The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 20, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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fUNV TONS OF CURIOSITIES Tht> Come Fmro Hw \\ Hd Fm/cn l juul ) 44*1994 Hiolki if M fwfifttf Jk|r*4if6rf 111 14 4444n4. ft*## ‘##* twiniHi—4 In 441 449#9 4 4 IMlteMm «4 91 •a**# lanniA 194# in inn* • n«#a r. *nf 444991449*911 pirn 4*® n*#* mmmairn m # nwii I’m p* * * inf® ■ n - ■***■*“ ® Cnftwtnm a# liifsi*. imp* 444 4®#ft44 in t® 4 in mi *Mt ’ 4ft# Umii Tin mil an t*MOM *» *##cfc*4 Pmnt Piw, tan* of «*®t. nwtti D» » ton. 999 §9*; rMfr* $,499 of rt4e* fiiirwin, ate., iid hftnoittitHt tipon tn#ir •»* timi *n tm lichw® wnil jtforex! nltfe a! . . huh lowni «4k*li Mr. Ini ilm* vtotif. Hi)®* of inf 44*1944 traveled nwnv tttl?*** inland in aratci of maiarial for pr^rtiUon. On S*pUtub< r 20 last year the B*! vedere. the Jfaala H. Tbo®*t and inf Or'a lan Point Harrow. ton U>« follave ton lUf thr lattar two tioata war* rrtohPd to the- ire. Ida «.-!»(drr* nar rowly aarapinc a lik* fata, but gwtlry aafftl# to shots. fly October 1 th«* mat of Iba two wratkad ve*4«d* re tamed to Point Barrow and. thank* to tba stores of th« arteatlst*. were aarad murb suffering- After thair ar rival tba tbrea men and the ooa hun dred ihlpwr.-i k«d man tlvad on two abort mania a day. notwithstanding tba fart that I.OOU head of ralndaar nod t ltr|f qiifthtlty of were secured near Point Barrow For Their Sustenance. Last winter was called a mild one at Point Barrow, tba coldest reglstereJ being 67 degrees below aero, but n* the dry. and as each man was clad In deerskin clothing, they suffered little. Forty below in Alaska I* no colder than 10 below xero In Ohio. sav’S Mr. Buxton, one deerskin keeping u* much warmth in the body as 10 woo' - an blankets. The warmest it reached at that point during the past summer was 65 above t“ro. but* snow began to accumulate as early as Sep'ember 1. On March 28 last Lieutenant Jarvis and Dr. Call, of the revenue cutter Bear, With 400 reindeer from Port Clarence, arrived for the party's re lief. Two nten had left Point Barrow on October 12 and 20, respectively, with trail and news of the ehlpwreck, and relief was sent in retHx>n«e to their appeal. One of tbe men (Walker) went 3,500 miles with a derg team to Edmon ton, where he caught the Canadian Pacific. On the 28th of July the Bear arrived with the first riews of the His pano-American war, tire latest Infor mation being an account of Lieutenant Hobson's daring deed m sinking tho Merrimac in the harbor of Santiago. Three weeks later the Bear left for the south carrying the shipwrecked men. Frozen in at or near Point Barrow during the winter were the Wanderer, Jennie, Newport, Fearless and Rosa ria. On July 2 the wind blew the Rn saria upon shore and wrecked her, but All Aboard Escaped Uninjured. At Point Barrow the sun is entirely below the horizon from November 19 to January 22, and from May 11 to Au gust 3 Old Sol does not set. It Is suffi ciently light, however,- from 11 to 1 o'clock in the fall to see to read witn out an artificial light. The boys had some rare sport part of the time in Alaska, in whaling and bunting. On September 17, 1897, one of the trio shot 430 (lacks, not one of w j,ich weighed less than Btx pounds. They had 3.000 ducks In the-tee house at one time last season, just after the 300 shipwrecked sailors arrived, for ty whales were killed ar Point Barrow last season, which yielded about $76,000 worth of bone and 120 barrels Congressrrun Botkin's Statement Wi*m**** I»f ■ UN* j I JPft jH # fa <—i i j *iiiwtif 11 & ftf% T* # • v %?«. $ | * £■' ### *h® ( fIiNHfeMMN 4# i®mC| ft® (An* *4*44®%! i * ®®p®ft|.f# 4# #*■*** m*4mmrn ™ Jj Mi m m i« .I, 194® J fl SMNfA r<fim i ■ - ** | Nf. aa *»4 Mat#-(to t k*f« hrea ! iim— Mb «* Ire* >w»i**nwsf ' 4 NNfti**## • *tfti «4ft4#lFt* d! lift* *A*g®Mft*4 1 iM M4U®. * I® | I _ .... m «# Iftfif I J Ok N*TIUE ! fhm ftl4 I**4 1!««' • t }#fH ftw . INkmMnl, Utl»v «® !*• raffprf I U ~ f f t ,y P tr* *tt4 ®|i w*4 3Nft Oln • j I firm % l|fs *f pr fu|u V 4 (ftVt wbo W4®t 14 i Im* t n(iM> r Nitef niuQtrfl i _« awHfeg | A(i*t9if4i <3# fftlHOft® iMIV® | rrtuntftl * |flmM* 4 c«Mftt *t Vdftft d j All Ak»ft( «*• Caftft IT® mj9 Mr. Bmtnft. «rrr ||(#r -I*ll.# trabllM o«»«‘ another to fltvt i t«orh to Ik* »ut*« Al Vnkfco pr*»% U ' bail drattt* ftrlr**. Tb«* miner* r*s»rt ‘ p*rik rttmnatU®. emtracH i frun vwllai tb* rt»M *tr« •■#* lß**arrh ] ! Tbe psny rwwebed Seattle without In* tdent on September It Mr. Mrll benny going to Lmitsinna. where be Is [now engaged In preparing his report to •et'ompany tbe specimen* whJcb will be turned over to tbe uaivsrslty, -mil Mr Buxton after s visit in tbe * West, coming to bis home In lohrJ iown to writ® out lit* not***. Th* young men are now contemplating a trip to a South American port, to be i taken within n year, In tbe internet of Mr. Buxton la well *a'i*ll*d wltb the Alaskan trip, and say* that they made a number of Interesting discov eries of interest to science, all of which i will be brought out In due season. Peat* the Klondike. : Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville. TVs., ha* found a more valuable dl»- i < over y than bs* yet been made in the ' Klondike. For years he suffered untold agony from consumption, accompanied liy hemorrhage*; and was absolutely cured bv I>r. King's New Irtaeovery for CNm*umptl>w>. Cough, and Cold*. He u«< la re. that gold Is of little value to j | comparison with this marvelous cure; would have It, even If It coat a bun- | ; dred dollars a bottle. Aathmn, Bron- I Ichltt* and ail throat and lung affections j are positively cured by r>r. King s New j ; Discovery for Consumption. Trial hot-| i ties 10c. at Howard & Wltlet'a drug ! store. Regular *i*e 69 cent* and SI.OO. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. “My dear," said Mr*. Rlehlelgh, to her daughter the other evening, after young Woodby had departed, “how In the world did your hair become ao disarranged?” “Why. mamma." replied the quick witted mis*, “I guess It must be from shaking my bead ao much when Mr. Woodby was trying to coax me to say yes.” And the mother suddenly remember ed that she bad once been a girl her self.— Chicago News. NEW ’PHONES. Augusta Telephone and Electric Com pany. 675 Augusta Electric Supply Co. 562—Augusta Southern Railroad, President’s office. 707— F. H. BrendJe, Meat market. 476—W. H. Brigham, Wholesale gro cer. 872 —George Cochkos. 332—G. A. Cunningham, Jr., Resi dence. 807—L. G. Doughty, Cotton factor. 262—E. W. Dodge. 76(5_-W. R. Glaze brook, Residence. 561—Miss Sadie Harris -676 G. W. Hall. 791—John F. Holmes & Co. 522—W. C. Jones. 286 —W. M. Jackson. 487—J. U. ackson, Residence, 371—Dr. A. J. Kilpatrick. 776—5. Resser, Residence. 424—D. J. Rooney. s 281—Mahoney & Armstrong. 286—North Augusta Rand Co. 686— W. P. Padgett, Saloon. 672—1.. F. Padgett. Furniture. 58?—Sehuetzem Plafz 273—R. C. Steinbeck & Co. 291—Tutt & Boylaton. *73—W. It. Walton, Farm. , 3*l— Whitiker McGow an. ; THE AUOtTBTA HKHAJLD PIERCE BUTLER SLAVE OWNER Something About ht* Uic an<J IVopcrt) : QH V|* kit* 4 HUk I aMH#ts M I SftH AlUfkk j * 4 *mms M 44pp®®* hN«*ft n* mm IWN** IN N 14*, ft»i *m iMMnw N fMHMI it* 9®lf gnli ftMMI 414444 14 1414 14 44* 1*44441 44 4»4>41944 I 44* in# 44*44 ' [•444 V 4 N*4 r-igtitirt 444* IN Until*# ft*®4 494414 4 0444M441 144 W **4 INM t I twit*'** NM 944444 499441444 4* 4-** PM# ' ft* *• *intw* 14 m»m**+** t W#* I4n 9h»4 f*tt tMnMnm 14441 Whtt nhm t * ; 4il9nf Wiinli I® ««ii |M4 **4*pn *44 ««®t «nt 44#ni4i*i1f •*» ft)* Until ll® ®|44l»i4P®*4l of Mi ! in 144*4 lit# tA®##4 14 nNBHI 4# i ''4Mt*4 u 44*1 if WfcfetN 4# 4® 4 4pf, It® *TR44444t ' It# InfNan# Mfln [*44®t dNunNh Mft <p4»*. •#*, 44 4 fW449444t®4. 4lw»ft«l«94i*t4 U» lAt . . 0 #•*! 4# ffftt l|®s Imp copNI 4»* 4MF#* 1 W’44 444 M# 4 411? t 4 I** I lit** Itiiin A tftf. vffti •** 14*4 l*«4Mthf *HI Mr Hut W got 44 444 Itwmri trait I® Mr. Tyng i«4 nnAr4 ] M? Hufl* r 444 4 |*tii*®t> of 4MMrt I I l nraiiAtr* 11# a«i uitAbi* 4*> ] i |J® 1*44144. 914 W 44 I hi* pwjn ftrfrkft *#|**f4 ted from III* wife. Fannie Kemble, on I ■ml of bee Ntalatlag <m panning I her career a* an artrrae contrary to hie wtebre. aofiwlthatandlag Her promise ' to him before marriage to la*re tb* stage forever, lie had two daughters, j who were, wheo I knew them, moat (harming young ladle*, and their home •a* with their father, but be did aoi prohibit them from visiting Ihelr niothrr after tliff h**l ntTivad nt yw* ~f d®r»tjM. Mr. Huil#r 44* ®* of (I® ttnndaoNWrt mrn of hi* dis out FRIEND. A OARDFN SPOT. One of the Ptace* That Appeal* to the Lot era of the Beautiful Kdgewater Park, N. Y.. dept. 24. Ilh Mr Editor: In my Judgment there are few prettier spots to be found any where 1n tbl* broad land of ours than Kdgewater Park —an Ideal placa in : which to spend tbe few abort drowsy 1 beautiful days of kidian summer. But It does get very warm here at time*, "as hot as love In harvest time." some of tbe resident* aay. Just at present I have tbe good for tune to be the guest In one of the moat hospitable homes of one of tbe leading families In this vicinity. Tbl* beautiful little town, she bright, •at point In New York south of Tren- j ton. Is situated on the DMawarr. alx teen miles from Philadelphia, which la easily reached either by the steam cars, which pass quite frequently, or by steamboat. In among the tree* on the bank* of tbe Delaware are ne*tled the attractive borne* of the There are beautiful grassy lawn* and flower garden*, apple and pear or chards surrounding them. All the people seem to love flowers, those "smiles of Ood’s goodness,” and the numerous gardens filled with endless varieties are one of tbe most notice able features. To one accustomed as I am to the ■ heavy sandy road* which are found In ■ some part* of the South, the well constructed macadamized thorough | fares eecm Ideal in every respect. They j facilitate country travel and enhance j the pleasure of driving and cycling. Edgewater Perk Is one of a chain of little towns along the Delaware river. Burlington, the oldest town In New Jersey. Is only two and one-half miles distant. Burlington county, of which It Is the county seat, Is the richest county in agriculture In Ihe United States. The soil has been brought to such a high state of cultivation that It commands a price ranging from live hundred to one thousand dollars per acre. Somp of the towns are built so close ly together you can scarcely tel! where one ends or another begins. The next town to Edgewater Park Is Bennly. which was formerly known as Dunce’s Ferry, and the greatest sturgeon fish ery In the worldi The largest national cemetery in New Jersey is near Bever ly, and also the largest soldier’s mon ument. There are row-boats, sailboats, steamboats and private yaehts on the Delaware, and I suppose almost every one knows how famous the river is for Its shad. Nearby Is the old home of Rev. T. DeWltt Talmage and through the farm passes the road over which Washing ton and bis men marched previous to the battle of Trenton. Near here Is also still seen the famous Deer Park of Benjamin Franklin. The reflection of the lights of the || 9 gp# p MbSmSm I wbMu>*4 trl-xti waJlkrf *»» j® jmgtm '■ >o*6- east IV— meg j B Ptvrnw* • : „ m») i .mtata* ■*« ■ I (hmllMwflwv rav 'tea(4*l ■ j J*€»T XAM« »»TM‘ i (H—VAM j" Ate> <*f * . ■ K I I Wk ) I a twvfcvt Rrt— tv l >fOt»tsw || DmTw Mn—h IxmiWM ■ W «m» frwmdsvna IcwfiOl ■ nr*, mvllnwwor MJir ■ Mb— «•*#—.** f a MW YDHK ■ ft,444 T 4? 44Am*4. 1 A WELL STOCKED LUMBER YARD PH; v \ i tiy of t'bilaiVlphbi ran bv *waagainst tb# aky on rlvar night*. Hare, th* country with B# talnm.*#. pane* and quivt. there tha ally with ha buatlv InMlMn animation and Him. M. B. W. LIST OF ADVERTISED LETTERS hrmainins in Ihe j*oatulfl« # 4t Aufiißto, Cki. Iftth, IM, Panama tailing f<«r [Mifp# Htfr* will wav **at|#4i(i»- 19" and name Ihr data. A rulmir hf I the poftofßi# d«»pstrtmant ircjuln** thitf one rant I# i>aid. LA I lira* LIHT. A—Adettn# Allen. Ml*a Mary Avery, jt Mlrn Dalny Mrown. Mr#. Maftia Ffown, AyneM Kauwn, Mlmn Annie l>i*' AAniiiHid, Minnie Naynard. Mm. iAtirm Car ton. Mia® Jtnnle Hane. O—Mm. Jennie Collin®, Mr#. Ellaa I Canfield. F- Ml** Andr Fo«tin*ni O —Ml** Carrie I*iU G*(t***n. H--Mra. W. M .Hardeman, Ml** Bai lie Hughe*, Mr*. Anna llolley. J-e Ml*. Willie W. Jobnaton. Ml** Mary Johnion. Ml** Loulie Jahn*on. K—Mr*. Julia Kelly, Mlaa Surah Kidd. L—Carlalr Lumnkln, Mi** M, B. | Laurence. M—Ml** Belle Murphy. Ml** Ko*a More, Mlsa Ptnkey Meirlll. Lula Mar tin. P—Klla Pervlna, Ml** Charlotte Pat terson, Mi** Hester Posley, Ml** Mary Phillip*. Mrs. 8. J- Penny, Ml** Llsslo Puket, Ml*H Hal ah Perkin*. !{ —Muuda Rsase, Mr*. Maria Ray, Mis* Mary E. Reynold*. B—Mr*. Belle Sturles, Julia StalllriK*. Mr*. Hurrle J. 'lHmith, Ml»» Katie Bklnner, Ml** MlUle Shaw. K—Ml** Kate Tolver, Ml** A. w. Thoma*. W—Ml** F. Waeeloßler, Ml** Mary Walton, Mr*, flaaborn Waid, Mis* Mattie Whatley. Mr*. Kitty Walker. Miss Lucy Wimberly. GKNTLi/MEN’H LIBT. A—Daniel 8. Anderson. B—Sim Buller, E. C. Burnett,. J. E. Brook*, Herman tltottger. Holly Bark dale (2), Samuel (Britten, it. T. Bar bot, Prof. Butler, M. B. Brown. W. F. Black, Jolin Henry Barnhart, Jas. C. Bland. c—John Challer, Wm. D. Ctr**, . M. CralK. _ I_> c. N. Donaldoon, Jr., Jim 13. Da vi#, H. T. Dowda. . j- mm Funderlung, Ernest Fortson. A. Fletcher. G—Benjamin Green, colored. H—Tom Holton, John Hlegln*. J. Ha zel!, H. C. Harnlln, Paul Hlrach. j Ervan Jones, Charley Jont I *, Alex Johnson, Henry Jones, H. William Jil b«rt. K—A. Karwlßch, Edward Kembrew, J, V. Kelly. M—Mr. Miller, Frank Moss, Eddy Mears. Elmo McNeill. Eddie Martin, 8. Mitchell, P_Willlam Pauley. Prof. W. Peeke. Thoma* Porter, Holoman Plnkeney, Bober! Powell, W. M. Powell. S—Wright Btration. W. G. Hhockt-y. Juo Sibley, Johnnie Handers, Joe Scof tle. J. T. Turner, W. H. Thomptym, George Taylor. • V—B. F. Vaughan. W J. W. WHlfam*. Jimmie Wil liam*. *i MI SC ELI .AN EO ÜB. A. J- Miller Bon, Grocer* Dealer, MSTORIA The Kind You Have Always Bought tho AA- Siguat urv X AjT « Mr (U * Kind jU» You Have ICASTOBIA h'km ytw taa sMsM pr—|dl) tha ha*t r#*i at IIIJNNIH Vlll Oh , HIM NMl*| l.—hvr at A U—a» and at Matlal Mrs*. V•* »• fi# thi* am IsadfllM; "WI'F. IND'' Dressed f lesriat. CclMag sat I lotah* tog l ow har. Mto ltriad bare mmdrr oar o, a »>■(' Uto. awkat sat stored to io*ared shads. I oil Itoa to streh and qsikh d«<i*ar> •—•red Ferkin lamfattiriit Ceapanj. AUGUSTA. GA., DOORS. SASH & BLINDS. WHOLESALE PAINT WAREHOUSE One-lull car Atlantic Lead Thar* can to no totter Laad in A marks. One-half car Atlantic Linseed Oil 4 rent* ■ gallon. Belter (baa cheap Writers Oils One car Dry Mineral Paint Outlrouaeo, Rr*>fa, Fences, <fec. Cheap ui dirte Ocbres. colon Dry and id Oil Pratt & Lambert’s Hard Oil and Varnishes Pure Ready Mixed Paints The very best made. Plastico. The best Wall Finish. I#*» yon ere in donbt about a painter we can ul weye find you a good on*, and a reasonable one In price * THE HOWARDS WILLET DRUG COMPANY. REMOVED TO 711 BROADWAY. E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps. Seals, Stencils, Daters. Pads, Badges,&c 711 Broadway. Augusts, Ga. Btrowger l'hone 202, Smith & Orecne, Traveling Passenger Agent, Secretary of Fair (3), FOURTH CLASS. B. Floyd, Mr*. H. L. Fleming, Mrs. May Wright, Philip it. Prescott, Wil liam Morri*. W. H. STALLINGS, P. M. “The man that I marry,” she sahl, “must be one who always thinks be fore he speaks.” “Then,” replied th* young inni> at whom Ihe shaft had been aimed, ”1 guess he’ll never ask you.”—Cleveland Lender. Some people make discord just by harping away on one string. JHE ||ERAID STANDARD |ITUS It !• popular twocaiindt it s tiht wHat Iko err At nowip4p*f-rf/itting public want*. Tha Map* Ar# tAfa# and cMar. and fulty doubt# tha *t/# of any oth#ra put>ltah#d. Thay ara tj#Auti fully printed In fiva color# on h#avy map papa r IF YOU RE INTERESTED IN WAR GEO6RAPHY you will find tha Atlaa an ndi*p#naabla aid. It will hrlp you to obaorvo tha dally changaa In tha aiturtt.on, and anabia you to kaap pac« with hlatory. You Need An ATLAS! v Oct the luteal and Bc*t Contents of The Herald Standard War Atlas: Cuba - - • 14*21 Inch#* Tha Work! - - - 21 *2B Inch#* >ftwa«i Hftf «,a#4fa# a# aft4® %#aa#f». uHI ft4j ItAagy4gN tlftt# Weil Indie* • • • 14*21 Inch#* North America - 21x2tj mchei blmwiwg iable line.. South Am#rica - • • I 1 Inch#* Mtawtwg table Moa*. Philippine Island* - - tlk 14 inch** Hawaiian Islands • * !lxl4lnih#* Europe • • * 21 *2B Inch#* Spam and Portugal - - 14*21 Inch#* Asia ... - 14x21 Inch#* .Wbowlag w Tran*-Vbvriaa KiHrmi Africa - - - 1«*2I Inch#* Oceania and Caroline Island* 21 *2B Inch#* China - 14x21 inches Harbor Charts, showing Matanzas, Santiago do Cuba. Havana, Cienfuegos. Manila and San Juan; also Cardenas and Santa Clara Bays, and Island of Porto Rico. Do not confound this Atlas with the cheap smaller Atlases now on the market. It is just out, and entirely new. . . . . The Maps are clear and distinct, and twice the size o? any others published. Rand-McNally Maps are Standard of the World. You can be sure that you are getting the best when you buy The Herald Standard War Atia9. Remember the Hain Point The Herald Standard War Atlas cannot be purchased at any store in Augusta. HOW TO GET IT—City subscribers may call at our office, or may order the Atlas through your regular carrisr. Out-of-town subscribers may obtain a cdpy by remitting 35 cents to the Atlas Department. Address Augusta Herald, Augusta, Ga. PRICE 30 cents—PßlCE 30 cents N_— -'-'tf FrankC.lvk.6 / \ / \ famous / \ / \ 9 Cushion ! x \ Shof;r / YPosjibVX / \only to a \ \/ \ hard Mdter \ ■ y \ Centre Ball\ H \ )/ery fine \ Ri rj bt_T r,; s t —=- ' 1 " A NEW BOOK 0® BILLIARDS BY JOHN A. THATCHC4 runblon Carom (lumplon of Ohlo’A4- •M, winner of t*t. Loul» Haiidicap K 7, Hip f'>narf'ikf toiirnHiTiPnt on roeora, and II - only playc’i who ever beat, behaetvr, Homhoii, and Ives lu the mum* tournament. OF INTEREST TO EVERY BILLIARD PLAYER PARTIAL, CONTENTS. 100 DIAGRAMS OF 3-CUSHION SHOTS. SOHACFER'3 STRAIGHT RAIL NURSE. EVERY STYLE OF BALK-LINE GAME. ALL NURSING POSITIONS FRENCH CORNER GAME. STORY OF CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES AND INTERNATIONAL OOMTESTB. LIST OF OHAMPIONS OF AMERICA AND TOURNAMENT RECORDS. ETO. The author give* ntrny valuable jHiKKentlon* to novleea whleli hcrvu. to render clear the methodae, in ployed l*y the world’a experts. It will »how you HOW TO PLAY Cloth, 75 cents. Flexible Leather, SI.OO. £44 pages. BUS, Bxiig indie*. Hent, prepaid, to any tiddreee ou receipt wt price. Aipsta Eveaii Herald 7