The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 21, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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r«IOAY 4 TM AUCUSTI HOULO wit . . nir , •• H hSw - n rtwr . * 'M* , **•«.*« mm/mm***** -* !• ’’'' " *» ***** <<r nT <r . m '*■'» i ** f*# f»— —« • «•*.«• *** •»** "** |M*-M tokk •^* l *»'»'«* g. jr-f Hh*.|M**|M MS w wiii r**» tw* ****** n— m* mm** •—•**+ __. _ M Ml—* 11 «*• >»»'—» ***•*• •*" •ft#* I*##** .- | a |-fti*iiirr» *1 M* dii*** IflJggßKtotowtol ft o—•# r *•'••* la »r* Ml Gtoto-At to* ~r,‘ l ftaa aft* toitoh Aaron* ****** »•««* »*«•■•«** *?*.?* •MM Mlft *a4 »»ft— ft •*' to Aovirirwet'- !<•»**»• *»* ft*****'***" *9 pji i# u> wjii ii HIRAIP 50UVENIRS. AtyOM prtxnllni at TW Herald Office the Souvenir Coupon which la printed below will recalve a neat IK' tie Souvenir Button Free. If you want one apply early. Mall order* will he filled when accompanied by atampr ta pay poetatc. FREE DISTRIBUTION SOUVENIR COUPONS I This Coupon, presented at The Herald Office, will be ex changed for a neat and hand some Herald Souvenir Hutton. The distribution la limited and will last oaly a few days W. 1. iCOTT Apparently in better health than he bad enjoyed In some time, chatting pleasantly with friends. W. H. ttcott talked with the writer last night at the Jto>ur of the uenal evening meal at the restaurant, and then, as the flame of a candle Is snuffed oul, he was cold in death Will Scott was of a most sunny and genial nature, taader-hesried and gen erous almost to a fault, beloved of all who came In contact with him. While euffrring physical torture at time*, from the ailment that finally was the cause of tjls death. It was hts habit to protest that li would soon be over, and that It might be much worse. The character of the man was thus shown and while professing no denom inational religious belief his reward Is nure. A true /riend and .steadfast man Is gone from among his friends. Get ready for the soldiers. If you are too slow, get out of (he way. Keep a still upper lip and u smiling counlf'iinnee. The general order In the Nnrtli now ts: Go South. Ten thousand soldiers will help ua forget live-rente cotton. The way to make a town is to pay leas Rltnntinu tit politicians and more autuuoti lo your huriucss, Ms tigg * n— mum «• ■**• mm •*** ' . mmrn <m to#»« (tons mm* mm MM ■» j [ *om *imtf "Hit ssss9k iMmi tMN» *#*•# MM I I tBMMM MM*M :If Mipi -1 ♦wi.*4 art fin rt*« to It* | ! »**»*«*>*■#* t*! MS s•* ABRrttogflh . ! nkt dtopd—A fmaMMsAiM*** ** It**’* i %a Wl (mMMHMMMV H It BtoM tM* tort 1 ~ a *i | ’* <• mbm* mmmm it* m# j [ ftt **ftMw*ft» *•« 4*l •• ********* m I I 999099 I m gp| u|pp mi «M t mlnm m* | j *99* 90 li * i sup'imaiimii oiiKif ttMN MPhMtiM iM I I h4hp llmhH iM* iMNMIMMIMMM Ms f MM MM# fjMMiM lilt MMMMIi* Ml MM I I Ml MNMhMMI M*t* 9990999* ? •Mp. idv Up 90099 **•#•# (MiMMMt mMnmmMm I j MBfVMiti tM Ml tip uppuPtf! MMP MMMM 4 I %MHa* MNMMM* Ml immMMMmfmMM* M*Mi 1 ' twPt MMMMMi *M tip HMMMI MmmMMM §M* j rMlMtinr *» MlmkpMP tPM Mi Imlmum***# 1 |MI MW MPMMPM pmmpmMMM M * Mwi* | i«mM fill a*MP M MtMMi Mi MW tip I MMPt Ml tM* MtjPl IMMt IP *♦*•* Mp j •■ pMMPPt MMi tMM PMPSMPP tIMP MMi f f pp tMMP MpiMl M MPitMi 9M# tPP iI|MM«MPP I Itgp Ml iPt MM» Mi wMIMPpP MMI MMi i «MhmP| MMPMMMi MMMMIf MMttf* ***l •Ml jli UMt Ms pfMMP tPMPttMtMMMi !§»•*= | mi >|l| IPPM M*Mi Mp»Ml PMt IP P M | pui—TTT PMNI pMPP tM lOMrttlMMl PM j *MMMM MiMM It PP fiMMMP tIP f*%^*P ’ [ pppM MMi m#« ftwt. p|p« P P Mp mpp* | I i Mlip Mip imiNtiy fmi rpMm mm 4 i’*"* . tWaft l * Hftft fftM i* ft** I *kal ft* «M tram It* *lftl«l ml * ! Aft l*i*«>i mm* at* ft w** ftft ft ft • ni'rafTit •«* mm maftiMM* ft* ft Uft OftM ftft- Tft Oftaft 4ft* j Mm a* wnM I* *Mr| ***** IHM M it* *** tMM Mw «ki«* R mmmi* i k* wwiwiiMi **Hit*Ur ft M» *t j aftkrftfc at tft ft—mritii* ft '•** j tft raft* MW *M mrrnm oHcftlty ■• 1 la tft fttChft*ft"Ml •* twa kaa4t*-l iatlM«o itnltar* ft oft MMf. Al tft | oftMa* of lift fmmi It ft* *'»»■ ft ikrw feaftra* *»4 nt» wtllMM Aalftia ft*ft« ft* rftr«*« ft N * terft ftaftrtlm a* tft »«—*—« iftarrwl ft Hpiln ft nck'ftC ’ft ftaanraitfta. A -f~ mu **n ml tft ftM ft* ft— tar art— tor ft—**— l ft Cat* or ta rmprammmtm* ft lor* I pafctlc work* tftrt* Tft mmmmam tot gat a—t at t'aft la «aotft aftfta J that hot war* tft* tw—if ftr r—t at tft Cab** MM la prop—l* • kart* abi* ta Cast. la Iwarriac ft Ca ban MM tft paopla of t oft had no voP If «ra vara aftat ta aaaat Cab*, wa atlgkl a— tft proprWHr la gwaraa laa a ponton of tft Aakt tfti la pur*- ip I oral and la r»pr***nl*d ft inprcMr*- m*nu Wa ara not tolat to annai Cuba at laaat at praa—t. And If w* •at op a atabla and ladapradeot tor wnwroi tkat* va mut a— that It to < pot bard—«d with oblltaitaaa wblrh j ttiofmk rhart*d to (Tib* war* Inrttrrad for Iba b—*fU of Spain. Tft anddllnf lat tk* drtrt* of Spate on Cob* v*» one of th# *r—l rauaaa of tft lnat»rrar tloa. awl a r—djnatm—t of ih* obtl gallon* of Cuba to the *n<l that the Cabana aba 11 not ft t—ed to pap for tblnt* thap never recelred la obrlotwlp nacre—rp. At IXCtLLIIT IXAVrtX. Slnrr tbr hlatory of modrm rlrllia lion It—an thw* h*v* always barn (llaagrrrmmta batwr— tft employer* and lb* employ— In nil branch— of skilled labor, and t*»—* ronfllrt* will. In all probability, eilrt to a greater or l«aa drtreo long aa men exerclae the right to buy (be eervle— of other* «n<t to —II their eervlcea. The problem, whlrh I* made the ■ubject of profound study by employ er* and employ—, la how to minimi— three conflict*, how to make them I* probable, how to bring about a mod— vivendl, fair and Juet to nil partlea. end to advance th# beat tntereat* of those dlrrrtly Inter—ted and not dis turb the dally operatlona of bualne** and trade. For some week* there have been re port# tbat a (teneral atrlke would be ordered by the Typographical tlnlon ns the preliminary movement In nn ef fort to secure a working day of nine boors, and the annual meeting of Ihe Union In Syracu— last wee* was ex pected to take action Initiating the atrlke. The United Typolhetae representing the employing printers, and the Inter national Typographical Union, with Its allied organisation*, representing pressmen and bookbluders, seemed about to enter upon a conflict, the end of which no one could forecast. Moderate roumein prevailed, how ever, nod When the committee* repre senting these order* m»t they r— died »« agreemnt aud set au example to all other employers and employes iu the Trad— world that should receive the highest commomlutlons aud be follow ed in Urn arranging «>f differences. They agreed that the lypothetae Inaugurate a shorter working dwy. commencing Nov. 21, ISSB, with nine > mm* mttmmm* <a— aft IP ft— i #m*— mm* mm i— w —t m* ft —n— **wg war mittmmmm ft Aft* ;ft —n fft ftw«—pft * tft— *#• i . *w*w* *•#* «gp«— a#A a—t -w* * [—4 ft mm—a —iwm ft ft—► I MMMI M*minmNM M MMMi Ms MtM|NM Ma mM*M i *«.fts «|«* IMPM# MM MM I MMM MMPMmr m iteftip MM Mmmi m*-** MMMMm* lif M» j<MMJ M4NM iM* fM»MMMMM# Mi ) MMtMMI MMM MMiMMI. M M *** «Ms Ml MfiMi ffttfMM MMi MmMMm Ml #***•• : «mmHM' ‘MmMm# Mi MMi MmMMMIMI Y%ftk MSrfIMNNMMIMMIMi MKMMMNI MM MMI [ fiMfiMM pPMP*Mi MMM ** MiMM MPM «MiMMMMM it «MMW < MmMMm Ml MMMar, flMpMi M* mmmi mMM mm* i MMMmM MMftM IflM MMMMi fVMMMIM MMM M» * M*M p MIMM Mm iMPki MMMI Mm fMMMMMMMMfe M# I MM MMMiMIMiM MMi MM MMm im* MMI MMMMi |l Ml M MMMI Ml*M MM M P M iMM. M Mm tMMMVMMi IMMP tlhM |PM MM f MMPMMP MMi MiMi»*Mft tMIPMMM I —ft heft fa— ft —Tft wft •n—mmw ft ns* aft— gawwg Hft*ut— gnft swwnton ft* —*s ft fft— <n—tis .. sniiwwsiiiig. ft# ft wtfta a»aw— «f taftw If tft Tfttbnw AM tk* Tvgw a******* - tk— ag—a a pton ft •crane* <*g»c—»»« I tft «**«***— «4 **>>»— and at Aft j —ate tint* tawA to h*tt— —tots—a wf ; aft kin— ftewa— tftkptos— e*4 *a» ! gtot*. !• *•* tk« an an—to*— an*#—** fti n* tmm mm* ft win nwl ft tnn« ftto— It wtU ft n hntdt wttk u«g «miga to toka rmma ml Mswtt' Tft k——n*c* wf patiun-a— la a* v— n thriving k—s— atnaA. A* Ifto-IMr rnfta. (ft— *p— a lima tftr* war a Y—ng Maa who wa* waabie ta gn op— Iba Ittan*. ft actaA aa wait— to a bast b— No* tkla Toaag Man *— wa 4—kt*Al» poor— tkaa ft w— Atokoo aat. hot ft kaA tft a— to aa— to Mamag* tft ftaA of tft —ly Aaagk tor as a Bto*t*A Artot—t Tft la* tar. bow——, wa# o* tft wait—, and pwt to all bta apara time col’ectiag toaoM* to heap b.a head although tft naught— waa ov— sbo—op la Inva with tft Aa—lag plat* )aggi— One Bright bat Happy nay the yoatk waa ataadlag la the Aoorway of the b—a ery to which h* wait— waiting for vtniaa of tft eatlag habit to roa— atoog. when eoddealy a large cry of horror pa art nr— the rurrmiadlag quietude aad daeblag toward htta rams a madden— at#—, while, with blanch— fare the Bloated Arifto—at whose daughter be loved sat powerie— Ik lb# fat— vehicle. Tft poor but brave waiter *aw bta Opportoatty aad grasp— it right by tft hack of th* a—h Bn—mg to gba— the madden— ate— he —out— a load, a* h* wej wont to do when giving ordern to the cook. aad. snatching the apron from about hts person, he Wav— It Kranti rally In th* Air. The madden— ani mal then swerved from Its court# and dashing the friendly vehicle against a lamp post flung the Bloated Aristocrat out from therein and broke hi* proud neck. A proper distance from the fu n—al th* poor but triumphant waiter threw up hi* )ob and married th* only naughter of the o—d Aristocrat, and they are now living comfortable off the life Insurance. Moral: Pride often get It In Ihe n—k. but ev—y thlng com— to him who wait*.—Chica go N—ca sual*# as Notes For Business Men Yellow fevar'r blighting touch la not con fin— to thb dlalrtrla where the ep idemic rage*. Th* Influence of the dis ease extends to many branches of trade tbat are dir—tly or Indlr—tly link— to the southern Industrie*, in the catalogue can lie plar— cotton, rice, cottonseed oil. sugar and hog pro ducts. In the case of cotton, the stricken section of the country being quarantln—. no cpttou ta allow— to come out. Sugar people were given something to talk about recently In the guarantee by refiner* that they would not protect buyer* against any advance while sug ars were In transit. At the same time they protected buyers against a de cline. agreeing to give them the bene fit of any cut in prices be fore sugars arriv— at their destina tion. It is report— that the coming Cali fornia orange crop will run from 16.000 to car*. The output this year was nearly or quite IS.OOO cars. All over the state the crop ts said to be doing well, and the outlook for a prosperous season Is encouragaing to growers. Where the Sympathy does. Atchison Globe. There is so much sympathy for the under dog that It amounts to au ad vantage On the Same Order. Salt t.ake Herald. Theic Isn’t so much difference be tween a pivotal state ami a tvculher coch. TTYM A TTOT7BTA fIKTR-A-LD till tittsi pm w ABOUT TOWN 1 m«mm mnmm Mm .ft iMrM mm# MMft mmm ! 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He ft tot rt* ll «M 9so so9s MMi* SO9O M** * 4#** mm* g#*to g»*aA Aato wa »ft »tob* _ ... m “f !••« • psoo tM * • ’ MMm w* aftA wtotev «ft hirtaaa tftv* * tktah tk— btok-ftaA hat*** #e* Mb* MPNi 00$ 0 : *0900 ■ tlw t 99090 **9- 9$ SKOO% MM MiahHM MM 0099000* - iiM* •HMII mS tftM SO9OOOO 90 99090 00$ §9f V|f« MM M" •mM*M •# sso* il»# tiuirrrfr MMi m fi) MMi fMMtm* pfti* kaytog aatoftv farm to tft gMsth Par hrssAtog parp*s#« • •••* ta have giy ftwvaw ato# I •** a* ttm I can saw ikem grow mm*mf my mrm toe to* ta* mtktaff afttft tftw •r A tShaft »ft Aft •‘ft ‘ft* •• papaMHP suppoaeA rtort aft ##*» W* •he* tt **• rroatl— ta tft Oft*rear a attswttoa tft *m*a* aha- Oeaeg# wh** ft amrrt— KAHh KtagAa* tft* • memba* of Ohly * *Atogtoi f- «* *» member grtgbt Oddly earn»gb It ft *ion4 that ohftrthto ft («*<*•* rtcal alHaaee* la »ft ft*to karo gft 1 * from that I—* ftroetf »* ft mi, at aar ««* •«* btoahtag m* Howard Of—ft * fnrtoer naaagatoeat ta Oaette Tyler Tft ohftrtio* advaac— to tft latter wa* that aft wa# a At* veer**, hut ah# Arolar— at the tta* that tft room caarn front her eft* #*4 •as pros— by the fart '»** ‘he Of—lda *ad emph-ved Aato#ttv— to pry Into 10/ past II Is* Clrmmoma' aa# mmrum• Vftuuro up on (ft ataa# a- « amrceae and bar rettrrmeat was rumor— eve* before the *«»*# lloaalre* -tea Oona attrael— non This baa git** rft» to «#" •lightly maltclooe mot* arnoag the pTofeaston " IT- my word. I Aaa’t see why they should object to the lady heeanae ah* s an aetrroa “ *n habitor of th* Rialto la said to have remark —. **t never he#— anybody etae to rus* hat •«*•*» • thing.” Many* h ttm* laid summer before Recorder Baxter. I he*— negro wive* defend their hoabaada. who bad. the night before. h#*t*h. hick— and other wise maltreat— them, and their an swer* to questions In their effort* to shield thrlr brutal spouoe* were lng»a nlotia In lha eiireme After a cam* of this hind had been heard and courl adjourn—. Hergroat —— told tha fol low tag: . A hop** from a livery Blahle dle<l soon after being return—, aud the per son who bir— It wa* su— for dama ges. Tbr queation turn— largely upon the reputation of the defendant aa a hard rider. A witness waa call— a long. lan ky alabla-boy. “How does the defendant usually ride?" "A-atraddle, air.*’ “No. no," said the lawyer. "I mean doea be usually walk, of trot or gal- Utp?” “Well.” said th* witness apparently anarchlng In the depths of his memo ry for facts, “when he rides a walkin’ horse, ho walks: when he rides a trot tln’ horse, he trots: and when he rid— a gallopin’ horse, he gallops; when —” The lawyer was not angry. “I want to know what gait, the de fendant usually lake* —> fast or slow" ‘ Well." said the witness, "when his company ride* fast, he rides fast: and when his company rides slow, he rldvs slow.” “Now. I want to know, sir," said the lawyer, very much exasperal—. ‘‘how does the defendant ride when he is alone?" "Well.” said the witness, very slowly, and more m— liallvely than evor, “when he Is alone I'm not there, so 1 don’t, know." IF YOU DON’T SEE AN AD. IN SUNDAY’S HERALD IT’S BECAUSE READERS HAVE RIGHTS AS WELL AS ADVER TISERS--SUN DAY’S HERALD LOOKS AFTER YOURS. ftogl rPA tutor Urt tt fhtl Mfe* $|»MwM MMi 950009m4900 I toft f lu## vHftgft' Mft# #gwMto|—»M MM 900 I $9000999'' \ mo 9000*9*0- - 1%-ijga 9ms 099990 999 $990909 0$ | m 9km t'gg% yur'Mr* T> 9ko 090909 s*o9so $9999 90 % i 999099009* 99 MM MM 099999099 k ss9* 99009* $909999* MMMI 90 * *o* j aaatog tod a Hatoag *—##• *—*•*»—#* j va at *V- as— vvt- a’-'V — 6 ' **- ’ was ftaa— aa toasatota* a—snaa nt ] The to*# V«— inns' to— taas As—roiat —sard ft tk* swat ft—l • I Mil t tov'sw had the 'Tftlifts Talk." the "•tow muii Jm ' tar . aad Use ht— sal tke ' *• *ft Burrur Th» nsaatofd* ha*» tods— thro Hmmv mw—(kir to (bta nroft Tft tor— thing ta# Mt* to< assay•**—• ; ngtnmi aft aa—i ta—Ms— from tows* Mira • t# hay ska— Wattfft's —A—H •* tft * "tod<* '-■<* ml He vases* s— # sk »t that that. rtty la the fTWr*#a ft fftk*. H*ny G—i bn* pas-baa— n va—t to# ftv afts. a— sk* wft ft aft* ta t— *ksa* awm* ft ftr mewsy **— a—, A hart— #ft*v racrfwl ytanstag d*- ! ti—roieif •*— hi* tnana* art* aad j th— felil— hia—sif at fftost. Hi- *. Tft dndtwg Ns tft Orb# roaeftnar* i set cam has ft— «ad»rs#d ft tft »**« - ry Aft— and **ty aaalt* tft tonal deal • rota— t<* Wsstotagt-n The Rpawi— cmamk—na—a at toarta want t» artdtrot* tft tohtnyyta- qa**- itoa Tftv s#**n ft to— that t—v end Meatvjn at Ml rat— that qo—ttaa tft that day at May. IM*. In aid— W *ap— * mat lam. tamam ta a att—u# sftM ft raN— ta tft | fart that tft —*»* ft roytdly ay j proa, rung when tft eattn »"—■ an . army wtn ft twacttralty tmmnne. Th»t» •*—na ft ft a “path—l tmy**#- | stwn at Madrid that Anwrhsa wttt a*»t ,wiirr~ tft t’ulian fttst Tft t#ft «ptn- Um «s thta *sd* s—at ft ft that Mad | rtd’a tfssyr— la e—rt In mmmrt p*r* I u< alar. < j Ar’ hiyh ,After tft #l#"' »emy " •b“ ha* toad* <*• dkr-nv—y that PpaSo ! mad - a mfttsft ta aar— tag ft »**<•«• late Cuba, will ftret ft barn that tft marh*t » airoady «»*—• with hi# charnel— at wted.on. Pnatmaster tienvral Smith who la d>»- lag a little rear cod platform spcsklng for tft —mftletraUoa by wsy of Jlvl •toh, k* doabtla— eanvlne— that b* •wnhl hav* had a Isrg— audlrncv If he had stuck to JotsroaHem. Porto Hire I* « miles long and S» miles wide, alvnit half tft ala* of New Jersey. Tft populattnts la about nn* million. The affauel Imports ar# atmul ctnht million dollars and tft —port • bout thirteen millions. The report that Kngland ha# demend ed tft restoration of lb* l*tilm*s* Bn peror la Important If true. It will prove rnnrlustvely which of the powers rule In the Orient at preaent: but what re sults such a demonstration would bring can only be a matter of ronjectur*. It l» not probable, but poslsble. that hostilities fttwen th# United Blase# end Rpaln will b* renew—. However. In the event of such an occurrence. Biusln will show sound Anancla) Judg ment by selling to this government what remains of ftr navy at figures that would approximately cover the cost of raising and r—equipping H- Hawaii, which we annexed last sum mer. has a population of IW.«OU. Ihierto Rico, which became Unit— States terri tory day before yesterday, has about XfiO.OOO Inhabitants. The Philippine# have a population of 7.000.000. The Uni ted State*, —elusive of new posses sions, ha* fully 76,000,000 people at this time. The census of I*oo will show a total population at probably M. 000.000, provided we take all the Philippine Islands, The receipts of Internal revenue for the month of September show an In crease of $0,668,663 compared with Sep tember or last year. The receipts from the respective resource* and compar ed with those, of the same month last year, were : Spirit*. tf.M2.MI, on In crease „f s2:2,lss: tobacco, $4,229,020, an Increase of $1,202,575! fermented liquors. $6,448,178, an Increase of $4,170,833; oleo margerlne, $142,874. an inevoase of $04,- 657: Playing cards, $20,267, an increase of $2,669. The receipts for three months oinilng on Septemlier 30, during which the war revenue act was In operation, show nn inereaes of $25.1M.X23 compar ed With those for the similar period of lasi year. We ride uwny on ninny gay outer prises—only to have the pleasure ('.’l of walking hack. The lack of a man in the house is made good by the presence of u small dog with a big hark. LAWNGRASS! t Htowto If* M.stwVto 0 9**m* 1w Urol- ftosutfitnginferMy INI OtoH ttodft Atfftftl •asvtoto d.frartroM h.f«tk f.'tWfgli ’ toMTOgTito! riritont immnm m mm cwy tttiti t>mmi !•♦»** motojr t« It* btotouty nfMt iluffltef'lir. U A tIAHDCLUH Drogftst. <**# broad Street THIS IS IT igr* » \ ttr J I FOR EARLY FALL STIFFS I*o ALPINES. ALL SHADES $3.00 Jugt Arrlvgd. DORR’S Tailoring. Hats, furnuhingv ■1 \ Waxed Floors I \ W* hsva tft beat rveparot \ t Ws> »nd brush** tor doing It- V | C Full Sir—lions / / Fever Weather / / Toeir dears n-gl t sod mom / t tag of oar Busk-freeh ChtU sod ( J I rvrr Cure, will yravent kver J C sad inersa— spfttllr. tot fttlia. C /Ov Belle Llzzelte Cologne > f This tlsllgh'ful sad rvfrvehlag # # C'oliqtns M tht (svorite In th* C J city, ft* uv for iim I'mlums* / | and Tollrt stili .as l ( Trusses S 3 If you art rttptai— rail on us. ) \ A condoriablr 111 gusrsetesd. \ \ Don't Trifle C S Hsv* yoar prssrript'on* fill— / / nbrrs you are confident of aat- \ C ttnf tbs best drags and th# bmt f f serries. Wa bny and sell Furs \ / Drug* only. I \ Alexander Dm Cmpai? S S ltd BROAD «T. I ZE^TIROINriZIE “The Barber Shop of the South.” H ICKEY’9 is the Place Five Barbers, all first-class artists. 212 and 214 Bth Street BEMCVED TO 711 BROADWAY- E. W. DO DOE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps. Seals, Stencils. Daters. Pads, Badges,&c 711 llro—wsy. Augusts, <■*. Btrowger I‘bone Sd’2, Investigation always proves that people are not lo blame for what they do. The first crocus in spring is much IPF* delightful than the first fire In autumn. , , OCTOBER 21 Tie Aseßsta Herald jrtm. Bniiai nl fl» ta liWDtr htiliH ll .Tin Suuul nojroAkrn jnir^ THS KfWB OF TW *<AUJ H Ilia IT It »BVA It TO !» Hot M AKBAD or UTIIFM UloiQlA ABD < abouba fafbbb. —I im tut COKY KCf TOT V* * * f“ ■ PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, tO9 711 St. Aw**tt- G*> •mt rwt m TftfS #w an #*«• • sight. tfWS. a* pespwe §»*.— uw* t*h ■Uwr* *a.*w Lcwass tu ml* ywur hr— who* yaa sat FREE OF CHARGE. JZ-TvZZ -VR »»« * Torn COAL and WOOD nog TH K North AuyMts Cosl A Supply Co yuaattty and yusilry <iti»rsat«d F. w SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT hall i’Uoo* IM Wronger J* IM Whltely Exerciser. I A prsetlesl, slmplssnd sflicient Homs Kgrrcwer. uun I*ol*l It sd.ptad for I—i#s snd tblidrsn. bn st tft »*iu# time can be profitably us— by tha strongest ath rie. FBIt KB: 75c., r.. 00. (1.301 BICYCLKH - ri,KVR LA.NDH, 440 up; VIK -1N<I». *36 op; UKN DKONS. »1» up. THOM AS, S6O no. fall snd «ea them. livery on# gusr •nt#—. Richards & Shaver Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMIfcBION MERCHANTS. 803 RejßOlflS St—TslGPlODelSbw.iV 1 m ate l..e*ed Vi ires T.lieet to hew York Chit ago and New Orleans. Orders executed over our wires foe Cotton, Stocks. Bouds. Grain and Pro. visions for cash or oo margins. Local securities bought and sold. Reference*: —National Exchange Bank of or Mercantile Agencies. Money to Loan REAL ESTATE. i -APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street.