutely true story that occurred during the land boom In northern Alabama some yeara ago», aa ahowlng an example of where one nan's "nerve” was put to good uae; The man struck a north Alabama town with just $2 in his pocketa. He was well dressed and had a plausible tongue. He heard that the e'en tract for building a courthouse was about to be let and walked In and actually se cured the job. They gave him two days to file a bond and he went right straight to a banker. He showed him where there was money In the scheme and In thirty minute* persuaded him to become his surety. Now mark you he knew no more about erecting a public building than a soft-shell crab knows about Greek verbs, but he tele graphed Immediately to a big contract ing firm In St. lauil*. and in forly elgbt hours was in consultation with their expert. As a result, he sublet the work at a figure that left him about $16,000 clear profit, after giving the banker a slice. All the time he was doing this he had only his two dollar bill to go on. He used It for shaves und shines, standing off every thing else, but he had the deal closed Inside of three weeks, aud the spoils salted away. Then of course he was in clover. He made some lucky speculations afterward and is worth today at least fifty thousand dollars. It we were It drop our masks and take a stroll In puris naturalibus only God would recognise us. A NEWSPAPER THAT RUNS ON MERiT. PEOPLE KNOW IT WHEN THEY SEE IT AND THAT’S ONE REASON WHY THEY READ SUNDAY'S HERALD* »nr i HtoYt or tvewt*. flta ftaNtog*** gta» 090*9 9* totataM^ tatattgto MtofiNMtojtotai to l to talk-f to total- M## to>*-& v -**’* ta (ta ik•- *•«*»■• c iito to# * 49 909099 099900* 0$ o'ffiftiiTgffi IS f* Tlta Ptotol tatata ▼ «4s» »*0 ***-»<*< in tafl totae f"*- .%.'# Ikto# *• taMM*Mkw| MI Ik* Ttoto 111 talTfik 9m * ta* 1 1 *--0k TV YMvlmxi r<a**aaw* • iMleer* fts** haawi * fta#fi*4 wtf A aawrA*#. tie I.4TKIA AkMI IMM * I ft* slwtll w* *4 Ift# l*4is* Wns* ■ ft# Aywaiaft kisvlfr t* •Mitrwty wl tefte’4 * lift Mmkw*# ■*■*#*# Hi (Ntw fv t NsHHM^* ai««i to •(*•# tfte M, ft O, eftHtoxftA, He* Yaeft *#4 CTMeftft* ra#ila||#** ft-ftftf 4ft 4i* Ift# NVftnMIHM vftftftl, Tfte «pftnftMila at tVrlt HHoft** lift** 9ft#HN>4 ft ft#w mifttolry to ftawlft Afri ca. Til* E*vtor*-|v*l rftft**ftttoft cftfttot# plftteft < bftftfi** to rftftfrfe iifttty ftwwftd* mil. Tcfti fv .tf»* n.{ #*#4l an Tan w v k a(• Met Hnq*n-H wftft M flkatftrftfty la N*«* Turk. Hart aeft to I* tort ft amifttil gal#- way for ft## alumni who died m lift war wnh ftps in. Young Alger la Mid In have !i#*a in tivot-d In ift# land < karri tar ike rVinandina camp. Tft# frracli railway rmploy-r* bar# declined lo oVy tft# orders of tli# (tall- j road Workers' t'ni«n. Nine ftnarcfctota wfcn ha*# tootled •■■■Ml the Kaincr’ft life have been ar reftled at Akutort*. Tbe Mugene Field Monumrat Amort - •lion stale that they need but a small amount mor* at money. A conspiracy la reported among the higher offli era of the French army to remove the present mlalatry. Tbe New York free libraries have salted for UN.M front the Board of Estimate and Apportionment. "Time was when the arrest of a l*nl ted Slat** aenator would have aroused the whole Union, but now ——" a The Hampton (Va.) Institute haa raised ita standard of admtasion. llaa Booker Washington had anything to do with H? A lunatic ha* written to the Presi dent asking for a loan of the United State* navy to be used for the recoup ing of the Holy Sepulchre. The king of Anam ha* a fine safety deposit box. He puts his treasures tn a hollow tog and then throws It Into a pond Piled with crocodiles. He ran for office, great the coat. And. losing, let this sentence fall: •* 'Tl* letter to have run and loat Than never to have tun at all." Sir Wllllnm Crook and hi* pcaslmlsttc deductions regarding the Increas.- of the world’s population and the searrlty of wheat are being severely scored by the economic journals as wholly fallaci ous. ■ » In Memoriam. Diet! In this city October 6. IS9S. one of Augusta's much loved ones, Mrs. C. Wardian-. Only a few short months ago. Mrs. Wardlaw neemed so full of life and vig or and with the appearance of one who would live to a ripe old ago, and now she has passed over the river to that beautiful home beyond where she will await her loved ones beside the pearly gates standing ajar for the saved and redeemed. To know Mrs. Wardlaw was to love her and justly so was she beloved by the unfortunate ones who so often were lifted and made happy by her kindly acts and words of loving counsel, but most especially will she be missed by her Infant class in her dear Sunday school, where she appeared so happy with the little ones, and her face would become fairly i“adiant and beam with love for our Dear I.nrd as she assist ed In telling the children of Blessed Sa vior and His love for them. The will o 2 our dear heavenly Father must be done; let us bow tn humble submis sion and place to His keeping and love the children and little Harry, the ba by of the house. May she walk In the same pathway her dear mother has trod before her. Where their harps of angels ring, And the blest forever sing, In the palace of the King. Meet her there; Where to sweet communion blend. Heart with heart and friend with friend In ti world that ne'er shall »nd, We il meet her there. FRIEND The past is beyond redemption. We have alvsotute power over the luluie if wq make use y£. Ilia PVesetU* lw- .. w< _,j THIS IS IT i HftftfifiMl fit aft* ft r i • <4 ftftffftMl 1 ktoftt Mftftf POR EARLY FALL STIFFS HID ALPINES ALL SHADES $3.00 Just Arrivfid. DORRS Tailoring, Hats, Furtmhmgv 15 2>> r '-V \ Waxed Floor* / V We hav* tft# bast prepared C i Wax •»! brash** far do in# it. V C Full direction*. / / Fever Weather / § Tonic doses n<gt>t sad n om- W V tog of oar Bork-t r»<-k ( bill *ik! C J K#*cr Cure. *tll prevent frr. t J ( and increase apa#tlte. gOr bottia. C > Our Belle Lizzeile ColtEie > f This ii#lighifui and rslmbibg f r Cotogna I* the Ihronta Id tbe f j da baa I'Miumev J f and Toilet Brucia*. I ( Trusses i 3 If you are ruptured call on os. ) S A comfortable t.t gUsraolMd. V \ Don’t Trifle C S Mare your prescriptions fill*d f € where you are confident 0/ rot- N | C ting the t est drugs and the bast f J *erv ice Wb buy and ssll fur* \ / Drugs only. 1 \ iltiaiier Dm Cmjaif S \ »§ BROAD BT. ) Have that Winter Suit Cleaned or Dyed. It will be ready for use when cold weather arrives. Hulse's Steam Dye and Cleaning Works, 314 Jackson Street. Both Telephones. IP^TZROISriZIE ‘•The Barber Shop of the South.” HICKEY’S is the Place Five Barbers, all first-class artists. 212 and 214 Bth Street Monev to Loan ON REAL ESTATE. APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street, I OCTOBER 17 The Fin**! import» d double und ding ift Myst g, 14111%* toil' l% ft Aiau Homan H jr <» olnth* •n d Li I y Uglbt And Dm Firwwl LAwnOftftft# Coffffi whitft AtftorifYiftnl to oomptotA. wf 3 : m L A.Gardcllc DftAtor In th# Fln*»t DRUGS AND MEDICINES T&e Aipsta Heralfl until Eiitilnt ill til B;it Siirjap-r FillnH il nit Stria qOCKKst TCLEOK VTIT VEWSj hie news or the would W HILE IT IS NEWS* IS TO IS HOI KS AHEAD Of* OTHER GEO IT. IA AND DOL Til CAROLINA PAPERS. «*>( mu WILL CONVINCE TOO* await. •••••“ PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 20f» 7th SI.. AORllst*. Gfi. 8! W ES FlffE EYT Ts STS f<* sll delect* ft •ijftn, gHada Ift# pmpmr #!■■*#* wd W-lk- BA NTH Hi. .n L«u*e* cut into your *rr #•» while yoa warn FREE OF CHARiiE, OKLI.U lOt lt COAL and WOOD FROM TUE North Augusta Coal A Supply Co and QQkllty (iiianntwd. F- w. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Halt 'l'hunc -lnt btruwgar 3tft The Whitely Exerciser. ! A practical, simp!* and eSici ent Home Exerciser, ones pccialiy adopted for ladies and children, bu at the same time can bo profitably used by Ilia strongest athlete. PRICES: 75c,. *I.OO, tl.ift. BICYCLES - CLEVE LANDS, }4O ap; VIK INGS, *36 up; C.KN LIKONS, *lB np: THOM AS, SSO up. Gatl and see them. Every one guar anteed. Richards & shaver Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 803 Reynolds Private Leased Wires Eiieet to New York Chicago and New Orleans. Orders executed over our wire* fox Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro. visions tor rash or cm margins. Local securities bought and sold. Referencee —National Exchange Bank of ,ci Mercantile Agencies.^,, il 0L 1 XU/ <i i. I \l\ fWr ii 1I / * jj] V