The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 17, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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6 MONDAY COAL COAL-COAL «»k*« uu ami* irrtAH tmMjm* «m M AiDMM TMt 4«* t OWAO«» op pm On* Jenin ! OOA L ■— and Nut ]at #4 lOOIOT “'city ice company. audnjava ruMm 4*4§oo»>*4 fx*of mm| ** ■■ ’■* 90m0 - HP jat ml UPPi*- 9%| ITU,. 9%m*t »P—* iit »-.»**•** 940 ** ! ** mm#### o*o® 010 4 m* * 4994* j triTtp. #o*4oo psMippf «••*•• fa #4Mi 98m l.pHM# ajt -J.-I jn -t ft »**• #■* ia |MI mt fTi Aft# 04*NlHf r*t*Hl**4* H«nm pprtt* ~Tti i#ia%i lan «« ** it •» mr-mm. t«H» mfoo *• *. ,Ha»* a*! cpmm#*. a** apijal # *. ** I* f * ! onmmni'* imp# vi■r#* *<i" #pr *♦'■ *■* 9§* fpHpptp. ** <* , iMi * **.« iMM i junto. V»ftMP 000## I I *OO IHi IjMMM ihi. ««Mttwa >< h •• #* * a* 40 #00*? ft , « ~ ** « ** •« •» ■» iflNmgMr Ipmkk VI mm at. £#p#TaaaMaHAvmmmV *» ** ## •* nirr — , .V 7 *. »*a m Ohm ■»>»—** 4A« •• » *•'* nMM. f'M 4 •. *» j **»•• ...... -I ..mim « » umjJL '_l i 11/1 ’* ", um im* a a*AMfr, • ytopti amfi. «p mhlph t?%--m Hopry at*tt ptp»ma» an *« •* *aa j li«t9p#p oaNMM *« **• * |nyt»"xro •*•-9040 aplpp • *«• ***• ** 1 •Mlim > i—##i it •*«« •**» f "p«9»p« 4#mnmp «pita *.***• •* ** Mai m iwa <00M0«4I la •** tpa ••**«* *«««•« •* >* ■> *• Mmiip ip*• ptatmm ppaa *# - si# Itllf MntOPP * <*• mm mm ** «* ' • *• ' la i»t mpp4m. ypa Tpapp ** aa*^4V M»i«m 14 aatiVi #a» aatt *••• •V-'-tta wnoDWAMM lisp; tap fc««# *♦#•*. fll ■ . Vat HiMfcnr, tap Mtaa* O. 0*« o*m #**■• i ft, tar»# Mwp ftNlit. V V. M f4a , VI «t. »«tl lalttM a 74 ta It w*f OOOM tkMI «lrantl*«!l» t-4 I * * omn»»[u« % h ft •hiftuMi .. .. * *~* 414 B B •< * tmiia .. .. .. •« <»•* • *• ••*• J ” OtMihvlU* 4-4 M H H .. ■■ ■< • ■•» Mm r. Rm Hl* *w»4i**t .. * »-* John f. Kim. a MH4 B C .. .. • *•* mt)i> nut Ccrttmltf M ■»»«*. »»» *«.•* CwtMU, M f4l I* •••'-I. 4*4 4ac. 4i WJKKt-ttIMCM Hlk*Mkmiu> krat»4c |C J* WIOUAM. jYuit nf lk« loom, M luck#* .. .. • 1-3 I Fruit of ib* bMk »-* •• •• • I Cbm. *-* !•**«• J cbo.. 4-4 .. * J; £rL Of the Wnm 4* j*,, r. KIM J-4 K B IKWIM •• * »-• J*.» P Kin* 4-4 A A sheeting .. 4* » , UtiM 4-4 * j„., |* KIM. **-laeb Oaorgla .. ..4 1-4 Jan P KIM. ** lAsb ■<?**# ■aland .. m«• •• •« * *'* Jao P. K'n*. >• *’ rh *• •** ■•land .. .♦ .. .. •• •• •• •• Jf7| Jan. r. Kin* *4 Inch Superior .. I >-4 PRINT* Ammon shirtings 44*44 11-4. Merrlma.k nklrttaga. ••*•«■— '* *T* Chart nr i<eah Arena *4*l** ***** 3 *'• Wash**!* <HhM»*Mr» .. A. - •• * Allan'* tfahcyl * W | Ceates RpmrMW. pni* ••• .. .. 4t Aat nr tea n ln<H»* hluaa, 44*44 .. .. * l-I ■later Oil* tavliil 44*44 4 American ThdVi Mue* '*4*44 .. .. 4 InternatlrmnT Mark* 44*44 .. .. 4 Allan * rnrdlnnl* 44*44 .. .. .. .. 4 Allan'* Lntonaa 44*44 « India Mua •• * India blue 44 *44 4 | JStlnglant* 44*44 .. .. .. « Martha Wa#Wn*4o« 66r*g .. .. .. 3 *-4 uarn.t a radtanla 44*44 .« .. .» 4 Chart nr Oak*. •• 3 *'* TICKS. Jlampahlrn .. * 13 Amoakeag A .C A „ .. .. .. .. J* ** 3 j Amoakeag A .. .. .. •• •• -j •• *• Amoakeag * Reciprocity •• • •• * *"* PLAID HOMMU'UKS. City Mill* *» * r 'n ■ »**>«*• na* •• * 3-3 i Pour yard. g»*d 33 >»•'* —•• •• J ] Lo.ll »hlrtlit*a M*i* • h 3 J * Lodi drn»a alyljp .I 3 **® •• •• 3 »'* \ £?. Clair dre*V>* *< V . V * * . Oman *olld» ! '.. Vi ■■’■t .. * *■* . MarU* Washington MfttMß »v .. * *-4 : Mlscellaneoua bread*. 'Ugh* weight .. .. ■** *«.t «>••' lArX- : “l’ '•** Isaettn « yard* plala •• •• 3 J-* Thorndike B •; *\ •• * 3 ‘* w j Amoakea* , , , | Cm* cent 1 Pelham. 32 bai 110 bo* 15 F. Q. F.. SO ball* to box ...... 14 K. O. P., *0 ball* to lb 17 1-3 Muscogee U .. .• .. «. * 1-3 91 Inch 4 1-3 yd- Plnlde, best make -4 Simpson allic flnlsh foulard* 64x Pacific mourning* 64x*4 4 1-3 China allks 64x64 4 1-4 j Rockport •• •• 3 *‘ 3 Slater - 3 Concord. 56x60 •• ** *• *• #* a# * 3 1-4 Rome 66x60 3 1-4 Edwarda 3 l ' 3 Keystone 3 I ' a Fifth Avenue 3 *•* KKARSBT'S. Heavy Columbia, heavy Kearney S 1-4 Kincaid and other# - - - 9 3-« LIME. CEMENT AND PLASTER. Lime lOaßs Hoaendale cement *1.46 Portland cement *2.76 to 3.25 Louisville cement In paper saekß ..*I.OO Piaster ui bbl* *1.75 HARDWARE. Well buckets, per do* 13.00 Painted bucket*, per do* *l.lO 2 H B B cedar palls, per do* .. .. *1.75 3 H B B cedar pails, per do* .. .. *2.00 Tubs painted, per neat *1.75 Rope. Manila, per pound 9 1-2 Rape, Sisal, per pound "o Rope, cotton, per pound .. .. lOeallo Nalls, wire.. .. *1.75 base Nalls, cut «•«!«• Shovels, Ames, per do* j. .. tllalll &O Shovel*, diamond, per do* .. .. 37.00 Sljovels. riveted back, per doz. .. Ji- 5 Flaw blades .« .< 3'2 bass [Wli—cn. Wi Mk *■** Am m m m I* • tlCMnnn Mi »•* Mm» f»* AM « ai V EBaMCM (MM MMM. 4*4 AM w mm 44 4A 144«nh. a* mm* 4*4 M mm mm§ Ai I*4 NMMA 4** *A m m m m.»m * *4 A—*** 4A*aM 4*4 ami » m m * R* M«A AMC 4** A*A ~ n m * m • ** IB a mcA l * mm 4*4 )4 « M •> .* IA4 <4> * :,A t ,*4 4*4 4wA I** .. I* H**m 4C4MAC, IMA A4*MA . n 4* MaA 4A 11*4*44 RmHM. 44* I 4*4 A*M «• m AM AM* m*A 4*4 4A m ,• m m m m m Al rv«« 44M pm Am ..... M M A M AA* Aaaß‘4 AN. I 4*» AM * m m a* ■A a* ,a»4 .« At *. c. 4*4 AM •• h *• i [ AAA AMtAAnk. IN R pM AM m P Mm A4AI paaA«v. 4** AA.hh *mP W**l «AAW»A AA»*«AW*i 4*4 M .7. • ! M»«Pm 49** . M n i w A IM, f. I M AT* TV p)C(i <>*—«A«M 44**4M A«A Mil IAMMA- ] M Aa *>AA V, l<*4»4 MM 4M*A { •ftmmtwtm <*a IMA ,« .. „,. rt >t M •** j III*!* | IMA, ltd m m m IM | Hurt* l I f, MM ip <*•»■«• 4| n IMA •« H*, W M« ! o«**C*A I l-T*. lAM .. mmm Mt ... A**th CANA* I I 4*• .. .. . IU >M CTTT MOMtM. AA4NH44* Ta »4*A ......... IM ... A***»!« Aa mm ... NA ... A*A4**4A A* lAM h h m IM ... AAAMAIA I lA* MM ...... l«* ... a*a**«a rm tisi .. .... .. .. iai ... Allaai* Aa mi m ... | AIMMI* Ta IMA ~ M ...... IM ... ACIAAIA Aa IMA .. .. M .. .. ll* ... Allan,* « I r* IMI M .. .. .. IM ... AIMAtA <‘A MM «. m.. m !*• .* • htMMI Aa IMA .. M » HI ... I«*MMI Aa IMI m m M M 111 *.. Rmm IA IMI MA ... j ('damMi Aa IA4A .. .. .. .. IM ... CAmiMM I I-Aa-IMI .. .. IM ... Mam I I-Aa lAM MS Ma,«a Aa IMA IM ... r*-r* M ... CtarMo* Aa MM h.... .. W ... •- <l, *4*4 RAH.KOAD POfttil. Ormrtte II- B. * Ofc* O*. AA lAM IU ... lOtMWAI* B. B. A Ml tV Aa IMi Ul m. (larl'Alt. CnlMnlalA A Au- CA*,A I*l l*A 14*4 .... •• I*l ... Ctmfloii* ColamblA A A* |UM( M r*. IM* 11l Aacu*t* Ba « M. A*. IMI M |C. It- R. flMtklas Co. CaU* I - ! rrnl Trw*i l*A IMI *1 M i Aulkn* Kail*A]r I'A l*N .. *7 M (Vntral nf (Uargim R«lt**f, I*l roaaal n,.>rt. I’*, IM .... M M ’C. of o. tat Aral Id M M C«*<tral of Oa«fft# luu**r. 24 pr-f Inminn, IMS ~ .... It 14 T. ~f a. I*4 pn( la . IMI .... I A jo. Ar.l at Bt. I’A 1*44 .. m I*l I H >ll <h Uaorcta aad Florid*. Id Ta. IIM IM Amith Ooorata n 4 Florida. I id Ta. IM* IM Omi tlranuklp Cm., tat t’a Id Ta IMS .. .. IM ... FACTORT BOND*. Entrrprla* Mfg. Co., t*t Aa 19*3 lot ... Bible* Mfg. Co, tat AA IM •IM ... Bible* MfA- cn.. I*l A*. I*ol . lo* O* It. 11. A H. Co. alork .. 19? 2M Moulhoertem H. It. Block .. M 100 Aucuata and Ravannah *tock . M 100 DRAIN AND PROVIBIONB. 10*1*. while, sucked .. .. .. .. .. I* Oa,». mixed, wicked .. ...... .. .. 31 Corn, white. Racked M Corn, mixed ». 41 Mcal, bolted, per buxhul m* Flour, common .. .. .. 3.50 Flour, fancy extra .. I.Ti Flour, second psient .. .. 4.00 ! Flour, standard patent 4.35 ! Flour, fancy patent •• .. •• •• •• 4.7 S Wheal bran. 100-lb aacka SO i Fine feed, 100-lb sack# .. ». *• .. 90 ! llay—native, per lon 12.00 ; Hay—Timothy, per ton 12.00 ! Hay—choice, per ton 14.00 j Hama—choice sugar cured .. .. 10aUH \ smoked rib sldea 4 r Dry salt ilbe .. .... 4 ; Lard, pure leaf. In tlercea 5% I laird, kettle, rendered In tierces. 4 1-4 | Sugar, granulated SIS The freedom of American libraries 'and the accessibility of book* In them !Is a constant pleasure to readers. ; Many people can share the feeling of | the Harvard official who rays: "I re turn to the Harvard library with de light. 1 have learned the leason that there Is no library on the Kmopeun continent that can compare with out own In richness, and above all In the availability and accessibility of books. It has been my experience that what ever literary wealth may be possessed by the European libraries, the rule Is that either a large amount of red tape must be gone through before a book is In the hands of a student, or else that It Is not accessible at all except to a few favored personages.” When readers can get at books comfortably, they appreciate as never before the malleability of our American library systems where libraries are run for for the good of Individuals, not to keep up the glories of that —to us — abstract glory, the raißon d’etat A waterphone in used In Memphis, according to The Engineering Record, to detect persons who stealthily or carelessly waste the city’s supply of water. Inspectors attach the water phone to pipes suspected of flow, and stay up all night watching the Indica tions. The next day a notice is sent to the persons at fault, and If they persist in using The water Improperly the aupply i* shut off. The Artesian Water company at Memphis finds fif teen or twenty instances of waste each night New Maple Syrup, finest quality, in hulk and cans at laxtnkin & Co, s. THE AQUbTA HEKAI-D t«A» IMIB A**Mt*« HJ*«- MNMNI tA* *•►* HapAMMaM VANm RAMP* *• 4AM* 4 # MM M*«M»* RAmMMMPAA <*»A 14 ska A*«g t*>~ 4 DU A,SI IMS* 44AMA Map* Ml *•*•* A* IwT A( Mg Hi HA 4**«*4* 4A* BAp**f «A •AMD p*BM44K4* •** »A*> MMMA **M4R at i«m 4M #wa* f •* Aiaspai Ml *A* Ma* j IkRpAftMMSA* rn A#** Astasai VP* As j gwAAAA at M*M NAaVMa'a *Aa*MMmm i 9mm WMMNI Vm# || 4b fIMMU H I» jTiviji HaNX> *Viiitt 41 iMM» | IMI MPfIM *9 *tM» t Ml ; V4MMVNM • MM'Y •* WMI VvMMb- f’MVMt I tffrit #mvmni Mmm W ■MMtiiv I aplpmlM »fMl»i»f MNfWMhV Mm VMVMPMVMV Y pf'f•**. MV MHV •# wmm mmv§ mt cMv mhm mmmv 0 Viom m 0m imp* VM# fM|MVV oN#fl#' n* lift-ft# tl 04MI f%# tofVNf MVP 40 Mm Imm #4V» . nmb Um mot,, mp 4 Vpvm *m# Mivmvpimpm T mi l aMri Ms |M il W II fIMHVMNVMMNI j : *t 9m mmmrnmn a—t*<*i B«* *at '** j : B-oppm®# M# hMVMMpM Ml 14# I U Ip «m ! HQmPMrI VMi lOOfpVoiMltkliß |Mm ftPPOP *MP ] 1 Homp Ml VM* M|4M4liMO t#%l>M IM# MMf • j I a mv o f#or MOV# IM# ol#f il#' s j MB#o'4##4Pt oMlmvoM MV lM# bM#4 tO#M I Aa H| HaMtfel *'»»•'! * * IMP MM * Mm 4 4PM #«MVI4MO f'Mo tMM lit it m ifilM# Npnv 00m9m fl4#o cMf*o «4ftHPV M-4WPV*M4 4P4V 0«44Pi41k i^M^M •aa* paaa'aailag M Baall*** •* lA* , Vf4M **n tag tAa PBMBtP «i Mam iat***- j rl<«*s *Alp* •* tA* lkk»** rsxsAalDHd m Ala sit Mal ****>44 «t <A* ms iM# IfiMllv MmMml tl** •if m«t ftn iM# »•»*» MlmltM Ami f«* tAowpAl. a*4 IA*T **• *M *•* *» xHlliag M AMlaaa «Aal H •** «A* V»* (kk*M m Aa* c*»*a*4a »ka» •saa ***• Ay lA* i ■■»», *»* <A* ,r»« of lA* Bagl* TA* pW*m*M at CMMBMkAar Bai,* a# <A* Baaelaia ,»>», A* *aa rAaasi Aa tmm a* *A* | saga* Asia Baa* IV pl*»A »A*f» •»* , sAlga ***** **AI Ay last Brmalaaviaaa Aaa fwraUkad aa a4Vltka*l rrairD M dgakliag Ika 4*4«ng**l <A***ry •»« IjMrt. BoMAarlaM. *• •*** •• *• ****■ | imaa of aa tela****!** aaaaHaa M- ( aural PcA»*A Aaa baa* d)r*c»d ta Aad , oaf wAatAa* aay KgaalaA aAlpa ml j had A**a la »A* AarAor of **a J«a» had baaa rrolalag aM lA* mask coast of Cm Aa about tA# Uia* atat»4. |Jant BotlVilsal', ragnrta of <ae RaglAa <nasallflS* araa made put-.i day. a*>d Us ae«i hHaraatlag AH"** waa that part falatlag to |A# s thi'r* of the a»ftt*rt««e agoairoa herrtoforv puhlUAad. He eat* forth Malaly j why It was that A# h*lla*«l that tAa four a,range ship* mmrm gpaalab war t rasa Is that artiatevae «Aa ramll of Uj* directions aaat U» Admiral IVAley. » will be diflb u'i u> aoaxlace naval men that aAlpa which oa a elaar moonlight night declined tn answer signal* of the prlsata naval eode and of tt»e Interna* j i innal rode wer* not thoae of nn ene my, Burk ten's Arnica Salve. THE REST BAI.VE IB Ih# world for! Cuts. Prular*. Sorsa. fleer*. Balt Rheum, Fever Bora*. Tatter, mapped Hands. Chilblain*. Coras, and all Hkln Eruptions and posltivsty eure# Piles, or no par required It t# guarsnterd to gtv* perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Pries B cents per box FOR BAL.E BT HOWARD A WILI.KT. It will be n pleasure to the large circle of Cnrlyle wor#hlpper* to know that the mine of his correspondence bus not yd been wholly exploited. A belch of Carlyle’s letters, not hith erto published, are now appearing In The Atlantic Monthly, edited by Chan. Townsend Copeland, which pour much light on the more domestic side of the great philosopher’s life. Those In the October Atlantic Include a number written to Carlyle's mother, and show a warm filial character which Is a dif ferent Carlyle from the cynic author of "Sartor Rceartnn.” Apropos of Sar tor and tailors In general, there t* a long letter to "My Dear Jenny" (Mrs. Hanning) concerning the making of "some flannel things" "three flan nel shirts especially." These are to be made only of flannel than can be well recommended, and Jenny must be "careful to scour the flannel first.” that there he no shrinkage after their completion. Here is the measurement given for the romfort of the great man by the prospective wearer him self: "Width (when the shirt Is laid on its back), 22 1-2 Inches; extent from wrist button to wrist button. G 1 In ches —each sleeve Is to be. therefore, 19 1-4 Inches long; length In the hack, 35 Inches; length In front 25 1-2 in ches.” But the practical Thomas finds that he has slipped up In the matter of his tape measurings, for he exclaims a moment later, “Hoity-Toity! I find that it Is I myself that made a mistake there, and that you have only to meas ure fair with the line and all will he right; the dimensions as above, 22 1-2, 61. 35, 25 1-2.” What reader would not like to know the success of Jenny's needle work in the interest of philosophers? Did the shirts fit. after all, nnd did they shrink? Alas we learn not! Jenny was evidently a miracle of good na ture, for Carlyle adds: "If you could make me two pairs of flannel drawers, I should like vory well, too.” The correspondence is very Interesting as n whole, hut there Is not very much therein hearing upon "Shakespeare and the musical glasses.” Yet, how human! will doubtless say his admi rers. And after all life Is as much a question of flannel shirts as soul. OAOTOHIA. Be*™ tb* _dl!* Hind You Hart Always Bought rr C&ytflZ&u GooD IUCK BAKING POWDER, ISTHE BEST. of All to Limitoo »n« Form*. Iff* At. H*l ATtL FOB BENI \i n wttmr* tt'*t'AMM cm rrrM | BRu4D TfIMtHT N 4 PfM—i «4f*#o* 14 MUM M •• m M # ••4 nor • ii mrnm m mm •«#*««. t ****** .* .. .* » • M 1 iftir#r *tr**t, | mrn*nm M M 4 4 IU4 Of«wM • rMM m •• 9 M| IM ftfrrlAC * MMM m .. t% «4 M TFlffcif • r rim» H M M M *,141 «t 03 r*B«wk 4 Fill mm M •• mm TT T-ittiini Af«M • rMM «• *« 0 44 A VMM. 4 fMM a. *• « » • Holt* Mm.. 0 *#4li »• wa •« if *• fl ~ BfT m 9tM, 4 f IT m* * * mm Aa 10-44 j Off!' IIS* ,v, Bpveaia a,r~< M M M M d «* « t» ArrswlA snaat ..„»»»«*• t Us RSSDt „ M M W •• M M I B 4 U« Hurt* J ® • Law Itsag* .. *• *• >• ?1» Revs* Ms Mraat .. .. .... « » » •» .a. ja , _ M 44 I 1C 9fM4 OrM M « .* « ** « MMj Vtl fti mo it aij art M ## 04.44] 434 droll #ffMf M h •• •» « «•* 03f *•* b«-f4 •tfWt a* Art* *•*••• A* 04 * 0?T dmt4 Ktr*rl •• •• •« 44# *• »a w ■ i|j| Btr**( .a •• aw Ma* •••* W■ H t» Ib- Wd **4wst .. - OJ* *i* Ban* #tr**t - - •• *•—* •* pgrt as Nairahtv sttuatad lbi*4 a«4**t *t»r*. wsrertally xdaftad tor 01 AMIMIIiAf iHiMlfMiliit. Th# ib<dr« IM will b» cbAtf«4 from day to dty. John. W. Dickey Real I stst* Agawt. To Rent Wor* sad Rssldsnca at I*6 tad 136? Bma.l »tr**i. Oa* at lb* bast tn tb# city lor a good Urocery Flora, or ta tset, any busiaww. Tb* II cua* bat six t«) sood room*, a g.KMt yard, and A »#ry convaoVnt. Apply or Premises or at 808 Broad St. FOR SALE fgel faavt for sale vary daalrable build ing lot located in lbs centra of on# of tbs handsomest blocks la tb# city. Will sell mine very cheap. Just tbs place for a handsome residence for your family. Good titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA. NO. 1J37 OREENE STREET. EAGLE BAKING POWDER Saves you money. Makes high grade Bread. If you value your stomach don’t put a lO cents a pound Baking Powder in it. If you value your pocket don’t buy a 50 cents a pound Powder. Eagle is 25 cents a pound, 25 cents is the correct price for a good Powder. T 9 Howard & fillet Drag Company make it. REMOVED TO 711 BROADWAY- E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps. Seals, Stencils, Daters, Pads, Badges.&c 711 Breadway. Augnsta, Ga. Strowger Phone 192, It is almost impossible to point out the king devil in us, so many other dev ils stand round the throne, each aspir ing to be the royal satrap. , CAU FO* lugutta Brewing Co I OiPOUT MfeaH BELLE O W GBORGIA ldv( j »ip|9y M I Our Draw hi Beer Has None Superior. mmmfCAtX f t#—— | AUGUSTA BEER. MONEY TO LOAN. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Aleiaoder&JobDson Agvtot Scottish As,-rasa Mortgage tmaimay, 705 Broad St PORTNBR’S MOFBKAUand VIENNA CABINET BRANDSOF Export Beers ARE THE BEST ASK FOR THEM. K R. MITCHELL, AI.KX. M. DONALD tsupt. ol Con. Hsc. A Gsn. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mclntosh Mtreat. Elsctric Supplies—-pesking Tub-s, eta., etc. Repairs to all Electrical apparatus. Electric Light Wiring a specialty. Ball 'Phone 1602. - - - Mrowger 876. And very I-OW PKIITs. large stock. Aleo riPK. TAI.VKS and PITTINI.*. KN- Junks. bou kks. mm is«*,t nicrAißS. Lombard Iron Works & bupply Oo, ( OA. Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd. 1898. Lv. Augusta . .. 9:30 a. m.| 6:21 p. m. Lv. Sandetsvllle • 1:19 p. m.! 9:09 p. m. Ar. Tennille .. .. 1:30 p.m.| 9:21 p. m. Ar. Macon 3:45 p m.| 3:55 a. m. Ar. Dublin 4:20 p m.| Lv. Dublin *10:00 »• m Lv. Macon .. .. 11:38 p. m.|U:55 a m. Lv Tennille. . . S:IE a. m.| 3:10 p. m. Lv*. Sandersville. 5:25 a. m.| 3:21 p. m. Ar, Augusta • »• 9:00 a. m.| 7:10 p. m. Eastern Time. Close connection made at Tennnil'e with Central R. R. for Macon, and with WrtghtsvHle and Tennille R. R. for Dublin and Hawkinsville. C. W. JACKSON, Oen. Fgt. Fass. Agt. James TT. Jackson, Joeeph H. Sands, ; i' Iteccivcra. IkdlliiMAAt* BtßB jill'll.K ChMlmiOfl IW Carolina 4 MMHNMI # 4 *#♦* * ♦ ♦ M •iMM • 09*# 09 90000 000 IS tSSSSSStLmmmm '* I! p D 55« ' * » wmX ***s IjSgJ * wSSmSSESErnm*** ■' f Li •BgJKSTTiTT nwj * MMk, .... t mi n - * m M|M *- ’ *•*•* I |j» 4~~3A *•*+*'> l. MpM# ■ 4 ! * MMiMlflMßi »**a«*r>SMM 19# * 9MNHO Mp4MOM* *w ! |WpM- ****** * VKMNNO4Iv *** - * g«MMHa» NN44f4O 4 * 44m# *MMNMMMi'*»i** «ammmf 004444 ******** !a* Aaaaw* ■.. . wy.,l i*!* ll **B# tl V waassa Nwa . - v aaaw .... A* BaM# ... ..sasas.. > iojp4A«—»««» * MpHR: mss- ti — 1 IMNrHm * nßaaitMa,, ~ - -,,, j Rabbi .... * Baßßwa*i, **&«**—+•*• ’ ijß>sa> ,». t* gags sag . „.. j Z* DEB* hmmmmk mwJ Mia • wMßßßAmosss .... ..... \ Mjjßß *y*SMDwa mi in r T - - I xMaas. * ssya* 'KSViwsaw jia* wa * Phw •IM •*■*•...", itisAA tAleva 'Gblm.., i 1- | *B|i • t.h* 4<(*a ** Br*siS?A' ".i7lt'n t !**7‘* 'MfeMsamw I «Rwa AMm* *Bwa4M,^i M*»a •♦«* ?44MMMN*b« #•*»•***» * | 04*1— * mrnm Afca - 4M*a» m ASia&i*M..MM......!«.. ,I ***** As Man, i».»» 2 is , • , »«* *M«s dasaart*aats***«> (•dsdSBWW aetsAsw* SasA A* ab |A<* WM.I. . 4%aa a*t<*n<A A Aaarawi ■* w* Mi *eHW <•*•.(. *»d r. A A »'■•*** •■ißAasvawbaw* wA* kaa»a Bai'Ws* Pus M SIiSSM AAW »* A EMM «»«*> s>sk ws 4M>. MAW w.j <k*w. <—* rwtA f.jft. BiSTf,|pP%*4r f. B BM» IMA Ira* Bsaaga* «w<as Aa. BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD. M. C BNTTIK Bars*.** BaasiwwwA. WsaiAsa * r>M Asw 4 J Fir** Aas'i CMus (Isa X Oaas cua Mix 4 ft*, tx*. 2 Bstua Wr !»#• Ha tl IN* g Ha H Nl AM :FH I lARia UtwTU I**- l# Blf* C~ *»4waa. H* * m * 2* IS 4 4* txsavav ». f * till ** »•*?! i MM-... asm f *A*flß * ! i M a )• ML.. rw>4i*i« »•*»•-** t is i ati Cinry <***«*?§ f 4 tati ta • 42, M*d AArSW'a CNAFg f| 4 H U •* . s m I 834 .. IBHACA ..a) 4 *9 :i B I I II I j * I«M J«i. We*ll r«!aa »4F I3M 58... WatAatla ...*( *;l?t AM TM ' fLaava Arrtwv,FM PB Hs 13 Ha* 011 N “ 4 i ■ Rsgu’ar Sla’laa. F. FMg Nile* Alt nyxlsr tralaa Iran Aadarsos ts Waibstta bars rlgbl la Iracfc •*»' train, mt lbs same riaaa moving la op ftfwit# ttmllss. unlraa ul bat ala* a*a«- Iftsd by Ira,a srdst*. Will ala* Hop •• fnßowtag suttas Its lakr o« or Mt off r»a»»n** r * ****»- P#T**. Jama# *«d Bandy Bprtagu j No. It naasrll wtlA BvulAani mil way K*. U at Aadarann. I Km. I and • coawiort w!,b a utba». yuilway Noa U and IT al Bmmrm. . J. R. ANDBRBON. Bapvr'niaadaat. ATLANTIC COIST LINE. SHORTEST AND QI’ICKJWT ROCTB TO. TUB BAIT AND NORTH. tMpml Lv.. Augusta. Oa. Ar j 7 Ham i • ttpm Lv.... Aiken Ar | l:INm 4:t?pau Lv....Denmark Ar trlTpm 4 lapmi Lv.. .Orangb’g,.,. Ar I MAm •-Utpm; Lv..Sumter. H. C-..Ar ! 4:39ara; Lv.... Florence....Ar j J Ham 10:33pm| Lv.. Fayetteville...Ar | l.llpm 1:21am! Ar.Pstcraburg.Va.Lv | 112 pm 4-scam' Ar.... Richmond ...Lv | I:l2pm 7 Clam Ar..Washington..Lv | S:44pm 9:#3»m| Ar... Balilmore....l.v j 2:2Spm ll tAami Ar. .Pbiisdelpht*. ■Lv |l2:o»pm 2.o3p(n| Ar...-Hev/ Tork..».Lv j 9:36*ra Pullman palace buffet sleeptr.g cars from Macon and Augusta tu New Turk without change. R. A. BRAND. Oe*. Agt., 723 Broad Bt-. Angus!A Oa j x. M. EMERSON. Trsffie Meonysr, H. M. EMERSON, Oen. Pam. Agt. Central of Georgia Rail way. Schedule In Effect SEPTEMBER UTH. IS9*. <9oth Meridian'Time.) LEAVE AfOL’STA. No. 2 For Savannah 1:20 P. M. No. 4 For Savannah, Macon Atlanta B *° p - M - No, 6 For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 8:20 A. M. No, 52 For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 9:30 A. M. ARRIVE AUGUSTA. No. 1 Front Savananh .. .. 1:40 P. M. No. 3 From Savannah, Ma con, Atlanta 6:35 A. M. No. 5 From Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 6:50 P. M. No, 63 From Macon, Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 5:30 P. M. Noe. 1,2, 3 and 4 dally. Nos. « and 5, dally except Sunday. Nos. 52 and 63. Sunday only. Sleeping cars on night trains between Millen Macon and Atlanta and be tween Augusta and Savannah. For fur ther Information as to schedules, etc., apply to M. C. JONES. C. T. A. W. A. GIBBES, Depot T. A. j. W. NALL. Commercial Agent. BSLLB O F GEO RQ»IA E. J. ERBELDING PLUMBER, STEAM, GAS AND HOT WATER FITTER. NO. 54! BROAD STREET BOTH PH° NES ’ next time you havf A- HEADACHE BSE Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWARD & WILLETT DRUG CO.. OCTOBER IT B*tl xrm*» MWH4UH S. t t 6. MIUWT CO o## #.#44)04 44—4 IM I## Ml#’ H9ob 0440' 44% #«*«<Mo% fl#HO 9-*m I’vhk % 4#4h# ''M * * %# 01 iM 1 11» | #4l i • IlitUlf# 44414% «* tjo4»*Nfr Iff—4 , * I M , smm 4—o#* »## ***4 o#' » wnij. 0 ofßji 4* f »%a* Owm-I# i#44o-1 ♦ « »A*fA4#oo4N|%| 4* 04# rib #f 4«p444M*>4W>|| 0 41.0'»% •I f I B«B0» #OO4OO I % | »00 l a i . t '\Vo*» #* * - - tM (§#4ol*4l 0490#' I* £ 40#% 4#%4i g#jp I mm^mrn BIBB* Htß*>Ob4tlol (Mur *s <*q# SmadU* • t• gup—*- aasyaa t* UMI s« *«*•> .. »H%a* *» ‘ym Bb yukiTskii BVTb »i* p*imm f #*B*h#o tIWHK # ow# 4*# 044 o#o %f 144.. - ,4Mo># !*• 4«# •« 1%8 4t n* # #oi%w 41 ## l # 100##4 % oa# 0# IT <*o«w 4 A— l# o*4 4 * I## As «MA taa lJhaw «» •«*• .IJH 1 AS Hew TsSAlJßpaa *» h spuMA ..»M < qpwamMWa «* > * a taw fi FiA^m^mi^ajAjsj* * «'*u t . fW La. M* tmtm Blpesu Maaqgaa VMfei BwagßA f. f Bit-- As* fuWkM SOUTHERN RAILWAY." ••wsl mats saemidiaiuu* Ssaß *** -■ -i aad mwe» Pilau ««#• oiiiooii Hj#t 404# As fti— »- ' ♦ *>: * *** •m. *b> AeH ##i I 400 ir iZZXrn ar >..» aW| A* fep , Ar hiw-t'U* • j * * **v D 4‘svaa.w *4 > II £s 3i|{ :lS r ' - : :;: i tSr «23 tEZMLZr: i«9 j-* -jSr* ::: }S§ l S: - gaflBT.:::: :r -4*l »•* CTwismuMirt- “i 3! At WssWuk . .. -.1 ' ** • *' DeaeSa..'. . ■■ "l »»*»», 1 *4 yF'-T 1 - ■ *■* ■ gr. D-m : ::: ■** <■» - Urk S 3 ha. M I Wily. L 9r#T«rt.Mtk .”...1 I*P "«M4 - Philadelphia | l*y* * »• • Rautawa* ....... I * l*i- «sla Le Wadi am. IM By . . 1 M*» U Ha Lv BtThsaaad ; ItMhl It alas j7v~Daavtia ■ ■ j 4«saj 4 IS* Lv MartMk I 4 **! Ar -Or i-aasbi ,r. , Ids Le ISssaqsbcr. ....j * 04a, t Xl* • Bark BIU J Ml*a II «*f • Sal ay 1 MM. 11 Si ■ WltnrKa.. ... I II 41 » !; m * Ar CM >la Butad f D . U SVaa 141 a Lv. CahualSsCu aap’t. ! 1 l»pj Ml - jot sums ... I »I* p! * «* m flr>attfrHo .........1 t#p( .#T • Ar AafU4o ... f I Um l»l LV ArheviU. .' “rib. lahp Lv Bpartuamrg . .. :II *• 6 lip Lv OUIMa. S.C mi 8y... . :.| *«op T«»a Ar CbarlaslOß i It Wp| 11 XI Lv corbaa. FCATBy ........ II Ma «« a “ Savaenan . ! 4 47 pi 4 OXa A, Jack am villa » »yi * lit *t y ► i i v<. • «n iIRVH I b-vllwi dally p».«»agsr sarvlra baravaq BMriu* and !te« Tork. Koa r aad SS—W ashing,oa and SaaShvrsauru UtDltvd Solid VtaflbuM Irvin «I,h dining rasa aad first rlna win aorth of Cbarlcth i rullsnaa drsaing ronm vlorpmgcarr hals m-a Tsmua. .I»cli-<,avtil« savaaaah. Wavkiagu n aad Bow »ark. Pullman movpiag Cara Isfiwoan Oiarhrlta aad gi.'hwoad __ . PoUmsa drawlag-room *le>'pin* cars ha laaen *1 rear Ik, r-. and Norfolk dose ,-oanao* ,*m a* NVfolk lor OLD POINT CoMFOBT, arrlvtog thar- la tim. for brrakfxrl goUd tram, with Paylor car*, batwara CbirMw «»d A.hsjtlla. 4i<« » aad IS—B. S. Fast Mad. ’H,rough Puilaiaa drasrlag room r.uffal .leviaag «r>b» tvrevu .lachaoovlU. and New York and Pali maa •ir.pms cart taitwrwa Auguvta and t hae k>t«a. Pullman aleenlng ,-ara blmrs Jack -1 eoaviHv aud Oolumhia. rn roata oatly hviwaaa lidkfOßviUt u 4 QaHudbu. m AiAmli*. Third V P A Ora. Mgr T. M , Wa«htn«,m T A TUBK. * H HAKDWIf K. id p. A.. Waahtngtm O P A.. Atlaalp GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (90th MsltdlAD Time.) Schedule Effective April 24, 1898. Pullman Sleepers between Macon aoh New York. Through Pullman Sleepers betwmn A«* guata and St. Louis- Lv Augusta ..| 7:06aml 3:2opm|l«:3opw Ar Atlanta ...|l2:36pm| B:2opm s:ooam Ar Macoo ....|U:l6am| 6:45am Ar Athens ....|l2:lspm| 7:lopm - Ar GalnesvltlelrS'.tSpml Ar White Pl’s|*l :00pm| Ar MlU’gale .jl0:10am| 4:3oam Ar Wash’ton ..|lo:loain| 7:lopm .... .... Picayune train leaves Augusta dally except Sunday at sris p. m., end ar rives at Mllledgevlllc at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at August* 6:16 *. nv, 7-45 a. m.. 1:20 p. m . end 8:26 p. m. A. G. JACKSON, O. P. A. J°E W. WHITE, T. P. A- CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect, March 6, 1808. Eastern Tirtie Standard, Leave Auguata, Southern Ry.. 9:30 p m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 a m. Leave Chester, C. & N. W. Ry 7:45 a m. Arrive Lenoir, C. & N. W. Ry I K p.m. Leave Lenoir, Stage 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park, Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage .. 7:30 p.m. G. W. HARPER, c. F. HARPER, President. ...LJsxJbW--