The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 20, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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THURSDAY 2 S& J sfcto#C - m 000 ****** *OO/4/ V'lNm *»«r *'* *♦ i M»* 4# ffe» EVLRETT PIANO ! If || |« Il>.tgr* it • in N 9% #*•#■ Mr OWNM* K, TTW gw*"xC*«« b*#» *Mt ** 4* REMINDED Th* EVERETT PIANO b tht On hr Plino fttdt Thai is Guaranteed -**#'oll— 1 line ITmI MMii ttatttotoNtt* •toto. •* •*** ttto* f «*f tto* mmmm tofcrf w*** * • Ip* •** •ttottto***#-. . •MIT tVNM# TD tK»H» I Wtiw «» fMf PYa* €%•#*«••*• **»*A|fe Wf«nn A Iff A Tl SMTII MT I ARTtRTV Tbomas & Barton, MM MTUV |,A »T At <M { CLEANING CP OAT IN WARDS TP Amigtatiis AwwbcH B) ip Uagaa. Tk« Law* Ora*. *W. #•»•■( • Mirtloc tow OM. (*}<-Ait: iije ha day tin flrti vifd to Belt Tmtef, Oetoto *3»k. |Ktn<| ward, rtrdt). Ortolnr Mtk. Thud WMth TuMda)' fu'lum mg No* lt«kH l, Fumth tu4 ffldi/ N’o»i*ib*f 4. fifth ward. Taraday, November •, Thr Clilr Lragu* fwl* that It la ad TMittH a highly ■arttorloua aaaaaurc is th« law sraaa aowdnot, Th* |j tit* hot)** that hundred# of cttl aattr will plant out tha aparaa beta«wi tba aaw rurttina and atdawaika Minorca mart* up by youraclvra of crd'uary bit** grata and whit* clover do ant mak* pretty lawn*, wheat turf to (Wired and which la to be eh jnnt <» Panic* who want beat rraulte should **-t the blab grad* mixture* rompoe ad of aavan or et«ht kind* of attda (moat of ihrai Imported). It la Immaterial whether the mlx t«r< la baoutht to Auauata mlsed. or mixed after getting here Itit) mere mixing would hardly con stitute a home tuduatry (a* has been urged). The League alatply la dealroua only that the high grade mixture ie used. CIVIC LEAGUE. ~See Mere. Reed Thtol Doea anythin* all your hair* Then l»t me treat It now. It coats little compar ed compared to the mortification of baldness. I've treated many here In your own city and not one ao treated but was benefited. Not one failure In all the lanre number. Come to see tne at *23 Broad street, t am treating some of the best people of your city. MRS. SMITH. NEW CABS ; NEW HORSES. Tha City Transfer Contpanv Bualnea* Spreading Out. The City Transfer company Is spreading out, anil Is making ready for a big business thla fall. Half « doten new cabs and a carload of new stock are expected In any day now. Mr. P. D. Owens, formerly Vnioti depot baggage agent, lias taken charge of the Union depot office of the com pany and will give the business tile persona' attention. Mr. Oivens. lie cause of Ilia long term of service In the Union depot. Is particularly welt known to the traveling public. He Is on accommodating young gentleman and is familiar with the transfer business In Us every detail. ENDORSED HAJOR OARY. Oram) Jury Passed Resolutions Yesterday. Yeeterday afternoon the members of tbe grand Jury adopted the following resolution, endorsing the Hon. W. T. Gary for judge of the superior court: • Grand Judy Room. Richmond County, October Term. 1898. “October 19, 1888. '•Resolved by the members of the grand jury. *'ohinond county, October uimi, 1898. That we heartily endorse tic candidacy of Hon. Wm T. Gary for the Office of judge of the Au -justa circuit. He ia by character, abll fy anil qualification eminently fitted Jot the office and we heartily recom mend Ins election by the general as sembly of Georgia. “NKII, MTNNRB, Foreman. “M. U. Walsh, Set rotary.” HE IS LIKE HIS FATHER taaag Amp Amp*. *p h«* RaMW* Pfb pi top MM» «P—— aalaMto' •A a mmmp erf • tofe* Ska tt** tttowMt*** 1 f-nmf-ir flHPMpai tt> *tottttto§ mt It ttto j I Pi 040040 m/000 0000/0 00/0m w 1 ; [ [ipfltti tIMtPtM fc«PPHtt t»* 4 it* *# I fit if f 4 ft lit* iMMtf «a 4 If j tfclM ■•'•■Ml Plwl I 1 I Rtf iPR* HtfT 'IiPP at ft JtttNß ft >t I jmx w to wtottMM Ito to to » goto* M< totoMM toto* w»*i p*to* j r ■>i—i *i»* to *•* tow* ■ 'to* j pUb ear 'tow* to* •*** tok** to mm* >#*i*#e* a* totowtftt a* a: to* % tab## to «aw * Tto» •**■•(*» «t •* •**•*• to#* j Mtiwtototok Bm*w»u*» to#* •* *w j t»#k to (to to itot to*# • toto't **4 j refua* to town* to 'to •"•■•to watoai Ma» **••• a *■** at ****•»# I •iw «a ■»*■*** •> to* tototf* ***** i **vwMtoa * t* ttoto an>ito**» j Va* rex' Mto—fto* M* to* IW M* ] at**** »a< ■' —i tot to# **to»» lift* i •tow** itot* **atowf* I**! toato*# ; toa*>tor I* to* toll** th#LjP»e*h »*4 ' tow **»* ***** «ani* #t toto*w**i** ? !*t tto e#»t# * *tb***N ******* • to**, . I iai i*.p <to** i**rtoMt na* *•* to# **• ,«M *t pwwt pto*w*mw —'«** j I «*• «t (to »** Twall *wr ***** M* •** *»>• t* I«%to etto* wwwU to** t*wi> t* **w>!* ] I **pr**» h# tot Mi (to pw *t • Jaa***. lor to ***<*'*€ to ****** ********* fcn* I ftp lit# rto***to* *f (to *#**•* to* I*to**«*t ****** Ito ll*# Tto** to# tow nptto*M» i—tte* •*'-• Mlwrari toW tto NnflSl** **4 ■tot ttm #(*«*# e*4 to tto «*»**<*» «*f tk# aattrto. itor# w ■ •«*’>*• ►»•*•#*« to*# *•*4* to t*h# •#* to* **ato#i oWntm | •Htoiat Imr *t tto M**t at IW» taatU* ■■*** <** «wrtwttoa Jeaa* Jam**. Jr to a aaai of Mis- I Mart's ansi (aass* haadtt.. If* to n I rmrm old a*4 a Iss-laaUH mol ■us and ositil re**aily ha* fa**a •istovvd *aihr«ly toent and mraiglM* forward la all hi* *to*ll*«* Me wa* a •mall hoy whea hto father waa aha* and hlttod by Bob Ford at At. Jossrph. Mo H* ri mimhvr* thr marder Use* It** feflliac. Mr*. Jam**. h*r hoy. J**»». aad her daughter, hare lived la a cot - tag* at No. lt«1 Tracey avenue, fa thr* city. Jam ittauM reboot uatll he wm fifteen aad the* got a glare at Ar mour'* parking hoan*. wh*r* h* re mained until about tlx month* ago, when hr rata hitched a cigar stand In th* county court hour* Oat of hto earning* at Armour's Jra** saved enough money lo pay for hi* hom*. and H*a apparently been aoher and la duatrioua. Suspicion waa Brat drawn on him when he appeared aa an alibi wltnrsa for a man named Jack Kennedy, on trial for the murder fichiimaker. Jesse put up a strong defense for Ken nedy. who I* a man of bad reputation, and admitted that thetr relation* were intimate and friendly. Thla cau»*d a great dml of gossip and detaeUvr* hav* kept young Jam** In eight even •Inc*. On the night of Sept, *S a Missouri Pacific train waa held up and robbed at the nttaburg and OuH Junction, near thla city, the express csr being literal ly blown to plecaa with dynsmlte. The Job wss on* of th* boldest eeer done in thla part of the country, and tho manner of operation led the sleuths to the opinion tbsl It was the work of old-time bandit*. Inrastlgatlon devel oped tbo fact that Hill Hyatt. • former member of th* Jeaao James gong, bad been In Kansas City that day, and had been seen talking to young James. Following th* clue, the detective# found that Ihe ywung man was ron eortlng with bad characters, and was on terms of totiwacy with some bold iblevea. They watched him closely for several days, agd finally took him Into custody last afternoon, having previously captured BUI Ryan end another man, whose name Is with held. When Jesse James. Jr., was arrest ed he was tending hla cigar stand at the court house. He was visibly affect ed when told that he was a prisoner, but stoutly (Iff Is rad hla Innocence. As tbe detectives stepped up to him and told him t» consider himself In custody Jesse pulled out a roll of money and, turning to W. H. Wallace, an attor ney. who wjs leaning on the counter, said: “Here, Mr. Wallace, will you take charge of this.” , "What do I want with It?” asked Mr. Wallace. “1 want yon to keep It for me.” said James, “No, you don’t” put In Detective Bryant. “Yon give that to me. Ido not propose that, you shall Bay we are robbers.” Jesse handed the roll of bills to Bry ant. without a word. The arrest was made at the request of Chief Hayes, and is supposed to be a preliminary to the capture of a his bund of train robbers, though the chief declines to give any Idea ns to bis subsequent program. The prisoner was taken to Chief Haves' house, where he kept under strong guard, while being put through the box” process When Chief Hayes was asked whether he had any real evidence against young James, he replied: “We think wo have a good case or we would not submit it to the grand Jury," he replied after hesitating. the >VXJOX7ST-A HEiKAXJJ t Amj n if yTr Itpiit ti in wifi tt |t* if furf tPPA PtoPf #*Pf •#*•*■# i apMPt fMMM*f9tPNI * tMt tbPPP IP P* I in* ii* ifpit afpjpji fp yl [I. uTi ImA Mtft AM W tP' tMAR It ’ pMP iPi pm Imp ttaMi tMfHtf' t* At • • •tt pi ppppf fcp tat tpm aaM 9Pi •> **•* I «pp I, uriftt pw IP» Mb l|piftipft —f tfl ttifiitttt I iHMf «Att lit <1 apt* «» *f* l^ 4 * I ***** —«*»<«» to ***** *» to • * r gjt—mm «y ♦».•«♦»**» ■g||| ttl •pßpttl IPCtP «« ! j* * *•# #*••■* •** ** , * i, y .'*** *' **** if • toK'lp *w *to*Mw ftow*w •to tto • I WJ '***•»•"* to **# to to*w*#» *# PM#* a *■*•*• ••• I «HW Nt**’*— • ••* #totot* _ - «• « Mto* «• to tow to l* to*** ** •too## to#to to to * « »• • • ***** * to ••** •mm * •»*» t#to*>f #*»—JTT *— yJfto 3t*n. | t tpfcPMi p*D% iiawto# ! *»** At • a MP %* *ppa Pm 4<wPtM JtfMtb” 15n* uxr t*ta tn ! «pp A» ppfßttt I f **4 pm ft ***** »to# r "« *• #ttoSs»* to**# I -W»* •*• *>**•*« rmm** to • MMMIf tt4it Itrttti itlttl Wt* trffpt ' | •dL Tlttt ptflt itt |it|i*l it if* j flftfH ktitft tMNHf Ptftp 4 f»t ***** (to fitot* M**f m**4 **** * j alt* taovr Jmw taf* a#ll to *at kao* j •tfiMu »m#M to* ■#•••<*'* •*( I •«to> *4 ti*»triw to#*** I <*ti «ar i l*p atat ***** **Mt at* to to* " A# j *not. *1! rltM " [ “fitfi loss the mritrhaMka to* a*- { ,**t*d aam* i It** ago Bank* a *—*f« < j ato«r •■Tag" ~D* yau belle*# K*" “Hto t**t)»i-aj to m straight a* a l string." **M Why** | I Has the eugfwmlo* h»*n cortnhor Mats" “T*a It has * “And J*m* Jam** to Implicated he yn*4 a dnuW. yo* think*" "Well, lit tell you " aald the chief J after tefiecflng a anatat. "I’m aorry lor Jess*. I'm tatty he got Into thle trouble Now you know what I think about hla complicity " -Did Jra«* break dotra when you questioned him?” “No, hr didn't **nctly hrrak \ down. H* wna very much aglt* lad. Wr did not browbeat or ‘aweal* him. I talked to him In n kindly way. I fold him I thought h* had a cbm ag ainst him. and that If h« war* gut ty be should be punished ” “Will Lowe go before the grand ju ry?" “Ha moat certainly will." A detective who has worked on the (rain robbery case for two week* day and night has this to say about Ixitra a confemlon: “I-owe told na about how the robbe- Ty waa planned He said It wa* first Inlended to pull It off while Kenne dy waa in jail, but afterwards they de rided to sratt until Kennedy got out. Lowe aald he tried to keep Jeaae James out of It. but that James kept after him. and said he Intended to have a hand In It. The confession waa made In the preaene* of eeven men James has been Identified by eeveral persona aa one of the robber*. Lowe says Ryan and Jeaae James went Into the tele graph office and tore off the wire*. James, he Mys.beld a pistol at th* op erator's face while Ryan did the work. Lowe wont with us to the scene of tbe robbery end showed how the Job wa* done. He say# they had a tip that thtre was SIBO,OOO In the safe. He got none of the money. He claims one man. whom T will not mention, took It ail away In a sack.” .lease JamM, Jr., has many powerful friend# who aro working hard to get him released, among them are Judge Henry and R. L. Yeager, president of the Kansas City school board. Both of there men have great Influence and they openly denounce the arrest as a gross injustice. Judge Henry Is par- Ocularly wrought up over the affair. In Interview he said: “The manner In which this boy was kidnapped by the police was a damna ble outrage. Ydu must bear in mind that young Jesse James Is not like oth er boys. H* occupies a peculiar po sition in this community. His father was u bandit and was killed for a re ward. Young James had grown up here —watched by everybody. Many watch ed over him with solicitude for his wel fare, advising him. guiding his foot steps to the right, anxious lor him to get along nnd be a good, clean man. Many others watched him nskhnee to sea how soon he would show a ten dency to follow In his father's foot steps. Many wished him 111. “I have watched this hoy closely. I know that no hoy In this country has led u cleaner life. He has worked and slaved and saved and alone and unald ed ha paid for tbe home in which 1)4 nd his mother and sister live. “Ifwas hi# wages that clothed hbj sister and paid for her music lea sons. No one ever saw this boy In a so loon? Who ever saw him out late at night? Who ever heard of him being in a brawl or » scandal? * AHpl «ipt • j 'ft ABU* * * | svpp* ** i I Wi * • Iltt |tMMt #♦ I yf llf|i f** j F whmPMMMMp a# j P|P PMP fPt | il At MM #«•%»#§ #4 fly tfppf ] »p Ip pPpiP' l # : •ppapt pt* to*p» PAt MPP tPti ip Ittf ft i f|| j it It pptiappp j —<i tm j ONE THING WEST END NEEDS 11 * Put fp IhM | . VP i * to a* la totot* to* tSxittit to «to vto to tto* I fit at if *MHH <j»p> Urtpi flMvi- I PMMt t fpittot P*t< lit ftt* Pfittttftt I immmmlml tWI ifPMfet Ifdfit* It A P *-> I tap * it.lMPPis TlHt It • «iMfPt If ft IPMtPIPI fjuiflt** top if iP t tp*t f ar#« tp ft flwattttPt ItP j -|TI «a to* ■»*#*» «f •#»(*# tit# lnw. «f ***** n*Hto** •»« **##'#**>#a I to—to a*4 Mai ■«!■». Ttor* •*• Lkt>» • ■*vw*i to* 1 * 1 —totj !*»■ I ytopl —*p* i pmo*l ffMI ttM§ tlOlßtlt T%# pmh i# flttNittip pwi it ippii If pf pap tf>tl fpfiMff tPttfPlf ft • aw* to*»* • *• to— bat Lw* —to* to w#M to tito w a i##*y atotatol «aP tto —to.*i 'll to #nrT —r to 4###tr aa ttoat #•*** Ip# tv pvtpvfat flf ft my !fppi*,if ilMf 4 W«*« til •** Vt* '• f if* Itlwf f|># ttPpf' VPt4 | K p# I flit ()KV flktt tClPtt till t#t*p Ifpr f|i4#pi »ppi4 |m pa# at «IM ffppi Ipp +Wp* Ktl WPpi fp ft AigMMtt i*,t ’n* '■ * r *• v* if#i> §s m# w* vpi* I • ialpM* T# tar* a CaM to Oa* Oa* t*to La«at««# ttniiw i tortato* tow* AH *rwaato«» i—t tk# at#a#* tr n (•It# t# <«** M* tto *Htwa# to* L It u °* »« r k t*M#t. TMIT MOltNlwttl COllrT. —— it*Ma« at lit* HK—r Tltto Far** I Attol) #•#•* that <-•*»# Mttor tto j«. trtltnHi* of Jap# Mut«r *toto «kmb Vryvppli AIM Hrvtnl flkcy »#rt ritrflM tith rorl tkfot ;rip Bii«man fin**! |2&i, Hrytill ivtdrft A!lit 4 X* to • tokmw »*4 had *tolal#d| tto railroad ordtnaa*# H# *ra# data ai nwrt (Htortor. tot TtiM u# ato** «* * „ 1 Par rlalaiiw (he railroad ordloanc# !to *#• tinnl fl and tor no) t—r.iit at roan aa dtt* ***t#rda* to *a* fined fl. ('barlm Hammond H* had triad lo rni a aoaian with a |mh hrtknif# Jude# Baiter aald. ■fl." Addle Waahlnslo*. Ilrrlhn Allan. Addle had none forth la«t afternoon, armed with a buUherknlfr Benha had itrorurad a pair of #cU*or» . They ■HtF.- » The# were arraated and tmlay It *** i: r,h for Bertha. And |I.M for Ad d to.’ John Wel#h. Hu loitered Into the Arliugion hotel lobby last nlyhi v*ry drunk. Klnml »».M. ran nonnor*. Ha bad rlolatad #ectlon 18 fined 88 50. W. H. Kennedy. Drunk wta he last night In the un ion depot. He was fined at court today 88.60. Elisha Glover. He came here from Carolina and partook of spirits. He was given un til 2 p. m. to shake the dust of Au gusta. "What went with that hat of mine! last night, I wonder?” he rebuked as he left court. Robert Hi»ton, a white soldier, vis- , Ued an Augusta canteen once too often -82.50- New Dutch and Kippered Herrings at Latnkln & Co.’*. I l 1 "Oh." said the girl who was looking over Miss Cayesne's shoulder, "you are reading the account of Mrs. Van Snub- Iter's party.” “Yes.” "You want to see who was Invited?" "No, dear. 1 want to see whowusn’t." —Allanta. Oa.. Exchasge. Sir Herbert Kitchener Is something more than a soldier. He has made thorough surveys at Palestine, and his report# on his work are accepted as authority. "Here he has grown up with ns.wlth his father's past to live down, and I say he has shown himself a well-bal aneed, worthy boy. “To brand that boy a# a train rob ber. if he were Innocent, would be a crime that, would merit hanging. So 1 say that the police should have waited till they were sure he was guilty and then they should have gone in open daylight and sworn out warrant and arrested him and placed him in Jail so that, his mother and sister could see him. f "Instead of that ftiey kidnap him ami hid#* him »w«y£?Th*i Is evidence to me that they d<Jf»ot know he fa gull?)'•* /| "They kidnap hlm jo putt he thnrob serews to him in secret and try and extort something fiinn him. That is unlawful and unfair^* HEFH2IRAH ASSOCIATION !TH RthMM Tto* I* Vtot Imp fl k-BffNML —Mato [ rnmmm4mm AMt on 31st i(NMI *■» TTm i IMMMI VftotfMk fMMk Vrmnmi MW VvMM 00“ . •*§» iV Nfii»- lTi#l AIM— 1 Hr jjvlii tarrvMPi Hr I* § N fi t M TIuMMiMi. 9V% Rw Wt M fw I. I (MAM M»« wJ *4„ K *■■*\ n m M>*-«*Bk#4 M 91 V '•* 1 (in tt tt *>«*** ttm IMMMpMb I sMi cm IffMhto Alfcc t in# iCMScc* fCMf PMCMt tßVttr TIM rmmwiWWi «nm» mriM#*"" 4 Hr# | II rtfliinw, W tt NaM 100$ T, 11 ttiwriii r»iH>| (V r+ K4fM iV IVMI ffttVtf «4 TMi r%n* t ,i ts t»4#« (V -Ttiftf 4 ilwf -Mi <4 Onf|ll TV wi Ilf. j fCPIi ffMrctf*BNl JLf.tMf |V fVMVfT tv IjAilf lrn«l WVr»(M IVrtr J H CMfwmlS clcrti. att H H tt**h w*a. rrrmnrrr. for (V \wm't t<**r\h Tk# •#«( Otlag m o*4*r •*• tk* pro #*•4*l to* of Ik* rl*tto* of tb* lHtl>i Urpbab# How*# kac*t*4 *4 AltMUr , Thi# »•» 4o*# •■* K« R J. Htoitb of G*i*to*ltl# Is • »#*y toarbtac **4 , .Fretinoat# appeal far mow#*. t#«e«*# of ' ehrtb** provtalo**. *tc.. **4 ov*r oa# j l>undrrd dotlar# I* #n«a*y a*4 to##* ■ box** pru—ltrd «» re#litod Next ' 1* ordre «■*• tk# r»>**Go* of tb# del#- gal##* (hf** ((••* eburrb*# W*#t End Baptist rtatrvb of Aogwrta. Mag , Mall* of tll««oroeh and W*rr*n Omirt I Hade of Ri> 1 i*o*d Aft** tk# xp f pntnttoent **4 rwwdlag n*< of Ik# *#m#l remnillt## Ik# x##oct(( low *4)awf*#4 lo *e«t #1 8 o'clock today. Tk# *t- i t#*4ane# I* KtogMtoUy lxrge xbd tlt» (keopie around xf# rheecfi# 1 and bop*ful, and I* Ik* b**t of (gtrlt*. xnd tb# H>«- pßxllly 1* bountiful A* Immene# txhi# lx xprexd In front of tk# church, xnd tk# Ixrg# crowd lx f#4 nod many j baxketeful nr# left. Thin Is • hog xnd hooilny country, xnd ixrg# fxt hog* roan tk# country xnd hs*s the right of wxy In tk# town nnd str##t». totgsrean# patch## also abound. These people live at horn# xnd are contented There nr* many bale# of cotton at tb# depot nnd the public glnx are very busy. The cotton lx nearly nit gath ered and tb* crop lx considered •bon. The association met at » o'clock. After th# devotional exerclrex, thej reading of tb# minute* xnd adoption of same, the report# of committee# were next In order. After the report of th# committee on publication*., the: claim# of the Southern Baptist Publi cation xoclety. located at Nashville, were presented by Rev. J. H. Smith of Gainesville. In a very forcible man ner. The next speaker on thl* subject was Dr. Burrow*. Rev. T. M. Oalphin presented the re port on eolporture hook, which was adopted and collection taken up R«v. J. R. W. Jenkins read th* report on missions xnd spoke on the report as-: ter which Rev. Win. E. Perryclearl preached the missionary sermon from , the text, Matt. 10: vt,: "Thy kingdom i come. After an excellent and earnest dls- I course, a collection was called for, and I nearly one hundred dollars raised. | Owing to the largeness of the crowd, and The smallness of the chnrcb. Rev. Rev. W. H. Norton was appointed to preach In the spacious academy, which he did In an earnest Hnd Interesting manner to a goodly congregatio. Ow tg to the late arrival of the train from Augusta yesterday, the associa tion cannot finish Its business before tomorrow. niLITARY TEA. Given By Ladles Parsonage Aid Society. A military tea will be given tomor row evening at the home of Mrs. M. L. Sturky, No. 1015 Gumming street. An attractive program has been arranged and the tea promises to be most en joyable. The money raised will be used by the Ladles' Parsonage Aid So ciety of Asbury churtti. Mr. W. G, Crltchlow, the expert cy cle repair men, who was formerly with Thomas & Barton, desires to call at tention to the fact that he Is now wtlh Davidson & Mathewson. at S3l Broad way. With a modern equipped shop, lie is enabled to give prompt attention to all difficult work of all wheels. A stock of parts and tires always on hand. Pri cps reasonable. Work etiara-nteeci. "Fish Dinner. Dou'i forget the grand fish dinner et the Sehueuen Plat* tomorrow, Fri day, from 12 to 3 o’clock. Th« commit tee let charge say that It, will be one of the finest fish dinners ever served in Augusta. Be sure to go out, as it is for the benefit pf the Summerville Fire company. J.* #— • - TAPPED A MAIN j FINED A T . k«4yih*f lit* U«| |OO I’ftt *t •»M9 hf*. Wimm fftc*L •to to*# ||*lll*l*l a* tto I to# to-* Itot MW to*| r—• —to iWfWMi ttMV.. rn iW'l mW*m4 0/00 - iMMi tii—ij wctma itm r' # fifßMWVitt (MW-1 I im *»M MKfVVm i MW# tNI 4M 00 : i I ttw ttan #mml • *%■*# 00 * il* •MMiW to**#* tti tw/00/ ttmt* | pi Mcttcr* t#Hi *cr«#ii# Vi mmmm Mr tov j I*oo9oo 0$ 0/000 SOOO/0000 MfttW #| f Mm| 00 Vic mm 00000 §OOOO 0 mrnm W . j 4*4 #|| o*o f IIV /0/0400i, MM 04*0 Mr i ### toM# »tmi i# tw ## cm «4 t#* . *pji top# § rp«M iArtctci ##•!#*« tt»M* i 1 1 044 M m mm tvl#n#i mw #ri4##w# p|p4k toe iMI |to» CNwHI W PC IP# "8 ! *. e* Vto. to*. | IfrlM | of in. rttjr tmo4 ] or 1# \»f #>n mmt wtif# 00 1 Mir rorfc. to firm* 4 or otvr vorto. bj j dMIrM tilff may V («krl from a»M ' mol*# e* #**vte* *t*r» ***le» • **•*)'* : of *ot *****4!*# owe h**4r*4 4o*l*r# ■ for **rk *»4 ***** oMt*#* ’ COSKERY& HUNTER Offers Ladies' Mieses’ and Children’s Jackets and Coats at s>2 50 worth $3.50, at $3.50 worth $5, at $5 worth $7.50, at $7.50 worth $lO, at $lO worth $I 2 50. at $ I 2.50 worth from $ I stos 1 8.50, at sl6 worth $22.50. We have an elegant assort ment of Furs in every shape and make from $1 to $75 each. UNDERWEAR. Ladies' and Cents’ Un derwear. Friday and Sat urday’s sale of Ladies* and Gents’ Knit Underwear. Prices as follows : Gents' 35c.. 39c.. 50c. and sl. away below regular prices. Misses’ and Children’s Un derwear. Every size and quality on sale. COSKERY & HUNTER —Ptttatnirg worn** have a eoelety for the Promotion and Amelioration education us the felinee and the presi dent of the society eay«: "We feel as sured that under our procea# of culture many hidden and unsnapeeted good qualities In the nature of the cat »ill be brought to the surface." OABTOniA. Bmt* tb# Kind Ymi Ha* A twain Bought T" Special Notices: State, County anil School Tax, i8»8 THE STATE, COT7NTT AND SCHOOL Tax is now due. All parties liable for same are earnestly requested to make prompt payment. Ollloe at court house. Hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. CHARLES 8. BOHLEH, Tax Collector. Richmond County. 7 Fur Cl mm 7 Peri FOREIGN CAPITALISTS WILL LOAN HALF A MILLION DOLLARS on realty tn Augusta, Ga. Terme 1 per cent. For further Information pea their attorney at law. P. J. Sullivan, Es., or Mr. P. G. Burum. SPBXTAL NOTICE. I HEREBY ANNOUNCE TO MY PA TRONS and the public that I have this day moved my office and resi dence to No. 505 Greene street, (cor ner of Centre). Office hours remain unchanged. THOMAS D. COLEMAN, M. D. Fine Goods—Low Prices. $1 Dress Shirts, nt .. .. ?3c $1 Unlaundered Shirts, nt s"c Title Suspenders, at .. 20e Socks, at 10e si#c Undershirts m .Drawers, nf .. .. 7,.v Extra Pine Quality, at .. .. .. 50c $1 25 All Wool CndM-spirta, at .. 55e $2.50 Umbrellas tsilkv $1.25 Fine Sim-k of Woolen for Suits ami Trousers. F. G. MERTIN'S, Tailor «nd Gents' Furnisher, opposite Planters Hotel. OCTOBER 20 PIT M #s*»s fk#* 000 mm0"00/0 00 00 00 0400' ' 0/0 omm *4 4/04 w/00 MtoiMiliOMi# mm* I ftoft **** * 000**0 I# tplflfli* 40000 ■ situation Wanted (to**—*^M—M»M(——mu 111 111 HIM -■■ i*#* l ' l —i—i.—i*> I'tofjkyf - # $ || * ’'/r s<k jfi Tt.4|ll %§* .< WOWO ■% |N Am PT j pmftMiy mr o»nm. #• Ml s**omm 00 HELP WANTED WAJf*#ttUN' K A *Mm*l/ PAWT* to aH FOR SALE CHITA m-übfumat m JACKFON rr. ('iikai*- fpvr.n run wrappisw tortoltf? ftof*rr I itat m itoinl. Xm\ I rx.R SALE MtoACHB FARM. OrtK nil# fru|* >ll* Un it*, a btrgain. Ap ply W. C. JiAWt Ho. 134 J«UMt *4. Oct I rviß (4A1.8V H**KXB AND BUGGY ; ,{ j f,,r ** fault whatever, buggy pmi as *-*. «111 toll •■heap. Apply IS4* EtU# street. Oct 31 FOR BALE—PAPER FOR WRAP* PING p*rp«itoa Cbcaf# #' •" city, uni rcfil a pound. Apply at Herald oftlca, H«,ih white and news-paper. Nov I TO RENT TO RRNT—*TORB NO sl4 broad ■treat, next below Davenport A Phtn t*v. running through to Eltls street. Price lI.UM. Alexander A Johnson, TtW Broad •treet. Oct 1 FOR RENT-BTORE R» AND HALL WAY B*7 Broad Apply Commercial Hotel. Oet 1 lost andfoun d. LOST —ON HOME HTHIJCT IN THH city a black brocaded #ilk dre«s oat tern. about IS yard#. Finder will be re warded by leaving #ame at The Herald office. Oct 30 ~ MISCELLANEOUS ' 100 RABKETB CONCORD AND DEL AWARE grapes. )u*t received at Ol ovanl'a, *34 Broad street. Nov 1 DANCING SCHOOL—MISS ELIZA BETH WHITE, recently of New Turk. Library Hail. Children's class Tuesdays and Friday# 8:38 P- m. Ladles and gentlemen same days, 8 00 p. m. Nov 10 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING only 16 00 per month at Osborne's Business college. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at night. Corns or call at once. Great demand for stenographers. June H ts WANTED—REGULAR BOARDERS ; good fare and neat beds, also one un furnished room to rent, Apply Mrs. A. J. Averu, corner Ellis and Washington, or HO3 Eills street. Nov 10 MISS BELLE SMITH'S DANCING school at her parlors, northwest cor ner Kollock and Telfair. Children Tues days and Fridays at 3:30; gentlemen Mondays and Thursday at 8 o'clock Oct 20 WANTED—GOOD SECOND HAND safe. Address Merrifleld, ftelgler & Co. Exchange Building. Oct 20 WANTED—TO GIVE OUT CON TRACT for painting a three-story brick building, 185 feet long by 86 feet wide, with two coats. For particulars address Box 107 Columbia, S. C. Oct 21 WANTED—&Y A YOUNG MARRIED couple—unfurnished room and boardl with private family, centrally located* best of references given. Address B. p. 0., Box 471. Oct. 23. Ml-K. formerly of thi* city, and her daughter, Miss Mary Hanson Johnstone, ar.d Miss Hanson Darlington, of Barnwell, S. t'., left on the Georg.d,train this afternoon en route to Greenville, Ala., where they will make their future home. ",