The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 20, 1898, Image 5

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t*u**oav STIFF HATS SOFT HATS Alton* of H«u. We He#* the farvl Our urant ***** SuM tin* H OUR $2 LINE They Kiv« u much «n*p And to them and wtU Imp (heir »K»p« as well u Any )1 Hal toll 3' #«dkrt €)■.•»«*# *#.#* f*»f Tv* Mvmd. 1 um aarf >»>»»■ DR. HENRY J. CODIN. Ey»»*«ht 111 twwt *».. Bast w r«>an B#asU DA»||> D)WN ON THE WABASH J Ink A* CM'I .*»*«» MM AM »*•* Ul I.WM "Talking ibmt rata/ •niktr,' km 4 Um Wmammv tv • Mil Tni—>tHk test* r.otrr oat to lillmi* ■foil* M»<ii| • tmn oaf »lw look Um Moot ckaarful rtra of OoMpoaa* vs aarKorir t ftrr mv, I a*k*d hlot If lit/ had on'h rata «h.aa wo tkg Wa kssh that *or!a* - W»,l. It to* koto a HHt* damp' Sa agswrrod- Tit day Ik fn,r 1 l*t ’ hot** 1 ko<l to haoi «» tarootf-hw'A < f My lolu TNfjt bad tot *o taotor avvkad that (hay ruuMi'i awlta any loot Or. I plant *d «t two to too f**t of a alar an.t I Ou t > ifnl otaf thir ty boskets to lit ao.o. Why, ohoal la looking potty araii, hat Iht aturg* m and th# qp4M hato ikoaftti It cw aidwahto. Thort* vai a boot lift eon mtautea lunhipi wt day. and I thought I would plant toy potato* ». oo I. adod than on a area la thra* f*«t of aairr. »h»» tt iwgaa to rain again. ***l granted to go don to tba bo* ton Indi aaat to Wabaah. to *»<■ If J tba graaa aa* grratag (or l>y hay trey, bat an »ift raid that aa at did not Itrt any diving brll ah"'d ra<h *r f wouldn't I should (ici kind of dia- i rouragrd altb tin* raia. but !*ve tp<*! rjv odd bourn of lataurc linn—tnd tb* rrra oaca. too. oo account of ataylng la out of tba art —building ua an ark. If It all) only rain another week or two until I can get b*r wady to nail I'm going to taka my family out of Missouri by aster for a trip to vI»H i our folk* that tooted off out thaw be cause they didn't know gnough to atay In a place where they acre comfort* able.’ ” How to Prevent Croup. We bav# two cbtldfcn who are »u!>- j Ject to attack* of croup. Whenever an j attack i« coming on my wife give# them . barlain'a Cough Remedy und It always pr-veiita the attack. It la a household j necrialty In thla county and no matter) what else we run out of it. It would i not do to be without Chamberlain'* j Cc ugh Remedy. More of it la aold here) than all other cough medicine# com-] blned.—J. M NICJKUE of Nlckle Bna.. merchant*. Nlc'klovllle. Pa. For sale by i Alexander Drug and Heed Company. C. ] r Pan of Bell Tower Drug Compa ny. Henry Coxwrll. the *clentlat. has a' bailoou record ten thousand feat hiah-j er than any ever attained by a profes sional. Pineapple. Edam and Enttllah Dairy Cheese freah at Lamktn At. Co.'s. WEDDING GIFTS^t RICH CUT GLASS STERLING SILVER NEW LAMPS AND VASES We Sckvaiiert & Co., Jewelers. Beef «sock oi Trunk* kt town Prko alwAyi Lowest. Tift! CI«CV» THAT COM&S. nwt« I* IN CM*hd*U» NWwml a in ■Him. tmt« at Urn Mh| *4 HP# hM mlfcijm mm errp*V. Mm Mlmim man taM «* W Ml* A d#u lUUHIk Bill (>■«*•*• i»l«r—t ear w A*— TV neMNn Mmm Cfumußy M U» 'prn, UN 4MIM«U«MA nmm Tart rail nwi yaUMi *a4 mm—u»» e»A Mm tat* AAaei r> t**m*MP IV rt«» hike » aaeArifan- NtlAlt* aa4 tnA* rh*uarwr «*»» f—etuhiiy uutabfh Mr Mrrtb— AVa aad rtr* —a. TbU •Maturity Hi prtmiaal ««»»»»*♦ Md lo a i«Mm M wt HAiim* eV i t*if» I A Mar y**r* *•». aP*N PWfa»dM * htp *b*.» aaa m utei— euart—a »a miU<Mp*i« aaa at ib# MV •>» i>b*nt« **•* "nan*4 oaf la tb# *»»>< »pma—i of aa «p—• ..»paaj« H bung • iitlgpd u> *i*» r—i Mei t* aa OrNat*) MW TV# a»#rt tuuimay rM—d it# . Mm Hivr yin «4 M»i#b. and tIM baby rirpbam aa# *htp|#<t barb lo PHladfli*!# »a <h»r*r of <b# •*»«' of lb# taaMMay TV* »i#rb»tl l#n la lb# tit. and »V# #a#at a*u *»#» toaa to lb# CualhMOtal Mr. #l. ab#t# b# bad mad# aa pppmistaual to u#rt Ur Prr»»*«Mb. *Vj« V# ha#a aaJ bad fr#a«#aUy bmi. rotb#r rhau*r*y bappcaod lo V# at lb# botrl al lb# lira# H* bad tm#a »a rltad or»r to FVIUdpIpVU lo a d«#a#r *!>.« by tb# famuu* Co—r Hub and wb»n lb# oa#ra rcrapooy'a aceal *n »#r#d bf «aa ataadla* aaar Iha d#ak lalbiag io oat of lb# rUrha. Tb# a*#ot laalaatiy atKdtrd biw for Urntb«r Adam. "Grod morning, air.” he *at<k; ’’l'tu gin«l til idt yot* " • Delighted I'm aure.” answered Brother t'haunrcy with a pouled look oo bis fare, aa though trying to re member where he had eeeg (be agent. “You got my letter, of course?" "No -yea—welt, no, I ren t say that I did," and the pussled look deepened on Brother Chau nrfy's fac#. "Oh. well." said the agent, ‘it does not make any difference—the baby a brre." "The— baby a--here?" "Why, yea. K arrtved tbla morning: • bat shell I do with It?” "I*g, with what?" "Why. the l>aby!“ "What baby?” "The baby elephant. ’ A light broke over Brother Chaun cey'a face. "My dear fellotv,” he said, "whom do you take me for?” "For Adorn Forepaugh." Brother Chauncey began to laugh. “Great Caevar!" he exclaimed, "thal'a the fourth time I’ve been mistaken for Mr. Korepaugh aince I’ve beeu In Phil adelphla. and In every town I strike I have at least one experience of the kind. My name's Depew—l m Chaun cey Depew.” Then the both laughed and the agent went off to find the real Mr. Fore paugb. Methodist Church Government. (Philadelphia Press.) Lay representation In the General Conferences of the Methodist Episco pal church has won, from present In dications, although all the local Con ferences have not voted on the subject. The vote at present stands 6,564 In fa vor to 1,327 against. As a three-fourthu vote is not needed to carry the pro posed amendment to the constitution, there Is now over 600 majority In Its favor. All votes taken recently have been large!” on the yea aide, Moat of the iccal Conferences still to take ac tion are in the West, and If they vote as anticipated there will be a large majority in favor of the change, and laymen will in future have equal rep resentation with ministers In the gov erning body of the Methodist church. The change can hardly fail to be ben eficial in its results. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought THS) H*HALD. MAKING TEI LOW JOURNALS Ht« m tMI h M» la upturn. He faaaa. a VMM eud !*•*• la V* Warn Mm M#u Tub S>#—d (bad I aaa at a* ♦•*» mmm* «*« aaa* , iiwaai )-#>*•# Man M**u mu aa«»*« •M* a# iaaAy M»nd»*> aa* t-Mitm ”*■ ta# yiw fat taana* Wat >#n *♦»# •ad mmi aw M a* da mm MM *Vmr #•#—• in w jmn M mi au—a *bat * iiiiaaa»a 4# aaa dti* aa* mm# .•amt aa AA iVt Mama w Ib#*' aawa yamM MM thu* pa*#-* V» *b» i|m> ~*w < *l*4 TV# gua* Uapmdt# 4. aa a*»Ma a* a# aaa ae*MV» «a a#** > pap—• aaM pß*#du#mi ib# Mt—l Mm** ■afiMM geBBPM—i a# aadfPUP# aa M "May* tb# puma* aa»» *a —*d»Mdi MMa baM. 'papa-d' Mafrt* mm tv—«aaa pwudigbt*.. **4 •* •*»##• • Mai yaalli V# Na «dN»I la Sard a MW* *«•<• M# tbiaaiaa Tama ay -am #a ■ lnirtiTT at rtfVl an—tb# ana ma* (MWalbaa. V am mmauamd ibal m i—t a e»aa* Mv* aami Nraan amaarn a a»—aaaa. M* ba* mariN gtama-ae iMKi i a Vp aayiaa VaaT* Aad M a iVa ia«V at in Mb# rtwaday #dMar* aad Ma it-ae# at intnrT » hi**# aad an^M*. 9NM Ml MMWIkMMt ***** ** wwm mpmtm •# —ctaaiae •ad rmattae »*»—- aay »dM>« f am Na aaurr. •«** M WaWmxd db»ly m r.rt da* bay-i—aaa be Unm* »V <#m# .ama ibearuab atlV bMa“ M# m lb# Urtae V»i a* Ib# -Yattaa" |miy aatbma. lb# laaaaMr at W M* ta aa# at lb# er—v #t ama »V# b#*» Übaa iana#4 tb# aan *t#l «aiiia* la meat w M—dai# IV# rnewad »#ad»ae a»n#r land pvtamm TV*## at* IV# m*ai«t#a «r bm Mala. Val. aitaap# la y«4b • rdNor 4«M and bta armb aa aa art at • ##'■*»'am m. bat aa a itad# M* 4a*a am t—l ibm. am • «aU b# In- nbai » m ta#anl If yarn lme blm •#. ir b» dbt H amtM abma taat ba aaa am #*#» a—d al br# »'*b tmMNd wtib tbia ld#a lb* Mnaday •dttar M anltami»#*»#d »Hb Ib# pat* M#bi(V# -r »*•*• *ad iV paimty of hi* #iJm #i ta#i*b< V—m • "m#i valaabV lßH<l#to#ai ■■* bV oraft Pt#aa# «ad#*aiaitd that I #f»ab of brm only in hia t*d# <4 oarnlae bM «Uar> IV*#.*- ■Uy I hn«» ao- h rdliara *V» l«l*al* tarn# la •■<#U#ni and aim *lmilarl» 4, ..*►-*# a |—lv*i* rod# of »*tal yn**- durr l-ut ib#y at# «m IV *#*U. Pm •aad taat* raanm b* |*l on and off aa Ib# tdkr oat I# Pol «• and «n. Oa# mu*i b# »om nub »i»i rb#d lam* lo b* a r*ally *t#al Munday rdlio*. on* m«*t b# aid* l« M liwlln* rtlvdy ib# ttrtm of tb# • .«nm»nplat* and ib* ykWM |# mm bum— of dV raw Kprahln* lo Ib# fbrt. tb* |«»l --ttoa oallo for a parolNr aatlvr romM nation of . htldlab rrod*n#w and lo** ~f drlall a lib an am«# yn-r.-mdloa of all Ibmaa Inn ld#a«. A* artim—lh# -ymio**" l*l»tt #w pl«iy \*ry pwf anl*l»•-ab»w*d a dra »ln* lo Ih# Hunday t*dll«r on# day and ih* rdllor aab#d. Wh- r* ara lh#w ymot’l*. «« tb# 'l*, k of a yarbtr’ •■Y##- M "W#tl. »hrr* ar* Ihr board**" "Board* ?" •*T«a. ih* hoard* In ih# d#« k I a!* 'w«y» m int *ll tbe boavdo t|rat*n in th# I ,<«, * of * bu*tu»ir |tfct«r*. board* In dtfx'k*, f.*>tlight* in ih«*air# ipli tuiea. flngwr-nall* un hand*. AM tk* I itainii In pwopif'i rlothM. I d«m t •«•** why you o«v*r want to fininh your pldurei ” And he la right from his point of view. lierause he has douhtlia* f mini that hi* reader# aren't over particular aa to the authenticity of l-ady Ho-and go'a potralt *o long aa they can easily count the prarla around her neck. There I* no d«ulH that they do *|H-nd I monay, tba aeiiaallouaf papers. It <<*l» aa much to t un one »« It doe* to run a | "white" paper. II apeak only of the Hutiday supplement*.) The marked dif ference la that one apetids It* money In paper, tba other In what I* printed j on the paper. Thu* If you should put the bulky matter of a yellow pa|ier into the separating, refining, and po lishing editorial machinery of a white journal, and run It quickly to the other] end. It would be a miracle If so much 1 aa a paragraph cam- through. If It take* money to conduct a yel low paper It none the lea* take* brain, i For example, it require# no common j order of Intellect t° lay bare the work ing# of a great stage Illusion or a: srreat magician’* muster trick. That always makes a good atory, and la a useful one when other topic# are acarce How doc* the editor manage, when need be, to olwiyi expose and con found such frauds a# these? Interview the prestldlgltateur? Absurd; he might not tell the truth. Send a spy behind the scenes? Impracticable. Out of the depths of his knowledge and in the light of his foresight the Sunday edi tor buys a book, a large, thick, green book, long published by the Scientific American, and containing minute de scription* and detailed diagrams of all the trick* and Illusions now known to the stage; whenever It is desirable to v.-arn Its readers against Impositions of this order, the yellow journal has but to turn to the book, pick out a particularly flagrant lllualon, and there it is, simply waiting to be exposed. It is well to be good friends of the bicycle rider*. We once had a story about a certain police captain of this city, who, It was claimed, was perse cuting the bicycle riders In his pre cinct. It was a good chance to court the friendship of the "cranks'' among the Wheelmen, and the story laid on the captain's brutality pretty thick. A large portrait of him was to go with the story, and an artist made the drawing from a photograph of the of ficer, who had a very plensnnt and vv hole sullied face. When tilt* editor saw the drawing, be said: "No; that won’t do. That doesn’t Il lustrate the story.” j "If? from a photograph," ventured the green artist. "That don't matter. T want him to I look scowling arid mean. Take It back and make him scowl, please.” Ji is in Use impassive exercise of RoVal |{<ikioi| Powder Made Imm fame trtam df letter. Si(cß\uni the food alum# ~-m 5 - *m»V ram* MWlt**»# at yndeammi «* itarn* tVA at mrttvai MVMW N-W «•! mm* V* w>a#«.that •*» Ibaaaa. , • turn ta ad Mb (eat Mu M tb* taa itm-- b twmtne ImurM utuV ptm HP* b*. lb* abadn bdtmr tv a ttmir mt am»m »n t«" mama •aad# mm at ttu.Ua*** mmmt *4 mm turn# m o'w< »«»■ tiaaUad d# ». royaii n.i.* mm a## e*.o*. wad# tVai at yap M* Watt# «f mm Imt* t*eu i a ab#a V# a I »bt- "tutd* lM» •«# mi nmp mi tb# wb*«b Mat mu #♦ itm d« i nai*.l ab»* V* •a* a«b#d lm ■ir** a uatrMt at a ■ MmBMMMIe luat #atd ta VMaam ta at. »m»IU ratal!* la rbMadam taVam mat •aa V* b# pttme. Mab# uu bid Na* •am a at,* aaM : lb# vdtlat, norttw ap a ambad fart, and that! MaeVMM li lab— I bta d«*b **at «» MadpU la •mn a ymia« pap—> TVub baa Urn mati rmM ba*a mtmul »bat ta# patdb a aaM Mb# V <#ad atanrt aad —a a p—t—lt-*W rba—rtf -at a *A#» au' tubp | Tb# ‘y»e*m" tapt-r tamm am #i«v# -aiptaat# bal b# warn «map*i# aad t.a-1 Our rtaal mm— -at naaday a«b a promt Mary. aad a tdadtm* m 1— hand of aa —am— uanim bo Ib. art as a'rthtap aa a *a%» aad a haW-- laallr* b#J>a--aa Ib# ttaondWt#, W# .imply had tad amut-aly »V ...old .trikr lMtl*#a W# bad a bay aoadrr do It-ia Uu atmy -aad aa far ib* M> • lara. tb# arum dr#a bu —a haad latp# aumph la Pl#> i« b la Ib# —*. *• am tun b*y. •# «a# mmn <-autr»u» •mi lb# eayt -I want a |ua* «f bbdar— ahoot ■ hi* ball AeM." —M ih# r*«».l .» rdttur «# an am— mu d#y. **a hip ido-ldr. <4 tbrltllnp —m la tb# nap. a l»nd#r at tail. ahm#V— ranninp all at mud tb# imp#, down hr— *n lb# rortur a l#»r irwii of Magarml •hh b y«m • 111 Par# ‘ i# fat*#, and b#u*"—dtanlap Hu i—i. il mround a #»wi la Ib# imp#— Ua*# a Ida nl> ppat#.* • Whal'a 1# po IV"*' aah.d ib* ar* Mat. •ob." hr mkl. “I'r# pm p Vlt#r ibal'a pmnp ih»r#'* i Wkn th< diaainp »a* alm<*l <|..n# its# rdlmr apaln •#m l« lb# arttai, thi* ttinr »llh laa W"« «f |«i|##. oa# of tb*m »p# a g«nu»a# l#u#r from a |>mtnlh#nl K--uth#rn • »m*n. lb* alf# [af a Mali mat* WtMal. »l*ll M a Keshan boll ring **• to b» IWaa* iralrd by ihr artl»< * I'Mure. Thla h i lar aa* wrlllrt on ..Bleliil i<*iar not, hu»#v#r, to Ih# rdllor—*od did not |t - f— In nny way lo Ih# hull flght. Th» oih.r «■> an ..rdlnai y »h##t of “rony" l>a|i#r. »u* ha* ih* hurt a— atid writirn ut*.u in thr rdllor'# own hand r.’riilnp waa a Inl#r a*idr#«*#d lo ih# #dlior and alpund with Ih# lad> * npui*. In II ah* aa* lo <ln lar* If#* |.lraaur.- thr took In ctwiiWM with hi* r..|u*»t to writ# h#r Iminva ■ions »f ih* hull flyhi l<w publkutton In Ih# tidurnn* of Ih# dunday an.) th# letter rlobad with a ••.#npll-i inantary r#maik whom ih# imiwr. ••Tou ran ur# llila lllll# nol# or har* fiw a Kitbl#." aald Ih# editor In Ihr ar il*!. "and Juki fak# Ihl# olhrr nola In l„-r handwriting Iw fill that apai-N’.' The artlat looked at him, and tlio rdllor aaw *lyn» of a "New Knpland’’ eonai:l#me, for he added: "What'* the dlffrrene#? You have lo 1 make llm-a with your yen to fake that port rail. Why ahouldn't you make lh»»* Hu** Into lettel'H'*" Th# arU*t though! that perhup* 1 h>- i editor really did not know, and so told . him that It was a proceeding know n I outside of gome newspaper oflleee a# forgery. - “Well,” the editor said, offer a mo ment s reflection, "I'll K* t old Smith to do It. He won't mind.” It will be recalled that a wealthy American last winter bought the lat est work of a famous French painter. The picture hail never photo graphed, and Its own qualities and the prominence of it* American purchaser made II of Interest. Ho our London eor respondent sent what he declared was a pencil sketch of the pulntlng made by the artist himself. Perhaps It was. At any rate, slight, to the verge of crudeness as was the sketch, It was, i. genuine, well worth publishing In fac simile us living the only copy of any kind In existence. Ilut a "great Sunday newspaper could afford to pay the ai tlat for a better sketch tliun that pen cil te rewl. Ho th« following Sunday H bad a detailed hglf tone production In color of this painting from n careful study made especially for the Sunday _ by the great artist himself. U was lu color, and vet not one of the paper's artists knows now the cold scheme of that painting nor « single detail of the costumes. The picture was painted over again for the paper by men who had never seen It. You ace. pictures play a large part because the yellow papers never pub lish a Sunday atory unless It yields a good Illustration. They know what a child their public Is. And they profit well by Its childish tendency to strong partisanship, and strive to uecenutate their mutual rivalry. The task of obtaining the ideas for Bumlay stories of the yellow variety Is not nt nil a complicated or a trying one. There are twelve subjects, which always "pun qtit” well. The y are. Pie historic truth, Sofia! scandal. fads, freaks, hideous njUmaJa, criminology, love, violence, I disease, Inventions, I stage people, and "The 400." Each of these nubjects 1* hovered by numbers Of I eople who rngke ttifeli- livings by suggesting stories to Honday editors. The detail of Hpith. while It has n value, is s'ddorjlinquiml into If the SILAS REID. IR. BRINGS SUIT Tla «!• *•» VMnal: M «dl*4d M* bu €1 Haag p mtm mm •V<pp*m amb a pu— *4 batweg M AV hag* A I* ftp ah iTUgpM ae—ai My Mm IA pap# add Pa nebit# es d PM b# Mg W • —tap. rnmiM W Mu .«» ,V* PM Arum a* a ami *#••* *UM#e m Ptapg Map. vat a*U MPMbm M* N—•— bm Mu —dh as §1 UU PM , Mmd. a—ii i Mae m pm Ai—uarw pu | I —a# U Par* Ml MibpMilA A T • ba** ;b* ba* Tbpaa- t «*auut *a . »ui VU PM IMM ar* V# M wuumbi as eny >ad tV# ataap daMM bub abb* Va M : tbaih»4 aa* V# Mump#* th VP PN j ' y«M Vm Mu damaem V# i—rad at MU baud# as aval V# «**U» VP* mmm - am— IN pm Mbit d-tua ib# eba*«# axiiiirdWa Pa llu —urn f MM —y* V# a I*l Ma aw* ta puma lV*« IV# aVa*» ‘puiMt gyarn -m «f a nmupMutf W at—p VU liulbiaai uma* u BaWda I —My. Ml aVW V# Nad alibi*## j •Mb# yPwuU—■* aad auanaad and— 1 ptmpaply. Mr Wald la palN aml kaoaa V—r batlag b##n a Vnn uaddrei *4 »bu i-iu* M# MM I— amt Wr— w bur 1 ream ap< pathg M Uu pto— «f VM tot# fr-VP* Ib Aaevma Mr M#ld u aril r»pmuh#—d r— tally to paltll rbl Mtlu ih • VHP V# al all t*u*» U«.p • Amp Mil—am It# aaa aa a*tg laal AIIU—• uaa M Rvbuohd •*—a ly. aad at Mu MriV «f Urn rapelMJ party V# ua* ua# <4 <V# Aral «• tap— Na aaa— H* did raliaal aork for Via party la Uu Mluk-Waiara . aupama lalng bh amir# a«rb— and a Puny »—ak** M* ei aiu UPN. •hull —*rh rmmn w». ruMIM U«- uialar* la Ibla —nan. bat ua* de f*a.#d Mai Via Htl#t*ai Ib poillMa Ib tbla rnaaiy bar— Uaa- -I aatil hi* 4#- partura tar hi* aaw boa# Mi Caw- Hb*. Mr Hr<d 0 frtwda Is Augusta did Nnt front tbs first tod I* vs H poaaUd# for bits to bs guilty of tbs ugly <hart r against him and they no* aay Ibai bs most assuredly aaiil surmount tbs blot cast upon hi# good trams Mr Hstd. is Augusta oaa known aa a pious man, bring n sduloin flunday school worker and a shining light la lbs church, and banes lbs new* of tbs sharps against him crested no IRtis surprise a* nail as Indignation. Thera sc -ms to sir no doubt among bin friends bare that be will come out all right. t hree Doctors iu Consultation. From Benjamin Franklin. "When yob are sick, what y *u Uks ' iu»gt ta to lie ebuaen for a medicine in ' the first place; what experience tells you la beat, to to* chosen In tbs see ,l place: what reason it. *.' Tbeorvj says I* twat to lu* . h.wst. In Die last place. Rut If you can get Ik. liwllna ■ tlun. Dr. Experience and Dr. Reason to hold a consultation together, they Kill give you the best advice that can be taken." When you have a bad cold Dr. In ! Hlnatlon would recommend Chamber lain'* Cough Remedy !<e*au#e It to j | pleasant and safe to take. Dr. Ex perience would reuoinm md It liecauae, It never falls to effect a apeedy and j permanent cure. Dr, Reason would re commend It becattge It la prepared on , Hclrntlflr principle*, and acta on na ture'# plan In relieving the lungs, open-) Ing the accretion# and restoring the, system to a natural and healthy con dition. For a»U* hy Alexander Drug and Heed Company. <?. It. Parr of Bell Tow er Drug Company. FRIDAY’S MENU, A Suggested Rill of Fare For Puzzled Housewives. Breakfast. A Compote of Apple*. Grlta, Sugar and Cream. Mackerel. Baked Potatoes. Cornbread. Milk, Cocoa or Collet*. Luncheon. Cheese Balia. Egg Salads. Sait Wafer*. Tea. Dinner. Milk Tapioca Soup. Scalloped Lobster. Cream Sauce. Scalloped Corn. Stewed Tomatoes. Cucumber and Pepper Salad. Sugar Finger*. Apple Snow. Coffee. Bucklen’a Arnica Salve. TITE BEST SALVE In the world for Cuts, Urulaea, Sore*, Ulcera, Salt llheurn. Fever Sores, Tatter, Chapped Hunde, Chilblains, Corns, and all Hkln Eruptions and positively cure* Plies, or no pay required. It ia guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 26 cent* per box. FOR SALE BY HOWARD & WILLET. New Maple Syrup, flneat quality, In bulk and cans at Lamkin & Co.'a. proposed atory Is a good one. Indeed, many of these persona systematically manufacture stories about prominent people out of whole cloth, or with next to nothing us n basis. All that Is nec essary is to keep a straight lace wh in telling it to Up* editor, so lie won't know that you know lie knows you'd>• lying. And you must, bring a photo graph of some one connected with the story—any photograph trill do, no mat ter « hose, so long us you cut off the edges to make it look es ii' you hptl abstracted it from a family album. [t Is a nice business, iHke It alto gether. F. C, D. GOOD CIiOTHES GAIN PRESTIGE I „ t , .it-T-ga *. mv# 0 mm ***** ****&.s* **** fw* [ *** m*m m *** ** *#***■ **> *4*m# ****** mm*> Wmm I «Mi • ximm * *+* ***** *** ******** *» *#* ***** r- # I Mli Mil If* mm* KN# * *7.30. *IO.OO AND *12.00 mmtrn Ur- ittef f —pnt —•aMMUdd. flmy ar# a# Ml #mg aaM BUYS'AND CHILDREN S CLOTHINO. *** ********** * *** '* iiupfr-t s*** *o** €**m %*¥**wm** MAIM mill ’ • lAV* |W» * M—a b#u Mama w-mwu •» M * 'N* (a-ht-.Hia—d AMP# *..•»» Vtr M#*#w* p— . M m m >. *« » * M#r* I—UUdPd WNM w n W Sum M-N. I« Mm-e IVPIIM WWPMdd MmfW M»#f** W# f'<—ta ...... 7 V rt mm %—a— Malta d* MAP. *d—a •«—urn Tp—u.»a mM j Pv**r »«Ad «• Mpv** -« *» MhH VIMNfMdnWMh T—aiur* •M . It#** ba— UrV #*”• ****”. Mrt* M Mud* d I ad—map* «V ' W—m Mr l 11-W* ■»•*•. •• g u,# «UU aau V#afa .... ft t»->ra| ,^Mggt^hd^*dM*a^^ WE 00NT FOLLOW THE LEADERS. WE LEAD THE FOLLOWERS. J. I. HITE S CO. Ming Depirlutil Will You Get Left ? There is but one looked-for condition this fall In regard to business snd that is a most heslthy one, and those who are preparing for it *re the people who will reap the harvest and all the others will get left. We have gathered from all the renowned centers immense quan tities of desirable up-to-date goods running mostly to novelties in China, Pottery and Glassware. They are yours to own at right prices if you buy them. BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE 809 BROAD STREET. if vrr.- If you want two thing*, the highest rallafartlon and a aavlng of money. Ju#« make yourself une of cur customer#, k'r tan furnish rider# With bicycle#, too, and lbe best In tbe market at that. The recent 21 pet re»t reduction was a quarter hit. hut here's a proeeaaion of home run#; Columbia*, model 4g, *..« <». and your last chance to get this popular model at any Price. «> have throe shop worn (only) model «. ladles', we will let go at W 0 •». One ladles* Hartford at *45 00 and ladle#' Vedette at *25.00, ladle#' Jill at |SB. and for boya and men there la nothing **n tbe matket to compare with the Ketnti special at *26.*0 and the Jack at *2* 00. second hand Cb vefaada. Ramblers. Credrenm, HtMrtf. Victor*, Kldretlge i*u4 Rgoyc'lc*, from $12.Ul up. Ail Al condition, und »c let them g» at any old price—they did nut u* u*og thlng. wen* given to us by people who wanted lo ride the (STANDARD WHEEL OF THE WORLD, and only sold H> Augusta al DEVENEY, HOOD & CO Bicycle Department. lATCIM? ful, painstaking labor and thought and attention. There’s no patent on this. Almost any one could do it. They simply don’t try. It’s so much easier to take conditions as they are than to try to improve them. Therefore the leaders are few. So ft has come to be said: If you want Excellent, Serviceable Clothincr, with Style and Qual ity at Economical prices go to I. G. LEVY’S SOI & CO., Tailor-Fit Clothiers, - - Augusta. Ca. Teacher — lit litis slunza, wlmt is meant by the ilu<\ "The similes of uifiat. were failing fast?" Bright Slchoiur—■The poopie were pulling down the blind.*)—Exchange. Inacio, the aged Chief of the Utes, has been paying his second visit to Denver. When he was last, there, there whs only one white man in the place. OCTOBfcft ao p , *BqrcLBS PiereiA ' ib/;. v, ~(£hr If it’s a good name there’s a great deal in it. The reputation that our garments have achieved doesn’t come in a day, or a year, or two years, and is not the result of accident or chance, but of care- “Wiint. do you think of a divorced | man who would act as beat man at Ills former wife's wedding?" . r think lit - taking a mean revenge on both of the happy participants."- - C'eveland Plain Dealer Chntferton Dix, who me d recently, was the author of “As With Gladness j Men of Old," and othw very popular [hymns, , _