The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 20, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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THURStAV 6 COAL - *COAL—COAL nZ-i Ai-fi iiirro TM* BUT CHAD** Of Oiw J#l>— OO A 1 - iiiaiHii nwiof rti At j^^mSSSSLSSSI T i - -n r — * • "*■»* ***"—» H M«- CITY ICE COMPANY. AMKKiRVA lAMI U few —d <■ i «»»—■*■* Hmm* e*k AaMßi IkMMtt MrrrM finm «•*■*•** ,« ea -*»••*•* •* fiMM ****** MWt |SSL M M , , * MliM fwurr* *«» nMMntr« ji gp -1 f.Se* **• M»1 * 4 ** —y— T glilfli r >.» I— i* WMi# * *** *•«* •» •* ***** » L*« i ■«. Smwf « »• «« •• • QpMMHA Am. riMMM ... joTti-fi »« •* *«•« #« HttSl ;SS|HMi *•***■*♦» #*•••• .. Win ft* ■""ilittrV," »*** uftMvni Mmar. SZ tai -JJ 9*99999999 **» «•s## hm *** | .. : ku><« **»• ***»»*« •*»*• *£" ■*? fhw k»M « » « - -» -•« “ *~ * Msi.« ii kM* test *•*«» - *• ** *»*•*. It Imu MH *•*#* •* u * W(glp*lß* §1 I# (f| |hM*9 ##*••#, A W * I**”* 4*9 * tt9#4M49. WHI 09910. tt.* f** 499-. * « ». 6X**» «*•*- *-*-»• <**• • i ii, wall teertk***. » I*■ Ml OOOM* •ro«« w»*r«3»*a *M <fe«*NSi _ _ # V » Am*Mi .. «i* IWWa .. • *"* OMUkKrvllte H H M U . . ~ ** * *•*<• r. kiwi m• • **»*••* .. »* 2 toha F. Kwc. n lack VC-•• *• * aroot. nu (MHtin. m r«*- a i*' *•*•-■* CMtM*tK •*?**-*• ***• r«* «**. « iUUCNIA'i* Aluuilla: ■»in fceand* m. .» II I* ‘I 7X64MAA24. frail «f tk* M*A *• *■***# •• •• • *'* flail •* «*» t*> •****• *••••*"21 AM. 1-* krta - •* J am. w •• ...*••»• •• •* *• •• * *"2 AlplM km. *•* .. •• *2 V. Frid# a* Ik* *M •• «*v •* *'* Jto. I* Km* 14 K R eklrtlHg .. * M j*» F, Kina HA* ateatlng .. « II Lm4W**4 9. Kiwi. RKlwh umhim ••••*►* in*, f. If law. (* IWli K C >'*'X - r*‘r"r!L i».. r Kim *» !•< * Mpwtor .. t l-l in (NT*. . Awaflal •**•*-• •• •• * *■* • ,*rrtm*< k Ain MM. ***** • _• • •• *• * < i*,l*r Of* AM* ***»• ***** .. * »•« , V**bl«i«to* «ll* «*■***> AUm > (Mk» **« ..•*•*••••* »** fti.,**. - M *M*k» .. .•••• 2, AMKin WiO N«r fw* •• •• *•* | Waller ••ll* IMnlll ***** •• ••* AawrU«n IniMf* Mar* ***** •• •• < |MW«aUaM> M*cka «4x«* .. .. * Alia*'* rartflMl* ***** * i Alien * I*!*'»•■ ***** J India Mua .. .. ~ •• •• 2 *** India Mu* ***** .. 2 WIW •• .. ••••*•*# •* * Martha Wnahtatton ***** 5 *-« SlTne,". rndlanta ***** * Charter Oak*. Mi*> * *•* TICK*. Hatnpahlre .. * J * /BlMkp* I 4 0 A a* *• *• •• •• Amoskeng A Amoakeug 0 .. .. - •• ••' •* •• • ?’2 Het,p r^ AlD „o M i; flP uK*.* City Mill * *"2 Kour yard. *ood ** ln ch * 8-* led! ahlrtloK* *•*•*"'" S 1-* lA»dl drew aiyiHl *•»*• « *• •• •• * *"* Rt. Clair drew alyl** .. .. *. .. « Ocean aolld* .. .. •• •• •• • *"2 Martha WathlißtU'" fandl"* .. .. S *-* Mlacrllar.euua brand*. lt*ht weight .. •• •• ••■•'•;•! ® t-!n*» I** leaetta * yard* lllalh .. .. .. .* •• * 1-* Thorndike B '• V • •-* Herculea .. .. «•• *•• l * Creecent .. .. .. • Pelham, *2 bal Ito bo* 16 V. O V: 8® ball* to box 1* 1.. a. P., 20 balla to lb 17 1-S MuMCOgee B .. >• .. * H 37 Inch * 1-3 Id. plnldH, boat make Simpson *Uk Bhlah MuinMs **» •4 * »-* Pacific mournings **x*4 * 1-2 China ailka #«xM * 1-* * Mockpurt •« ••• •• 6 !•* Plater a Concord, t*x6o .. .. .. s I** Home 66x60 2 1-* Kdwarda .. •• •• •• •• 3 I*l Keystone •• 3 *-* fifth Avenue -• •• * 1-* KKAJtSKY’3. Heavy Columbia, heavy Kearsey S 1-* Kincaid and othera , ..0 1-* WME, CEMENT AND PIaASTISII. Lime * Tol >* s Rosendale cement *1.43 Portland cement 32.76 to 3.25 Louisville cement In paper Backs ..3100 Plaster in bills 11.76 HARDWARE. Well buckets, per do* 33 00 Painted buckets, per do* 31.10 2 H B B cedar palls, per do* .. .. 31.75 S ]l ft B cedar palls, per do* .. .. 32 00 Tubs painted, per nent 31..75 Rope, Manila, per pound 9 1-2 Ropo, Sisal, per pound 7c cotton, per pound .. lOcalle Nalls, wire 75 base Nails, cut .. ha,ie Shovels, doz .. .. *Ua3U.W Shovels, per do* .. .. Si.oo Fhovels, riveted back, per doz. .. Jt.75 Plow blades .. •• * I** ,ias e Hames, red top, per do* 12.25 ' K lIMMMMB. PM| MR PIMA. |P9 <M9 «• *» j [u • #.«4 t niif t *’«wt pm 4MI m *•*# (R IR I vmm m# HB «• « IN \§m4 VftMfc §of II n « « m**m § BA |||M» 0000. §O9 f§o§f m m m m W | H-iM 09m0k (00 §o§ mmm m m H j ftonnii ■ mu §O9 i ti m w m j ryn )tJ< rtjurrm pm Awt §m *. 9* Mi 4i j Imrnrn mmmmmm 0000 * »* P *»* •* l 1 000P0 900 m mm §k §O9 90909 » m *** | PRA# *mt§ 00 §§f m m m m m m m- 09 s ifiRMMB Hi I'M.. §O9 0m m m m m m 99 §0 14ii MM#** l * 0* *M* 909 m ■** * ** |4i» §OOOOO, Ma, A pm 0m «• m til 1 090 Mi t>#tiT 1 RM 4. pm #n» wt •« M . 14MR omm. mppmm , Rmf om ,, *«« iMH I §§oo 9090 m 9* * *+-+* 9 pm §m mm 99 \§o *OO % p§9o M Rs., 4 §0 t • M % • # Mriiffe 9P.09P0 I 9§099909090 919000 900 o*oo9 §999909 > j |«i §m 90§0 Wi Imir §OO, 09090 j 99k 900 , w>*«»4 * il *• Ummm •t * a UNI Mt « M in t A 1 090009 9 I 9% 900 ****** MR IliMaViM 9 Ift MM ******** §O9 * **• fMM'iM 9 I -ot : % 000 * *«*»••* MR •«•] MnpIII fArHiii | til ~ „ . 11l tli r ift 9K#ltt]94 [ At|«M 9§k §OO **•*.♦**•* IM f«* I AißMto 0% |MR •« ****** •* MB *«• j U#M»t« *# ¥9O mmm* OO **• | AtfMi § »!• MM mmm ¥0 **• I j Attfi'M #"#. M9t **•*— •• IM I A%imm%9 00 ivtt •••••••• IM ••• I UiMMI MM *•«••»*•** Mi *..] AiMaft# 4 IMM *•*••«•* IM —* \IM vMNMBi #l4 IMI ** *• *• IM *• • I [09900900 09k MM ** *•— Mi •*• j !tf tifr- gi | • Mil **••*•** IM 9 M99 ****!#• •*• • I*?#, MM m *• »• *• M *. * I M#tMl 1919 tt ft MM M M 111 *•• *%y0W99§09 09*4T§ .**••••• 99 **• C'liAf!•«««# 00 MM *••*•*». 99 *.. I I * tltlftf 9IAtI4tOAD MKT#. Ottetfl* II K A 9l| Cm. I 0A t«M •* .* .* I«9 .*• IC hmurpim 91. It. 0 Ms CM, rc 1959 .. ** .. .. .. *• .. IM ••• !C?4K9Mt*l4 A An* gwaia. IM fa. U** *•* ••• | Chariotte, CrlgaUs A Aa gust*, m rs. in* m ... I [Augusta *• ft R.. la. IK*.. ... M C. R. it. H**kltsg Ca. Collat eral Trust la. IM7 M M Baathee* Railway Is. I«M . .. »7 M Central at Outfit Railway. tat rwwsol wart. rs. IMi .... M M lr*. of O. Ist pref I* .. _.. .. J* N Irwuitl of Oaorgta Railway, M prat lacrn.-., IMS U I* |C. of Q Ist pruf I* l»« .. .. • • a. i * r.. is* m. is i»a .. in I*7 1 Mouth Oeargtt and florid*. Mr* IM IM I South (leorgt* and Florida it Mean hteamshlp Ca„ Ist Pa MTaIM IM ... FACTORT BONDS Enterprise Mfg Co., Ist ft IPM IM RlUey Mfg. Co., Ist ft IKt .IM ... 1 Pltriey Mfg. C*., Ist Fs. I*M . IM ... Ilia. R. R. A fl. CD. Block .. I*7 IM I Houthweslern R R. Mock M 10* Augusta and Savannah stork .*» 100 DRAIN AND PROVIPItINB. Oats, white, sacked 3* Oats, mixed, sacked .. ...... .. .. 3* I Com, white, sacked .. .. 6* | Corn, mixed .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. *1 Meal, bolted, per buehel t7>* Flour, common .. .. .. .. .. 3.t0 Flour, fancy extra 3.73 Flour, second patent .. 4 *9 Flour, standard patent .. .. .. ~ 4.26 I Flour, fancy patent >■ .. .. .. .. 4.75 Wheat bran, 100-lb sacks to ! Fine feed, 100-lb earks 90 l Hay—native, per ton 12.00 I Hay—Timothy, per ton .. .. .. 12.00 | Hay—cholre, per ton 14.00 Ham*—choice sugar cured .. .. 10ull>» i Smoked rib aides .. .. .. < Dry salt riba * Lard, pure leaf. In llereea .. .... 6% lard, kettle, rendered In tierces. * 1-* Sugar, granulated ~ •• Not a Judge ot Wine. I Washington Post.) That Atlanta gentleman lt *st MaJ. Livingston Minims, 1 believe— who used to tell with such pathos of the lime when a certain ex-Presidetu of the United ritatee came to Atlanta, ivus feasted ou the fat of the luud, and swallowed down rare old sherry, worth Its weight in gold, precisely aa if It had been beer—that Atlanta man. I say, would have sympathized with the tale of woe a woman who lives out on Columbia Heights has been telling me. She is not wealthy, this Columbia Heights woman, hut her father, who live* half a day s Journey away in Vir glnla, has some fine wines In his eel . lar, which were old before the war. ! Recently a very famous woman, to whom the nation and the soldiers owe j much, was In Washington and j accepted an Invitation to dine out on Columbia Heights. The hostess was ! so anxious that the dinner should be 1 a memorable affair that she went In ! persou to her father and begged two ! bottles of a certain precious wine he i had, the most precious of nil his cellar, j she obtained the wine and carried it jin her hands all the way home for [fear of jarring it. She scnrcely let It out of her sight Oil the day of the dinner, and waited with a thrill of ex pectant pride till the distinguished guest should praise the rare liquid. The distinguished guest drank one glnss of tt. She drank two. “Ijet mo fill your glass,” esid her hostess, glancing at the empty wiue glnsß. “No, thanks.” said the distinguished guest. "I don’t esre for any more, but H’s the best cider I ever tasted." THFHI AOUBTA JET2CFLA.XX) A *4 ffcAM OUtfctft Aft*lf% M SaMte «*» ****** **•%** I #****•*• §1 §OO9 §m 09* %|Ru 0m moom 90 o§t#o 0 "*9of9' * Uo9P*' ll * MB'- 009mgi *»a <ok- *9O 9 909 9000000 m 99 00m : * - 90 §OP 9^mm §OOOO om§ *%09 9tm990 AM * •#» #999 99009 *909 90 - 9%0 00090909 M 9090990 *mmpo*>*mk I pmm 0m tmmo9 §99 MM 9m§§p*"'- §9099999900 9"# mmk99*m f 090 *§m 099900 99 0 000099 900 k 990 s -1 awfi ii ijitj |r 90 9mmm9§ #9 in liAsi> tt-* 909100 #9 # 90900 k MM w0%k990k §990 90909099910 *9OOO 000999 09 9000*9 \ fit# 9**«o*R 90 MM §09900901 §9 MM 9m*A| 990 §OO 90990 09909' 00009 9900*0 *#*• j 99990 §90999900 MUR RRRMMA §9 900999 j ! (ItaH UM 9009$ §9009990 990099% j 19MB 99909 §900999. §O9O 9900000 j mmpm. 99m 0 %w-§§9'o 90m ‘99 99W** j IR l 9 k9mo MM f9MM# 09 9 90 §ms9o \moooo9m 99 9999 «M §0009090009 * ■%, |MM 909900 990000** §90099 99m Nml H8989| j CMRiI ♦'M9B9#BmbJNM 19999 909M0 Rp ; 0099009 ffm* 9 9R i9HB MW fill 009 MM» §00000999 099 m\ 'o9o*o §o* 90*09099* 99009999990 MM jiMNiMif 99 »i—Mfrn9# 9 #«**►* *fl| ! 90090 Ml 9999 999*9*9909 99 §o9* ••MS §9090900 s9*o 000 9i *0990*00 ' •9 pm, 149* I9h» IMBfiM 90 9 m+rv* URB 09099 §9*oo 0§m099 909090099 r«M T«V9m» IMWi *OO 9iMir;t«4j •I |R(» «pHI 90 90 90999090, 90 *9wM 19*1 *9o99Kmofo a9aH 9*919< §9 999 #tfw* 4 99 I i 090990 T9* 09% Mr# §99 yfAllfM l9# I 09909 9090090 I# 9 §*9f 909099 §O4 *9O- j *90099* 909: T9* ttM*9 I* 9 tP9iI §990- I MMf #9 9 *4MM 99*9 9*#*## !** j tA. MMMWT TAd a iirm r ?«"*«»!**• 49 I9«> 9#*! I RllaM MrM9 §*4099 9«9ft9i9. 994 9#* #* I ! IM9lr9rtr< I 9mm «9# 99**1* 90599* §9f 99*999 90 90 900909$ 9* 9c**H j 19 19# §9099 R9fl 90 19# NI4IM I9*l [9m9* 999 9# MM9991 *M9*c 9r 9994 of I |9Ml'*f 90 MMBf9l99fß* 9#4 99 *94l*** I E («!>,<• *wmi4 9f9NMMI 19* #*9Mk 99# | r u* a acting with tbta M*pfct*a»y <**aaa I II A* As*** to Rtttlft Mk It* tf*efc Ry •tartmg (felt cable la ■mtloa. tk» *o<a» raa Aa mm* At Ml Aw 4lf*Ml*»a Tlw» amo*at tt* vstk sad cat* a-1 voiced la deatgaiag and MAatructlag ihto dome ««a scarcely k* Imag acd !It was aarwaa*? to agwclaa tk* great J •«* tar*. Mat. during net of tk* al* I otcwpkcrF dlatarkaarra SO cotntnoa to j tkia part of tk* eoaatry a dlaaatwi afcoald oerw fc*dae» tk* dlKcrwat parts j of tk* duta* ware solidly coaatrartad | IVratdca tk* dlMcalty of roastrai llag I tkls revolving do***, plec# by place. I there a as tk* delicate work of erecting ! tka talearope. sad tka macklawy ky I tvklrk It la operatad All tkta was dona steady and methodically, and without accident of any ktad. TkaJ likelihood of aa accident was so great, however, that I boa* la charge of Ike work have bean In a perfect fever ot anxiety slur* It begun and ooly now are they beginning to brvath* freely Of the monster that la housed In the great dome. Prof George B Hale, di rector ot lue Terke* observatory, says: “la addition to the ordinary appliances for actuating the quick and alow mo tions and clamping the telcwope, a complete system of electric motions, i lamps and Illumination is provided. Conveniently placed switches at the eye end and at tha equatorial head, enable the observer or his assistant on the balcony to start or atop the stew motion motors, and to clamp or unclamp In right ascension and decli nation, by simply pressing knobs. The quick motion motors are controlled from the balcony by switches, and from the eye end by cords. The clr rles are Illuminated by Incandescent lamps, connected with switches at the. eye end and on the head Provision is also made for electric illumination of the micrometer wires. The 40-inch j objective of the Yerkes telescope was; made at Cambridge, Mast, from disks furnished by Muntoe. of Paris. The j crown lens Is about two and a half Inches thick at the centre, and three fourths Inch at the edge: it weighs two hundred pounds. The lenses are mounted upon aluminum bearings in cast-iron cell.” Free Pills Fend your address to H. B. Bucklen gr Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King’s New T-lfe Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pill* are easy In action and are particularly effective In the cure of Constipation and Firk Headache. For Malaria and Liver Troubles they have been Improved invaluable. They are guaranteed to bp perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their anion, but by giving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invig orate the system. Regular size 25c. per box. Fold by Howard & Wtllet, drug gists. AT CHATTANOOGA. The Church Work That Is Being Done at That Point. Chattanooga, Oct. 19. The Ameri can Chrlßtlan Missionary society held its last session this morning. Ad dresses on the work, north, south, west and east, were delivered by leading workers in the several fields, and they were followed by general discussions. The annual meeting of the foreign Christian Missionary society began this afternoon. The most Important feature of the session was the annual report of the board. According to this report the past year has been by far the best in the history of t,,c so ciety. Should a spring song be played in March time? GOOD LUCK BIKING PONDER f. 4} It lh* Nut 94 «*••» i**tt *®H AI ml ot l> »cwll a muffMMk t*h** OF |MhA ytwrtji nHRih, tMMMNi* IfkA hotj*** #ml mi l****"* pi ini>lim<H H «**#**•« *#©** • uMI Rftnf r#c tHR msfid H. HiflwM In MM»v*ni«* iifltdpf. i|6*A‘Hk •ltd Q6MWttty. Ma nyf 9f t uf#di ®y The Southern Mfg. Co.. RICHMOND. VA. tr *l. iRf *9 To Rent -4- 9mm (pm* M#m499#9 0 IMM 994 IMM Rwmb# 90999. *OO 90 0m §9O BMMN9 19 V9* 9*90 §of §9090 ***mm*f 99*0% §9 99 §o9* *9f §09*9099 19* mm* tm*ok 9*4 0 **fß **99M9l99#> Apply or Prrrni*** or at 808 Broad St. FOR SALE 99P*! 9-949 ttt 9909 ***y omkf*o§9> 9994* <f _ 401 m |9# t§9§99 90 999 90 19# %9pommmm 91<*"9» *9 19# *4f- 4T41 «HI *9999 *9*J 9099P* 0990 *9* futtP# 09 9 9■!ln wf fn4mmcm §99 |#9f i«h#< <1«94 |>4tt4. CALL ON MRA. JERRY O'HARA. M». u*7 ORftNt ITKI HT. For Rent ■tt-Farm of Thirty acres just below city. Homes, Stores and Offices in all parts of the city.. John W. Dickey IAS l ibrary Building. [list Arrived Beautiful line of China Malting, solid Mahogany Bedroom Suits, Lovely Line of Walnut Suits, finest line of Extension Tables in the city from $3.50 TO SSO OAK SUITS IN GREAT VARIETY. FLEMING & BOWLES 904 Broad Street. R. H. LAND, DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST SUCCESSOR TO LAND S SMITH, 522 NINTH STREET Would respectfully call the attention of the public to his complete line of Drms, MicKCleiitalUc., Always kept in stock. Having a complete line of all Pharmaceuticals, he can at all times fill any Prescription presented. Store open from 7 A. M. to IFl'. M. Give him a call. . CAU BOR Augusta Brewing Co t KXROPfT liiKn /IV 9m BELLE OJBT* GEORGIA Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. -~U .OK-.. AUOUSTA BEER. MONEY TO LOAN. In any turns desired from SflOO upwards, in straight 3 and 6 years time, or on lOyaarstime, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attornay and record fees. No delay in getting tha money. Alexaoder&JoliasoQ opnt ' • IWv»tti«9 A Biur ets Mufigatf* < 705 Broad St > PORTNER’S < 1 HOFBRAU and ) / VIENNA CABINET / / BRANDS OF / l Expert \ ? Beers j ? ARE THE BEST l S ASK FOB TIIEK. / B. R. MITCHELL, Al F.X. MCDONALD bupt. ot Con. ti«c- A C«“- - vl Kf- Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mclntoah rdreet. Electric Supplier—|>«*klng Tub-*, etc., etc. Repairs to all Electrical epparaius. Electric Light Wiring a specialty. Bell'Phone 1«02. - - - Strowg*r 67tt. And very LOW PRtrES. Large sto.-t, AIM mrc.VAI.VKH and FITTINGS. »>■ OINK*. RtIILEM. MILLS and KKrAIHH. lombard Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct 2nd, I*9B. Lv. Augusta . .. 9:30 a. ra.| 521 p. m. Lv. Sandersvtlle . 1:19 p. m.j 9:09 p. m. Ar. Tennille .. .. 1:30 p.m.| 9:21 p. m. Ar, Macon 3:43 p m.j 3:5a a. m. Ar. Dublin 4:20 p m.| Lv. Dublin '10:00 a. m. Lv. Macon .. .. 11:3* p. m.|11:55 a. m. Lv Tennille. . . 5:15 a. m.| 3:10 p. m. Lv. Sandersvllle. 5:25 a. m.| 3:21 p. m. Ar. Augusta . .. 9:00 a. m.| 7:10 p. m. Eastern Time. Close connection made at Tennnille with Central R. R. for Macon, and with i Wrightsvtlle and Tennille It R. for Dublin and Hawkinsville. C. W. JACKSON. Gen. Fgt. Pass. Agt. James TT. Jackson, Joseph H. Sands. .-i^ Receivers, ktlliMitK A*Mlli*Ul4Kk Chnfltkton IW Carolina •O*AaAA A •»##**♦*• MM r,. mvutb ss B * $-. -<a tom 19199* !*»♦ I wamwswHMasm* HP*> I | » mk • 1 f 00§P f ' *49149 j * ** "I *■ mmimooosso*m*' - • | 40$000 *■mm j it# $9009000 1 1 MkAivn | 9:9999 .j*w 1 I * -9999 M 0999 I I * ■8M99949**.'.. > mmu §§4*9o9 § 0990 I * c m M*» ***** Ml* * * * §kos99§p§kpp+ati •- 3pmmni f; j*#* .I I *9mm |9# C«|9999 P4M9’ m* -•* I I9f jßßlflßpi A«»,,» f mn . M9*m «•*••** j , *2 iX3m wy* j m ‘ * |M|llimbh ,la Raw 2 25* I * m Imm. ......! i **•■» ’9m I *i*IMaPAMMB WMi m ! »fp*l 1 * *2** i i I CS’nHwVflßw^***••** l j<«•*•- Tiff— I I " WN«ml..wx. . I f ARM* I j •Kntqiw —<! > « > — *—» ”lsawa*l. ...~........i !.«**'■ B#w*a * IkAi *251 j '’ ’twH'...! yw I **.* gs ip* a.a> *«a«n* wnets An : | wtrp*%» mtmkmmtm* As aa **aw t aaAAJL , . * a** wsasrttias m Oian»< •* «• ' I wmbw >• i a. L mI i. a* eauwaM J aw* •mswaMh* Mk Na«A»Ai Rwyy I »ataay wa<w-*m»* *mm«* ta bAa : ‘ wusa sMhw m. kViw |,J IIIA Ip. Na *•». 3- A etnik MM«aaM f • A AM MtM* 1 naAs Kawapß* Itgia* Aa. BLUE RIDOE RAILROAD. M C. MUTTIk Kaswrtwt MsiAvs* wmiknw • I Aw’d * *ka AstTd Q*>» Ctaan F Cteaa ctaaa Kit* • **•»* Dtp Dtp S *AM> tty ttt k>u r*o g R* u k*A AM Ft*.l lAfrtrs Laaa* FM lAM MAM* «... Andaman .* I»U • It A I K 1).... biym I fl II I* UK I3* 1d... Aataa ....* 3 All 8 I M 6 I*l* . PawdA’BA 3 *•»• ** t A * :*•'!•' OVtry cromr§ f « **t*..k* | » u, I.AIt Adam's ie«** fl *!" I* •• * M IiMMLm ‘IKRACA ..« «i»a:» | *:IA If I *'**? • t tt U. Wmii tfataa • 3 A * t$ Mi... RaHtßUa ..A 6 If! AM rM.j |L*B»* Ants* FM FM. Dai: Ktl n*h ■ 9 Rmru’Bt Ptßtioa F Flag aib««w 1 a 8 rvsalßt litis, tea Aa4*f*en t* Walkatla ka»* rl#ti» t* Dark ***» train* a* tk* aata* riw* mnvm* la poall* dtiartMW. unlvaa otkwwias *»*«•■ j tn-4 ky Irmia wki*. Will ala* stop ai foil <«tn« Btaft *"• *» tabs >m m At »• r*aa»»»**r* Fk*a t.r* », Jbrm* and B*adv Bpiia*a. | No U roaavrts vilk doitUwra fall war No. 12 at Aadvtaoa, Non. • and * connect wtlk RnaUwt . railway N*«a 12 and 27 at s«n» i I 1. H AKDKRAOK. Fupar ntvadoat. ATLANTIC COIST UNL dHOKTBtrr AND QUICKBBT ROUTB Tt) TB* KA»T AND NORTH. ' 2 Ai m L* . Augii.ta Ga Ar j 7 64ata 1 Ocf -q Lv Aik.o Ar j T ten *:!7pm| L*....Denmark....Ar j * 17pm 4.3*1K8' Lv.. cnang)*'*.,..Ar j I tem ( Ni'ii Lv,.Bumt«r, 8 C...Ar j i tem I 27pm' Lv....Florence ...Ar i » 15am |o:l2pn>l Lv...Fayeilevllle...Ar ! 1 ltpm 2.11 am Ar.Pet»r«t>urg.Va.Lv | I i:pm «:OQeD< Ar....Richmond....Lv j 112 pm 7:«lam| Ar..Waahington..Lv j l ltpra * 03ami Ar... .Baltimore....Lv | 2 »pm 11. Stem! Ar.. Philadelphia. Lv [l2 o»pm 2:o3pm| Ar....Net/York....Le j I:3oam Pullman palace buffet ear* from Macon and Augusta to New York without change. R. A. BRAND. Oen. A«t„ 71* Broad St . Augusta. Ha. T M. FMFRFON. Traffic Mansger, H. M EMERSON, Oea. Paaa. Agt. Central of Georgia Rail way. Schedule In Effect SEPTEMBER 11TH, I*9*. <*oth Meridian Time.) LEAVE, AUGUSTA. No. 1 For Savannah 1:30 P. M. No. * For Savannah, Macon Atlanta 8:«0 P. M. No. * For Macon. Atlanta, and Way Stations .. *.20 A. M. No. 52 For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 9:30 A. M. ARRIVE AUGUSTA. No. 1 From Savananh .. .. 1:40 P. M. No. 3 From Savannah, Ma con, Atlanta 6:35 A. M. No. 5 From Macon, Atlanta, and Way Stations .. 6:50 P. M. No. 63 From Macon. Atlanta. and Way Station* .. 5:30 P. M. No*. 1. 2. 3 and * daily. Nos. 6 and 5, daily except Sunday. Nos. 52 and 53. Sunday only. Sleeping cara on night trains between Millen, Macon and Atlanta and be tween Augusta and Savannah. For fur ther Information as to schedules, etc., apply to M. C. JONES, C. T. A. W. A. GIBBBS, Depot T. A. j. \v. NALL Commercial Agent. e7j.erbelding plumber, steam, gas and HOT WATER FITTER. NO 541 BROAD STREET BOTH PHONES- NEXT TIME YOU HAVF A HEADACHE USE Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWARD A WILLETT DRUG CO. BELLE O F O b) ORGIA OCTOSf ft 70 RA tt h-flA** imM> Mifft .kk S. C 11. RlllfMT CO 999 *•* • #9 9 **# IhMM9 NMSMRIA I 0* I# I ****#> -919 9 P#M9 I 00 W9oom4t9ommooo9o C9999#99 9*9909 \A* c * -xm* *-0k- m* * 9mppmm •» | fa fcji 9>il plNriiftt’ * * w^mMi [£# 9 '*#* aa * **v— i* * 090 m *• o§mm I9# < omoo9 0k.090k-' * * % •'#**■ '’ i * i 99991 #{999 #4M>9 IN)it»9 f 19*9 #999 $ 9*9§p §OOOOO * * Iflpit., 149|9fc I* m*pmm 9#>f9| 1 fK#ii 9 §Sp 19 %i# a 9.% 9*94 [ * **t#F 9 §OO 9mm §OO l • itm «.m* XJppm'y * X**§o»mm j#• 4900 9WV om* § 0990 99 o*9k9t* Ilf** I# §mmmm*9 4 *§999 0 9 § 4 A Pm* I * 9*# 9i 4 t 4t «* [4» 0 om§9 * t#99«i 09 090rn oHH : 09 9*9 t *-*9i 00m 4* 090*900* §40090 «IMHMW*«a*# 9* €10090009 000 k §OO9 t#e a *tnn $m 999 999 **9909*99 99 $+*09*99099 9 m 99 *9*99 49*9 A «9999 : « *9h 49 **»- ■ *pk+ ffW9# 9*99fli 99*9* 90 999900 9 *9 I I. §§ 9*spk, I* # •9l**f9 F » lM**A «*» Ad* P«W*teAW*-^ SOUTHERN RAILWAY. * ■ im- - m* •>•** twsn tMm i *»• « f j Ba*«t kawad : u»k« met y lT!r | 4 mb ,j •* v* TIsl'TS t vrrr* * <l* : iriii iP Hip Ip • o If, r I fMr 7Mb ‘ At ' . irbM . ... f • r ewß Jrt -U 'e- ■ m • r A klrtedi ,r * i" * • • . MM* »»» A mate* . «»<h ir w«Mait.. [ !£• ,? Sf • Kin* l»M« .... »!• *Mb • WeeTJrtX 1 u •*, ••• 1.n8t.5.6 tea, tea,. i 4wp uupit • fyi*WTiill> ....... I i ;* • • IkUpMV • • • I 09k *9* U Wm 9 %*m *o 9t ' 9 9#; tl U* L* Kkin«9 I3t «t, UPm I*» tlMivUl* ... j|i ao« • tt# Lv Mr»rfm|i • .... | 19|j 4r i lrttMhm J # «& m . L* '»>—i'Wfcnri •# f tt# _ ....m...... , 9 89* iv 9*o • IwS OVJ . ... jJ9 *m IJ 09 m ihmp+f ..... Il« tt» HJ* # • 9 ! nfß4»9'm I 11 tt • I fl f t 99»#'f 9 m 4 «m, »m * ■l- QnjttwhttCl u*o*l. ! 1 D A 4mm * J*4mmumm | f fcS;>] * u>» i * H r*QU>r* g tfctJ *- A* • K*rM»HFYI,» £R|) T9* tk tr A«h*v-li# »Mi m l| v. M-ArAuiffirf Ift 4>aj I ttp L« r*iilDA, ..., . SDQt* ? DDR 09 (Tukr'Nfun .... H #’•[ II Wft L» cohar. rc#ray ...» ii A.. • n «;• *• Hi i 49 # I 9» Jp Jm km -u t ju» Dmp I tt9 »l ft H*r«o IH iRRTII 0 dftily jMk -** ofr *prtir# W» ’ > 4 *o4 Sow York fim a; mnd m~-0 m*h r.tumm*u\ IftwiM solid \m' > uT*nl train with timing rtt* Riui flrvi rUum onmrhrm north of * ‘hurluttA HPnilmnn dr*w to* nw* t*iF«rpinjf nr* Mhnna Thmu« Jarfttflonriiln. nraunu. Wnnhlndton nn<i »w v jrk Lcuimnn r *-*ptnf Cmru Mwnb i hmrkottm •nJ Hiuhmon# PuJlmnn dr»win# room «iflF*t»in/ r*nm tvwD Un—n#>:op*> iukl Norfolk C. >** "'niHW tfton nt Norfoiftt for OLD 90!ttT COMFDBT. •rrlving thwt la tin* for brrakfn»t. 9 lid train, with I m lur *-nm, IH*E9 Clnrk9io tud A«hnril>. N u*. 'J • <J #— C. h. F**t Mail. Through Fu.ixiiau u.»a ibb room f'iitf.t .leeptß* car. » to ecu Ja. *»,nvs;le Bud New Tork and PuU man aleetnutr ,-ar. between Augusta .C'i Char lotte, Pullman sleeping car. I*l ween .lack acneille and Cohsmbla, eu route daily !»!*»« Jackaoßvtbe and I laeinnatt, via A.hevilta. Franks aas .non, j m « i ij> 'lKdrd V P A tten. Mgr. T M . W A TURK. S. U HARDWICK U. P. A.. Waririßgtou Q. P. A-.-anaatn. GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (*oth MetddlßD Time.) Schedule Effective April 24. 18*3. Pullman Slsepere between Macon no* New York. Through Pullman Sleepers between An* gUßtn end St. Louie Lv Augusta ..I 7:06am1 3:2opm|lo:3opto Ar Atlanta ...|l2:3spm| B:2opmj t OOeni Ar Macon ....[ilGtatn] j 6:45am Ar Athena ...,[l2:lspmj 7:*opmj Ar Gatne»vlllei*3:46pm|. j Ar White Prai*l:oopm| | Ar Mtirgnle ,|10:10am| I 4:30a» Ar Wash ton ..U#:loam| 7:lopm| Picayune train leavea Augusta dally except Sunday at 3:15 p. m., and ar rives at MUledgevltle at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augusta 6:11 a. ts. 7:45 a. ro., 1:20 p. m . and *:!* p. PS. A. G. JACKSON, G. P. A_ JOE W_. WHITE, T. P. A- __ CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect, March 6, 1898. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Auguste, Southern Ry.. 9:30 p m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 a.m. Leave Chester, C. & N. W. Ry 7:45 a m. Arrive Lenoir, C. & N. W. Ry 1:15 p.m. Leave Lenoir, Stage 2 00 P- ra - Arrive Green Park. Stage .. . 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage .. 7:30 p.m. G. W. HARPERi C. F. HARPER, President. G. • A -