The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 18, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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TUESDAY 6 QQAL —COAL —COAL wftnM£*MJ» ami irrt am tie>i —m in MAihiHUM THE M9T CMAOEH OR •*%*# Ctni J*tuco * ** AL>Xi< Anthracite Iff »"« Nut •« the u»wrM Jto£» IMP (%ae#a » *»* jen • * N* *** i—« Bas f*A CITY ICE COMPANY. AUAM A fIAMUtTVIk. ftww m Pat** tM n* ■***••*■• >■!»■* —$ toto—§ 9—to— •ftrVTtoM Nan wta'D •****•*• N* •* •* PNMMI MMIt t***6*S >• .« i (■yank )•»! *•*<■•' M w ** • **• •* tWa* a, * «* li I'Nil NCm **ti rotfWTilt MN4NKM •tea *#** •*«• ~ M fkr na ls» ■, hat** M it 4**» * Cabbage. pra bataai M Nall * Cto—V——(•# Im4 «• #•■ w ** *« Met PtoM— Is (?« itotoiMi «* *«» • i A * :* § > ntha, (——9 » • S l -■#! * 8 Mj9O94PPP toto tl—to— ».*■ •# *« * tM M 9 UHilll. tea* y ,_, .. ~ *. ev . •» • ftygag ■ tv*. omtanM. ** N INI •* |>*f gun.b.a. |MI| ~ H I. *• ——SSei *« •* h 6*.ri,.*e* •• Nall fa ase*. NNaH #*' .. .. •• *» She* t*Mrtr~*‘ l>M »«««»•■»» U M**» , ■> . . ■ 'I P—f W • • Pa-b* *«•ft R *;j4_ o** ***•*'■ uta •*».<>'» INavf NaN. ***MB*b J* ••»»• 1 lmf a«ii itriHmi *• •• •* >* lMv**% tmtmmtom ♦*> MM» ■* • . | (—-leas’ll •I * - #<(* Mi’## «* *• ** «« ** •**" ' P»|<lrr - €%<—%• e**t—* •**<— * “•* ** ** ] Ma« li it—t, to 81* If ~ »i «* *• *« *• *» *> •* W9~ ft* . Matrix itia eetoe "• fhfcf IMW a# •* ♦ * *• ** *•*•** *r 2 IlHitt M M tonato- fttP f9W* *• ‘ Half. H fait hmmw *■••* n ft. tw* Imp «P#Mt J2'* 1 !•« fc#ip. O* . P** •••* j is ?t. Ifcf*# bump, ftdtf H W. • j H #•, tpl tfAutta, If ?l !• M f»srt oootip Iff ara 9h*(t‘ bppp *iiml Hit liii|* , < ilfatist#. I*l HfelHilur .» .# »* **t Of awofrUfa* 1» II N alWftMl* •• *• * OranMavffi*. 04 I T lIMfUU .. 4 !•* tvWa ♦» •• ••’ <• * *’! OnoNrfll)* 4-4 II M H .. .. .. * M» f. Kim MB* fWnttw •• * *"• inh* l*. Hum. o lack l C .... i t-l WOOL, BILK CwHWIH. IN |>N. I» ***4, r»r A»t,.N CarticwlH. •• T<N *•> apavl. **f 4aa -** IUC4T HIKOk ItlTfllanrfiiT kffM* . •• *••• *lf 1$ VMOA*. Prat! of t*a lawn. M Inch M.. .. 4 I-* Fruit es Ik* N«n. 7_ * ,ork ** •• - J nwi. !4 J *■* C»bM, * * fi Alpm* N*. JJ '** frtdt if IN Wttl a. .. .a •* aa fl »** Jwtn. r. Kln« T-a R R »Wrtlßa .. » »*• Jn„ p. Kina 4-4 A A »heat In* .. 4 *-» 1>.r..1»1e 4-4 * * « Jbu. P. Kim. *4Mneh Oaorata .. .. 4 J-a Jao. r. Kin*. » larh ■ C atra Inland _••••*•*• •• * 1-1 Jao P. KhM, H RHi B* a* I.N»A - if ? laa. V Kin* M Inch Super!er .. S 1-4 PRIHT* Amerlraß fklrUkl*. *•*•? * Merrimack ahiitln#* *4*44 .■ •• •• * M Charter ooak dree* ntjrlan Ws4« I I-l Waahtoctua OR* < sane») u d « « I Allan’* tfaaffk 1 .. - f* * Hni>na'f 14 parralap .. •« »• •• •• • Coatea *pa«l-*nti»a. P* r i *°* i J* Aro«M< •» llidifo 14*14 •• #• I I t Plairr OUa laillill S4**« .. .. ..4 A marl ran Io«JI*o Mww ♦«»« .. .. « International Mark* *4*44 .. .. 4 Allan's cardlhal* <4*44 .. .. .. .. 4 Alldti a Latunaa *4a«4 « India blua .. * India blue *4*« 4 KtliMtlafU a 44*44 .. .. - 4 Martb* Waahbipton »a ** •• « J*4 Osrner’a radlanta 44*44 .. •• 4 Charter Oaks, s»**« * *•* • TICKS. Hampshire 4 J"* Amoakea* A C A J* Amoakea* A * " •• ” Atnoakaa* C * •• •• * ** 4 Reciprocity •••••< PLAID HOME9PUNB. City MHIa .. •• • * * Pour yard. *ood M lack .. 4 3-4 Lodt ahlrtlnpa **»s« y. ; J' 4 Lodi dreaa atylea 44*4# 3 I-< Bt. Clair dreaa atylN 4 Ocean solid* .. .. .... * ®* 4 Martha Waßhlnktim fnhnle* .. .. 3 3-4 Mlacellattaou* brands. Il*ht weight "** *" 2 “ l * laaatta * yard* Plain •• •• •• •• *J * Thorndike * 4 Herculaa .. .. .. .. .« *• •• •• •• • ‘’ 4 •* * Crescent I I_S Pelham. »2 bal Ho bo* 15 P. O. F., 30 ball* to bo* 1® k' O. P-. SO NW to lb 17 1-1 Muaco*eo * 1-1 37 inch 4 1-1 yd. plaids. •»>*« make Simpson' allk flnlih foulard* «4x Pacific mournings 64x64 .. .. .. 4 l-« China allka 64x64 4 M 8 Slater 64x64 S 1-2 Concord, 56x80 .. .. .. • l" 4 Rome 56x40 S 1-4 Edwards 3 I*l Keystone 3 l* 3 Fifth Avenue SI- 4 REARS HIT’S. Heavy Columbia, heavy Kearsey 8 1-4 Kincaid and others -* » 1-4 LIME, CEMENT AND PLASTER. Lime 708 85 ALL KINDS OF DAME v—AND— N THE VERY BEST OF EVERYTHING IN SEASON ]Vlohrmann’s Restaurant OPEN UNTIL 2 AM. OPEN UNTIL 2 A.M U HHTiinr mmmm* M M n *4 ** » H si I f** -,iT - Effrif -ht-ot r ‘ m ts , PH li Ilk | jrjiiiT!% -riirtnrt* PI pmmrnP , SI Si \pmm*** m mnh p* Si StA4Rt*tfc APP |«r*« his hnni»Ss t“in trS Ysrtrta *** bm V* * | a || | § mm* *.***, it $1 L m n n > *«9m* S»PNk. pvt SMii »» p. S S 1 p f Pmt «« »« StlsStt SS . I m 11, tta rttt m-til m* 4h9- ,»**§>*• ■taN r • >1 f'WltS fmh - % JM*f (NR* ** M **% I tto-nn ttS it* pm #■§ .. m It A i Mrttru-f, M ‘l9 p*9 A*S h m ASIA | , ~ ' a ~ tmr ott ** ftt tA I t a tm# tS sort mm t •*4 ririm p* A .. S M lit - .r#• id inn, (wt iNwgr ►* »« a* .. A HdP 9bmm. pm 9m ** •* * fltiM IN* Smmi pf« ,a r AMP * |«*«b* ******* pm P ** .a tt Ptl IA P»(Miif Pate P« A pm 9**m ►* *. Pdf Pd 4 d«V Id .. * • „ .♦ a M a. At fXItSI HHC. ddf #tNI a* a a. H SA I Ad# PMS4SNS mm i pm 499 'jtifM (f«| d«»Bit>, fNF («!„„„ NftA I «r*#l rPmmm. fth«d*H IA At ppih (A**, it vs* s it. t ato L i a QwwlaUed* (t«l« tM fdfditP* ' I«4 df fedd AT * OPStHTa IPS. AaPM. kdtffli f*Sa HP .* . «tit a. a *«#*»?gdl ( t*f*d. fAti «* aa aa US . ..! j -:«*>' C :.« ( | -r» iPTf ald , ktodtlfid fintWa,a. aa a. t*S mo k)«tfA linm»4oM .a a* M aa * j Idttl CtroUnt | 1 sr« .. ~ . 1U tui cm m>sm Adptfttd Td. IASI .. ttt AU|U*f« 9%. |«9» a* a. aa •• at IP Ml AUtfUtt* ft. ISIA .. •• a. •• HP ... 1 Atfttffi I tr«, UP .. •• a. lit ...I AKfUfta 4’t. Itff •• a IAS 040 A (ltd Ift r«. tfU aa •• aa t» ... Atlanta 7*a. HP .. .. .• •• las ... Attanla Pd ItSV ... a* •« •• a# IIS I Atlanta 4 i n 19f3 M .. •« ISA Atlanta «’». Iff? .. •• •• Iff ••• Savannah ft'i, S9SA .• a . •• HI ••• *aran**A I'd Itlf a. to .. a. HI aaa 1 Ham* it. Iff: ISS ... folumhui It Its# .. aa aa aa IP #•* ('ohimbut 4 Mil 1017 •• « lot Minn 4 I-ra. I*2* IN Marti, fa. I*l4 .. .. It* -ColotnWa f«-f» .. .. .. *» ... Cbarlaato. 4'a, IN* .. .. .. B ••« • —(}ra dad. RAILROAD BOND*. Ooorgla R. R. * Bk* Co r. isn nf ... Oeorgta R. R * Bk* Co r* I*2* in Charlotte, Coiaanhia a Au *uaia, Ist r., I*N 107 ... Chwrlotla, Columbia a Au gusts. 24 Ta, I*lo 117 ... Augusta Ho. R. R . *'». 1*24 M C. It. R. Ranking Co. Collat eral Trust I’s, IKS .. .. ..*f N Southern Railway t'A I*o4 .. ..‘*7 M Central of C.eorgla Railway, Ist consol nort. Ca, 1044 .... H M C. of O. Ist pref In t» 40 Ceeitral of Georgia Railway, Id pref Income*, 1446 11 14 C. of a. Ist pref la . 1*44 ~ ~ l 4 G. H. a E . let m. t’a, 1*44 .. 105 107 Houth Georgia and Florida, 2d 7*a, l*»* 101 Poulb Georgia and Florida. 2d Ta. 18M 101 Ocean Hteamahlp Co., Ist 4'a 2d 7'a, lA» .. 104 ... FACTORV BONDS. Enterprise Ml* <70., Ist C's. 1003 103 Hlhley Mf*. Co., Ist la, I*o3 .100 glbley Mf*. Cn.. Ist 4 s, 1903 . 100 I Ga. R. R. * B. Co, stock .. 197 200 | Houthwestern HR. Stock 99 100 Augusta and Savannah stock .99 100 GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Oats, white, sacked 38 Oat*, mixed, sacked .. 34 Corn, white, sacked .. .. .. „ .. 50 Corn, mixed .. 48 Meal, boiled, per bushel 47>4 Flour, common .. 3.50 Flour, fancy extra 3.74 Flour, second patent .. t 00 Flour, standard patent t. 25 Flour, fancy patent 4.75 Wheat brnn, 100-ib sacks 80 Fine feed, 100-lb sacks 90 Hay—uatlve. per ton 12.00 Huy—Timothy, per ton 13.00 Hay—choice, per lon It.oo Hums—choice sugar cured .. ~ lOallV* Smoked rib sides 8 Dry salt ribs 6 Lard, pure leaf, In tierces 644 Lard, kettle, rendered in tierces. 6 1-4 Sugar, granulated ~564 Scarpology Is the art of reading character from the shoe soles. Ac cording t<> a Swiss physician a sym metrically worn heel and sole Indi cate an energetic, faithful, well bal* aneed character. It Is hard work to do nothing: for that Is work which a man always at tends to himself, personally. TUTU .A. GUST .A. HRRALD KHKItP UNO. a* Ns* Oh* A . 4*9pk *tpl- 5 * % ApP #(AI fpMpb f mmmm " -9P* P#**- *m (AA (P* f toMAIAAAi' toM lA* (NMPA Aw*!* l tofl*i < - o*l pf A AptoA AA to** %*•'*"«*«► to to Iml (pt» 90 mmmmtrn 99 toi to %to I *v»«*Kf*4 t%» pppmmpi 9999' Ha—ini to— —hi —to Ap totwu— 14—A AA —toto -Pto——*A*f PA to— —P I i# ft * mv— MwH Am— AMP p*m mm* ♦A— j fto—v to—i—*Ai— TAto t—« A—to 6 •v»# (p*p 'mm 99* nhk !*••*.♦ li * ; pp—A AM—A Jp—to—to, A A—— (HoA—f, #o—l—l Mptf t*lf( 99 AiPIAIto ftotof iionoa ts Pf(pf—Sf I— Atip —A —Hi of *A<i g g* %*mJpm9 fl— fjt j»y «H 1 jgf (ip toMf* AtoA va «■ t l A | AI a _ .a . I^NFTM* A ■ to IP t—. PPM “ sslfotfkt M* NNrt N N* *44.1 a • ; mml NNNhWf *!•* fwaRN N*N •»*! pw H>wa*a4 4n *!*• Ml • ***** ** *tN* i **t. • kaf *l9®» M* •••. aw* P—Nf ** *4 *• P4N • •**•** pa*l*k»»«», ’ mta r*MM N«a **•* »k* •*** 4,4,1 j pH A ! Of— pf lA* tPfoo —• to aaH toi—— f 1*00(1 toklpp—( * AMI A—toAMto 9m PPfMto ! bad 4»iW «Nlrtf«la*ad Ha •** Nwna ilp (A# APffprAP —tip P •—mAn— —rip —Adi vfAA *ABP Awtorp if**— hli pm—P, PpA PAP • AVAf *• 499* j .Ala ptori ttto TV torpp i* * |,,s # pp—Afc**« Ito (vfttoi AMto—yAA joplv A ArP pf lAo AiPPtoli n—•— . j polity to i rppfttop. II Ato §pMp§ p 4 j*b. HNiMffltv tn Mptvil PAY pltoPipf |at aoeh ImwNi* mm* IN NrfrtaM ****** nm* are 4ake« wk»**»*r It anwra. Tk* malnrlty of tk* nakll boys ar* !«* c*aii*maniy sad *i» dw»ar*d a «*4i nf fellow* mm 0* r ' rt kN»d la • I#** 4 I laetßwtkn, 4*4 Ike* condemn aa *a- I treaty a* do tk* odle*** Ike kind ts ' Ithtf wkkHfc kaa feeeaHy ocrorred. a i. *i«,*sw fast. Ik* Klwwdlh* Mr. A. 07 Tkomaa «•* M**T»*WN»] IVx . kaa fwMd a m*re ralusU. d(w*j «-every than has yN been ma>le In IMS Klondike Fur yearn ke suffered unlOi l agony from aPf—PNM. a« by bemorihaff**: and *aa *haol*te«y! cured be Dr. Kln* a New Discovery foe fhmaumidlow. Offudk* and PoM*. H* declare* that gold la n t little value In comparison with Ihl* roarvetoua cur*! would have It, even If It coat a htm-, dred dollar* a .htdtle. Asthma. Bcon-1 chltla and all throat and Inn# *ft»- Ikm* are poatUvely euted by Dr. Kln*‘a N#W; lHec.ivery for ConaumirUon. Trial bot tles 10. at Howard * Wlllet # dru*! store. Regular id*» 4* rent* and II N. Guaranteed to cure or prtc# refunded. SMOOT INO AFFRAY. It Occurr*d at !T*wry County, Tense*- a**. Yesterday. Naahvlllr. Totin.. Oct. IT. A shooting affray occurred at Oartar’a Creak, in Maury county, yesterday morning. In which one man was kill ed and two others wern wounded The men are prominent farmers and the trouble grew out of religious differen ces. Cam Simmons was engaged to be married to Mias WHIN Wlsener. who lives with Mr*. Irvine. Recently he sent her a church paper requesting that she read a certain article. This provoked a quarrel with Mrs. Irvine's sons, and yeeterday Simmons and Mr*, j Irvine quarreled. Warren and Drew Irvine arpied themselves with revolv er* and went to Simmons’ home to set tle affair*. Simmons told them that he wanted no trouble and turned to go In the house when one of the Ir ving boys shot him in the hack. Sim mons then liegau firing and all three men emptied their revolvers. Sim mons was struck three times and died In a few hour* Warren Irvine was hit twice and Drew Irvine once. Both will recover. TILT THE MAT UP . Fashion Decrees That Women Should Wear It Away Back on the head. Women'* hats are changing In the tip of 'eui. For months we have been wearing our "lids” away down over our noses, a trick that made many a hat look as If it had been left hanging over the brink by a landslide. Wo men may wear their hats that way now if they want to, which Is a kindly [ permission of fashion makers, but oth-1 er cants arc newer. The most striking of these puts the hat back on the head, leaving the front hair in plain view and necessitating a deal more care of it. Though half of the top of the head is bared by some of these models, they do not suggest that the hat is about to slip off backward. This look is avoided by clever tricks o. trimming, generally by small pieces spreading to the sides, or by perky wired bows that stand tip straight. These somehow make plain that the hat Is in the place intended for it, but their arrangements are frequently so fantastic as to make these small hats quite as striking as a full sized picture hat. Another tip that is in revival is that which pushes the hat coquettishly up from one side. in some models, this Is done extravagantly, for of course some woman will at once over do such a trick once it is permitted to do It at all. Even when done in mod eration it demands glossy hair careful ly cared for and arranged. Cincin nati Inquirer. GooD iaCK BAKING POWDER* 15 THE BIST Hi|hM‘ of AH In LMVir tflff Pobgf. I in, i -- - ■——— J Iff At t*»tkTfl FOR RENT j p wMfTtni Mot *n* cm rrm I RROAIf STRUT f (pf Ats—to jit f —ll (A —HP t> tt t , to (A ((A (top >1 A f—A *«#••# AA AA fto (pi*'*—f, f §*9499 8* AA - >M rtnipr Mf*—l, 1 A•— *• to to lili H—ppi Ml—*B* A f—M—— •• —IB H 1 {J—I (to—APP Ml 4 —HU A ff— mm s» W *• I (if 4 ! PVIP—VI Alt—A AMP—IA mm m* WAA i f *•*•&«** 9 m Hl—p « fpp—to •• mm li •• j 0 ?r~* A—(JP € f—N—MA am mm mm WAA rt»ue* «*• Hid- * f -tn* . ...UN ~ _._* .. a**aruL4a kwattvaa, HRmadi ~~ ~ ~ » Iff n*„»,p HfUat - • » . I Law R**i* *u.«*-*J| ? 4 la* Haag* I!.. - * * I [ I Law »*•*• •• • *! MB topppulto *> *• •• •'* •* * j mtt m m 4 j I tof... 11—4 f<-r f (* mm** pi [|| CNm—A iVTApApHI M M #* •• •• ** A Lf*S •• •• •• ** •• A® AA j Pto tor«—4 AtoA—i •• •• •• J* i Ipfi h't—4 - •• •• *• •• H Broad atreet >« ~ •• •• • I } 1873 [tmad —.. •••• •••• I* UEk Br *4 Nrrrt *. .. .. .. «• "N 44 i ff] mils afreet a.’. -• .. •• .. •• H | kt tan* street, .71 <rn I Part «f deeSrabty situated Broad etreut *tor*. eereetally adaptad for dreeatnaklMT eHißMiutfi. Tbe above list will ba t hiaffsd from day to day. John. W. Dickey Krai EtMi Agent. To Rent Tf**' - V* Fiore iwl Realdenc* it 1!W \yn Brc*d alnrt. On* ol tb* M ■land* in lb* city <or • good Oroeary “tor*, or in Ibct, eny bu»in«*. Tba H ( .u*c ha* at* (•*) good rooms, • good yard, and It »*ry con**nient. Apply or Premises or at 808 Broad St. FOR SALE bav* Ibr *al* Tory dealrable build- Ing lot located in tb* contra of on* of tb* handsomest block* in tb* city, ti til a*ll ram* **ry cheap. Juat tb* plac* for a bandaoma residence for your family. Good titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA, NO. 13*7 GREENE STREET. Just Arrived Beautiful line of China Matting, solid Mahogany Bedroom Suits, Lovely Line of Walnut Suits, finest line of Extension Tables in the city from $3.50 TO SSO OAK SUITS IN GREAT VARIETY. FLEMING & BOfflES 904 Broad Street. CALC rod Augusta Brewing Co s EXPOirr mrkh BELLE O IT OBOBGIA / jtou a«*. ( #pAj Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. •e-wCd LL foil I* I AUGUSTA BEER. MONEY TO LOAN. In any turns desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on tO years time, payable In equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Aleiander&Joln A—ntaScttoto A—me—i Mortgage (MB|*ar, 705 Broad St > PORTNER’S < C •HOFBRAU and ) / VIENNA CABINET / / BRANDSOF f ! Export \ ! Beers \ ? ARE THE BEST ( S ASK FOR THEM. / & R. MITCHKI.J., ALEX. McDOXALD Supt. Ot Co*. Sec- Ueu. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mclntosh Street. Electric Supplies—speaking Tub«e, etc., etc. Repairs to ell Electrical apparatus. Electric Light Wiring a specialty. Beil'Phone 1002. - - - Mrowger 670. r ® oo ucEtx , ftoiLEßrEEgy VET** | And wt LOW TRICES. stock. A!*> I’IPC, VAI-VFS *nci FIITINOH. fjINKH. B«!LKIW.MII.WwhI KKPAIRJ*. Lombard Iron Works & Supply uo, f acgvsta. ga. Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd. 1398. Lv. Augusta . .. 9:30 a. m.! 5:21 p. m. Lv. Sandersville . 1:19 p. m.| 9:09 p. m. Ar. Tennille .. .. 1:30 p.m.j 9:21 p. rr>. Ar. Macon .. .. . 3:45 p m.| 3:55 a. m. Ar. Dublin. .. . 4:20 p m.| Lv. Dublin ‘10:00 a. m. Lv. Macon .. .. 11:38 p. m.|U:55 a. m. Lv Tennille. . . 5:15 a. tn.| 3:ls p. m. Lv. Sandersville. 5:25 a. m.| 3:21 p. m. Ar. Augusta . .. 9:00 a. m.| 1:10 p. m. Eastern Time. Close connection made at Tennnllle with Central R. R. for Macon, and with Wrightsvtlle and Tennille R. R. for Dublin and Hawkinsville. C. W. JACKSON 1 . Gen. Fgt. Pass. Agt. James TT. Jackson, Joseph H. Sands, ’ ts » : t Receiver*. S » All (443 AD MMUKHTUHI Chirtero# I * Carolina • •* «*« * A **^V >M * t. i aguu »(**• > # * j OnRS—Tw c* m ~ m ' l •»* i A# : - lill TTI-j . .. —j**- ->y * ktogf f£2 mSSmZ '*'** ♦ Kama Ka&Bmm »*! a 4Ki4m***L**** ‘ *.:drr*"»~*"‘TTpi mmm * (PMP (PJA— I —c—l| AHjtol.i i * ■HAMVBMHBfctP—•**! Mtotoi* * *—* j # 4ttoto999mm*-* f ! A—toHA—PM ** 1 I mrnmm* ,i * 999*90*499 ****** to tot— 94999 I m ——(AA (toHAHA* *■** ‘9*** H^topto !******** \ ts -g'jT -■ : t ... i-• * **■ • pt pSSST!«»-3 t **♦„♦*? i : r* 'i l itoi p*rn\mm* 4 ■■VMHpn*>•**** IS§ piiHtmmc PNPWmJ■— - P—Atol mmm h«b— 1 pAAAf*»** *- » * gtoAAtoWto «*-»»** •**■ *M A«gßAto( -» ** ** j [ * jJtotoWAtoa —m>| I • Pi——k |« . 4.mrnmmo* ■*i ‘* ***** ? ftoPAP i 49 pip AtoA I OWN»(«n Irtn j —HAa—I j * fMklw..a..» ..... •».<«.• *'■**4 4> I *ysm*MMa.. ! d-mpffi -fc— *■«■■ **-1... lIMtNRK. I—** i • Kja jMffw.... t Mfm ■ * MUgRSbgN., * *.. | MNN4 *— !•■.-.•- • Njn* fTHwriam— ..... ..... j * **• ■(Misl H«.>e- tmmm • jFi 1 llr |BI M ..{ I 4RpM k*UW ! *f>UuCst. ~..LUMP MNS» (mmimmv..*l *****-, txdkwN ; ‘ BA** ! * Alvwaw lM*am a. 4ww>..., mw .,. j,.,, ...’ Ltegm I a l a iea »*• • aususm u saw Mas es*twrT%*w aitaAeua ssala tot o* pee*4 •a a a. L turn iiQioiii i mt a* fete**uc*d *’• ah t*4p>* *• 4. a, t, aid 1.(6 rn oam *•* PfUH*e*Ut» mm BewNofU hw w.f f** tmA'immmm »*•*#**• ta u«a»u mmm. arli—aua mo.. *AdBH B. J I RAKI «*•» fba **»■ A- M. KOkTK SwStnita* A* | R gklWXi' TtuAk Miuagw a a*—B B*a BLUE RIDOE RAILROAD. R. C, RUTTIK Boniest. r*a»be»ud tA.asbou • F'eu* Baa'd d FVai AsW d CTu.l naau R Claoa Claw Mix’d a Mix'd IWy. sky ; MaIMA Dtv W». ft* ts Bo d J Be H B* A AM FM | lAJVtvu Loaw ’l*M I AM. I* 14 IMI Andaman *i I MGR ** It It 1 N| f 1.... Deswf ~,.n > *2GI M to *! 1 M M 1..... Atttua 3 4*ll 8* I 9 4* I 1413 .. Nt'4M>« ..Jl I 4*u:« • spt i;*t;t*i Ob'try CteWi 0 t All 8 i • «s f.eutis AAjm’t Orodffg f| 4 It 44 N • 141 4:44 241... 'RAM AC A ~M 4.29T4-R • I4i |T l 4 *| • ».h nj. Weatl Cntou ,*| 4N, • 14! W-. " alkali* ...*| 4J7| AM PM i (Laave AftiNMl I'M. Rail Ned ba ll N 0.4 I V. Regular Stan u. T. FN* fftatloa. i Ait rwakt trains from Amteraoa t* ! W alkalis kav* fight to track «w«f . trains of tb# aam# tlao* moving 1* op. poatt* direction, untoe* otherwise apec ined bp train order*. Wilt also atop *t following atari wia to take tax or let off pnaaengera Pbln aey’e, Jamie aud B*a<ly Spring* No, 12 tonneci* with Boulltera rail way No. 12 at Aaderaen. Noe i and t connect with SeuUmta railway No*. 12 aud >7 at rraa, , J. R. ANDERSON, fiuperinn ndent. ATLANTIC COIST LINL SHORTEST AND QUICKEST ROUT* TO THE EAST AND NORTH. , i-lupml Lv..Augusta. Gn..Ar | T 44am I.Stpmj Lv Aiken Ar | 7: Item 4fl7pmi Lv....Denmark....Ar ! I 17pm 4:l*pm Lv....Orangb’g..,.Ar | 4 ioem d-«4pin| Lv..Sumter. *. C...Ar j 4:29am B:44pn!| Lv Flor*ocv....Ar j I:2sam M:33pm( Lv...Fayetteville...At- | I:l4pm 1 Jlamj Ar. Petersburg.Vn Lv j » JJpm 4:64am! Ar....Rlchmi>ud....Lv | ( 12pm 7:41 am! Ar..Washington..Lv | 4 4*|im t:Mam Ar... Balilmor*. ...Lv | 2 25pm ll:*4am| Ar.. Philadelphia Lv |I4 o»pm 2 93pm| Ar.... New Tork....Lv | »:3e*nt Pullman palace buffet eleeplr.g cere from Macon and Augusta to New Tork without change. R. A. BRAND. Gen. Aft., 723 Broad St.. Augusta, Ga. T. M. EMERSON. Traffic Mam*er, H. M. EMERSON. Gen. Paaa. Aft. Central of Ceorgia Rail way. Schedule in Effect SEPTEMBER 11TH. 1898. (90th Meridian Time.) LEAVE AUGUSTA. No. 2 For Savannah 1:20 P. M. No. 4 For Savannah, Macon Atlanta 8:10 P. M. No. 6 For Macon. Atlanta, bjul Way Station* .. 8:20 A. M. No. 52 For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 9:30 A. M. ARRIVE AUGUSTA. No. 1 From Savananh .. .. 1:40 P. M. No. 3 From Savannah, Ma con, Atlanta 6:35 A. M. No. 6 From >tacon. Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 6:50 P. M. No. 63 From Macon. Atlanta and Way Stations .. 5:30 P. M. Nos. I, 2, 3 and 4 daily. / Nos. 6 and 5, daily except Sunday. Nos. 62 and 53. Sunday only. Sleeping cars on night trains between Millen, Macon and Atlanta and be tween Augusta and Savannah. For fur ther Information as to schedules, etc., apply to M. C. JONES, C. T. A. W. A. GIBBES, Depot T. A. j. W. NALL. Commercial Agent. E^rERBELDINQ PLUMBER, GAS AND HOT WATER FITTER. NO. 541 BROAD STREET BOTH PHONES- NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE ——USE Land’s Headache Capsules Mads Only By HOWARD dr WILLETT DRUG CO. B EL L E OB' GEORG I-A. OCTOBER 19 «U 4 tU^»j^l**WUPk S. L t GJUIUMT CO ••• *4***4JW*m* >■— 4gM»t t UL tmmo IMdb ***■ ** ttomtmm Ta* •mb t**4M k«*» (>*■»*- ’ L« Am> **» *■*—» t * * diaM ! 49 4*99 —M—M—tol—■ l* • —to— * to il* <9m *** >♦ —— 49 *——«• * - **—i 9m*tf to—— 4 : *4u( 1 1* 4999494 49499 Pp 4 (j —(toto ffitoto -49 ( »tmm (—to- —8 4♦ t ini" 1— — 144 pm 4* i%9o‘ *•* —(to— 4P 4904449 9449049 )toi—— 949 1 9**99 to—(totof 1 to— ; —S»—to—lm • * J— Kb—* tow—l 9f • —ff *M 9999* 4* f **** to—to—l (,# M—f(totok. 449pf49 I * 9 4 Nto* • 9mm ,»• «w~-n** .Aist* *# j w»- w^gmm A:gk> Ml pg MO I' * tkuß. i Daw* Rhpaapt RMadkp 1 !Le 4*Bi • 4ff« fa *■».... t Mam lat *.**»,., t Uva*. ar *<#-«*«• i*e* 4MBBBXF ip7 e MhaisSu*(Bßßa«!tei^W*r-^B*m*. bukVl AbM S4*t IM lid i'4sk*44 ' fbeeewb 4aa*#e ta gad bags hen Yaeff It i i*wu L*eee T * Vea T«»* A •*** | At A >•**,... A’ wse 4« ••*•> «* a aver dr pram. 4-4 tim 1 * twawa-x A i*aw 1 t> Pwdua'd. jl.tma t* *--*•» d ,t item i At Belli tew *.BUw Ar d ia .' lawn At Ben Y«sk4Jßpe*,d# Aegsaua ’deem 1 aaaaamme at owimw *»** x*a I kef* »aam at** auk ■■*■« kB Awkagßt—g Fm. anralßagda»n ****** ana 4b* "•«»*** aw* Miaad k* au pmam I Bau ms* awatK J. M adSD*. I,d KMltmOff Kaaerw N ■■ est trad* agm. t. I iumxmi da* dugmaQia. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. ™ __ -SR- (Mtiii* 9m**** tto* mui —to !•«>*• mm 4 toto* to— r—- '912:. , u 18 j J SI t: agar* *• *.... iVi Tl? be dagnem, *a ky . :fe* r «#l «s{ etaSPt#'- • Jh*wekma ■ Im£ ! fm2 • k—B ■(•- J*» !*• dr suiinke M*t U **g I Kg. . I B *hi dr RerMk ■ ■ I ** 4 • • • ouriib»... ...- LiLiLr m Il dwasmnA .... . ..j* 4 ** **> !*«•* •• »8 • . :::::: <*«»>, »»■ l-alkk. Be, II 8. N 1 tall r Unity. k {few Twk rx kb. T»p It imt fluli irtaatr ... ISi* IBs R> kau ia. go. By ■ 10 Bp U 15a L* BKhraea* 1 18 188 ,*l2 iilia Iw tMaidle j 4 *»»{ *Up L» Sorfo!* 9 34pj ~ Ar. Greaaßawa I * 45 a Lr OrsMisbnra 7 64*, <*• “ I’hsrtatta 9 3*l WBp ■ bock Kill W 86 s 11 04 p * Chester I« If*: li Bp * witicrhem ... II *1 * 13 W a Ar tiNbi* BiaAd g*t 12 45a* IK a lr CoiumtaaUa dep t I 16p 4 Ma . “ Johastoaa IM|i 606* * Treatea . *ufy 4Ba “ Oniitsrik IBp 7Of a Ar Xagusls.. .. .. : * I6pj »<U* Le Aabeeifls' “ '*»!*, * Q6p Lv. kpartaaoarg . ...11 40*| 6 Up Li Oahu*. B.r d« iky ..j * uop "T»e dr Charlerto* | 6 dipt II 4D* Lv Cnl hia y C dlnty II 54 * 13 47 * dr 9«ckvwavtUe. 9 3>p ills ■LfcinJa cdß abb vies Bi.-cHenl dally pwaengsw service bevwee* npride amt New Tork No* K aud 48—1* »*hi»f »«■ and AeMbwaaiem Ll»u*et Solid VsatibuTrd I ruin with (lining «*r* ead first el**s easrbe* Borlh of (’harloite. I Puilmeo drew inf room sleepiu* car* netWM* ’ Tamil* J*rk*ouvule, htniul. Waafciagtoa 1 *ad N*w v jrk ■ Puilmau o.replug Car* brtwrru (barlolt* and Riehmoad . Pullman drawingroom sleeping <»ra b» ! tween (, and Norfolk Coo**- .*m 1 tion •« Norfolk for OLD POINT COMFORT, ■ arriving there in time for brrakfaet. Solid train, with Parlor o»ra, between C%*rle*tou aud Aahevtll- No*. 34 and 34—C. A Post Mail. Through drawing room buffet sleeplag o*r«b*> tween Javkaonnl)* and New York and Pull man sleeping care between August* act Char lotte Puiiiuan deeuing car* between Jack !»nvill* and Columbia, eu route dally be!uses acksonviUe and Oinidnnatl, via Ash anil*. RANK M OAN NON. J.M.CCLP, Third V P d Gen. Mgr. T M . Wn-hlnftoa B' A TI'KK. *A H HAHDtVIt K. u P A Waahlagton. _ O. P A. Aiiaata GEORGIA • • RAILROAD. (90th net'll!inn Time.) Schedule Effective April 24. 1894. Pullman Sleeper* between Macon end New Tork. Through Pullman Sleeper# between Au. gusta and St- Louts. Lv Augusta ..| 7:osam! B.2opm|l«:3opia Ar Atlant* ...!12:36pm| 3:2opin| s:ooa.<a Ar Macao ~..|ll:«*m| I 6:46am Ar Athens ....|U:l6pm| 7;Jopm| Ar GnlneSviUe!*3:4spm| I Ar White Pl’*|*l:o4pml | Ar Mill’gale .!10:10uml I 4:3o*m Ar Wash’ton ..|lo:Dlam| 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves Augusta dally except Sunday at 4:15 p. m., and ar rives at MHledgevltle at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augusta 4:14 a ra, 7-45 tu m.. 1:20 p. m. end 8:25 p. nx, A. G. JACKSON. G. P. A. JOE W. WHITE. T. P. A- CAROLINA AND, NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect. March 6, 1898. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Auguste, Southern Ry.. 9:30 D m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 o.m. Leave Chester, C. A- N. W. Ry 7:46 a m. Arrive Lenoir, C. & N. IV , Ry 1-16 pin. Leave Lenoir, Stage 2:00 p.nk Arrive Green Park, Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blo»’ing~Pock, Stage .. 7:80 p.m, G. W. HARPER, C. F. HARPER, President.