The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 19, 1898, Image 5

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W|pMI«OAV i ul « mmm »'>h*mm. • mmtnmm, %mmm mMm ti« i% mur’UMfci %W wwim*, Georgia Railroad Bank AUOUITA, OIOKOtA (OfelltVrii 04*9*400 WK.t'MWMi 9*410 tOCAO9tAt. •*••*• **- m* mm %■>*. o*4«fc * »—»_ f - ? I' JS£?* j HmmMhA| |tWI-4*4iii HMMNfI P IMMnHMMi H 1 I mEp t| •§•«■*** I-***® t®*®**., . **L t RRPRrII WRplPfcßc • HI DIP * ■ :rrr^ mk'« «4iOMMM 1r m Mpiif : tgflpi 00H> tMPPMk OR. MINRV J. GODIN. tff* F«M#* Fwa* *a r«i>" Arts* OOPO 9011 MVNIL IV v rwM ** • BfisaM •*«<*** •• tl» INmrl r •* 3SK ’ ■ H* t>« IV* •#-*■*•#' CK#*#### l J, |t# t #ff WW®** A##■ I. '— c'. -I p.##**' wwlA*#- WWW ******* * #|| |*m»# ftn4 m V#>tf #t’l Vi# IV*. H'<uar n [Mil# l**#l I l#fHer M*il OMrV# J. R*jr**** tl *’•• IV** ffr*» «f I Vtayn# # IVmv »#» Tl* Thin*# II ■ Mi*M lt»v* (#O4 II »*• • ***' *'" ! itßfxl a»d l«tl*r<#tli»# VW **” itrllrrml Ilf R#f#f'K dl'll'M I# (WIT* rh ,, t , bw | 111 and am* of IV well rwundwd ■III r#ibml#»ii'i applauae Our Htti# i**y •** am. m * *** *"* mat tain In M* ha** ro>4 «i **»»— #M# (« pm kh Im m tv n™» "• Iliad In vain svrrythln* *» *'' ,ulJ }'** r ot that »• lh •u«m aou>4 Iw-lp him- W» almoal cave ni» In despair wtw-n someone advlaod o« to try Chamber - a Pain Haiti* W* did ao, and lb* Brat bolt I# am*# ao much relief Ihat »*• col a aarond on*, and to otir turpri**. tt > ur#d biro aouad and T. ! BAYS. Paator Ctorlatlan Church. N*«- daaba. Kan. For adla by Alexander l>rub and Hard Company. C. H. Parr of b®ii Toner Drug Company. - Although over 12,0000.000 tone ot mM hare been Uken from the Pitla b irß ' aeam." In Marlon county, Wta* Vrginla, aln re IU dlecovery. In 18#7. (be ream. runnln* from eight to four teen feet tat thickness, haa been un covered for but a trlßing part of Ita extent. There are thouaamla of acrea through which tbla aeam la known to run that have yet to tie touched by the miner’* pick and drill. Jamea Rowe, the horse trainer, who haa been both Jockey and etarter, la one of the for t unate* who bought a big tract of I hi* land twenty year* ago. before Ita true va’ue was kniwo. atitl be 1* now reap ing a fortune from It. The Ellis Restaurant has moved first door above Dyer building. French Pea*. Mushroom# and Sar dine* cheap at Lam kin At Co.'a. IF YOU PAY MORE 1 than we charge ypu for Jewelry or Silverware you 1 piy too roach, for money cannot buy b, tier qualities than we offer you. If you 1 p, has than we charge you are Bur.- to gel less in I quality—Satisfaction. 1 new GOODS 1 DAILY. ; Wi. Schßiiert & Co., , Jewelers. A btvovti iiliAtiM MAN, m 0 M*4« »** - MmmMU «| *MNhaBN9# ** I 4§!®®i®k Hr €>*• $| fRHN 1% I* I Aft (UK# RtWUMi* : |#NMi«9RIR 4RR. Irpm** •%* R®M4 < Iran! lan** #%*!• ®*rt® : I >t*t fAfMR# -A«i=io>* VR tR* f*o»;*«* fß#*Pßft f ftmjp« AUtPA RP* PRR RwRANR •▼fR I fpß.io 0 > (9'£* y RpiaMtipß RpiRRPR POO »R i*«§Rߧt p| tip f««Rß.ii#in| l-RP ••• IPNPRNI t® l pRWRtp pMP N# RPRRi I»*Ri ***** «MHPP Iw»® RRRPf IW»P m t®R , | #-' % A* VRAa# mb K* ■* ■■■<•#%» {•-' *♦ 'de4 Mi t jRMH oA#t *cßm Rt tip Pbßp9 ’ ; '*R po* » |p |p4pp tpR »r Imp ® mi I r s mm 4 m pm** ’ «**nrrM pn »_ . iMlt iff L.'"#b*T Lere nauttmtVmaUy. and #a«d « d l«u (M# # * Of Ivor* rp4 tp# pfrod m ■! • ngal-r *t ‘Armt to I*o CVRI* #• • i iam tnatir* in rtu4*t in# Mi fibd. »t4ftirr om to • t)i«bf>r rourt, tbl’ rt. Simple rtatement of lb* de-j fee dent w#« rtuwth la bla eye# to ! warrant Ilia Wing fefidL Arturdiaf to (hr HatrAftt tn»‘W J t»r row, Iwtli four plain! wi wtihiky . | W + T ,. ronr in ycitir afeirt ThSt hr* tag tm# part th# git a (rn PiffcirtM I am iftmiatlr whlk yon orrr trying to «rM thr whfAky font rhtrt ihr i fro* thr platol wonld Mrr flih- Iff pun* nP *• * lr w I i (Id e»f ** M|i(| (W IlldgP. Love »a* repreaented by Mr U»wry Aniotd. and Phillip# bad for bla at ‘ toraey# Mane-ck * Rvana. Moved first door above Dyer building. Ellis Res j taurant. AN APPUAL. A Sportamao Want* Killing of \oung Bird* Stopped. Recently I have been going through tbe country a great deol and have 11tern worried and aalrtnlahed at the amount of bunting that la now going i on. Numerous part lea are out with their i gun* and dogs alaugbterlng the young bird* by the thousand*. Tbit 1* not [only against the law. but It la heart [ lea*. The young bird* are acarce’.y able 1 to fly and know nothing about hiding ! from roan. A good shot can easily kill nlne-tentha dt every covey that he find* and they are especially easy to get up at thl* aeaaon of the year, when the? are ranging in the open field*. If thl* slaughter continue*, the bird* —which are said to be merous this year will be extermi nated and the true sportsman will, have little pleasure. I appeal to all sportsmen and to the officer* of the law to do away with these pot-hunt ers. I have not been able to find out who any of the roleereants are, but am en deavoring to do no. Appealing also i to the people who buy these birds tp stop doing so, and hoping that this ! evil may at leant be somewhat reme died, I am, as ever. Very respectfully, A Sportsman. —lt has been less than two years 1 since the law maktag life Imprison ment Instead of death the penalty for ! m un'.?r In Colorado went into effect, j and yet agitation has already begun looking to a revival of tbe death pen alty. It la asserted by those who wish a reestablishment of the gallows that he life-imprisonment law has result ed in an epidemic of crime. The Great Northern Railroad has }/st placed an order with the Dunkirk Locomotive Works, at Dunkirk, N. V.. for a locomottve weighing ninety-five tons. It is claimed it will lie tbe heav iest railway engine in the world, and will be used on that portion of the line of the Great Northern railroad which traverses the mountains from eastern Men tana to the Western coast. THIQ AUGUSTA B^WALD. ELEPHANT LEVIED UPON I Igativ# f«tn Npmßo M lOM M I tlgrl hi Wby • bMBpMMMM OA* tA**>k>| pbnM. •kfkatb W. M Hard* the «w»*t i.. . arrd an «L«w*#>» a* Qaw-kly »• P*»* !*lbl* tall peeyfed t# fight the «•**. i i Hoßowfleld aeaUig that be would ba*e, i to net quickly or have a bolbtw fo»k*t. I finally dc td#d to roeapromtae. H#r-, ' rla rather than be annoyed by a lltl-1 1 g#tt<>n paid one hundred dollar*, the j < elephant* ntere released and th# efreu# , departed. Old fashion* In drea* rosy be revived, j I l»a! ha <44 IRolitti«i<«l f*B n** | 14m ( % bß»!*fH«!f» m €>«tc. Ckt»l#rß ri»4 I grtarrh A-M njmpQy Ml** *»f AlfS- I an4ff Druf hj»,j Haml (*<pvii|Mirty. C. R.. j Parr of Bril tWwff t>m* O*•»!»• of. STA •'MERINO SAVED HIM. Conductor Restored to 211# Run Be cause 11* Couldn't Talk Ba.k N J Ru !. . - sn.rv •'Stutt«-rlng I* not alutay* an alt » • | ll.hi I know a cane In which II aaaa aj bh-rolng la diigulte.*' Tbua aald a con ductor on an Incoming train from New! I lie continued: "There wa« my friend Dan, Buck. Ha had lo whlatle tudore: Ihe could ask a man for hi* tare. H* 1 I used lo carry a alatr and when he go! j mad he would write hi* <uaa word* on] the slate and ham! It to the man he {was mad at.- He aaved time by it. 'tian had a run out of Chicago of WINEfIOF CARDUI Aches in The Hoad. tun, Timnt Co., Texas, January ja [X* TV I suffered from swimming and / fPu dtainess in the head and from sick / headache,and couldn’t get relief. f Jfv, Cine day I read an advertisement ot , S'M Wine of CarduL I tried it, and g began to feel better at once. By ftiap,, 7// II the time I finished the bottle I was / VN til risliL lA * ANNIE FRAZIER. ' I* WineTordf* Headache* in women are symptoms and danger signals. Ti ey are warnings that something is seriously wrong—not in the head, but in those intricate delicate and sensitive organs that distinguish her sex. Here it Is that the wrong must be righted. While headache and dizziness are signs of danger, it is such an easy matter to drive them out Wine of Cardui does it by regu lating the menses. When regularity is established, the pains not only leave the head, but the sufferer finds herself feeling splen didly in every fibre. Her health comes back, and there is great satisfaction in knowing that life can be enjoyed to the full. Wine of Cardui is putting gladness and sunshine into many wo- men’s (jves. It is curing their jvisoßY department. ' troubles—not only bodily but ns in „«•<>• rsqalrlnit »pe- ...» „ . >n», laid me*. *jvi ng »r wp- marital. A really healthy wo- M' Ail,HtirruVepartmmt, cttno.tir* M«dic»*« <-«. man is an inspiration and a ————- fascination. There is nothing else so beautiful. And Wine of Cardui puts it within every woman’s reach to be healthy. Druggists Sell Large Bottles for SI.OO. Win e of cardu i a#ro**« tag# a* now* Jaitrlfi/let p iwaae #• •# nit §t N 4 §• i t g#« t*taa»#« •« >«t#aa>. 1 l •##« *...«* •«*» *#t a* i | ***** | #77.*#. *M» wwat gw* ♦** 1 r RR-r*R tR® ROR>»,. 0 p%mm* hrrmi a §#• RA«|RR |#'R Rpi-RR “N i#R4R f iRNN«i «® **** 4* "*** ***"“ 1 ; mrm Hi H'IpNIRhMMI Rrßw# #«• | |Rtj> B *RMiR wp i® I®® Kii M* 4®i® ®p®f®Nßl B •"** (H®® IS® 4®!®®®* *® R*® *RR* , * 1 * jj e c R4<mNi fR® N* SS ** * f 1 , # i A %■-- " • Trwat Those h ho Have Tried. : baVi f'ream Bal» *" • *»" entirely weir a. I <*. Clmrlir, ill i'lmiwhiii • j * - i_. _• A ISc |HOI •«•«* Of »nr w ***, I (irucitiitt. Ely rtrulh , *rs. w• rr •*» Mr.Kangw 111 uttered forth hi* ont for the average modem E.iigll*h piny in a tedur. on "The Drama a* a Fine Art” the . th#r day In New York Mr declared that atwptd * r^ I sometimes right ».n wt.ittg gro'ino- »na I said. ’ When l want to pApßlate my <»M,k I give h r q ticket to sonic tb. *- i tre. where she may see a real atto v j atoimi or a genuine fire engine. Hh <«n. or Course, sec these thing* on the I street, but It seems to give her scute Joy to behold them In the wrong plsct.' 1 Pineapple. Kdam and Kmitlah Dairy I Cheese fresh at Larokln Sk Co.’g. VACCINATION KILLED HER libs \mw tttlt < fttf Vti 1 lai» ’ fl*9 % Reetß—fcoß 4 >—»*4 : •mr «*4 lilßt® 1 1 Ap 4|RqM||M|l dMMNffai fnilMMßiß# .nr - iiiß pm mm mt* rsrtr •« ®®i Th# Film H«»Uur«nt h«* movrd flmt door Abov# Dy#r building. I toat ug the Taee ae. I The Chief «re. h.l was removed and intelligewt efforts to raise the Teresa, tn contrast of many w <*ck* of Hne wen- 1 V' Totut th- 11-Inch turret gun# her I otter y was removed and the leaking ■ oiniortment* wgregnle.l Th • wieeh era could and should have dune thl* to fare. Hi cum was rat*«d Hi the mala and donkey bollrva anti aim he# and pump# were started. I But the Inevitable West India hurrl-. cane had replai-ed the fine w, othet.and while li devastated til* Itarlrsdoe#, Hi Vlmrnt and other Island*, with vr-at loss of Ilf#. It futiunately stored Ea»t . rn Cult. Huch good lurh could not last, and , llolauui rrslouldcd Ilia efforts and oa Friday. HcptcnPier U. fotind*hlro ready i to pull off the Vessel. I At daylight, (’apt. G. K fb-slrb h. j lire senior naval officer, arrived from Guantanamo with the hcorpl on, Pr.brmac and Alvarada. Shortly after the American ensign was hoist d «n the lofanla Marla Te resH. Mild signal was made thst she had left the rucka that hud held bar so tenaciously slnre Ihe fateful July ,T, when Cervera's sriuadnur went down before Admiral Sampson's accurate ' shooting Jackies. , Sailor* were pul on the Tctcsa from I tile Newark, Hnd divers sent down to make her ready for a dash to Guantsn amo bay. All Contingencies had been i thought out beforehand. If necessary to beach her la-fore arrival, th • few sandy spots on Cuba's rocklxmnd shore had been buoyed and marked. About 11 a. ill. the powerful govern ment tug Potomac, Lieut. Blew cotn mandlng. passed an Immense steel • huwaer lo the Maria Teresa and wtart- ied ahead. 1 Steam slieqs and whistles from naval (ships and wrecking lugs welcomed this addition to I'ncle Ham's navy, and ihc (naval ships fired national salutes. Kast of Santiago and off Sllamey the wind freshened, the sea increased and I th,. barometer fell, sure indications [down here of bud weather. If not a hur rleane. The Teresa had iir«r!>a Idy MMJ tons or water In her tort? compartments, but with all pump# going she was only drawing twenty-seven feet of water forward, six feet below her norma) draft. She was thus steering badly and yawning from side to side, stretching i the faithful steel hawser of lie Po ll..mao to the utmost and bending strong lion stanchions guarding It like ; straws. : Another vessel was put to towing and all the speed, given her that the head sea would permit, getting into Guan tanamo at H p. m., to the great relief <:<• all. | By midnight she had been moored in a previously moored bight that had been accurately sounded out toy Lieut. Halsey, navigator of the Newm ". Such a uriifotgt depth was necessary In easo she again sunk and thus preventing straining, and also, to permit diver® to work. „ , , As the Teresa is pumped out and she rIF-s tie- extent and destructiveness ot the Americans' gunftory become more apparent and appalling. STIFF HATS SOFT HATS At tiirT<ti of #• ..j Hma w« h#** itw lun4 CX#f |m # S*R lh4 Si® H#tt M OUR $2 LINE TWy Hiv® 41 muiti uiif 4ft4 ffept W m4 kiif iHcn iJKaiv 4i 4® #3 Hit ®ot4 # ¥P Prtct* ihrayt .. . . r *tr#»ma lata an Am* by tbs hard wntklag IWt - i -n hr» It I# to In* hoped tla will Buck ten's Arnica Salve. 1 THE REFT SALVE la th# world f-r ’Guts. Bruise-. Here*, f’leers Hall Itheum, Fever ft*we#. Tetter, Ghap«*ed Hands. C’hllblalna. Gnrna. and all Hktn Kr' and positively cures File#, or no pay required II la guaranteed In give perfect satisfaction or money re fuad-d. Price » rent* per Ik'X FOR SALK BY HOWARD * WILLET. Military Records Missing. Ook John P. Thoroa#. State lll*to rian for South Carolina, has lamed th* following appeal for Informstiou tn re iftod lo tertaln troop* of lb* South CuVilma regiment* In th* Civil War. He I* extremely anxious to get these records and arks all papers to copy j the notii-e: To All Whom It May ( oncern: I The undersigned liuvlng virtually com pleted the work of collecting the con federate roll* proper, now desires lo make Ihe war record of South Carolina more comprehensive by adding to Ihe roll# thus far received, of (he slate , troops, kuown as reserve*, called luto : service INBI-65. He propose* further j to make more full Ihe roster of what ( may be designated as the general staff j -engineers, surgeons, quartermasters, commissaries and chaplain*, as well ns ordnance officers, not attached to regi ments. battalions or brigades In Ihe (matter of the general staff, the Slate Historian hus received the valuable aid of ihe Rev. Dr. Johnson of Char leston. 8. C.. formerly (he di.-itngii!»h ed major of engineers. C. S. A., to whom additional names may be sent of such men as come under the title or the general stuff. There were about eight regiments of reserves or state troops, making eight? companies. There are now on file In this office j about fifty companies of tills dare. [These additional rolls now called for must be handed In by November 15. when It Is proposed to clobb Ihe record and make tip the report for the gener al assembly. F ’ liomas. OASTOTIIA. B#*r. tb. Killli VOU HiiVe AIWa,l! 80IJ^1 Bign r Our Coal Promotes Health, Wealth and good Cheer It burns through and through and leaves neither slate nor cinder and but very little ash. OUR JELLICO AND CROSS MOUNTAIN Household Coals are unequalled for cleanliness heating and lasting dualities and money is saved daily by their use. Egg, Nut Steam Coals of best Grades and at Lowest Prices. Telephones - | FRASER & CUMMING, Lessees, Strowger MS co-oPKRATIVE CQAL su pp L Y CO.. 1041 Jeckson St ocrouf * »• I I It THR I'AIAUt M Mas Fuat* I *#•*#»*• «t mm, I li* < fn®|pr* Rf •ipoi#loiKf r g \ lit 14 j tt*Mßt4 ®P|I9 P* mm- ms l®R ®Mft 9P* j «■»*#%« Mk t**, m» m *4 V®* NHi ttp® I t-«i mm iw 40 %•#♦%, h • kl#-li «mhNMR V Rr4 Rf ®®®S4 : •-< %0 > 0 # JhR t s£■§&'«'to ««IRR*®Rl®® II I* +-■*' 1 RMR-®*Rfß|9 fRRs |#f mmmf. m-M»R ftn »RRItOONH I m*m M|T«||«f Till* MRfff Rill , - 1 * \ ft aR9 | ||| IRtf MR M®* I mr tTijgr nit my- i t rlmri rHI Ik BMW® - . * jr-nnmtiai 4 1 ||^ ’ « a H«- !*a>i 4 9C#R %B 1 IN* * tMtStl jj rß»cji4», ftHft* 14® fpti Mr® ; mm .. |_ , —a s , fR# ttovitfcr Hr®it wCH f I‘j j {r| t D* RFitl If h|i!®o r®Rtf®W 4 %i« *U»if •Ikk t®o ffi* I 10! ball VIH Fißt 14 1 Rjr>imiklir® m* Tills lanA’vfil Is W M |o*i sod 1 .111 be sormuMiad at Ha hlglmaa goto* _ <w# than rtO lest ohov# th# growod. In r (dNwl> of vhwtfic'ty. By (<t*v thl# r#>-*cj* will he oolßotd #*aioat [ lbr In • larewnfk of n.e'al 1(1 •’«*# I*4 at ailglit It will glitter Bk* ' a diadem es Jewrt# flashing the rcIOTO of the dutu< nd ruby and emerald October M rather. . - -iif. U n«c#, nha n*t that (i#ll4y j T J* . (iro rtu#t* •»( w*hr*» »R«I I^Ri* It# c.rvath •■( living light hath bought YVtltl 9< AftF • lint iklCf MV®Mf» Ta fMint hlfti fm- (w olk’ (NiuffM Tlm ~M * .«de of O,tuber. .The regal oak tules alt Ihe holt, j Have where. In angry misuPm. Th*- #umac rear* It* red revolt 1 And head* mien## sedition: j Their l*-S‘ "ll* o’er the tvrpaes lenp, j But in th- dale grow duller. And bn* through all ihe foreat d#np Run rife with frenaled color. 4 All purples|dnshed, the hawthorn sere 1 It. neath the rht slnut'a glory. 1 troop# Ilk* a hurt vlvsmllere 1 To lid the bsltle’s story. [ Th- ruddy tide hath wsriet •talned I The Imnners of th<* l---ches. ! While still the dark pines. stiffly trained. 1 HtreUtop er the ruck reaches. » Where late In gteen seclusion tvthgd The peaceful summer rested. Proud numym Haunts her rlpth-of gflud. Still rM. tAeil.B nad erarted. With sbAiTjy st.jn #he kv#ps her tryat. All blight.' though brief, her era son; Green favms now at knee or wrist Wetw mlpht urtlstlo {reason. Through »ll tin# land, October woods i Their iagtdl Bte# have lighted; j The Wide earth from her opiate moods I To visions further eivhled. Back, winter, back. Nor from her wrest The nurphs that enrobe her. The tuilßgate hue® that still Invest The will Vi#*D of October. -N.VTBAN D. GKNER. —Ammik historic tree* growing in Philadelphia is the great willow, slip ped from the weeping willow which Krew over thn grave of Nepoleon, m the Island of Bt. Helena. Six of such slip® were brought over by Count Ar rhambault. One has grown to be a large-sized tree al the country seat of Henry rentes at Wayne. Another was planted by Mr. Kellogg at his place at I, vii Mnwr, and three other of the slips never tame to maturity.