The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 19, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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2 WEDNESDAY DON’T SETTLE ON YOUR FALL HAT ON YOUR FALL UNDERWEAR ON YOUR FALL NECKWEAR ON YOUR I ' FALL FOOTWEAR UNTIL YOU HAVESEEN OUR’S NEWEST AND LEADING STYLES FOR MEN. CALLAHAN’STUKPIN'S. 818 BROADWAY. Disputed -.Questions B. c ** W# fc»?4tr tltfdl |M# lk» ftMivt <|»r Wprtl «l IS* EVERETT PIANO ! If £ n. •• ran r*».ir •»*«>«• tt. Th* dtepu <•*»*• tere# awly *• *** reminded The EVERETT PIANO is the Only Piano Made That is Guaranteed -ron- ••"*** i Unlimited Time With each In* tru m.-nt »n4d. w# give Uita trttlra ituraiilM' of the mano fartitirr*. who ar* worth mlUtnm* O H KART TRItMR TO OOt>l» PARTIES. Wriir it* f«r Fre* (•*t*l«u-» KKI’A tit WOH AWD Tl'iflKO BY AItIMSTX Thomas & Barton, Tl> BROAPWAr, AUOfSTA. UA. ••DON’T LIKE NO CHEAP MAN. ’ But It Wa» Nat • Violation of No. I*. Bualnea* waa light at Judge BagtiT* court today. Ft rat cam# Anna Wllloliy. (thr didn't tike "no cheap man" and *he told him an. He waa |od Itrown. K 4 had her »r --realed. The Judge decided that the 18th had n«n hern violated. Anna wa» dla telsaed. Martha Redding. She had violated No. tt. tt wag a “V.” Mr. Waiter (Hover. Henry Marshall (colored), ctlover had hit Marshall With a piano atool. (Hover, |2 M. Ed MeOraw. Bd 1« a email white hoy who ha* Iteen suing wrung. Hia mother auld »he had not laid eyre on her boy for <1 week until ahe aaw him at eourt today. •'t>> yon want Mm aenr to the re formatory?” naked Judge Baxter of her. •'I do. air." Kddie wilt spend five years in that p)OQC«. 2* tt 50 —Knobs o' Tenmiaaee—Sen sational and picturesque—Tomorrow night. Winston. N. C. claim* the distinc tion of rolling more pounds of leaf to bacco direct from the hands of the farmer than any other loose market In the world. The present tobocco year the Wket will aell S.OOO.OiMi more pounds of tobacco than It has "ever sold before, the sales reaching to more than 18,000.000 pounds. OASTOniA. Bmrs the Ha<e * l * a|fS B° U SW T" - Timber.wolves arc more numerous this fall In Dickinson county, Mich., than in many years, and scarcely a day passes but someone comes to Iron Mountaiti and report* having seen one or more. So far the animals are not reported as annoying, but they may become so when snow comes and food become* scarcer. A great many are reported around (he Sturgeon river. New Hutch and Kippered Herrings al Lamkin A Co.’s. tfovr» u»f ..A *mhm Matt*** •*«*•? NggM gg Mm OtM4 T|M *S.g (Vs MM fi## ClMfhM M. I1*#C(I "A P*»te# Hurt" «**'• MttMM* I*l*l RMfWfgR M*4 lb* l*ltf*iMM •*# ■ >ffi (MW* Will IM • MB’®* ***• * M« AMR*. TM. M rentes* «WW4 mrnmr t« "A Ntk* R*«« <«* Wav* lilt* Tnrn~ «►*■*•%* <nm tea* *fc*< k* MIM laSiMMMi •* •■*•* MafcMMlT* I rim rx*>** M H*R »r»i* m* m-• b* fast NM» »1 all lb* #!•*# b»* MR •Risatwm Tb* |M I* tt**. «• **»• with I* mUiblM tbßt «aa i«M la Ms fleb fbary r*u4wm4 a of nmol JeHtlr that to* pi#**** ■nttMRM us RMRI* Ml BW «bta CO* ÜBMlt. |( will fa# RWNIM A 'b* Grand or Frida* wighi with a »»' •iToeg tkmoßboat g»d all fb* »*«R ■«*** Mid mugle A Jolly dawa-davll Irasifi la al»ay* gord rMRRaay aa tb# #**g» No oro !##*# MM* r bottov *iaßi|*»* «baR "Old Mom" IR "A Farter Match” Tblo I* tb* tcorny who la atßwra la r**l ba irm otrala b»t kllrMo afovc* and hull dog* JnlHaa tb# old mao la ahaoal • rjawbifor tbo wily boob M*sL and keep* (V# fua gnteg tbtuußboul Mark SslUvah Rill yUy the tramp •nd thl* la tßougb 10 teaur# tb# a«r of the rotn#dt Kdllb Hoyt will be urn a* Innocent KldA Tb* original Olympia quartette and Tori Brown# the whistler, nr# other ■erring feature* with tb# abow thl* •##- j eon. ,s«n*atlonal Bv#*t. Tomorrow night nl popular price* "Knoba o’ Tfttnraarc," will be pre*#nl cd at the Grand. An Atlanta paper *ay* of the play) “Knoba o' Tennwwee." IJncoln J. C'nr ter'a drama, depleting life and inci dent# amotiK (b# moooahiacra of T#n oeaaee. wna prewenied to a large audi ence last ulgbl al the Columbia thea tr#. The play csught the audience ; *rom the beginning and kept every one lutenmted until the final fall of ■he curtain. It la one of the beat com edy drama* aeen hot# recently, the ell maxen being very at rung. The scenery deserve# special mention. The first and second act*, representing the moon shiners' retreat In tbe mountains of Tennessee. I# a moat realistic scene. The «»t throughout was good. Hal Held, aa Joe Preston; Ml** Klumere. uh Madellue Preston, and Mis# Marke •a Mrs. Preston, deaenre special men tion. The moonsbinem' whistle uaed as a warning note la aoraethlng so wlerd that II Will live long In the memory of tliue- who heard It last night. A fine assortment of finest California fruits received at Lamkln A Co.’#. —The chemicals constituting tho In caodeacent mantle of the Welsbach gar burner are principally the oxide* of girconium. lanthanum, thorium and yttrium. The mantle Is made h.v first Impregnating n woven fabric with « chemical compound contain big suits of tho above metals. In lighting the first ttme. tho fibrous aubatance Is con miiued, leaving behind tho fragile cone of the above oxides, whirh. when heated tt) Intense whttenesa by the gits tlun.e underneath, shlue with greut brilliancy. Popular prices -great htt—Knobs o’ Tennessee —Tomorrow night. a- Not long ago a Frenchman died and u clause In his will set forth the desire to be conveyed to his last rest ing place In a motor car arranged ns a hearse. Near Marseilles there has just taken place a christening of a new or der. The christening party consisted of nlue persons, and each were con voyed to church by a motor brake. A French paper thinks tt will he u source of satisfaction to the parent* of the child—it was a boy—to say that be began very early to patronise the new locomotion, which Is described as "I# sport a '.a mode." Mr. Charlie Marx, of Marx A Brud. diamond exporters sod Jewelry, Mai den La tit NV,is In *h# eity Mr. i Marx has already made warm friends. He Is a genial, whole-souled gentle man. an expert in bis line and thor ough In business, tils stay in Auguste will be mack pleasant. 1 CT-THI A.TTOTJBT7V HBIRAJJD PROHIBITION IN MACON I M IN Drtl • H t®* mm tmm nmm§ Vbswr *r »«a# r Brrß RJiR »■<!*> MR IM, It * Wwh AW* i MM* RH»I Ate • *•# •••'ll «d * BAR | MMMR «#mmr* RRd *te**a Rdte td# I * MR* bmd wat mm# •’*•• fiR Rp # »#**• MM •## i 9, M* •R*’H *•» I aRM Him RHfiP RAM RS#*RMRRRdMR| I «*a HRdSMteRBf At Ml RRRM<d. R# [ (Rtefiß *r a t*aw* sAdHteßMii** •** I *O9O •• Hi N** l *99 ' iMMt (•*% I*d Ms H**Ri*<t fiteßte HteMMai [ *<stm* -* lh h fwdfiMNl 9m ** rrhm »**#? «M**> Ha* Ram )w»«w »» #*w#rr dk* rmP I a#* wdte Rd k# Rate RRd R •’ ••*• M#t Ml <*# rr'r «Rd Ml RddMlßd * WWMka# «i rite maw* yRHMRSM* »*W j RlMikßg <MRMMR Mi (M* HR»K| a## a* : li«m> mm Hr fat Umm« baa Mam rr df RRRHRIM * RR **R RHf #M «Rd A* l | >»##*» R**W MR** MR** RR a#Rp» AM* . . ******* iteBMRMA *MI Mi daw* R< mm iwtety AM# t m* as* *Mr f%» «R»wi#» Mr rri w#R aa*. P *•« p*«HrM# M •*##• Li**> in Urn i MR## IM»«I ÜbM* H HP S**mMlrr Mi (M* tREHifi M* Mater# aI 'ika mtaBIRIHw* —###*>wl hMRI’M li Dfll INN# t|MW 9NNIM I** j* !#•#•«* i "|»n«flNN* |i •to** »* •iwi 9*m «tot 99m «* ****** Mbs tear# fbtedwßi Hf M'P 'Mr | rw«M b# |RRM» «b*R*d ptebHdfteß ! k# pw* Ml teWA. SRd If SR «ANM te Rted* ,*1 ibis UR* *R Mm '•* MRRr *M* «*M Rtli I* #**R MR# IR (MrK* M* | M W M pfRteRR- Tb# IHritif vkk tb# y#wßite**w»- f I*l* will ba IR *#rr# Mi lbs Mty Maas ; *u|i * vwta **fß~lrrt Mi RMb* a#y MAl i*g «#m* »«#>•#< (ba Hrrm tervwa IR ' lb# rtfjr, #rbMb b* |r#r#r* b»» **•»• •IteMbMuP? bfibißM tb#m HTbiM • RRMIbfT O# v*ry ##• a* !■>#•< Rtf bte RR iba FrwhlMfteß *td# tb##* ar* t* ! teMy at #qu#< ptvnatterße* wba Rbbi 1 *aa# of M. Tb#y drpr#e»i* tb* Mia#- j mg OR a# R (wßint at «bM UHte iba* wilt *piu tb* tew* all ta |d*r»# sad •111 41*14. lata tllq**a »»4 factlaß* j ibat a*d#r lb# t*eaat mwr** nf #***«• b*4 brws *laio*t wiped aat. A COM INO fIARRI AOE, ’ N Caws** a Or*at Oaal as ls(ara*f Mi fiaßdar** Mbr. B*mMl la Tb# N#raM. A*i%d»r#* Hl# O*.. OM. I* - Mu. h to i«nal l* being a**nlf**i»4 In IV a**r rtag# *Mrh will or#w It an early 4*l# nf If lee 14* Camber nf Htlb-dgevllle. In fir. O. laalle Roffwt. <>t tbi* place, in' itattna* have *lr>-*4r been Iwmed. wn4 many of ear ( lllscoe wilt auea4 th# w#*t4ing. Mlae Camber Ha# quit# oflna Im* a visit.w In Render**Hie. where *R# numhem be# Mien4* by tbe "T«r. Hedger* tbnugb yoang. I# nne of Render** ill#'* tenet popular pby»i --• lens. He ka# a|tend#d #um* of tbe Iwal medical college* la Ihll cuuntry. having cowplelrd hi* coum# Inet yeag. ; III* practice, which ha* been htiilt UT* In n tew month* would do credit to •me of mature# year* In tb# pmfeeel>#i, and hi* friend* tuvdict for him a bril liant earner. Hia many Menil* r«n igmtulale him in advance on winning the hand us *»> fair a brid#. After their hnrtayteoon. Dr. H'»dgera land brute will rrelda at the ()llm<*r* Hiiuae. I Madame Rumor has tt that five wed idinga will lake place In Handcravllle ; iH-fore the end of the F>od year te. and , dlammid rlnga— new diamond rlnga. which am very much In *videncr~glve the color of truth to her aaacrtlon*. The following soldier boy* are spend ing their furlough* with rel*llve# In thl* rtly: Corpor»l* (lien L*w*on »nd ltenj (Jllmor*. Private* Winn B. Hal#, and Jwa. F. Talfalerro, <d the second regiment, and PrJraUR Armlated Wat kins and Charlm kluhuuk*. of the find regiment. ®* see Here, Read Thlsl Doe* anything all your hair? Then let me treat It now. It coat* little compar ed compared to the mortification of baldness. I've Heated many here In your own city and not one #o treated but wa* benefited Not one failure In all the large number. Come to sec nic ut *25 Broad street. 1 am treating some of the bent people or your city. MltS, SMITH. FRED UEMRKEN~MURT. Fell From a Trea Yesterday and Broke His Leg. A serious accident befell Fred Gehr ken, the lil-jear-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Geht'keu. Yesterday afternoon he nnd some other hoys were In one of the neigh bor'd yards climbing n pecan tree. Whru near the top hr lost, his balance and fell to the ground, breaking his left leg just above the knee joint. Dr. Doughty rendered prompt, med ical RsslMnnce and set. the injured member and today the little fellow is resting as well aw could be expected. The break is an ngly otic and will take weeks to again knit together. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Brotno Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It fulls to cure. 25e. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. , —The following appeared in the weekly papei at Sedgwick, Kan , the other day: "Notice—l hereby warn the public that I am watching for the contemptible scoundrel who has been milking my cow. If 1 catch him 1 in tend to shut m\ eyes ami shoot at the cow.” VIN MARIAN! XsfC’SUfi/^ f A LA I>|*V COCA DU PE|9|j 1, SfttebMMHH iv?/? en AUGUSTA LYCEUM, ii OfiOMI If. WBNPUNO. f*Mn»«4ay Orlob#r l*(h. liyreum ». | fiuiijr ii. UirabeaU and tb# Fr*n< h Ktete'utlna. t Thuriajay, Suhjerls I* Death ifl# Kn 4? MAduNIC HALL. WANT ADS. KHin ADVERTISING—TIIK HI ALD offer* the use of (he “Want Ad” column# to Uk<#« out of employment who are ###klng work. A little ad. Stat ing your case simply and plainly, tell ing what you ran do and what you will do It for. may find you profitable employment. It ha* don* *o for many other*. h'« wlah our r**der* to feel that they ar* not Imposing on u» by mak ing use of our fr*o advertising offer. Th# Herald believe* in keeping labor and employer* Informed of their mu tual “want#.” SITUATION WANTED” or— — ' WANTED--SITUATION AS BUTLER. coachman or office-boy. and willing to do work of any kinrf Addrca* 1407 Au gusta Avenue. Robert Garner. Oct 18 WELL EXPERIENCED PORTER wants a Job as potter or driver. Ad dress 117 King Alley. Oct 19 WANTED—BITVATION AS CHAM BERMAID; can give good reference. Addreae 1249 Jonea street, Mamie Ter ry. Oct 20 WANTED- SITUATION AR COACH MAN. Address E. T., care of Her ald. Oct .19 WANTED- RITI VTION AS BUTLER, porter or driver. Can give good refer ence. Address 514 Jackson. Oct 19 WANTED— A YOUNG LADY DB- BtltKS a place aa stenographer. Cart come well recommended. Address H. E. G. Oct 20 WANT A PLACE AS BUTLER. AP PLY at 126 rails street. Oct 20 WANT A POSITION AS BUTLER. pni'ter or driver, at 514 Jackson St. Good reference. _ < - lcl HEIFw ANTED wanted —a Gooft pants mak- ER. Aptly to Ruben, the tailor, 143» Main street, Columbia. 3. C. Oct 20 FOR SALE CREAM-CRBAM At 24 JACKSON ST. [«*yiKAP— PAPFR FOR WRAPPING [ purpaw 14 c#nt# a hundred old *x - j it hangca. While paper 1 trot a pound. I Nov 1 roit HALE- Ite-ACRB FARM. ~ONB mil# from rtty limit a. a bargain. Ap- | ply W. C. Job**, No. U 4 Jackaua mi. Oct l FOR HALE—HORSB AND BUGGY ; ■old for no fault whatever; buggy good aa new; will aell <heap. Apply 1)44 Bill# Street. Oct 21 FOR BALK-PAPER FOR WRAP PING purpose*. Che*p#»t In city, on* cant a pound. Apply at Herald olllce. Both whit# and n«**-pap«r. Nov 1 TO RENT TO RENT —STORE NO. 714 BROAD ■treat, next below Davenport A Phln- Ixy, running through to EDI* street. Price 81.250. Alexander A Johnson, 705 Broad *tr*et. Oct 1 FOR RENT —STORE *OS AND HALL WAT *O7 Broad. Apply Commercial Hotel. Oct 1 TO RENT— COMMODIOUS STORE. No. 921 Broad street—*7s per month. W. S. Gatdner, 115 Eighth street. Oct 1 _____ FOR RENT—STORE NO. 52* BROAD street at *2O per month. Iliads. Oak man. No. sll Broad street. Oct 1* LOST AND FOUND. LOST-NO HORN! VERY DARK brown cow, almost black. Liberal re ward for her return to 816 Greene St. Oct 19 MISCELLANEOUS 100 BASKETS CONCORD AND DEL AWARE grape*, just received at Gl ovunl'a. 634 Broad street. Nov 1 DANCING SCHOOL-MISS ELIZA BETH WHITE, recently of New York. Library Hall. Children'* class Tuesday* and Fridays 3:59 p. m. Ladles and gentlemen *ame days, 8-00 p. m. * Nov 10 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING only *5.00 per month at Osborne's Business college. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at night. Come or call at once. Great demand for itenographera. June 17 ts WANTED—REGULAR BOARDERS 7 good fare and neat beds, also one un furnished room to rent. Apply Mrs, A. J. Avert*, corner Kllis and Washington, or 6(*3 Ellis street. Nov 10 MAttIANI WINE Ihe WorkM ; «motj» T»nte. Braces Body and Brain. WHAT THE DOCTORS SAY: DR CYRUS EPSON, UK Chief of the H«jkh Drpari mefif. Nrt Yfifk C**Y, mMi to hn booh. "Li (jfifw.' pub4*hd4 by D Apftfi‘*ii & LR' *Wh*o pfiUfUtfi wth Nfb fever, tdtdrrh In tbd hold und com* fiktc pftJßffdtton. th* nwofil lißKh ta the fweroud difiuaibk tank VK MARIANL* HARIANI WINE has written endorsement* from morethan 8,000 American Physklans. MARIANI WINE GIVES STRENGTH TO Overworked Men, Delicate Women, sickly Children AND Dispels Weakness From whatever Causes Marian! Wine give# pc ver to the brjfn, Btrength * n ** l ££ tlclty to the muscle* and richness to t he b 000 ‘ l £ * pr ‘ ter of good health and longevity. It is * tonic, which has received the endorsements of more than 1,8,000 American physicians. To those who will kindly write, mentioning the pubHca- Irion, to MARIANI & CO.. 52 West 1 & th u St :' ■ will be sent free book containing portraits and autographs of lemterJ?*. Emo«S. Prince*. C.rd.n*!,. Archb,shops, .nd iother Interesting matter. FARUH 41 Boulevard H.uteuteaa. U»*lK<S; Rknuteo*. MOKTREAI; Jtett Htetetel ft MIX# BELLE SMITH'S DANCING ■cheat at b»r pallor*, norther*! cor ner Kolhx k and Telfair Children Tu**- day* and Friday* at *.»; gentle i.*n M n t )ay* and Thureday al I o*tl'** Get 2* i WANYTtD—A FIRST CUt#X C(XiK ; usual hav* good reference. Apply I*o2 May avenue. (kt 1* piano lbssons. MRU. ILA-RTONK WATSON. J« REYNOLDS STREET. W ANTED- GOOD S.BCOND HA?*o ■ale. Addrca* Mrrrineld. %elgler * 00. Ex< hange Building. Oct J® WANTED— TO GIVE OIT CON TRACT for painting a three-*tonr brlik building. Iss feet long by M feet wide, with two coats. For iwrtlcular* nddrena Box 187 Columbia. 8. C. Oct n They were In the conaeryatory alcnc. “Aren’t you glad,” she aald *utblen |y, loking Into hi# eye*, "that It l* no longer the ffashlon to powder the hair?” "1 «ra most devoutly thankful.” he replied, a* her head aettled back In lu accustomed place—Gallatin Torch. Tramp—3*y. h o * sl ’ wiml ** belp a poor feller? p„dw—The old story, I stnpoae—*lck wife and two starving children, children and two Btarvin* wive*.— Brooklyn LU«< • Actor —1 can't imagine how D’Art manages to get such favorable notice# from the dramatic critics. Journalist— Perhaps he acta well. Actor —‘By Jink*! I never thought of that!— Washington Star. "Well, are you going to get It?" was asked of the rural statesman just back from Washington, where he had been with a view to securing an appointive position. “Don't think I am. That there con gressman of outti' was too dtiraed per lite to me.” —Harlem Light. Popular price*—2s , 35, 60-Tomorrow night—A great play. The Bell Tower Drug Store, CQFNER GREENE AND JACKSON STREETS. > j. ,i Vrf.flh Dm°Si Toilet Articles, Brushes «r*rnder new roanapen>ent. A full of l- resn \\e make a specialty of Physicians’ Prescription-. PATTERSON & WADE OCTOBER IB DR I.IJONARD CORNING of New Y«i Ofv wtite* In h« boob. ’ Nijwi Rtfxi. ptotoklfi he {G. B.l'utHfitti »bonfi-f •XX all tonic pfoparfitbvtt crer «n --troduced to the not>« d the won, Vln Mjirteni U undoubtedly the most potent lot good In the kmi ment drthfiusrtvefk tmuttve con* ditiom d lh» cenuel nervous system Special Notices; stat«. Cwwtjr Mil School Tax. iM THE STATE, cot;NTT AND SCHOOL i Ta* i* now due All partlwi liable for i eante are earnestly reeu«inl to nuke i prompt payment. office at court i bouse. H« ore from *a. m. to 4p. m. CHAULEH S. BOH UK It. Tax Collector, Richmond County. 7 Per Cl tmol 7 PerTt FOREION CAPITALISTS WILL LOAN HALF A MILLION DOLLARS lon realty In Augusta. Go. Terras T per cent. For further Information res their attorney at law. P. J. Sullivan, L*.. or Mr. P. Q. Burura. I - SPECIAL NOTICE. I HEREBY ANNOUNCE TO MY PA TRONS end the public that I havo this day moved my office and resi dence to No. MS Greene street. <cor ner of Centre). Office hours remain unchanged. THOMAS D. COLEMAN. M. P. Fine Ooo4»-Low Price*. ! JI Dress Shirts, at \ tl Hula tendered Shirts, at .. ~ •• 500 60e Suspenders, at **o tftc B<n k.s. at 100 Bbc I Undershirts oc Prowers, at .. .. 250 7f.c Extra Fine Quality. *t Wo JI.S4 All Wool Undershirts, at .. 50a $2.50 Umbrellas (silk) U.2S Fine Stock of Woolen for Suits and Trousers. F. G. MERTINS, Tailor and Gents' Furnisher, opposlta Planters Hotel. —The Japanese are ruthless In their tampering with nature, if they decida that they want u bird or an animal of a certain shape or color, they set about inatiuf; cturing the article, so to speak, by the exercise of exceedingly clever ingenuity and nnttring patience. Here, for example, Is how*:he white spar rows are produced. They select a pair of grayish birds and keep them in a white cage in a white room, where tfaey are attended by a person dressed in whte. The mental effect on a se ries of generations of birds results in completely white birds.