The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 18, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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flitting mt him*). t.|M» IM CM tit *■» ftW >|l« «r s*<*•*• f*i v*4* «f <»• ty*i m»i«« >mawn ««,«* f **# «t it mi *tm »** m t»gwn»«lwt' cf *t* ><Wfl It I i M - iii Piiwm * H-. Mtftfc it* j ■ >■■#' w*. ttfe »M at IM ham* «HMM> it It* tMt |a»ii» X, II ttli* ■ **» •** j P»—mi* «* (A* t»*«t» «•** Mt* #*sX j #***»« fi** *♦ *M*fc * **t* t* j tat »♦»'» tM*t •*#•*» ttMMI ##• IM* aM* TV* MB tti t**t •M imm mm* Mm* *• Ml VM • * tt t, * *' - safe, V«M«i IA 4#4 i*4l Ik# M«M» tiltllf kM4 " tk#i * iM |Nl►‘fen# lii j iHPttMtt t#N* |jf %itr* nf 4F?SM4k tMWfk. ' pkiM lit* niii** T%i MM pNiV #4 Wmti l# k*%M4 iSfltM IWMk Mil #*4 in Mi iii <41.. #k4ki t#» i«itii pn*i i«fi4ifur*4 lip Vlti 9|h» 4h4 MP * iMpfeP Mii fif4t •#»« tH** iM M «♦« >ttt* Up-# 4*f#«»#4 |# lip* HOM MM %#f# psi #kfl4#. MMli ■-MMM MiMMI ttw i 4kk#k iii tkfik iMi iii iM 4f#4 «f iiMPiNMIi !M •*«** <iM4 ••i tkflMNfl ip i* ffY4M* **4 ti# 44*» MMlfit Tit* IMI ml 4KMMPM4i 41 Iftti 4*bH| WIMM # p-f# tk* ilMf «Cgkt 4tk«s»Pk4** TIM **?* Ml IP M Mmi»4 TM cmNM kk4 *#t4kk«4 MM# •»i*ii4 mm Wm 4 it Uk —4*r<ii ■ j f«f * t#f#wt#4iiNM I* iM «f»ii4 i i#i •Mi I* tl MlMi till ffct 4tlft|tf •• «r#i* m Stkftft M 4 4 Mi Ml IM ill!* tft| W«w«4 M 4 Mlin «• ill pSHNMI 4k9 itiftMl.) HP# 41 IMI 4lf Mi M •m> fwft4 mttm tM iUltut M 414 Mt Mi* • (fit At) <1 MM IM mm fM##4 #•• tklH**H## ##•’♦. IM MMMH4 *4 IM *9k»# W MiH k k#f v itfiflic SCW •» MOM S. Augusta TrttM»«» ••* I trtik C«a< pttjf. CVA«t**'* BaTttf *optr c», |6* - Au|U*i • •*•#! b#fk Tr* • #4W* T*t - F IV , lf«#t WAfltt. |T4— W. H RHfhtm. pro* sis it: ~4| A. Cimiitfiitim, Jr , Mi* Irrr# P*-4b fl fWHMrity can*# ift#. W tM«* T44-W M Ul*»rHr«t4u H«#*4tiri. i£t - ilt*» Hi'li* Harrt* 174-0 W Hall, Tit John r Holman A Co. in W C Joimn. *M W M Jphf.n 4tt«4 r. iriiMi, H*#t4^nc^. fTI—Dr A J Kill-aitrla M• * TT4-HI Dm*i. H**nl4«flra. <2* D J Um«*T •ni- \f*h* n* v A Armntrniiff North Augunta I#n4 O. CM W p Pa if grit, 4a loon ITS—»L F Furnllira. MT -Artiu* ts**4i IMatt ITS— D C. fM»tnh*Hi A Co S»l -Ti»tt A Iloylaton ITS—-W, R. Walton, Farm, •It—W*ltittkrr MKlowii, Baseball in tb« Millenium. I From Puck » “Safo!" aald the umpire. Mttrphjr, the aevsd bareman. was plaialy auiprlreA. He considered tha ruouer out. “I bet your pardon!" be said a trill j ; aharply. "Safe!” repeated the umpire, gently : but firmly. Then the nine walked In from the 1 field ami the Taptaln addreaaed the umpire. "We are aorry to disagree with you, ] Mr. Callahan," he said, “but. In our Judgnunt, the ball nraa In the hand* of the baseman flve-elgbta of a second before the iunner reached baae.” “1 am sure you are mistaken.” re plied the umpire. "Cmplrea are falli ble. of course, but you will rethember that the rttlea of the game oblige me 1 to accept the evidence of my own senses. I assure you that I am acting conscientiously In the matter, and nothing but a strong sense of duly would Induce me to refuse to acquiesce in your views.” “Why. of course,” replied the cap tain. "nobody would think for a mo ment of easting the slightest asperglon on your motives; but yon will recog- j nt*e that au adverse decision, the eor- ( rectness of which we do not recognise, j is a severe trial to our equanimity at > this critical stage of the game.” At this point murmurs were beard from the audience, "Kindly play ball!" "Pray proceed!” "Oblige us by con tinuing the game!” came in plain chorus from grand stand and bleach ers. “1 can only express my regret," said the umpire. "I cannot alter my decis ion." "In that case." replied the captain, i cheerfully, “we must accept the lnevi- | tabic as gracefully as possible.” And, after shaking hands cordially with the umpire the nine went out into the field. It Is true that Murphy, on his way to second base, said “Hully gee!” and probably would have made other re marks to the same effect, but the cap tain reproved him gently, reminding him that such a display of feeling was in bad taste. # CASTOR l A For Infant* and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Ij'DOPLE ■# r »,** *•»., - fm> < A*-#* 94 ### ■ gw*. #•*•••* se* *» »-•• ►■*• * MM* BMgWlMhf lflß->niif Mr* %m A. iMmmßM* MM fMMMi **4 IMp-wv BB* ** ««*Mre**w* v At*. I Mdk* Iw* »*fM*M*SW WHh (P»»***W mt IV MsunwA **4 ta* «AM *** fiiwi •• I «r||| **#v M fmm Mwt I tw»»* tgt-r-n * MB* |M*A** wf |W ♦* <M mAiv4Hm* . • vli*y**w«i * Mw* Immb l» M******* **4 f* *w ** * A*4 I »*>*»»* * **•*»* y*M U»i tl Imm 4**bmmm ***** t**4 ***** mu mu'li ***** | ***** ***t ***** ** •** MB* I pggivetM* M Mi ***** *** I w *.* *v *• **«.* . M it. *v» *** tv*** *■ Mg* .4. **4 h*»* ***4* v**f MM* N*i« grig* *** ***M f*yMe**M •* IM* *y**t M***l *Mtl IVt hs •* Vo*** fro** Ik* mm** I *** Ml y** Mm* I MM *1 **.«*• **Uc*ly MdM«i >*ltf*i |MM MM* ***.! IMI ***B Im* *******4l MM ** MMM f ***** Mw4 MM IMM Ml •mtiMm# t 4m*m mTUhmI it M (mu # MMMIIItMJ MBl4 * T* **ilrrg—4 Ik* sekMliß* M*tkM mt fiefg MM Hla k**» i* k*«* Ik MmtV la** a «M*evi kuak I*e mwmmm mb k* ka#*li i# #iVW<4llo fitiCf# tn m** -4 In* Iqr >M IV»m-«M M*B< rMM *«*up*My. (|#MIMMi ft All 4nf|i<u its h^fAi Tbt Qmmlmm at TacMtoM. ■*« r- mn«r w Dwm ik* m«i« r *r*f *l4vs * IM* k j kisw 44k IB# it VI H* In frltihti t# tk# <o«stHi *4 tstattns f . _ m fW*9iM e t »**!» (4 (*.., pv#ritmm k#i#y tas fit#* Tk# ItHtwkk# Wi tk# mt# t#kk kt#4 Is IN 4#ksik4 #C Ik# k#ikt# ikmAikk ih#kr i*»r#ki itk«i##i f»r • apfriffiiikk V»f tk# lisiki m/ k • f~>. ak >i»* i * *** in ihi ifk#skfi* TM. !»!>*»«*» *in tv fMhtred ihr-Mgb mi. mf*t nftly- (b*t ”* tfc» 1.1.u1t.,, PMpw TM#r> wilt M* „ N4*llog tn iMg i ntnv m ggnN gp, roprt,!M* t*«* lkn.< nMK>t M*. tlvre m**» wit k, mmv. mrruit t* tha i gggMgNttlift, Ttv •tat* h*a mad* pmvtv.* fnr a fit month* l.nti la gvrey vtigty; (Mai la tM* and ' i |t, TM* alal. Im* dooa all that »a«, " w , ,*,aa,>natdy aapretad «( bar. Mnn »•• muat tarn la l)a trg Molin' •• to put lb a. b««<* that of t*aal tnaa - Uoa. If any voumijt tv not r.mtant with Utr » h«-'t iat th of ats month* provided, by thr atata, kl that rnnnljr rit.nd th* l, t * ,no or thre* or fnr nv>ntha by a lor at taa. Thrre to l»ut our way I w>* a*v by •hi I, to mlure lamallon—(bat la by «r ally auamaettng tha Hat of laaatdav IV. nr 0 to ittorovrr an«l put und*T j MRUD'iiik n to tha atata bldaaga piop artv. Tbta la an r**y an-omplNbmaat > A l»vr«t «f aqualtaatton of taxation tn j «*rh county with a atata board of ad juxera will bring to lt«bt bundiada of thnuaand* of pcoparly which la nowr,. and ha* *van atnrg tha rapaal of tha art of •»-■»!. tn tha anjoymant i f tba atata* protection without oontrlbutmg a dollar to tnaat tha outran! axpanaa* of tjia gCAvrnment. An equalising board In aarb county: w i>li* work a hardship to nona, but guarantaa fairness to ail. I must not be undarstood a* declar ing that there Is abaolutaty one ave nue only of earope from the burden of, taxation under which our people are groaning. Thl* queatlon of aupram* Im portanc - will go to the commlttaa on finance for consideration *nd dlspoeal. In that committee I am confidant there will be those who will band every en ergy to the rutting down of unneces sary expense*. Thl* ran be done and yet give due regard to the fact that true economy consist* In th* vlgoroua use of money. I cling to the belief that Oeorgl* can | deal liberally by all her Institution* If! a way bo devised to make every dollar of property within her borders pay its share of the expense of government. He.pcetfully, MARTIN V. CALVIN. Augusta. Ga., Oct. 15, lIM. Bucklen’* Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cute. Htui#et>, Sore#. Fleers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sore?. Tetter, Charged Hand#. Chilblain*. Corn*, and all Skin Eruption* and positively cure* Bile*, or no pay required It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 cents per bo*. FOB BALE BY HOWARD * WILLET. W hen Strong Men W eep. (New York Journal.) Sobs rudely shook her fairy form tears formed fiool* In her eyes only by sheer will power did the young girl keep from crying. “Let me share your troubles, Harold, dear!” she pleaded. The party she addressed—yes, party, for In hie torn raiment and wild eyes there was no semblance to gentility— 'daggered to his feet clutching wildly at his breast. "No! no!” he tried. “I Insist!” she bawled. night —only last night, and yet it seems years ago—we promised to be all in all to each other and forever pool our heartbeats! If I am to share Joys I wish also to share troubles.” “Never!” he moaned. ‘‘l wouldn’t want my bitterest enemy—nay, not even a dog—to have a collar button drop down inside his shirt. And once again he stood on his head and wriggled, Forty new photographs of the Em peror William were taken in tb« tro pical uniform which he is wearing on his trio to Jerusalem. Oh, no, a man never vain, it is only the women who care for clothes. XHHI J*. CTOXTSTA. H.JUJH A-J-JD HAM tn Aiir or i umruv •MAiMMI mm 4 M4H*» : |n <4# tpffe I mmm m m *mmmw** 1 !a*bw# Vl# xt»#t |Ap <A»Ah>4> 4| A ■ #ll#^• Rinmi li Ik# *# | |«A -■*m# ImAtipi lA# * “f%lk •**."* ; v ki «#Mg %k I#!* 4 kk fk# mnmM *« *#• | wiAjkliji I* »*• • ~ !»•*-•«# a# VMkAv: k4#( • »bj #####m ••if##* • Nmmal iHi I«k <- #94 ’i##*# it#*###* k# 4tm< kk *M ik# i'M*mrt'i * mm# ■.■• m##!' kv* t* F#4t* f## »*■ *“» [##<•## t<### vim# i<# %mm • *-• -• •#•-* »■*<#* kk !••#•<*» *4*l mMI if i ••#’l' #l## tlmmifm#l #kki •*# 1 #4#j 4mm mmi i . Vn#*# #mtf !*#•#<♦■'. IflMßr M M>« I# k«#4 ||m» kMr I# «#tl Ik i t kf|4M *f- *#'B I lull 0 f"l I# *•##* AIM iH II k* •#•«* 4#k#. Til# •!# BiF HMfii • HF It** M tl. kl- , i#r#i#4 bmhm M. It *4) »*k#4 #*•#* I #*r#r|#4 I I lit) i#4 B*i# if# Ik* kftk# kW» A 1«B# ißk#vi#li BmMii kill* Miii* i mt* fk* «■#»*## till* Mm*# ft#*# [tip f i#ii vwHiiif#. fr>n> k«#«t *M [ )N**f#(l. sip li>f flk# f fT# rTl# ' 1 1* #«#•# ft*' *' iii9*#4 4 fit*. M* v^ «■ tM? iilf i*«* ipiftPiiitH *w km#. v*w ! * rtf* A IkNilViy »tti i : :iN#tn #tl! *n»* |»# or lit## mtrkfl* I Mr# rwAii fr«m 14 I» M k tip 4p*p?ml«itftgr firl«r.* Tip iitij itnini »#* IK# mm# »hi4# lhr «j*ha*Tit. fr**« Metn li li* ti imiktiMli *nd Orvmii»f 9i#j . cMof iirtf* irp4ll? * Trip liit #•%#! m iiir it Hi anitt# It If ilmoit *#44y I iilr Mi dm iif# 9m li# niirkM- li i* kii to AffurfU'i. Human h*li ti *»f ill IrßflKa Hit li#] trlimit fthit h li «y( frtwn th* % Hvlnf «*r ffttti ti# «fr#4 H#t from ti# ir# ci#in#<l IwNiuty p l»»v#lip*t tmm#pi», Amt tip mK# of ihrtw *» IS Aitllnc* in Many lams vlwlt the little husk tn tlliHHW»buf# They abake out thetr b.-k* and aay: "Isn’t It benuilful l , what will you glvrf* And they aak a fabulous price, aa If their head inrrled ten or twelve pounds of hair Instead of, ten or t wetvp ounce*. It I# romfurlinff to know that In IH# matter of hifr Knglan l Mill Iw*l4s her own. Thirty y«wr# in IN trod* show* that w# ir# not lurcomlnk m«*r# I»«14, Th# d#m*n*t fnr wslti* la **v«m I##n than formerly. In Germany It 1* dif ferent. Teutons don't keep their hair on In the way they owed to. If na tbma resemble damson, and their strength He# In thefr flowing lo«h#. Britain In her old age grow* no weaker. CASTOniA. m You Warn limp EPISCOPAL COUNCIL. What Was Done at the Session This Horning. (By Associated Press to The Herald ! Washington. Oct. 17 —Several reso lutions of Interest were presented this morning at the meeting of the house deputies of the Episcopal council. Rev. | William Bollard, of northern Callfor- ; nla. proposed that a canon containing ' the requirements for the ordination of ; prleethood be deemed In abeyance in j missionary jurisdictions. This resolu- i tion caused a stir and was referred to the committee on canons. Rev. Mr. I Stuck, of Dal'e.s, Texas, offered a res olution providing for the uppointment ts a Joint committee of deputies and hißliopa to ronalder ways and means, for the erection of a memorial chapel at Jamestown, Va., where the first church cd the Anglican denomination on this continent wan established. A resolution by Rev. Mr. Nelso, of western New York, wan adopted pro viding that future meetinga of the council, as far as practicable, be held In unconsecrated buildings. FROST THERE. The Yellow Fever Will Soon Be at an End (By Associated Preen to The Herald.) Washington, Oct. 17.—The following additional reports regarding yester day's development* of the yellow f«- ver situation were received by the marine hospital service today: Jack son, 8 new casei; Oxford, 1 new case and one death; Edwards, 4 white cases and one negro case; Yazoo City, 6 new foci; Harrlston, 12 new cases; Poplarville, 2 cases; Tongaloo, 1 case. Meridian reports 1 case and says guards have been placed about it. A light frost occurred there Saturday night. The Countess Sehlmmelmnnn, a Dan ish woman, is making a yachting trip to Chicago by way of the Great lakes. > Her yacht, the Duen, went through the Welland canal Inst week, and Ik J ih first foreign craft to invadi* Am-j erf can fresh water* During the winter the Duen will be moored in Chicago. Castor j44w m *•#* If* A# I B | • •>' Net-' I . m)||r *4 l ,mU»p* nrrtkrr ■ | 6m—mb* ‘tawfwi | p (■iSutMAAiOtU'- * Mg »ts-At/MOB# S3bKXb* fl ■ 1% B | 4ft?Ti *#■■»mA » | H Aiwvf'vl MtmM-Iv fl { N<M. "VMM Aku-wb ‘ ’MtUM* ■ I ktarmaXorvwtsk'na IrvcrttK I# |!|gn*#U»»Ortlltf , kgtßuvk Saf 1 -***** *# OL*jrfi&U | [| yr,w YiiHK ■ • • *’ h° OBSifawo,«Pu':'ss - .for* tfth-y fD6LSCRiPTi<yN*\ YELLOW.PI fSENLUIVf BE R| jO'lfi iStfSt ■Gb‘JMNiT*fY(>N IH^BgVtf 4 ' **• lv» IGf ■.*»»• •J*'#" f* T _ - M'tl UXIIN STOCK ANfTV\pMPT ASS’o^EO ■Per k i n-s.'Manufacturing Co Augusta Ga. ' - : ——— Special Notices: s|it(. County sad Khovl Tax, lA»* THE HTATE. COUNTY AND BCHOOI. Tax Is now due All parti** liable for same are earnestly requested to make prompt payment. office at court bouse. Hour* from > a. m. to I p. in. ('IIAItLBft M BOIII.en. Tea Collector. Richmond County. ? Per Cl SSOO,COD 7 Per Ct FOREIGN CAPITAI.fSTfI WlU* DOAN HAI.F A MIDUON DOLLARS <<h really lu Augusta, Ga. Term* 7 per cent. For further informatbai »*» their attorney at low, P. J. Sullivan, Ej.. or Mr. P. Gj Ruium. HPECIAI* NOTICE. I HEnEIIT ANPROUNCB TO MY PA TUoXS and Ihw public that I have this day moved my office und resi dence to No. 505 Greene street, (cor ner of Centre). Office hours remain unchanged. THOM AH D. COLEMAN. M. P. Fine Goods Low Prices. tl Dress Whirls. St .. 75c tl tlnlaundcred Whirls, at .. .. .. 50c I 50c Suspenders, at .. 25c ! 20c Socks, ut 10c | 50c Undershirts or Drawere, at .. 25n I 75c Extra Fine Quality, at 50c i 11,25 All Wool I'nderxhlrts, at .. 50c t 2.50 Umbrellas (silk) tl-25 j Fine Stork of Woolen for Suits and Trouper#. V. a. MBRTT.NO, Tailor and Gents’ Furnisher, opposite Planters Hotel. flu Caught the ship. One of the paaJengers on the steam ship City of p. Jhi went to a lot pf uaelees trouble secure paseage on the rteamer. On the morning of rhu date of sailing thin passenger took a trip outside the city und returned to hi# hotel appurenlly too late to catch the steamer, on|l>ourd of which his baggage was stowed away. Learning that the Hteames .was a little late In starting, he ordered a hack and pre pared for a ru*h to the Mall do k. He paid his hotel bill, but in taking his hands out of his pocket, nulled the contents with it, and scattered coins of various dimensions all over the hotel office floor. "I have no time to pick them up." he said, and rushed to his carriage, while the call boys indulged In a hciamble for the money. Arriving nt the Mali dock he found the steamer had Just pulled away. He telephoned to the tug office, ordering a tugboat to be in readiness within a few minutes and then drove down the water front to Join the tug. He boarded the tug, followed the Pekin and reached her just as she dropped anchor off Dime Point, disabled. Dur ing the two day* the Peking remained in port he was (he only cabin passen ger that did not avail himself of the opportunity to spend a few more hours ashore. This alofy is from tie* San Francisco Chronicle. Emerson: The only gift la a Por tion of thyself, therefore, the poet brings his poem) the shepherd Ids jamb, the farmer his corn, the miner a gem. the sailoj-ja coral and the girl a handkerchief of her own sewing. MSTDMI rot InfMkt* c The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature IJMf I ° f AF ry JfV The /Tfi)- Kind |VA You Have Always Bought. CASTORM ♦*>♦ (*>*«*♦—•«—» »4> BMMB » *» >o WHOLESALE o PAINT WAREHOUSE «> o Onc-half car & o Atlantic Lead » ° There can be no better Lead 01 0 IB A marie*. o 0 Onc-half car ° ° Allantic Linseed Oil 4 r*nt* a gallon. n#tl«r than ® cli#A|> Wfitrm Oil*. ° | o On* car O 0 Dry A\ineral Paint O Outhouse*, Hoots, Fences, 0 Bmp «t diet- J lon try and io OH ® « ambert’s Oil and Varnishes & | idy *i Mixed Paints ® y best made. I :o. 0 l Wall Finish. o •If yon sr# in doubt iminter we can at- ©* nd you a good one, lusohuble one in pr.oj ffIRDX ® ■ DRUG COMPANY. «> JLSUUUUUO R. H. LAND, DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST SUCCESSOR TO LAND * SMITH, 522 NINTH STREET Would respectfully call the attention of the public to his complete line of Dnis, Medicines, Chemicals, k. Always kept in stock. Having a complete line of all Pharmaceuticals, he can at all times fill any Prescription presunted. Htore open from 7 A. M. to 11 P. M. Give him a call. REMOVED TO 711 BROADWAY- E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils, Daters. Pads, Badges,&c 711 Broadway. Augusta, (in. yirowger Phone i6'_\ JHE HERALD JTANDARD yifAR jJTIAS It I* populir bffAuN It It *utt whil th* firtAt ntwni4p«r-f«iiding pubi c want*, Th* Map* arm lArgtand d«4f. «ml fuHy double ih* Ai/*» of ooy ompfi publlAhdd. Th#y Af* bfAutl* fully printod In flvo color* on h**vy map pAp« r IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WAR 6EOGRAPHY you will find th« All** *n indl*pont*bl# Aid. It will Kelp you to obatrv# the* dally rhang#* In th# situation, and enable you to ka#p pac# with history. You Need An ATLAS! c r Oet the Latest and Best—^ Contents of The Herald Standard War Atlas: Cubs ... - 14x21 inch** Th* World - - - 21 *2B Inch** “haw-fin ,a—» 4 at— *«aaps. t«Ma a*4 IPtfifk Mmm- W**t IndiMt ... 14*21 inch** North America - - 21 x2B inch** Mw* Mg uMc lt**». South America - - - 14x21 inch** Mm* I*l taM* M«m*. Philippine Islands - - 11x14 inch** Hawaiian Islands - - 11*14 inch** Europe - 2lx2BlnchM Spain and Portugal - - 14x21 Inches A s j a ... - 14x21 Inches MMwfMf »** Trans-Slkerf** KaHr**4. Africa - 14x21 inch** Oceania and Caroline Islands 21 x2B inch** China - - - - 14x21 inches Harbor Charts, showing Matanzas, Santiago de Cuba. Havana. Cienfuegos. Manila and San Juan; also Cardenas and Santa Clara Bays, and Island of Porto Rico. Do not confound this Atlas with the cheao smaller Atlases now on the market. It is just out, and entirely new. The Maps are clear and distinct, ana twice the size of any others published. Rand-McNally Maps are Standard of the World. You can be sure that you are getting the best when you buy The Herald Standard War Atlas. Remember the Haiti Point The Herald Standard War Atlas cannot be purchased at any store in Augusta. HOW TO GET IT—City subscribers may call at our office, or may order the Atlas through your regular carrier. Out-of-town subscribers may obtain a copy by remitting 35 cents to the Atlas Department. Address Augusta Herald, Augusta, Ga. 5 *, * PRICE 30 cents—PßlCE 30 cents , A A FrankClves / \ / \ famous J \ / \ 9 Cushion / x 1 \ Sha^ I / Yfo«nWe"\ i I / \ only to S \ \/ YhardHitterX * \/ \ Centre Ball\ Q \ Very fine \ j, \ RightTwiifjV A NEW BOOK OM BILLIARDS BY JOHN A. THATCH gll Cu.lilon r,rom Champion of Ohio’»4- V, Wlimrr of hr. Luul* HanUkap '»J, ti,,. iniigeat tuiirnamrut on record, »„d i h<- only player who ever Imst achartrr, Mi,«>on, and Ivor la the •ame tournament. Of INTEREST TO EVERY BILLIARD PLAYER PARTIAL CONTCNT*. 100 OIAORAMB OP 3-OUBHION BHOTB. SCHAEPfR’S STRAIGHT RAIL NURBB. EVERY STYLE OP BALK-LINE GAME. ALL NURSING POSITIONS PRBNCH CORNER CAME. BTORV OP CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES AND INTERNATIONAL CONTESTS. LIST OP CHAMPIONS OP AMERICA AND TOURNAMENT RECORDS, ETO. The author drives many valuable fHlggcßtlonß to novice* whirl) B'.TVr to re.nclerclrur the metbods employed by the world’s experts. It will show j'ou HOW TO PLAY Cloth, 75 cents. Fleiib’c Leather, SI.OO. SJI page. Bile, SxS« Inches. Sent, prepaid, to any addfse* on . receipt oi price. Aipta Evenim Herald 7