The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 18, 1898, Image 1

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• a iotik k ;,e • ttutft, t ; «HM a»—*ga At»ii •■«* *» ». *»4 I* )SM ** t w »«0 TK* At*at'#TA ututos I4HX. H» (>—»*«* SPEER’S SPEECH It Waft the Event at the ilijt Jubilee. Plaudits Tor the Bril' lilmt ticorjfian. o#aag k#»tag# -v# amm •* rm Mt (Daisy. (Ms |n»nu< fna la TW Hm’4 11 CV* $S «■ tbnaaaaJ ***** ***** «it*4» tlse «*Sla <rf IS* j a*4tta#f«*l irwlM SS4 •ilauNMiiwl lb*j firm: i»r>iti *«#?* to## of «S# Us* { turmal ft##*# J»M4#» All 91mm M 4 f*##- j «#da f • g#a#t graafian *o# pfra SeMNMNMT «S* art mil fqjtfii*# luaa TS* it rut jy aa* 4a is gad fold tills*" . ariag iitri «M s rate # tod Maraud) Skit tl* fnl an rMf p»rk«4 Sfcnßti4 IS* feotftdlaf tSUf’ a* Soar V#* ha* ilia (Venn ogrard Tfe# #s#*rt«## l mmrn*4 raft b a eSort oddjraa# he | Bran ('barite Trutt of il# Jj hi l#e I naittN, at the r«MKtt»»w»a df rafcica ; I# Ittlfjdtced It# oSkef, w H |*« < k . Hr. Hwrk c oddiw# m tfr»#t#f »Ml sroat of*!**## Altar Mr Perk ooa ris4#«|. h# itltadtnri Mayor Harr toon of Clirtfo who 4#Hvcr«f lie formal addraraa of v« fcom# to Praat4aat Mr- - Xla ley. aa tk# i;rtaf#r« «ko bad root* to »ttxra«a tk# coraMlas of itbiiw awes | The president. who received a moat enthusiastic welcome as he entc-ted the building, made no formal reply to the addresses of welcome, notwithstanding large calls were made upon him for a speech. Following the address of Mayor Garrison came Archbishop Ireland of St. Paul. Judge Emory Speer of Georgia, followed with the closing ad dress of the morning. During the af ternoon five meetings were held in different parts of the city. Ail were addressed by prominent men. Judge Speer's address was a remarkable gem of eloquence. It was the event of the morning and has won plaudits and cn coniums for the gifted young sena tor. i KILLED BY THIEVES. A Horrible Hurder Has Occurred in Illinois. [Bv Associated Press to The Herald.] Kankakee, Ills.. Oct. 18. Emil Chiniquy, a wealthy retired farmer, and his wife, were found murdered to day at their home wear Kankakee, Their heads weroJAWuohed with a heavy ins rument. burglars en tered by a window. Chiniquy was believed to have had a large sum of money In the house. THE TR ÜBLE OVER. All the Indians, But One, Have Sur ren ered By Associated Press to The Herald. Washington. Oct. 18. — The following from Indian Commissioner Jones was received thiA morning: “Walker, Minn., Oct. 18.— Secretary of tho Interior Held ilnal council with the Indians at Bear camp today. Alt but one will surrender Wednesday. They will assist marshal in capturing this renegade. It is believed the trou ble is all over.” i .._, SUNOAVS HERALD WILL OO INTO EVERY HOME IN AUGUSTA-DOEB YOUR AD OO WITH IT? YU» (tMI A »m THE AUGUSTA HERALD. ' a CM V \| M (N»%*| M«»\ i H •#• Mb# bfiint at oa t'M«aaaaa Pvat ## t«4ii f fSt AaiPtt Mt**** Plaae la tV* tbragrf I 1 I MtaMMiMi fk f tv* IS * ns** lipaafMMta aeawaatasaa erf «**•## *d* , lit #«at PksMMi Mama #• #**•# MtAat •** | |iaa tvim aarttiea at Mbs Hiwradrai i ®*#« mmt dMa##®rf) tlm* aaaaia# fate** - ##* Itaafae rara# >#•# ** *»4 a# pi#a#ts aatt## - I |oa at TriMttttttm. fllefcwnn |Wa y##M4am dtk #) St tV# , Haaipa at fttabieta ood 9M* Moraaa I tat tk# nwtiAiflMf <oo### at to# aaaa# j * w«m» im all h*eSiiip* **d dopraiM ; I *n#a ta# #f afwfarrf (divv #n# aa Sa 1 4tfls«MaM. ood ra### aar# taa#a to I flraa#4 tb** Maadoirf a* aaabakaal I fera* let eaii |#« iS AXaa at TbUkNlSl# M f abiwaittteei a gaefaa as aaKNnM a# *o tit# aSUHhauHMMI #»a## "ara. ao# laa **■ J NeADgi AItTEKS CAIP. Rmioi«4 that LM N*«l I* Hi* H r# * , aeaf All tbla aortitf «m «y#it hr Col, of tk* bf ttHTunn-m maip of tk# Per* * roatpaalrdl by atmra erf tb# NMSaa r»ti t#at *od airy yoaikl# aartay m •ho«*n hi n M# la o<»a *«*aa>Ual to | MtipipYt a#ti. bat tb# motor t# afloat that the lot adjoining the Bon Air hotel Ws been secured. This lot is elegantly situated in a beautiful rpot. It is conveniently near the city and the camp of the troops. Many ; of the officers will also enjoy the life j at the. Bon Air, where many of their i friends wll be this winter. It is i known that the colonel was especially impressed with this lot and that It has j been tendered him. The expected of- 1 fleers, headed by General Yoting, who! were expected today, have not arrived . up to the hour of going to press. Their arrival is eagerly looked for, as upon | It depends the beginning of the work for the camp. ~~C O ES TODAY. 2,900 Registered Up to 3 O’clock To day. The registration list for the congres ! slcnal election closes today. Up to 3 p. m. today, 2,900 had registered, cf : which 400 are colored. The registration today was 33. New York Futures. New oYrk, Oct. 18.—Futures opened steady. November 5.30, December 5.34. January 5.39, February 5.43. March . 5.47, April 5.61, May 5.55, June 5.58, [.July 5.63, August 6.65. Gray’s Store Rented. Mr. Mark Silver, of the Liverpool Clothing House, has rented the Christo pher Gray store, and Will, as soon as he , can have the plaea fitted up, move his line of gents' furnishing goods there. Mr. J. D. May Back. I Hr. J. D. May, who tfiss one of the first to respond to his country’s call | for volunteers, and enlisted with the | second Georgia, has returned to Augtts j ta, and, resumed his position with Jas. Daly & Co. , PLAIN TALK! Amerka U Not Oolny to Anne* Cuba. Have Nothing to Do With Cuhan Bond*. Kfitia «| tb# Mat* at OSbab# iSf laearlairf Pm Hi Tb# H* all i M* Srt4L Ctrl SSMBMMbt %m* It item preebikat «rs «b# %aaktb 4M bat aril teMlay * Attvkraa f##ale«wt twa Soft# Itm aay alt 9b# blab at* fit# icMbUMWfI cirt la OaaM# raatpaa ###trrrfay • aaaMaa as tb# Jd4ai fab#* S'sMMt# pfpxstura, afhbit Ha arreatbas MiMmltf ra#owat#f#4 fotbaa fm tb# I gs nrtilitiab attitaA# as tb* that la rtgarrf to Patio Sira and Cabs tliat i*jc iftlrlc# of tb# pt* f»i »rtt Mhealotrif goaitlt*. Spata t< k#i DoftO niiitba (Sbaadon#) wvtrtlfftty ow I* avttbNL and a#t# not opra To *tla* ru#ka |V'ki<l* # tbr *«.» IMk> _ n..ini f|# to #rrtt(Hilout!* atrfaS tentri Tb# farnio® trf in# * unaa <tr-ht rrmtini Cpna nbl<*b poa#r ihmiWl tb* obligation of *»»arafit##»og tba debt real? H#rt la artier# tb# two roimtaaton* 4ifrr. and a#ltb#t la In* rlln#d to yl*ld The spmith PmMM. The Spaniard* ifr«* on Utr follow ing i<dm When • pnw«r tMOTM ter ritory. It to implied it •»■!•«« *1! ob ligation* previn u»]y of web territory. It to International taw, *»m- lonrd by tiMgr and trtaich b«» a I way* b.ew runi lM with Thu* when Frnnre »n- Savoy, aba a**uaoi alt the dtoii contracted by tti* taller while wttit HR Italian province lastly. they r»tn‘«d tbair nppcneiiia that I'ulta la virtually the bay to tba Quit of Mexico and a atrateglc position of tba Ural order to the Halted State* which call* for aomjL sacrifice eg Itie part of the American^ The American Ptiaitloa. To tbia the latter replied at drat tbaf they could aot liiteo to any diaruaalon on the matter of the deb, being under frrmal Inatructlona. slut on the Spun iah commlaaion inalatlog that the Am ericana have taken a more conciliatory attitude, not Hint they entertain any, Intention of yielding to Spuin’* ln- Junctiohs. but they conecut to argue against the Spanish position. The Am ericana ioatot upon the fact that money raised by Cuban loaua were not ap plied to the requirement* or Interest* of the Island hut chiefly borrowed to the end of Improving the financial condition of Spain and to procure funds which she could no longer raise in the peninsular, and the debt, there fore, la personal to Spain. On the oth er hand, the Americans say that Am erica has no intention of annexing Cu ba and could not, therefore, assume such obligations. Finally. It Is held that, owing to the fabulous cost of the war, the American people would not concede the right to thus assume such obligations. Just a Pumor New York. Oct. 18.—A dispatch to the Herald from Madrid sayß: "It is regarded her as a good sign that a large Anglo-Amer’can syndicate Is be ing formed to buy up the Cuban bonds. This Is, of course, Interpreted as evi dence that a satisfactory arrangement is at band. There is good reason for supposing that the big cannon mount ed at Havana will fall to the Ameri ca ns. Th- Washington View. Washington, D. C.. Oct. IS.—lt Is hoped, though hardly expected, by the officials here that yesterday's proceed ings before the peace commission in Paris marked the high-tide of the Spanish opposition, and that from now on the Spanish commissioners will re tire gradually from their extreme po sition. It is recognized that their at tack upon the Americans’ position was marked by the greatest cleverness and adroitness. The opinion prevails that the animating purpose of the Spaniards is to work upon the sympathies of the other European nations, appealing to the'interests not only of the holders of Cuban bonds, hut also to the holders of purely Spanish securities, which, pos sibly. may he effected by sympathy. The Spanish argument i» directed to show- that United States must assume sovereignty, else the island will bo left without a legal status; this is interpret ed as being a distinct bid for interven tion on the part of foreign bondhold ers. Later, according to Spanish hope, these bondholders might be expeoted to call upon their governments to aid the Spanish cause by protesting to the United States against the destruction.’ of such large values as those represen- Altit *f A. at I •#» no# ta#*•# v-f* •« a# m#a. I a#en in PkbfasHMMMnat tf#*- b Si fare t#a aa lbs : j. !«•*•* BRA tk# 4 ike# iMNikteNti am -. t »t#a Ii * - * **♦**•»«»* mm## ’ I Tb# *f#CM*m»a giba«d bar# Sana ijrr t*» iaiffn t ~T i*i tb# t*e<t«| VCUOA i i.w;k. Aferg#*# fin airalStM «i # Ten at IbapactbMS Ib 7 AtwwtpNrf How to Tb# MerakLl A'laata fla . Ort ll> tiffna D#a* trai Vttmm of tb# raltal State# a** ria# boaptal aarvk# la la Atlaata to day «» a atr as taaperUoa as tb# a tiara at la# recviiilof)* and tb# yellow fbew roadllloap. tip to trakap PPa ##•## bar# koii 9#aart#4l At tbkp tint* laat year al#t#n b«Sidted were repotted Tb# 4lirir ikb y##r la ieaa ilrabat tbaa fora»*rle, and Df. Wyman thin fee Its deadfinrae h» vapidly <l#rraaalag. MOi SON COMBS MACK. He Man NM im»*« I p Ike CkriAlokal Cato a. (Ry AMnrlalftf Mm to The mA*M » New York. Ort Ik—A itlapalrk Imo ralmaaera to Ifcr HrroW m»jt* "Na val Cnnatmrior Hnbaon tailed for ' f*bila4rlpkla via Jamairo The ramp at tke foloß «wk U partly built an.l Ihr work will pi oa rturln* Hotmi abaanre. Thr parimiioarr r.ram trial of thr Infawta Marla Teraaa’a englaM waa aatUfartory. • PORTO RICO PASSES TO \ URCIiE SARI New Possess!## of the l nlted Sines. Formal OwneraMp Waa to Be Yielded Today. Today the Irland of Porto Ri co will become a poawsalon of the United Slate#, briny yield ed. by virtue of conquest, by th« Spanish Kingdom. "XBIfTkEWAKD. The Duchess Very Anxious to Uet Back Her Jewels. (By Associated Press to Thr Herald.) Parts. On. 18.—The Dowager Dueh e« of Sutherland has offered a reward of twenty thousand dollars for the re covery of her jewels, said to he valued hi a hundred and fifty thousand dollars whjeh she lost on the train. The jew elry Includes a necklace valued at twentythotmand dollars. THE SEVENTH COkPS. It Will Not Move to Savannah Right Away. Washington, TJ. C., Oct. 18.—The probabilities are that the seventh army corps win not move to Savannah for none time, nor until complete arrange ments are made for a camp there. At present the army authorities are look ing to the construction of sewers, se curing a water supply and making the camp as absolutely perfect as possible for occupation by the enlisted men. JUDGE a UST PAY THE FINE. Blow That Struck Editor Stein Costs Judge Berry SIOO. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 18.—Judge John 0. Berry, of the city criminal court, must pay Fulton county a fine of SIOO for having struck Orth Stein, the editor of the Looking Glass, in the dining room of the Kimball House last spring. Judge Berry was fined S2OO. but the fine was reduced to SIOO. He appealed the case to the supreme court, and that body yesterday affirmed the decision of the lower court. Seven-IKew Cases Washington, Oot. 18.—A dispatch to the marine hospital service from Franklin, La., reports seven now cases of yellow fever yesterday. A ROYAL ROMANCE Court Comlnjt Out In a Book. A great Stir Created in Vienna Circles IVOwIMuI MmmM #l# •Ink lJ»k> Ik* Anlk—it. (ob»rt*l f#bl# I# ltv§ TtVfb Jonhmmm | v nhhmi <if t, ig - a gt #*■ mm ### ##lH|t#d tb ####% f ltfJ#A t»| ib# b### j itsAi tt# bNmt»f#i r##bt«## Mart# I# r urb. *mr* tb# »4t%f*fVt# g|### frf tb# : lot# Mittibrtb, bill tvbit# b## , rtMirarai fb b ■.*b bbtfb bit) l#b## lb# »»##■•• «f b Ulfik g#bl4#b#r Mm* ((%tMbii • I Tb# Cbbbt#bg tmrtarb toil bvw t< I nwiri • b*b it («#«»• gm ## b tbat It ### tbmbgb bit tb*t tb# CTcnab I’Vtbr# ttifdblbb m#d# tb# ar'dMMbt* lira of «b# ftebbtue V#t##fb #bi «r## d#*m*4 bf tb# Bb|#Nw gbtlt ttki* Mrlitf tb# rnubtrx Li* riMb <rfrfbtb#4 b 4tiutrv fmm b#r bo# Lbbd #bd twryßiN b#r fvt#bd# b? bwmtbi tb# o9#b #tttg#f H#rr tb# ##gbrbtb«b Tb# baali trbkrb #b# hit brtt!#b l»#bf# lb# iQ||r«tlvr till#, Kofclfmamlirt'* (**A Ruril H* am##’*) Tb# |>utrft#b#rn drßltrr ii mb ißi*f#t##r. tbit bffliHoii, imgU- | ••Hag (#rwt)»litira erf tb# blgb#«t Utobdibg gt robrt »r# #obtain#d tb tb# | litrrurv ftftwi of tb# Cbmtru. Tb# 'fait «nt#r d###U# tfi l#bgib oa tb# ra* tuAtrnpb# lb tb# Irlito# M#jr##ttag. j where tk# Crown Prior# #iplr#<l rkagrlnad by her tealakmrat from court. Ik# CVrantca* Inn* ago cought in juatlfy bar rarw by rvplatning la book form all her connection with Ik# affair between tbe Crown Priare and the Count#*# Vetaeta Her manuscript waa no sooner la Ike hands of a pub liaker than a truatml emissary of Ike Km prior FraM Jt aef bought k!m off, | sad It la uaderatod tkal Ike Couteoa I reaetrad a coo so la t lon la hard cash I H la also known that *be received an annual allowance from the Elm press on i'oadltloa that ahe would rellnquiab all I court relation#. Whethrr the Counleaa la no longer lin receipt of her annual gJIowRBoe | on account cf the death of the Empress | Is not known. It la believed that the new book la only a revlaed veralon of her former manuscript. I Tbe Counteas has confided lo her In- ( tlmale friends that she intends to go ' with her husband to America and take | up her residence In New York. NEGRO DESPERADO SHOT. He Resisted a Deputy Sheriff riarl boro and Bit His Thumb. ' Bennetts. S. C.. Oci. 11—Yesterday afternoon Deputy Sheriff Joseph E. Hinson, while attempting to arrest Zcke Townsend, a desperate negro, wss forced to shoot and kill him. Tbs shooting took place ten miles south of (own, where the arrest was made. The negro bad been arrested and placed In the deputy'* buggy, when he leaped on the deputy, threw him to the ground and seized his thumb In hi* mouth. Mr. Hinson llir-w the negro off and emptied every chamber of his pistol Into his body, killing him Instantly. The coroner has gone down to hold the, Inquest, and Mr. Hinson has surren dered to the sheriff. Mr. H oson is a elpendld officer, very quiet, yet firm and plucky. BARBEE & SHITH. Their Work Again Endorsed and a Resignation Followed. [By Associated Press to The Herald.] I Knoxville, Oct. 18.—The Holston conference of tbe M. E. Church, South, which met at Norriston. has endorsed the action of Barbee & Smith, book agents, with regard to the war claim. Ur. Price, editor of The Midland Me thodist, who condemned the action, then resigned. The incident grew out of charges of fraud in securing $288,- 000 damages from the government for the use of the publishing house prop-, erty during the civil war. SLIGHT FROST. It Fell at Jackson Today—The Situa tion There. By Associated Press to Tbe Herald. Jackson, Miss., Oct. 18.—The yello-w ; fever situation Is practically unchang ed. The weather continues cool, and there was a light frost this morning. Its beneficial effects will soon become apparent. There was one death at Jackson this morning—w. T. Ha ga r. The number of cases in the statu of ficially reported for yesterday Is 34 with two deaths. Hafriston Is the Worst Stricken town in the state. Of the 288 people there. 172 have contracted llm fever. One hundred are now under treatment. Thirty-seven whites and sixty negroes have not vet had the fe ver. There are only two nun-infected houses in the place. i»kft tauah a %ra* |$ $ «DAY. act. #» #B* tflt 111 I %t*N * t A%H ’ t>ee*M*«Me IMS NM fll Ik# AflMMk# IHMM #| MR f# m* *flk*+4#4« . t P%*m On**#lt I ###!**#• (V4*a»tA# ft f ft#« i® mm • mmm fltopfdMMkd Mari# - mm l in# mV# aw p#*kyii».|ii#d *a #tti# m tv mmm §Mrffwt mi hwmm>* 4 a# mm vmmmi mi f"’#### I## fM> tiki-* R-.Rgf# l| fAPfl##' | *#d tNOT VUV H DM# I H###*# f®## = Mfctvtft t a#d I9H MV fMdrfWl tv t#rf I #»<vi## iv fi#vvM## v#9vd wi|RV#d w 'i Via ryviv Wd Mm I #•* fdv##d wnafigt w*m*. | v#v !feM tmm |tv# ii)d#»t*» «t IV# VVfWili Ifcra) , «#4«#Vw vdM#4l I*** viravdy mm* ptm - M#V#d Vs ***** Ml IV# iiv*# f *#lrf#l) VIII #V44t#4f t tod**# m 1# #V4 * «da#V f#a» VlkVI | *•# |)*f<*4 wad## itfi ##< * aa# mmhm# vt fv*- iit --fvfMiv- v*#® <9v# 99 T’-Ivmi# M CM la V C V I ll#MddWff#fV dv I wd MvvlV < % v««llv# tVWrfr* * #fa# rvW f**9Mk«v# T*# fIVVtMVV##, IMNI W# ill# iv#VrfMir# trf III# fjrr"OM 4 f | | wVHVf W#* (a# ###d *## Vtllrl# IV •V# I ***R*ii '• t*m<ir>c ard#t dvi# frf V. IlMlt CVrf tIIIVMIV tvlV# IVl# tVfVft dftf drank <#l*l) tv ••# tlMkfl I## •Vo## Mll#«V#Vt f wr»rv)vd CohvH T liman ta a)»#vlm#tf fain# M# M#a #vtir#ir f#i#f aad lUfVifrf tv rr*a«* w dita#vaiw la tl)# nod • lilt# V# MV# vrd#f#d IV t#v%# tfc# <*mp li# did mm r#f«a# arltli pttifiMitt# to do #o. but on ib# rwtrvrjr # ‘lf wslkafl to tbe ramp of f’apt Hat • of fa D. and there ehatleO with t'afltata Imv!• and other officer* for poaaibly ii bfirar. vft## vb)#b b# #ftlkf4 tv tb# ghandwa pavllloa acrompaated by Captala Dana, tor the purpose of tak la* Ik* at feet ear Hi* cofldaci wa* In uo wav unbecoming and »> nppre rtal* hi# stall to tbe ramp other ar tlelea la reference lo Ike aaate mazier hare been gnbliabed la the paper* ot Ihe Stale refle«-ilng upon t'okmel TlM m»n and are equally false Very rea pe cl fully. W. H Parrott. Obear R Kel ly. N B CockarlU. C T Jenklnron. W H. Touch harry. J 8 Grant, Sergeant T J Riuhes. Company 11. Ja* W Rue •tit. Marlon Ingram, C. 1. Jame* E. IX Cork -rtn R O HlgFia*.’D " Jone*. F W Ham. U K Smnh. John Epp*. W E Splgner. Fred i*«All4|..B W Nettles. J A King. Robert June* J. C. Hlcka A. A. Clarke. E B.'Harkc. M G. Barnhill. B. T. Tohla* B W Tamer. JR. F. Ridgeway and a hundred ol hem HOLD THE COTTAOE. Tenant* Driven Oul By a Mv*terlou# Agency. Dublin. Oct, 18.—A haunted laborer'* cottage at Feagh. in Kell* Union, be tween Kell* find Balliehoro. I* the talk iof all Ireland. The cottage hat within ' ,i year hud time (ersni*, »nd all three I gave up their leaaea, aascrtlng that tbe ! ghosts would not give them any peace at night. ; According to the statements of one of the tenant*. Mr. John Brennan, of the Royal Irish Constabulary, bottles, boots, pot lids, and other household utensils <rould jump even in the day time all the way from the floor to the relling of the cottage, and ot night Ihe ghosts held a regnlar earnivat. There were music und unearthly screams and yells, while the doors, which had been securely bolted, would now and aga'n j>e violently opened and dosed. The last tenant, Mr. W. Manning. In spector of the Board of Works, who had taken ihe cottage with the deter mined 'object of "seeing Ihe ghost.” has abandoned the place believing In ghosts, though he does not corroborate nil that the former tenants have rela ted. The house Is now vacant. RARE ANIHALS. They Are Shown By the Big Circus That Is Coming. In Instruction and Interest no other exhibition can compare with a really first class zoological collection. The Adam Forenaugh and Sells Brothers’ united menageries, which exhibit at Augusta in November, constitute not onlythe largest, but in many respect# the rarest and most valuable one. In the world. It alone contains a school r .f trained seals and sea Hons; a huge, double homed, white Sumatra rhinoc eros: a giant male hippopotamus; a magnificent polar bear: a stately Af rican eland; a beautiful Niger antelope: a moat singular Ethiopian gnu. or hom ed horse, and an exceedingly rare pair of saddle back tapirs. ao INTO CAMP NOV. s- Augusta Soldiers of Second Georgia to Camp at Lake View Park. It. was learned today that the soldiers of the second Georgia, who are now in Augusta, will go into camp at Lake view park, November sth, preparatory to being mustered out of service. They will be in camp, probably, one week. Terrific Weather. Bv Associated Press to The Herald. London, Oct. 18-.—ferrlfflt weather continues to prevail over the south and past const#. The Great Britain mail XP ,. v j,. ( . between Dover and fftlulH has beer, interrupted, and there, have been lifeboat ami rocket appertus rescues. MS* ru)WTf a# LOANAND mAVINOS BANH m* *4 *•*# p*l« MSSSfIM \ts£- JPgMbVMM • 40MM#k LOCKJAW CURED Tctanun I* No Longer Tatal. Eire! operation in Thin Country. NM«ia| «*# VfftMHaa i<tvi f tfe* 9*mmt a# )*««*#%. #f VW «« M M tM (Mill##! •a# Am****# m Nk#V<M#b a *-*«**# «a#a *r* «imh f*t%, y§r ir a# I# ‘in# nmn « * a*# #f life# I# t*4 Wd fit *■*%#♦ I## (*tNMNr4I„ HI t a#®#* ad la* )»*flß|* • i a### H I# VBl# TV #>MNvary rihlm rs *#• Akin trf IV I«fl #r I In* Old# TTita ir flhtrf k »,i fntm4 Vi 4'ViiMfai *4)at f lit ym®#o# alirVY 9V# 4i###a# V d load# direct)) tali’ iv i*naia. aad iV iiia#t#r IV aW erf > urla# 4maii fousia 9l#mi«rfi «#••! ’ V amnio## •( tVlanar# Wai#t ikp Aval t»« mratV a##. aiMi# *li%iarliM»# #1 Kira a.t;ri Ha mi fr*m a (hint «t#m ala* dtn thi tifh • fltv rarf la IV crtHMd. TV* mjurira i«rf«Ui#4 dlrvrily iwara# «rs th« fall ®r#r# Mi9i«aiftrft(ii.a«l Ira ra*« ft lain fall) cat lira *ta#h thrmtih (la# akylirflkf. Tv moot alarm mi# Urtration *aa on iv ria lit Vs. (Ira «aif of wlMrfi Had Vffi Almcau #o9l##)) trf® a##>■- YL ould Nat Permit A mpatstion. Immediate aargtral aid *u pmeured. tile wound* were drr*aed and tfemlua wa* then sent t» tk* O.arrml H<Mgttal M Paaaat i It waa feared far a time that It would be nevus#ry to amputate the laearat'-d i»g. but Hem tea pmtamad aa * Sttenuetisly that every effort wae boat • te’eas'e It. 30 j Tv leg was saved, but tetajuia.wMek ha I been entirety unlocked for, wt In l jus: * ben bis prospects lor rvcororT •eemej brightest. A mess- nger wa* tllapalched at one# by Dr Church ui the Paateur Insti tute. at No. MS West Twenty-third ' street, in this city, for a supply of ae rum This waa without affect. On the second day Hernlon's condi tion woe moat alarming. His Jaws wsra locked, and ihe muscle* had ao atlf fened that hta body formed an arch, with only the heel# and the head touch ing the h-d when he was placed «>n I* back. Another supply <>f serum waa sent for. but with arant hope that It would do any good. i Dr. Rambaud, of Ihe Taateur Insti tute. became Interested In the acrounta <d the case relat'd hy the me**enger from Passatc. He had been informed of a new process of treating tetanus, which had been discovered at the Pnr teur Institute, In Pails. In July. He suggested to the messenger that Dr. Church try It. Dr. Church was ready to try any thing when h» was told by the mes senger of Dr. Rumbaud's suggestion he called up the Paateur Institute on the telephone and received minute In structions concerning the operation. At his suggestion Dr. Rambaud Journeyed to Passaic and personally arranged for It. After some difficulty, on account of the problematical result. Dr. Church secured the consent of Hernlon's rela tives to th-> operation hy asserting It was the last chance. The required con sent le-ing secured a supply of special ly prepared serum was sent to Passaic by Dr. Rambaud, and preparations weie made for the delicate task of sav ing Hernlon's life. T, n or twelve surgeons of note in 1 Eastern New Jersey, who had been summoned, hastily attended the ope ration. Dr.- Church trephined Hem lon's skull on both sides of the head. Through the minute openings thus ob tained he Injected serum direct to the brain. A considerable quantltv of se rum was used. Lockjaw No Longer Fatal. I Hem lon was resting peacefully last night, digesting with evident pleasure a hearty meal for a man who had been almost dead from the hitherto consid erable Incurable disease, lockjaw, j The weakness attendant upon the attain he was under during the two days his Jaws were tightly set Is pass ing away, and Dr. Church Is fully con fident that his remarkable patient will be able to sit up and take care of him •splf as soon «s the wound in the leg heals. The first operation of this character was performed at the Pasteur Insti tute. In Paris, last July. It was suc cessful. Since that lime six similar operations have been performed there, three suc cessful ami three not successful. The Passaic ease Is the first in the United States—tn fact, In the world anywhere outside of France. The almost assured, successful out come of it leads Dr. Rambaud to the belief that tetanus will be numbered shortly among the list of curable dis eases. no matter how far it has pro gressed. He Ik naturally enthusiastic over the outcome.